HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
This Riddle [Fraub's amulet to Arah] - Printable Version

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RE: This Riddle - Sevin - 01-30-2015

To Woman B,
NAME REF:: Fraub in German translates to Woman b.

-1, This is actually really clever, but I don't think I ever would have figured that out without something more given to me, and it was a little misleading on the gender, but overall I didn't think it was bad. I wasn't necessarily looking for a female character just because of this line.

This is my riddle for you,


The carrier is not brassy, unlike the twisting grotesque sword.
PERSONALITY REF:: Brassy can refer to either colour, sound or someone’s manner. Fraub is ‘sneaky and devious’, not loud or boisterous.
APPEARANCE REF:: Swords are often used to describe horns & on Fraub’s profile it says his horn is a brassy colour and that his horn is ‘twisting a little grotesquely’.

+1, straight form the profile

The slender bodice carries the sleekly built cinereal scabbard.
APPEARANCE REF:: Fraub is a slenderly built stallion 'his bodice is slender’ and a pale/grey colour.
Cinereal = Grey.

+1, makes sense

Thousands of years in your linage, you’re a pure descendant.
BREED REF:: The Arabian breed is thought to be over 4,500 years old, Fraub is a purebred Arabian

+1, I was looking for something like this

The quest you began is doomed to fail, for you are taking too long.
HISTORY REF:: He is on a quest to find his parents who went missing years ago. ‘To this day Fraub still searches for his parents, slowly, quietly.’

+1, awesome job on working that in here

The bards will sing songs of our tale, how we were doomed from the start.


3/3, pass from me

RE: This Riddle - Blu - 01-30-2015


To Woman B,
NAME REF:: Fraub in German translates to Woman b.
-1| can't reverse search this and I thought it was a female.

The carrier is not brassy, unlike the twisting grotesque sword.
PERSONALITY REF:: Brassy can refer to either colour, sound or someone’s manner. Fraub is ‘sneaky and devious’, not loud or boisterous.
APPEARANCE REF:: Swords are often used to describe horns & on Fraub’s profile it says his horn is a brassy colour and that his horn is ‘twisting a little grotesquely’.

+1| as an appearance ref it worked great but the personality clue didn't cut it for me. Also counting this as a species ref, I knew right away it was a uni or a warrior.

The slender bodice carries the sleekly built cinereal scabbard.
APPEARANCE REF:: Fraub is a slenderly built stallion 'his bodice is slender’ and a pale/grey colour.
Cinereal = Grey.

+1| good appearance ref, wouldn't have counted since you had one above too but I also saw the clue above as a species ref.

Thousands of years in your linage, you’re a pure descendant.
BREED REF:: The Arabian breed is thought to be over 4,500 years old, Fraub is a purebred Arabian
+1| good

The quest you began is doomed to fail, for you are taking too long.
HISTORY REF:: He is on a quest to find his parents who went missing years ago. ‘To this day Fraub still searches for his parents, slowly, quietly.’
+1| good

3/3 necessary to pass