HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Printable Version

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Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Ampere - 11-18-2013


[Posting this for @[Gaucho] and Ampere, but I thought it might be fun if @[Sohalia] and/or @[Zenobia] jumped in too. Up to you guys!]

In the days that followed Ampere's defeat, her heart was set adrift. The waves of the wind pushes and pulled against the mooring that bound it to her chest until at last some final strand of dignity unspun and cast it free. Slowly, but surely, it was sinking. The currents carried it none the less, until it washed ashore the red beach.

Her hooves tramped gouges in the desert as she landed, heavy, weary, stumbling almost, like some sea-legged survivor unaccustomed to the firm tug of gravity.
Ampere certainly hoped she'd find something firm here.

The heat droned above her with a silence that overwhelmed. The wings on her side shifted to provide some shade, but even so the sweat beaded easily on her nape, the dark hide eager to bleed in the summer swelter. The salt-water and the grime attracted the buzzards. The buzz, buzz, buzzed around her head, settling heavily in the corners of her eyes and the roots of her ears.

She shook her head, but it lacked the vigor her ire would have held at the start of the season. By now the flies were almost like friends. When you're adrift, you have so fewer choices for your social life.

The motion bled a dull pain into her skull. It throbbed behind her eyes in rhythm with her soul. Was it a metaphor to her emotionally wrecked state?
No, she knew. It was dehydration.

A blue gaze washed left, then right, then left again, one last time. Her lips smacked together, dry and sticking together. She rolled her tongue around, thoughts drifting back to the pool where she'd first met him. It brought a ghost of a smile to her lips and without another thought she trudged forward, mindless to the borders that she'd never seen drawn.

"Pull yourself together Ampere."
She plunged her head into the oasis and her reflection scattered, along with her thirst.



RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Sohalia - 12-07-2013


My voice spins quietly through the dry desert air, drifting on the breeze as I might, should I choose to take to the sky. It is an old lullaby, one my dear Akako had taught me as we fled my homeland all those years ago. The song fills me with some mixture of calm and sadness as I remember how wonderful she had been, and how quickly and mercilessly she had been taken from me. There have been many trials throughout my relatively short life; I feel so very old, though I am only five years and I know that I have lived only a fifth of my life (or less) and I find myself wondering more and more if this is what I shall have to resign myself to: empty promises and broken vows, scattered family and lost friends.

Somehow, this has all become okay. My song gives me strength, and I walk on.

I am not working on the wall today, but my pelt is covered in a layer of dust all the same. Something about living in the desert makes it incredibly hard to keep the pristine glow that I had carried all through childhood. Regardless of the slightly beige appearance of my snowy bodice, I have found that I am an easy creature to spot - or at least that is what I must assume, considering that those who would seek me out manage to find me sooner of later. Of course, that may simply be because others direct them to the wall, where I spend the majority of my days. Perhaps it is the heat, or perhaps it is the sand, or perhaps it is some combination of the two, but I find myself driven to the oasis. I fancy a bath - and if such a fancy is driven at all by the memory of him and our time there, I refuse to admit it.

My hopes for a relaxing, peaceful swim are dashed, however; as I arrive beside the calm waters, I notice a rather oddly colored pegasus mare attempting to drown herself in the shallows. Concern blossoms within me and I step forward, announcing myself with a hurried whinny, for I have not seen this stranger before and I do not wish to alarm her. "Are you quite alright?" I ask hurriedly, stopping far enough away to allow her space, but close enough to be considered a companion. She has no smell of the desert, and my nerves are on high alert, for it was not so long ago that our borders were breached by ill-intentioned evildoers. But I cannot simply allow her to be alone, when she seems either mentally disturbed or very confused. I cannot blame her - the heat will do that to you, after all - but I must be sure she is alright.

[OOC | Hope it's okay that I just jumped in!]

"Talk talk talk."

Don't wanna leave this life knowing I barely tried...

RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Ampere - 12-17-2013


The rush of the water flooding her senses and quenching her immediate needs is like a joy she'd never before felt. She smiles into the pool as it bubbles up her nose and blears her eyes, all the while taking in giant gulps of the ambrosia. Such is her focus upon the oasis that she nearly doesn't hear the gentle voice of the other, like a faint rap of knuckles on a door - hesitant, but there nonetheless.

Ampere jerks her head from the waters in a purposeful upward arch, her mane flowing like a dark curtain, beads of water shed from its tips and shining in the summer sun like diamonds. A coy grin flitters upon her lips and her lashes blink once, twice, thrice as she turns her head purposefully slow towards the voice, her gaze vibrant in its lust. "I am now," she says huskily.

NOT GAUCHO! her mind screams like a siren into all of her senses. Immediately Ampere stiffens, her sexy posture slumping into the sweaty, wet horse she really is. Annoyance flickers across her gaze at first, the ability to be embarrassed seemingly lost - maybe she is delirious.
She must be if she thought Gaucho to be the only one to frequent the oasis in the goddamn desert.
Delirious or desperate she thinks sourly.

"Now-now that I got some water!" Ampere exclaims after an awkward pause, lamely trying to cover up her first impression upon this mare. Not that Ampere is very worried about impressing her, she certainly can't afford to be kicked out before seeing Gaucho this time, it's too long of a fly to get here to come up short-hoofed yet again.

"This heat, it'll do ya in," she laughs, perhaps a bit louder than necessary, and fans herself off with her wings.



RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Zenobia - 12-19-2013

(I'll post Gaucho later on... :3 )

Zeno is 'patrolling'. By patrolling, what I really mean, is flailing around the skies, and sometimes simply falling out of the air. (Always towards something beneath her...or at least, that's what she says afterwards). She wants to be like Gaucho - to be strong and mighty - but at the same time, she finds something oddly alluring about the subtle strength that her mother has. Unfortunately, she can't seem to find a combination of the two. Still, she's trying...

Her wing wings - etched black at the shoulder - beat lightly against the warm air as she flies a safe distance above the sands. She is still too frightened to fly much higher - although she'd never actually admit to it - and at least from this height, she can still see what's going on below. And oh look! It's Mama!

"Moooooooooooooooooooom" Zeno cries, happily showing off. With a gulp of air, the youngster tries to swiftly bank, as she has seen her father do in the past. Her wings pull against her lithe frame, as her dark legs tuck neatly up against her belly. However, without Gaucho's powerful muscles, or the knowledge of how to steer herself using her hindlegs, her dive immediately spirals out of control. Frightened, the little bird spreads her wings, flapping madly to try and slow her descent, and to bring her head right-side-up. Managing this only a few feet before she hits the ground, she awkwardly lands in the sand - spindly legs spraying sand in all directions.

Sheepishly, she looked towards Soh with a grin. "Nailed it." She said confidently, trotting proudly to her mothers side. As she neared, electricity crackled from her shoulder, jumping with a bright light towards Soh. The youngster shivered - whenever this happened, she always felt both hot and cold at the same time. Itchy too. As she shivered, a few more fibers of electricity lept from her coat, causing her to shuffle her wings to try and calm the irritated skin.

Her bright electric gaze sought out Ampere's, with a child's boldness. "Who're you?" She demanded, almost impatiently.

quote quote

image credits
table by whit

RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Sohalia - 12-23-2013


I watch as the blue-tinged mare pulls her head dramatically from the water in a flourish that even Phaedra would be proud of. Water drips daintily from long locks, flowing perfectly around a pretty face with piercing blue eyes filled with lust. I swallow uncomfortably, for not only am I familiar with the look, having had it on my own face a time or two with Gaucho, but I have never had such an expression directed at me by another female. Of course, I know that there are some faes that prefer the love of other femmes, but having never met one, I find myself at a bit of a loss for a moment.

Something about me must disappoint her, though, for she quickly slumps with an odd look in her eyes - annoyance or embarrassment, I'm not entirely sure - and I raise a brow as she scrambles to cover up a front that clearly had not been meant for me. "Oh... kay," I say, at a loss after an awkward pause. "Well, er, it is quite hot." She does not have the scent of the Throat on her, so I assume her to be an outsider; my guard is up, but I remain polite. A smile (however unsure) graces my lips. "If you are not used to it, it will make you do strange things. I am glad to see that a drink has helped."

I am about to introduce myself when a cheerful shriek catches my attention. My auds flick forward, my attention caught by my daughter, who has recently learned to fly. As my second child, she has not had the luxury of a mother who worries too much, for I have learned that children are more hardy than they appear. Thus, as she crashes rather awkwardly in the sand, I merely flick an ear and stifle my chuckle. "It was lovely, darling," I assure her, a grin splitting my features. Again, before I can make any introductions, my too-forward daughter beats me to the punch with an impatient demand that left me sighing. "I'm sorry," I tell the newcomer, though I could not say what for. "I am Sohalia, the Forger of the Throat. This is my daughter, Zenobia."

"Talk talk talk."

Don't wanna leave this life knowing I barely tried...

RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Ampere - 12-27-2013


The moment isn't getting any better despite Ampere's best efforts. Even without a rough beginning Ampere can barely sustain mild mannered conversation for long. If she isn't screaming at someone or lifting her tail there really isn't much point in her opening her mouth.
The heat really is getting to her.

Just then the filly came plummeting from the sky; a mirage that is all too real. Grateful for something to direct her attention towards besides the hawkward situation, Ampere's gaze readily leaps upwards, her gaze illuminating as the golden girl falls in a wash of crimson sand. It rises like a mild wave, Ampere's mind flashing back to her conversation with Mesec on the beach, and roots her hooves in deep, grounding herself against the pitter-patter of fine granules that pellet her hide. I am the shore...

A moment passes, then two, before Ampere dares to rouse from her defensive posture. Her legs are locked, her muscles tensed while she leans away from the desert bath. She sputters, her face puckered to keep the grains from her tongue. Her lashes blink in quick succession, trying to rid the drops of dust that cling to them, while she shakes her head and mane out. By then she figures she may as well shake the rest off, and finishes with a grunt and a crack of her tail.
Even so she can feel the minuscule rocks crawling into her skin, like desert lice.

Amid this the girl's voice rises and falls, only keeping steady with the obnoxious whine all children possess. Ampere reconsiders her choice to remain planted, the sand the least of her worries now.
The girl and her mother, apparently, exchange a quick greeting in which the filly inflates with hollow confidence that her mother strokes and praises. Ugh, Ampere thinks, trying to keep her eyes from rolling, how irritating when someone thinks they're better than they actually are. Not that Ampere has any experience with that.
Is there a cactus I could deflate her with...

Too late though, Zenobia rounds upon Ampere with enough force she surely emptied her own windbag. Sohalia interjects kindly, her mild manners reminding her of her own mother, but by then Ampere's gaze had begun to spark, even more intrigued when Zenobia did too.

Ampere smirked.
"I'm Ampere," she comments, almost off hand, while the ground around her feet crackles and surges into blue life as pulsing, ebbing energy. A circular wave of electrical fire dances around Ampere, converging before her to create a small bird that she sends to flap around the duo.
"And that was a terrible landing," she finishes, competition striking a chord in her throat as she speaks, smothering what few manners she maintained.
Go figure when your mom's grounded.



RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Zenobia - 12-27-2013

Zeno's ears momentarily perk forward as her mother acknowledges her landing. Still, part of her wishes that her father had been here to see it as well. He was always off patrolling - which, she thought was totally badass and necessary but...he wasn't much of a father, was he? Her shoulders slumped for a moment as self pity threatened to take hold of her small mind - that is, until Ampere did the thing.

The electricity thing.

Zeno's wings unfurled from her flanks as the bird flitted her way. She nimbly rose onto her spindly back legs, wings flapping to try and maintain the rear. She managed, but very poorly. Stumbling a few steps with her forelegs thrashing at the illusion, she finally crashed back to the sands, a wide grin on her face. "Whoa.." She breathed with a childlike awe, beaming gaze turning towards Ampere, whose next comment struck Zeno as a proverbial slap in the face. Not my fault! she thought bitterly, biting her lower lip. Mama was always working - and Papa was always patrolling. Who the hell was supposed to teach her these things?!

"Maybe I meant for it to be terrible." She responded, stomping a tiny hoof into the sand. In which case it was good." As her heart rate increased, Zeno felt the uncomfortably pitter-patter of her arrhythmia. Unconsciously she rubbed her chest with one of her wing tips, causing a few bolts of electric energy to expel from her coat.

"What are you doing here, anyways?" Zeno inquired, her youthful mind almost immediately forgetting it had been slighted. "You don't live here." Pausing, the youth decided to qualify that statement: "Papa says I need to know everyone who lives here. You know, so I know who are threats."

quote quote

image credits
table by whit

RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Sohalia - 01-16-2014


Now, I would be the first to admit that I am not a candidate for the Mother-of-the-Year award, but I am not accustomed to someone being so horrendously rude to my daughter. No, her landing was not graceful, but it is my job to encourage her, not beat down her attempts. She will learn to fly quite well one day, I'm sure, but not if I constantly tell her how awful she is at it. Besides, she's exactly like every other foal her age. I am opening my mouth to say as much to the electric mare, but Zenobia beats me to the punch. "Maybe I meant for it to be terrible." I manage to contain a smirk, instead opting to keep my gaze neutral as I look over the newcomer. She may have fancy electric magic, and it clearly entrances my daughter, but I don't trust her. I might go as far to say I don't like her. I wish I could see a patrol - but alas, I'm afraid we're on our own.

"Zenobia," I say, my vocals slightly my imperious, a hint that perhaps it is time to let the adults speak. Turning my attention to the blue again, I frown. "I am not one to run off someone in need of a drink, but you aren't from here. What are you doing in the Throat?" She smells of nowhere in particular, which is as worrying as it is reassuring, for I cannot be sure if she is friend or foe. If she smelled of the Edge, I could at least guess that she meant no harm, but... well... one can't take too many chances. Not anymore.

"Talk talk talk."

Don't wanna leave this life knowing I barely tried...

RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Ampere - 01-24-2014


Ampere, for all her ill controlled passions and vices for victory, was one who would offer compliments where they were do. Often this involved a stallion and his member in some way, and rarely, a child. In Ampere's experience, the short bit of it that she's had being very much a child still herself, she knew youths to be nothing but a heavy chain to be slapped around who so ever shoved them out of the space between their tail and hocks, and naught but a biting fly to anyone else who stood near. Foals often are annoyingly arrogant, unnecessarily loud and energetic, needy, whiny, co-dependent, and worst of all ignorant to their faults and thusly strutting around with inflated egos all the more for it.
Wait, did I just describe myself?

However, Zenobia had sass and Ampere had to give her credit for it. Rather than hugging her mother's legs and crying about it, she stood up and flat out lied, as bold faced as ever. It caused a grin to gradually spread on Ampere's muzzle, forcing out a gentle laugh.
The moment passed as swiftly as it had come however. By the time Ampere's cheeks loosened their hold and her muzzle slid back into place, her view was replaced with the less than welcoming image of Sohalia. Whether Zenobia's last words reminded the pale mare or if she'd simply decided the period for small talk had ended, it didn't truly matter because the point was they were both looking pointedly at her.

"I'm impressed that you seem to know everyone within your herd," she started after a moment, her blue gaze sliding steadily between the pair of them, the humor and the lust that lit her stare like a neon sign dimmed into something more like a cold gemstone. She was only ready to defend herself though, not intent on shedding blood first, or ideally, last either. "I wouldn't have thought a flock of this size would allow such familiarity... but if that's the case, then you must know Gaucho?" Ampere was thankful she remembered his name now, thanks to Shadow. She'd thought about throwing that name out, but had enough tact to decide that if word ever got back to Shadow, she might not be as receptive as a horny guard would be. True enough Shadow had invited her, but Ampere knew invitations left out in the rain crumbled and she intended on using it whenever the sky broke apart.

"Have you seen him?"
She was grateful for the opportunity to get back on track anyway. She wasn't here to chat with mares and their children after all, she was here to get laid.



RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Zenobia - 01-28-2014

Uhoh. Mama is using her voice again. It's the one that she uses when I come home covered in mud, or when the other children aren't listening and she's trying to teach them about crafting. She hasn't used the words yet though - you know, the ones that she says when she accidentally breaks something that she's made out of crystal.

Zeno's small black ears perked forward at the mention of her father's name. Where did this lady come from, that she couldn't find him? Papa was always patrolling. Or fighting. Okay, so maybe he is sort of hard to find - he's always working. But...That's his job. And he always tells me how important it is, to protect the herd. That's why he says I have to know everybody.

"Duhhh" Zeno replied, sticking her tongue halfway out, and scrunching up her face as she looked up at the electric mare. Her blue gaze was bright with childlike amusement; it wasn't everyday that Zeno knew something that the grownups didn't. Or at least, that this one didn't.

Was she a grownup?

"That's my Papa" Zeno offered informally, puffing up her white chest with pride. She was the only daughter of the Sultan's. Well, that she knew of anyways. Midas had never really brought his actual children around, so she wasn't aware of them.

quote quote

image credits
table by whit

RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Sohalia - 02-02-2014


Zenobia does not seem the least bit cowed by my attempt to quiet her, but I fear that is simply the nature of the beast, in her case. With Gaucho as her father, I would be surprised if she were anything but headstrong, so all I manage is a mental sigh as she continues to leap into the conversation. I am not pleased, though; Ampere is making me decidedly uncomfortable and somewhat angry, though I am not one to fall to such rash emotions. I frown at her, my brow furrowed slightly as I study her, trying to get an idea of where she came from and why she is here. "No," I admit, "I may not know everyone in my herd, but our territory imbues us with a very distinct scent - one that you, my dear, are lacking."

Her mention of Gaucho triggers a switch in my mind as I remember the lustful gaze that she had set upon me not so long before; fury and jealousy flood my veins, boiling my blood. My eyes narrow and my auds flicker back momentarily. Zenobia proclaims proudly that the primitive steed is her father, and again I sigh to myself for her loose tongue. "I do know Gaucho - he is my mate," I say, both pleased with and hating the territorial nature of my voice. "I have not seen him, but I'd be happy to tell him you stopped by." I will do no such thing, of course - but to be honest, all I want is for this electric blue creature to get away from me, my child, and my stallion. If I can even claim him as my own.

"Talk talk talk."

Don't wanna leave this life knowing I barely tried...

RE: Be a dear and dig me a grave [Gaucho, Sohalia, Zenobia] - Ampere - 02-02-2014


As the moment's passed Sohalia's expression grew increasingly tight, as if she were trying to bite back the emotions tumbling within. For the most part Ampere chose to ignore her, although mostly she was just ignorant to the pale mare that compared to most was able to show a good deal of restraint. That was just the issue though, Ampere liked being direct, directly in Gaucho's wings especially.

She was not entirely oblivious to the effect the name had on the girl. Ampere was sure any mare that knew him would grow flustered though.

A smile spread against her blue tinted lips as Ampere turned towards Zenobia, the pride evident in her voice as she spoke of her relation to Gaucho. It did not surprise her that he had a child, rather she was shocked she hadn't met more of them. He seemed a particularly virile specimen, but then perhaps he had performance issues, oh dear.
"I'm glad that you take after him so much," Ampere laughed hollowly, the noise settling back in her chest as Sohalia spoke up, commanding Ampere's eyes once more.

Her attention sparked visibly, the ground around her hooves crackling briefly as the excitement rose. Sohalia couldn't have made a worse move than claiming him in such a challenging manner - why Ampere's mouth, and other areas, ran wet at the prospect of defeating the pale princess. "Ah," Ampere exclaimed, "That explains the scent thing then. I take after the birds and their beaks, but you're like a dog with their nose. No wonder you're a bitch."

Ampere's smile grew wide on her face, her eyes alive once more as caution was thrown to the wind. Truthfully Sohalia was more than accommodating, but Ampere had decided she just simply didn't like her now that Ampere knew Gaucho had fucked her. "No need to deliver messages on my behalf pup, I'll be able to find him on my own eventually. Why if I stay here long enough we can re-enact our first meeting. It happened right here. In this. Very. Pool."
Absently Ampere began to preen her feathers, her teeth clicking over one as she uttered each word.

