HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Sweet Return [Ciceron] - Printable Version

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Sweet Return [Ciceron] - Orinthia - 09-24-2013

Darkness that has clutched the land for so long was starting to fade away with the first rays of sunlight kissing the light deprived land. Arubtly waking up with the light, Orinthia opened up her emerald eyes, staring in awe at the returned sun. Smiling with glee, she watched as different splashes of color embedded themselves in the grass. Violet, red, white, and yellow flowers covered the land.

The black fae stood up, shaking off the grass the clung in her mane, realizing her thick strands of hair were braided with flowers. Finally! The beauty of the day had returned. Jumping up with glee, the mare let out an excited nicker, and decided to run around the area now that she could see again.

Propelling herself fowards, the onyx mare galloped through the luscious grass, tumbling around, rolling on the ground every so often, enjoying the feel of the soft grass tickling her back. Joy filled her body, she was completely taken over by glee. It was a moment of pure ectasy for the mare, Spring has come, day has returned.

Now trotting onwards, hoping to meet others she tossed her mane, blinking once more, and took off deeper into the Heavenly fields. It was afternoon by the time the mare decided to eat something, feeling her empty stomach protest against hunger. Bending down, she chomped on long pieces of grass. Feeling content once more, she continued walking around, letting out another whinny. Hopefully there was someone nearby.

/crap post :c

RE: Sweet Return [Ciceron] - Ciceron - 09-24-2013

Having adjusted to the darkness for the past couple of weeks that he had been in Helovia it pleased him to finally see the sun on a regular basis again. Only so much could live in the shadows and a life of eternal darkness was not one that he wished to live in if he could help it. Few had met him so far but the ones that had seemed quite nice and personable. It was nice to receive happy greetings instead of the sarcastic snappy ones that some seemed determined to pass along. He really had no time or desire to deal with those negative individuals they really just put you in a bad mood. His patience was thick but there was only so much that one could take before irritation set in.

Dipping his cranium down his velveteen muzzle drank in some of the cold liquid in which he stood enjoying the sunlight. His metallic markings reflected off the surface of the water brilliantly as the sun hit them warming his otherwise dappled coat. Some might consider it a mutation to possess markings such as this but to him it was pretty normal having grown up around both his parents. His mother was a regular mare who had fallen for a unicorn and as you can guess he was the product. Neither him or his father bore a horn upon their forehead as per common myths stated, it was just the rather intricate silver markings that set them apart from their brethren.

Lifting his lips from the surface he watched as tiny drops fell causing his reflection to mottle. Silver orbs flicked up in response to movement to his right side before he heard the black maiden's whinny calling out to anyone who might be around. From where he stood he had remained hidden from her line of sight so he took the chance to observe her for another moment or so before returning her call with one of his own. Walking out of the water up onto the shore he shook briefly to clear the water from his pelt before raising his head high watching for the black mare he had seen to appear. Her scent wafted around him in the breeze so he knew she was around somewhere.

tags: @[Orinthia]
muse: good
notes: sorry for delay :)

Table and Image by Moonstone Designs

RE: Sweet Return [Ciceron] - Orinthia - 09-25-2013

The tasty grass slid into her mouth, replenishing her growing hunger. Not pigging out, the lass only ate a little bit, just enough to keep her energized for the rest of the day. In the distance, another answered her earlier call. Instantly, the onyx mare's head shot up, as her emerald orbs scanned the place excitedly, wondering who came to greet her today. Audits pricked up, and butterflies twirling around in her stomach, the mare started trotting towards the whereabouts of the other horse.

The scent in the air told her it was a male, but the draft woman wasn't afraid of being taken advantage of during her travels. She may not fight, but she can sure as hell run away from danger. A slight breeze caught her mane again, flipping strands of her long hair into her eyes, somewhat bothering her. With a tiny huff, Orinthia managed to shake them out of her sight, only to have them fall back in place.

Grass slid out of her way as she slowly walked, taking a graceful step each way. The cheerful woman didn't want her company thinking she was a ridiculous klutz, despite her large size. Finally, her eyes fell upon a masculine figure, a silver dappled draft with silver orbs. What pretty colors! Flashing a bright smile, the woman trotted up to him, only stopping mere feet away from him.

Seeing he was slightly wet, Orinthia wondered where he found water. The thought of the liquid rushing down her throat now made her have an unquenchable thirst, and swallowing dryly, she turned her head and couged before she spoke. "Hello there!", her vocals were joyful, and it seemed as if she was almost singing them out to the world.

"I'm Orinthia, a lonely wanderer. Who are you?" Questioning with curiousity, the mare stared at him with wide eyes. The draft male seemed very peaceful, judging him by his calmed stance. Not a muscle was tensed in his powerful body. It must be a good sign already.

RE: Sweet Return [Ciceron] - Ciceron - 10-01-2013

Watching the black mare with curiosity he was pleased when her friendly tone radiated from her giving him a warm greeting. A smile played at his lips as his dipped his head gently to acknowledge her respectably. She seemed to be curious but not wary of him which was a good sign, if there was already fear it was almost like fighting a losing battle as for every step you gained it was just as easy to fall behind a couple with one wrong movement. The world was filled with all types and one of the many challenges was getting to be good at interacting with them all without getting frustrated or angry. Arrogance never sat well with him and it could easily boil his blood should he be forced to deal with it. Everyone had flaws and this was just one of his, some he had no idea existed but eventually they would come about.

"I'm Orinthia, a lonely wanderer. Who are you?" Her name was not one he had heard before but it was very unique and he liked the way to sounded in his head. Surely there was some meaning behind it somewhere down the history of the many languages. It would be interesting to learn about things such as this but it would take years and years of discovery. "My name is Ciceron, it is a pleasure to meet you my dear Orinthia." He replied gently taking the opportunity to use her name to see how it sounded upon his lips.

Glancing up with his silver orbs he glanced into the mares eyes to see what may be hiding there beyond view. Many things could be told about one's character by looking deeper beyond what was in plain sight, but things could also be discovered that were falsely portrayed. One had to be careful to not make judgement to quickly. Not lingering too long he dropped his eyes again shifting them to the landscape as he gazed around briefly. The unnatural shade of his eyes made him worry about what others perceived of him but he tried to not let it bother him too much. Things would become apparent with time hopefully they would allow him the chance to show them he was not as intimidating as others on occasion described him as. "I have recently come to call the foothills home but chose to wander about as well. It enables one to see more of what this earth has to offer."

He never liked being forced to stay in one place without the ability to come and go as he pleased. It gave you the opportunity to see what it was the outside world was doing and to hear news as it travelled, from a warriors perspective it was a valuable asset. One could hear of plans other herds were making and adapt quickly to potential threats or invasions. Not that his mind was on such a topic at the moment. He was rather enjoying speaking to his new friend.

TAGS: @[Orinthia]
MUSE: Good
NOTES: Sorry again for the delay, been working crazy hours at work which has not let me get online as often as I would like.

Table and Image by Moonstone Designs

RE: Sweet Return [Ciceron] - Orinthia - 10-01-2013

One glance at the draft stallion, and almost instantly a smile danced on his lips as he stared back with kindred eyes. It was as if finally there was someone who could be kind enough to the poky fae. Of course she never used arrogance or anger as a first greeting to someone. It would just lead them the wrong way when they evaluated who you might turn out to be.

Ciceron. What an interesting name! Of course none of the horses she had met in Helovia have normal names. Like Orinthia. It meant pine tree, which she could see why her mother had named her in such a way. A jet black pelt, with emerald green eyes. There was some sort of resemblance. "The same back to you, Ciceron", his spicy name flowed on her tongue and there was a slight accent when she spoke it aloud.

Glacning up once again at the onyx mare, she gave a smile to him. He seemed to be very diplomatic with a curious stance. But at first glance in his silvery eyes, Orinthia could just tell...he was wise. Eyes were the key to the soul, and it was almost as if every time she came upon a new horse, she stared deep into their eyes, trying to find their soul. Of course it was almost a childish practice, but hey, it was worth it!

"Ah, the foothills", she began remembering the beautiful terrain despite the rocky obstacles. "You are one lucky horse to be living there. I remember trekking once. It is a trek I will never forget", another smiled urged itself on her maw, like it was permanent on her face. "Of course it is always lovely to explore and see the world..I guess it's one reason why I haven't settled down into a herd yet", the onyx mare lifted up her head once again, wondering how Ciceron would reply.

Did herds really allow the horses to leave and explore the world? she had always thought the members always were expected to thrive within the boundaries. I guess all her assumptions were wrong on how it all worked.

RE: Sweet Return [Ciceron] - Ciceron - 10-07-2013

The rays of sunshine beat down upon his muscular back warming him from the outside in. It wasn't a bad feeling more of a comforting one that he would gladly take over the cold of the winter months. The wind alone was enough to chill you to the bone and if you got caught in the freezing rain or the harsh blizzards it was only a matter of time until one would perish from hypothermia. Maybe the winters here in Helovia might not be as bad as some of the others he had experienced. The summer weather was here so he would gladly enjoy it while it lasted.

Seeing the smile that broke across the black mare's face he couldn't help the one that touched his as well. Her smile was in a way contagious and it suited her from what he could tell so far. Her kind words telling her story of the foothill's reassured him that he had made the right decision by agreeing to stay with them, at least for the time being. "Of course it is always lovely to explore and see the world..I guess it's one reason why I haven't settled down into a herd yet." Not being able to travel around and do as he pleased had never really occurred to him in his decision to settle into a herd. Maybe it was because he was a stallion and leaders allowed them more leadway to come and go as they wanted possibly, surely mares would have the same would they not?

Thinking back to his home herd it occurred to him that he had never payed so much attention to the rules that the other members needed to follow. "What good does travelling do when you do not know of a safe place to return to? Surely joining a herd could not limit you so much that one cannot wander on their own accord." He commented a little confused as to what the rules of Orinthia's herd had been like when she was younger. It would not be appropriate for him to ask such probing questions but he was still curious.

"Why don't you considered joining the foothills? I'm sure you would like it there and Apollo does not seem to mind if one wanders around outside the homeland. It would give you a safe place should you ever need one plus there are many others to speak to should you ever be lonely." This suggestion came as a surprise to him as it was something he had been only thinking about moments earlier. Normally his words were more formed and thought out rather than so sporadic. Things had a strange way at playing out and this must have been how it was supposed to be or it would not have happened. Deep down he rather hoped that the mare would accept the proposal, he would like to have her around to talk to as she seemed very down to earth unlike some others who tried to be who they were not.

TAGS: @[Orinthia]
MUSE: Good

Table and Image by Moonstone Designs

RE: Sweet Return [Ciceron] - Orinthia - 10-17-2013

The sun warmed her dark body, attracted more to her onyx color than to his. The light also hit his back, illuminating his dappled color in the sunlight. The fae gave a friendly smile, and gazed at him some more with emerald colored eyes. Ciceron was a draft horse, his tall body rippling with muscles, same as her, though she had a more feminine touch with soft curves and slender legs feathered at the bottom.

As her youthful face erupted into a smile full of joy and naïve feelings, his face seemed to transform with one just as vibrant as hers. All at once, her belly began to hurt a little bit with all of the happiness that was filling her in. When were there times that she met someone as free and open as Orinthia? A giddy excitement rose and she was experiencing a light headed feeling. New found energy urged her to go for another run to burn it all off, but she refused to move as Ciceron began to speak again.

"There, you make a good point", agreeing with him, she almost longed to have an established home again. The wolves had taken everything she had treasured and kept near her heart, but there was always a chance to start again, especially in a land as bountiful as Helovia. "It has been a long time since I have lived a herd life", pausing slightly, she continued. "But I didn't know I had freedom if I was bound to one land. Do I really have the liberty to explore on my own time if I am part of a herd?" In her old herd, she never had the freedom to travel where she wanted to. Only around the borders of the forests and the far fields. Of course that was never enough to satisfy her need to see more, to learn more and gain some wisdom from her experiences.

"I've considered it many times..I've just never met a horse from there, but yes I will re consider it. I love the place...it's lovely", she spoke thinking about the rugged hills trees here and there. It is a beautiful place, but does her heart lead towards it? "I am always lonely. It is such a pleasure to converse with you--You're not like the others. Your joy seems to radiate, and it's contagious. It's rare I encounter such horses", she spoke again, kindly gazing at him with her emerald orbs. "I would like to see the Foothills again", stating it again, saying it more to herself than to Ciceron. He was a kind stallion, and she wouldn't mind talking about life's experiences with him. Such a horse like him was to be regarded with respect, for his intellectual mind sparked intense curiosity within the onyx mare.

RE: Sweet Return [Ciceron] - Ciceron - 10-25-2013

Flicking his tail over his loins he tried to clear away the black pests that had once again settled there. A never ending process during the heat of the season there was just no relief until the sun decided to dip below the horizon to provide some coolness to touch the land. While he enjoyed the warmer weather it was the hot days that seemed to roast anything beneath its rays that he hated the most. Even the water was warmed by the heat unless it was constantly flowing. "It has been a long time since I have lived a herd life, But I didn't know I had freedom if I was bound to one land. Do I really have the liberty to explore on my own time if I am part of a herd?"

Her questions despite simple gave him joy in answering the many thoughts that must be going through her mind. After living so long alone it would be difficult to imagine a life where others were around you. While providing the sense of security that a group does, it was also comforting to be apart of something greater. Loneliness was a depressing emotion that could bring even the great to their knees if prolonged for enough time. He got a thrill out of the idea of showing Orinthia a different life from what she had been accustomed to in the past. The thought of seeing her smile over and over again was also appealing to the stud, it was contagious and left him feeling rather happy. "I am always lonely. It is such a pleasure to converse with you--You're not like the others. Your joy seems to radiate, and it's contagious. It's rare I encounter such horses"

Great minds must think alike, he thought happily to himself over the fae's final lyrics accepting his invitation to come with him to see his home once again. He just had the feeling that she would enjoy it there, he just knew it. Happiness bubbled inside him as his mood heightened further into an almost surreal state. If not for the heat he would be more than happy to sprint the entire way back to the lovely green hills that he had left just to show the black fae what she could have should she decide to stay. " That is wonderful news!" He commented rather enthusiastically bobbing his head slightly his eyes shining. Wow he had not felt like this in awhile, talk about an adrenaline surge.

"Would you like to cool off before we return? I know of a place that might just dampen the heat of the sun." He commented motioning in the direction of the pond he had discovered earlier that morning. Turning around he trotted forward a few steps before craning his head around hoping Orinthia would follow. Flicking his tail he kicked up his heels playfully surging forward towards the water. Tossing his head he was quite enjoying just fooling around for once acting like a colt, hopefully the mare wouldn't think him crazy for it. He couldn't help it really and what other opportunities could make him feel like this again, he might as well enjoy it while he could. Soon enough the land sloped down revealing the inviting grove of trees and water, not caring to wait another second he sunk down in his haunches before launching himself down the incline and into the water. The refreshing water splashed up around him soaking his hot skin and drenching him in the same process. Snorting he shook his head clearing the water from his face before turning in anticipation as he hoped to see the onyx fae behind him.

TAGS: @[Orinthia]
MUSE: Good
NOTES: So sorry for delay, I have been working overnights lately and its been draining my energy. Ciceron is a complete goof haha

Table and Image by Moonstone Designs