HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] No Shirt, No Blouse - Printable Version

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No Shirt, No Blouse - Déodat - 05-01-2014


Déodat felt the warmth of the spring around him. Perhaps it had been a bit foolish to leave the Basin, but he knew that every now and then he needed to indulge in himself. So early in the morning he ventured from the safety of his northern home with his white pup at his side. Odette was growing and he was unsure precisely how to feel about such a notion. She was still the equivalent of a child, but he was prepared for her to become more independent. A child depending solely on him was quite stressful indeed. Children were always a distant thought in his mind, right next to bedding women. So many males derived pride from the numbers of women they had mounted and he knew not how to feel about such things. They were breathing creatures not trophies. The only thing he cared about mounting were heads onto spikes.

A sigh passed from his lips and he shook his head slightly. For one that was so condescending of playboys and their whims he couldn’t desires that spring brought, he had managed to repress them of course, but he knew eventually he would have to find release. Déodat snorted at himself as he grazed, trying to push the thoughts from his mind. Part of him pondered whether others believed himself a virgin. A snicker passed from his lips as he thought back to the days of the north. There had been plenty of fine mares he had enjoyed, after a victory he would sneak away with one of his clan mates. He had never participated in the foul acts of rape that some of his comrades had. Odette prowled out from the grass and looked at him her head cocked slightly. Déodat sensed her prowling about in his mind and trying to decipher his thoughts.

“I’ll explain it when you’re older,” He said to her as he lifted his head. “Your little puppy brain won’t comprehend such things yet. Besides, you’re a girl, you’ll never quite understand my thoughts.” He watched her simply blink at him and then turn and walk off into the grass. A smile passed from his lips as he watched her toddle off. The little pup had weaseled her way into his heart and he felt almost a paternal love for her.

After some time, Déodat could hear a certain pup begin to yap and he rolled his eyes. He put grazing aside for the time being and walked slowly in the direction from where the barking came. “ODETTE,” He yelled out into the meadow. “God damn it, ODETTE, come here now!”

"Speech speech speech"

[@[Hotaru] ]

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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Hotaru - 05-12-2014


There is a beauty to the swell of spring that Hotaru cannot help but to appreciate. The hues of gold and rose that color the skies like a sleepy painter sweeping a brush across an infinite canvas, the smell of honeysuckle and clover that washes away the memories of cold nights and lingering snow. She embodies the season, a spring dawn forever stained upon her skin, bleeding pink and gold with white clouds interspersed. But with all the beauty of the new season, she cannot shake the annoyance that buds within her like the green children upon once barren leaves. Heat tingled beneath her skin, pinpricks that left her annoyed and frustrated with her own body. Her first breeding season, and already she is convinced that this must be why the entire planet is ready to create offspring, if any relief at all comes from the act. Long, silken tail, like gossamer threads spun with gold and blushing rubies, flicks daintily in the air to wrap temporarily around a slim ankle.

Sun warms her back and she hums softly in contentment, focusing on the pleasant feeling rather than the unpleasant one pricking beneath her skin. She'd sooner rip her teeth into someone than answer how she was feeling that day, but she'd always been a bit of a demoness. So instead she focuses on the pale of her hooves flashing up at her from among the greenery, ground soft and malleable as she treads upon it. It's relatively quiet, pleasantly so, and her hum lengthens happily. Yes, this was what she'd been needing; a nice stroll in the sun, the mists of the Heavenly Field clinging to her coat, making her glimmer like her mother used to by aid of magic. And though she shines, she is unaware of whatever pull she has, for she's always been the black sheep of her family. Her desires led her down the path of war and battle, theirs had kept them safe at home combing their tails and batting their lashes.

Barking disturbs her thoughts, and she blinks stupidly around herself, lithe body tensing at the noise. She is no stranger to the existence of wolves, after all, but the sound is young and fresh to the world. Puzzled, she scans the scenery about her, and lo and behold among the colorful growth is a moving blob of white. One brow arches in surprise, an elegant curve sliding upon her lips as heterochromatic eyes gaze down upon the pup. Amusement curls like smoke around her words as she speaks them, a soft laugh chiming forth to sweeten the vixen curve of her lips; "Hello little one, lost your escort?" Hotaru knows the bonded is sure to be close by, companions did not often stray far from their bonded's side.

She is proven correct when a deep voice booms out from the low fog, a name on masculine tones that must surely belong to the white pup wriggling about near her hooves. Laughing softly to herself she began to move towards the voice, hoping to entice the pup into following both her and the bonded's command. Her half-smirk is still present as the stallion comes into view, and she can't help the smooth laugh as words trickle off her tongue to meet his harks.

"See little one? He's safe and sound, even without momma watching over him," she teases, her laugh light but eyes inquisitive as they roam shamelessly over his form, sizing him up against her own frame. Some brutes just couldn't take a hit to their supposed masculine pride, and she'd rather not have to resort to battle with a frame that more than encompassed her own simply because she'd snubbed him. "I'm Hotaru," she introduces herself firmly, squaring her shoulders as her lips cocked up in playful mischief. "Can I ask your name? I'd be charmed to meet the noble knight of such a fine pup," and if her words are a little playful it is for Deodat to decide his response, but there is a sincerity in her tone and the unwavering gaze upon his form that speaks leagues of the compliment hiding between the lines, for he is certainly knightly in appearance.

@[Déodat] Sorry for the wait during my absence lovey!

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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Déodat - 05-14-2014


Déodat wasn’t entirely sure what he had expected when he sought out Odette, but he definitely didn’t expect to find her with a mare. The mare seemed to have befriended his companion, which of course wasn’t difficult with the pup’s level of friendliness. He glanced affectionately at her as he saw the small figure come into view. Odette barked in greeting to her bonded but remained by Hotaru’s side, her tail wagging faster than ever. The white dog had a friendliness to a fault, and the Blood Prince was unsure how he would be able to train a hound of war if she made everyone within a five mile radius her friend.

The mare introduced herself, Hotaru, a lovely name really. She continued on with her words calling him a knight which took Déodat off-guard. Barbarian was a more common title given to him, most definitely not noble knight. None of his surprise was written on his face. Instead a small smile broke over his features, welcoming the company of a lovely mare, a unicorn at that. Spring was truly in the air and it made even the seemingly hormoneless stallion craving, especially when a certain scent caught in the air.

“I hate to disappoint, but I don’t believe myself a knight. I’m Déodat, and you’ve already met Odette.” He said gesturing to the white pup before him. “She is my pain in the ass, I mean, bonded.” That rare light of humor glimmered in his eye. Whoever this mare was, she was lucky for she caught him in a pleasant and sociable mood, a rarity for his typically workaholic mind. He shamelessly studied the mare’s figure, exploring her feminine curves and shapes with his gaze. It had been awhile since he found himself, hungry, for lack of a better term, but he did his best to suppress the hormones sweltering up inside.

“I do hope my bonded wasn’t bothering you. She is a bit too extroverted for her own good and believes everyone is her friend.” Déodat’s tone was warm and good natured, despite the mockery of his friend. Odette yapped in response, declaring her agreement he supposed. “She often slips from my gaze, but I don’t consider myself the most vigilante of parents, as I believe best lessons are learned from experience.”

He felt ridiculous for yammering on like he was. It wasn’t common for him to be the chatterbox he was so quickly becoming before this mare. Surely the hormones were getting to more than just his loins, but his head as well. This was why he simply regarded mares as friends and averted sexual encounters, it did something to one’s mind.

"Speech speech speech"

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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Hotaru - 05-20-2014


Despite the surprise that desired to paint her visage at the continued presence of the pale pup at her side, Hotaru concealed the endearment and instead opted to enjoy the hyper little darling while it lasted. Though she found it odd for the creature to find her more captivating than Deodat, especially with the stallion as Odette's bonded, she wouldn't reject the attention so freely given. It was cute, in a way, even if the poor lass had no idea how to handle the energetic thing gallivanting around her. At least she had the stallion to focus upon, instead of one-sided conversations with Odette. It had certainly been long enough since she'd last conversed- pleasantly, at that- with anyone at all. Not that she minded that he was quite handsome, for while she was no vixen of temptation like her dam and twin, she could still appreciate a fine behind when the fancy struck her.

His smile made the corners of her lip curl the slightest bit more, and she laughed freely at his comment, naturally subdued though it was. "Then consider it a compliment from a naive adorer," she chortled softly. "And aren't the two synonyms after all?" Features gleamed with mischievousness, feeling more comfortable with joining in as he teased his bonded lovingly. She could not deny the affection in his tone, after all, and it made her long for a bonded of her own. The only creature she'd ever gotten to know had been Stella, and most of her days as a foal had been spent trying to get away from the pesky bird and her watchful eyes.

Humming softly she shook her head in a calm swaying motion. "She was no bother. But I understand your concern. There are far fouler beasts that would sooner harm her than blink twice, and scum like that, as much as they deserve to bleed upon someone's horn, sadly are rather numerous." A certain darkness plays beneath the waves of her voice, a predator beneath the ocean's trickery of peacefulness, a hatred and desire to vanquish those she considered evil. Despite herself, she cannot help the sudden feeling of self-doubt that overcomes her, pondering if such strong words, said from a fighter's point of view, would chase off her new acquaintance.

Instead she smiled at his newly bestowed words, glancing down at the yapping pup between them. "I'm sure she appreciates such freedom." Rolling lithe shoulders she turned to bare her side to him, motioning gently with her crown with an inquisitive look upon her face. Long legs set in motion, languid as she let her purpose sink in before she bothered to speak it. "Care to walk?" An invitation, one he could choose to either accept or reject as she flicked her tail and rested one hoof against the greenery, pausing for his decision.

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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Déodat - 05-21-2014


Déodat smiled slightly at her response. A naïve adorer, when had he ever had one of those? Female attention never had been a priority for him, but he was still a man, and a man could always enjoy a woman’s adoration(well, a heterosexual one at least). This mare was proving to be good company already, he had always been one to enjoy banter when in the proper mood.

“Yes that is very true. This one is the perfect example of that,” Déodat stared down affectionately at the white pup. Their bond was a deep one, even if it was still quite young. He could only wonder what the years would bring them and how much deeper their relationship would go. The Blood Prince had heard of the way that bonded pairs communicated via mental connection. For a moment he considered precisely what it would be like to hear Odette’s voice within his head, and he decided that would be a dreaded day when she could speak. That was a day he could deal with when it came.

“I’m glad she wasn’t a nuisance to you.” Déodat said with a slight dip of his head. “Helovia is a dangerous place as any, and there are some foul creatures that wouldn’t hesitate to harm such innocent beings. I agree with you, ones that could harm mere children should have their heads roll on the ground and mounted on stakes.” In his own right, he was a brutal warrior but he doubted that he could steal the life of a child or innocent creature, even if it was a skyrat or hornless beast. There was a line for even his own barbarianism and cruelty that always awaited to emerge. Even his own mind that many would label wicked there was a clear sense of morality, and the slaughter of children fell in right beside rape and betrayal of his word. Few things in his mind were truly sins, but those were things that had been deemed such.

Déodat nodded slowly at her words and as she gestured and threw out her offer he began to walk in step with the mare. Odette leapt up to her feet and pranced alongside the two figures. Teasing thoughts played on the edge of her mind of romantic trysts and secret lovers. Déodat shot Odette a look when he assumed Hotaru wasn’t looking.

“So, where do you call home?” Déodat asked to simply strike up conversation. “I personally am from the Aurora Basin.” Part of him pondered how that would sit with the mare. Would it make her spit in his face and deem him a demon? Far too many only know his family for their ‘racism’, a term coined by the hippies of the Edge he assumed.

"Speech speech speech"


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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Hotaru - 05-26-2014


A small smile was the response to her light-hearted teasing, one she returned. It was a handsome curl of dark lips, she was not blind nor a fool, and his physical attributions were more than satisfactory. Hotaru was no temptress in her right mind, had lived her life being second best, a shadow at the heels of her twin. There was too little self-esteem to play this stallion as she may, in time, learn how. No, this was a tentatively companionable banter between two acquaintances, one Hotaru navigated with the intention of only delighting in a fellow soldier's brighter spirits. So far, she seemed to be doing rather decently, so perks to her for not being an utter social failure.

His fondness distracted him as he hummed an agreement to her words, and she briefly wished she could enjoy the same closeness with a companion that he clearly did. The Gods had deigned, clearly, that it was not yet meant to be.

Crown shook gently and she hummed softly, lips turning up in a pale ghost of an amused smile, always more reserved in the display of emotions than most. "A delightful nuisance, if anything," she conceded, though a wicked gleam of approval brightened her features as his words dragged on, detailing how each monster should be treated. "A stallion after my own heart," she purred, tail lasciviously curling from ankle to ankle as she tossed her locks to better view him, as if this revelation somehow needed to be reaffirmed visually.

"I'm sure all those heads would look wonderful all in a row decorating the borders of a herdland," she laughed, soft and maleficent. "Warning: beastlies and bad-do'ers ahead." Humming her amusement to herself she quieted, not wanting to scare away the handsome company she'd somehow managed to win over with her forthright attitude. Foals were precious, sacred even, an innocent generation that was not to be touched. It was pleasing to find someone who shared, even to some degree, her philosophy.

However it turned out, she smiled to herself as he fell into step beside her, her own slim legs dancing at a faster tempo than his own due to lengthier stride. Surprisingly he is the one to initiate the next bridge of conversation, and her ears perk in pleasant surprise when he allocates his own answer prior to hers. "The Basin? Truly!" But her lyrics are warm and surprised in a frankly genial way. "I was set to be accepted by d'Artagnan, but the wraiths drove us underground directly after. It's still my intention, my family lives there still, but I've yet to make my way this far North until now." It's only a half-answer, she's quite aware of it, and so she amends her words smoothly after. "I merely wander. Until I find d'Artagnan again or chance upon another official at the borders, I've yet to claim a herd for my own." The irony of the fact that she walked unknowingly beside one such ranked stallion would not be known to her, but her voice was a touch warmer to have it revealed that he was from the snowy reaches she so desired to call home.

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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Déodat - 05-27-2014


“Perhaps one day I can get this delightful nuisance under control,” Déodat said and snickered a bit at the thought. “I doubt that day will ever come though, she is a wild thing, but her heart is good and I would hate to see her kindness die.” He found that kindness was a rare thing and it was something he lacked. Life had stripped him of the kindheart that once beat in his chest. It was replaced with a hardened shattered heart with a layer of ice to protect itself from the world around. So few were able to penetrate past that layer. Today though it seemed to have melt and bring out remnants of his kindness and happiness. Good moods had become a rarity for the Blood Prince.

Déodat joined in with her laughter, though the image was quite beautiful in his mind. “It would definitely send a message to those that stand as threats.” He of course thought of the Regime and how their heads would warn others what precisely would happen if they tested the Basin. There was a certain sadism that lay within the Blood Prince that he often failed to contain. “Though I’m sure it would scare the very things they had been slaughtered to protect. I know if I saw a decapitated head as a colt I would’ve pissed myself.” There was amusement lacing his tone. Déodat had been anything but an easy child, but even that would’ve scared him. It wouldn’t have surprised him if the General used such a display as a lesson for his son, he always was a cruel man when it came to discipline.

The mare’s reaction to his homeland brought on a sense of relief. So many when they heard his home’s name they cringed or cursed it. Not only was there warmth in her voice, she had sought to be one of them. He blinked in surprise. This women only went to shock him even more at the mention of his cousin. The legendary Doctor. He smiled slightly at the thought of his grumpy cousin. It had been far too long since they had seen one another. Part of him wondered how the stallion was faring, but he pushed d’Art away from his thoughts for the moment.

“d’Art is actually my cousin,” Déodat said glancing at her. “He resides in the north again if you seek him. Not entirely sure what he is doing nowadays though, probably swooning over his Nurse.” Amusement laced his tone at the thought of Kou. They had truly only met once and it had been a truly interesting encounter. “Who is your family there? Perhaps I might know them.” He didn’t know every face within the Basin, but he could say he knew many. “And should you ever need an escort to the north, I can offer myself up for such. I don’t have the power to accept you though, as I’m a Corporal, not General.”

The Basin’s doors were always open to more Unicorns and Déodat had no intention of letting a potential recruit slip through his grasp, especially one that was proving to be incredibly enjoyable company.

"Speech speech speech"

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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Hotaru - 06-03-2014


"I'm sure the two of you will adapt, at least enough to not go crazy," she laughed softly, winking playfully at him. "Quite like family, no? You want to kill them sometimes, they annoy you so much, but you stand them nonetheless. Though I doubt Odette will be so extreme!" Raeden briefly appeared in her thoughts and internally her stomach shriveled, pleasant butterflies turning to stone and dropping to the pits of her insides to shatter upon the ice-covered heart within. How much time had passed since she'd even thought of her twin sister? Then again, she doubted it even mattered. Her family had made it clear she was unwanted, abnormal. So Hotaru had done them the favor and left before they could tell her to get out. It was the best decision she'd made yet.

Gruff voice brings her out, the masculine tones causing a delightful wave down her body, clutched in the grasp of spring's curse. Laughs at the image he paints for her, and knows she would have done the same. "Too true, my dear. I would have fainted on the spot to see something like that. But we can dream, now can't we?" Lids lower and a pale brow lifts, smirk playing on her lips, teasing him with her words. Drawing him in with her lyrics, closer and closer, to a space more fitting of his handsome form. It was quite a delightful game, one she hardly noticed she was playing, so endeared by his similar philosophies and easy manner of speech.

Though soon it was her turn for surprise to color her features, miming his own expression at her reaction to his revelation. d'Artagnan, his cousin? A surprised, genuine laugh bubbled from her. "You are surely the better half of the coin you share with the Nightshade, in all areas," she lilted, letting her eyes curve over his body in an appreciative glance before winking and laughing. "Excuse my boldness, I find being a simpering mare is quite a bore, I'm certainly no seductress. Though sincerely, I do find your company far more preferable, as much as I admire your cousin." Crooning softly, flowing easily from daring appreciation to honest appraisal.

Ah, speaking of family...

"Faelene and Mauja were to care for me should my sire and dam ever disappear, though my sire is Tolio." Plainly professed, for she is unable to truly be judged for her affiliation with either character, in consideration to the fact she'd never truly met them despite Faelene's presence at her birth. Hetero eyes widened and she smiled softly, amused. "You surprise me more and more, Corporal," she cooed. "I'm afraid a simple wanderer such as I, there's no title I can impress you with." Glancing at him from the corner of her vision she lifted a brow and appraised him, enjoying the brisk air that tugged at her locks and swirled their scents together playfully. "Though perhaps you can steal me away to your home and keep me?" Amusement sparkles in her eyes as a smirk curls her lips, a challenge, daring him to match her step for step as she grows bolder. Just how far could she push him before he broke? And what would that lapse in control entail?

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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Déodat - 06-05-2014


Déodat chuckled slightly at her comment, mostly due to the irony. How many times had he fought against family? He could remember many a battle where he had been on the opposing side of his cousins and blood had meant nothing at the time. Blood meant more to him now that most of his was gone. “I believe even if I desired to kill the pup she would manage to escape. Though as she grows I am sure she will mature, though there is no telling with this one.” Humor laced his tone though there was an underlying truth to it. Odette very well would be the permanent pup, eternally annoying and driving him absolutely bonkers.

“Yes, we definitely can,” Déodat released a soft sigh as he drifted into a morbid daydream for but a moment. He could see the heads of his enemies lined up, the Pegasus general that had ultimately resulted in his father’s death, Confutatis, and so very many more. He would bring back the head of Confutatis to his leaders one way or another, that much he intended. For the moment he pushed away such bloody thoughts. The mare beside had no need to see into the brutality that lay beneath his good mood and humor. A glimmer of his old self was resurfacing and he saw no harm in letting it glow for a time.

At her comment of her cousin laughter filled his lips and he could only imagine what the Nightshade’s reaction to such words would be. “My cousin is an ass, really, I’m not better, but I can carry a conversation better than him.” His words were laced with sarcasm, but yet again, held a bit of truth beneath them. He paused for a moment listening to her next comment. “Boldness is an attractive and valuable trait in my opinion. A bold woman is always the one to survive in this harsh world.”

Hotaru revealed her family in her Basin and his ears perked forward slightly. Two of the names spoken from her lips were familiar, the last of them unknown. “I haven’t met any of them I’m afraid. I’ve heard of Faelene and Mauja, and probably have seen Faelene here and there at a herd meeting. Mauja’s reign had ended by the time I arrived in Helovia.”

Déodat glanced over at her as she mentioned herself being nothing more than a wanderer. “Eh, titles typically don’t impress me, some that hold extravagant titles are no more than yammering idiots, while the poorest beggar could be a most respectable company.” He shrugged his shoulders slightly as he walked. The mare made a sly comment and for a moment was unsure of how to respond out of fear he may cross a line. It was time to test his boundaries it seemed. “What a truly tempting offer. It does often get cold in the Basin, and another body surely could keep the frostbite out.” His words had pushed further than he intended, but he pondered if this was what his female companion sought.

"Speech speech speech"

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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Hotaru - 06-22-2014


With no bond forged between her soul and another creature's, it was hard for the damsel to comprehend the relationship between Odette and her master. Gazing upon the two, they were a wonderfully attractive pair, and she was endeared by the pale pup that had taken her by surprise not long ago. The Corporal could not share his thoughts in any way eloquent enough to force comprehension upon her, for no words could be strung together to explain the magic of a bond so foreign and distant to her. No matter how she'd tried, that gift had eluded her, and while she did not intend to give up any time soon, she envied their closeness. But the fondness for her was clear in his features, whether he was intentionally displaying his emotions or not, and her own visage turned far more sincere to match the tone of her words. "I am sure you will both weather whatever you may encounter, whether from each other or otherwise. You have a good head, Deodat, from what little I've seen of it." A smile tilted her lips. "Though I may be biased, seeing as we agree on so much." Hopefully, in the best of circumstances, he would accept the compliment for what it was and not judge her for potentially presumptuous words.

All the time in the world was offered for that to take place, as the two unicorns pondered over possibilities they wished were real. Heads on pikes and foes slain at their hooves. Hotaru thirsted for the day when she would have the power to prove that beauty meant nothing in the face of power and political advantage. She alone would prove to her family that she did not need to flaunt her body to achieve greatness, but if she wanted to then she damn well would. Her life would simply not be based entirely on it. It was her goal to be brilliant, to shine brighter than any other but hold within the power of a thousand suns that could burn down any fool who tried to oppose her.

Deep laughter swiveled her harks towards the stallion once more, falling back into the natural ebb and flow of the conversation she was coming to sincerely enjoy. Though her encounter with d'Artagnan had been brief, she'd quickly admired him, and desired to see him once again. Perhaps even as the kin she had sought to be when they'd first met. "I'm glad to have bumped into you, then, for I'm quite enjoying your fairer conversational abilities," she chuckled, giving a wink and a smirk to her companion. The day was turning out rather well, far better than she had been expecting initially. Company, it seemed, had chased whatever blues had lingered in the caverns of her bodice. What was left was a warm feathery feeling, blocking the discomfort of heat prickling at her skin, instead letting her enjoy herself in the company of a male aside from Tingal for the first time in a long while.

Compliments were few and very far between in Hotaru's life, and while their flirtatious banter was more playful than sincere appraisal of qualities, it still tilted her cheek in a touched manner. Nearly shy, but more humbled. "That's good news for me, then. Seems this harsh world will simply have to be conquered, I don't intend to restrain myself." Beneath her playful rebuttal, there was a whisper of genuine gratitude, for hearing the words, in whatever manner he had meant them, had done wonders in lifting what little of her spirit was left in the nadir of her body. How her mother and twin could indulge so plainly in a shower of compliments was beyond her, for every individual one she received was met with humble, overwhelming appreciation. They were precious to her, and she carried them with her like stars, appearing only when she needed them to most light her way.

It was disappointing, mildly, to hear Deodat had not encountered either of her godparents, though Faelene's and Mauja's names were at least recognized. Toying hesitantly with words still unspoken, she debated whether it was right to introduce such a question at that time. Well, what could she lose? "Perhaps I will discover her personally. If you think I would be as fitting beneath you as your cousin did?" It is both intentionally vaguely sexual and a sincere inquiry, and the mischief glittering in heterochromatic eyes made it quite clear that she intended it as such.

"Though I'm no beggar, I hope I'm at least suitable company." At least she did not consider herself a princess or a queen, like her sibling and dam. That was a win in her book. She'd be the scullery maid any day if it meant not being a cold-hearted royal with an upturned nose. Though it seemed even the scullery maid could attract the attention of a dashing prince, if Deodat's offer was to be taken seriously. One she intended to treat as such. Brow arched elegantly, smoothly moving a little closer to the fellow with a devious, intrigued smile. "Oh? Well I would simply hate to see you frostbitten. I suppose there's no choice," she sighed softly, the glint of her eyes sign to him that she was clearly going along with his proposal. Tail flared and curled round her ankle, neck arching subtly, enticing him should he take the bait. Maybe the scullery maid and the dashing prince could have a one night rendezvous, show the royals just what they were missing.

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RE: No Shirt, No Blouse - Déodat - 06-24-2014


Déodat smiled and glanced again at the white pup trailing alongside him. Yes, the bond they forged would endure even the most foulest of storms. One didn’t share their very essence with another and not have an unbreakable bond. Odette had been a spontaneous find, and he had come to believe it divine that he seemingly found her orb within those dreaded caves. At her next comment of their shared views he smiled. Briefly he pondered if the mare shared his thoughts on the races of Helovia, but he chose not to dwell on it for too long. Mutual beliefs in supremacy weren’t necessary in a potential bond, as long as their equality didn’t interfere with his purification.

Such a joyous mood was rare for him these days. For the first time in ages he was reflecting the image of his former self. If any from his past gazed upon him they would see the young captain; the captain who hadn’t been battered and broken by the repetition of failure and heart break. If he could gaze at himself from beyond his own body and mind it perhaps would’ve brought him back to the lighter days of his youth. His mind wasn’t on the past though, it was on the present.

“Are we now?” Déodat said, his tone teasing. “I suppose I may not be quite as much of an asshole as my darling cousin.” He knew that if d’Art were anywhere nearby he would’ve had his own bit to throw into the mix, but the Nightshade wasn’t present and he thanked the gods for that.

Hotaru received his compliment well it seemed, he never knew what to expect with mares or how they would perceive him. Once again he smiled at her comment, and he found that simple comment made him appreciate Hotaru all the more. “That is the only way to do it. Crush the world before it can crush you.” There was still humor in his tone, but, there were the slightest undertones of seriousness and he meant every syllable of the simple sentence.

Her next words took him slightly off guard, and he pondered for a moment the potential of innuendo. “I think you most definitely would fit well. The Basin would be lucky to have you amongst it’s ranks.”

The mare continued on and if he were in his typical gruff mood he might’ve rolled his eyes. Déodat wasn’t one to linger with company that wasn’t worth being around. “If you weren’t suitable company, I’d have left long ago.” That was the simple truth. Flattery and falsehoods weren’t the type of games he played. He was straight to the point and relatively honest. If he hadn’t liked Hotaru, the mare would’ve known.

Her next words brought a sly smirk upon his face as she seemed to invite him. “Yes, simply no choice. You look rather cold, shall I, keep you warm?” He winked at her. ”Odette, I think there is a squirrel simply dying to meet you over there.” He said to his bonded. The pup stared at the pair of them for a moment before toddling off to give her master time alone with his companion.

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