HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Printable Version

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RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Tatiana - 09-11-2015


The impact she had been expecting never came.  Instead, her fears were confirmed when the beast plowed into her and pushed her out of the way as if she was nothing.   She stumbled, feeling pain radiate through her left side and shoulder and she continued to deal with the aftereffects of her still-fuzzy vision.  Thankfully, the haze was clearing.  She took a few sore steps as images began to solidify.  The spots began to fade until one image, in particular, took a clear shape with solid edges.  Dvorak.  And he looked ever so pleased at her performance.   

His eyes were angry, but she did not shrink from him.  She planted all four hooves squarely and stood, impassively, as the anger rushed out of him.  "Oh, you want me to sit on sideline?  You should know how good I am at sitting,"  she challenged, narrowing her eyes at the larger stallion.  However, she refused to raise her voice.  Tatiana was calm, cool, and collected - even if her side had begun to throb.  She wasn't going to run and hide and she wasn't sure if she could even help with healing at this point - she had nothing to heal with.  She had made up her mind.  She would fight for whatever peace she could find. 

Tatiana watched as he spun away only to slide to a halt as the wolf exploded into miniatures.  She, for once, did as she was told (You're welcome, Vory!) and remained close to the stallion.  The iridescent mare did her best to keep pace, her eyes flitting between any source of movement.  She was going to prove to him that she could be brave too.  He didn't have to know that she was utterly terrified deep down.  They had been pulled from their home, tossed into a battle that was in no way their own, and now what was to come of them?  What happened next?  But she knew better than to dwell on such distractions.   Instead, she kept her antlers pointed toward the wolves, doing her best to spear or slash those that came too near - especially those battered away by Dvorak's horns. 

image credit 


Bruised side/shoulder from last round
Tatiana tries to slash/spear mini-wolves with her sharp antlers.

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Tembovu - 09-11-2015

Chaos reigned once again- though at least this Moon Goddess provided some direction for her troops, unlike Lord Spark. Why didn’t Helovians have an army for these things?! This frustrated thought echoes in his head as he feels his horn sink deeply into the wolf’s soft belly. Satisfaction ran through him, though he ignored it as his eyes stay trained on Rexanna.

Her horn sinks deeply into the wolf’s shoulder on the opposite side from him- and brief pride and arousal flashes through him, to see his delicate golden princess gleaming on a battle field. He glances once back to Nuray, only to land his eyes on the fallen and dead Ode. “-the hell?” He hadn’t aimed to kill the man. His eyes swung hurriedly back to his love, wanting to ensure she was still safe- since nothing was certain in a fight.

But it is never a good idea to go into battle with a distracted mind. The elephant knew this, but still his mind was clouded with concerns: Nuray, Ode, Rexanna, Mauja.

And he paid for it dearly as the wolf god collapsed on him.

A great bellow was forced from his lungs as all but his left foreleg, head, and neck were trapped beneath the fallen god. His skin, burned by the acid, rips open further and ruby blood gushes from beneath the black fur. It mixes and hisses with the acid which now coats the fallen elephant.

His lone free leg paws furiously at the muddy, bloody earth as he attempts to free himself from beneath the monster. His roaring breath fills the air, ears pinned back and eyes wide as he struggles.

Finally his gets purchase with his legs- but only because the large wolf has melted in to small mutant ones. Another bellow- this one of alarm- erupts from the downed stag. The creatures swarm him, for he is on his knees right where they spawn.

Grunting he rises to one foreleg, but these wolves smell his blood and defeat. They are upon him, and he falls to his knees once more with a booming groan. But the elephant does not- cannot- surrender. So he slashes his massive horn though the air, swiping and stabbing at chests made of legs and skulls made of organs. He continues to try to rise, but falls under the swarm of wolves spawning from the dying god.

Another, deep, deafening bellow is cut short beneath the pack.
Beware the weight of a vengeful soul.
image | table

Team Moony
Is under Wolf-god as it collapses, so it falls on him. He is trapped & gravely burned. He’s where all the mini wolves spawned, and he’s trying to get up. PERMISSION TO EFF HIS DAY UP.


RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Mauja - 09-11-2015

i am the vanguard of your destruction
He shouldn't have been surprised, but somewhere deep inside, he always was.

It came hurtling out of the fog, lighting up the strange semi-darkness of a world stripped of all its intensity and passion—a blast of light streaking for the dark-star heart of the Moon, but hitting a block of ice instead. It found a gap between all the bodies and all the rage, found a path through the swaying chaos, found a soul already plagued by its light and haunted by its touch

Not again, he had the time to think as the fireball sized him up—but even his fear had lost its edge, quiet resignation the only thing slipping through his veins as it touched him; lightly at first, during the second of confusion and shock.

Then, it bit, sharp and hot all at once, nipping, nibbling, sinking its poisoned fangs in deep, shredding veins and preying on memory

(He can feel it slipping down his throat; can hear it crackling in his ears; feel it lick along the rims of his eyes—breathing in its low roar.)

A shriek echoed through the muddled soundscape of the battle, torn from his lungs now that the dark fog had dulled his sense of pride.

Hair burned, skin cracked, flesh sizzled; his right shoulder became a charred and raw mess where the blast had collided with him. His breath came punching out in near-panicked gasps, blurred images of Maren and Tembovu crumbling spinning before his eyes as he staggered away from the moon goddess.

Fat lot of good that had done him—no one had fucking acknowledged what he said and everyone was scrambling and the Moon couldn't care less someone had taken blows for her and there were tiny wolves everywhere as his most trusted herd mate was trapped beneath the agony of having had a god fucking melt on him.

Trapped beneath a horde of its legacy.

Tembovu's cries added an echoing boom in the aftermath of Mauja's shriller shriek—and the Queen latched on to his pain with all the focus he had left.

It was all he could do to keep himself from falling apart.

"No you don't—" he snarled as he began to hitch his way through the press of bodies, leaning dangerously to the left, eyes glazed over and his seared flesh weeping blood and water as he packed his veins with ice. "No you fucking don't—" And birds of flame heralded his coming, sweeping through the throng of blackness and the mayhem of bodies, as Mauja sought to reach Tembovu and scour the earth clean of tiny, tiny wolves with tiny, tiny teeth.

He'd see them all burn.

(But in the haze of his pain he doesn't realize that blasting them with fire is going to blast Tembovu, too.)

Mentions: @Tembovu & @Maren
Takes damage from Aithniel's fire attack, and staggers out of Maren's fog/the dark mist created by someone's cerndyr last round and towards Tembovu, sending out fire-birds to clear him a path to his friend and to try and blast the wolves off of him.

How he saw Tembovu is up for debate! But my best bet is an owl. ;)

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Aithniel - 09-11-2015

nothing can save you now,
The Goddess didn't even acknowledge her at all. There was no remorse. No response to her anger or declaration of her crimes and thus the punishment. She was powerless, and that served to infuriate her even more. Maybe she would have to wait and be patient, but that did not mean that she gave up. No. Even as a massive shockwave from the lavender murderer shoved her away, wings scrambling to stay up right, Aithniel, held onto what she knew was right: The Moon Goddess was guilt, and she would pay. 

Staying in the air took some effort, and she lashed her lion tail behind her, flapping furiously against a flurry of currents created by so many moving bodies. Aithniel groaned inwardly at the ache from the sores on her body, but still she pressed, eyes looking over the battlefield and seeing only chaos. She knew that the others would take care of themselves, and they all had those they knew and loved to watch for them. Even Rikyn's dad seemed to come to his aide, and she hardened herself against the sting of jealousy at this concept of family. 

She didn't have family. 

She had a God for a father, and that was going to be enough, dammit. Her mother may as well be dead. She didn't care. Couldn't care. 

Her fireball hit a shadow wolf, and she frowned, thinking that was not where she had aimed at all. Angry, she clenched her jaw, flying at the wolf only to watch as it turned into hundreds of smaller ones. Irritating. It knew it was going to lose, so it spread itself thin? That was stupid, right? Or maybe not... there were a bunch of these things... She spread her wings wide and spiraled downward, summoning her fire to throw at the wolves. 

After her last attack managed to hit others, she was much more careful, focusing her wild flames only in areas that had a high concentration of those wolf creatures and not many of her own kind. Aithniel didn't want to needlessly hurt anyone else, and she was pissed that the Moon Goddess hid behind mortals! What a coward. Bitch. 

Team MG
Circles wolves and throws fire balls where they are more concentrated in a tight area

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Thranduil - 09-11-2015

It was utter madness. Sheer chaos. And he loved every moment of it. No blade touches his flesh. No pain singes his hide. A hurricane of horns and blades the golden breathed in the air with a vicious power. Yet war will not be made a playdate, even for the lover of chaos. He was not invincible, and he was not all powerful, and fate was ready to remind him of such.

Haldir stood still, his attention captivated by the udder shrill sounds of pain echoing off the wolven creature ( @Mesec ). He had never heard such a cry before. The sound of agony, terror, and ferocity wrapped in one, and it froze him with both fear and curiosity. Even the mists at his feet ceased in his deep thoughts. Yet it is never wise to stand captivated in battle, and now he would learn that lesson as well. A tingling runs of his spin, and the stag mistakes it for his nerves, a shiver ( @Ulrik scorpion). He would regret that. It creeps up onto his shoulder and stops, pulling at his hairs to cling on. Harks fall back and his head moves to look, but it is too late.


Blood had splattered up on the golden’s armor and coat from a hit, though on who and where he did not know, or care. He tore and rampaged through the madness, gripping his polearm with tight force and a grin barely discernable. From out of the shifting shapes and through the walls of mists come glimpse of brown ( @Megaera ). No longer to his side this was straight at him, but he took little notice, she would fall before his blade like all others. He would get little chance. The arresting change in the core that linked him and his bonded, caused pause, and when the golden had yelled his name out, his grip on the pole had loosened, then closed back again on nothing. Nothing. And a shout of his name rose above the roars, ( @Hotaru ) but was lost in his own storm of shock. His eyes growing wide, rolling whites.

Shock, fiery and incredible, rose on his face, blocking Haldir’s struggle for a moment. Where. What. The possibility of his being taken wrapped in such impossibility it was nearly invisible. That is until he sees the bay femme. No, the bay bitch in front of him with a pole of steel and leather in her possession. The shock and horror began like paper to burn, fast and hot. Open mouth of shock twisted into bared teeth, and harks slid back contorting his face to a devil. No one took from him. No one stole from him. No one with any hope for seeing another dawn touched his prizes. A cloven hoof steps forward and slams on the ground, silent but still threatening. Oh that girl would pay. For when he wrestled it back from her grubby filthy disgusting mouth he would see it find her tender flesh.

The golden would never get the chance. A screech of pain barely calls above the battlefield madness, but it catches his attention at once. This was not death cry of a wolf, nor a howl from a wounded equine. It bellowed, and shrilled, unmistakably like that of a deer. The shockwave of his bonded’s cringe hit him like a bolt of electricity to the chest. All anger cuts from his face and turns, towards the sound, earth eyes wide with disbelief. And through a clearing battlefield he sees the antlered shape drop to the earth.

No. NO NO.. “HALDIR!” It came like nothing ever heard from the golden lips. It was gripped in fear. Harrowing, total fear. He hadn’t seen it. It couldn’t be. He felt sick, and weak. He didn’t even have the processing to detest such emotions or weave the lies to weed them out. This was much deeper and darker. This hurt and cut like a wound in places he thought he had sealed long ago. All those seasons of begrudging acceptance of that little shadow, all those moments of anger and discord, they had come to mean something in a way nothing else had in years. And that thought terrified him all the more as he stared at the crumpled shape. A second seeming like an eternity.

Before his earth eyes the shadow morphs, and an antlered crown rises back up. Like the flickering off of some hellish light the golden falls from terror to a cold stone. He breaths again, as if he had held his breath for ages, gasping and desperate. And for what seemed the hundredth time in the single moment his expression morphs. The wilds of battle and unrestrained chaos throwing it all out for any to see, when it usually would lay locked. Haldir, he needed to get to Haldir. But there was a stone in his chest, pressing against his lungs and heart. And he hated it. He hated that he needed to be there. The detest of his vulnerability bloomed upon his countenance like the clouds from a bomb site. How dare the world. How dare he be forced nearly to his knees with care. It pricked at the golden’s mind, bristling down his spine. And as his flaming earth eyes looked up they found the shape of bay. All of his fires roared to life, and the chains of blame fall on her neck by some twisted psyche, marking her flesh like a target.

Had she taken the time to step back, or attack? It didn’t matter. Had his own blade found his flesh in these moments? How could he possibly have noticed against the bleeding cuts on his soul?! The roar of battle rose in his ears again (the wolf attacking again), and fuels the earth eyes raging with fire and brimstone. Finally his stillness breaks and he surges forward like a wraith, vicious, maddening, and all consuming. The place of the blade and the mark of her own weapons have burned and he notices them not. He is blind to his danger again, and wants only to sink his hungry steel into her. The collar about his neck, false in smooth surface, hungers to let out the spikes and stain their tips with blood again. So he charges, hoping to collide and find some satisfaction in hearing her howl of pain.

Does he hit? Does she? Who draws blood from who, he can not even begin to fathom. The piercing of a blade or bone would do nothing but join the burning blaze that lathers his coat in sweat beneath his armor. Besides, he pulls back. Quick as he surged forward with a blood lust, the golden rolls back twisting away.


The shadow Haldir stands shaking his coat with vigor. His own thoughts till jumping and buzzing. He had been turning his head to look, when it struck. A flash of metal, a sounding gear, and then ZAP! A fire cold and sharp, like needles digging in, sings across his body, and jolts him. He had bellowed out (the one the golden had heard), and his head had twisted around to finally see the parasite upon his shoulder. Yes, a parasite. Lean body shivers with remembrance at its electric echoes. That’s when he had dropped to the ground.

He had rolled. Haldir had rolled trying to rub the creature off of him. Anything to stop it from shocking him again. Now here he was standing, shaking off the dust. His sides still heaved with the effort. Shouts start to find his ears again and he looks at the confusion, a whirling mass of bodies and the rising roar of battle growing again. With large pale eyes the stag turns his high crowned head to the growing chaos. A multitude of shadows shift between the legs of the horses. Fire and hell rain upon them but some still creep closer, and the stag’s eyes grow wide, and his sides tremble out a snort.

But this was not the babe of yesteryear. This was Haldir. The golden had called on him. And he was not about to disappoint the golden. Antlered head swings up while thin legs dance him forward.

Then a flash of gold comes into his view. The golden. The Laurelin had torn across the battlefield, slamming and shoving, hooves tearing up the ground with the power splitting through them. He had closed his armor, so that his golden back shone, for it weighed so heavily on him. There’s little need to translate the golden’s thoughts. His rage at being made to feel, to care for such a creature drove his madness back into battle. It seemed to happen more and more. Like with the elk hunt and the herd meeting. He let it go. Let it out. What was concerning was it continued arising.

Yet now they were together, and the golden was bent on the single purpose. His head bends low, with horns brandishing threat to the shadows of wolves. It was a dangerous, foolish move. While he could snap it up to catch a wolf little could be done from this position if others about it desired revenge. But he was in the throes of battle, the rage of anger, and would see the end of the madness. Haldir, empowered by his bonded, charged forward again with him, his antlers swinging low and sharp to catch some wolf upon their ends. Together they charged into the fray, into the madness, into the chaos.

After feeling Haldir notice Mesec/wolf, and hollering his name, Thranduil notices his polearm is gone, but has no time yet to turn on Meg. The shock of Ulrik’s bug is felt through their bond and when Haldir rolls trying to get it off, Thranduil thinks his deer his hurt worse. So he turns and lets his frustration loose on Meg. He charges her, hoping to sink the spikes in his collar into her, then turns away and rushes to Haldir, closing his armor as he goes (it was too heavy to run fast). The two charge against the wolves together aiming their horns at any they come across.

Meg: charges at her with his collar
Wolves:: both Haldir and Thranduil charge with horns.


The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout.
Down came the rain
and washed the spider out.
Image credit.

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Torleik - 09-11-2015


Torleik's furious gaze met Ophelia's with implacable strength, not afraid of her anger. "The gods do as they will and answer not to mortals! You want revenge at the expense of your life? Would it be a fitting end, taking your pound of flesh only to cause those left here more pain?" he snapped in return. Was she truly so selfish to think she was the only one who had lost and was powerless to fix it or make those responsible fall to their knees in penance? If she honestly didn't give a damn whether her actions took her away from him...the Bloodskald could not dedicate now to such thoughts. 

Chaos was reigning yet again (he was getting sick of this shit), and Ulrik was grunting at him as only Ulrik could. "I will find you after this battle, cousin! We must speak!" That Ophelia was angry was not something the king had missed but frankly she could just be angry right now. Working through it had to wait for later. The gigantic wolf god was suddenly sundered and a rain of blood exploded in the sky, spraying in no discernible pattern. Avoiding blood was not an instinct and Torleik didn't think much of it when the splatter coated his face and neck. Luckily his reflexes were good and his eyelids snapped shut before the liquid hit him. 

This became quite important when the blood suddenly began to burn

With an angry grunt of pain, the Bloodskald's head snapped down, thick, muscular neck swinging low to try to rub his face on a foreleg to wipe the offending substance off, but to no avail. Through the haze of acidic pain, the sickening crunches and wet pops of the god's body being repurposed into smaller versions of itself registered as threatening and he tried to move in front of Ophelia just in case - but she was already moving on. Typical, he growled to himself, still cross with her, but now was, yet again, not the time. Miniature wolves were apparently the special for today and this time Torleik didn't intend to hold back. He did intend to stay right next to his woman, though. Burning gaze locking onto the furred predator nearest Ophelia's figure, the Bloodskald charged at the miniature beast with pure rage, seeking nothing more than to bowl it over and trample it beneath his hooves until its body was broken and lifeless on the ground below. 

Right now, he believed all of the gods could get fucked, and they'd best be grateful for their mortals cleaning up their damn mess.

Team Eff This (aka still fighting for Moony)
Summary: Takes burning damage from the wolf blood and tries to trample the shit out of the nearest mini wolf because fuck this shit. Mentions @Ophelia and @Ulrik and gives no shits about anyone else today.

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Megaera - 09-11-2015


Madness. It roared into the the battlemare’s heart like an oncoming storm, clouding her thoughts and unleashing a miniature monster in the middle of chaos. Megaera had always been hotblooded and had worked so very hard over the years to tame her mind, to calm it. She had become the Sunspear: a mother and a leader of her people. Here in the midst of this chaos, that progress was lost. She fought impulsively, savagely against anything she knew to be a threat to her of her beloved herd with little though to what was smart or what was right. When the battle had began her mind had frozen, trying to cling to what she should do for so long and she had been able to do nothing. Now, her body had taken over; the heart knew what she valued and only that mattered now.

She felt her teeth clamp down around the leather wrapped metal of the gold bastard’s (Thranduil) weapon and, biting down hard, gave a mighty yank and thrash of her head. The pole arm came away with less effort than she would have anticipated and in the wild movement she felt a white-hot pain slice across her right foreleg. The blade had sliced a gaping gash halfway between body and knee and blood ran down her leg. Her scream was muffled by the weapon in her teeth but she did not release it, instead calling inward to the magic she had been granted by her own god to dull the searing pain. Across the battlefield she heard a familiar scream. Gwaihir, fierce and angry, as he turned on the dark beast that stalked the little white filly(Erthë). Meg’s eyes found him as he aimed his long talons at the shadow wolf’s face (Mesec) aiming to claw at the milky white eyes. Her companion’s anger fed her, fueled her, and kept the mare fighting through the pain in her leg.

When the original wolfgod split itself into a multitude of mutated little monsters, all other enemies were dropped from Megaera’s mind. The Moon Goddess, the golden stallion, they were usual evil, they could wait, but this new threat was unholy. Disgusting. Wretched. When her eyes scanned the battlefield, she saw nearly all of her precious desert-dwellers aiming their weapons toward them and the Sunspear rushed to add to their efforts. This was the enemy. This was darkness and so the Sunspear call on all she had to combat it. She felt the heat of it, the power and she reached into her hear and found the sunlight and cast it forth from her body in a blaze of pure light. Shining like her own blessed Sun, Megaera charged the mutated creatures. At her side, her wings came down again and again to take some of her weight and she half-soared towards a pair of them, the double sided blade swinging in her jaws.

coding by tamme :: art by blu

Team Moon Goddess (Meg: for now...ya know, enemy of my enemy and whatnot...)

Mentions: @Thranduil @Mesec @Erthë
Summary: Meg wrestles Thranduil's polearm from him and gets her right foreleg cut in the process. Uses rank magic (Warrior's Spirit) to dull the pain. Looks to her companion accross the battle, Gwaihir attacks Wolfy-Mesec's face with his talons in an attempt to protect Erthë. Meg sees the mutant wolves and charges a pair of them, swinging the stolen polearm and emitting her Sunlight magic.

:: [ Magic: FirexLight | Body emits a burst of sunlight that can be used as a beacon signal or to temporarily blind opponents ]

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Gaucho - 09-11-2015

With fire to keep us warm, and tools we made from rocks and bones

Fire flew around them, and somewhere inside of Gaucho's hardening heart, a crack of light appeared. It did his stoic soul good to fight and shed fire and blood alongside those he cared for. Ilios, Mesec, Ampere, Meg, Cera, Ranjiri, [insert names of other DTers because braindead x.x] - to see them in action here, unified and proving victorious, made his emoptionless fog that much easier to bear.

But the moment snaps as Cera thrusts himself before Gaucho, attempting to sever the spine of one of the wolves who had gathered before him. Although Gaucho understands that likely Cera's actions were either - merely coincidental (though he didn't really believe that) - or more likely done as a gesture of respect and servitude, the Wildfire stands frustrated. He does not need protection -he is the protector. If he cannot do that, then what good is he to his herd? His family? He knows that Cera did not mean to dishonor him, but still the dun snorts out his frustration. 

However Cera's distraction has allowed his gaze to momentarily wander - to Aithniel and Ampere. Aithniel he sees, has ganged up on her own mini herd of wolves, while Ampere called Mesec's name, and appeared to be searching for him rather than focusing. He watched as a wolf leaped towards Ampere, and the way sparks formed around her to retaliate. With a snarl, firey wolves bloomed from his antlers, diving high from his forehead and landing on the ground. One ran towards Ampere, intent on protecting her if she was too unfocused to protect herself. The other ran towards Aithniel to aid in her solo crusade. 

"Come." Gaucho grunted towards Cera before lunging forward into the fray. With a laugh cry, Gaucho fanned his blackened wings and threw a wall of fire towards an assembling group of wolves.

Gaucho is team kill the wolf (aka get your priorities straight).  

Creates two firey wolves and sends one to help @Aithniel and one to help @Ampere. Then he charges forward with @Cera .

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Random Event - 09-11-2015

Aithniel, Ampere, and Ranjiri all feel temporary relief from BFB.

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Rexanna - 09-11-2015

Success washed over me as I felt my golden horn slice into the left shoulder of the wolf. The weight of my body pushing into the wolf stopping nearly abrupt with the force and sheer shock that I could even do something so violent, I pulled back slowly. The chain connecting to my horn was thankfully not stuck in the beast. My horn pulled out easily and dripped with the blood of the fallen canine, the scarlet coloring staining the chain as it danced in a frenzy of just how frantic I was beginning to grow.

Aqua eyes looked up just in time to avoid being hit by a few others aiming for the left of the wolf and as I bounded away, I was pulled back with a sound that absolutely horrified me. ‘Tembovu..’ I thought instantly as his voice pierced the air in extreme pain. Turning my head back to the canine, I watched as the stag I loved fell beneath the massive body of the wolf as he began to melt into smaller wolves. The sound and sight was enough to blind me. “NO.” I shrieked at the top of my lungs, hooves pushing and pulling into the blood stained earth with the force of a death grip.

At this point, seeing Temb in so much pain broke my heart. Broke it further than I could even imagine. Why was he here? Why did this have to happen? Why him? Immediately, my war ravaged mind flashed back to the wars of home. So many dead bodies lined the earth out the entrance of the land I once called home. All sense of hope and faith was gone and instead replaced with the cries and agony of those traumatized to madness by the sights of their loved ones as they fell in their last breaths.

I wasn’t one of them. I wouldn’t be if I worked my best to keep Temb with me. My muscles ached as I rampaged toward the spawn of the demi wolves, rearing and kicking out at anything that got in my path as I ran through them. I reached Tembovu and before I could try and see if he was still breathing but it was hard to see with the shadow that engulfed him like a flame. I shrieked once more, completely forgetting about the tiny filly I had just spoke to and instead was focused entirely on not losing the one creature that understood what it was like coming from a war ravaged land.

I couldn’t lose him. And I wouldn’t.

I knew that I needed to do everything I could to fight for him if he couldn’t fight himself. The huge weight and sheer size of the elephant stag had my heart wrapped around it and I didn’t know what I would do if I ended up losing him. I placed myself in front of where I thought Tembovu to be and as I fought breathlessly, I couldn’t stop thinking of the possibility of losing him. Granted, I was dramatic and he would probably pull through, but judging by what was happening here, I couldn’t be entirely sure. That was when I saw that lovely leopard creature make his way toward us, a flurry of fire birds flying out at every angle and I felt the heat reflecting from them onto my golden coat. I panicked, doing my best to avoid being hit by one of them while still trying to protect my love.

Tembovu!” I screamed at him hoping he could hear me. “You’ll be okay. We’ll make it through this I promise.”  I could feel the sting of tears hit my eyes as I fought as hard as I ever had before. My vision quickly grew blurry, thinking of all of the terrible things that could have happened to him and doing my best to try and think positively. But it was hard to think that way when you were surrounded by death and despair. I wished the Moon Goddess to help me in the back of my mind, knowing fairly well that there was a large chance she wouldn’t even notice me and try to help my cause when she was fighting her own battles. There was one thing I knew for sure though.

I would die without him.

I know a girl who shares a name with a guardian, she was a saint

Image Credits!


Rexanna stays in the general vicinity of the wolf after he collapses and as the demi wolves appear, notices Tembovu trapped beneath the canine. Springs into action in trying to protect Temb from the smaller wolves and watches frantically as Mauja comes near with his fire birds hoping to avoid being hit by them.

Mentions: @Erthe @Mauja @Tembovu

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Thantos - 09-11-2015

I learned very quickly that these Helovians were not afraid to use their magic powers, despite how hypocritical some came off when it came to the magic and appearances of the Riftians. There was no way for me to tell who controlled the earth and created the spikes that disrupted my original plan of grabbing the wolf. Here I was trying to help the bastards and some dumbass is shoving him out of the way, letting me land claw first into the spike and tumbling onto the ground with sharp pains shooting up my legs. A fierce, draconic snarl of pain escaped my lips as I rose to stand, my feet throbbing from the impact as I tried to get my bearings.

Golden orbs widened as the wolf began to pull, stretch and split into mutated and miniature versions of itself. Now they were too small, and quite possibly too fast for me to take on from the air. One of the small wolves leapt at my left wing, sending a burning sensation through the nerves before I flung it away as quickly as I could. Auds flicked back as I listened for more wolves aiming to attack from behind, spinning around in place at the last second to use my tail as a whip. I wasn't even sure how many wolves I hit as my tail snapped about, becoming distracted from a wolf in the front. Lips curled back into a ferocious snarl, fangs gleaming as I hissed at the beast before thrusting my horns towards it.


Thantos falls to the ground after an earth spike pushed the big wolf out of the way. He bitch slapped a wolf with his left wing. Now he is fighting in circles on the ground, using his tail as a whip and stabbing with his horns at a wolf in front of him.

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Panzram - 09-12-2015

YES. Oh how I missed the sensation of battle, the sounds of pain and panicked filled screams echoing in my ears, the drumming of the earth, the metallic scent of blood in the air. But let's not forget the most exciting, riveting sensation of slamming into one's opponent during combat. My attempts to charge any that dared to threaten the Moon Goddess were not in vain as I collided into the shoulder of a hulking draft stallion, the contact sending a dull ache into my own body as well that was soon washed away with the rush of adrenaline. Quickly I darted away from the armored draft before he could even realize that I had slammed into him, letting him continue his fight with some other pathetic soul that had distracted him. That alone was not enough for me, I needed so much more before I would feel compelled to even consider backing down from this massive bloodshed. But I was no fool, I would chose a different target now before risking my own death with Sir Fat-ass. I stayed near the Moon Goddess' side, deeming myself responsible for her safety now. Not that a goddess couldn't defend herself, but why should she have too?

As luck would have it, one of the mutated wolves decided it would be brave enough to try and sneak up upon the Goddess from behind. Rearing up on my hind legs, I pivoted around to face the wolf just as it began it's charge. With my chin tucked in towards my chest, neck arched with powerful grace and my horn tipped dangerously at the canine, I slammed downward to the earth in an attempt to stab the beast as I landed back on my feet with my head down low. Another wolf (damn pack animals) charged at my left, and I bucked out sideways with an aim to it's skull.


After ramming into Archibald unnoticed (per results from part 1), Panzram sticks close to the Goddess to guard her from wolves. Rears up and aims his horn at one wolf before slamming back down in an attempt to stab it, then side kicks towards the skull another wolf that attacks his left side.

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Random Event - 09-12-2015


Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 8 - Protects Nyx from two wolves who are running towards her - they explode due to his magic.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even - However the acid splashes directly onto his chest.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || Doesn't attack.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even - Is attacked by wolf-Mesec

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || Wolves explode all around - one is impaled by Volterra's spike and the other is frozen by the dragon's breath.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd - no damage. Is protected by Isopia's water.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 6 There are too many bodies rushing to protect Nyx for her hit to be successful - but Dominus takes out a wolf.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || Nyx is protected, but Dominus receives small burns from the acid that splashes up from the wolf he kills.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 The wolf that she kicks is thrown towards another wolf - killing both.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd - no damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 8 - His random attacks succeed in kicking a wolf in the jaw - but he also hits Ulrik in the shoulder.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 - the mist veils the fog and ends up protecting many who were caught by previous attacks.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || odd - no damage taken, hidden by her own magic.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 8 - the spine of the wolf completely collapses under Cera's weight.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even - Acid sprays from it's broken back onto his hooves.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || The wolf avoids the attack.
DAMAGE TAKEN  || even - Although Tiamat tries to help, a wolf still leaps at Nox's shoulder.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 - Horn pierces the shoulder of a wolf
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Acidic blood falls down her forehead.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 - Shadow's hooves slide off of the wolf's back.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - no damage taken.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 - the splinter hits the wolf in the eye. It spirals to the side and knocks out another wolf who was about to lunge towards the Goddess.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - no damage taken (protected by Ranjiri)

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 1 - Misses - Badger hyperextends his leg
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Pain from the missed kick

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 6 - Elsa's ice spike blocks the path of a wolf who was about to lunge towards her
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Is shoved aside by the general commotion of battle.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 2 - Wolf-Mesec gets in the way and body-slams Ophelia out of the way.
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - is shoved roughly aside by Mesec.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 2 - Is kicked in the shoulder by Rikyn.
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - bruished shoulder.

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 - hits a wolf in the shoulder causing it to bound away.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - takes no damage

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 1 - Mesec's flailing causes him to stumble through Maren's mist. He ends up knocking into Kalona and Ophelia.
DAMAGE TAKEN || Even - Ends up crashing into a tree due to Aviya.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 - Alice's acid jaws are not very effective, but Hotaru's horn pierces the lung of a wolf.
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Alice gets acid splashes on her muzzle when she becomes distracted as Ampere temporarily mutes her bond.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 - water protects Volterra. The earth she throws is eaten up by the acid
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - takes no damage

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 - Successfully attacks a wolf
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Takes no damage

Team MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 6 - Kicks a wolf in the face, knocking it off course.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - No damage

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 5 - Blocks one wolf, but another still attacks Nox.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Takes no damage - is protecte dby Ashamin

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 2 - Is knocked by Ashamin as he runs by
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - is shoved aside.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 - Protects Enna - horn kills a wolf
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Takes no damage

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 - is protected by Rohan. The wolf he kills explode, but doesn't throw any acid.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Protected also by Ahvelyn

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 - Forces Mesec into a tree, rather than causing further harm.
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - is roughly knocked aside by him.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 - Successfully protects Tiamat and kills two wolves who had lunged
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Is knocked in the shoulder, and is burned by wolf-acid

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 6 - Lothriel's horn pierces the shoulder of a wolf
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - It's blood gets on her chest causing burns.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 5 - knocks a wolf away from Enna
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - takes no damage

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 - Archibald's armor opens a deep would on Knox's flank . Loretta is able to kill a wolf.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Takes no damage (Was bitten by Knox, but healed by Res)

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 5 - Terrorize fails to work. Knox's bite finds Archibald's neck, where the chainmail is thin.
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Is cut by Archibald's armor.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 5 - Successfully heals Archibald (however her second magic fails). Valiance kills a wolf
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Res is knocked down by the general chaos and movement.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 - Successfully protects Erthe.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Takes no damage

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 - His stomping kills a wolf
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Takes no damage.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 5 - Succesfully blocks Alice/Hotaru's bond. Mesec has already been pulled away by Aviya.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Is protected by Gaucho's fire wolf.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 3 - The wolf avoids the attack
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - it turns around and bites you.

Team  wolf
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 - As Ode collapses, his death gives strength to two wolves around him
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - death.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 - Her antler's impale a wolf
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - its blood drips down onto her forehead causing minor burns.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 - Doesn't attack. He serves as a distraction.
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Although Mauja's birds race towards him, he is still attacked by a wolf

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 9 - the fire birds kill two wolves, but don't reach Tembovu in time.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - takes no damage.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 10 - Three wolves explode into flames.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Is protected by Gaucho's fire wolf.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 7 - knocks into Meg and shoves her aside. Wolf attack throws the wolf into a tree
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Stumbles due to the chaos and twists an ankle.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 6 - Torleik's hooves find the shoulder of a wolf, causing it to run away.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - takes no damage.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 2 - Fire is misguided - attacked by Thranduil
DAMAGE TAKEN || even - Thranduil shoves her roughly aside.

Team  MG
DAMAGE DEALT || 4 - Fire protects Aithniel and Ampere, but doesn't hit any other wolves.
DAMAGE TAKEN || odd - Takes no damage.

Rexanna, Thantons, Panzram all posted after the time limit! Assume the fight had already ended by then/that they missed.

If you didn't get a prize, you STILL get SWP points which can be used to cash in at the end of the plot! So no worries. 

screenshot of lists: http://images.helovia.net/index.php/photo/photo/action/admin/p/55f4d6f82d695/a/55f4d6f82d702/
(I wrote Ktulu instead of Soren! Sorry!).

1. Ophelia gets a vial of wolf god blood
2. Soren gets a small black glowing fang
3. Meg gets a wolf god skull mask
4. Ampere gets a vial of wolf god blood
5. Knox gets dark/wing magic!
6. Res gets dark/wind magic!
7. Najya gets the wolf god rib sword
8. Dvorak gets a vial of wolf god blood
9. Volterra gets a small black glowing fang
10. Tembovu gets a vial of wolf god blood
11. Erthe gets a small black glowing fang
12. Aviya gets a small black glowing fang
13. Nox gets wolf god hide armor
14. Ranjiri gets a small black glowing fang
15. Cera gets a vial of wolf god blood
16. Torleik gets a vial of wolf god blood

You can give your items ICly/OOCly to other people. 

These items belong to this specific character until ICly given!

ALL ITEMS ARE BEING ADDED TO YOUR PRIZE RECORDS. You don't need to post to the char records updates.

Najya, Meg and Mortuus Nox, you guys can post in the character record updates to choose your item enchantment! TY

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Random Event - 09-12-2015

There will be a new thread made!

RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - Random Event - 09-13-2015

Mesec has contracted BFB from Ophelia.
Ashamin remains non-infected.