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Shinies by Dragomir - Printable Version

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Shinies by Dragomir - Dragomir - 03-18-2014

I lack awesome naming skills like some people k.

Dragomir makes all sorts of stuff, so long as its made of stone or metal! He can also craft temporary rope to be used as needed, which breaks or rots after a thread or two per anything you make without passes/abilities. As I'm pretty active, he is too, especially when he has work. This tracker includes all the items he's made as well as those he keeps in his satchels or clearing in the Falls, and will list all of his scheduled tasks for each upcoming season. :)

Dropping Orders - New Policies
If you "drop" an order, which, in other words, means you have held a slot on my reservations list and I have made a thread for you that you did not reply to or did not get finished in a timely manner, I reserve the right to not make you an item and to refuse you service in the future. I am pushing back herd projects and delaying some of my own personal projects/desires in order to create these threads for you guys and I would appreciate if you gave me the same respect as I am giving you by being timely, efficient, and responsible. If you are on the list of reservations and do not believe you will be able to make it work that particular season, LET ME KNOW IN ADVANCE so I can move you down and have appropriate time to maximize Dragomir's efficiency.

Things he can make;
Small Items:
Mortars, Pestles
Cups, Flasks, Jars, Ect.

Medium Items:
Armor Pieces
Mortars, Pestles

Large Items:
Armor Sets
Buildings (multi-phase projects)

It is truly only limited to your imagination, and his work schedule and crafting abilities! Please let me know here, via PM, or on my skype (bonjourbunnie) if you are interested in ordering from him.

Items he's looking for in trade;
Diamonds (or other gemstones)
Metal items
Metallic Stones
Leather or cured hide
Satchels & bags
Storage devices (chests, bottles, jars, ect.)
Driftwood (soft, suitable to derive corking items from)
Resin or sap

Items stored in grove;
This are items he has gathered over time or had an excess of post project.
- Stop Leaving your stuff gets lost moron

Completed Year 4 Orders
- Kahlua, Medium Item, Glass Chest Harness with Glass Flowers Image
- Tyradon, Small Item, Glass Hoof Spikes - Thread unfinished
- Parelia, Medium Item, Wing Joint Armor with Turquoise Detail Image
- Ranjiri, Small Item, Several Red Glass Beads for Mane Image
- Personal, Small Item, Feather and Branch with Glass Beads and Rubies Mane Ornament Image

- Sheba, Medium Item, Glass Mane Baubles/Bottles with Wood Stoppers Image
- Convert fragments causing fires along the border into cubes of glass to store in grove
- Personal Item, Small Item, Glass pendant depicting a natural scene for the Earth God

Frostfall, Year 8
- None yet

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Kahlua - 03-18-2014

Kahlua wants something pretty, she never got to make something for herself ;-;

Maybe some glass flowers like the ones that Brit drew in her hair in her manip here! Or something else if you have an idea, I do love surprises.

I think the flowers would be a medium item, as they would be a collection of tiny little items. Let me know if you have tiimmmeee for me :D

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Dragomir - 03-18-2014

<3 He always has time for Kahlua lol.

I was already planning on getting him to make her up something. I hadn't decided on what - but glass flowers sounds pretty!


RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Tyradon - 03-20-2014

Would Dragomir mind making Tyra an offensive item in the form of a set of glass spikes to go beneath each hoof, to increase his traction and the pain from his kicks? It'd be a small item I believe. Tyra could try and woo him with racist talks? xD I can't think of anything IC he'd give as a trade but I can OOCly offer art if that's allowed? C:

Edit: I saw he's looking for an assistant to help him break rocks - I imagine Cynder is quite dextrous with her paws, so she could help break the rocks by superheating them and using tools on them? 8D

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Rayo - 03-21-2014

Soh would love to meet him and do a trade mebbe? She really just needs to get to know her fellow crafters!

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Cealestis - 03-21-2014

Super heat + cold water = cracked stone, yes. :3 So she would be of a lot of help and that would be a decent exchange as far as Dragomir is concerned; he'd probably ask for gemstones or chunks of metal.

I *wouldn't* mention the racism, really. He's turned against that side of himself for the most part and, while he is elitist and would love a world full of nothing but horses, he's determined he'll be able to do it just making babies and participating in great deeds. xD He's rather naive but still cute I suppose. If he knew Tyra was going to use them for evil he wouldn't want to let him have them and would refuse.

Definitely! It would have to be next seasonish but that's just around the corner. :3 He'd love to get to see her magic and to stare at it with much awe.

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Tyradon - 03-23-2014

Sounds good to me! Shall I get a thread up or can you? C:

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Illynx - 03-24-2014

Up to you! I have an open thread here with Voodoo that I was going to respond to today (Tailor can't make the thread atm) so you can jump into that one at any point orrrrr either you or I could start a new one (if you don't think Tyradon can play nice xD).

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Tyradon - 03-24-2014

I don't mind either way C: I can throw him into the Voodoo one if you don't mind me gatecrashing!

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Parelia - 03-24-2014

So Parelia has been wanting something to protect her wing joints a little more ever since her fight with Illynx! She wants glass bracelets like things with turquoise stones embedded around them (optional!); that cover her wing joints, making it hard for them to be damaged. She would be willing to do whatever he needs her to in order to get these! <3

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Illynx - 03-24-2014

Either way is good, just let me know with a tag if you start a new one. :D

I think that counts as a small item. It will have to wait until next season, however. :3 He will generally accept trades for things he can use in his crafting so generally stuff like gemstones, unique stones, pretty bits of small driftwood, leather or cloth, ect. Whatever you think she can come up with will be fine more than likely as he's just learning and is not overly proud of anything he does. :| If she could go ahead and gather the trade items while we're waiting for the season to swap that'd make the process that much quicker!

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Dragomir - 03-24-2014

Sorry for dual tags but actually getting some turquoise before hand would be lovely because idk even know where that would be in Helovia. :|

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Parelia - 03-24-2014

Ok lol. I'll see what she can do! :D

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Sheba - 03-24-2014

If you've got room for next season, I'd love to deck Sheba out a bit! I was thinking maybe a set of glass baubles (apricot-sized sphere containers with glass stoppers) that could be attached to a chain/woven into her mane to carry around her little trinkets. That would be a small/medium item I think?

Trade-wise, if it's permissible, she could bring him some of the red gemstones from the Deep Forest (they're what she wants to put in the glass, haha). She's got no magic, but she will do almost anything for the shinies (weird character quirk of hers), so if you think of anything, I'm up for it--whether you need her help recruiting someone for a task or finding more material, whatever floats Dragomir's boat.

OOC, I can also offer art (http://jasmine-autumn.deviantart.com/).

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Illynx - 03-25-2014

I think they would count as a small item, as he could gather corks easy enough by finding some soft sticks of a proper diameter. I'll just have to look into plant types that have supple cores. :3


I'd looove art or we can do an item trade; the rubies would be fine because I wouldn't have to send him to get them or she could bring him pretty much whatever just so he can hoard it for later use and just in cases.

Maybe he can be in some sort of predicament and she can assist him with it? OH I KNOW. He can discuss his feelings for a certain someone with her and she can offer him lady-like advice on how to woo her. Or something else. :| He's the sort to offer gifts if he feels like someone has truly helped him with something.

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Dragomir - 03-25-2014

Side note that he can color the glass with any object of a similar tone to what she's wanting, so even if there is no such thing as turquoise in Helovia we can at least get the color you'd like for her. :3

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Parelia - 03-25-2014

Oh awesome!! <3

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Sheba - 03-25-2014

Sounds good to me! I think what might work is her advice, and then I can do art (if you don't mind a bit of a wait). She's a greedy little thing, and I don't see her wanting to share if she doesn't have to xD On the flip side, I think that they'd be fun to thread together since she'll want to make friends with all the crafters haha.

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Dragomir - 03-26-2014

Looking forward to it! I'll tag you as soon as I'm ready to start on next season's items.
A wait is fine! There should be everything you need on his profile to work up a manip of him or you're welcome to try one of my other two, Illynx or Cealestis.

RE: Shinies by Dragomir - Semira - 04-09-2014

I am contemplating a set of chimes/bells for Semira's mane. Not sure what she'd give him in return.