HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] lets rule it, knives in our hands. - Printable Version

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lets rule it, knives in our hands. - Amara - 12-12-2013

I soar like an eagle, my wings spread and the wind whistling madly in my ears. Sameira follows on the ground, the sound of her paws thundering up against the dirt drowns out the sound of mommy's voice, forever echoing within my mind. "You left me!" She screeches again and again, her rage driving me to the edge (it's not like I was already on it or anything). I suddenly feel like visiting mommy for my birthday was a bad idea, especially with such a consequence as this. Her voice made me want to call for Seele and ask her to draw away mommy's spirit. But Seele probably had more important things to do than sit around and help a little girl like me.

Attempting to drown out mommy, I try to teach Sameira some words. Of course, that doesn't end well. She can't pronounce them correctly, and I can see the frustration on her face even from several feet above head. Giggling escapes my maw as I listen to her struggle to say wing. W.. w.. a.. ng... w... een.. g, are her last attempts before she shuts her mind away from mine, apparently agitated that I was laughing at her mistakes. I realize we've reached the Marsh, dead, gnarly branches reaching out towards the sunset, as if hoping to regain life from the rays of light. Swooping down before the trees grew too dense, I zip in for an utterly terrible landing. Wings and feathers fly as I veer away from trees, trying to avoid snagging my mane or my wings on large branches. My hooves collide with the ground, and debris flies everywhere. I try to recover gracefully, which works (to a point), but my mane is a jumbled mess and my coat is splattered with bits of dust.

My ears flicker back as Sameira smirks, looking at me with a look that says, karma strikes again. I shake my body free of the dust, and try to act like my bad landing hadn't happened. Straightening myself out as I stand there, I make sure I look orderly by glancing into the murky water. My mane was slowly settling back into place, and my spots were a little dim, but that was all. A sigh of relief slips from my lips as I turn to Sameira, who is walking away, likely going off to hunt. Now alone, mommy's voice seems to fill the empty void in my head, her screams echoing all around the caverns of my mind. A shiver runs down my spine as her words drag a sharp finger of hatred and guilty across my chest.

"Talk talk talk."
[@[Eris] <33 sorry it took so long! my muse needed to recover from that uber long thread i wrote]
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