HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] A new day [Herd Vote] - Printable Version

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A new day [Herd Vote] - Gaucho - 01-07-2014

Remember rights that I did wrong, so here I go.</style>

[This is an IC herd vote regarding patronage of the Dragon's Throat. Background: When older characters such as Kri came here from Isilme, they had met/worshipped (etc) other Gods. Thus when Kri took over the Dragon's Throat, a rule was made that no respect had to be given to the God of the Sun, who is the patron of the Dragon's Throat. Gaucho is now asking that this be changed.

- No posting order.
- Feel free to keep your posts quick, especially if you're agreeing to the change.
- If you're too busy to post but want to disagree with this change, please PM me.]
- Midas is already with Gaucho - continued from this thread.

Had Gaucho ever felt nervous before? Given how unnerved he felt, and how fluttery his insides seemed to be, he very much doubted it - this was not a feeling he recalled from any prior experience. His body was battled trained and ready, his worth proved time and again in invasions, spars, and challenges. With females...well. He liked them, and they seemed to like him back just fine - there had never been any doubt or fear of rejection. His soul had never been rattled with uncertainty, as it was now. He needed the herd to understand him - not just his words, but his meaning.

Standing near the eternally burning flame of the Throat, Gaucho reared up to his full height, a piercing cry echoing from his strong jaws. "Throat to Gaucho!"

Landing heavily in the sands, the dun waited.

[Insert everyone arriving]

As Gaucho scanned the attentive eyes before him, he tried to remember what Onni had told him. You must speak from the heart, the Shaman had said. That seemed easier said than done; how was the beast meant to communicate the overwhelming notion of this-is-what's-right-ness, within his chest? It was a feeling, not a sound that he could make with his lips. But he would try, he had to make them understand.

"Brothers. Sisters." He began, his voice resonant and rumbling. His speech had improved since taking on the position of Sultan - indeed it demanded it. Although his words were still somewhat choppy as his dark lips formed them, they were not broken as they were before. At least, not all of the time. "I call vote." He advised, scanning the crowd. "Gaucho want all of Dragon's Throat to - " Pausing, the dun's eyes moved upwards, to where Mara was silently aiding with his word choice. "-ack-know-ledge God of Sun, as patron of Dragon's Throat. Gaucho want all to respect him."

Speak from the heart

Taking a breath, the Sultan continued. "When Kri come here long time ago, she say that no respect had to be given to any of the Gods. Not even Sun God. But this is Sun God's land, and you are not Kri - you live under his light, and use his magic - " Pausing, Gaucho spread his blackened wings, which now radiated with fire. Rings of fire burned harmlessly around his hooves - around all of their hooves, wings, and tails*. " Sun God protect us. Give us home - " Turning to look at Midas, Gaucho's stormy gaze tried to find an ally in the paint. "That not mean you can't love other Gods." he offered, knowing that his painted brother followed the God of the Earth; "-but respect must be given to Sun, as long as we stay in his lands. Sun is powerful, Sun is strong. Sun is life, and Sun make us safe."

"Africa and Soh get magic from Sun God. Onni heal with sun magic...Gaucho meet Sun God...." Fumbling now, Gaucho grunted. He didn't know what more to say - what more could he say? "Sun God deserve our respect." He concluded.

Pausing, the dun folded his wings back to his sides. His chest trembled slightly with adrenaline, as his mind wrestled to keep his primitive masculinity under control. He could not fight them into submission - they were not an invading herd to be beaten down, to yeild to his will. They were his family. All he could hope is that they would hear the words spoken from his heart, and agree.

*Herd Champs for the month of January has given the DT passive fire magic

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RE: A new day [Herd Vote] - Midas - 01-07-2014

take away the pain inflicted on me, the hunger you're letting me feed
Guacho called the herd to attention, I stood beside my brother as silent as a stone. Eager to hear him speak to his brethren and call order. There had been an outcry the last time we had stood together as coleads. A Sultan was only as strong as those that served—if they refused to listen…then what good could come toward the future. He would have to learn how to bend the ears of our family to make them see reason, even if that reason was sometimes mistaken. Kri had made mistakes, as did we all. I said nothing while the herd gathered from the distant dunes, each a loyal dragonheart for our family. They came trailing in from the desert warmth. After things had settled Guacho began to speak. I listened to his choppy phrases, impressed by improvement in his speech. There had been a time when my friend couldn’t have mustered more than a few words at a time.

When he finished I nodded and extended my vocals to the herd, “Aye our brother speaks true. Respect is due. What say ye children of sand?” Gaze flies over them, curious of their opinions and thoughts; yet stern in my own ideals. Some had stood in this family as long as me, their motivations were just as important. Though I couldn’t believe how we far we’d come in this. Things that involved the past couldn’t be changed, our paths wouldn’t trail in reverse. We had to move forward in this world, or die in the struggle.
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RE: A new day [Herd Vote] - Africa - 01-07-2014

Drawn from the ramblings of her restless mind by the impatient call of her bonded and echoing cry from the north, Africa had travelled obediently to the traditional point where the herd generally was brought together for meetings, celebrations and such- the limestone rocks which had been carved through time into rather outstanding wave-like troughs. She stood towards the middle of the gathering crowd, guilt still pressing heavily upon her conscience and eradicating her desire to step optimistically among them. Bathed in the awkward silence which had become a rather familiar comfort in recent times, she watched the two stallions at the front unwaveringly, unless by chance another of her kin bumped or brushed by; in which case the humble Oracle offered a rather generous, masking smile.

The larger of the Sultan’s Gaucho, began to speak and she noted rather quickly the effort gracing each word; the clarity and the quality of Helovia’s familiar tongue. Impressed, a light smile gathered the corners of her coal-hued, wrinkled lips. To think those surrounding had been so judgemental- Africa certainly felt now that the hard feelings and suspicion felt during the last gathering should be now laid to rest.

The reason for the meeting intrigued the Oracle immensely, and for the first time in many moons she felt a renewing warmth and passion stir through her core. The dithery smile lifted further, spreading through her otherwise bland expression to fill the stressed creases which had set over her soft face. If there was nothing Africa felt more strongly about, it was the Lord of this land- he who had bestowed enormous grace and favour upon the one-winged mare despite the fractured nature of her appearance. She held the Sun God in high esteem, loved and worshiped his glory, and would not hold back her fervour now amidst her peers.

The stirring of emotion through her heart began small streams of curling fire to divide the bleak, grey veil of her heavy mane upon her neck; and so too did her hooves began to burn by her God’s will. The Oracle had been affected by his enchantment before and held brilliant composure despite Silas’s unsettled departure from her silk-dressed back. "I could not agree more. " Africa announced when Midas too had spoken. The young mare was pleased both Kings acknowledged the relevance, and a wave of relief did wash through her being now that the issue; the lack of recognition and respect for he who watched so graciously over their family, had been voiced.

She swayed in place for a moment, weighed down by the information which had been given to her also, by the Sun God himself. The Oracle needed to express it to Midas and to Gaucho soon, and they then to warn the herd- "The Sun God has given to me a message for our Sultans…" She interrupted the proceedings bravely and stepped forward passing with unrestrained urgency through the mass of bodies. "Gaucho, Midas," she began with a hushed voice as she moved to stand closer than might otherwise have been preferred by any of them. "We have been warned to watch the darkness. Our Lord has cautioned you to mind our borders. She paused, desperate to be certain the message she relayed was complete- then continued… "He told me there is a sickness in Helovia that can’t be fought." She was not sure if the message would make sense to the two stallions; she had not completely wrapped her own head around it. With a frank nod, the Oracle slipped back to her place in the meeting.

"Also, only hours ago, Windwalker and myself were set upon by a monster by the beach; gruesome and ill. It was coughing and spluttering with some infection I have never before seen- certainly it seemed barely to be alive. We fled, frightened that its intention was to infect us also! The Sun God is right, it seems our borders are unsafe now."

With a frank though uneasy nod, the Oracle slipped back to her place in the meeting.

[ooc: Africa is in favour. She has also warned Midas and Gaucho of the sickness and darkness in Helovia, at the Sun God’s request- and of the monster encounter on the beach.]

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Table by Clo. <3

RE: A new day [Herd Vote] - Megaera - 01-07-2014

wake me up when it's all over
when i'm wiser and i'm older</style>

Megaera heard the echoing call from nearby and hastened to follow. The voice had been familiar to her, the first she had heard in Helovia, belonging to the warrior and Sultan of her new home. She tried to move quickly to answer that stallion’s summons, but though the burns on her front legs and muzzle had begun the heal, the skin was still tight a uncomfortable. Her recovery had been aided by the waters at the Oasis on the other side of the herd’s territory; it had washed away the smell of blood and ash and cleaned the tips of her wings. The burnt feather tips had fallen away to leave her wings shortened and lopsided.

The mare approached the gathering, her first time in that place since joining the herd late the previous season. It gave her pleasure to see Africa, who had been there to greet her at the Threshold along with Goucho. They grey mare had been so welcoming that Meg had liked her instantly. Now, she picked her way over to stand near the dappled mare and gave her a nod and a slime in greeting. She then turned her gaze to where the Gaucho stood and spoke; she guessed the paint that stood near him must be the other Sultan of Dragon’s Throat whom she’d heard about but had not yet seen.

The great warrior that spoke had captured Meg’s interest on their first meeting, being obviously a seasoned fighter but free of the malicious aura that she had first expected. He spoke of the Sun God, as he had at their first meeting, and the topic still interested Meg; here eyes followed as Midas and then Africa raised their voices in agreement. She had begun to see and hear signs of the Sun God’s influence in Dragons throat, and though she’d never encountered him herself, she had to acknowledge that it was indeed the god’s desert domain. “I’ve yet to meet the Sun God, but everyday it seems I see more and more of what he has done for the Throat.”She turned her eyes back to Africa with a quizzical expression, the mare seemed unwell, or at least a little uncomfortable.

Meg’s in favor!

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RE: A new day [Herd Vote] - Hector - 01-07-2014

No Time for Lies and Empty Fights

He had always held an affinity for the beautiful ferocity of fire; the burning radiance of the sun, the light, all that was exemplified by the most superb of all the Gods. Hector wore the glory of such hues upon the sleek pelt which was wrapped so snuggly around his magnificent frame- not that he had considered it to be so, for the length of his five years. The creature, a confused concoction of blood, feather and ivory, was shroud by aura of strength and confidence; a gift granted by the years of hard labour and militaristic training. But suppressed beneath the airs and graces, far down in his core, was a sensitivity and grave insecurity that had never been beaten.

He strode through the rising dust of his homeland to meet the herd for the first time since returning; the call of Gaucho was heeded dutifully, and he hastened towards the limestone waves to the north of the oasis. His wings rested at ease to each side, their tapering primaries riding comfortably the rock of his limber hips before reaching still further to drape above the steady flick of the long leonine tail which waved steadily behind. Hector was always alert; his obligation was for the security of those who served this herd; those built for war like himself, the young, the old and those delicate souls who sought paths foreign to his own principles; Africa, Rasta and Sohalia whose faces first came to mind.

The crowd gathered quickly, each regarding the summons of their leaders with due respect and Hector among them, settled himself to listen at the back. It was natural stance to take- to step with the frontline or secure the tail, either felt appropriate. Gaucho delivered a speech regarding the grace of the Sun God, the patron of their home; this desert they stood now upon, and the liver chestnut nodded, agreeing with the argument put forward. Midas then spoke, also in favour- which was reassuring given the solder knew well his brother served unswervingly the God of the Earth.

"Yes." He offered simply, finding not the need for garbles of wording to pledge his agreement. Hector had not personally met the Sun God like so many seemed to have, but he walked comfortably through his light always, slept upon his bed and was today dressed in billowy, flickering flames which had been given by him. Certainly the need for spiritual reflection and respect had come.

[ooc: short vibes -rubs temples- Hector is in favour if his vote counts. After reviewing his history and wishlist and stuff, I figured he wouldn’t be opposed]

RE: A new day [Herd Vote] - Gaucho - 01-08-2014

Remember rights that I did wrong, so here I go.</style>

[Decided! ]

Gaucho's dark ears flickered as Africa boldly continued speaking. It was quite out of turn for the Oracle to so brazenly interrupt a meeting that clearly had another purpose. Yet the Sultan held his tongue, and instead turned his stormy gaze towards her, listening intently.

A warning. From the Sun God no less. Given the tone of the meeting, it should be quite clear that Gaucho would take such a message seriously, especially given the events he witnessed at the Vein of the Gods, when trying to commune with the Sun. However to learn that whatever it was could not be fought, was another matter entirely. What did that mean? To run from whatever it was that was infecting Helovia? He didn't doubt the Oracle, nor the words of the God but...such a thing was entirely foreign to his mind.

"Gaucho see darkness at the God's Shrine - the Veins. It was a fear and a darkness. It consumed everything it touched. It felt....bad" The Sultan subtly shuddered as he remembered that odd visit with Nyx. "If can't be fought, we need safe place. Throat very open...our borders wide and long - threats anywhere." Solemnly, he turned to Midas, hard gaze fixated upon the paint. "We no stay here Midas. We go....we go caves. Caves have hard walls, remember? No scratch? And we find water. We find markings on walls - someone else stay there once. We stay there now. Cave make easy defense - only one way in, one way out. We put a golden marker and dream catcher at entrance, so that Throat know where to go - we send Fina and Gaucho's magic to show herd. Gaucho no want to run...but if Sun say it cannot be fought ... we need to keep herd safe."

Gaucho's voice shook slightly as he admitted this plan, still feeling unrest within his chest at the idea of hiding. But the words of the Oracle and the Sun God, combined with what he had seen at the Veins, was too much to ignore.

The herd had to be safe.

In his antlers, Mara bit his ear, releasing one drop of blood - but enough to conjure the magic from his antlers into three large eagle shapes. "Show herd where to go." He commanded. Instantly the shapes flew South, East, and West through the Throat, leaving the North for Fina - should Midas agree with this plan.

Spreading his wings, he looked at those assembled around him already. "We GO."

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RE: A new day [Herd Vote] - Midas - 01-08-2014

take away the pain inflicted on me, the hunger you're letting me feed
They spoke in favor of Guacho’s request. My brow turned with orbs brimming full of smiles that laced the corners of my face. It was good to stand at the head of our herd with him and even better that the voices spoke up in agreement. At least, until Africa stepped forward and reported upon her job as an Oracle. The sun had given us a warning, one to evidently be heeded. For a moment I said nothing, Guacho spoke to her and added to the story. A darkness was coming? Another one? My heart sank and all good tides were suddenly carried away in one fell blow. I stiffened when he turned to me, dread now evidently lingering in my eyes and on the deep frown that was tightly knitting itself across my face.

We had to go, he said. I grunted, deeply concerned. My heart was racing and mind was speeding ahead even faster. We had succumbed to the darkness before, but this one was somehow…different? Upon hearing them speak I was in agreement. As wrong as it felt to leave my boarders undefended. If what they said was true, then we needed to act—and it needed to be now.

Our home was large, much too large for our numbers to defend. “Fina, to me.”I called, and she drew near, hovering at my head with worried eyes, “Travel North, find as many of our brethren as ye can, led them to the cave. Go now child, be careful.” She vanished in a flume of fire and feather, away to the distant etches of this land, “Guacho will be guide those that can fly; those that cannot, I will walk with thee on the ground. We will travel together. Be alert, be wary. Do not engage with this darkness, if it truly consumes.”

The caves did appear safe, and for the time being my sole thought was to get our family to a safe and defendable location, “Warn those ye pass on the road and in the sky.” My limbs turn to follow Guacho, wings remaining tightly curled against my sides.

OOC: This is the end of this thread. Please post in the caves!

Midas is walking people here: http://helovia.net/showthread.php?tid=11834

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