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[O] Wet Dog - Printable Version

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Wet Dog - Roskuld - 02-23-2014

Here we go again.

I wandered the darkness—since that what happened to the world. It was nothing but this desert thing, except there was still trees ‘n shit, but there was no life so it didn’t matter. Nothing really breathing and thriving under the thick, black clouds that suffocated everything underneath. And the things that did stir were gross, unhealthy, unholy things, like the type the Jiji-thing had been; maybe one time they were these really swell earthly creatures like birds ‘n….rocks or whatever the hell, but not now, not now. Now they just sucked and I had to battle them, the ones that wanted to eat me, because along with the suffocation and the disease and the dark, dark, dark, everything was hungry.

Was I hungry? Well yeah, I guess, in the physical sense. I mean, I didn’t really want to try all the black, rotten grass that lay around like some twisted, stank-ass carpet from the lounge of hell, and I was certainly in motion most of the time. I zapped here; I smote something with LIGHTNING there. The thrill never left me, and even though I was steadily becoming more proficient with my THUNDA BOLTS and using them pretty much all the freaking time like a child with a new toy (because that’s pretty much what it was), the excitement never left my veins. Which I guess was a good thing, because otherwise I would’ve pretty fucked in terms of morale. Because, frankly, I didn’t have any.

I was dirty and scratched up and haggard and I probably smelled like a rutting boar in springtime, covered in all sorts of black mud and crusty mud and really-really gross swamp-mud. Things were stuck in my mane—spiny things and gloopy things and maybe a crawly thing here or there. But other than my looks, there was also my mental state, which was probably as haggard as I appeared. I’m tired of saying over and over again that I don’t know what I’m doing half the time—but there it is. I don’t know what I’m doing half to the time, and I certainly didn’t have any clue what I was doing right then. But there was a twist to it now; instead of agonizing over my cluelessness, I didn’t even give a fuck, y’know? I just…I mean, there was no time to, because Jiji needed help, and I didn’t know what to do, and the answer was somewhere out there and standing around crying and feeling sorry for myself and the world I couldn’t save. It was time to move, so I moved.

Now’s a good time, Dad, I thought mockingly, climbing over a rocky hill and looking down into—who would’ve guessed—an endless plain of black miasma. I never asked my Dad for help before—maybe I yelled at him a few times—but I figure if he has something to say, he’ll ball up and day it. Whatever. I’m done waiting on something to happen; I’m done waiting for answers.

It’s time to move—so I’m moving.

[@[Mauja] --SORRY for tagging you twice! In case you wanted to throw Maumau in here! Otherwise, open. Location: Just north of the Heart, headed southward.]

RE: Wet Dog - Mauja - 02-25-2014

Mauja Frosthjärta
Question: What's the sick idiot doing out on the shadowy sea?
Answer: Being a sick idiot.

He just couldn't help it. He couldn't stop himself from crawling back onto the surface like an ant hungry for sunlight; couldn't stop himself from traversing the blackened realm looking for signs of life. It was there in his heart, in his blood, the flickering flame of a sentinel, the deep, driving need to guard and shepherd and, most of all, protect: safeguard life. It was the warmth in his blood keeping the fever company, the reason he drifted through the shadows like a stray ray of moonlight. His breath was a cloud in the cold, dark world, betraying the life in him—and the gentle glow of his face was a beacon for all things both dead and alive, but he didn't care. Not in that moment. So be it; they saw him. If they came, he'd lead them on a merry chase to the caves. He wasn't all that far from them, anyway. He paused. Looked about him in the darkness. Breathed. In, out. What a cursed, desolate place Helovia had become. Why did it always end up this way? This wasn't the first time the sun had fallen from the sky and endless darkness wrapped itself around them. Did they have such powerful foes, or were their Gods this weak?

He moved again, walking slowly across the seeming graveyard, senses alert and thoughts drifting through his slightly pounding skull. Part of the reason he was out here wasn't only to find stragglers (or shadow-creatures to cure), but to find those he hadn't seen since coming to the caves... d'Artagnan, Loudmouth, Ophelia, Faelene, Arah, and everyone else he cared for, or thought he did; the list was long, too long. The idea of losing them to this darkness filled him with shameful wrath—some of them, he'd lost on his own, had let go of. He'd allowed d'Artagnan to walk away from him (months ago, but still), and when Loudmouth had fled back towards the beach, he'd been unable to stop her.

And Ophelia.. he sighed.

Movement, at the crest of a hill on the horizon, caught his gaze. He stumbled to a halt, stood stock-still, breath pooling tentatively into the air. Friend, or foe? It moved slowly, and trying to smell it was no use, because up here, everything smelled dead.

His heart was pounding in the silence, too loud in a dead world. He was life and light, where there should be none.

He was not directly in its path, but if it went doggedly straight ahead, it would pass close by. Warily Mauja held his ground, pale head raised towards the fallen stars; it was tilted to the side, long forelock falling off his face in a cascade of white. Only time would tell what it was, coming down that slight slope. Only time would tell if he had to run, dodge his way back to the sanctuary where help awaited...

And thus, he waited.
A million miles from home, I'm frozen to the bones, I am... a soldier on my own, I don't know the way.

RE: Wet Dog - Roskuld - 03-01-2014

Okay so—I’m pretty sure y’all got a pretty good mental picture of the “scenery” ‘n crap, right? It’s all black, and I’m not exaggerating—whether it was the darkness casting all kinds of deep and creepy shadows over everything, or the sickness and stink of all these rotten things laying around, lifeless and desperate, it was just this huge vista of dark. Could I see well in it? I dunno—I mean, I looked around ‘n stuff and I guess I could see where I was walking at least, and whether or not it was because of the sparkity-mc-spark-spark of my raging, magical blood, I couldn’t say.

I…think what I’m trying to say was that I didn’t know exactly what I was looking at when I saw this white thing kind of smeared against the black face of everything. I stopped moving for a second, my head held high and my eyes alert as I watched this thing amble across the plain of dead things. Thing is, just as I had put all my focus on the thing, it decided to stop moving and it became that much more of a blob. Jeez. I couldn’t catch a break in this place—the wasteland didn’t just yield to whatever the hell you felt like doing. If you wanted to look at something, you took your ass over there and looked at it, even if that shit was hungry enough to try and eat you. Tough luck. Caution didn’t exist here, and I guess I was okay with that, seeing as me and caution weren’t really best buds to begin with.

So I zap! my ass over in that direction like the incautious jerk I was, coming a little closer to the white blob without actually overtaking it. Them. I could see now that this wasn’t just a blob, that this was a horsekind of standing there awkwardly in the darkness, a really really white horse that almost seemed to glow in the din. My breath hitched; for a split second, I didn’t know what to do. The only things I had seen in this wasteland were—well, things. Just that. Sick things and growly things and maybe a few horses that weren’t actually horses but things, things sent here to be angry and hissy and smelly and starving for horseflesh. I couldn’t tell if this white horse was another thing--I was still too far away to see any real detail—or if it was someone, maybe who was lost, maybe who was ambling around looking for an answer like I was.

Ma…? I wondered—it was a homesick and desperate idea, one that put a sour, lonely taste in my mouth, but I hadn’t seen Ma since before all of this broke out. It hurt to think of Ma, just like it hurt to think of Jiji, except this pain was a little more fear than worry. I don’t know—somewhere along the way, something inside of me began to be afraid of Ma and I don’t know why.
Still holding my breath, I zap!ed a little closer amid a furious thunderclap to whatever doom my subconscious had designed for me, since, y’know, I was incautious.

“….OH,” I exclaimed, my vision settling as I left the spark-sparkity-time-stream, close enough to the white blobhorse to really see who it was. “It’s you! And by “you”, I meant it was that one huge white guy that I had spent a rather memorable night with. Y’know that one time with the huge, slobbering monster of an oath and the other guy who helped me run away when I tried to fight the roiling darkness and, y’know, was kind of comforting in a way that I didn’t understand but I guess it didn’t really matter because I didn’t even know his name? That guy? Well, that guy was this guy. I was close enough to see the black smudges on his coat that immediately dashed the possibility of him being my Ma (y’know, other than the penis) and his super-super blue eyes, bright enough to shine a little in the darkness.

The longer I looked, though, the more different he seemed. And by “different” I mean really really jacked up. He smelled—but we all smelled in the wasteland. His was just a little bit more gross, in a spoiled way, like he was rotting—but he wasn’t a thing, because if he was, he would’ve been chasing me by now. Wasteland jerks didn’t wait for you to come to them—they were too hungry. “….What’s up with you? I demanded, leaning on one of my back hooves as I assessed him critically. Yeah, I’ll admit, everything I had said to him up to this point had been really loud, and really rude, but I couldn’t help it; I was too happy to see another person. So, naturally, I had to be a dick.


RE: Wet Dog - Oxy - 03-02-2014

Ok, so you're in the darkness. Great. Good job. You made it out of the cave. For what? So you could run through the snow and the blackness? So you could find your god forsaken beach and eat up all the locoweed you manage? Great work, because you're clearly not going anyway. Looks like you realized that there are monsters in the woods, in the land, everywhere. After all, didn't you attack some perfectly reasonable friend of yours because his skin got grazed by teeth. What are you thinking, out here in the blackness? You don't even know. But something catches your eye- something decidedly unmonster-like. And if you were high you wouldn't give one flying fuck, but this whole getting sober thing has really fucked with your mind. And you find yourself.... curious? Hell if you've known that emotion in ages. At least if it does turn out to be a monster you'll be coherent enough to attack it. Might as well deal some damage if you're going to go down.

Anyway, so in all your brilliance you decide to head towards the movement- because why the hell not. If you're going to be out here, and not actually make it to the beach, you might as well be doing something. And since you weren't exactly sure what you were heading towards, you guess it's pretty good that whatever you're moving towards says something, because there's no way in hell you would have figured it out any other way. But that voice... you know that voice. And that tone, that nasty, snarly, horrible tone that fills the blackness. You know that voice. And sure, it takes a while- yeah, a long while, but eventually... eventually it comes back. That tone. It's that weird-ass bitch with the tentacles. Perfect. And you don't even mean that sarcastically. You needed some fun. It's just icing on the cake that when you come up to her Man Spots is there too. Although...

“Aren't you a little slow to be out here with just her to watch you?” And no, you don't mean slow of body. You couldn't care less what speed he runs at. You mean slow of head. Like that time you told him to attack the alien girl and he dumped you in the ocean? Yeah. Vamoose wasn't really the smartest stallion back then, you can't imagine he got any smarter in the last like.... few months. And it's not like you have a motherly side, you don't give one flying fuck if gets eaten out here or not but... it's that curiosity thing again. Weird.

So anyways, this might not have actually gone too bad, this whole meeting thing, but then something weird happens. Well, not weird- more like annoying. You're really over this whole 'having a boggart' thing. Your little wisp of a companion, who you had so nicely locked up in your shoulder bag, conveniently escapes her leather prison. And while she's whipping over towards the alien girl, you get little glimpses into her mind- all she's thinking about is laughter and mischief. And to be honest, you kind of chuckle too. Because why the hell not. Ok. So maybe she's not so bad after all.

As the little thing gets in front of the zappy girl- or at least where she was half a second ago- the boggart morphs. It's an image you've never seen before, but you're kind of getting used to it. She somehow always knows what everyone is will react to. You kind of wish you had that power. But anyway, she becomes an image of one of the wraiths- that much you can see- with wings and limbs tipped in gold. You don't recognize her- but Tentacles certainly will. It's Ranjiri. Gods help you if Roskuld actually sees the thing- because you're going to be in for a world of hurt.

RE: Wet Dog - Mauja - 03-02-2014

Mauja Frosthjärta
His breath pooled in the dark world, counting the moments as he waited; it was the only thing he could do, under the circumstances. Stand. Breathe. Live, for whichever precious seconds he had left. The shape was nothing but a vague outline, the suggestion of equine anatomy. No light, no rays of starlight, fell from the sky to trace the curves of her musculature, or light up the lighter patches of her body; she was simply another shadow in their already shadowed world.

Then, something happened; she exploded in a flash of bright light, the low roar rolling towards him like a wave. When she, a split moment later, re-appeared closer, Mauja wasn't standing exactly where he'd been either. All four feet had taken off the ground in a startled jump, and come down again a foot or so to the side. While his head didn't appreciate it, as it was telling him with a rhythmic pounding, it was the kind of instinct that kept you alive in these troubled times.

At least he knew who it was now. The rumble of magic, the bright flash, the way she moved from one place to the other through that eye-biting light.. she'd left him behind in that fashion, run back to whatever precious dream she'd forgotten on the dark beach, but here she was again, clearly too impatient to simply walk the distance down to him.

His heart was pounding. He might know who it was—or, rather, who it ought to be, but the question of her state of being remained unanswered. Did she come with empty, angry eyes? Slavering jaws? Rotting flesh sloughing off her sides? His ears flickered in the darkness, suddenly aware of another sound, of someone else; already skittish and on his toes, Mauja's head flung to stare at the dark, hulking shape looming closer, and so, the sudden light of Loudmouth's second travel, and the resounding roar marking her arrival, had him jumping once again, nearly sitting down on his haunches in an attempt to get some distance. You know.. just in case.

“….OH,” he exclaimed, and Mauja breathed out in a tension-relieving snort. She looked normal. She sounded normal (brash, that was the word), and smelled normal, and didn't launch herself at his throat with vehemence. His eyes darted to the side again. The black thing was still approaching, too straight a path for Mauja to recognize him, but Loudmouth's open staring and rather blunt question sheared through the dumb haze of surprise, illness and relief. It was, he decided, a rather warranted question, given his state—somewhat bleary-eyed and covered in mostly-healed cuts and gashes. "Uh," was all he got out, and then, "It's good to see you too?" with an arched 'brow, until the dark, approaching thing demanded his attention again. It came out of the darkness like some hulking hell-beast, of a size with Mauja himself but somehow looking thinner, as if he didn't fill out his black skin with bulk—

Tiny. And he, too, had the silver tongue of a bard.

Or not.

"Well," he replied acerbically, "that's why I've got you to watch me, too." He'd deserved Loudmouth's scrutiny; he wasn't sure he'd deserved Tiny's remark. Not that he got to ponder it long, because something else decided to steal the spotlight again. And this, this didn't feel friendly.

It came out of nowhere, morphed into an equine shape, wings spreading from the shoulders and towards the distant, murky horizons; gold filtered through the darkness, touching the ground, reaching for the sky. From his angle, Mauja couldn't see the things face, but it was obvious what it was. Only a few tattered feathers clung to the wing bones, bone, tendon and muscle showing through bleeding, infected wounds. But where the hell had it come from?

Somehow, he found himself looking over his shoulder, ridiculously twisting his entire aching body and flicking his tail to catch sight of the holly branch. It was brown, with its deep green leaves, and a few blood-red berries still clinging to it. There was no blue glow of protection, no shield to chase the nightmares away and stand fast for daylight: his eyes snapped back to the shadow-creature, not daring to trust the branch's truth. What if it had just run out of magic?

But what were they going to do? Drag it back to the caves? It stood facing Loudmouth, clearly intent on her, and Mauja did what he'd done before: waited. Waited, while the cold darkness crept through his veins, and the edges of his vision grew blacker, crystalline ice creeping along every outline and throwing it into stark relief. The cold air bit his lungs, the scents sharper, noises louder; he stood poised to strike, waiting, for the right time.
A million miles from home, I'm frozen to the bones, I am... a soldier on my own, I don't know the way.

RE: Wet Dog - Roskuld - 03-19-2014

…So Teeny was acting strange. Let’s get that out the way. Okay, sure, it was understandable to be as wide-eyed and bashful as he was at that moment since, y’know, we were in this dark wastelandish vista filled with all manner of creatures trying to eat our throats and suck the marrow from our bones, so….I mean, I guess his behavior was warranted. Still though, the jerk in me kind of laughed at it in my head, because here was this brawny motherfucker whipping his head back and forth with his eyes popping from his skull like some frightened little bunny in the wolves’ den. Thing is, the kid in me started to worry for the same reason, because if he was amped up then shouldn’t I be too?

*"Uh…It's good to see you too?"*

It lives!! I took a step back to look into his face instead of allowing myself to keep sweeping over him in that admittedly creepy way I was doing not too long ago. I didn’t get a chance to say anything to him though, because he had whipped his head to the side again and he was talking again and holy fuck there was another bro comin’ to see us. And maybe I was acclimated to the stink of the dead land, but whatever the reason I didn’t immediately smell Tiny’s funk so I guess he kind of came out of the shadows at me and that’s pretty much the creepiest shit that could’ve happened to me.

So I jumped. And I gave a kind of screaming whinny to go along with it, because it was Funkmeister and ew ew ew and why was he here, now, of all places? What did he want with us? I didn’t hear him talking back, because dammit I was too shockfraid to do anything other than hop backwards and scream “FUCK” really loudly in a very unladylike manner but who was there to stop me?

Anyway, it didn’t end there, because as soon as my hooves touched the ground, I was back in the air, the scream in my throat turning into a roar of something else, something a lot more painful and biting and pissed, and what was more, something was already bursting from my head though the tip of my horn, something large and white and CRACKLY and slithering out towards the dark shadowcloud that had appeared out of nowhere—dropped from the sky, ascended from hell, slithered from Funkmeister’s ass, I don’t care, it came from somewhere and I was attacking the fuck out of it because cognitive reasoning was beyond me at this point.

This was why I had left Jiji in the first place—because something evil had taken over her bones and body, and I was compelled to attack it, and attacking her wouldn't help her, but what could I do? I had no choice. It was dark and slimy and really disgusting and the basest instinct of the spark in my bones made me attack on sight, to remove its stain from the earth, and whether it was an apparition or some poltergeist or whatever the hell, something fake, didn’t cross my mind. All I knew was that the bolt had left my horn before I could stop it, and I was still hopping in the air, roaring in rage and pain, and it would be really embarrassing later when things cooled down and I remembered how ready I was to attack Jiji.

To attack my own cousin.

[WOW sorry for wait D: ]