HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] my body is a cage—— - Printable Version

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my body is a cage—— - Rinoah - 02-10-2014

Patience had never been your strong suite, at least that much had become more clear than it had ever been for you the past month, year... decade, even, for all you knew. Within the safety of the walls that loomed above you it really had felt that long, long enough for a lifetime just watching the same faces as countless as they may be, listening to the same murmurs of an evil that lurked just outside and the worry that lay sheltered within the shadow of every single one of their hearts. You did not know, did not want to know if it was justified, if what some of them said was true. It weighed heavily enough on your mind as it was, festering within your hummingbird heart, fickle and frail as it always has been. It made you feel old, wearing on nerves that were already worn too thin, on a mind that was left with no means of defense. You were tired, and never before had you felt so very alone.

crumbled within a heap on the floor amongst the soft glow of the mushrooms and moss which had cushioned your fall, you really are alone. With a sigh, eyelids flickering shut as your head begins to fall, too, heavy with sleep. your dreams had been restless as of late, breathing to life a woman that was hardly more than a ghost of a good thing that you could only chase. it was only the things she left behind - her laughter, her smile, her eyes; the smell of earth and pine, the emptiness that you cannot shake - that haunt you still, clinging to them like the child you are, despite forgetting why they were important in the first place. Eyes roll in their sockets, and as you open them again something within the pale glow of the star-flowers catches your attention, glinting white within a bed of moss. with little grace you find your footing, stumbling several steps forwards before gathering yourself to languidly cross what little distance is left.

nostrils flare as your nose reaches the smoothness of the object, the little warmth it possesses radiating outwards, tugging at parts of you you didn't even know existed. a confused groan sounds from within your throat as you lift your head, turning your head left and then right before focusing again on the tiny object sitting before your feet. you suddenly and distinctly remember something similar, albeit smaller and less strange, when spring descended and life was conceived. with a small smile you again find yourself falling to skinny and bruised knees, your body following as it topples over onto its side, the slight chill of the moss sending a shiver down your spine and goosebumps pricking at your skin. gently you pull the small egg towards you, positioning it as closely to your chest as you can manage, softly humming as you settle and still, for a moment forgetting the world that rested just outside the walls that didn't seem so terribly choking anymore.

i apologize for this post, they will get better provided someone wants to hop in and explain companions to her~ short & sweet = <3
also, never posted finding an egg. i hope i did alright ;___;

RE: my body is a cage—— - Dragomir - 02-17-2014

hoping for the best, just hoping nothing happens

There was a girl, lying among the moss.

She’d been there for some time, morosely slumping there with the occasional movement that ushered his eyes back to her from a peripheral glance. Of all the things the cavern, only this girl and the writing etched into the walls drew his interest, for neither seemed to be a part of a whole, just as he himself often felt as if he was adrift on life and wonder rather than directing its aim towards his true purpose.

He’d been following the hieroglyphs on the wall for nearly thirty feet, observing each and struggling to piece together whatever story they seemed to want to tell him. He’d never seen letters before, or any such symbolism, and while he did not know they were for reading or even what reading was, he felt as if they were words without sound.

The girl was also without sound, he noticed, but she wore a horn and wasn’t one he recognized, and so he hesitated to go and bother her about whatever it was that had her so sullen. It was likely she was just lonely, like he was, and while meeting her would cure both of their ailments it was not something Dragomir felt was on his agenda today, and so his eyes return to the markings on the walls of stone. It was probably better this way, he assures himself, still not entirely trusting of his composure since this incident so long ago with Ricochet.

He had not seen that one since coming to the caverns, either, and it made him worry.

It was not as if there was a broad world within their safe haven; surely he would have seen the little, scar covered man here if he was here to see.

It might just be better that way, he settles on, just as he notices the girl rising and moving to a different location on the moss, though her body conveys feelings of curiosity rather than the sadness it did before. He himself feels curious now, keeping his eyes on the scene as she discovers something smooth and round in the padded bedding, and he finds himself smiling on the scene, albeit bittersweet a gesture from so far away.

He longs for a companion of his own, and sorely wonders if it is the egg of a dragon. Deciding that his interest has risen too high to let it go, he meanders his way over towards the young woman on muscular, tall legs.

"Hello," rumbles the deep ocean of his voice, a bass thick and luxurious as crème.

He found that he towered over her, even if she were to be standing. Most amusing are the ways of distance, he thinks, how one cannot tell how large or small something is from as far away as he had been. A soft smile touches his handsome chocolate features, black feather dangling from the tangled locks above his right wither and a pine branch woven into the striped mess of his tail.

The egg is not a dragon’s, unless the dragon is small. It does not wash his smile away any.

It only makes him think of his mother and his own dreams to have found what this girl has.

a thousand clever lines unread on clever napkins
(I won't ever ask if you don't ever tell me)

image by ali<3
