HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Bad Trip - Printable Version

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Bad Trip - Oxy - 12-19-2013

Nothing makes sense. You stumble through a hazy forest, mind all but a cloud of smoke, the orb you won in your fight beating against your shoulder with every step you take. The electric burns that Ampere gave you are aching their protest with every step you take, screaming out in pain every time you crash into another tree. Even your self-medication doesn't seem to help much, the pain from the aftermath of your fight so much greater than anything the drugs can drown out. And you wonder, for a moment, if it was even worth it, to beat the woman to a pulp over the stupid orb. But then you laugh, because you know it was. You're going to rub it in her face, as soon as the damn thing hatches and stops taking up so much room in your bag. Maybe you'll even teach it to take drugs. Whatever it is. You're not really sure.

Where are you anyway, you wonder, trying to get a less blurry image of your surroundings. In your efforts to fix all the pain you've been feeling from your fight, you've massively overdosed on locoweed. Of course, this means all the side effects are there in full force. And then, even through the blur, you suddenly realize where you are. The stupid.... the freakin.... THE PLACE, ok? Shutup. Yeah, you don't really remember the name, but it doesn't matter. You know where you are. And you went the wrong freakin' way! You just ran into some goddess, no big deal, at Helovia's Heart and you were trying to go home. And here you are on the wrong freakin' side of the world. Great.

Droll spills down from over your lips, as if to mock you for your inability to tell directions while you're incapacitated. You sigh heavily, annoyed with yourself and annoyed with this orb. It shouldn't be here. It's in the way. You finally decide the best course of action is just to walk headfirst into a tree, pressing your forehead against it and leaning forward. Why? Look, don't ask stupid questions, alright? And so you stand there, ears pointed forward like the tree might have something to say to you eventually, guard totally down, lost in the blurry haze of your mind.
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RE: Bad Trip - Gaucho - 12-19-2013

Gaucho lumbered, rather noisily, through the woods. Had he ever been here before? He couldn't recall, although he didn't think so. After investigating the new system of caves with Midas and Africa, Gaucho wondered if there were other uncharted areas of Helovia that he ought to know about.

Turns out, there were. A lot of them.

And so, the beast had departed from the Throat, scouring the skies for any other large holes in the ground that might be of us; taking note of the lay of the land as he went. Gaucho had already been a warrior, pure and simple, though with the new charge of lead upon his shoulders, Mara had suggested that he branch out a little. Besides, knowing your surroundings was a worthwhile endeavor for any soldier.

Walking through the dark woods, the dun grunted loudly, his dark gaze trying to peer into the shadows. In his antlers, Mara hissed, feeling far more at home in the damp woods, than she did on the hot sands of the Throat. Gaucho shook his antlered brow, tossing the snake slightly, as if chastising her, for her treacherous thoughts. Slithering down his broad forehead towards his muzzle, with the intent of biting him in response, the snake suddenly stopped. Her body tensed as she rose up, black gaze looking steadily ahead. There before them, was a stallion ... leaning against a tree?

The creature was large - easily as large as Gaucho, but without wings. Unfurling his wings slightly in an aggressive sort-of way to make himself appear larger, Gaucho grunted loudly, to make his presence known, if it wasn't already.

"Tree stand up fine without you." He offered without emotion, dark ears held back slightly as he sized up the other stallion. After a moment, Gaucho's gaze fell upon the orb. Upon his nose, Mara hissed, bobbing her head in conjunction with Gaucho's thoughts. His companion had come out of an egg just like that - was this stallion waiting for his to hatch as well? Was it a snake?

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RE: Bad Trip - Oxy - 12-19-2013

What do you think of as you stand there, head and horns pressed against the wood? Do you think of a life where you don't shove your nose into your leather bag every time you're having a few troubles? Do you think of days where you were a well-trained fighting machine, ready at a moment's notice to destroy anything that stood in your way? Do you lament that you're now nothing more than a washed up fighter, require hours or days to get ready, to detox, to have a body that functions when you ask it to, how you ask it to? Or do you think of nothing, except the feeling of back against your flesh, the weight of the orb in your shoulder bag, the gentle breeze that pushes against you?

What you certainly do not think of, or care about, is the reasonably loud sound of another beast making his way through all the trees towards you. Screw it. Let them come. With a heavy sigh, you continue pressing your head against the tree, a new string of drool watering it- perhaps an offer of thanks, in that it's holding you up. And then you think you hear the rustling of wings. Interesting.

Tree stand up fine without you, the strong, masculine voice offers, breaking the silence that you were actually enjoying, and you grunt your discontent. “Well maybe,” you begin as you lift your head from the bark, turning oh so slowly to face him, voice harsh and gravely, “I don't stand up fine without the tree.” You're being ornery. You'd like to think you snapped at the.... monstrosity that stands before you, but the fact of the matter is that you're so high it probably took you way too long to say just those few words.

Then, as if you accent the point that you require the tree's assistance, you sway unsteadily, widening your hooves to a comically large distance just to keep yourself from tumbling over. To help with it, you lower your head, keeping your center of gravity closer to the earth. There's really no reason for the Tribal best to have his wings spread out. You're clearly not in any state to do any damage to anyone other than yourself, or perhaps anyone (hopefully not the orb) unlucky enough to get caught between you and the ground next time you fall down. You do that a lot.
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RE: Bad Trip - Gaucho - 12-19-2013

Gaucho stood un-phased, as the stallion turned towards him. He did however note the odd way that his horns turned in from his head - while it looked like the stallion would have a hard time actually piercing anyone with them, once he did, it seemed as though he could inflict wicked damage.

I don't stand up fine without the tree.

Far from taking this as being ornery, Gaucho nodded almost thoughtfully. That did actually make sense; Gaucho hadn't thought of it that way before. Indeed, as Oxy swayed on his feet, widening his stance almost comically to support himself in the un-spinning forest, Gaucho thought maybe he shouldn't have mentioned anything - that he should have left this odd stallion and his tree to support each other. In his antlers, Mara hissed her concern. Eggggg. Sssssafe She ushered, mentally probing Gaucho to take notice of the orb's light. Indeed, he understand her concern, brows furrowing together. If this stallion, as unsteady as he appeared, happened to fall onto the orb, surely whatever was inside would break. Even if it was magic (such as that which he himself found long ago), or a companion (like Mara), the effect would probably be disastrous.

"Uhm. What in bag?" Gaucho asked, almost casually, taking a step closer. He folded his wings to his sides, fearing that soon he would have to take over the roll that the tree previously held, and hold this stallion up.

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RE: Bad Trip - Oxy - 12-19-2013

You watch him nod in response to your snarky comment, almost like he agrees with you, and you sigh. Sarcasm doesn't work on idiots, you remind yourself, the irony of the statement lost on you. Between the two of you, you're probably the most incapacitated at this point. As he takes a step closer to you, you try to get a good look at him, if at least to know what you're dealing with. Unfortunately, everything's still really blurry. He asks you a question, too, but for now you ignore it. You see brown, you see wings, you see antlers. And then- WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?

A hissing noise in his antlers sets you off as you catch sight of the snake that has weaved into them so thoroughly. You have a flair for the dramatic and you show it, tossing your head about like a moron and whinnying out in alarm. Hooves churn below you as you try to pedal backwards. Unfortunately, the tree that had just been holding you up now becomes your enemy. Your rump hits it and you try to buck out, but you're so unsteady you just end up with your hind end sitting and your front end standing still. Way to go. That went well.

Furrowing your brow, you stare the blurry stallion down, as if its all his fault that the snake surprised you. “Keep your serpent contained,” you demand. Maybe you just shouldn't take so many drugs? At any rate, the effort to get up seems to much right now so you just stay sitting, front limbs digging into the dirt to prevent you from laying down completely. In an effort to pretend this never actually happened, you go back to the question the stallion asked you earlier- about the orb. “Anyways, its some kind of egg. I took it from an overly dramatic, electric blue pegasus wench.” Do you even know her name? You don't think so. For being high, you actually speak pretty well, if rather slowly. Too bad you won't remember of this tomorrow.
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RE: Bad Trip - Gaucho - 12-19-2013

As Oxy begins to flail about, Gaucho's wings once again jut from his sides - no in any attempt to evade or flee from this crazed beast, but to slap him should he come close enough. There was something very unnerving, when a full grown stallion danced and flailed about, the way Oxy was. Gaucho might have expected this behavior from a foal, or from a female (if you'll pardon his sexism), but from a stallion? One so large as this no less? Almost pleased by this display, Mara began to weave slowly back and forth. It was said that members of her species could hypnotize others by doing this, although the serpent never had any luck. Still, worth a try? Her steel body writhed as Oxy bucked against the tree, causing Gaucho to grunt aggressively.

I mean, enough was enough.

"Keep you contained." Gaucho countered, ears against his skull. For his size and somewhat frightening appearance, Gaucho really didn't meant it. Not only did he not see Oxy as a threat, but he thought he might have eaten a little too much thistle. You know the kind - and Gaucho was certainly no stranger to a little plant at the end of the day. I wonder if he has any more...

But then he was talking, and it's at this point boys and girls, that things could possibly go south.

Electric. Blue. Pegasus.

Without the blue, he might have been speaking about his own daughter, Zenobia. But blue? There could only be one...
"Am-pere" he whispered under his breath - his mind temporarily transported to a hot day, not unlike this one, in the Oasis of the Throat. There she had been, nearly as feral as He, and the passion he had felt for her had been almost totally consuming. Their rendezvous hadn't lasted long - and over the course of the year, they had missed each other a number of times, sometimes only by a few minutes. The last he had seen Ampere, was fighting the monster that had appeared out of no where...and now this, this buffoon had taken something from her?

"WHY YOU TAKE." Gaucho suddenly demanded, his choppy vocals projecting very loudly, and with quite a lot of spit. "Is egg Ampere's?!" He demanded once again, taking an intimidating step towards the drugged stallion. In his antlers, continuing to weave and dance, Mara hissed with amusement. She liked Ampere more than she liked most of the other mares who furiously tried to bed Gaucho; besides, taunting this stallion seemed fun.

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RE: Bad Trip - Oxy - 12-19-2013

Keep you contained, he fires back. You simply snort. And drool some more, of course. Your brown eyes catch sight of the snake weaving back and forth, then, watching her for a moment with unhappy scowl. What was she doing up there anyways? Didn't snakes belong on the ground? You roll your eyes, way past that stage of being high where you are the world's greatest philosopher.

But maybe you said something wrong, because things start to get a little out of hand. WHY YOU TAKE, is the next thing you hear, further ruining any quiet that had been present in the forest. You kind of killed the serenity a moment ago, though. Gaucho's shouting has little to do with it. Your ears suddenly fall back and you give a laughable attempt to stomp your forefoot on the ground. But sitting isn't really conducive to such actions and so you just sort of end up sliding your foot around like a fool. Oh well. You tried.

And then he's stepping towards you and you suddenly find that sitting isn't really the best position to be in. Or maybe it's that being drugged out of your mind is the problem. You really do need to work on this habit. More blurry snake weaving, more angry wings lifted out like you give any sort of care. And is that... Is that a bone in his nose? You shake your head in disbelief. Just another hallucination, you decide, before answering the Tribal man.

“First of all, she took something of mine first, you explain, brown eyes trying their best to bore into Gauchos. The attempt is probably just funny. “Second of all, she was going to let it free, or kill it or something.” You mull the girl's name around in your head for a moment then, trying in vain to store it somewhere in your brain that won't be erased from memory. “Finally, I didn't just take it, I challenged her. And I won. So it's mine now.” You say the last sentence with decided finality, darling the stallion to say its not rightfully yours.
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RE: Bad Trip - Gaucho - 12-20-2013

You'd think Gaucho would be a 'shoot first and ask questions later' kind of guy by remarkably (and likely lucky for Oxy), he wasn't. Gaucho has a weird sort of....pseudo moral code that he works by. He wouldn't hesitate to end Oxy's life over whatever trinket he had taken from Ampere, but Gods be damned, he'd at least think he was justified in doing it; and that meant listening.

So Gaucho listened.

His dark ears slid forward, and Mara even stopped her writhing to listen - often she served as an interpreter for Gaucho, and sensing his heightened focus, decided to help out. By the way Oxy kept saying it, Gaucho assumed that what was inside the orb, was indeed a snake (that was the only experience he had of things coming out of eggs). Why would Ampere kill it? Or let it go? These thoughts didn't linger very long - she could do what she wanted...And again for a moment, his mind was transported back to the heat and the waters of the Oasis....

Nope. Oxy talking again.

I challenged her. And I won. So it's mine now.

For a moment, Gaucho's large emotionless face was merely stationary, until a big dopey grin spread across his primal features. "You win?" He asked incredulously, his grin getting wider and wider. "That mean Ampere lose?!" He continued - literally piecing the whole thing together, as a snort of laughter escaped his dark lips. Then suddenly, in all seriousness, he leaned forward, tucking his wings to his sides. Casting a haphazard look around, as if to ensure that there was no one else listening, he whispered: "She mad?"

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RE: Bad Trip - Oxy - 12-20-2013

So why exactly are you explaining yourself to a stranger? It's hard to say. You know that feeling- the one where all your inhibitions are gone and you just fee like you need to tell all your stories to some stranger because you're best friends now, even though you only met a few minutes ago? Maybe this is something like that, something that your hazed mind is telling you is the best course of action. You're not really sure, and in a moment of welcome clarity you try to think about it, but as quickly as your brain was working, it is gone again, and you're left just as confused as ever.

Besides, you guess if you have to have company that the Tribal stallion isn't all that bad. He's dealing with your stupidity pretty well, all things considered, and he hasn't tried to beat you when you're down, so that's a plus... Maybe he's not so bad. Not that I'm looking for a friend, you remind yourself, thoughts echoing in the fog of your mind, images of Parelia coming and going, a winged mare who you let your guard down around. You're not going to make that mistake again.

And then he's smiling, leaning in, getting close to you and you tilt your head backwards, still leery of the snake even though she's stopped her bobbing and weaving. “Of course she was mad,” you spit back, trying to stifle a laugh, because even though you're trying your best to be mad there's just something too funny about the caveman's theatrics. “And if you like her, you better teach her not to scream every time she attacks,” you offer as you think of how she gave away her position every time she got close. Not that you'd mind if she did. One day you're going to find her and end her pitiful existence. At the thought, your ears raise up from your head and you try to force your body to stand. A few pains from your sides remind you why you're so overly drugged, but eventually you make it back to standing, swaying a little bit but ultimately leaning your right side against a different, near-by tree. I don't stand up fine without the tree. As far as company goes, Gaucho isn't too bad.
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RE: Bad Trip - Gaucho - 12-20-2013

The idea of Ampere flailing about was more than Gaucho could handle; as Oxy began to crack a smile, then stifle a laugh, the caveman too began to chuckle under his breath. He recalled the look on Ampere's face that day in the Oasis when he had fully retaliated against her playful splash, fully dousing her with water. Because of this, he now pictured her soaking wet during this challenge, which made the mental image all the funnier. While the idea of her being a screamer was not necessarily surprising - she did seem mildly theatrical - Gaucho found himself feeling mildly...protective of her? Surely not in any paternalistic sense, more in a- if anyone is going to make her scream, it's going to be me-sense. And even then...the cause of the screams might be different, if you know what I mean.

Then again knowing Gaucho and Ampere, it might not.

Gaucho's nostrils flared as the stallion moved and a new scent caught his attention. He had previously surmised that Oxy was likely drugged on something - thistle or whatnot - but he hadn't actually thought that he had any with him. Was the stolen-might-be-snake-egg the only thing he was carrying in that bag?

Taking a skeptical step closer, Gaucho reached his dark muzzle out, sniffing slightly near the bag. His dark gaze narrowed skeptically, but also with intrigue. "What else in bag?" He asked, almost nonchalantly - which for Gaucho, wasn't very nonchalant at all. Instead his voice boomed in its choppy manner. Realizing that he might have overstated his question, his head dropped slightly as his wings once again rose - but this time, it was as if to create a barrier to block the sound of his voice from reaching anyone near by.

"Is drugs? Smells like drugs."

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RE: Bad Trip - Oxy - 12-20-2013

The weight of the orb against your shoulder is something you're not used to and so from time to time, you shift. And suddenly, you panic. Internally, this time- no chaos on the outside. But you panic because suddenly you're not sure if you should have taken the orb from Ampere after all. Are you even ready to take care of something so small and helpless? Can you give it a better life than you have? Do you even want to? What are your obligations to this... creature that is brewing, growing, living on your shoulder? Maybe you're coming out of your high, just a little bit. You're getting to that philosopher stage you were thinking about before. Better fix that.

You start to reach towards your bag, cautiously keeping an eye on the Tribal man, when suddenly he asks what exactly is in there. As he comes closer to the leather you lay your ears back again, gently grinding your teeth in a reminder to him to stay away- your like of the stranger only goes so far. But then he does something else entirely, like it's a secret, and you drop the attitude, the corner of your lip turning up. “What do you know about drugs?”

Still, you watch him cautiously, unsure of what exactly his motives are. Your head turns left to right, trying to see whats around, but you find nothing except forest. Is there some sort of ambush waiting to jump you? But still, even if there is an ambush, you're not going to be in an state to fend them off more or less high than you are now, not without days of detox time. You reach into your bag, pull out a couple of the vines and swallow them down, enjoying the way they settle into your stomach, promises of a blurrier future to come.
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RE: Bad Trip - Gaucho - 12-23-2013

The sound of Oxy's teeth grinding caused an unconscious snarl to part Gaucho's dark lips. He was a creature used to taking what he wanted, should it not be offered willingly; even in times of peace, or at least when aggression wasn't necessarily, the tendency was hard to overcome. Gaucho let the snarl drop from his features as Oxy asked what he knew. This in itself, elicited another unconscious reaction in Gaucho - one that made him lick his lips. What did he know ? Plenty.

"Where Gaucho from...is a kak-tus." He paused, uncertain as to whether the stallion would know the term he was referring to. Assuming that he didn't, Gaucho clarified: "You know - grow where it dry. Spikes on outside? Kak-tus? Inside, is pulp. White and...crisp. Makes lips go -" Gaucho began to smack his lips together, almost as if they were covered in peanut butter, or some other sticky substance. In his antlers, Mara shook her head, mentally communicating the word that he was looking for. "- make lips go nummmmm. Kak-tus make you feel cold inside. But good cold. Let you see things you not normally able to see."

As he concluded, a dopy grin spread across his primitive features, as he remembered going on hunts and into battle, under the influence of the kak-tus. It made pain seem far away, and gave him a crisp sort of understanding of the world, if only for a little while. If you took enough of it though, everything sort of...blurred together in a rainbowy haze.

"What kind in there?" He inquired curiously, trying to peer into the darkness of the satchel, without actually getting too close. What he was really asking, was whether the stallion had enough to share. If there was a snake-egg in there, Gaucho didn't want to break it - and it seemed there was no way he could force the bag away from the stallion's shoulder, without possibly doing just that. So, he'd just have to ask.

Diplomacy was a skill he needed to posses as a Sultan, right? Why not learn now.

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RE: Bad Trip - Oxy - 12-24-2013

Snarls. You watch him with a raised eyebrow, though who you are to look like that is really up for questioning. After all, weren't you just being nasty too? But for all your bad-temperedness you decide to just sort of stare at him. He's still blurry. And the snake is still.... interesting? Confusing? You're not really sure what word fits the description. For a moment you try to stare into her eyes but everything is wavy and fuzzy. Not at all conducive to focusing on things. Oh well. You move on.

Now, you don't know what a kak-tus is. You don't know what a cactus is either, so the tribal man's odd pronunciation has nothing to do with it. You come from a forest land, lots of rain, not too much dry heat. Definitely no plants with spikes on the outside. You narrow your eyes for a moment, wondering if your companion is pulling your leg, but the more you listen the more you're convinced he might actually know what he's talking about. Kak-tus. “Is there Kak-tus here?” You look him over for another moment. Someone to toke up with would be fun. “You'll have to show me sometime.”

Seeing things you don't normally see. Hallucinations sound fun. Much better than blurry day-vision. And numb lips... You could deal with that. What kind in there? You ultimately decide not to grind your teeth. He told you about his Kak-tus and he didn't have to. You guess the least you can do is let him in on your little secret. He should feel special. He's the first you've shared with.

You dip your excessively large nose in the bag, shoving the orb around maybe just a little too harshly but it's decidedly in the way. Eventually you get to what you were looking for though, pulling out two or three of the flower-covered vines and tossing them Gaucho's way. Or trying to at least. Who knows with your lack of coordination. “Locoweed,” you add on. “Makes your head slow down.” And makes you wobbly, but obviously you two have covered that already.
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RE: Bad Trip - Gaucho - 12-27-2013

"Maybe in Heart..." Gaucho offered thoughtfully - the Throat would have been a likely candidate, although he hadn't seen any cactus' that looked like the ones from home. Then again, the climate here was so different, as was the landscape...it was possible that they didn't exist in this part of the globe. But surely there was something similar....


Gaucho's dark ears perked up as the stallion rummaged through his bag. While Gaucho was not a recreational drug users like some people ( *ahem*), he did find the effects of some narcotics very useful in battle. If this one slowed down his mind (not like it was going very fast to begin with), could it do other things? Would pain hurt in the same way? Without hesitation, Gaucho dropped his dark muzzle to where the flowered-vines had fallen. His dark lips pulled them into his mouth quickly, without bothering to even smell them, or see if there were perhaps thistles that needed to be removed.

Bottoms up.

"How long before - " even though Gaucho meant to say 'until it starts', and in his brain he probably thought he did, he stopped mid-sentence, grinning like a loon. He turned his head quickly - too quickly - for the world apparently decided that it didn't feel like keeping up. Slowly the trees rotated into view, which caused Gaucho to take a lumbering and uncoordinated step to the right, to try and compensate. As the world lurched again, Gaucho's wings rose from his sides to try and steady himself, still grinning like a child. He reached out, grabbing a hold of the tree closest to him with his wing, and hugging it to hid flank.

"Good tree -" He mumbled, turning his head with the utmost care (or so he thought) to look at Oxy. He winced slightly, as Oxy duplicated before his eyes. "oooh.." He murmured, impressed with this display of magic. "Neat trick.."

Hey, wasn't there something he wanted to try...? He dug through his thoughts, though it was even harder than normal, as if thinking suddenly was more effort than it was worth. Oh right! Pain!

"Hey. HEY. HEY!" Gaucho began, his voice increasing as if Oxy wasn't listening, though he hadn't bothered to pause to let the stallion respond. "....Hit me.". He concluded in a lower whisper, that stupid grin still plastered on his dark mug. Pushing himself away from the tree, he stood as Oxy had earlier - with his head lowered and legs slightly splayed to aid in balance - though of course, he also had his wings to help with that.

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RE: Bad Trip - Oxy - 01-01-2014

You can't help but rumble your approval as the stallion ingests the plants and then, shortly there-after, begins to feel the effects. You briefly remember the days of your youth, when you first encountered the plants, when the effects came upon you so more rapidly. But now? It seems to take so much more than before, you've got to take larger doses more often and the effects take so much longer to get on board when you wait too long. Lucky, you think with a sigh. You wish you could go back to the old days. Maybe you just need stronger drugs.

At least he finally understands how you feel, grabbing the tree awkwardly with his wing, taking a stumbling step towards. I don't stand up fine without the tree. Sorta seems to be the theme of this whole meeting. Good tree. And this time your rumbling turns into a full fledged laugh. Maybe now you're beginning to understand why everyone gives you those weird looks all the time, and treats you like a fumbling fool. Not that you give a care in the damn world, but... Well, he does look kind of weird, a grown stallion stumbling about like a foal.

The suddenly insistent cries from the Caveman send you sort of stumbling on your own, jerking your head up in surprise and stepping back, your balance tree just a little too far away from you to keep you upright. You do the legs-spread-wide thing again. Best to stay standing, you think. And what the hell does he want anyway? Hit me. Oh.

Hit him? You're just supposed to.... hit him? Ok. Well. Nobody ever had to tell you do that twice. Though, admittedly, you're a little cautious about starting a fight right here in the woods. You're certainly in no shape. But, if he insists. You're a little too wobbly to rear, you know that, so you decide just to bash your shoulder into him, maybe sending him reeling into the tree he was just using as a kick stand. You take the necessary steps forward, thrusting your shoulder out as much as you can manage, trying to use your weight against his own massive frame, and then losing your own balance and stumbling around a few steps yourself. But you laugh, because maybe for the first time in a really long time, you're actually having fun.

“Okay, okay,” you say, probably without giving him a chance to recover. “Me now.” You can't remember the last time you got hit while you were this high. And now that Tribal man over there got to see what it was like, you kind of what to know yourself.
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RE: Bad Trip - Gaucho - 01-08-2014

As Oxy laughed, time seemed to warp and twist itself, causing Gaucho's face to distort in horror. The stallion's horns appeared to twist with the sound - which was drawn out, and somehow lowered. What...happening to him? Gaucho wondered, as the creature stumbled forward, still laughing.

Unlike his normal state, wherein he was battle-ready at the drop of a pin, Gaucho was totally unprepared. Even drugged like this, you'd think that after just telling someone to hit him, he'd be expecting a punch. But no, no. Not Gaucho, and not after Oxy's weird laugh - later, he would wonder if that wasn't some sort of trick that the stallion used, much like his ability to duplicate himself. For a fleeting moment, he would consider how useful that would be in battle, before the memory would completely disappear from his thoughts.

Now however, as this boulder of a stallion rushed forward, Gaucho was caught off guard. He grunted loudly as Oxy's shoulder impacted his own. Luck was on Oxy's side, as had Gaucho's leather band of spikes been extended, he would have had quite the puncture wound. As it was now, it was merely muscle meeting muscle. A masculine pulse suddenly inflamed Gaucho's chest, for it wasn't often that another male was able to get quite so close to him. For a moment, his mind was confused by the startling similarity this feeling had, to when he was in close proximity to a mare. Lustful urges (perhaps thankfully) were eradicated by that weird slow laugh again, as Oxy began to speak.

Okay, okay. Me now.

You don't have to ask Gaucho twice.

Backing up slightly, Gaucho tried to cry out - but it sounded like a paradigmatic comic 'neigh' sound, as he hurtled himself forward. As his front leg tried to bring him closer to Oxy, his hoof caught underneath the root of the tree which had previously been providing such good support, causing him to trip. As he did, his whole body flailed forward, wings and all, crashing to the ground at Oxy's hooves. Gaucho couldn't tell if he had in fact manage to hit the stallion on his descent, or if the pain he felt was simply from the fall. As he looked up, not making any attempt to stand, he suddenly gaped, awestruck.

Perhaps he hit his head a little too hard, or maybe it was the drugs (likely a combination of both) but the sky above suddenly appeared to be bursting with light. Gaucho's blue-gray gaze widened, his jaw going slack with amazement. "Look! Sky!" He mumbled, pointing upwards with a hoof, as he wriggled on the ground, still making no attempt to get up.

"Look like Sun God having a party..."

Scooting his large hind-end in the moss and dirt, Gaucho appeared to be making himself right at home, flat on his back staring up into the canopy of trees where, only the smallest pinpoints of light could be seen.

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RE: Bad Trip - Oxy - 01-12-2014

Ok, so maybe you got a little more than you bargained for when you asked the tribal stallion to hit you back, because obviously he doesn't know how to hold his (metaphorical) liquor. You brace yourself, or think you're bracing yourself. Who knows what you're actually doing, because there is no good way to guard against an attack when you're this strung out. But you're too caught up in the moment to think so much about that. And well... even if you had thought about it, it wouldn't have prepared you for the Tribal man's fall.

As he trips over the tree root (which you don't actually see, so it makes you wonder what exactly the hell happened) you have basically no time to respond. You were too close, he's falling too fast, and even if you would have had time to move his large wings would have surely knocked you over anyways. Like they do now. Body, wings, whatever it is that hits you, puts you way more off balance than you ever expected to be. And so, much like your new friend, you crash to the ground in a flurry of hooves and body parts, your burn scars protesting at all the motion. A whining grunt escapes your mouth as you finally come to settle on the ground, thankfully avoiding completely smashing the orb in your bag. Note to self- don't ever fight while you're this high.

And so it is that you're on the ground when the stallion suddenly commands you to look at the sky. And.... well, why the hell not. You roll down so you're on your side, eye looking up between the trees and seeing... the sky. Maybe you're just too used to the weird way it looks or maybe the effects are hitting Gaucho a little bit harder than you, but whatever it is, you don't see much. But that's not really what catches your interest. “Gods don't throw parties for mortals,” you grumble out finally, a little over all the god-worshiping nonsense. It's not that you don't believe, you just don't believe they care about the mortals as much as everyone says they do. Because you've never had their good graces. And you've never seen their good graces upon anyone else. Even the orb you have on your shoulder was from a mysterious hag, not the gods themselves.

So you roll your gaze from sky to the Tribal man, who has now happily perched himself on his back, keeping careful eye on the wings, should they choose to flail around again.
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RE: Bad Trip - Gaucho - 01-12-2014

Gods don't throw parties for mortals

Gaucho grunted, scooting his antlered skull into the dirt and moss, as if he were trying to burrow, or perhaps just make his rather awkward position more comfortable. Still - how could Oxy think such a thing, with the glorious light flowing down from above? Perhaps it was a sign that the Sun God approved of whatever drugs his new friend had handed out. The Sun God had been appearing to him when he was pleased, hadn't he? He was mortal, maybe, but he had clearly done something to win the flaming stallion's approval, even if he wasn't entirely sure what that was.

Grunting again, Gaucho shook his nose in the air. "Yeah. Sun God does." He replied flatly, as if Oxy's statement was entirely naive and stupid. Clearly Gaucho was in the know here. Who wouldn't trust a strung out stallion, laying on his back and talking about parties and Gods?

"Gaucho know Sun God." He began, heaving himself to one side, so that his stormy gaze was directed more or less towards Oxy. More or less, because of course, there were two of the dark stallion floating around. Amazing how they didn't crash into each other - Oxy must have practice with this sort of thing. "Sun God throw any party he want. With Fire and things.." - This was much harder stoned. But if the Sun God was up there, watching his little disciple at this very moment, Gaucho wasn't about to give up."Sun God even give Gaucho powers. Or...well. Soon give Gaucho powers. Gaucho even meet Sun God's daughter - "

Rolling over further, to try and inch his dark snout closer to Oxy - which was more like him flailing, and rudely shoving his face towards the stallion, whispered in a husky voice: "...She hot." Realizing this pun, the stallion flopped down on one side again, cackling madly at his own little joke. His wings beat the ground as his chest heaved with amusement. Opening an almost tear-filled eye, the hallucinatory sun-light he had been paying attention to earlier, was suddenly gone. Gaucho's dark mug suddenly tightened as his laughter stopped. Clearly the Sun God wasn't pleased with Gaucho's physical attention to his daughter. Coughing to cover up this mistake, Gaucho grunted. "I mean. She very nice...er.. Sun God good. The best. That all." He concluded awkwardly.

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RE: Bad Trip - Oxy - 01-15-2014

Gaucho know Sun God. You raise a metaphorical brow as the stallion begins to roll towards you. If you were standing you would take a step back, try to get away from the awkward near-kissing position the two of you are currently in. As it is, if you wanted, you could stare deeply into his eyes like a lover would, trying to learn of his heart and soul, his past present and future. Good thing you're not into that sort of thing. Man or woman, doesn't matter. Because if you're staring into their eyes, they're staring into your eyes and you're quite certain you don't need anybody knowing your history, your story to come, your deepest dreams and ambitions, or anything else in that category. You're guite happy by your lonesome, grumbly self.

Still, you've grown rather fond of your inebriated friend since he interrupted your little tree-leaning exercise. As if reminding you of the genial truce that has come to exist between the two of you, your burns pulse gently, still protesting the attack you brought upon yourself. “Sun God's daughter?” you mumble with curiosity as he mentions it, awkwardly shoveling towards you, and when he finally gets to the point you burst out laughing. She hot. Burning in flames or pin her up against a tree hot doesn't matter to you. The ideal of this comically overgrown caveman finding something attractive is perfectly hilarious to you and he seems to find it just as funny, laughing along with you.

Gaucho. Shame you won't remember that tomorrow. However, as he's finishing speaking, it's not Gaucho you're looking at. Something behind you has caught your eye. A darkness, a black fog rolling in. You've seen this before. In the swamp. Grunting, suddenly very aware of your mortality and the fact that you're laying on the ground, you begin to flail to get up. If you thrash into Gaucho on the way up, it's certainly not on purpose, but hopefully he'll understand. “Get up, Sun Man,” you toss out sometime during your way up. “We've got company, and it's not your God.”

Backing up to give the man room to rise, you toss your head towards the creeping fog in case he missed it before. “Oxy,” you add, almost as an afterthought, but your mind is suddenly no-longer with Gaucho. You've got to gather the horses left under your charge. And so as soon as you're certain the overly-drugged beast has risen to his feet and is headed somewhere other than into the shadows, you begin to move, to gather what remains of your straggling herd and find them somewhere else to go. The Lesbians will have to figure out where you went on their own.

OOC| This was the best, let's do it again some time!
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