HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Back To me [Birthing thread] - Printable Version

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Back To me [Birthing thread] - Luneia - 10-10-2013

Pearl flints pawed at the damp earth, pains struck the abdominal region in short bursts. The Fae was agitated, her breath came ragged. The whites of her eye's, more visible than normal. Something was causing her to react in alien ways. Something that had been a huge mistake. This was her first born, scared and alone, wishing it to just be over.
A scream.
The sound almost deafening, a shrill in the quiet lands, birds flee their perches, heading into the darkening sky. Clouds rolling in, forming a stormy look. But the pearl mare that stood in the open was not focused on that, nor the place she had come to a stop, the only thing capturing her full attention was the cramps and pains. Her legs damp with an unknown fluid, sticking her lasting winter coat into clumps.
A Sharp pain.
It was unbearable, yet the Fae still bore it upon her sturdy limbs, not yet ready to succumb to it. To give up, Is to show weakness and we are not weak. Her fathers voice cut through, His life lessons all but nasty, just to make her 'stronger' because she was apparently the weak one. But her father left her, you must be thinking. He did, though little to popular believe, he'd met her in secret a few times, His bond too strong to cut dead. All now but the voice resonating inside her mind. He had become quite fond of his little filly, Her markings such a beautiful mistake. The Silver grullo had become too attached to her and there he cut the ropes he still had around his daughter.
Adrenaline rush.
She found herself taking steps forwards, eye's clamped shut, but her long limbs carried her forward to safety, taking her out of the open, only to open her multi coloured orbs to a circle of pond reeds, flints almost buried into the sodden earth. She was in the marsh. A shiver ran down her spine. What a place to foal. It was damp, cold and an eerie mist hovered over the land. Not only that but things lurked in the waters, shadows slipped between tree's, other's went missing with no reasoning behind such an act. If Only her one eared, mad man was around, Despite his silence, he would be quite a protector in these times. A soft nicker escaped the Fae's lips, a whimper of a sound as she finally went down to her knee's. Salted fluids leaked from the corner of her orbs, an urge to push pestered at her mind, but she chose to ignore this, to just lay in her sorrows and let the world fade out around her.

A meadow of spring flowers surround the little pearl foal. Her white markings but a feint patch upon a small frame. Gangly legs carried her forward as a small gust of wind gently blew through the field, The little filly attempted to chase it as the wild grasses flowed like a wave. bending gently in the breeze. The field alive with the dance of nature. "Luneia" The gentle, melodic voice brought attention to the huge satellites situated right upon the crown of her cranium. "Lunee.." The same melody came again.
Stopping abruptly, the little pearl filly searched for the song through the field. The grass so much taller than her. "It's time my little one" Her head snapped around, the same voice coming from another direction. Lost and alone the small foal panicked, the image began to darken

Eye's flashed wide open as the real world came back into view, the pain came again, this time so much stronger, oh so much stronger. Her breathing was short and too quick. Cranium fell into the muddy ground and she finally resisted the urge, giving a huge push when the moment felt right. Though nothing seemed to happen to her dismay. She needed help. But darling, who's going to help such a bitter girl like you? The voice seemed to laugh at her. Though she knew it was right. who would help her? Who did she know? That's right.
No one.
No one would come and help her, because she was Alone



RE: Back To me [Birthing thread] - Amara - 10-10-2013

Foreign screams of pain echo in my ears. My head throbs with the first and loudest scream. My small cranium shakes and my eyes shut. I snort and grumble, annoyed. The Marsh was ensnaring too many these days. Some were hopelessly lost wanderers, some were those who begged and begged for their lives to end, for their threads of life to be cut. I did not mind the floating, fleshy piles that would often bubble up to the surface of the Marsh's waters, it was a common thing for me. But this was a live scream, one of someone who was not struggling to keep their head above the muddied waters. I recognize the matter of the screams, the way they ring. A familiar tone to them, one that fades into the back of my head, piercing my mind. A flash over my amber eyes, and I wail.

The blood trickles over the rolling blob of brown. Wings flap in desperation, struggling. A scream echoed, fighting with the noise of the water, the crashing waves. Sand clung to the blob of brown. Blood was caked against the body that rolled, the head and features were clear now. A flailing pegasus, her amber eyes showing panic and fear as she flops helplessly. Her screams ring out, echoing on...

The bay mares' screams merge with the current scream. I jump into the drivers seat of reality, trembling. My chestnut body is shaking, an aftermath of the memory. In a desperate attempt to save the screamer, I leap forward, spreading my wings and flapping desperately. My flight skills were poor in the Marsh, and the trees were a deadly obstacle. My legs are flopping, and I dig them into the ground when I find the source of the screams.

A cream woman lay, her body laced with designs of white. Her head had fallen to the ground, tears streaming from her eyes. I leap into action, swooping down to the mare's side. Her body was large, her abdomen bloated. She was foaling... And the screams of Mommy shook my head, forcing me to my knees. Forget them darling, they are nothing but memories. Focus on what happens now. Mommy's gentle words whisper in my ear, and I feel strength slowly fill my weakened muscles. I look at the mare, a serious look on my adolescent features. "Push. No matter how much it hurts, no matter how much strength it takes, push." I inhale and exhale, walking to the mares hind end. "You must fight the pain... and breathe." I demonstrate, inhaling deeply and exhaling deeply. I felt a presence that reassured me, one that made me feel warm inside. It was Mommy, pressing her warm muzzle against my crest. I glance back, my heart dropping. There was no one there, just empty space.
"words words words"
Image Credits

RE: Back To me [Birthing thread] - Shajake - 10-18-2013

Nothing cares to stare him in the eyes, the cold, distant essence that resided inside a green orb having departured with the lost night. In the night, he faced things unnatural and unreal, but they were taken with greed. Greed lead to a point that he remembers merely because of his wound, each day slowing returning to a new state. It'd leave a nasty scar, one that will never go away, all because he didn't speak enough.
A scream, lively and clearly female, overruns the marsh. Corpses floated up with the early summer storms, adding to the feeling of looming death in this place. That noise makes itself a cherry to top it off.
While he remains a shackled body, broken and falling apart, there is a fire in him that draws out curiousity and calls him in. Wispy fingers all but skin and bones motion beside his head, asking for him to follow. The resting place surrounded by bones, his grave is given up without complaint. Scinfaxi hushes himself, emotion falling away from his face. Dread coats the air as if this something horrible that would affect all of them for the rest of their lives. The only one with emotion now is The Unknown, who stands there in the bone pits smiling. Shimmers of light upon his scalp-made teeth give away his exact location.
Bones snap and pop as movement refills their joints. His body strains and asks for forgiveness as he steps out, looking for the source. The single ear pricks up, listening for more noises. What he finds is not in his best interests, but when he finds what was left for him, he stays. Staying would keep trouble from arising later on.
In a heap and laying on her side, is the mare he'd gotten pregnant. Their last meeting was shortlived, stern for her end, not giving much of a shit for his end. Beside her stands a foal, almost a yearling, with a dog. His green eyes lock upon her for a few moments, Scinfaxi taking wasting no time. 'Just ignore it.' Shajake does as asked, following orders as if there was going to be a treat at the end of the rope. There never was, but all have the endless right to dream, to grasp thoughts that much them happy so that they don't have to face the harsh world anymore. Dreaming kills the soul slowly, strangling the will out of it until everything is lost, and it wilts.
Attention shifts to the mare whose name he lacks knowledge of. She is still pregnant, and clearly in labor. Some part of him finds a shit to give, calling him to be by her side through this process. Each green eye lingers on her, silenting asking her if she is alright. His face is lifeless, dead and silent as the wound acts as a barrier from the leaking of emotion. He finds the might to ask that damned question, just because she was going to need it if things would be good between them.
"A.... Alll....... Rye...... T?"
Each word stutters out, as graceful as a newborn Giraffe. Attention set forth towards her, the only thing he is caring about in these moments are that child. Silence cannot reach him, for the disease wants to be so lively at the sight of a brand-new life entering the world before it.
'Do you think it will be a boy or girl?' Girl? 'A pretty one, hopefully.'

"talk talk talk"


RE: Back To me [Birthing thread] - Luneia - 10-28-2013

Darkness loomed heavy over the marsh, clouds of thick dark smoke covered half the land. The Fae just a small bright spot amongst the crazy. She hadn't meant to fall here. This wasn't where she wanted the new life to enter the world. If anything, she wanted to run, to find the strength through all this pain, stand upon her sturdy limbs and flee from the scene. However the presence of another loomed eerily over her slumped embodiment. Words filtered in upon a gentle voice, but did not penetrate the stubborness that the Fae was shrouded in. She would not succumb to anyone, not listen to any instructions to those who thought themselves better than her. They had no idea who she was. And she was about to give birth.

Sweat dripped from her sticky pelt, her breathing ragged, an abnormal pace to it as she felt the urge to push once more. This time she felt it, something shifted, and she took a breath. Waiting again for the right moment. Then he arrived. The one person she hated right now, but also needed. The one eared mad man was like her life link. His face tore at her strings, fear and anger boiled in her veins. But her heart felt something else, something she just did not understand.
The Fae screamed, a tearing pain, as she pushed, the foal wanted to see life, to see the sun. But this place, it would only see darkness. A sight which she hadn't wanted upon such a frail being. But alas, one could not choose such the thing. Life made shit happen, but that same thing also help new life to blossom.
In too much pain to talk, the Fae just ignored those whom had surrounded her, everything was just darkness to her. Untill it was suddenly free. It was over. Her breathing, still ragged, her skin slick with sweat and the foal was free.

@[Amara] @[Shajake]
