HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] time for a nap - Printable Version

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time for a nap - Abishia - 01-23-2014

These days, boredom strikes her with ease. She'd rather go out to the Thresh and risk her life before sitting in this damn cave all day. Being underground isn't really what she had been planning to do for the past two days. She often finds herself leaning against a wall, sleeping, or finding careless conversation with a random stranger. I need some entertainment... She thinks, a long sigh buffeting from her nostrils. She lays at the far edge of the Sanctuary, somewhat wanting to be closed off from the conversations of the others. Her painted bodice is pressed against the cold stone floor, her maw resting on her tucked in knees, holding up her cranium. Uncomfortably, she shifts so she is almost sprawled out. Completely on her side, she finds it hard to breath, the weight of her large frame seeming to be too much for her right side to handle. With a reluctant grunt, she switches back to her previous position. Glaring around at the other's her mind goes wild with annoyed thoughts. Your voice is stupid. Your mane is tangled. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. She sakes her dome, rising up onto her knees, then her feet very ungraciously. Viciously, she shakes her bodice, trying to rid of the glum feeling thats holding her down. Making a quick trip to the glowing room, she trots to the back to grab a quick drink, then slowly makes her way back to the Sanct. Another sigh escapes her kissers as she swallow and walks into the large room filled with a mixture of calm and frantic bodies.



RE: time for a nap - Cashmere - 01-23-2014

My body is tired and exhausted from being underground. Though I have been able to stretch my legs.. running out to the Threshold to greet the newcomer Ethel.. the stir crazy feeling of cabin fever has not left me. And the Voice inside me grows ever angrier at being kept locked in and hidden away. You heard Circuta, there is to be no fighting with the others down here. Keep your bloodlust to yourself! Of course I got quite an earful after that and some serious headaches. It was a good reminder to not talk back to Her, or at least, if I do, to be prepared for the consequences. With a grown I return to the sanctuary, to see if there are any new faces that I might meet. Of course, they all seem pretty new to me. I know almost no one, for I am fairly new to Helovia as well. Maybe there are some bodies that seem, lonely, or bored. In fact, I think I see one right now. A pretty painted filly, much younger than myself but already getting to be my size. I walk over, my body managing to be both weary and on edge at the same time. That's what it is like to be fidgety. I halt nearby her and call out. "Hello! Would you like someone to talk to?" I try not to be rude. If she wants to be left alone then I'll leave her alone. But I want someone to talk to as well. Best to keep active down here in the caves. If you can't stimulate the body, at least stimulate the mind, hm?

how I walk
"how I talk"
how I think
-how She talks to me-

Table by Lauren || IMAGE CREDITS

RE: time for a nap - Abishia - 01-26-2014

A smile started to spread across her kissers as she spotted a grey horned mare start to walk over. Her dual colored orbs lingered over the beautiful horn atop her dome, and the usual jealousy started to naw on her thoughts once again. The girl flicked her ear, her spirits now brightened by the girl that came into the scene. She seemed like a great future friend. When she came close, Abishia dipped her white capped cranium, then raised it, a friendly smile on her ivory kissers. "Greetings miss! And yes, I would be so thankful for a friend in these times!" She giggled a bit, and let her pools dance over the bodice of the grey girl. On her lower side was odd colored markings, and she had beautiful, caramel-y pools. "Your so beautiful..." The filly marveled at the older mare, having to tilt her dome down to meet eyes with her. Giggling a bit, she spoke again. "I'm Abishia, what may I call you?"

The girl glanced around, thankful that she could now talk to someone rather than wallowing in her own feelings and anger. Abi loved to socialize, and make new friends of course. The girl was glad for any soul that would bother to be kind to her or even say a word. Conversation was Abishia's way of showing her feelings, being as open as she was. The grey dappled mare had saved her from some anger that wasn't even necessary. The girl laughed a bit, knowing how angry she had been just moments ago, and now, all of a sudden she was light and airy; finally acting like herself.

"Abi Talk!"


RE: time for a nap - Cashmere - 01-30-2014

Twitch of my tail and lobes, I watch the filly carefully. Her mood seems to change as I speak. As I had approached, I felt a vibe from her that seemed to be a sign of overpowering emotions. Now as we get chatting she seems to lighten up, and joy bestows itself on her countenance. A smile crosses over my velvets and warmth fills my eyes. I rather like this one. She calls herself Abishia, and in my head I file away the name with the painted child. I dip my head in return to her, not forgetting my manners. "I am Cashmere." I look around and notice that we have a nice spot all to ourselves. "I have a secret for you - I'm new to Helovia. I just joined the Asylum. Where are you from?" I wonder if the filly had been born here in Helovia, or if she had traveled from another land as I had. I raised my head up again, my darkened forelock falling gently down my face. I am happy to have another friend, and Abishia seems like she wants to be friends as much as I do. I have arrived at a bad time in Helovia, and there seem to be few equines whom are interested in searching for newcomers. I seem to blend in with the cave walls, in spite of my horn and purplish belly. I hope that maybe she will fulfill some of my need to fit in and have a family. She speaks up. -Your obsession with fitting in and finding a family will be your downfall, bitch. You're aware of that?- Her voice is dripping with resentment and ridicule. It's clear she'd like to see me get cracked over the head for being such a 'pussy' as she'd say. I will not let her have that pleasure though, and I ignore her. She responds by starting to give me a migraine. The smile on my face fades a little, and I struggle to make it stay. I don't want Abishia to have to deal with Her.

how I walk
"how I talk"
how I think
-how She talks to me-

Table by Lauren || IMAGE CREDITS

RE: time for a nap - Abishia - 01-30-2014

my stories are very somber..

The child glanced around the cave, satisfied with the little open space that they now claimed as their own. The grey dappled mare before her didn't display the hate that usual Unicorns usually portrayed toward the unusually large and bright filly. She shuffled her hooves awkwardly, the difference in height between the two; Abishia much taller than the older mare. Her new friend seemed to warm up to her, the smile that spread across her lips making Abi scrunch her nostrils in an admirable giggle. She let her lobes stretch forward as the mare spoke, and was pleased to learn her name. Cashmere... She repeated quietly to herself, hoping she would remember the odd dappled mare's name. But the painted girl with white strapped across her shoulders nodded slightly, her smile beginning to widen.

"I have a secret for you" The girl gave a little jump of joy when Cashmere said this. She stretched forward, reaching her harks forward to engulf her words. Giggling a bit, she flapped her kissers together, then making a small clucking noise. This was a bad habit for her, doing it whenever she was impatient. "I just joined the Asylum." This sent chills down her spine. Asylum? But that sounded so... evil , nothing like the mare that stood before her. Abishia suppressed a small shiver, shaking her dome. Leaning back, she stared into the girl's eyes, hoping to find some link to the evidence of evil within them. But she was unsuccessful, and decided that she may as well answer the question that was asked of her. "I'm well... I'm not from anywhere. " She glued her pools to the ground, her long sorrel eyelashes catching the light. She cleared her throat, flicking her harks nervously all the while. Reluctantly, she glanced up at Cash. "I roam. Mostly wondering around, meeting new faces, learning new things from everyone I meet. It's not the best to lack a family, but it's okay I guess. " She lifted her leg and pawed it gently against the stone floor. Suddenly stopping, she cocked her head.

"Asylum? I know I have only met you but... You don't seem like one that would fit that name..." She trailed off, not looking at Cashmere, but behind her, somewhat distant. How could someone seem so kind and calm on the outside but be battling for their life on the inside. For all she knew, it was happened to her too. She was slowly being chipped away by the evil that brewed inside her soul. Her calm demeanor and kind smile were simply a mask for the devilish being that lived from her once innocent soul. She may seem innocent, she may seem kind; but dare to look closer and you'll find a monster.


{ For @[Cashmere] }


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RE: time for a nap - Cashmere - 02-02-2014

Orbs taking in the sight of the painted mare, I wonder what goes on within her mind. She chuckles and she fidgets. Her emotions seem to be on her sleeve. Are mine that way too? She is taller than me and I hope that she doesn't look down on me, which I think she doesn't. She seems to be very open and friendly and that is good for me, good for my insides. -I disagree wench. We don't need this happy go lucky girl. Kick her in the ovaries.- Of course I really like this little girl, though how little is she is is questionable, since she stands even taller than me despite her age. I stamp a hoof and it clatters on the stone below us. "I will not stand for that attitude! I will not harm this sweet girl. Now BE QUIET!" Of course, it's not quite the reaction that She was looking for, but it was a more aggressive reaction than normal. My soft brown eyes have grown harsher in response to Her goading, but I worry that Abishia might have thought that my reaction was toward her. I try to hide my embarrassment and continue like nothing happened.

"Well, you know, I guess everyone lives here in the caves now. So, there will probably be a new organization of herds. You could go wherever you want I bet." I offer a supportive smile. I ignore her comment about the Asylum. I don't really know what she means about being of their kind. Of course, maybe that's because I haven't met many of the Asylum yet. I'm sure they're all very nice folk though.

OOC: sorry it's so short. i'm running low on muse for this thread.

how I walk
"how I talk"
how I think
-how She talks to me-

Table by Lauren || IMAGE CREDITS

RE: time for a nap - Abishia - 02-02-2014

my stories are very somber..

The peace was suddenly obstructed by a sudden outburst. The mare before her stamped her hoof, and relayed loud and daring words. "I will not stand for that attitude! I will not harm this sweet girl. Now BE QUIET!" Abishia flinched, knowing that there was no one else around, she must have been speaking to someone, but it defiantly wasn't Abishia. The girl took a small step back, cocking her dome at the purple tinged fae. Then, understanding clicked. Voices.. She hears voices. Like me... But, maybe they aren't kind ones... Abishia thought this, nodding in satisfaction with how well she had pieced together the jigsaw. She say's more, but the filly dismisses her words absent mindly, and takes a few steps toward the girl. She stands, her face about a mouse length from Cashmere's and stares. She just looks, her expression understanding and her eyes sorrowful. Harmony had told her about voices... The bad ones. Her mother had been possessed by Raven when he died, and he often over took her and made her into a menacing, blood thirsty warrior with no limits at all. But Harmony had surpassed the evil, she had pushed away his bad side, and brought out the good in him. This was one of the few stories that MeMe had told; the most interesting and intriguing of all. With this knowledge, Abishia could protect herself from evil thoughts, and bring out the good... But, her skill was fading away. The strength the reside from evil and give into good was fading like a sunset does. Quickly. Rapidly. Soon, the filly would be subject to the horrible control of no God, but evil itself. There was a storm brewing in the child, the dark clouds just beginning to gather, and the humidity beginning to dampen your pelt with it's moisture, and make sweat beads arrive on your coat with it's heat. Soon, the darkness inside would be lit with a single crack of lightning. The light would last none but a blink of an eye, but would start something new for the girl. But something new isn't always something good.

Suddenly, her orbs darkened, and she twisted her dome eerily. This wasn't Abishia.... This was something else. Rapidly, she backed up, hitting her rump on the stone wall and struggling for breath. She dropped to her knees, pain stabbing through her as she went down. She gasped for air as if a noose had been tightened around her neck and she had just stepped off her stoop and was dangling, death sure to great her in the next moment. A slur of words escaped her that where not understandable, but loud, and very high pitched. Then, as soon as she was down for the count, she was back to herself. She stayed on her knees, staring at the floor in bewilderment at what had just played out inside her. It felt as if a wave of hot, sticky blood had just washed over her, drowning out her senses. She shifted her gaze to Cashmere, her mouth gaping open. Slowly, she raised o her clefts, and with shaky steps she walked over to Cashmere. Tears started to form in her orbs as she finally understood evil . But when she spoke, her voice did not waiver.

"Are you subject to the same evil? The evil that ruined my mother and is now ruining me. Is there someone inside that screams at you, prods at you, and orders you around without being heard on the outside world? A storm is brewing." She gazed off into the distance, where groups of horses, peagusi, and Unicorns gathered, chatting and walking about. Most of them seemed so happy, but did they have the same storm? Did we all fight a battle on the inside, receive scars and constant reminders, but remain flawless on the outside? Do we all feel the need to stop this storm, to end the hate, the ordering, and the horrible menace that plagues us all?


{ thought a little abi freak out would spruce up this boring thread! @[Cashmere] }


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RE: time for a nap - Cashmere - 02-03-2014

My orbs are waiting for her answer, and I notice her reaction to my outburst. Of course she chooses to ignore my continuation of the conversation. A small sigh slips past my lips. My outbursts are so embarrassing, and I'm sure that I do it more than I even realize. It's horrible manners, horrible presentation. I keep the groan at bay. I don't need to disgrace myself further. But the filly's body is moving. She had moved away, but she is closing the distance between us. I feel anxious at first, I'm not sure what my personal bubble was exactly but she was definitely entering it. My breath grows a little short as her nares nearly touch mine, only a couple inches if that separating our velvets. I wonder if she is trying to give me a horse-y kiss. She stops, however, her dark orbs examining my light ones. "The eyes are the windows to the soul." I try to see inside Abishia's eyes, to see into her soul. But there's a shadow there, a veil that prevents me from seeing past the thin film to protect her retinas.

I didn't get a second more to try to see within. Whatever was in there was done playing nice, and had Abishia backing and falling to her knees. I winced - that stone floor would be none too kind. The filly was clearly in pain, and Cashmere did not move an inch. Though it pained her, something told her there was nothing she could do to help. This was no outside force, no external pain. This was something that was beyond the reach of any equine but Abishia. I step back too, my dark forelock hanging over my eyes. My crown lifted but horn sharp, ready to protect myself. Nares flare as I take in a deep breath of air, trying to increase the oxygen getting to my cells inside my body.

But there's no attack. The filly comes to again, seeming to return to her previous self. I remain in a defensive position, just in case. She rises to her feet, and I wince as I see how banged up her knees are. They might even scar just from such a fall. I take a deep breath as she returns her gaze to me. She speaks to me of evil that inhabits her, inhabited her mother. -Evil? What does this pussy know about evil? Nice little show though..- Shhh.. she's hurting. She wants to speak up again, but allows me to speak to the girl. "I suppose so.. but She's not eeeevil.. just a little bossy.." I'm afraid to say anything bad about her.. she might punish me or yell at me. A small shudder runs through my entire body. "But she certainly doesn't take over me!" I smile a wide, cheerful and comforting smile at Abishia. She cackles in my mind, and I wonder if She knows something I don't.

OOC: thank you,it helped!

how I walk
"how I talk"
how I think
-how She talks to me-

Table by Lauren || IMAGE CREDITS