HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Africa Thread Tracker - Printable Version

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Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 11-13-2013

Africa~ Hidden Falls Earth Medic

Active Threads:
• Reynier Spar
• Midas (Edge)
• Midas (Flu)
• Talion
• Syrena
• SWP Tasks
• Aliyah
• Cheska, Rasta
• Laedere, Midas, Fig (liquid gold)
• Laedere
• Tilney
• Megaera, Rasta
• Rasta, Sohalia
• Angelique
• Rasta, Alleo
• Minnie, Midas
• Arrane, Kipling

Future Threads:
• Kiara
• Herbs
• Zahra's birth

Hector ~ Dragon's Throat Spear

Active Threads:
• Brisa (Prize Collection)
• Sikeax Spar (seasonal)
• God of the Sun
• Isara, Hertz
• SWP Tasks
• Festival
• Quest (part 1: armour) (part 2: win a spar to prove ability) (part 3: ‘Brat Camp’)
• Sacre, Megaera
• Patrol (Endless Blue)
• Herd meeting
• Storytelling
• Warrior Meeting

Future Threads:
• Tallsun Patrol (Deep Forest)
• Brat Camp (no posting order)
• Quest to enchant armour
• Quest for Fire-Ring magic
• Spars (Shadow, Cirrus, Cera, Gaucho)

Fig~ World's Edge Philosopher

Active Threads:
• Fable
• SWP Tasks
• Herd Meeting
• Kestrel

Future Threads:
• Quest for beehive & magic to enchant honey

Zahra~ Hidden Falls Filly

Active Threads:
• ?

Future Threads:
• Be born 18/02/2015

Kari~ Outcast

Active Threads:
• ?

Future Threads:
• Return to Helovia

Kirottu~ Outcast

Active Threads:
• Return to Helovia

Future Threads:

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 11-13-2013


Words words. words.

Image Credits

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 11-13-2013

Lorem ipsum...
Art by Nevada
Table by Neo!

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 11-13-2013

They tell me I'm too young to understand
They say I'm caught up in a dream


I’ve wandered too far... was the first thing that flashed through her uneasy mind, when after a long trudge south through the slippery white sands of the beach, her hooves struck a more solid, soil loam. She was unused to such an awkward and primitive means of travel, her knees were stiff and aching, and her pace had slowed rather dramatically, hindered by the difficult nature of the terrain. Not so long ago, Africa would have soared far beyond the land where those unadorned, unblessed ground dwellers hobbled. But now, she was one of them- ungifted and forced to abide by the unflattering laws of gravity.

No answer came from the bird that did sail far above her bobbing head through the hold of night’s enduring, smothering shadow. There was no understanding between them, no ability communicate while their bond was still gripped with immaturity. Theirs was a silent barter of passions; pure, organic emotion that spilt from one heart through, into the other. Understanding was growing slowly and steadily already though, and as such, Africa found an easy friend in Silas. Perhaps one closer than any of her own kind, she had ever encountered. So too did his unrelenting loyalty and dependability strengthen her appreciation. Rarely, were Zephyr and Pegasus not in one another’s company.


RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 11-13-2013


Helovia Hard Mode

100%, 82%, 64%, 46%, 28%, 10%, 0%

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 11-13-2013

In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes
In the night the stormy night away she'd fly

Dragon's Throat Sultana


Word words words
"blah blah blah."

Eagle by :: Jassy2012@dA

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 11-13-2013

Quietly, we will all fall. (orsomeotherquoteee)
Dragon's Throat Pupil

text text text

"blah blah blah."

Eagle By :: Jassy2012@dA

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 11-13-2013


This Thread

Character Name: Ampere/’s Magic
Attack: 1d20 rolled for a total of: 13 (13) + 6.5
Damage: 1d6 rolled for a total of: 3 (3) + 4.5

If Attack > than opponent defense, attack hits.
If d20 = 1, critical miss: take 1/2(damage) to yourself
If d20 = 20, critical hit: opponent takes 6 + damage


19.5 > Africa's defense of 8.5, so the attack HITS.
Africa takes 3 + 4.5 points of damage from Ampere’s magic.

HP: 39.5

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 11-25-2013

Oracle for Dragon's Throat

Text text text “Speak speak speak” Think think think

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 01-06-2014

walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk "talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk"

Image Credits
Table by Clo. <3

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 01-25-2014

Text text text text "Talk talk talk”

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 01-25-2014

all the rebels and devils have come to not but hear your sirening

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus. Speak

Image Credits & Time's table <3

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 03-14-2014


Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

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RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 03-14-2014


Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

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image credits
Table and Picture by Nicole <3

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 07-22-2014

[Image: 515b833f251f3]

Look down
The ground below is crumbling
Look up
The stars are all exploding

text text text

"Thinking. Speaking. Acting."

Table Header credits go to baylee.
Pegasus icon lineart credits go to Tamme.

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 07-22-2014

“Forgive me...”

Image Credits | Table by SilkRapture

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 07-22-2014

No Time for Lies and Empty Fights


Her words were a comfort, pulling the private stallion from thought; from contemplation and consideration, though he did not again speak. Words were fine for those loose tongued creatures filled to the brim with opinion, but Hector had not the mind to share his feelings unnecessarily. He was built and trained for war, not conversation. A light, thoughtful smile leaked instead through his cool expression and he nodded, agreeing. Perhaps if ever he found reason enough to part with the duties he so faithfully tasked himself to (enthusiasm faded, his motivation grew vague), young Sikeax would be among the first he would fall to for company. She was forgiving, accepting, all of which he respected.

He found not the same comfort in crowds that many did though, and preferred a lot of the time to linger from their reach- both emotionally and in person.

The pale, horned mare startled ahead of her as they progressed northeast through the grove, just beyond the shining face of the pool from which she’d emerged. Hector’s wings flared readily and the sinew beneath taught copper rippled reflexively, oblivious to the thoughts of hers which had provoked the sudden movement. He was there to protect her (and to a lesser extent, probably bond), and vigilantly his gaze combed the surrounding copse of trees for sign of company. To his rear, the long leonine tail swept left and right, fiery-red tendrils swishing between the foliage to either side of the rough track they followed.

She asked him suddenly if he’d rather walk by her side, and carefully he closed tighter his wings around the bugle of his great barrel. Hector slipped left of her, nose rattling with quiet approval and the warmth radiating from her smaller body drew thicker the sweat to stain his own, feathers brushing frequently against her as they moved. She built confidence throughout his powerful physique; a sense of reason and longing that were rare in recent times, and his fondness increased- even if the value was thus far superficial. Perhaps this foundation being laid would lead down the line, to a deeper kind of friendship.

As they passed through the darkening cover of night, it became apparent that they were quite alone and that nothing unusual gave reason for concern- there would be nothing to report when they returned home. A heavy sigh slipped from the stallion’s parted lips. "I feel our time would be better spent patrolling a land more occupied," he thought aloud, and turned an eye to find any expression crossing her pretty features. "Did you want to make our way north?"

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 07-22-2014


Image Credits

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 07-22-2014

Once we were young and blessed with wings
No sacred place we did not soar


code by Tamme image by Ina

RE: Africa Thread Tracker - Africa - 07-22-2014


Text text text “Speak speak speak” Think think think