HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Expect the unexpected! [Pet discovery; OPEN] - Printable Version

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Expect the unexpected! [Pet discovery; OPEN] - Otz - 03-05-2014

Ok, I think I got my shit together >:| Not sick no more.

Anyways this is Otz's discovery of Shoita =]

And all I ever wanted...

His split cloven hooves curved out prints in the snow as he walked, to where he was going? He wasn't entirely sure, he had still only scarcely explored a small portion of this land. And there is snow, snow, snow everywhere, in fact for miles around him that was all he could see in every direction. Fields of snow, the only shape to break the endless loop of scenery was a small gnarled tree that reached up out of the snow then bent over like an old man with a back ache leaning on his cane. But oh it still felt good to be out of that God foresaken cave, though Otz knew not of what had become of that stallion and the monster he protected. Otz still steamed at the stallion's decision, his ears flattened against his neck and he dipped his chin to where his long beard caressed his lips. Just keep walking Otz, surely this is just a one time occurrence. What horse community in its right mind would actually accept wolves as a... companion? The word stung at his mind and his lips tightened, his cat-like tail stiffened and twitched as his agitation grew.

Otz neared the tree now... he didn't know why he'd bothered to approach this tree, perhaps to get a look at it? And a look he did get. Otz stopped before the gnarled redbud tree, its dark branches broken in places, he could see the wood inside is gray. This tree is long dead, a mere skeleton of what was once a bright, brilliant spring-time flower tree. Upon further inspection Otz noticed a wide hole cut deep into the crotch of the trunk, this is probably what killed the tree.
Otz took in a deep breath and let out a sigh, as he did the leaf litter collected in the hole of the tree began to move. This startled Otz for a moment and he jumped, his legs sprawling out to catch him and his muscles tensed preparing to flee or fight if he needed to. "What the devil? Otz leaned forward curiously to examine the creature hidden in the pile of dead leaves. A pair of large yellow eyes looked out at him. The eyes blinked, but not in unison like you'd expect; first one and then the other, both slowly. Otz watched the creature, trying to determine what it is without having to get close to it. A long minute of complete stillness passed as both animals watched each other, and then finally Otz drew a little closer to the tree hole. The creature inside finally screamed in alarm and squirmed in its hole. This startled Otz again, but he figured out what he was looking at. A tiny, furry, hungry owl chick. Otz inched closer to stick his nose into the hole of the trunk, and the baby bird reacted with a sharp bite to his nose. But it seemed to relax again as Otz exhaled his hot breath onto the chick warming its tiny body. Otz titled his head curiously, "This isn't the season for you to be coming into the world, little fella." Otz cooed sweetly to the chick. The chick continued to deliver protestant nips to Otz's nose, but that was only occasionally after inching closer to the large air vents that warmed the chick up. Looking over the snow covered tree branches he could tell the mother owl hasn't been around in a long while. The snow had stopped falling yesterday and there were no tracks or feather prints left behind from the mother. Has she perished? Or maybe abandoned her chick to save herself from the intense weather. Whatever the case, the chick is alone and hungry.

No... Otz can't allow such a young life to fade before it's even started. Otz pulled his nose from the hallow tree and whispered to the chick, "I will be back for you." Then swiftly spun on his feet and made a mad dash for a creek he'd crossed a half hour ago. What sort of hair brained idea was he planning?


Coming up on the creek Otz slowed down, his coat now wet with sweat and his sides fluctuating as he breathed heavily to regain his breath. Otz carefully crawled down the bank of the creek, his cloven hooves digging into the mud as he slid down the bank to the water's edge. He looked down at the frozen sheets of ice which blanketed the creek surface leaving a few bubbly air pockets that gave any indication the stream hasn't frozen to the bottom. And under those sheets of ice.. cold... slow... tired fish. He could see them moving within the shadowy cracks of the rocks. Otz couldn't help but chuckle to himself, yep this is stupid, a fishing horse? Very stupid. But he couldn't think of any other way to feed a dying owl. His chances of spearing a winter chilled fish were a lot greater than trying his luck at catching a mouse. Otz looked over each fish, he tried to pick an easy target. His neck arched and his muscles tense, he pointed his horn to the water... wait for the right moment.

Was rest.

RE: Expect the unexpected! [Pet discovery; OPEN] - Nasreen - 03-07-2014

The cold air rushes past her nostrils, stinging her windpipe and making her short of breath. High above the earth, Nasreen lets out a hoarse cough. She knows that in this season, she should take it easy; it is already strenuous on the lungs to fly where the air is thin, much less in the freezing cold. She is just so glad to be back in the sky, free of the terrible caves that had held her captive for weeks, that she can’t help herself.

Another cough forces her lower though, and Nasreen eases into a glide, dipping beneath the lowest layer of clouds. She has left the Edge for the day, simply for the joy of a journey. As always, Th’orqui lingers at the back of her mind, but for now, she is not actively searching for her lost home—she is simply glad to be alive and free.

Flying lower, her grey eyes scan the landscape. There is not much to see, and frankly, she is not surprised. Who would be out in the bitter cold? The threat of monsters also still lurks, but she pushes the thought from her mind. The snowy meadow below is so pure and pristine—what horrors could possibly hide there? A winding ebony ribbon cuts through the white blanket spread beneath her, breaking up the monotonous scenery. Curious, the mare flaps lower, intending to explore the creek bed.

Once she has landed (or rather, once she has tumbled to the earth), Nasreen approaches the dark water. It is not quite a creek, she realizes now, but a very small river. The edges of the river have frozen, but in the middle, water bubbles sluggishly over the thinnest gossamer layer of ice. The mare tests the ice with a hoof, and it creaks and groans, making her step back hurriedly. She does not fancy a dip in this weather, and the last thing she needs is for her feathers to get wet and freeze over.

So, she moseys along the river bank, turning over the occasional rock and appreciating the scenery. Soon enough, the river does fork and trickle into a creek, and Nasreen follows the little stream willingly enough, letting it take her where it will. She has been alone for so long today, and the silence has been so undisturbed, that it comes as quite a surprise when she rounds a bend and lo and behold, a fellow creature is there! A unicorn, diminutive in stature, yet powerfully built, perches on the ice. His horn is pointed straight down, and her ears tilt forward in curiosity…whatever is he doing? She does not want to interrupt him, but she is eager for a little friendly conversation. So she waits, a little ways off, waiting to see what he will do.


RE: Expect the unexpected! [Pet discovery; OPEN] - Otz - 03-07-2014

And all I ever wanted...

Otz counts the fish as he waits, patience here is key. Though his muscles begin to burn from the stiffness of his posture, he waits. He needs to get the fish use to his linger presence, give them a false sense of security. He is quiet and still, only the gurgling sounds of the water passing through under the ice could be heard. Even the stranger is quiet enough Otz does not hear her coming up on him. Finally! A target sets itself up for him, a fish settles itself wedged between two large rocks. It can't go left, it can't go right. His muscles bulge as he tenses and prepares for the strike.
Finally allowing his front legs to come up and curl against his chest, his body falls and his horn stabs the ice, slicing clean through the thin layer like a saw. His legs snap out from his chest just before he collapses and he tilts his head to see if he'd snagged the fish. As the rustled up mud floated down stream and cleared the area hiding the tip of his horn... he was disappointed to see that no fish had been speared at the end. Otz pulled his horn free from the ice and lift his head. He felt a sting of cold on his forehead as water trickled down his horn onto his face.
Otz frowned with disappointment, maybe this stupid idea is just too far fetched. His big equine body doesn't have the fast striking speed a predator needs to catch prey. But Otz refused to give up! He began to turn around figuring maybe fishing from another part of the river would be increase his chances.
When suddenly the stallion freezes in his tracks, his body gets stiff and his eyes narrow as he sees a red and white winged (tall of course) maiden standing there... just... watching. With the most confused look. HOW LONG HAS SHE BEEN THERE?! Otz was lost for words, his body grew hot and flustered with embarrassment, really how long as she been there?! And why is every horse around here so big and paired with wings? Otz chokes on a lump in his throat, but his head throbs with the though of the owl he'd left back at the tree. Embarrassing as this is, he cannot let his emotions cause him to fail. Regaining himself he forces something from his throat. "Uh... I uh... need... to. Catch a fish?"
Well, now she likely thinks you're the village idiot exiled and left for death.

Was rest.

RE: Expect the unexpected! [Pet discovery; OPEN] - Nasreen - 03-07-2014

It is fascinating, really, what this stallion is doing. Of course, poor Nasreen has no idea what that might be, but he holds her attention nevertheless. A sudden movement draws the faintest of gasps from her lips—he has plunged his horn into the river, and she leans forward, entranced. What is he trying to do? Break the ice? The ice isn’t that thick though, she remembers. She is surprised that even he is able to stand on it without falling in.

Whatever he is trying to achieve, it looks as if it hasn’t succeeded. He begins to turn (to leave, perhaps?) when he spots her. Before she has a chance to say anything, or even to clear her throat awkwardly, his eyes narrow, and she shrinks back, embarrassed. He doesn’t seem in the mood to talk, but she supposes that she can’t blame him. Nasreen has just realized that it might have been rude to watch him like she did. She’s about to squeak an apology and continue on her way, when he surprises her and speaks.

“Uh…I uh…need…to. Catch a fish?” Nasreen tilts her head. Huh. That was pretty smart of him; she was surprised it hadn’t worked, and she told him so. “I never would have thought of that,” she muses, venturing a little closer. “Of course,” she laughs, “it’s not like I could have done that anyway…no horn, right?” Nasreen scans his face, trying to tell if he thinks she’s as awkward as she sounds to herself right now, trying to force conversation. Really though, she merely wants to know what he’s doing. Curiosity wins out, and she presses on. “What do you need to catch a fish for? Oh—I’m Nasreen, by the way. Sorry for sneaking up on you—I didn’t mean to startle you, I just had never seen anybody do that before.”