HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] O, You Civilized Barbarian - Printable Version

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O, You Civilized Barbarian - Torleik - 10-25-2013

Had some inspiration for it, so I decided to pop it out. Take your time with it if you need, I just want Torleik to learn a little more about the Sun God and Onni seems the best choice. :)

A certain kind of anger bloomed in Torleik's chest, anger mixed with humiliation as the Sun God ripped him apart in front of all the others - ripped him apart when all he had wanted was to show reverence. He had wanted nothing from the deity, wanted no special treatment, no gift, no reward for his reverence.

Instead he had received utter rejection and hate for what he had said; derisive words caustically singeing his ears because his worshipfulness had been twisted to suit the Sun God's cruel fancy.


What had he done wrong? What did the Sun God find lacking in him? The rabicano stallion did not understand. Was it because he felt closer to the Moon Goddess? Was it immortal jealousy? Was it because he was a Unicorn? Was it because he was male? Those who had received the god's favor were all female. One Unicorn, one equine and one Pegasus.

The Pegasus remained after the Sun God had disappeared into the sky once more, and Torleik turned his attention to this Onni. "You," he said, expression a mixture of wounded pride, anger and confusion. "Is the God of the Sun always so hateful towards males?" She was a Pegasus and that was not...desirable, but she seemed to earn the god's favor the most, so he reasoned she understood him best.


"I know what I said - I want to make peace and be one, but I've got this taste in my mouth from yesterday's bleeding tongue."


RE: O, You Civilized Barbarian - Onni - 11-02-2013

      if i fall, will you catch me?</style>

A pleasant smile rests on the features of the painted girl who shines passively with golden sunlight. To have met with the Sun God upon this day, to have been looked upon with favor, to see the pride within his aureate gaze. Onni is happy. The bliss of her spirit rests easily upon her shoulders, and the mare does not notice the growing storm cloud above Torleik's head. In fact, the shaman does not take notice of the stallion approaching her at all.

Until his voice cracks through the air with a bitter tone.

Onni's gaze breaks from the spot in the sky the Lord of Light had passed, crown turning toward the dark stallion with wide, surprised eyes. Lyhty lets out a chirp of dissatisfaction, letting both their new company and his bond know that he does not appreciate this one's attitude. The shaman ignores the small bird's attitude, taking in his words graciously. She ponders, thinking of how the God had chided and ridiculed the fellow. Compassion sets into her heart, and the painted girl imagines what she would have felt had the words been directed toward her.

"He is rather hard to please," the mare notes simply. "I think that stands true regardless of gender." A smile greets him then, the shaman beaming for a moment thinking of her beloved God. "You should not take it to heart."

image by redbeansandrice @ flickr.com</style>

RE: O, You Civilized Barbarian - Torleik - 12-05-2013

Somehow I totally lost this thread. Wow. Sorry T-T

"Not take it to heart? My heart was humble, and in awe of him. He spat in my face and mocked me," Torleik said bitterly, wounded. What had he done to be deemed so unworthy? It occurred to him then that this pegasus mare was being...kind.

A pegasus. Being kind.

The thought did not quite make it all the way through his rational brain because he found the two separate entities being put together an unconditional incompatibility. "He was favorable towards you. Why?" This inquiry was much less venomous and more curious now. If a kind creature could gain this bastard god's approval, then perhaps the divine thing was not so wholly warped in his perceptions.


“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”