HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] uh, you have cooties. [ciceron] - Printable Version

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uh, you have cooties. [ciceron] - Aurelia - 11-10-2013

the sun will always show you the bright side...

From Dragon's Throat, to Thistle Meadow, and now back to the 'Throat'. First, Aurelia wanted to see the Deep Forest. She was just entering the forest, and wouldn't go to deep (as she didn't want to get lost). Everywhere she had gone, had been just as interesting as the previous. Her journey here had started in Helovia's Threshold. That forest was not as dense as this one, and was much brighter (even at sunrise).

This place was different then the threshold. The sun-dappled ground, it is an ethereal beauty for any god or horse as a private place to think. Yes, a cool, dark, quiet -- a place of comfort and serenity for anyone who ventures here. This sanctuary was a place for any creature-- no, anything that was biotic, alive. There were trees as far as the eye can see, and each adding a diluted grey-brown color and slightly green murky colors. The sound of quiet was eerie, but enjoyable. Were the scary horses and monsters here?

No, no. Aurelia can recalled vividly, that her alleged Sultan had said they were to the North. What was to the North, and why had no one told the young child? Whether they meant steep inclines that one could easily slip and fall down (or climb to the top and reach a pretty field), places that could freeze anything solid, or even supremacist unicorns, Aurelia yearned to know what was there.

In the end, her curiosity may end up killing her, but at least her mind will not wander in the afterlife. That was another thing Aurelia wanted to know about... Was there an afterlife? Many thoughts were very mature for the young child, but she didn't care if her mind was more mature than her body. She had been forced to grow up fast.

"blah blah blah."


RE: uh, you have cooties. [ciceron] - Ciceron - 12-09-2013

The cool afternoon sun shone down between the branches of the overhead canopy warming what little it could reach beyond the shadows. The season was changing and with it brought the old familiar scents and sounds that went along with the colder climate. Trees had began to shed their coverings and many creatures were out and about frantically trying to prepare for the upcoming deep freeze that literally brought life to a standstill at times. No one ever knew when the snow would fall but it was best to prepare while one still had a chance especially those who hibernated away underground for much of the season.

Treading carefully through the fallen leaves the grey admired the beauty around him enjoying the scenery. It was a peaceful feeling to be surrounded by raw earth and nature while still being so secluded beneath the trees standing like pillars around him. Sighing contentedly a noise came to his attention somewhere up ahead, it was too loud to be that of a smaller animal such as a rabbit or grouse, no this was much larger. Danger? Perhaps but he remained calm as he raised his cranium skyward perking his ears as his silver orbs scanned the dense brush. When the sound came again he could make out the shape of another equine moving along inquisitively yet cautiously.

Turning to his right he picked up a flowing trot arching his tail over his back regally for a couple strides before settling down. He hoped to greet the other when they appeared but prefered to be up ahead of the stranger so that he might see them approaching. When he was satisfied he was only a couple minutes ahead he stopped in a place the mare could see him before calling out in a gentle greeting inviting her to come join him if she wished. Lowering his head he snatched up a mouthful of grass as he awaited a response.

••MUSE: Good
•• TAGS: @[Aurelia]
•• NOTES: So sorry for my really late response I completely forgot about this thread.••

Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: uh, you have cooties. [ciceron] - Aurelia - 12-27-2013

Looking around, I study everything. The way the leaves wiggle on their branches, how the dirt seems to be more fertile here than in other places in Helovia, or even how the eery winds send chills down everything's spine. I kinda like this place, despite all those intimidating factors. It gives me as long as I want to think and relax. During the day, the birds come out and sing their songs happily and cheerfully. Sometimes, when the moon is high, I hear the howls of distant wolves. Other times, like now, it is a new moon and I hear no wolves. Sunset is coming soon, because I can hear one or two birds' sounds dying out.

I come to a halt as I see a bunny run across my path. It's large paws easily carrying it with a swiftness I've never seen a horse have. It's little black eyes didn't notice me, for it was too focused on scurrying into the shadows. As quickly as it came, it leaves. I wonder where it is going, and what it is going to do. That makes me think, what am I going to do, and where am I going to go?

I want to start a group, but what type of group would it even be? What would its name be? This will be a big decision for me, especially considering it means leaving Africa and the Dragon's Throat. From here out, I will have to make many desicions, but what happens if I make a wrong decision along the way? Gaucho took me to the Veins of the Gods, and I became a follower of the Sun God. Now, I crave magic that is connected with fire and light.

Then, out of nowhere I hear a nicker from behind me. I quickly turn around to face the stranger. He is large. His dapple coat reminds me of Africa, but sadly he has no wings, whereas she has one. Atop his brow is a long, proud, horn. He seems nice, as his tones are welcoming. "Aurelia, leader of the Lost Kin." And so the name of my group became The Lost Kin (thanks to quick wit). So now, I have a group... What do I do?


RE: uh, you have cooties. [ciceron] - Ciceron - 01-20-2014

Hearing a resounding call return to him as the mare appears he turns so he may regard her properly. Turns out his sense of timing was off by just a couple minutes or so as the fae had already passed the spot where he had chosen to greet her. Anyways it all worked out in the end considering here he was standing before her. Gentle silver orbs passed casually over her small frame taking in everything to place her within his memories if they should ever happen to cross paths again in the future. Her coat was of a colour he had never happened upon before upon another but it was stunning. White silk lay underneath layers of golden embroidery coming together to make up the masterpiece. She possessed no horn but instead bore beautiful ivory wings tucked neatly at her sides.

Forcing his eyes to focus back to the mare's face he dipped his head slightly in greeting as she approached offering her calling as well as her homeland. The Lost Kin, hmmm he had not heard of this place or herd so far within his travels but there was much he had yet to learn or to see. "Greetings miss Aurelia, my name is Ciceron of the Foothills." He offered in return keeping his tone soft and light. Around him he could hear the wonderful sounds of nature, birds calling to one another or singing their tunes, the chirping of crickets within the long grasses, it was soothing and a much welcome break from reality.

To his right hidden within the long grasses was Merou who from the sounds of it was trying to catch the ever elusive cricket. For a spirit cub he sure could make his presence known when he wanted to. The occasional thump could be heard when his rather noisy stalking turned into a attempted catch. For now he seemed to be content in his hunt for the one creature he would never be able to catch.

"What brings you out here on such a beautiful day?" He asked casually wanting to make conversation. The autumn sunshine felt nice upon his own darkly dappled hide warming his body with its rays.

••MUSE: Good •• TAGS: @[Aurelia] •• NOTES: So so sorry for the long delay its hard lately to get my muse up to writing, my life is a little chaotic XD ••

Table by Moonstone Designs