HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] living for today; - Printable Version

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living for today; - Osiris - 11-26-2013

I was so unsure, I let life ruin me.

Life pushes onward, even as we try our best to drag our feet and slow its pace. Inevitably, we end up marching forth, either in time or stumbling behind. Osiris, my friends, is stumbling behind.

Born out of a loving relationship into a world of hatred and deceit, Osiris is a child of hope spurned by reality. Crippling his desire to trust, to love, to expand his horizons. Locked away in a world of self-loathing and shadow, the wolf had a slow start in this life. Receiving help from the wrong sources, giving in to the darker side of life, casting himself in the role of a villain despite the calls from his better judgment. The heart begins to wax shields, protecting itself from the war waging on the inside of its own master. The actions, the words of others form more layers. Walls built, developing an immunity to the feeling of warmth.

As we learn from the great wolf, however, the only thing needed to break through these walls ended up being a tiny dragon, less than a foot in length.

Warmth courses uneasily through the tides of Osiris's body now, rid of the ice of his own heart. The identity forced upon the dark knight fails, the villain shrugged off for the true nature of the beast - a begrudging hero, saving maidens from their own stupidity and the world for years now. However you cast the hybrid, he is hardly the monster he was raised into seeing, that others would see. Not a perfect soul, but certainly not one so far gone beyond repair, though his life has become increasingly more lonely.

Adopting the title of an outcast had been a natural decision for Osiris following the speech from Ophelia marking her resignation. An outcast was a familiar mold for the aging stallion, one who had spent many years in solitude. Still, the great wolf was never truly forced to be alone anymore. Comadre sails overhead, a small shadow marring the perfectly blue sky above. Dancing and weaving about his legs is Mukki, the gangly yet upbeat little wolf always accompanied by Kaya and Pahana. Pahana lazes about in the field, absently biting out at bugs who dare fly too close to his face. Kaya stalks an unsuspecting squirrel not far from the copse of trees near the edge of their world.

And Osiris?
He is simply basking in the delight of a peaceful Tallsun morning. An easy gait of a walk bringing him to stroll about the meadow, worries and cares far from the stallion, even as time marches onward and he continues to fall more and more behind.


RE: living for today; - Rasta - 12-19-2013

It was a slow trek back toward the Throat. I couldn't stop looking at my haunch with the glowing marking. It seemed almost impossible that he was dead. But, with the torn feeling in my heart I could understand how it was true. And, wrapping my head around the idea was the first part of grieving - wasn't it? Well, even if it wasn't I was going to say it was.

He must have flown off, and without a horse there to keep the smaller predators away from is form, been killed. It was my fault, and that must be why there was a twist and a snag in my soul every time I saw those who had the gift of flight. Perhaps it was why I was in a herd with those who had wings - to try and forget that I did not have my hawk. After all, I could still hear the flapping of wings all the time - it made it seem as if he had been there.

Oh, how deep had my denial gone? That I had gone through all of these steps to trick myself into believing that I was no longer alone! I had to have gone insane upon my crossing of that border. But, hopefully tat would be fixed once I had finished this grieving process. And so, I moved forward, trekking into a beautiful meadow of what I believed were thistles. The colours were so vibrant as I peered around, blind eyes landing upon a darker form in the middle of the field. There were smaller wolves trapezing around the looming figure, as well as a dark one flying in the sky.

I felt my heart jerk in place as I edged up a little closer to the stag who was strolling across the meadow. I would have shouted a hello, but I knew that my voice would not come - it had not been long enough for me to feel as if I opened my mouth I would be ale to speak. No. Instead, I just hoped I wouldn't be shunned for my lack of vocalization as I had been for the lack of sight I had possessed...


take another breathe

RE: living for today; - Osiris - 12-26-2013

I was so unsure, I let life ruin me.

Being shunned for a lack of sight, an interesting little portion of the stranger in the meadow's life, was something unknown to Osiris. However, the feeling of being ostracized, unrightfully judged, turned away, viewed with hateful eyes - he knew it far too well.

The sunlight of the meadow, soft and warm, reminded him of simpler times. How long had it been since he had stood next to Akeldama in the light? His mother, large and elegant, and he, a gangly furred little monster, but they were free from judgement at the time. Osiris was not yet old enough to understand the language of the land, the spiteful mouths of his brothers, the failing heart in his mother's chest as her love waned. Everything sweet would eventually turn bitter, but there had been simpler times. Sometimes, it was difficult to remember the sweet days after years of being kicked in the teeth.
Other days, it flooded his senses. Memory was a funny thing.

Deluded by the warmth of summer, the bright glow of the sun, the soft ebbing of clouds at the base of their peak, and the brush of air from Comadre's wing, Osiris felt rather normal today. Calm, upbeat, hopeful. He would never have noticed the addition of the mare in the field of flowers were it not for Kaya's sharp eyes. The squirrel she had been stalking for the past few minutes forgotten, her nose pointed in the direction of the pale mare gawking over in the direction of the stallion. The female wolf strides forward from the copse of the trees, falling in between Osiris and her form, her body held defensively as she looked toward the unknown mare.

The large, furred face of the hybrid turns to attention, catching on the delicate figure of a woman. Her eyes look toward him, light but focused, her mouth clamped shut. Osiris comes to an immediate halt, legs locking neatly underneath him. Mukki, not quite in tune to the surroundings as his companions, runs forward dumbly for a moment before realize the large legs he had been weaving between no longer surrounded him. The wirey little wolf plops down on his bottom, whining quietly toward the large stallion who stares at their new company.

Most who stopped and stared gawked in disbelief, but this girl seemed calm, just lost for words for some unknown reason. Perhaps too scared to even show signs of terror, but he had no way of knowing. "Hello."

RE: living for today; - Rasta - 01-01-2014

Flames - they licked the walls
tenderly, they turned to dust all that I adore
I had to admit, I hadn't really understood what all the fur was that was attached to his coat. I had simply assumed that he was one of those breeds who carried a very heavy pelt in the winter, unlike I. It was a strange thing, really, to suddenly see that there were wolves following him as they spun between his legs. One of which didn't seem to realize when the stag came to a halt and had continued forward for a moment before plopping upon his hindquarters and whining a little.

His eyes meet mine, and for once, I can actually focus on his gaze. I look him up and down, taking in the fur, and the paws. I'll be the first to admit it - I was shocked. I had never seen a creature like this. He was a wolf, and a horse, and that didn't seem possible. He spoke, just one word, but he spoke. I opened my mouth, trying to speak, but no sound would come out. Again, the lovely joys of being mute.

I tilted my head back to catch a glimpse of the hawk marking, tears in my eyes which were shaken away quickly. There was a dragon floating above and the wolf that stood defensively between the two horses. My eyes floated to the sky for a few seconds, as if to look for my hawk which I knew would not be there.

Again, I looked back toward the stag, my mouth opening and air coming out again but no words. Hello, to you too... My eyes closed, but I didn't move backwards or forwards. I simply stood where I was, legs locked as the flowers brushed against my pelt. This was going to be interesting, to say the least...