HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Megaera - - Threads and Table Storage - Printable Version

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RE: Megaera - - Threads and Table Storage - Megaera - 02-21-2016

“We cast a shadow on something wherever we stand, and it is no good moving from place to place to save things; because the shadow always follows. Choose a place where you won't do harm - yes, choose a place where you won't do very much harm, and stand in it for all you are worth, facing the sunshine.” -- E.M. Forster

This with the rising sun slinging long shadows and rosy glows but not yet high enough to chase away the chill of night that still clung to the air. Any other time, and Megaera would have thrown herself into one activity or another, hating to feel still or stagnant (between the herd and her three children she always found plenty to do), but in these early mornings she let herself be still, even if just for a few moments. Asavvi and Nizho still slept, and so too did most of the herd, when the Sultana took her place beneath the Blood Tree. From there she could see the whole of the oasis and beyond into the dunes; there she could take a minute to thank the gods and her good luck for all she had, all she loved, before setting herself to the day’s work.

The soft sounds of hooves in sand tugged Megaera from her grateful contemplation and her eager eyes swept over to find the source. She had half expected to see Einarr coming towards her—they often touched base with each other here—but it seemed he was still with the twins and instead it was the mysterious diviner that approached. 

Meg didn’t know much about the mare who wore her wings so strangely. She’d seen her at meetings and across the sands many a time but the closest they’d ever come to an understanding was a silent stand, together with Ampere and Aithniel, when the Moon Goddess had brought her set of Riftians through and into Helovia. They hadn’t spoken then, but it had meant a great deal for Meg to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with her desert women. Now however, a mild guilt woke to poke at her insides at the sight of the striped mare. The Sultana had been making an effort to know her herd better but she’d yet to seek out Maren.

It hadn’t been a conscious decision, and if Meg would have taken the time to dig to the root of it, it would not really have been Maren than she had been wanting to avoid, but the Sun God that she represented. He had given her a quest, and it was well over a year since that day at the Heart. Seasons had shifted, Mordecai had gr"It hadn’t been a conscious decision, and if Meg would have taken the time to dig to the root of it, it would not really have been Maren than she had been wanting to avoid, but the Sun God that she represented. He had giv!"

RE: Megaera - - Threads and Table Storage - Megaera - 02-26-2016

Bring the big guns out, "shoot now"

there is a war inside my heart gone silent
both sides dissatisfied and somewhat violent
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RE: Megaera - - Threads and Table Storage - Megaera - 05-01-2016

[quote='Megaera' pid='171472' dateline='1455814501']
Shut up and DANCE with me! [extended timeline]

words are for nerds
"words are for nerds"

passionately smashin’ every expectation

RE: Megaera - - Threads and Table Storage - Megaera - 09-03-2016

Take me to the end so I can see the start
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a elit quis justo luctus auctor. Etiam magna elit, ullamcorper sit amet turpis ac, tempor posuere urna. Aenean sed malesuada felis, non tristique dui. Quisque sagittis mauris diam, et sollicitudin diam placerat sit amet. Cras cursus nisl eu dolor vestibulum dictum. Nullam blandit quis sapien ut auctor. Quisque quis neque ornare, sagittis diam ac, scelerisque metus. Phasellus aliquet mauris non turpis sodales, bibendum placerat libero fermentum. Vestibulum ac diam pellentesque nunc sollicitudin tempus ac at purus. Integer varius vel turpis eu laoreet. Donec iaculis, est posuere vestibulum pretium, nibh nulla porta nunc, quis laoreet dui dolor eget ipsum. Mauris feugiat vestibulum odio non porttitor. 

Proin luctus tempus orci sit amet mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis mollis metus id augue tincidunt vehicula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam luctus nisi nec lorem dignissim, nec condimentum eros bibendum. Ut vestibulum orci ac volutpat aliquet. Morbi sed tellus a metus rhoncus consequat. Maecenas tincidunt iaculis ullamcorper. Mauris mattis risus nec rutrum dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer pharetra dui quis odio gravida euismod. "Talk." Gwaihir
take me where the fire still owns its spark
there's only one way to mend a broken heart

Image Credit

RE: Megaera - - Threads and Table Storage - Megaera - 09-08-2016

From on my knees make me a Hercules

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a elit quis justo luctus auctor. Etiam magna elit, ullamcorper sit amet turpis ac, tempor posuere urna. Aenean sed malesuada felis, non tristique dui. Quisque sagittis mauris diam, et sollicitudin diam placerat sit amet. Cras cursus nisl eu dolor vestibulum dictum. Nullam blandit quis sapien ut auctor. Quisque quis neque ornare, sagittis diam ac, scelerisque metus. Phasellus aliquet mauris non turpis sodales, bibendum placerat libero fermentum. Vestibulum ac diam pellentesque nunc sollicitudin tempus ac at purus. Integer varius vel turpis eu laoreet. Donec iaculis, est posuere vestibulum pretium, nibh nulla porta nunc, quis laoreet dui dolor eget ipsum. Mauris feugiat vestibulum odio non porttitor. 

Proin luctus tempus orci sit amet mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis mollis metus id augue tincidunt vehicula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam luctus nisi nec lorem dignissim, nec condimentum eros bibendum. Ut vestibulum orci ac volutpat aliquet. Morbi sed tellus a metus rhoncus consequat. Maecenas tincidunt iaculis ullamcorper. Mauris mattis risus nec rutrum dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer pharetra dui quis odio gravida euismod. "Talk." Gwaihir
I'm on the hunt for who I've not yet become
but I'd settle for a little equilibrium

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