HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
The journey itself is my home - Printable Version

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The journey itself is my home - Pampero - 03-04-2014

I am free.

The cold is not nearly so terrible if you know why it bites at your nose and stings your eyes. I’ve never much minded it. Seasons come and go; the pattern is easy enough to learn. The world around me rests, dormant and unopposing, putting up scant protest to my investigations. I am free to explore – to probe the vastness of this world with unhindered eyes.

I fly, held aloft on dry winter gusts. Below, a web of naked gray tree branches covers a bright blanket of snow. The thin lines connect, forming constellations on the earth’s surface that both mirror their celestial counterparts and remain entirely unique. There is texture and depth here, and I have never flown close enough to the stars to see those features on them. Perhaps one day I will try.

The limbs below begin to weave together more tightly now. I angle my pied wings downwards and descend casually, compelled by a desire to feel my hooves skim the surface once more. The cover of trees is a protective thing, and it occurs to me that there may be some life to find under these wooden veins. I wasn’t particularly lonely. I can keep myself company quite happily. But I’ve never been one to turn down some new stimulation, and I do not surprise myself as I ease through a gap in the arbor and light softly in the snow.

This snow is not a terribly deep one, just barely reaching the hairs of my fetlocks, and I land in an easy canter. There are tracks here, I note, and slow to a walk in a single stride. I approach them, feeling the gray midday sun against my back as my wings fold in to my sides.

As I so often do, I begin to think of a story. This one had happened far away, over yellow sands and turquoise seas and green plains and specks of horses flowing across land like tiny marching ants. It was in those plains that I was born, but that wasn’t the story I think of as my black muzzle sank into the fresh tracks in the snow. I think of the story before my story’s beginning: the meeting of my parents. Their love – was it love? – was a spark, quick to ignite and just as quick to extinguish. It must have been love once, but not in my lifetime.

I pull my muzzle through the snow and push my tongue through my small teeth, letting the cold white powder dissolve and trickle down my throat. “If it comes from the sky, it must be good,” I repeat an adage learned from Abuelita, my voice small in the woods that stretched so far around me. I enjoy the ice-cold sensation, the frozen blue coolness that pops in my mouth. I bury my head deeper and begin to lick the clean snow in earnest, feeling my hot breath turn its most immediate surroundings to water that tickles my nostrils. I snort and jerk my head up to giggle before continuing contentedly.
“…nowhere to go but everywhere, keep rolling under the stars.”
– Jack Kerouac

OOC: Open to anyone! He's new; I think his personality would go well with the Edge, but I'm going to let him develop as he wants. Sorry for any weirdness while I figure out how I want to write him; feel free to ask for clarification if anything is unclear.

RE: The journey itself is my home - Nato - 03-06-2014

The threshold was starting to become more and more like home. More often than not, frequent visits to the border of the earth had kept him wanting more, searching for something perhaps. If it was family, love, hope or just the desire to help others no one would really know, not even the stallion himself understood why his travels always pointed here. But alas like a bad habit or even boredom he is drifting through the naked pine, content to himself not a soul to bother in the naked barren thicket.

It was time to go home, to return regardless of the demons that could haunt its warm depths. He craved to feel the soft lush grass beneath his hooves once again. The hard stone floors of the cave, were not anything particularly healthy for ones daggers without a lace of iron. Even the snow upon the forest floor was a welcoming touch, numbing his strides as the bite of winter cold took hold upon his aching legs.

It was a great distance to travel, back and forth from the caves. He had already slimmed down due to the lack of food, and just the thought of it brought saliva to his lips, yearning for the taste of that sweet green goodness. It wouldn’t be long now, or so he hoped, that the bloom of spring would bring back that lush nourishment that his body craved.

Upon the breeze, the scent of forest pine and fresh melted snow mixed with another that consisted of not a demon, but a warm beating heart. Onyx lobes flick forth like a radar listening to anything that might pinpoint the potential companion. He had found so many here, and like a thief in the night stolen them away to a sanctuary. He could only hope, his next encounter wouldn’t be as strange as his last with the over-friendly white mare. It was always something new and it as an addiction.

Crimson eyes turned and rested upon a Pegasus stallion snuffing about in the snow drifts for possible food perhaps, maybe to just get his nose wet. Born into the racist world, he didn’t too much like anything other than Unicorn, but time has wound him up in its spell of change, and turned him to become something better, Wiser and Intelligent.

Stepping out from behind the pine, the dual toned stallion glanced upon the unique markings of the winged stag. Iron weapon wielding against the sky as he stepped forth, regal and proud of his heritage, using caution with distance, unsure if this would be a friendly encounter or not. ”Good ‘eve stranger, I am Nato- and you stand within the walls of Helovia." He breathed, advancing closer, his tones were deep yet held no position within them; body language was neutral and relaxed while approaching from the winged beasts right side. ”Might I know your name? And swiftly now- This land is within a time of darkness- nowhere is considered safe." he cautioned, letting the wind ruffle through his snow dusted locks, treads mingling between his hind quarters as he gazed upon the painted stallion with interest.

Tags: @[Pampero]
oOc: Sorry about my post I had a short about of time to work with and it’s not as good as I’d like it to be. Expect better after this. You write him well!. I figured I’d toss Nato in here and when we’re done you can post in the herd meeting once you are an outcast. <3
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RE: The journey itself is my home - Pampero - 03-06-2014

Another land, another voice, another warning. I have seen only a small sliver of this universe, but its vastness soothes me. I am sure I could gallop and fly for the rest of my days and still never experience all of it. There will always be something left, some overlooked detail awaiting my discovery. It is a wonderful thing.

My thoughts are slipping between these cracks in the clouds when I hear the sound of hooves approaching. I extract my muzzle from the snow, feeling the powder clinging to my long whiskers like a fine coat of sugar. My gaze drifts along, following the path of sound laid out by my ears, then settles on my greeter. It is a piebald creature like myself, although this body owns far more black than mine. Instead of massive wings at his sides, a spear protrudes from his skull. I had met a similar creature once – a small gray mare, pretty as you like - and liked to imagine more existed. I had created stories about entire worlds filled with these “unicorns”, as she had called herself.

See? If you travel far enough, anything you can imagine could be true.

I’m studying the horn curiously when the unicorn introduces himself as Nato and labels this land Helovia. His demeanor is calm, but he speaks with urgency. I smile amicably with no desire to rush this introduction despite the warning of danger. Hellos are fun and easy; it’s the goodbyes that bother me. “Happy evening to you, Nato. I am Pampero.” I nod my head deferentially, eager not to upset or scare off this precious unicorn who has joined me. Abuelita says you meet everyone for a reason, and I would hate to waste a meeting by being rude or closed-minded. I try to use my most soothing voice as I continue, “Do not fear the darkness, good Nato. The night is a temporary thing, and it will end in dawn soon enough.” I smile reassuringly now, enjoying the cool breeze combing patiently through my feathers. I wonder why others are scared of the dark. I always think it is a mystery, full of possibilities to explore. Another world within our world, even.
“…nowhere to go but everywhere, keep rolling under the stars.”
– Jack Kerouac

OOC: @[Nato] No worries at all! And that sounds good. =)

RE: The journey itself is my home - Nato - 03-07-2014

Lobes pivoted upon his highlight skull as he gazed upon the winged stallion who introduced himself by the name of Pampero. The naïve being stood before him both pleased and eager to be around company, so at least that was a good start, he could ease off the tension. Crimson orbs gazed upon him however as he spoke again of not fearing darkness. There was just a hint of truth within his statement, the dawn does bring its light to these lands, and shatter the darkness into the light of day. But it wasn’t the darkness he was afraid of, he wasn’t even afraid of death. It was the fear of not being there for his daughter, and grandchildren, to protect and guide them upon the broken path of life.

”It’s not about fear, Pampero." Tones slick off his tongue, but not harsh or venomous, but still laced with caution; ”It’s about survival." He finished as he advanced upon the stallion. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t understand the dangers of possession, the demons the crawled around in the shadows, or even the day light to get a taste upon the living flesh of mortals.

”Demons crawl within the light of day, hunting for mortal bodies to infest, to possess and spread infection." Eyes glinted with a hunger to slaughter these demons, as they had already attacked his daughter. So again he lurked within the walls of the Threshold aiming to save the life of those who were clueless about the danger of where they stood.

”Should you desire, I’m headed home, for the first time since the darkness has started to recede." Snow frosted lips shivering from the cold that rippled across his skin. Polished weapon lowered to the snow, a dagger pawing in search of nourishment but of course, nothing was not found; the Worlds edge lush fresh grasses lingered heavy on his starving mind.

”A kingdom called the Worlds Edge, should you wish to accompany me, you are not required to stay.." Lyrics faded into the cold winter winds as the steams fluffed around his frozen lips.

Darkness was upon them, and he dare not risk it spending the night with demons.

Tags: @[Pampero]
oOc: <3
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RE: The journey itself is my home - Pampero - 03-08-2014

I watch Nato the unicorn with continued fascination. My ears’ twitching is entirely beyond my control as I ponder his existence. Does he have family? Where is he from? How did he get here? Where did he get his scars? Our scars tell our stories, punctuating the events of our lives with eternal marks on our hides. From the state of Nato the unicorn’s piebald coat, he must have quite the tale to tell. He might even be related to the unicorn I met once before. Why not? For a moment I tumble through his stark red eyes and my breathing slows down. His voice pulls me back and I center my focus on his words intently.

It was a different darkness that Nato the unicorn feared, one entirely unknown to me. He speaks of demons that hunt in broad daylight or under night’s sleepy cover. Shadow creatures had slithered along beside me throughout my life, but Abuelita had sheltered me and our herd was a safe one. After I left on my own travels, sometimes sinister sounds would reach the edges of my consciousness and I knew something was there, but I had yet to discover precisely what it was. I would poke around and try to seek them out, but hours of searching always proved fruitless. I know it is wrong and that evil is to be feared, but I so desperately want to see one for myself. Their existence awakes a morbid curiosity that I usually try to keep covered up, at least around others who it might disturb. The way Nato the unicorn – why do I keep calling him Nato the unicorn? I should probably just call him Nato – speaks about the demons makes me think he has had more experience with them than I. I am grateful and jealous.

Nato speaks of his home, filling in the details of at least some of his story that I’ve been wondering about. He calls the place the Worlds Edge, a name that conjures a buzz of excitement in my chest. I have always thought the world was an infinite place because I could never catch the horizon. Perhaps there really is a place where the world as I know it drops off into the abyss. I picture this Worlds Edge as a cliff stretching over the stardusted purple of night, where the moon hangs close enough that I could reach it awing.

I have to go there.

Apparently Nato is a polite sort, because he invites me to join him before I can think to request an invitation. “Thank you, Nato, for your generous offer. I would like nothing better than to see your home.” I continue smiling – I like to smile – and stretch my wings out to their full span once. They are sore from a long day of flying, and the movement feels good. I settle them back at my side contentedly and step back to allow Nato the unicorn to lead our way.
“…nowhere to go but everywhere, keep rolling under the stars.”
– Jack Kerouac

OOC: @[Nato]

RE: The journey itself is my home - Nato - 03-10-2014

The winged stallion had made his mind up it seemed, as the smile radiated from his lips, and being the most unusually kind stallion he was being today, he returned the smile with a simple nod of his head. "Glorious- This way." Baritones faded into the bitter cold, as his crimson eyes peeled away from the Pegasus, turning point and making his way into the prickly pine. Hooves of polished steel plunder into the snow dusted earth as his mind began to sync on home. It had been too long; and it was time. The thundering voices of his kin rumbled through the sky- an act of terror or a sign of redemption he did not know for sure. But one thing he did know is he was going to return home, where the grass would kiss his hooves, and the air would delight his senses with the aroma flora satisfaction.

But as he moved through the trees, he thought of the one that trailed behind him. How in his youth he would devour such a winged beast, to rip the wings from the shoulders and destroy the gift of flight. Then he was a savage demon that wouldn’t care what others thought- and now he had become something else.


That word, good. How did it define him now? Through the ticking mind of the obsidian beast he felt compelled to ask such a thing. What was good, anyway? He wasn’t pure, he was still very capable of falling into darkness again, and yet after the revival of his daughter a new light had been stricken upon him. Barrel heaved lobes slicking back upon his head as he barreled through the trees and into the open valley, the snow covered hills glittering with the setting sun. His mind returned to home, to family, to friends. Who had survived? He would be returning with a new companion, adorned with wings he would find himself among good company. Nato- not so much.

Tags: @[Pampero]
Words: 332
oOc: Sorry for such a late reply. I’ve been under the weather. Once you get your Status changed, you can just post in the herd meeting within the edge (or where-ever you’d like) <3
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