HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
No, of course I am not cranky. - Printable Version

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No, of course I am not cranky. - Ulrik - 03-17-2014

Each point in space (and time) is associated with a vector that determines what force a moving charge would experience.

[SETTING: Ancient Rotunda grounds near the lake during Frostfall. The hour is mid-morning. Light snow is on the ground. 3 posts each with one closing defense. Aurelia is welcome to make the first attack, but if she does not want to, Ulrik CERTAINLY will after she posts :P I will post the stats in the Roll board with the same spar title shortly]

Having absolutely no concept of what had happened to Helovia over the past few months, Ulrik wandered into a new place that he had never seen before. A great, stone structure stood among leafless, frostfall trees, and a small pond wrapped around one side. He wondered what people had created this megalith and how they had arranged the glass ceiling so expertly. Even though he was an Engineer who studied the physics of nature, he could appreciate the craftsmanship of his predecessors.

The tall, dark Engineer's bronze eyes with little, green flecks danced around the area, taking in the details - details he could incorporate into his own guardians. He was excited about his first, big project, and he gathered as much natural information as he could to ensure that they were built in a way that worked with the laws of physics and not against the way of things. Though this structure was immobile, he saw the way the hatching on the ceiling held the glass plates in place in a dome shape and the way the weight was transferred from the center point downward and into the large pillars.

Kirchoff was not amused, and the juvenile hellhound laid down in the sun near the pond, silver eyes dancing back and forth as he watched the movement of the fish beneath the surface. Ulrik was the most boring creature he had ever met, and his mind was so full of madness that sharing it was a nuisance. Particularly in these moments where he was fascinated by a building that didn't even move.

"Boring." Kirchoff said in Ulrik's mind. He was starting to learn how to communicate easily now, but words were often mixed up. Grammar was a concept that was still difficult to grasp, but his one word comments backed by his immense sarcastic tone were undeniably cunning and intelligent.

Ulrik raised a brow and looked over at the hellhound who shared his mind, smirking out of the side of his dark lips. "Lazy," he returned with equal sarcasm and a hint of amusement. The dog was laying in the sun doing absolutely nothing. He could feel Kirchoff's irritation simmer before settling again, earning him a silver-eyed glare. The stallion chuckled slightly and then walked over to the creature. "Are you so insulted by me that being bonded is a chore?" he asked teasingly.

"Yes. You crazy."

Ulrik laughed, the sound absolutely mad. "I never claimed to be sane." The stallion shook his head before jolting forward and spearing a fish on one of his curved horns. Once it stopped wiggling, he let the fleshy, scaled meal fall from his horn in front of the hellhound. The Engineer was not cruel to Kirchoff, but their relationship clashed on a personality level. At least they could appreciate their differences, and he knew, deep down, that Kirchoff liked him at least a little.


RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Archibald - 04-06-2014

Exploring had always been something that pulled at Loretta's heartstrings, guiding her paws far ahead of her bonded behemoth. Archibald moved like a leviathan behind her, nevertheless, large head lowered with ears twitching, heavily feathered hooves crunching hard snow beneath them. Loretta snapped and bound through trees, her tail curled over her back as she joyfully plundered through the powdery snow beneath the winter-sleeping canopy. Light filtered down to flicker over her pelt, the morning rays a misty yellow to dance between naked branches and ancient twigs. The bitch continuously sent imaged to the king behind her, scouting for him. They were coming to a place foreign to Archibald, despite his years of dwelling in the Helovian borders, and his guard was up. Loretta was excited about this new found treasure, Archibald was cautious. There had been unspeakable amounts of dangerous activity here in these lands, so drenched and saturated in the magic of the Gods and demons alike, and the ex-general did not know what could be lurking around the corner...wraiths, shades--it could be anything.

The pair's clashing emotions of joy and skepticism halted when the mammoth draft stepped from between the trees to join Loretta's side. Before them stood a massive creation. The only structure that Archibald could compare it to was the manor that the Tome Guardian of Isilme had dwelled, but that was nothing compared to the beauty of this fabrication. The light glittered off of the many hued ceiling, cavorting with the stone-grey of the solid columns. This place was new, and wondrous. The Dauntless took several steps forward and scented the building, Loretta trotted around the left of the structure that had so abrasively agitated her rollick. As the malamute set her front right paw on her third stride, she turned and caught the sight of a unicorn stabbing water. The splash grabbed Archibald's attention as well and, together, the pair decided that any life here would be able to answer questions about the architecture behind them. Gathering at Loretta's side, the war-torn partners moved towards the unicorn. 'Wolf. No. Hellhound.' Loretta noted, amber eyes targeting in on the stark black of the sun bathing hound. Her hackles rose slightly and her tail straightened in the air behind her, the sight of her dominant posture a familiar memory in the Dauntless' golden gaze.

As they closed the distance between themselves Archibald examined the unicorn. He has stark black, as dark as the own pelt of the warlord, but his color was interrupted by a tattooing of bronze over one appendage. The same bronze painted the end of every hair that grew from the stallion, reminded him of the blood red color of Ophelia's tips. Less than Ophelia and more like Gaucho the stallion was built, however, strength dignified in each crevice of sinew. Archibald was a brick house, a hurricane of force and power, but this stallion before him would also pack a punch, and have a higher rate of speed over the thickness of the Dauntless.

It was after his initial, normal examination that a memory sparked in the warlord's mind. He had seen this brute on the battlefield of the Qian invasion, falling victim to the fury of lady Mirage in her dragon form. What felt like a lifetime ago once again came to life in the draft's mind, and Loretta barked to alert their approach. Archibald wondered if Ulrik--was that his name?--would attack him on sight for being a hand in taking away his home, or if he would even remember the draft now that he was covered in the scar of battle and dragon fire. Blinking and stopping, just yards from the edge of the lake, the kingly stallion spoke, "What is this place?" His question was simple and he only wanted a simple answer. Loretta, however, fed off of the small trigger of tension from the memory of the battle she was far too young to fight in, and locked her eyes on the younger canine. It was black like Manhattan, but much different in build. It was a hellhound, too, bound by magic of demons. Silently, her white lips curled back to expose off-white fangs, deadly and ready to strike, a warning to the pup.

[WC: 708 | PC: 0/3 | Yay!!!!!!]

   Archibald the Dauntless    
a lionhearted king among warriors


RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Ulrik - 04-08-2014

Each point in space (and time) is associated with a vector that determines what force a moving charge would experience.

Kirchoff's ears tilted back at the sound of approaching steps, and he narrowed his silver gaze slightly, turning back over his dark shoulder. Another dog creature appeared in his periphery, one who was none to friendly it seemed. Shame, really. Kirchoff would have liked to have played and perhaps even learned from an elder of his own, general species. Though, he realized that she was not of hell like he was, but rather just an average dog. Hm. Curious. Why the fuck is she baring her teeth at me?

Finally, Kirchoff rose to his paws, flatting his ears against his dark head and eying her moodily. Though, he did not raise his hackles or snap in her direction - he would not behave so brutishly like his fluff-for-brains master. Speak of, what was he even doing here? And what would he do now? Kirchoff was disinterested in saving his ass from the black behemoth without a horn, and he was positive that that was where this would be going.

"No save." He huffed in Ulrik's direction before glaring at the dog again, irritated by her growling. Every instinct in him told him to lunge and grab her by the scruff, command submission, but he fought it rather valiantly.

Ulrik blinked, turning his head slightly to see that hornless. While he did not possess the flawless memory of Ophelia, he did recognize that this one had fought with the dark and red unicorn, long, long ago. Still, he had no idea how the battle had gone considered that the fatass cow of a dragon bitch mare had mowed him over with her excess weight. Ulrik was still very, very bitter and not at all interested in admitting his own defeat. Naturall, it was all her fault. Still, he had to handle things more delicately since he was not on Basin land.

The stallion's words filtered through to his ears and he glanced down at the aggression of his bitch. Ulrik raised a brow and hummed thoughtfully, looking up at the large, stone structure. "I would imagine that this is a temple with which to praise the gods," he said, deep voice harsh and graveled. Still, his eyes took in the beauty of the craftsmanship and the careful regard toward the laws of nature and gravity. "See the way the weight of the top glass plates is carried down into these stone pillars? The creators understood the ways of natural forces and the laws thereof. I hope to study their workmanship, for this place seems old and has withstood many hardships."

The brief wave of sanity was rare for Ulrik, but science calmed his mind, made him almost normal. He looked back at Archibald, a mad smile on his lips. "Kirchoff, my hellhound, believes that I will attack you, he rumbled, snorting in amusement. "He has warned me that he will not save me, as he so... politely put it." Ulrik glanced down at Kirchoff with a dangerously slow smile. "Would be a shame to waste such a traitorous promise, hm?" he asked Archibald, raising a single brow.

"As such, I challenge you to combat. Certainly one as fit and eager as yourself would not deny me this? Since your hooves were responsible in part for ripping my homeland away, I think it only fair..." he trailed, bronze eyes glinting madly. Still, he did not move first. He was careful, cautious not to let his hatred of this hornless abomination show through. At the very least, all he betrayed was his mild upset over recognizing Archibald's part in the battle for the Edge.

[[Went in to close an italics tag, but it's not an official battle post. Hope this is okay! ]]

RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Archibald - 04-12-2014

Loretta watched with wild, fiery amber eyes as the hellhound responded to her. Her chest burned with a flame of victory for causing a reaction in the jet black pup. Her wrinkled features were quivering some, but he waited, for Archibald's command. Above her, the black stallion listened to the unicorn speak. The warlord's golden eyes narrowed some at the motions of expressions of the bronze-painted man before him--something about the way he moved his head and smiled at him made his mind fizzle with memory. Mandrake had her moments where madness seeped through--and so, too, did Wilder. The memories caused the soldier to grimace darkly. He snorted, despite the grimace, regarding Ulrik's response to his question in a dismissing manner. Archibald, though respectful of the Earth God for the gifts he generously gave, was not one to bend knee and worship the gods. The gods were nothing to him except what he had seen of their actions. The kingly stallion's ears tilted some with disinterest in the answer, though his attention did not buckle from Ulrik and his movements. The look of craze was all but too familiar in Archibald's eyes, having dealt with creatures of the like in his time.

It was the next set of words, however, that sparked Archibald's real attention, and his ears pinned back against his dark mane. Sun colored eyes closed in on the hellhound for a mere second before snapping back up to Ulrik's. The hound was feeding off of Loretta's aggression, and now Ulrik was. Scowling, though not disappointed, the beast tucked his chin some to protect his neck. He would not back down from this challenge. Instead, he decided he would have fun in this tournament of sword. The muscles in his shoulders tensed for a moment, the wheels turning in his mind, a labyrinth of battle tactic. "So be it." Have no mercy. Destroy them. He snorted again. Archibald shot the bitch below him an image of the hellhound laying dead on the snow, and she responded.

Her haunches bunched under her and her shoulders coiled. Snarling, a thick and sickening snarl, she launched her body towards the hound. As she did, Archibald launched himself forward towards Ulrik. As his behemoth, steel shod hooves smacked into the snow, and beneath it to the hard ground, Archibald willed the earth to shake. Tremors shot out towards the water, the earth quivering in submission of the Dauntless. The snow was upset, and Archibald knew this was going to be a slippery battle. His knew weapons did not help either, the smooth steel slided dangerously over the slick snow. He knew he would have to be careful in how he planted his hooves, especially with the earth trembling at his touch. His intent was the thwart the bronze and black stallion and cause him to move with nothing more than desultory surprise. Archibald was familiar with using his magic to take another off guard, as he had done so in the Qian invasion and in his battle against Birch. He wondered if this battle would be like it was against Birch, a fiery dance of bloodlust and rage. Already, Archibald began to feed off of his companion's natural rage. She was a furnace of emotion, and with the smug actions of the pair before them, she was boiling with white hot expression.

As Archibald thundered towards Ulrik on his left side, hoping to close the distance between the two, his pale muzzle shot out, jaws opened and snapping quickly, aimed to hopefully land a sharp bite on Ulrik's back, just behind his wither. The Dauntless rolled his front feet high, extending far in an attempt to slam his steel-clad weapons on the fragile cannon bone of Ulrik's right front limb. As Loretta darted towards Kirchoff she sent her time-magic flying, hoping to drown the boy in his puphood, and launched herself head on to him, hoping she was successful in locking him for half a minute in ignorant infancy to gain the upper hand. Her shoulders pushed up to protect her vital throat, ears pinned back to protect from nicks and tears. Still snarling, the bitch swerved to the right side just slightly and pushed forward hard, hoping to slam her left shoulder into the cur's chest. Her trap-like jaws swung to the left, hoping to shut on his scruff. Every fiber in her body pushed her by instinct, desiring to make this boy before her whine and yelp, to roll over in defeat. Archibald collected his hind legs underneath him and pivoted, hoping to end up perpendicular to Ulrik, facing his left shoulder. With a harsh grunt, the Dauntless moved his overbearing mass forward, knees pulling up towards his chest, as he attempted to ram into Ulrik's leftside ribcage.

[WC: 799 | PC: 1/3 | Def: 0/1 | Magic restrictions: Tremor, 1/2; Bone; 0/--; Companion: 1/-- || Magic used: [Magic: Earth (U) | can create earth tremors with a stomp of the hooves that imbalances and disorients the opponent]
[Restrictions | Can only be used twice in battle, with the tremors lasting up to a full post; the tremors are strong and should cause severe disorientation]]

   Archibald the Dauntless    
a lionhearted king among warriors


RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Ulrik - 05-09-2014

Each point in space (and time) is associated with a vector that determines what force a moving charge would experience.

Ulrik mused that talking to this hairy beast was like talking to a rock. Only a snort met his theories about the beautiful, stone structure, and he had to assume that it was because this poor, uneducated creature did not possess the burning desire to learn. Maybe he was a dumb child? A war brute without thought? He had come from a band of those, and he was not interested in going back. All of his machinations and grandiose thoughts had been mocked but his old family, so Ulrik challenged the brute and finally he got a reaction. Like a boy prodding an anthill with a stick, the Engineer wanted to elicit some sort of response.

Words! The beast used words! Even if only three, single syllables moved from his opponents throat, they were the common tongue. So, the behemoth could speak after all - maybe just only in single syllables though...

Kirchoff watched as the dog lunged at him, and the hellhound stiffened. "Wha-th-fuck, Ulrik?" He yelled in his bonded's head. Why had he been pulled into this? Large paws in the snow back-tracked away from her as she lunged, jumping narrowly out of the way and glaring her down with his silver eyes. Never before had he tapped into the darkness that boiled beneath the surface, the reservoir of hate that was a result of the hell from whence he had come. But now? He was angry. He was angry at Ulrik and this bitch. Silver eyes began to glow and what looked like gray smoke wafted from his face, and he curled his lips from his white fangs.

Ulrik watched the stallion approach, and he shifted just before the Earth began to shake and rattle. Cloven hooves found purchase on the ground beneath the snow, purchase his opponent seemed to not have. Blinking through the vertigo, he stumbled up the steps of the rotunda, the stone slab providing a slightly more stable foundation on which to gather his wits again. The Engineer blinked roughly, shaking his head and mane as he tried to stomach the nausea. As he tried to regain his composure, the thundering clomps of the fat beast's approach filly his ears, and the Engineer sourly accepted his fate. A slight shift in movement saved him from being bitten in the sensitive nerve cluster behind his shoulder, but Archibald's teeth did manage to grasp on his hip.

Skin pinched and puckered, and the stallion growled, lifting his hind quarters from the stone floor and flashing them out to the side, hoping to catch Archibald in the chest or side while he was close enough to land the bite. Simple movement mechanics made the Engineer's leg out of reach when the metal clad hooves of his opponent lashed out, and absently, he wondered if the stallion would go skating across the surface with all the grace of an elephant on a frozen lake. "Careful, Kirchoff," Ulrik warned in his mind, bronze eyes now clear as he watched the large stallion turn to face his side.

Even though Ulrik was muscular and large, he was not quite so large as the tall and massive beast he was fighting. With cloven hooves and a long, ballast of a tail on his side, the Engineer only had to focus carefully on dodging. A sidestep helped him avoid the brunt of Archibald's telegraphed run, shifting his hips to the right. Simultaneously, he turned his head to the side, hoping that his opponent would not be able to course-correct fast enough to avoid the two horns that aimed to pierce along his side. What he did not expect then was to feel pain, and he grunted, feeling phantom puncture wounds on his neck. Kirchoff....

Kirchoff had never fought before, and even though he felt the blackened rage of hell pump through his veins, was novice. The hellhound felt something grip him, reverting him back to a pup, and he responded by using his own power, launching forward. Though, the combination of magic seemed to do nothing but land him exactly in the same timestream, and her teeth found the thick hair of his wolf-like scruff which her shoulder collided with his own. Kirchoff yelped and scrambled to his paws, using his long, wolf's snout to reach around and try to grab her himself. He growled deep and low in his chest, wanting blood and death now. The hellhound managed to escape her grasp and then lunged, using the length of his legs and mythical power to leap forward, leaving only a trail of silver in his wake as he seemingly disappeared. Kirchoff aimed to catch her off guard and wind his jaws around her spine, and he would try to use his fangs to crush the spinal cord.

[[[(1/3) (799 words)
- Ulrik was bitten by Archibald on the hip, but he kicks out, trying to catch Archibald
- legs escape attack from simple movement
- jumps to the side as Archibald runs at him, but uses his horns to try to catch Archi on side as he is running
- Kirchoff is bitten hard on his neck, but he uses his power to try to biter her spine and catch her off guard

RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Archibald - 05-28-2014

Both black bastards before the Dauntless and his bitch move backwards, away from their power. Loretta, successful in her magical grasp on the younger canine, snarls again deeply. Her teeth find purchase on his scruff, the taste of him a bitter mixture of dandruff and sweat that makes the female, momentarily, want to spit him from her jaws. However, her desire to make him submit beneath her is too dominant over the sick taste. Flashes of her black sister, Manhattan, flew through her mind. She had wanted the younger dog to cry out and roll over when she had attacked Archibald, and she felt it amplified towards this creature before her. Loretta was, by her nature, an aggressive beast, but today the thirst for blood and power fueled her muscles and pushed her on. The oddly-marked wolf-creature shook himself free of her bite, but her shoulder had also hit him. Her ears stayed pinned to keep from adding another knick, her toes splayed wide as she twisted in the snow.

Kirchoff was a bolt of lightning as he slipped from her magic, leaving a trail of silver behind him that startled the malamute. She had never seen this sort of dance before, and her eyes widened slightly, showing her surprise. The red and white twisted as fast as she could manage in the snow, swinging her hips away from the black's teeth. Loretta jumped forward after twisting away, but found herself too slow. Kirchoff's speed was unpredictable, and he managed to snap his teeth over the right side of her scruff. Loretta's vocal chords vibrated out with an angry, sickening growl as she twisted and pulled back from the younger canine's jaws. His teeth punctured down, but it was only skin damage. Thankful to her breed and ancestors, Loretta's scuff was thick and her skin was plenty, pulling away from vital places that surely would have made her bondmate turn to kill the hellhound. Throwing her head towards where Kirchoff had bitten her, Loretta attempted to snap her jaws viciously on the right side of his cheek or upper neck area, her ears still pinned and body beginning to shake with rage.

Through the tremor, the Dauntless followed his opponent up the steps of the Rotunda. His hooves slid just an inch on the stoney surface, but Archibald adjusted carefully. He had never fought on stone before, but it was not much different than the hard mountains of the Foothills, and Archibald knew how to maneuver them in any weather, and his adjustment served well.

In this scramble between horse and dog, Archibald also had success in his attack, even if it was not his original target. Off-white teeth snapped over the unicorn's hip and Archibald's tail swished harshly against his hind legs, displaying his satisfaction but malicious intentions for the rest of his spat. Metal-wrapped hooves found no purchase on the smaller stallion's legs, and as Archibald pulled himself away from Ulrik to charge his second attack, the smaller stallion smacked him with a cloven hoof. Pain, blunt and warm, ripped across scarred skin and into his muscles. Ulrik's attack landed on Archibald's right shoulder, behind his joint and under his scapular spine. It throbbed already, even as the Dauntless rammed towards Ulrik. He had turned to face the Basin stallion for that attack, leaving his left side open to the assault of horns. Archibald turned hard, sliding his hips away from the oncoming swords, but the longest was able to snatch his left ribcage. A long, albeit shallow, slice went down half the length of his ribcage. Archibald grunted and pulled in a breath, the pain greater than the kick to his shoulder.

It was an odd reality, the sharpness and dangerousness of unicorn horns. Archibald had his fair share of scars from their attacks on his midnight pelt, mostly from cuts much like the one Ulrik had planted on his ribs. Leyra had made a similar attack, all those years ago when they fought in the forest. Archibald had defeated her with ease, but she left her horn-kiss on his hide. The stinging rang through his body, down his barrel and into his shoulder. The warlord knew that the two attacks landing on opposite sides of his body would help him, the pain evening out across his mammoth frame. Gritting his teeth, Archibald kicked up his hind hooves, hoping to collapse Ulrik's skull with his horseshoes. His kick was aimed to hopefully demolish the other stallion's face, though both hooves rammed out, causing the warlord to hope that one would hit his face and the other his neck or upper-shoulder. As Archibald's hooves found purchase again, he lifted his head to save himself from Ulrik's own rear hooves, and sent his bone magic towards the other stallion.

[WC: 800 | PC: 2/3 | Def: 0/1 | Magic restrictions: Tremor, 1/2; Bone; 1/--; Companion: 1/-- || Magic used: :: [Magic: Earth (U) | The ability to turn another's bones to stone, causing immobilization or slower movement.]
:: [Restrictions | Bones are turned to actual stone; the effects will wear off gradually. In battle, attack lasts for 50 seconds. Can only be used once in a post.]]
****Edited to tag @[Ulrik]

   Archibald the Dauntless    
a lionhearted king among warriors


RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Ulrik - 06-27-2014

Each point in space (and time) is associated with a vector that determines what force a moving charge would experience.

Kirchoff could feel the black, hellish blood that fueled his mortal body drip down his neck, and he was grateful that the scruff around that area was thick and full of layered hackles. Still, the bite hurt every time he turned his head, but he would not let such pain deter him from the battle this angry little slut had started. Power he had never felt before hammered in his chest, and he wanted to use it for all it was worth. Even Ulrik, the brutally intelligent Engineer, did not have power that felt like this. The hellhound jumped out of his magic, jaws wide open, watching her body swing away from him – just not fast enough. His novice, long canines sank into the skin on her scruff, but he found the excess skin to be a nuisance. No, his fangs longed for something far more important, so he released his prey, watching her head turn to snap his direction. Having already let her go, Kirchoff slunk back and avoided her bite, the ache from her puncture wounds making him much wiser.

Instead, he struck out with his long, slender forelegs, aiming to take his sharp nails over her hide. The wolf-like hellhound knew from hunting that his nails and webbed feet could be used to pull meat from bone, so perhaps he could do that while she was still breathing. Ulrik’s words arrived in the nuclear fallout that was his focused mind, and the hellhound grinned, baring wolf teeth on his long snout. “I fine. You bit on butt.” He snickered in his head and thrashed at the female again with his nails, jumping up and down like a pup playing with a hare in a rabbit hole. Now wouldn’t that just piss her off? She needed to get the rod out from up her butt.

Ulrik grunted at Kirchoff’s words, but the hellhound’s confidence and sensation of power leaked over through their bond. The Engineer felt the skin pinch over his hips from the wordless brute’s bite (ironic, isn’t it?), and one of his reactive hooves smacked against Archibald’s shoulder. What was surprising was that even though the stallion was moving away from him, the impact of his hoof on his opponent was rather sharp, sharp enough that he felt it radiate up his body and rattle in his hip. Just as both of his hooves landed on the ground, he watched Archibald approach again, tilting his head and letting his horn scrape along the stallion’s side. From the looks of it, the scratch was shallow but long, and Ulrik felt rather satisfied at that fact. His opponent’s grunt of pain only added to his satisfaction, and the Engineer’s moment of success lasted too long for such a fast paced battle. He had distracted himself. What an idiot.

Words to the wise: don’t get cocky. Ulrik hadn’t really thought through the fact that Archibald running away from him meant that his fat ass would then be near his face. And what was connected to fat asses? Dinner plate hooves with horse-shoes. The Engineer seemed to watch in slow motion as Archibald’s hooves flashed out toward his face, unable to move quickly enough and cursing at himself in his head with a bitter resignation. With a duck, he managed to save his bearded face.

However, the same could not be said for his upper shoulder. One, gigantic, shod hoof collided with the muscular area just above his shoulder blade and at the base of his neck on the left side of his chest. Fuck, did that hurt. Ulrik felt like the muscle was tearing from his bones, and the wind was completely knocked from his lungs. The stallion wanted to shake it off, but the next thing he knew, he was rooted in place, groaning as he was forced to face the pain head on and without limping around. Instead of feeling anger, like most others would feel, Ulrik was rather impressed. Archibald was able to take advantage of a situation and play to his strengths. Touche.

The magic effects that made him stiff wore off, and he tested his weight by backing out of the Rotunda and onto the icy ground. He was limping on his front, left leg, and the sharp pain of a bruised muscle keeping him from putting his full weight on the limb. The Engineer hoped that here, the shoes would send his opponent sliding through the slush while his cloven hooves would give him much needed stability. With his magic, he called his wolf-machine possession into battle, hearing it whir and click with life. The hunk of steel, slightly smaller than Kirchoff, ran into the clearing and slid on the ground, aiming to crash into Archibald while Ulrik recovered.

[[(796 words according to microsoft word!) | (2/3)
- Used :: [Item: Machine Wolf | mechanized metal wolf of medium size capable of obeying verbal commands and sensing movement]
- Kirchoff aims to scratch Loretta
- Ulrik takes Archi's hit to the shoulder, and he is stuck there for 50 seconds
- Backs out of the Rotunda and uses his item to try to hit Archi]]

RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Official - 07-29-2014

Tamme and Time have agreed to extend this spar.

RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Sevin - 09-07-2014

@[Archibald]- Is this still continuing?

RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Blu - 09-13-2014

@[Archibald] please reply to this thread if you are replying elsewhere or else it will default.

RE: No, of course I am not cranky. - Official - 09-14-2014

Deleted Archibald's OOC posts, default to Ulrik. Ulrik wins 0.5 VP.