HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Nyctophobia - Printable Version

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Nyctophobia - Ruske - 03-10-2014

The days had grown short, darkness tightening like the slip of a noose overhead. With dull eyes, I watched the sunlight disappear. It crowned the distant mountains for a moment before slipping down, and my shadow spread long and thin and hungry from my hooves. The sight of it stirred unhappy memories.

I had never been afraid of the dark. What lay waiting within unsettled the mind, now and then, but predators can be outsmarted – even killed. I had always thought that way. In my youth, I made a game of taunting them, and called myself victorious the longer I lived. But that was youth; with age had come a terror more absolute than the starlight, or the moonlight, or the cool kiss of winter’s air on my skin. With age had come the grief of loss; I bore it like a martyr, crushed under the weight of its burden, and yet refusing to cry out. Everywhere I looked I saw red eyes gleaming in the dark – there and not there, present and gone again. I called them ghosts, and I knew they would find me eventually, when all other hunters had failed.

But a more certain death had latched onto my trail as well, and that I welcomed, even as I bowed my head under the branches of another forest far from the one I dreamed of. My steps had grown slow and lethargic, muscle trembling over bone. I stumbled now and then, weak as a newborn foal. Any glory, any grandeur which I might have possessed, had all been shed like an old skin in the preceding months, and I looked half ghost myself, trembling in the darkness of the trees. It was illness; it grew from somewhere deep in my lungs and rattled as I breathed. Warmth perhaps – fire – might have cured it, but I had not seen fire in a long, long time. Perhaps I had not even the power to conjure it, anymore… I did not wish to know. I did not wish to learn so thoroughly how I had been abandoned by my god. Where once hope and warmth had bloomed, there was now only the raking cough shaking my sides, squeezing my ribs.

I was far too exhausted to be afraid.

When my thoughts were able to stir, I noticed distantly the smell of others on the bark and the snow. They were all strange to me; even if I had known them, they would still be strange. I no longer kept names close to heart; what was the use? The others of my kind – myself, even – were little more than walking skeletons and meat, all fit only to be devoured, defiled, destroyed. What was a soul? Where did it live? Why did it cut like knives when –

But I’m getting carried away.

I was alone in the forest that night, at first. I expected no company, but I did entertain the thought of happening upon it. I was not sure how much life I still possessed – another night? A day? A season? I did not hope to see spring, with my every other breath railing into cacophony, scaring the crows which had become my constant retinue. Mucus spilled onto my upper lip, wet and salty; I had given up thinking about it. No way I could cut myself open and see the extent of the damage – at least not in this state. I could only think and record it, perhaps keeping the facts for whoever I met at my last, to pass them on. It would be useful information, if the disease proved contagious...

Deep in the forest I stopped, ears twisting to catch the muted crack of someone, somewhere, sneaking around. I could not run; I drew a wheezing breath and stared into the dark, my horn a useless sword glinting above my brow. Perhaps it would be deterrent enough; I knew I presented an easy target. And a quick death seemed so much worse than the slow… I cleared my throat once, let my tail twitch, anxiously, at my back. ”Who’s there?” The sound was hoarse and rotten, vibrating against my strangled vocal cords.

[ I hope this makes sense D: May drop the 1st person if it doesn't work out. Anyway, he can go anywhere, I'm not picky! ]

RE: Nyctophobia - Rostislav - 03-10-2014

Easily enough I trump through the snow, wandering through the night. My footsteps are not quiet, not soft. Any hunter could pick me out in the forest. But somehow I really don't care. Seele has sent me out to do some searching for any new potential members for the blossoming herd. I rather like the lady, so I did not argue when she gave the marching orders. Damaris rests on my rump, her claws stuck in my rump. A little pain for a lot of reward with the relationship that is growing between us. Her watchful green eyes take in our surroundings. I look over my shoulder at her to make sure she's balanced alright, and she yips at me sternly. I turn my head around and see I'm about to run into a tree. "Oh... uh.. good call."

I move around the tree, keeping my eyes looking forward. Clearly Damaris can take care of herself back there. A branch snaps underneath my heavy weight, and I hear a voice call out, barely audible. 'Who's there?' Sounds like a dying man. With a little concern on my face - is his death contagious? - I move through the trees and find the source of the voice. Yea, he looks a bit sick. A weakened form, skinny, mucus running down his muzzle. A unicorn like myself. Older, but not old enough to be dying like this. "You look like shit, Comrade." Honesty is the best policy, yo. I move over toward him, but keep a little distance. Hey, dying is rough, and I feel for anyone who has to go through that. But, uh, I'm not gonna take that journey with you. Not today, friend. "Hey, uh.. we should get you outta here, ya?" I cock my head, trying to get a better look at him. "I'm with these ladies n germs... they're called the Asylum, should be gettin' some land soon. Sound good to you?" Damaris is walking up my back, her claws in my skin as she balances on her way up my spine. She scrambles up my neck, but it's clear she's struggling. I nudge her up with my muzzle, and help her to sit on the crown of my head, nestled between all the horns and spikes. It's not easy, but it is feasible. She examines the stranger, cocking her head sideways just as I had. She doesn't really think the stranger has anything contagious, but it would be good to keep a little distance, just in case.

Text text text.
"Words words words."
OOC: Asylum will be in the Hidden Falls, but we aren't there QUITE yet. ^_^

RE: Nyctophobia - Evangeline - 03-10-2014

"Why here?"

"Because." The orange mare said in response to her dragon's question. "There are always newcomers stumbling into Helovia and with the Edge regrouping we should do our part to help." The dragon huffed at the response and Evangeline could feel his dislike of the Threshold. Their first time through he hadn't been so adamant about not liking the forest but after their run-in with the pegasus that had condemned their bond he'd developed a disliking of the forest. It didn't matter how she told him that it could have happened anywhere the Threshold had been blacklisted by him and it wasn't going to change anytime soon.

"Stupid. Its dark." he retorted moments later and Evangeline sighed.

"Why don't you go scout ahead and see if you can find anyone." She suggested. The dragon, naturally, was reluctant to fly ahead. "Go." The sternness in her voice made the dragon do as his bonded asked, but not without letting Evangeline know that he was not happy with leaving her behind and going out on his own. "I'll be fine." She insisted as the orange dragon disappeared into the forest.

For several minutes it was quiet without Tallis to complain and express his dislike of the forest. He was always there in her mind, though. She could feel him but it wasn't as strong as it was when he was right there with her. "...uske." Orange ears tilted forward at the faint pull of Tallis' voice. "...Uske!"

"What?" She finally asked. Tallis began to chirp and trill loudly, which made Evangeline move quickly in the direction that he had flown off in. With each step she took his calls became louder and she began to move faster until she came upon two horned stallions. The mare immediately skidded to a stop, green eyes wide and searching for her companion who swooped down toward the brown and white stallion to draw her attention to him.

"...Ruske?" His name came out in a gasp and she stared even as Tallis landed roughly on her back. "Other." he hissed, tugging mentally at her until she turned to look at the other stallion. "...hello." She breathed before turning back to Ruske. Was he really there or was she imagining him? And if he really was there then could Roanne still be alive and well?

RE: Nyctophobia - Ruske - 03-10-2014

For a brief space of time – a few breaths, drawn and rattling – nothing answered my voice. Fear sparked life into nerve endings otherwise dead, and shuddering upright I stared into the dark. The trees filtered starlight so effectively my glassy eyes could only strain; they picked out the vague silhouettes of trees, the misshapen darker shadows of undergrowth. Any of it could be a predator, another shadow… My fear was answered, seconds later, by an outline: horse, and glowing eyes – all wrong, hanging near the rump and not the head. I stepped back, toes skimming the ground. It was a moment of fear – a heart beat, hard, against the inner curve of my ribs – and then the apparition spoke.

He was no scholar – that I gathered from the coarse noise of his voice. His presence was still welcome; relief overcame me, sucking away all the kinetic tang of adrenaline, and with a sigh I allowed my heavy head to fall. The illness bubbled up then, choking, and my body shook with the cough as it drowned out the stranger’s next words. Something about germs – perhaps he was more knowledgeable than he sounded. With a snort, I finished and peered at him, head tilted. He was little more than vague darkness, but the slim curve of two horns drew my eye above the thicker shadow of his body. And the eyes – yes, glowing, but green. It was some little animal upon his back – like a dragon, maybe. It was not the monster I expected; only that mattered. I was left with processing his words, though why I bothered, I am not sure – I was dying, and content with that a few moments before. How terrible the allure of company often proved.

”Do you want the rest of them coughing, too?” I wondered aloud. The words shook free another pathetic bark of air, and sagging, I moved surreptitiously to lean my side against a nearby tree. It was the only rebuke I could offer; I would not say anything closer to no -- could not afford to. Committed as I had been to my fate, I felt pitiful dying in the presence of so cheerful a beast. I simply didn’t have the strength of will for such a feat.

”It doesn’t matter to me,” I added, quietly. At the moment, it certainly did not, though were I to survive and see others brought low by contagion, I would likely regret the words. But I was too exhausted to care. I nodded my head, briefly, and as an experiment took a step away from the tree. ”But I can only walk slowly.” I was prepared, then, to put myself in the care of this stranger. I had no choice; my world was slowly closing down to the mere desultory terms of existence: breathe, eat, sleep – all soon beyond my limited capability. So I had resigned – but something caught my ears after the last, some muffled noise of air in the trees beyond, and with a startled interest I turned, eyes catching only the dimmest flash of gold.

It was gone in an instant, and I wondered if perhaps the image was a mere hallucination – something brought on by exhaustion, or by hunger. I could do little but stare; the other unicorn would think me mad, but it was better he thought it now than later, when I proved the fact in other ways… A thick wash of air filled my lungs, but my sense of smell had gone, become a dismal wreck; it only rattled sadly. Is nothing there? But something moved beyond, through the trees: hooves, and a noise like song. It trembled in me, defying the memories I had held for so long – blacker memories, dark things. I knew the dragon’s voice before I saw her, but I did not dare believe…

”Evangeline.” It was not a question; I would know her anywhere. Even in the darkness she was autumn and white, fire like the falling of leaves. It may be dim, but it was not the shadow I always expected her to be, when I saw her again… My heart rattled like a thing diseased (appropriate) and hesitantly, I stepped toward her. Parts of my cognition struggled to keep up with the reality; I knew it was she, and yet I could not believe -- where had she come from? Why? Years alone and she was here all along, whole and well? Gods – my legs trembled like the bones were beginning to melt.

”How?” It was the only question left, the only thing turning my thoughts – the other stranger forgotten. I could accept any measure of suffering, could write off all the time wasted in walking, if she would but answer it – and tell me she was not a dream.

Gods, not again.

RE: Nyctophobia - Rostislav - 03-11-2014

Damaris continues to examine the stranger, watching him closely and sniffing the air. I feel her weight shift suddenly as she turns to look back over her shoulder and watches the approach of another being. I smell her before I see her, though the pup's attention helped alert me. A mare has joined us, a beautiful golden color, and I wonder what she would look like in the sun instead of the shadowed moonlight. I'd make my moves, but it seems she has something going on with this.. Ruske. Well, that clears up the name factor pretty fast. They know each other, and greet each other with warmth and surprise. Clearly this newbie isn't such a newbie after all. Hmm.. so... where does that leave me? The mare is gruff toward me, affording me a small, begrudging hello.

It's okay, Miss.. Evangeline was it? I don't mind the gruffness. I'm a chill guy like that. Well, usually. I clear my throat a little, interrupting the moment they are enjoying. "I uh, see you two know each other. Since I'm the only stranger here.. I'm Rostislav." I motion back out of the Threshold toward the Forest where the Asylum is largely filtering out toward. "We should, uh, get going. Get you some help, y'know?" I glance at Evangeline, not really sure what to say to her. I swing my leonine tail back and forth, thinking.. thinking.. Wait what was I thinking about? I'm ready to take a swig of my drink, but I don't want to knock Damaris off balance.

Text text text.
"Words words words."

RE: Nyctophobia - Evangeline - 03-11-2014


Her heart seemed to shudder at the very sound of her name spoken in his voice, a voice she hadn't heard in too long a time. She stared, emerald eyes wide and disbelieving that he was actually standing there, in the flesh, and not a product of her dreams and memories. He stepped toward her and it only solidified that he was not a dream or an apparition. Apparitions didn't make noise when they moved, didn't bend blades of grass or leave impressions upon the earth. A noise, something similar to a choked sob sounded in the back of Evangeline's throat and tears began to gather at the edges of her eyes. How long had it been since she'd cried? Since Validino had left her in the middle of the night? No, she didn't even cry then because she had been so used to everyone she loved abandoning her, so much so that she began to expect it from everyone.

This was the first time anyone had ever come back.

"Ruske." She whispered his name, lids fluttering as she tried in vain to blink back her tears. "You came back." Tallis nudged the mare mentally and she took a step forward. Then another. And another. The fluttering in her chest became a dull ache as she realized that Ruske was ill and she no longer had any means of trying to help him. Whatever healing magic she'd had in Isilme had disappeared when she'd crossed its borders to escape from certain death. All she could do to help him was to find someone that could heal.

The orange dragon trilled gently to Ruske then spread his wings and was airborne again, circling overhead as the two reunited while a stranger looked on.

"I missed you." The autumn mare said as she tucked her head beneath Ruske's neck, her neck curling around his chest so her head rested against his shoulder. The beat of his heart was another reassurance that he was actually there and she hadn't finally gone completely crazy in her loneliness. The other stallion's words reached her ears and she turned her head toward him as it registered that he was trying to take Ruske away. A protective jealousy shined in her eyes as she regarded him and his offer to take Ruske away to only the Gods knew where to 'heal' him.

It was not in her nature to be outright rude, nor was it in her nature to be jealous or possessive, but it struck a nerve. She had only just gotten Ruske back by her side and someone was already trying to spirit him away. "I can take you to a healer." She offered her friend. "The Edge has plenty of healers, you'll be better in no time."

Just come with me.

RE: Nyctophobia - Ruske - 03-11-2014

Impaired by the circumstances of my illness, I was quite bereft of courtesy – unlike my past self, ever circumspect. The world, the universe, constricted down until the whole of it made up only a little space beyond myself. My body had become a monument to failure – nothing else. Perhaps then, I can be forgiven for my silence; I could do no more than stare. Evangeline had appeared long after I gave up hope of finding her; she had appeared when I found myself lowest, prepared to die – and suddenly unable to.

The intention fled my mind; for a moment we were home again, beneath the trees. Not a day had passed, but I was strangely tired – muddled. She looked older – worn, perhaps. And there was the stallion – Rostislav? A very distant part of me wished to recoil; the stranger stood on one side and Evangeline the other, moving ever closer – and from where? She neglected to answer my question, her face crumpling instead. Was I so terrible a sight? Should I never have come – never have searched? To roam blindly after her, never wondering if the sight of me would cause fresh harm… Such concern was, then, a very distant concept – and yet I felt the edge of her sorrow keenly, as if she expressed the feeling I could not.

I sighed, and the air bubbled restlessly in my chest. But I did not move away. I was too weak, my body pushed to the limits of its meager endurance, heart resounding like the noise of hooves on stone. She was there, at last; I could not rebuke her, even if the sight of her reaction was like another blow. You came back. How cruel I was; why had I never noticed it, before? “Of course,” I muttered, eyes moving uneasily. I had always meant to – only jumped to the hypothesis unproven, in my misery… The quiet shuddering of tired muscle was my only answer to her touch, which came soon after the words. How welcome she was, warm and sturdy against the fevered sweat and shake of my own hide (silly girl, you ought to stay away). Another cough rattled in my chest as I reciprocated contact, weak head lifting only to balance my chin across the top of her neck. Up close, I did recognize her scent – buried beneath a new place, stripped of the Woodlands’ charm but home nonetheless. My dear Evangeline.

“I’m sorry.” It was woefully inadequate, and yet the effort of speaking had grown immense. Against my chest Evangeline drew tense – to answer Rostislav, I realized. When had I become a thing to be quarreled over, like a piece of meat? (appropriate perhaps, but still demeaning) With a single steadying breath I stepped back, better to fix the stallion with my eyes – still strangely difficult to focus, but I caught the gleam of his companion’s eyes in the dark. My choice was clear, of course; I felt no pity or regret. He could not miss the opportunity at all; I was a dead man walking, even if I had belatedly recalled my will to live. “I must –” the sentiment was lost in a wet, choking cough. I snorted flecks of snot onto the ground and motioned with my head at Evangeline. I must go with her. It was not a choice – no more than breath, or the flow of blood. If the Woodlands was beyond my reach, she was my home.

RE: Nyctophobia - Rostislav - 03-12-2014

If ever did I feel like I was imposing this is the time. The two grew closer, closer, cloooooser... and there it was. That mushy lovey stuff. Whatever they had been, whatever they will become again. It is happening. Riiight in front of me. I stand quietly, staring. Awkwardly. Damaris thumps her little tail on my skull, and I blink, startling out of my reverie. Whatever reverie that was. Evangeline is clearly trying to shoo me away from her beloved. She is from the Edge. Well.. there's a little bit of information to store away, something I didn't know before that I do now. Of course, Seele will be disappointed to hear I lost one to the Edge. That being said, the two seem like they will be joined at the hip. What's more, if Ruske's illness, or whatever it is, is contagious, then Evangeline will be the first to get sick and perish because of it. Saves my skin for one more day, at least. Ruske realizes I am waiting there awkwardly and is man enough to apologize for wasting my time. Well, not a total waste.. Met some new ponies, learned some names, all in a good day's work right? Damaris climbs down my back and onto my rump, ready to go. I sigh.

"I get it, Comrade. Well.. try not to die you two. That's a boner killer if there ever was one." I nod, managing another moment of politeness and courtesy, and turn to leave. As I begin to walk away, I lift my pouch to my mouth and drink swiftly of the drink that strengthens me and my resolve. Better go look for some more cowboys 'n' cowgirls.

Text text text.
"Words words words."

RE: Nyctophobia - Evangeline - 03-12-2014

"Of course."

For so long she had been left behind by everyone that she came to care about that it left her in a state of shock that Ruske had found his way back into her life so suddenly. Had it been on purpose? Had he actually looked for her or had some twist of fate, some happy coincidence made him stumble haphazardly into Helovia's waiting arms? She didn't care that he was sick, didn't care that there was the thread of her getting sick because of him. The warmth of his body against her own brought back memories of a happier time in her life. Back when the Woodlands were still full of life, Roanne saw to the warriors protecting their home, and she negotiated with the other herds to keep the peace.

Her muzzle sought out his neck and she breathed in his scent, hoping in vain that he would still smell of the Woodlands that had been her only sanctuary. He apologized and she smiled and gave the slightest shake of her head. "Don't be." she murmured. How could she even think about being upset with the one that actually came back? He had plagued her thoughts and her dreams for so long and there he was in the flesh, sick as a dog, but alive

As the other stallion spoke she regarded him once more, her head dipping as he accepted Ruske's decision to go with her. There wasn't any doubt in her mind that the stallion wouldn't go with her back to her new home, but sickness was a funny thing and could sometimes have a way of altering the mind. "Let's go." She said after they were told to try not to die. Her tail twitched and in her head she could hear Tallis' hiss at the statement. "It wasn't a threat... I don't think." She tried to placate the dragon, but he had been agitated ever since their run in with Ampere in the Threshold and coming back had done nothing to help with that.

The autumn mare turned and began to pick her way through the forest in the Edge's direction, a sense of urgency in her step. She needed to get Ruske to a healer because the sooner he was well the sooner she could question him about where he had gone and what he had seen. And what had happened to him in Isilme.