HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Printable Version

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Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Apollo - 10-27-2013


And how can you say that your truth is better than ours?
Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms
North he had traveled.

Up and up and up the winding path the Merciful went, hooves moving slow and head held low, fueled by a strange sense of wanderlust despite the Tallsun heat. The black and white creature was feeling the effects of the harsh summer, there were no doubts about that. Internally he felt drained and lethargic, spurred by the heat, but externally his coat was beginning to bleach. Along his withers, back, and down the elegant curvature of his rump, Apollo's once ebonite coat was bleached to almost a hideous, grainy brown. Far from a vain creature, the stallion tried to tell himself that he didn't care... And yet, a small part of him couldn't help but feel annoyed. Some summers his coat was brutalized by the sun, and others he was left alone. It all depended on the sun.

Honey-brown eyes glanced upwards towards the evening sky, the heavy clop-clop-clop of his hooves the only sound of company. At least his random bout of explorative urges had waited for the heat of the day to pass. Through the Foothills he had traveled, going north up the twisting, mountainous path that led to the Heavenly Fields. Lately Apollo had been traveling to the Plain of the Heavens to find peace of mind. It was there that he felt... Calm. Relaxed. Normal.

Little was on the stag's mind as he moved, fueled only by the desire to wander and lose himself to his musings. With each slow-strided step that he took, Apollo's worries and troubles slipped from his shoulders like sweat. Antheia's supposed death, the cumbersome mantle of leadership... Later, he told himself, gaze taking in the reds and purples of the setting sun, Later I will worry... For now, just let my soul be free.

Cresting the top of the path, the stallion paused as if momentarily frozen. He made for quite a sight; head poised low and aligned with his withers, his body completely still save the breeze that rippled the strands of his mane and tail. So still... The wind picked up then, whipping the mane from his neck, and as it did, Apollo's head lifted. Nostrils flared. Eyes widened... And like a bullet the weary Chief of the Foothills shot off across the field.

Let me be free!

Thunderous hooves resonated within the evening air, Apollo's nostrils puffing and flaring as he pushed himself across the grassy fields. He hopped over crevices or rocks, skirted along the mountainside, and for the first time since Apollo could remember, he laughed. It bubbled up through his lungs as he ran and frolicked through the fields like a colt, pausing only long enough in his mad-dash to push his front end off the ground and twist and turn, high in the air.

A solo ballet, he was performing... And the oncoming night was his audience.


RE: Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Ktulu - 11-01-2013

[Image: 50a7eed791df8]


from adversity, heroes are born

If she hadn't heard the thundering of his hooves she definitely would have heard his laughter. The sounds drew Ktulu from her grazing, her head lifting and her crimson gaze finding a painted body that she knew well. She remained silent as she watched the Chief that she had appointed before her departure put on a show and there was no doubt in her mind that he thought he was alone. Had it not been for the setting sun, lengthening shadows, and her own dark pelt he would have spotted her easily.

It was nice to hear his laughter, she had to admit. For some time the Constrictor had worried that she had left Apollo with far too much weight on his shoulders, but she had confidence in him. Apparently that confidence was well founded if he could still laugh and act like he was free.

She wished that she could have been as carefree.

"Join him." Eytan replied as he sat by Ktulu's hooves. "You know you want to. It looks fun." His caramel eyes met Ktulu's crimson ones and she could see the twinkle of mischief that was there. When she remained standing where she was he nudged her leg softly at first before putting enough of his weight into it that he forced her knee to bend.

The shove set Ktulu in motion and she left the shadow that she had been comfortable in and stepped into the fading daylight that served as Apollo's spotlight. Her legs carried her swiftly toward the dancing Chief and as she passed him she reached her neck out so her muzzle brushed against his side, but she did not stop. Her tail flicked toward him as she passed and whether or not the strands of it brushed him she hadn't the slightest clue, because as soon as she passed him she set off in a thundering gallop across the field.

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RE: Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Apollo - 11-03-2013


And how can you say that your truth is better than ours?
Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms
Into the night he danced.

Twisting and turning, leaping and swiveling, Apollo paid little attention to the world around him as he performed, unknowing that his audience had expanded to far more than just the oncoming night. The bleached stallion was completely focused on himself, for once, enamored by the beating of his heart, and the breath that he sucked in through mighty gulps, and push and coiling of strong muscles. He would rear, high into the air, forehooves kicking out at imaginary foes, but the smile on his face and the laughter from his lips belittled any thought that he may be practicing his fighting style.

With a great huff of breath the Chief landed upon the earth, his tail snapping to the side to smack against his flank with a sharp crack!, chest heaving with breath as he took a moment to recover. The blood pumped within his veins, nostrils flaring, muscles twitching and telling him to continue the dance... Yet something stopped him.

A dark shadow detached itself from the growing darkness around them, and Apollo's ears snapped to attention. His adrenaline coursed high as the being approached, all ebony and ivory with a blood-stained horn, and for the briefest of moments Apollo moved to relax and call a word of greeting... Yet the dark lady skirted by him, seemingly devoid of stopping, but she did something that oh-so strangely set his blood on fire. In passing, Ktulu did the unthinkable; her pretty muzzle reached out and brushed his side almost tenderly, and Apollo was left with the gentle caress of her passing tail before the dark shadow was gone.

For a moment, the Merciful stood, flabbergasted, ears erect and head held high. Was that Ktulu? Had she really just ran by him, only to move away in a game of play? Honey-brown orbs lingered and stared after her fleeing frame, caressed by the growing darkness... Briefly Apollo wondered what it would feel like, to nibble along the golden-laced intricacies of her spine, and then something overcame him. Something he had never felt before. It started within his belly, a fire of the likes he had never experienced, pooling and spreading through his veins like molten lava, twisting and morphing into an unnameable urge...

A toss of his head, eyes wild and rolling, and Apollo was off like a bullet after her. His nostrils soaked in the scent of her, positively enthralled, and his heart beat madly to catch, and keep pace with her. Like thunder his hooves beat against the ground, eyes focused completely upon Ktulu's ebonite bodice and the waves of her ivory mane and tail. Once caught up to her, he raced by her side, prancing on fluid hooves and arching his neck, tail raised and swishing like brilliant brush strokes, attempting to entice her into... Into what? So many things were happening, Apollo was uncertain to what they were... So he simply did what he did best - go with the flow.

"You look good, Ktulu," he said at last, his voice a deep, husky chuckle, full of a baritone that Apollo was unaware he even had. Neck still arched, he continued to dance around her, eyes focused completely and wholly on her. "Are... Are you well?"

RE: Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Ktulu - 11-04-2013

[Image: 50a7eed791df8]


from adversity, heroes are born

Ktulu thew a glance over her shoulder and couldn't help but laugh at the expression on Apollo's face. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost and was at war with himself on if he wanted to pursue or run away. She flicked her tail again and continued to gallop across the field, only slowing when she reached the edge of it that sloped down toward the path that lead to the land below. The dark mare turned and skirted the edge of the field, her eyes closing momentarily as she enjoyed the feeling of the wind whipping through her mane and tail.

Another set of hooves joined in the drumming with hers and she opened her eyes and glanced back again to find Apollo racing after her. The Constrictor smirked and kicked up her heels, bucking playfully at the Chief. He caught up to her and her pace slowed so she was prancing more than galloping, though she hadn't a clue why she would prance. It was Apollo for god's sake. He was only one of her friends, not someone she needed to show off to or ... do whatever the hell it was she was doing.

But then he seemed to be acting the same way.

Side by side they danced across the field, seeming in harmony with one another. It was almost as if they shared one mind like she and Eytan did, and at the thought she could hear the grizzly chuckling in her mind. In one swift movement Ktulu pulled ahead of Apollo and crossed in front of him so she would be on his opposite side. As she did so she flicked her tail again, aiming to brush the ivory strands of her tail against his chest.

"You look good, Ktulu." He told her and she smirked again. "You do, too." She replied back, easily enough. It seemed as if the weight of his position had not crushed his spirit and she felt proud of him. Her movements slowed until she was standing still and letting Apollo continue his dance around her as he questioned her again. "I am." Her neck stretched out as she aimed to brush her muzzle against him as he moved by. "Its good to see you."

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RE: Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Apollo - 11-11-2013


And how can you say that your truth is better than ours?
Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms
Their dance upon the fields filled Apollo's previously heavy heart with a weightllessness that he had not felt in a long, long time. While he believed that he hid the weight of leadership quite well from his peers, Apollo knew that there would forever be those who could tell, and understand, the burden that he carried. His sister, dear Andreas, was one of them for certain, for she had an unearthly sense about her like all elder siblings had for their younger brothers or sisters.

Another who would understand was a fellow leader. Who better could tell the weight of leading, than one who had stood in that very place before? Apollo wondered, as he danced beside the ebony Constrictor, if she could see the weight that he carried as Chief.

As Ktulu moved to dart in front of him and skirt along his other side, flicking her tail out so that the silky strands caressed the muscles of his chest, the Merciful felt such troublesome and dark thoughts filter away. This was a time for freedom, for relaxation, of belonging and kinship. He was glad that Ktulu had found him.

Hooves snapping upward as he pranced around Ktulu's now stationary figure, Apollo snorted and tossed his head in her response, his grin lazy and slightly cocky. "I'm glad to hear it," he responded simply, eyes shining in obvious joy, "And it's good to see you, too. I've missed your company." ... And your voice. What was this that made him desire to appease her? To impress her? Not even during his sway of infatuation with Phaedra had such an emotion come over him. Honey-brown eyes roamed upon her sleek form, analyzing every strong curve, the whites of her legs clashing magnificently with the ebony hues of her barrel, neck, and hips... And it was only during that examination that Apollo realized something was different about her.

A new marking ran along the curvatures of her spine, a brilliant shade of gold that matched the bear mark upon her shoulder. The jagged twists and turns of the tribal mark were captivating, and unknowingly even to himself, Apollo's legs took root once more upon the ground, his dance finally complete. "Where did you get that, Ktulu?" He inquired innocently, venturing closer to her and outstretching his nose to brush against her ribs, his muzzle moving steadily upwards in an attempt to trace the golden intricacies upon her spine, "I can't remember seeing it before..."

Eyes flicked upwards then to meet her stunning crimson orbs, muzzle still pressed to her spine, simply breathing her in. Ktulu was a pillar to him. She had always been a constant presence since his arrival in Helovia, when the Grey had taken him in from his aimless wandering. Even though he had answered to Ophelia at the time, Ktulu was simply... There. Apollo hoped that she always would be, for imagining a life without her in it was ludicrous.

"Where is Eytan?" He asked after a moment, finally lifting his head away from her to survey their surroundings. The brown grizzly was a common sight throughout the Foothills, and Apollo found that he enjoyed Eytan's company just as much as he enjoyed Ktulu's. It was nice having the growing cub around, for it was a reminder that Ktulu was still there and watching, even though she had ventured on in her life.

RE: Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Ktulu - 11-12-2013

[Image: 50a7eed791df8]


from adversity, heroes are born

"I've missed your company."

How many could actually admit that they missed her company and not be lying through their teeth? There were only a very select few that Ktulu would believe and Apollo was one of them. He warmed her cracked heart and the warmth was reflected in the smile that curled the corners of her mouth and shone in the crimson of her eyes. "I've missed you, as well." It was easier for the Constrictor to admit that she had missed the painted stallion than she had thought it would be. It didn't make sense because she had so much trouble expressing herself to everyone and yet Apollo made her feel completely at ease. She didn't have to wear her mask around him and she had a feeling that even if she did he would know.

Like Lakota.

When he questioned the marking on her back, Ktulu craned her neck to see it to be able to see it from the corner of her eye. She honestly didn't know how the marking came to be or why, she just knew that it was there now. If it hadn't been for Eytan, however, she wouldn't have known it was there. At least not until Apollo questioned her about it and nibbled on it, which she found herself enjoying quite a bit. Her tail flicked and she shifted her weight from hoof to hoof as she inched closer to Apollo. "I don't know." She finally admitted, deciding to leave it at that. How could she think about the marking when all she really could think about was Apollo?

Ktulu continued to inch closer to the painted stallion until her chest bumped against his. Her neck stretched, then, and she rested her head against his broad back, eyes closing slightly as she relaxed against him. When he asked about Eytan an ear flicked in the direction she had left the bear. "He's around." She said vaguely in response because Eytan was already in her head questioning her about why Apollo was asking about him and if he was needed or if he should go. It was times like that when she wished that Eytan could communicate his questions to others instead of going through her.

"He wants to know why you want him here." The Constrictor voiced the grizzly's question. "He says that..." Her head moved as she shot a look off in Eytan's direction and she could almost see the shit eating grin on the bear's face. "that you should enjoy time alone." "With you." The bear echoed in her head, but Ktulu ignored him.

As was natural for Ktulu, the good feelings that came along with seeing Apollo again began to fade and she found herself pulling away from him and stepping back. It was the guilt that was, again, settling itself in her chest because. "I'm sorry, Apollo." She sighed. "I never intended to leave you to manage the Foothills by yourself. I just couldn't do it anymore. I wasn't strong enough." Had she ever admitted to anyone that she wasn't strong? "But from what Eytan has shown me you're doing well for yourself. I'm proud of you."


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RE: Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Apollo - 12-10-2013


And how can you say that your truth is better than ours?
Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms
Warm honey orbs lingered on the golden criss-crosses that adorned Ktulu's elegant back for a few seconds longer, then averted to focus more on the ebony mare's face. It was unimportant to know where the marking came from... Although, Apollo couldn't help but admit to himself just how good it looked upon her. A small upturn of the lips was the only thing he allowed to show from that thought, and with a sharp inhale, he let it go and instead focused on the here and now. Whatever was spurring these strange thoughts needed to cease their movements, less he get himself in trouble.

The Constrictor moved closer, to Apollo's blatant surprise, moving so boldly as to brush their chest together and to press her head against his bleached back, almost as in an embrace. Apollo's ears flicked back for only a second, his breath hitching in his throat at the affectionate touch. At first, it was strange; instinct told him to pull away from such an intimate gesture, as it was foreign... But the longer that he stood still, his ears idly processing the answer that Ktulu gave him as to Eytan's whereabouts, the overo found that he enjoyed the embrace. It was warm, tender, genuine... Many a things that Apollo had been devoid of for a very long time.

So caught up in it as he was, it was only when Ktulu pulled away that Apollo found himself missing her warmth. He eyed her with a look of concern, his mouth opening to speak, and yet he stopped himself at the last moment... What could he say? Why did Ktulu suddenly seem so troubled? To hear she was proud of his accomplishments, if one would call it that, warmed his heart... Yet, to see her so troubled, that warmth could not fill him. Not completely.

"Please don't say that you aren't strong enough," Apollo whispered, his words startling even himself. It hadn't been what he had intended to say, and yet... It was what had first came out. "Ktulu... You are strong, far stronger than I am. Just because... Just because you left the Foothills doesn't make you weak, it just means that you... That you yearned for something more, and there's nothing wrong with that. Free-will, the desire to follow your heart, that's a beautiful thing. Don't apologize for it." The strands of the stallion's mane swayed as he shook his head, as if to truly give emphasis behind his words. "I don't blame you for anything, Ktulu... Please don't blame yourself."

Sucking in a deep breath, the Chief stretched out his muzzle towards her own, hoping to brush them together. Seeing her now, downtrodden and sad... It made Apollo realize that he enjoyed seeing her happy. He liked that smile upon her face, the warmth in her sharp eyes, the throaty sound of her laugh... Devil curse me, he thought with a gentle flick of his tail, I've lost my mind.

"I enjoy seeing Eytan." The overo blurted rather randomly. "He lets me know that... That you're okay." They could not speak, he and the grizzly, but Apollo liked to think that they didn't need words to communicate. It was only now, standing in the Thistle Meadow and speaking of such intimate things that Apollo remembered the task he had been given by the God of the Earth. Now would be the perfect opportunity, wouldn't it? Who better to ask about sharing a soul than Ktulu and Eytan?

Clearing his throat and shuffling from one hoof to the other in almost a nervous gesture, Apollo smiled timidly. "Ktulu, if I could ask, um... What's it like? Being... Bonded, with Eytan?"

Could you make that question any more lame, Apollo? Apollo snorted.

... Shut up, brain.

RE: Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Ktulu - 12-10-2013

[Image: 50a7eed791df8]


from adversity, heroes are born

"Please don't say that you aren't strong enough."

"Alright." Ktulu answered. "But not saying it doesn't make it untrue." Apollo could stand there and tell her everyday for years that she was strong, but it wouldn't stop Ktulu from thinking and knowing that it was weakness that drove her from the Foothills. Her inability to control the way the Grey shifted and changed into something unexpected, the way it broke the relationship she'd had with her sister... that was weakness. She thought that Apollo romanticized the way she had run from her failure with her tail between her legs as 'following her heart'. She would never be able to see herself the way that he saw her. She would forever see herself as the buck-kneed little filly who had dreams far larger than she could ever hope to grasp. What had she really accomplished in her life that made her notable or worthy of being viewed the way she was?

What had she done?

"You are far to kind, Apollo." Ktulu murmured, her expression softening as she gazed at the painted stallion. "But I didn't follow my heart... I ran away. The only thing I yearned for was to be free of the responsibility I took on when the Grey started. The first step to being free was finding someone to take on my responsibility." And that was where Apollo had come in, but she had not spent enough time to teach him the little bit that she had learned about being a leader. She had been too consumed with her own desire to be free of the herd that she ran when she had the first opportunity. "I chose you because you cared enough to look for me after Ophelia left out of concern for the herd. I apologize for throwing you to the wolves and running away."

Still, she was told not to apologize and she began to wonder if Apollo would fault her for anything. She extended her own muzzle toward Apollo's and bumped it gently against his, sighing and wondering if he realized how much she cared about him despite using him as an out. Ktulu had had faith in him, though, that he would be an excellent leader because he was everything she was not. Compassionate, trusting, gentle, and she could go on listing his qualities, but their conversation shifted back to Eytan with Apollo's mention of him.

"I send him a lot." She admitted. "So I can know that you and Lakota are okay." He would never know how her heart fractured and broke every time she would see the images he sent her of Apollo and Lakota. She would never admit that it was in those moments when she was seeing them in her mind and feeling them in her heart that she just wanted to be with them, or how often she felt close to tears.

"Ktulu, if I could ask, um... What's it like? Being... Bonded, with Eytan?"

It wasn't that strange of a question, but given the seriousness of their conversation up until that point it seemed out of place. "Eytan is.." She trailed off and looked in the direction of the bear who was still hidden in the growing shadows. "He is quite possibly one of the best things that has ever happened to me." Ktulu had never had to explain what it was like to be bonded before, so she paused to choose her words. "I always feel him with me even when I'm here and he's with you. In my mind, in my soul. When he's away for too long I feel like part of myself is missing. Its like being away from someone you love so deeply that you feel like ... like they're your other half." She looked at Apollo then and gave a half smile. "I see what he sees. He sends me these mental images of you whenever he's with you. He does the same when he sees Lakota." Because he knew how much she cared about them. "I feel everything he feels. Pain, sadness, anger... pleasure." That one had been very awkward, but he was a growing bear with growing urges.

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RE: Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Apollo - 12-26-2013


And how can you say that your truth is better than ours?
Shoulder to shoulder, now brother, we carry no arms
Apollo wasn't the most eloquent of creatures. He could name many, many others who could weave words into the finest tapestries that anyone would have the privilege of seeing. There were those that could use words like weapons, thrown about as sharp as the horn upon his very brow... But him, well... Apollo held none of that.

When anger raged within him, Apollo was at his most eloquent. The words could come to him, quick and with charismatic charm. But at any other time, with this flightyness in his breast and his heart skipping beats, Apollo could not even begin to think of what he could say. Ktulu was troubled, yes, and he was unable to find the words needed to express how very okay it was. There was no ill-will, no hatred or bitterness... The only thing that Apollo felt for Ktulu's absense was loneliness, for he had lost the steady presence of a very special friend in her wake.

Perhaps with time he could figure out how to make her understand all was well.

The stallion released a soft, heavy breath, listening to the words that she spoke as the topic turned to more pleasant conversation, like of Eytan. Ktulu's clipped, accented vocals swam about in his ears, dark and full of an octave that could make him shiver. His eyes focused completely upon her, listening and absorbing every word that escaped her pretty lips.

"I...I can't imagine having such a bond with a creature like that," he whispered when she had grown quiet, "I can't imagine feeling as they do. When he is happy, you are happy? Or when you are happy, so is he? It's all very... Confusing to me, Ktulu, I'm sorry." For certainly it was only something that one could understand when they were experiencing it.

"I ventured to the Veins of the Gods some time back, Ktulu," Apollo murmured softly as though admitting a secret, reaching out to once more brush his muzzle against hers. It was like he couldn't get enough of her; hearing her, smelling her, touching her. "There, Father Earth came to me... He spoke to me, and I asked him of these very things, if perhaps, even I could be granted another life in the form of a companion. He gave me a quest, something I must do to obtain it... That I should venture to those that I can find, those who have precious companions of their own, and learn what I can of the very special bond between them."

A rogue, boyish smile crossed the overo's lips, his honey-brown eyes brightening in honest joy. "I'm glad that I can discuss this with you, and Eytan. You're both... You're both very special to me, Ktu." Where joy had once been within his amber orbs, sadness suddenly lingered.

"I find myself missing you... I wish I could see you more often."

RE: Awake My Soul [Ktulu] - Ktulu - 12-29-2013

[Image: 50a7eed791df8]


from adversity, heroes are born

Naturally Apollo had questions and they weren't questions that she could answer with a simple 'yes' or 'no'. They required explanation so he could understand the depth of the bond she shared with the bear who completely owned her heart and soul. "When he is happy I feel his happiness." She said. "But ... your emotions are still your own. Just because he is happy doesn't necessarily mean that I am." There had been many times when the bear had been happy or excited about something and, yes, Ktulu had felt those emotions, but it didn't affect her enough to change her attitude completely. "I think my anger affects Eytan more than anything else." Maybe it was the predator in him that made him so sensitive to her anger. It was that sensitivity that made him a good partner to have in battle.

Finely shaped ears tilted forward as the paint stallion began to speak again, her crimson eyes tracing over every contour of his face. His muzzle extended toward her and she gladly accepted his touch and sighed softly as the muzzles touched again. She didn't understand the depth of the emotions that were swirling around the both of them like a hurricane or why she so openly accepted his small signs of affection. Her eyes closed as he continued to speak and only opened again when melody that was his voice ended. She caught the grin on his face and it made her smile back at him, carefree and happy for the first time since she had been a foal frolicking in the waves of the Moonlit Tides.

"I'm glad that I can discuss this with you and Eytan. You're both... You're both very special to me, Ktu. I find myself missing you... I wish I could see you more often."

If there was any regret that Ktulu had about leaving the Foothills it was that she wasn't able to see Apollo and Lakota as much as she would have liked to. The two of them had made her life worth living when she had called the Foothills her home. They were always there when she needed a shoulder to lean on or a friendly, encouraging smile. Ktulu touched her muzzle to Apollo's once more before taking a step back. "You know the forest." She murmured. "Look for me there."


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