HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Reincarnation [finished] - Printable Version

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Reincarnation [finished] - Africa - 10-08-2013

Look down, the ground below is crumbling
Look up, the stars are all exploding

It was surreal, she thought, to tread through the slithering mass of searing red sand again. Few days had passed before today, and most of those had been spent drifting towards here. Even though her thoughtful touch was delicate and slow, the ground seemed to writhe beneath like a wounded serpent or floundering fish. Africa could recall all which had shaped her life before the most recent Orangemoon. The names of those she still loved and cared so deeply for- her family, here where the burnt land offered a magical existence, echoed through her spinning mind. A few faces flashed far brighter as she paused with a hinting smile though, the black and white General, Midas; the wise and intelligent Sohalia; the blunt and off putting Sultana, Kri... She remembered them fondly, mostly, for each had played a more significant role in her development.

The wall was a dark menace flanking the northern ridge of the Throat and Africa shivered beneath its eerie, supernatural glare. She noticed as she continued through its gaping jaws in humble reflection that it had grown in length- stretching both east and west, further than her naked eye could behold in the blisteringly bright sunlight.
Silas too was taken aback by the massive piece of infrastructure and hovered cautiously by his soul mate’s sweat-laden shoulder. A gentle rumbling in his narrow chest roused a tender giggle from the mare and she turned her face towards him. "Silas, don’t you remember this wall?" Africa asked playfully, blinking as her amber gaze swept beyond him to steal a final glance. She thought it to be a wondrous structure, and could only imagine the protection it might offer should a herd like the northern unicorns intend to... She looked away quickly, and hastened her stride. "Pray, I hope our family are safe." Silas detected the switch of mood instantly and lifted higher with powerful wing beats into the thick, humid air to scout beyond her position.

Ahead, the old limestone cliffs rose to form deep, labyrinth-like canyons and Africa felt the giddying desire to lift with her mate above them. Only once had she been forced to navigate through like the primitive, flightless species of the world, but that had been during the suffocating darkness.

Already thirst caused a light rasp in her dry throat, the crimson desert dust kicked up by her deliberate arrival was not whisked away by a breeze, and she could do little but inhale it.
The young horse looked steadily about her before continuing, upwards too, but only the familiar shadow of her bonded was nearby. A thundering heart yearned to learn of the herd’s wellbeing, and it ached while all seemed so strangely still and quiet.

Never the less, Africa ventured on into the canyon, below the mid-afternoon sun, always in the direction of the Oasis.


Note: canyons/rock formations- same diff but to Af they are massive ;)

RE: Reincarnation - Midas - 10-15-2013

Where could I go? You are the only love I've ever known. But I hate you. I really hate you.
If there was one thing to be learned from living with a bunch of Pegasus--the nomad blood we shared was often impossible to quell. Members would leave on pilgrimages all the time, sometimes on a whim, sometimes not. Family returned as they would. Often those that made it back were malnourished, wounded, but thankfully alive. I was patrolling a fair distance away when my old friend started her walk through the canyons of sandstone; thus would have been blissfully unaware had Fina not came soaring in beside me a few heartbeats later. After humming the equivalent of a greeting and pressing one fiery wing against mine for the faintest of moments, she pressed my mind for entrance. I smiled and glanced her way only to find a troubling expression fogging a normally clear mind, “Someone walks, without wing.”

Quizzed by her short and rather limited report I pried for something more complete, “Unicorn? Equine?” She shook her head and drifted higher with me on the breeze, “Pegasus, one wing.” A frown formed and the beginnings of concern started to form wrinkle lines on a face that was better suited for smiling, “Was it part of this clan?” Fina turned one sapphire eye to me mournfully and said, “Yes. Seen her before.”


An image flowed to my mind, a sharp picture of someone I hadn’t seen for nearly two seasons. Perhaps longer. Thrusting hard I tucked my legs and quickened our pace. “Lead me to her.” Real fluttering’s of worry tightened my chest; who had dared to cause damage...woe to them. Fina shifted to my right as we approached the rising stone—“There,” she said softly. A shifting shadow tumbled over the land and I recognized its owner instantly, “Africa?” I whispered.

Swerving to avoid the rising stones, I leaned sideways through a larger opening with skill only brought to life through practice. A fuller or taller horse might have gotten stuck midair, but I was thankfully blessed with a compact frame. My feathers still brushed the edge of hot rock as I lowered for an abrupt landing on smothering sand ahead but visible of my old clanmate, “Africa…” Her name came surprisingly soft and at a whisper, as if she was a ghost or shadow that would quickly disappear should I speak aloud. Fina hissed threateningly, having caught sight of something else. She fluttered in after me and landed on a nearby juncture of stone. Azure eyes were watching not in the direction of us, but elsewhere with growing curiosity.

OOC: Hope you don't mind me joining ^^;

table by whit

RE: Reincarnation - Africa - 10-17-2013

Look down, the ground below is crumbling
Look up, the stars are all exploding

Quickly Africa realized that it might have been a far wiser plan to find shelter for herself and for Silas, hours ago- long before the heat could become so overbearing. She peered upwards through the rippling, thick air above but she could not see her young soul mate any longer. Without the stirring of a roused heartbeat between them there was no reason for concern however, and Africa’s head sank quietly back into the river of miserable heat. Through these tremendous transformations of wave-like rock, was the fastest path to the desert’s heart- it was the same landmark trail over which many soared north-bound, as they fulfilled their daily rituals and deeds. Africa had been among those travelers, many moons ago and that was why the ignorant dappled horse had innocently and so eagerly ventured in.

Striking here and there the rouge face of windblown limestone, Africa found she could hardly avert the sloppy clatter of her step there. All around her the sudden chorus of her passing lifted energetically into the sticky air like crickets delighting in their beloved moonlight, trapped within ancient walls of blazing red and creamy beige and the young mare would pause stunned and cautious. Carefully she would direct each of her front hooves towards what plainly appeared to be cushioning sand, but often it was deceptively shallow and stone lurked there beneath as well. Whenever she fell into the soft sand, a gentle sigh fluttered Africa’s grey velvety nostrils.
Naturally she walked as close against the western-most walls as she could manage. There the shade seemed concentrated and most reliable, and she smiled gratefully to herself. Still the sweat lathering points of her body which rubbed together remained fresh; although the sun’s burning touch could not stroke her as she hid herself away, its humid breath still hugged snugly around her. The mottled grey coat looked far darker than naturally it should have and the tawny tips of her long luscious mane clung in drab strips to her bouncing neck.

The gently echoing swoosh of wings in motion; a sudden draught, unexpected and cool as it swept across her uplifted face, caught Africa by surprise. Curiously she watched the familiar painted stallion’s descent into the canyon a small distance ahead, and a bright smile lifted her mildly weary expression. “Midas!” She called out to him immediately, so pleased to see him again that all at once her bother seemed to evaporate altogether. She stumbled forward into deeper sand at last without reserve, closing what distance lingered between them. “Hello General!” She sang merrily again, offering no insight into the trauma which had claimed her flight- quite oblivious to the reaction such a thing might cause.

Silas, as he drifted beneath gliding wings, felt the mirth swell through his partner though she was lost below, concealed from his protective gaze by the maze of rock below. Gently he dipped to the right and doubled back to find Africa and the distraction which she had stumbled across.


RE: Reincarnation - Midas - 10-21-2013

Where could I go? You are the only love I've ever known. But I hate you. I really hate you.
She seemed grateful, nearly overtaken with joy to see me; like I had just won a boon for favorite individual of the day. Even dreary that had etched traveling worry lines were washed in a clean light enough that she appeared almost refreshed. A welcoming smile was upon her face, I couldn’t hardly believe she found the strength…when…it was utterly ridiculous.

Who had done this? Africa gave no inclination that said topic had ever crossed her mind. Fina stiffened and chirped. Attentively I pushed my face out, offering muzzle to brush across her check tenderly, “You’ve been missed.” An understatement. Did my family really understand how important each one was—that when they were hurting, we all hurt? I searched her eyes, looking for an understanding and perhaps offering before I was forced to ask. Africa had greeted me with an old title; had really been so long? I didn’t and wouldn’t bother correcting her, such frilly things weren’t of importance.

“Africa,” I began softly, pulling away and glancing at the side of her body that was absent birthright. Horrible. Wisdom had schooled those of a curious heart to find patience, I practiced the teaching by asking something other than what was desired, “May I walk with you? I’m assuming your heading to the Oasis?” Swallowing a ball of bile that had risen in my throat I smiled for her, trying to ignore the tense and angry wash that was filtering my soul with a bitter resentment for whoever had struck this kind bird.
table by whit

RE: Reincarnation - Africa - 10-21-2013

Look down, the ground below is crumbling
Look up, the stars are all exploding

Much of the young dapple grey mare’s outlook might have seemed all too familiar, cliché even- light of heart and ever the optimist; so delicate, young and weightless, but creases were now etched into the pale, taut canvas of her smiling face. The murky dimpled skin around her gentle eyes was wrinkled with buried tension; the same sorrow and suffering which reflected so deep within the hollow of her misleading, shimmery amber pools. When last she had spoken with her adored General, Africa had been naive in her venture- a child in many ways; a fool. Then, they had braved the drenching of a grizzly storm together beneath a tree whose significance she had been blissfully unaware of; both had been oblivious that that moment of company might nearly have been her last. She remembered that meeting well- it was the brightest of the limited memories which remained before her capture.

Africa’s eyes flickered freely in the direction of Fina, whose chirp seemed uncannily like that of her best friend, her soul mate. A murmur rumbled in her throat for a second as she regarded the Pheonix warmly, despite the prickly reception between them on the few brief occasion’s before. Quietly, she glanced back to Midas as the sound of his voice drew her listening ears in closer, and the smile lowered into a rather more solemn expression. She nodded in response to his words as their hot breath mixed convivially, a frank new perspective on life causing her brow to quirk for only a second as she wondered about the wellbeing of their family. For a moment, guilt flinched through her slim, undefined shoulders and upwards to tweak the point of her sharp withers, but she quelled the feeling swiftly and silently.

Again the General spoke, addressing her sensitively though there was little need. Africa was no longer the jittery flower which once swayed between conflicting desires, shying from the slightest sideward looks like an impressionable, untouched lamb. Her posture was tall and not at all hunched over with witlessness. She wore comfortably an aura of fresh confidence, interwoven with untold secrets and understandings- lessons that were both unfair and grim, etched into her winter-thick c.oat in the form of old blemishes and permanent scars. Perhaps she might have seemed older, now, to the particularly vigilant eye.
Africa watched Midas tenderly, a new sort of smile finding residence across her parched, grey lips. It was sincere and kind. “Of course,” She replied with an innocent shrug, though her words were softer than when she initially greeted him. “It’s been such a long time… I forgot how far away home is.” For only a second she closed her eyes to think. For the life of her, she could not remember this walk being so vast.

Silas slipped down hastily from his mid-air scouting as the two horses came into his view. Through narrowed eyes he surveyed the unfamiliar stallion, overlooking Fina completely in his juvenile haste and alighted with cautious reserve upon his soul mate’s knobbly spine as she stepped forward to continue along the final leg of her arduous their journey. “Midas... Fina,” She said as the midnight Zephyr’s blunted talons gently gripped the loose skin across her back, “This is Silas.” Despite all that she had sought and discovered about ‘companions’ and ‘bonds’ previously, Africa never considered her friend to be such- they just were.


RE: Reincarnation - Midas - 10-27-2013

Where could I go? You are the only love I've ever known. But I hate you. I really hate you.
The last we had talked, Africa had been of a much tender mindset; almost as a babe not yet pulled from mother’s milk. Her talents yet to develop, but a spark of determination was alive within her breast. That determination had grown to impressive proportions and now roared with a new purpose. It seemed the likely violent loss of a wing had given gifts along with pain. My heart hurt for her; robbing a Pegasus of their birthright was heavy in its grief. Again I wondered…who had done this act, and why?

Africa readily gave her blessing for my presence. Fina slipped down from her perch and landed across my rear, watching the wingless girl with a rare sadness. She normally didn’t give much compassion to even those of kin—but, a bird above all else could relate to the fear of losing their spot in heaven. Gently she plucked the top of my downy spine feathers, “She is hurting?” I returned Africa’s smile effortlessly, my mind spoke quietly to that other part of my soul, “Aye, but in a different way.”

Fina felt Silas and even caught a glimpse of his soaring pencil lined frame in the distance. I realized Africa had found some comfort when said Zephyr came in for a landing; she had mentioned to me once before about a desire for companionship. It seemed one wish had come true. A soul. It is said that when a foal is born, their soul is split in half—destined to wander the earth until such a time it finds the right home.

Perhaps that was why it wounded us to be apart from them.

Silas gazed at me distrustfully and I smiled, he reminded me of how protective Fina was. My firebird was not so secretly furious that he didn’t so much as slipped a glance her way; considering she was on fire practically all the time…Attention in previous months had granted said girl with the notion that everyone new should put attention forward on the only one that truly mattered. At least for a few moments. It was prideful, smug and slightly controlling—did I condone that behavior? Nay. Was she going to keep getting pissy every time something didn’t give proper notice due? Aye.

When Africa said her name aloud, Fina bunched up her feathers and hissed at the other avian.

“Manners…” I whispered aloud, glancing back at my friend. In response Fina turned her face away and purposely dug talons a little deeper. Regarding Silas with a smile I said, “He suits ye, and ye him.” An unmistakable snort vibrated behind me half a second later. Turning toward the weaving paths I added, “Come, ye must share; I’m curious to hear of your adventures.”
table by whit

RE: Reincarnation - Africa - 10-27-2013

Look down, the ground below is crumbling
Look up, the stars are all exploding

Basking skinks slithered from the dark sweeping shadow Africa's passing body cast across the curling limestone. A sharp eye was passed over them, drawn down quickly by the attraction of sudden, rushing movement. There were perhaps more than a dozen or so in any one segment of wall, and the young horse wondered pensively how she had never truly noticed such a vast population of life in her own home before now. Unpretentiously she observed the little animals, who in turn were gazing up at the alien giant that had robbed them of their cherished sunlight through shining, unblinking eyes. Oblivious to their plight, the mare smiled lightly for them, as though the gesture might in some way or another prompt some level of empathy; or rapport, between them.

Although Africa had been for a few moments- true to her perceptive and curious nature, side-tracked by the intricate details of her greatly missed home, Silas remained on high-alert; sentry upon her twitching withers. All too suddenly he became aware of the fire-ball (personality also, perhaps), which was Fina, and the purple sheened, black feather's lining his sleek crest spiked outwards in an avian display of assertiveness. The young brave Zephyr too sank his not so sharp claws into Africa's taught skin, though for no other reason than to steady his exhibition.
The unanticipated pressure there and the chivalrous tune of Midas' words snapped the dappled mare's face back to centre.

Africa walked as comfortably close beside the General as the narrow corridor allowed- considering too, the heat which seemed to hang as a steamy cloud around them. She felt so relaxed in his company again, and could not help the revitalized strut which her swinging stride did adopt. "My adventures…" She repeated softly, glancing downwards vaguely as she sorted through the tangle of surface memories, before looking up to view their path again. The gentle gaze of the eye nearest to the stallion, grazed across him for a moment and she smiled thoughtfully. "I have travelled right across Helovia," She said, skimming purposely through the more painful parts of her journey (-probably the ones too, which housed the answers she did not know Midas was hoping to hear). One day those buried, hidden hurts would undoubtedly surface again, but while Africa was still so young in this reincarnation; it was unlikely she would be forthcoming with such delicate information.

"Silas and I crept out of the north, and visited another place- a territory called World's Edge. We were welcomed by a white Unicorn Seer, Hellena, and our strength and energy restored by a Witch Doctor, Smoke. They were very kind folk and I really hope to return there soon enough to thank them both for their hospitality." Africa's helpless expression was mixed so subtly with fleeting bittersweet emotion as she remembered her nights in the eerie mists of the ancient forest there. Alas, she couldn't really remember the way back west now, even while straining her mind. Other fouls had occurred below the cliffs of the Edge, though Africa did not dwell. "Oh yes!" She recalled suddenly, pausing her walk for a second as she did. "I saw Cirrus there! What would be the chances of that!" Africa lifted her softly fluttering nose into a cloud of soft giggles.

"Then I came home for a short time." She did not say how uncomfortable she had felt during that very brief period- how her terrible secret, of death and the foolish betrayal of her family, had been rotting her sweet soul so gruesomely. "Onni welcomed me back so warmly." Africa continued, sighing deeply while masking well enough the swell of discomfort which that time stirred in her heart.
Silas's gravelly voice rumbled behind her, noting instantly the discreet shift of her mood, and he began to preen tenderly the wiry sprouting of mottled grey mane at the base of her crest.

"I'm a little ashamed by what followed." The young horse admitted, turning her face then towards Midas. "After I ‘d spoken with Onni, the world went black- I cannot explain it. But I was frightened… (by the strange phenomenon of the Endless Night, on top of all the misfortune already scarring her sensitive being in every respect) … and fled. I went to a cave I'd found once, long, long ago.

I am not proud of the way I abandoned my family."
She confessed grimly, and turned her focus again towards the ever changing rock formation ahead of them. "I love Dragon's Throat. I would never be so rash again." It was as though Africa half expected the General's lashing reprimand then to slice through the heavy air around them- a symptom of a guilty heart guarding more than that which had been revealed, perhaps. But she smiled demurely as she continued along, already more than willing to face the justice of her home- whatever it was that she deserved.
"When I finally stepped outside again, there was sunlight. I cannot say how long I was underground for- months? Seasons? I rushed home right away though."
"Midas? How have you been?"


RE: Reincarnation - Midas - 10-29-2013

Where could I go? You are the only love I've ever known. But I hate you. I really hate you.
My friend wasn’t ready to talk about the unfortunate event that stole a piece of her. Patience would have to win and my curious strides would have to be satisfied to know that at least her life had been spared—what good would vengeance do anyway? Had my spirit not once been tested before on the notion of hate when evil struck close? Forgiveness; a moral law one could choose to live by, or else be eaten alive with resentment.

She retold her story, openly enough; I listened quietly—concentrating on the sounds of our feet against the soft sand, and the rise, fall of those musical words. Worlds Edge, names of our allies and friends; (most of which I didn’t personally know.) Meanwhile, Fina was still glaring at Silas from my spine while Africa is talking. It didn’t matter if I tried to comfort her wounded pride. When Silas boasted his feathers in a mighty show of integrity, she fluffed up her wings and somehow strengthened the blaze across each feather in response. Still, the headstrong phoenix would look away each time one of us cast her a glance. This was the first time she had ever seen another species that bore some semblance to her own.

“I’m a little ashamed by what followed.” Sympathetic orbs shifted to meet her soft eyes. She spoke of the dark times we lived through, the ones filled with horrific endless nights. A darkness so bleak that it had felt smothering. Then…right before dawn. It was my turn to look away, a careful shield fell into place (a glaze that only someone as close as Fina might notice.) There would be no judgment from me, what right would anyone have to suffer a child who had lost more than us all? Fear could be tamed; or so we tried to leash its wide neck.

“Ye are home now, and the darkness has fled.” I tried to hold my smile of understanding, and perhaps she wouldn’t notice the hurt which lingered behind when a return question found its way out, “I have been well…” I replied simply, not exactly a lie, but also not the truth. Fina cooed softly, causing one ear to flick back before falling forward again. Her eyes had softened and were staring at my neck.

“You still hurt…share.”

“Nay,” I whispered, though it wasn’t explained which question I said nay at. Changing the subject was easy considering Africa had given me plenty of ammo, “How did ye survive underground for so long?”

table by whit

RE: Reincarnation - Africa - 10-29-2013

Look down, the ground below is crumbling
Look up, the stars are all exploding

Grateful and a little surprised given the many fouls Africa had truly, secretly committed against their home, a nerve in her heart began to wrench. Behind the mask of pale grey tranquillity, remorse was working a jagged path to the surface of her smooth being from the depths of her burning soul. Silas drew his shining black eyes from Fina, again, and rested them upon the bouncing crest of his love- concern for her pooling like a grim cloud throughout both his heart and his mind.
For so long they had avoided the inevitable confession; he did not understand why this horse, the black and white stallion had any greater influence than any other they had passed by recently. The young Zephyr had not been raised into the warmth and security of a family- he had fended for his mate, Africa, from the moment he had flown upon her withering existence. To him, isolation and tight lips had become everyday life, and he found her sudden desire for interaction amongst her kind disconcerting.

Never the less, he resumed his grooming of her, plucking gently at the flaking skin and shrivelled, dead hairs in the lowest part of her mane by her withers.

It did not pass Africa by unnoticed that Midas deflected her attempt to turn the conversation onto him. When she thought back- quickly, glancing across the terracotta-hued rock in brooding silence, she could not really count a time when the General had granted her insight into his life, feelings, motivations; anything actually, which might invite a deeper, more understanding friendship between them. She sighed, stealing a glance across the strange collar straddling the top of his muscular breast, and upwards to study without his notice (if she could), the suddenly obvious façade which he seemed always so gracefully to be wearing. She knew there must be depth to him; he, the epitome of strength, valour and dependability- but who was Midas?

Respectfully, though privately unconvinced, she shrugged gently and followed his lead- the distraction was welcome.
The dappled mare drew a long breath and a tender smile swept across her face. For something instigated by terror and sadness, truly, the time Silas and she had spent down there was invaluable.

Africa began with an effortless enthusiasm, finding great pleasure in sifting back through the hidden beauty of her peaceful home-away-from-home.
She explained that she had not realised how dependent her whole existence had been on the light, fresh air and familiarity of this vast region, Helovia. How when those luxuries were removed altogether, she had found to her amazement- within, a primitive will to survive against all odds. That her eyes had been so very dependent on the light, that it had taken what she could only imagine to be weeks for them to adjust to the eerie, black world below the earth. She had blundered about in a blind-stupor for a long while- and she laughed as she remembered those awkward, clumsy journeys through the maze-like tunnels.

She described for Midas (and for Fina), in fine detail the extravagant worm-like creatures whose abdomens were always aglow with a soft milky-blue light; the way they clung to the smooth, granite walls like beautiful lamps to brighten the weight of perpetual, dreary darkness. She told them how much their presence had been a comfort, when her instincts grew weary of the unnatural defiance, and craved open space and sunlight, (that natural urge was unaware that a night even darker still cloaked the whole of Helovia above).

She explained how she and Silas had copied the underground natives; centipedes, roaches and moths, grazing on the sweet moss which veiled across the cold wet walls of their home. That there was a whole ecosystem of life thriving, unseen and apparently ignored by the surface dwellers, until her visit- rats, insects and bats being a few of those they had stumbled upon. The creatures there were fearless, she told, their lives untouched and without the troubles which seemed to flank Helovian culture.
She went on to tell them how they had followed one such rat, whose fat white body slinking across a ledge in the black rock wall; scampering at times between the motionless glow-worms, had guided them to an enormous cavity which could easily have housed ten Pegasus all standing together. Within it, long sharp spears grew from the ceiling- and the echo of a misplaced hoof often sent one spiralling dangerously downwards, only to shatter across the stone-like floor with a shrill crash.
Within the large room too, was a small tranquil pool, fed by fresh, clean underground spring water. And she mentioned, that when she and Silas had sipped (so delicately) from its lip, the reflection of little lights began to dance to a melody Africa could never hear.

Really, Africa could have frothed about the unimaginable glory she had witnessed forever; but she drew a deep philosophical breath at last instead.
Living under the ground gave me a whole new perspective on what life has to offer; what secrets Helovia hides, and how insignificant we can really seem beneath such shadows."


RE: Reincarnation - Midas - 10-30-2013

Where could I go? You are the only love I've ever known. But I hate you. I really hate you.
If Africa talked to others in the clan she would realize that I wasn’t much of a sharer with anyone. There wasn’t room for worries or strife, not when you carried a herd upon your shoulders. Not when I was a trying youth, nor General, and certainly not now that my position boasted Sultana. Weakness didn’t exist, especially before the eyes of others—it was better that they didn’t know. Fina softly touched my spine and pulled at a strand of ivory mane, “Healthy to talk.” She knew my deepest secrets, my fears. Ones that not even Ktulu had ever ventured far enough to guess.

Perhaps it was really because nobody ever cared enough to pry deeply if I was hurting or in trouble; it was always the opposite, what was most polite. Most of the clan saw me as a bumper to vent upon (which was natural); but more often than not they didn’t think of the pain that might be lurking beneath flawless water. Kri didn’t have a problem with sharing, why couldn’t I be the same?

“Because ye are not Kri.” Fina whispered, “and you are lonely, very lonely.”

She was right.

Africa’s story was a nice distraction; she told a tale that could amuse the young and old. The cave by her description seemed like a perfect place for sanctuary should the world uptop go to heck, Fina had liked the idea of worms and various other insects—enough for eating. Secrets. I mused silently for a moment, “This world is filled with more secrets then I care to know about.” Lips flicked up into a half smile, “Glowing worms ye say? We had glowing lantern leaves during the dark time.” The idea of bedding beneath a cavern of twisted rods made me cringe a little, “It is brave to sleep beneath the awning of luck. Did a spear ever fall near your bed?”

table by whit

RE: Reincarnation - Africa - 10-30-2013

Look down, the ground below is crumbling
Look up, the stars are all exploding

Africa chuckled a little at Midas’s question although it wasn’t a particularly humorous concept- she wondered light-heartedly if she should lie so he might think her braver. It felt good to laugh again, and she lifted her face gently to take advantage of the vast, open air as she stepped at last with a final clatter from the sandy rock canyon. “No.” She answered, casting a playful eye down onto him from above as her neck stretched to its full length. “We slept close by the tunnels above where those spears did not hover.” The one-winged mare sighed at length as though pushing the last of that stale old life from every inch of her body, grunting contentedly when she could exhale no more.

Ahead of them she could see through a rippling heat haze, the rich green blur which was the oasis; the Throat there in, and Africa’s legs began to tingle with excitement. “I found something the first time I visited the cave, you know.” Settling back into a comfortable more natural posture, she turned a little to find Midas’s eerie, pupil-less golden eyes. As unnerving as it was to gaze into such strangeness, she kept her poise and smiled warmly. “I would love to show you!” She had stashed the treasure last Tallsun maybe, in the little den in which she mostly slept when she was home- there with the egg that she did not know had hatched into the Zephyr upon her back.

“Do you have time for a quick detour? It isn’t far… If you would rather I will bring it back here.” Africa gestured off-east towards a little outcrop of striped, red and yellow sandstone. He was perhaps the most obliging soul, she had ever encountered and seemed always to have any amount of time for all of those who were friend or ‘family’- naturally she did not want to take advantage of his kindness and so waited with unwavering patience for him to agree (or decline).

Quickly, both because she was keen to learn about the gem-stone, and also because her General’s time was invaluable, Africa began to slip through the burning sand towards her little nest. It took no time to reach and she scrabbled between the wide set rock-opening into the heavy, dark shade within. “Actually,” She called suddenly, behind her- “Come on in!” The break away from the harsh Tallsun-sun was brilliant although the hot air still seemed to hang like lead weight across her back.
Silas had ducked carefully beneath the jut of rock and still clung tightly to his beloved’s back.

The space within was modest, easily accommodating two pegasi and their bird-like companions. Africa recalled as she began to nose through the old shrivelled flowers scattered around the perimeter, Ahi who she had nursed back to health here, and brought fresh flowers daily to cheer up. The fond memories caused her to smirk quietly as she began to dig out the small stone from the far corner. She noticed right away too, that broken shells were all that remained of her Basilisk egg. The mare assumed wistfully, that a snake or sheltering coyote must have feasted on it- it certainly did not occur to her that a Zephyr hatched from it.
“Here it is. I had an egg too, but there are only old broken pieces of it now…” She cooed through teeth which were clenched tightly around the Earth Amulet. It was a deep shade of mossy green- appropriate given the location where it had been found, deep below the cliffs above the Deep Forest. Africa turned to Midas and plopped the shining object onto the sand by his front hooves, just in case he needed to really inspect it.

OOC: I just presumed he would go with her :3 I can totally change it to suit!


RE: Reincarnation - Midas - 11-04-2013

Where could I go? You are the only love I've ever known. But I hate you. I really hate you.
Her story was intriguing to say the least. One of those tales my Da might have told at twilight just before darkness covered us. I smiled when she laughed, her giggles so much like bells chiming, reminded me of when we first met. During a gentler time when we both had less scars on our pelt and fewer life experiences. It was easy to forget just how peaceful our existence had been when we stood beneath the rage of a typhoon, grinning like complete fools while somehow maintaining our composure.

Only when that moment has passed do we realize just how important it was; blissful moments are grieved but never forgotten.

My gaze absently slipped up along the path we walked, tracing the familiar pattern of red standstone that stretched above and around. She didn’t know it, but this was the most I’d spoken with anyone aside from Fina in weeks. There was a certain amount of relief associated with our conversation—it was so easy to converse with kin like Africa and Shadow. Why couldn’t it be like that with my distant family?

Ktulu in particular.

When Africa suggested that we travel to this mysterious object, I nodded agreeably; secretly thankful for getting to spend a little more time with my friend. Hoof beats slowed to allow her ample space for leading. We didn’t walk long before she had approached a cave of sorts. Fina tightened her hold upon my hide apprehensively. She didn’t like closed in spaces—rather than stick it out, Fina took wing toward heaven. Giving us privacy to explore the shallow cavern as we might.

Drawing forward, already I could tell that my frame would be small enough to fill the offered space comfortably; without us even having to brush shoulders. Ivory appendages tightened their curling hold and pressed into my barrel as the shadows of said cavern flickered overhead and blocked out the sun. Blinking to adjust to the dimmer light I glanced over at Africa, ears flicked curiously forward as she shuffled around.

Pieces of egg lay at her feet. Ebony muzzle drifted toward earth to smell the stale pieces, they reminded me of Fina’s when she was only a babe. This must have been Silas’s. Something of more interest was drawn from the ground; an amulet. Earth magic by the looks of it. I smiled a little and wrapped my sand element around said gem. It rose from earth on a bed of slithering gravels, twisting and simmering as gold started to sink in. The circling chain rose to eye level.

Gently I slide it closer to Africa and replied softly, “This is a magical amulet; an Earth amulet. It holds mythical properties that will aid ye in a time of great need. As the legends say, this stone can absorb energy that is being used as a weapon against ye.” Carefully, I unsnapped the chain and started to fashion it around her neck. She was its owner and deserved to wear this rare gift, “Be wary though, this magic will only work a single time; after that the stone will shatter.”

OCC: lol, I might have powerplayed just a little ^^; I can change it if you want?
table by whit

RE: Reincarnation - Africa - 11-05-2013

Look down, the ground below is crumbling
Look up, the stars are all exploding

Africa watched with growing interest as Midas looked down at the gem, trying eagerly to extract something from his ever-confident, faultless expression; something which might validate the simmering excitement reeling through her veins, as always seemed to when she was so close to it. The smile had faded from her twitching, storm-grey lips and she was focused so intently on the situation that she was taken quite by surprise when, (what she could only visualise as a supernatural, platform of sorts, made of the very rust-red sand her hooves were sunken into) forming beneath her treasure, holding it securely above its grainy surface, and lifting it closer towards the General’s bottomless, golden eyes.
Unsettled, but not afraid of the phenomenon apparently stirred to life before her absorbing stare, the one-winged mare took a cautious step backwards; the curve of her toned, muscular thigh colliding with a gentle thump into the cool wall of the den behind.

She had not witnessed magic often. The first time, and perhaps freshest memory of such a spectacle was when Midas himself had shaken the ground beneath the unsuspecting hooves of the Plague Unicorn, Crash course- his wretched face still frequently slipped in to terrorize her deepest sleep. The thug had been thrown down, allowing Africa to make her escape. The only other occasion, which she chose not to remember, was a mistake- her biggest mistake; Deimos’s death magic which had claimed the life of her herd-sister. Naturally there were other occasions which she did not put down to magic, but had witnesses all the same during her countless wanderings throughout Helovia.

As Africa watched on- from her dreamy, curious perspective, the sand’s spilling arm began to twist and fuse together into something quite beautiful, even where the light could not reach it. Around and around, the astonished horse watched the chain circle, moving as it did as high as her face- enough so that as her wonder-filled eyes smothered it, she could make out delicate links all bound together, the ends welded to a tiny setting which in turn clasped the translucent, moss-green stone itself.
It was a necklace- and quite a beautiful one, she thought admiringly.

Midas spoke then, and Africa’s eyes diverted towards him as he did, their concentration broken; long ears leaning forward to listen with stewing fascination.
The stallion paused for a moment and the chain split apart before sliding around the sweaty dark circumference of her neck, resting so gently amongst the wiry mass of mane oozing from the lowest section of her crest. Respectfully, she heeded the counsel which followed- many lessons had been instilled in the dappled mare by the black and white stallion, and she absorbed his words carefully.
"Thank you." Africa all but gushed, trying to process all that had unfolded just then. Perhaps on another occasion she would ask him about magic, those abilities which continued to astound and captivate her whenever she was allowed to be their witness. "Thank you, so much Midas." She whispered through a broad, grateful smile.

Ooc: thank you so much <3333 I don’t mind if you want to wind this thread to free up your time/muse for other threads either ;)
