HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Wayward Traveller - Printable Version

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Wayward Traveller - Kimber - 05-10-2014

Early morning half light cast deep shadows beneath the trees, darkness deep enough to hide a figure, or two, should one desire that anonymity. But the bonded pair that strode along amidst the trees and shadows had no such intentions, though either would be well suited to stealth should they ever attempt it. It was with a bold step and a upheld head that the lean grulla paced along, confidence evident in every movement.

At her side jogged the partner to her soul, tails trailing behind while his ears were pricked and lavender gaze attentive. In their old home he could have been mistaken for a drift of mist or a misplaced boulder while solitary. But here? He was a pale ghost beside the mousy colored mare, but not alone. A third figure dogged their steps, though its steps were silent and its body near translucent with the density of the fluids that made up its form, and a near copy to the kitsune who claimed place beside its creator.. It was this combination, of dun mare and gray kitsune and watery fox, that proclaimed the identity of this strange group.

The daughter of the Wild Rose had returned in the wake of the silver-scaled child. Semira's lack of reappearance had driven Kimber to follow back into Helovia, and she too had a plan to follow. Her steps were carrying her toward the southern edge of the Threshold forest, but she couldn't help but cast a series of hopeful glances westward. It was unlikely that she'd stumble across the one she hoped to encounter here, but that didn't keep her from looking.

((For Aaron! Kimber is not going to join a herd immediately, so recruiters needn't respond.))

RE: Wayward Traveller - Aaron - 05-10-2014

 i lit a fire that wouldn't go out.</style>

What drew him out of hiding and to the threshold he did not understand. There was just something, some connection almost that was yanking him out of his sleep and to the forest. Alanna seemed just as eager to go, her ivory and garnet coat flashing in and out of the trees as they ran. Aaron's heart seemed to beat faster the closer they came to the Threshold.

However when they arrived, he just stopped. Why had he felt the pull to come? Alanna's ice blue eyes searched the area, confustion ebbing from both sides of the bond. Without thinking twice, one fire dragon appeared just over the stallion. It was strange how easy the magic came to him now. He didn't even have to try. Guess practice and age really do make a difference.

The good and bad thing about the fire, that it provided light to the area. The good meant that Aaron had a better chance of seeing anything around him that might be him or Alanna in danger.... The bad, well it could attract the very thing that could put the bonded pair in danger. However the fire dragon did not last long before fading out, seeing as no danger was near. That left the painted knight and the garnet and ivroy hellhound back in the darkness of the forest.

As the early morning sunlight began to cut through the trees, Aaron saw flashes of something. Of what he was not sure. Curiously he moved forward, Alanna right at his side. Is someone there? He stopped short, his heart racing. What this why he had been pulled out of his sleep? Whatever or whoever had arrived in the threshold? Alanna however used her sense of smell and questioned her bonded Kaiden? Kimber? Aaron glanced back at her Do you smell them?! His eyes lit up for a mere five seconds, before dimming. How could he tell her that he and his sisters had tried to follow. That because he came to see if it was safe, Sakura and Azale were dead.... That Takara had been murdered here in Helovia.... That all his family was gone...


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RE: Wayward Traveller - Kimber - 05-10-2014

Lavender eyes took note of the warm glow between the trees, and gray paws paused as the kitsune peered toward the firelight. Inquisitively he sniffed the air, then gave a low huffing sound that alerted his bonded. Her steps slowed, her blue eyes directed questioningly toward the five-tailed fox. When she sought to glimpse whatever it was that had caught his attention, no warm glow was there to be seen. She almost doubted Kaiden, but he was rather adamant about what he'd seen. From the image he kept projecting toward her, she knew it was fire of some sort. But that didn't mean much to the pair. Plenty of horses of all sorts wielded fire. Both doubted it could be the dragon child, for why would she come looking for them here?

The grulla was just turning back to continue her path when the sound of a voice carried through the trees. A voice that made her freeze in her steps, and a warm shiver run down her spine. Immediately she was turning back toward where Kaiden still stared, but this time the kitsune stood with tails held high and waving back and forth. Muscles quivered as she stood there, uncertain of whether to answer or to ignore him. But her heart could direct her magic, even while her mind warred with it for control of her body.

A silent form darted ahead, distinctly fox-like in shape though the details were blurred in this moment. It wove through the underbrush, leaving droplets upon blades of grass and the tips of leaves in its wake, mass undiminished as it collected moisture from the air to fuel its shape. It was this messenger that met Aaron and Alanna, dancing forward to brush against the hellhound before retreating back in staggered leaps and bounds to guide the pair to the one who fiercely desired to see them both, no matter what her head kept trying to say.

RE: Wayward Traveller - Aaron - 05-10-2014

 i lit a fire that wouldn't go out.</style>

The pair stood frozen, no sound escaping either as they waited for a reply. Someone was there, but not speaking. This alarmed Aaron, wondering if it was a foe about to attack. He too, stood frozen to the spot, unable to move forward to investgate or flee for home. It was Alanna who heard the steps first. They were quick, paw like. Her ears flicked forward to listen even closer. She had begun to call on her own magic when the watery form of a fox darted out before the pair.

Alanna relaxed at once, howling in joy. They had returned! She gleefully accepted brush of wetness from the water creature. Eagerly, she moved to follow it back from where it had come. Aaron took a bit more presuading in his mind. What if it's a trap Alanna.... He held firm until his hellound was almost out of sight. No trap, it them! Has to be them! He bounded forward, not wanting to let his bondmate get to far ahead. Alanna may have his soul and he have her's, but only one had his heart.

As he cleared the last few trees he halted, unsure if she would still want him to come close. She looked just as frozen as he had been, and he grew unsure if she even wanted him there. Hesitantly he stepped backward as Alanna raced forward to meet her best friend and Kimber's bonded. The two had been close since they were pups, just as Kimber and Aaron had always been close since foalhood. Kimber. His voice was soft, almost afraid he would scare her away. They were back, and now he had to deliver the news.... But not now... Not yet. He just wanted to take in her form, in knowing she was there. His heart raced, waiting.


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RE: Wayward Traveller - Kimber - 05-11-2014

Though she still had reservations, her bonded did not. When the silence was shattered by a joyful howl, the kitsune sent up a series of excited yips, tails wagging enthusiastically as he waited just long enough for the snowy form of Alanna to appear through the brush. Then he was bounding forward with a delighted whine to lick at her face and bound around his life-long friend.

Normally Kimber would have watched the joyous reunion with an amused smile on her face. But today was different. Today her gaze was fixed on the shadows beyond the companions, on the palely painted stallion who lingered within them. Why was he so hesitant to greet her? Why was she so uncertain about him?

No, be honestly with yourself. You're scared of what you feel for him, what it'd mean with how you are. She lectured herself, shivering gently. It was something she'd never let herself consider before. He'd always been her friend, a companion when she'd needed a shoulder. And she'd been a shoulder for him on occasion. But neither one had ever said a word to each other of anything more. She'd never dared yearn for more, knowing what her mother had told her when she'd failed to develop the quirks particular to mares. She was... incomplete, physically.

But that all failed to matter when he spoke her name, quietly, uncertainly. Her ears tipped forward, one and then the other. She took one step, then another, and then she was rushing forward, sweeping past the hellhound and kitsune in a desperate flurry to reach him. "Aaron." It was with her usual abandon that she flung herself into him, hooking her chin over his withers. "I missed you." And she had, so much that she'd done her very best to busy herself with everything expect thinking of him. It was only now that she wondered if she'd taken too long to be honest with herself.

RE: Wayward Traveller - Aaron - 05-11-2014

 i lit a fire that wouldn't go out.</style>

It seemed both equines had remained frozen as the kitsune and hellhound greeted one another. Alanna returned the lick to the face before rolling on her back and nipping at Kadien's paws. It had been to long, and the hellhound wanted to play.

Aaron on the other hand, had his gaze locked on her and her alone. She was all that ever mattered really. Even when he had been so set after Phi, Kimber had always been there in the shadows. When they came to Helovia, the pair had become closer. Even closer still with the deaths of his mother and Torasin. But why now, could he not even rush forth to grett her like he should. She was no stranger to him.

I have to tell her. I have to tell her and see what she says. I can only hope that it won't ruin our friendship like it did with Phi... But why would it? He and Kimber had always been friends. They had been there for better and for worst. Even with the tssk of telling her about his sisters, something told him everything would be ok.

All it seemed to take was his voice. She snapped, first her ears, then two hesitant steps. Then she was flying forward and pressing against him. He hooked his own chin over her withers at first before gently nibbling her mane. I missed you to, more than you can ever imagine. It was now or never. He either had to spill his guts or forever keep his silence. I love you Kimber, I always have and always will. Alanna stopped at the words, looking at her bonded with pride. He had said it.


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RE: Wayward Traveller - Kimber - 05-11-2014

With all his tails wagging furiously out of rhythm, Kaiden yipped and bounced around Alanna, dancing out of reach of her playful nips and sending a few just as playful ones toward her sides. But his playful streak went on pause as his bonded rushed by, and he watched with pleased expectation.

All it took for Kimber's fears to melt away was for Aaron to reach back and hug her close. With that, all was right in her world once again. She had her friend back, and he was just as happy to see her as she had been to see him. She shivered as his lips toyed with her mane, and she shifted minutely in order to nuzzle his shoulder. It felt incredibly daring to offer that small gesture of affection toward him, even as she tilted an ear to listen to his familiar voice.

It was also immensely gratifying to know that she'd been as missed as he had been. But what he said next made her pause. Love. He loved her? Had loved her, and claimed to always do so? Her heart ached with the news, wrenched in two directions. How much to tell him? What would he say when he learned that she was ill-equipped to provide him with any family more than he already had? "I love you too, Aaron." She whispered softly, leaning more firmly into him.

She could feel Kaiden's approval, and she glanced over to catch his gaze only briefly before he flung himself back into play with Alanna. Now she smiled, recognizing, very belatedly, that their bondeds had known about this the entire time. And had been waiting for them to realize it themselves. Or... at least be honest with themselves and each other.

At least, as honest as she dared be. She was absolutely terrified of how those feelings might change, should he learn how handicapped she was as a mare. She'd been using their friendship and their silence as a shield for so long, that she'd hidden those fears and worries from herself. Why worry about something like that when she'd tried to avoid winning a stallion's affections? But she'd still done so, and in the one she cared the most about, and the one she didn't want to hurt the most. He'd been through enough hurt in their few short years already.

RE: Wayward Traveller - Aaron - 05-11-2014

 i lit a fire that wouldn't go out.</style>

The time between his words to her own seemed like hours. He almost held his breath, afraid of what she was going to say next. I love you to, Aaron The young paint could of shot up in the air like a rocket. She loved him too! She love him back! Told you so Came Alanna's simple reply before she returned to the joyful playing. Aaron couldn't help but glance over and chuckle. I've wanted to long to tell you... I just didn't want to risk our friendship.

He didn't care about anything. A future, children, a family. Nothing mattered but her and this moment alone. He had always been her's, and as far as he was concered he always would be. The world was right. I'm so glad you're back... When the darkness came, and I couldn't find you or Smoke... His eyes closed and he pressed his chest closer in. She was here, she was real. Alanna and Kadien had known all along what the pair was just finding out. Souls may be bonded to another creature, but thier hearts were knit together.

Now was the time. He could feel it. He had to tell her about the girls. His sisters. Kimber, I do have news to tell you... He sighed heavily. After I found out from Kaj that you and Smoke and the others had fled, I searched for my sisters. I could only find Sakura and Azale.... He took a deep breath and plunged on. Azale found love. Started a family. I left Sakura with her to return and find Takara. But I could not find her.

He trembled, knowing the all to familar words he was about to speak. By the time I arrived back, I found Azale and her lover dead. Not long later I found Sakura too.... She had been forced to carry a child way to young.... I do not know if Azale's or Sakura's child lives.... But they do not..... She took another deep breath again. Once the darkness lifted, I went back to looking for Takara..... Only to find she was murdered.... Most likely before the darkness set in.... There, it was said. She was his family now. He did not care about children or anything. Just her, Alanna and Kadien.


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RE: Wayward Traveller - Kimber - 05-11-2014

Ruefully she smiled to herself, leaning her face against his shoulder. He'd been afraid of harming their friendship? It was almost enough to make her giggle hysterically, in the wake of her own frantically churning thoughts. Oh Gods... she thought to herself, realizing that there was a good chance they'd both kept plenty of things silent in order to keep their friendship at a happy balance.

There was a certain quaver in his voice as he went on, one that had her shifting back in order to reach her muzzle up to trace the curve of his neck. "I'm sorry I couldn't send word to you, Aaron. Mother was terrified, certain that the shades had come again. She wouldn't let Kaiden come find you two. Said it wasn't safe for him to go..." Her breath hitched, remembering the frantic nature of Smoke's hurrying. "That it was a risk to send Zaffre, as a second line of communication with the herd." Her voice almost broke before she buried her face in his mane. "I kept waiting for the worse, that she'd break because Zaffre was gone. But I had to be strong, because of Semira. She just didn't understand, but she tried so hard to stay out of the way and be helpful, even when both our parents were in danger."

But Zaffre had returned, arrowing in out of the sky just minutes before Vikram's thunderous wingsbeats had drowned out everything else. And they'd left, not knowing if those they'd left behind would be back when, if, they returned. Kimber drew in several long, slow breaths, taking comfort in the scents of mist and sea and wood and Aaron, the warm bulk of his body and the rumble of his voice as he began again. An ear twitched at his tone. More bad?

She drew away slightly, only to gaze up at him in uncertain worry. Tell her what? The news he had to tell made her heart sink and a knot form in her throat. His sisters, gone? Dead? The fate of unknown neices or nephews lost? "Oh, Aaron... I'm so sorry. I should have insisted that we came for you all. I promised to help you with them however I could, and... and they're gone. I'm sorry." Even as she shared his sorrow, she felt a bizarre sense of wonder. He could hate her, for leaving him and his sisters to the darkness to fend for themselves. Could resent her for leaving without a word. But he still claimed to love her. Some part of her demanded she ask him why, why did he love her when her negligence had led to the loss of all three of his sisters? Another part whispered something she knew had to be true. Because that love had been his hope, that she'd come back. The last one he'd cared about, known to be safely beyond the darkness. It was almost bewildering, comprehending that fact. "I'm here now..." She whispered, still reeling with the realization.

RE: Wayward Traveller - Aaron - 05-11-2014


"Not your fault, Smoke was right. It was dangerous. There were creatures that took over those we know and love. Somehow, this pine cone" He turn his head to look at the pine cone still tied in his mane "It was given to me by some tree. When I went looking for others in the Edge, I found one of the creatures who had taken over Kahlua attacking Luken. I took the attack instead. The pine cone glowed yellow, and we were saved." He sighed remembering that had been the last him he had seen the former WingLeader's son.

"I'm not sure what was worse, the shades or these wraiths. Even now I am on alert for danger." There was more news to be told. "Mirage is among the missing, as is her daughter Amaris among others. I am glad you had Vikram and Semira with you."

He listened as she took a deep breath. The smell of home was clear on his coat. Of course he had returned to the Edge after the darkness. It was the one place that he could call home. He fought for that land, not once but twice. But if Kimber did not want to return there, he would follow. Glazier or not he would go. She was his family, and therefore he belonged wherever she wanted.

"It's not your fault... It's not anyone's fault really other than those who killed Takara and the one who got Sakura pregnant." It had taken him months to realize this. It was freak chance. "Wolves killed Azale and her mate. The prints showed first two running, then behind Azale only one. I can only assume the child got away. With Sakura, I was told that an Old Mare had taken the child in, but had died days before I arrived. They are out there somewhere, I can only hope they make it to Helovia." He paused and sighed. "What matters now is, I have you."


Image- foxyfirewings @ DA
Brush- http://www.obsidiandawn.com

RE: Wayward Traveller - Kimber - 05-11-2014

Even when she heard Aaron confirming that her mother's fears had been partially correct, it still did not sit well with Kimber. She felt only a little better with the news that, somehow, Aaron had been immune to the effects of the darkness. His tale of a tree gifting him a pinecone that glowed in the face of danger was an interesting one, which had her inquisitively sniffing at the pine cone in question. How could something so simple be so powerful? It made her wonder, though she supposed she'd never know. But it was unnerving to think of horses she knew being possessed by... wraiths.

"We knew that the Dragonheart was missing. Vikram saw her go into the darkness, with her brothers. And... to my knowledge he hasn't seen her return." Her voice grew hushed, thinking at the implications. What if Mirage never reappeared? But at the same time the grulla felt a smidgeon of jealousy. What was it like, knowing that a stallion was that loyal and dedicated, to watch for you when all seemed lost? Wondering this, she lifted her gaze to Aaron. Would he be like that? Wasn't he already? Hadn't he already watched and waited, for her? "I hope Amaris is alright though... it would be hard on Semira to discover her twin lost as well as her mother." Not to mention her uncles, and what of the dragon child's other relatives? Sure, the silver one had her dragon relatives. Kimber recalled that meeting clearly. But that wasn't the same.

Despite all his reassurances, she still felt terrible about the loss of Takara, sakura, and Azale. Even if the fault lay truly on wolves and unknown horses. It was small comfort to know that the children were likely out there somewhere. How would they find those youngsters, not knowing what they looked like or where they'd gone?

It was with a sad little smile that she reached up to touch her muzzle to his cheek. "So many things that we need to do, huh? But we'll be doing them together." Just as they'd always tended to do. "Do you suppose you have nieces, or nephews? Or one of each?" She strived for a cheerful tone, trying to brighten the mood. "Should I start calling you 'Uncle Aaron'?" Her lips quirked into a small smile as she teased him gently. It was an impulsive that had her shifting slowly to press herself fully against his side with a playful nip at his neck.

RE: Wayward Traveller - Aaron - 05-11-2014


He listened closely as Kimber spoke, taking in every word. So the brothers of fire and shadow had gone too. This was another blow for the young stud. The brothers had pushed him, teaching him to fight and defend those he loved. In a way, Mirage's entire family was an extension of his own. With most of them gone, he was glad that Semira had returned to the Edge. "Semira returned before you. I've seen her with Dragomir not to long ago."

He sighed, wondering how Vikram felt about all of this. His family, torn apart. His mate, was gone into the shadows along with her brothers. One of his daughters was also missing. In a slight way, he did know. Kimber had run with her mother, and he had no idea if she was alright until now.... Maybe he and the dragon horse had more in common than he originally thought.

Her soft voice broke the silence again, saying that they had lots to do. That they would do them together. He smiled, even if it was a sad smile. "As always. I wouldn't have it any other way." Her next words made him smile even more. She mused, asking if he had any hopes of what gender the children were. "A selfish part of me hopes for nephews, as I won't have to worry about them as much when we do find them...." He sighed "The other part of me hopes for nieces. It would be like having my sisters back, even if it's only a part of them." He could not help but laugh as she asked if she should call him 'Uncle Aaron'. "No no, not yet at least." He returned the playful nip with a nip of his own, before nuzzling his face against her neck. "I'm so glad you're back."


Image- foxyfirewings @ DA
Brush- http://www.obsidiandawn.com

RE: Wayward Traveller - Kimber - 05-11-2014

With a rueful little smile, Kimber nodded. "Yes, Semira couldn't wait to find whatever trace she could of the rest of her family. Barely had Vikram gone on his mission with his sister than Semira was headed back here. I stayed long enough to make sure mother was going to be alright. She's taken up gardening in a valley on the far side of the mountains. Not too far away, but she seems content to stay there. Said there was less drama in her life now, and she was happy for it. She has been through a lot." Her voice was quietly musing as she contemplated the Wild Rose. She'd never expected her mother to be content with gardening, tucked away far beyond political affairs and all horses she knew. Perhaps someday the tedium would drive that mare back into Helovian society. But not today.

"But I'm glad Semira found someone she knew to take her home." And she was, even if she wasn't entirely sure she wanted the same. At least, not in the same way. What was home, anyway? She'd been through so many places she'd thought to call home, it was hard to feel attached to a place anymore, since it was so very easy for that place to be placed beyond her reach. The Oasis? Drowned in shades. The Foothills? Stolen by the Grey. The Edge? Endangered by the darkness, the promise of safety erased by wraiths. It was understandably difficult for the mare to believe that anyone else could offer a safe haven for her, since everyone who'd tried had lost it in some fashion.

There was a contemplative glint in her gaze as she gazed up at Aaron. It was more than obvious that the Edge had been reclaimed by others who'd called it home. And she couldn't lie to herself anymore, so she had to admit that she felt more at home in his presence than anywhere else. He'd always been there, even if he'd hadn't been in the same herd all the time. In the Oasis, where they'd been born, just seasons apart. In the Foothills, where they and their families had fled to when Isilme had been lost. And, of course, the Edge. What was home, really?

Those wandering thoughts were reined in as they strived for more light-hearted topics. "I would say that don't colts get into more trouble than fillies, but your family has a history." It was a quirky attempt to bring a sense of humor to the subject, and she knew even as she spoke that the joke might backfire. But she was trying to make him smile more, to hear that laugh of his. It warmed her heart to hear it, to know she'd brought that spark of brightness back into him when he'd been carrying this dark burden all by himself for who knew how many days. "Its good to be back, though there's something I still need to do for myself."

RE: Wayward Traveller - Aaron - 05-11-2014


Aaron's ears perked at the mention of a mission that Vikram was on with his sister. The young paint could only hope that the dragon steed would return soon. After all until Amaris, Mirage, Madryn and Maskan returned, he was all the family Semira had.... Well, besides extended family.. If she considered him family that is. He had to smile when Kimber spoke about her mother. At least Smoke was happy, even if she was not here in Helovia.

Why did he always feel so calm with her around? Nothing else mattered when the grulla girl was there. "Things are slightly different now in the Edge. Kaj and Kahlua were chosen by the Goddess of the Moon to lead. I can only imagine the other herd changed hands as well, other than the Basin." He thought back to the meeting with Illnyx, Roland and Lena not to long ago. Then again, none of that mattered. "You know you don't have to return to the Edge, if you don't want to.. For me home is where you are."

Alanna's ears perked up and looked at her bonded. We leave the Edge? We tell Kaj and Kahlua first right? Aaron turned to look at her for only a second before his attention was back on Kimber. Only if she doesn't want to call the Edge home.... I came to close to losing her Alanna, I can't leave her now. His ears flickered listening as she spoke. He chuckled. "You can say that again." When she spoke of something she needed to do, he remembered what she had been doing when he had found Alanna's egg. "Your quest." He only paused for a moment "Where you go, I go. I won't lose you again. Not now."


Image- foxyfirewings @ DA
Brush- http://www.obsidiandawn.com

RE: Wayward Traveller - Kimber - 05-13-2014

Contemplatively the young grulla slowly tipped an ear back, hearing how much and yet how little the Edge had changed in their absence. Kaj still a leader, and Mirage replaced by this... Kahlua. Kimber hadn't a clue who the mare might be, but couldn't find it within herself to be curious. Which was... odd. Shouldn't she care? Hadn't she turned to the Edge for a home when the Foothills had been lost to her?

Seeking deep inside herself for the truth, she could only glance up wonderingly at Aaron as he spoke again, gently pointing out something she hadn't really allowed herself to contemplate. To not return to the Edge... why had she really gone in the first place? She remembered why she'd stayed in the Foothills. Because of Ricochet, and because of Jackal. Her brother, and her nephew. And where were they? Gone, driven before her from the Foothills, disappeared into the wilderness. Were either of them still alive? Did she have neices or nephews or great-neices and nephews that she didn't know about? And even if she did, were any of them alive for her to discover eventually? Even as she wondered about this, she didn't feel any curiosity about it either.

Which left... why she'd gone to the Edge. In truth? It had been because of Smoke, of knowing that her dam had chosen to ally herself with Mirage in the time before the Qian had invaded the home of the unicorns and win it for themselves. An assumption that she'd find Smoke, and Israfel, there. Now that was someone she hadn't thought of in a while either! What had happened to her little sister? And then she remembered. Aaron, there in the meadow, playing in the river during the first step in her quest.

"I... don't know." She whispered, feeling just a little bit confused with herself. "I don't know where I should go, except to finish my quest, yes. And..." For the first time in her life, Kimber knew what it was like to feel a little shy. "To be with you." She shuffled her hooves, smiling in a somewhat bewildered fashion. To have this much support in something she wanted to do... Yes, Kaiden always supported her. But to find this quality of support in Aaron still took her aback.

"I want to go south, to the Throat's lake. There are creatures of that desert that I would like to capture the essence of. And then... I don't know." Kaiden was there, taking the cue from Alanna to break from play. He padded over to weave around his bonded's legs, lavender eyes agleam when he noticed his gestures mirrored by the watery fox her magic normally took the shape of. It had briefly fallen apart, in the heat of emotions and revelations, but now tracked a damp path against fetlocks and grass.

RE: Wayward Traveller - Aaron - 05-13-2014


Aaron thought his words over in his mind. Could he really give up his position in the counsel, his place as Glazier? The Edge had been home for what felt like years now. He had fought as a two year old to gain the Edge from the unicorns. His mother had followed him with Azale, as he had become forever loyal to Mirage and her family. It was something to live and fight for when he along with so many others that had run from Isilme had nothing to fight for anymore.

Things were different now. He knew where he belonged, and that was wherever the grulla fem before him was. If she did not want to return, they would not return. He however would need to meet with Kahlua and Kaj, to tell them of his decision. He felt, they above everyone else would need to know. He could not leave them hanging. They were family, but Kimber was his love. He had come close to losing her once, he would not risk that mistake again. He nuzzled her gently, so glad she was home.

"All I ask if that we return one last time. I am still Glazier, and I need to tell Kaj and Kahlua of my choice. They are family now. The Qian still calls the Edge home, even if Mirage is not there." He sighed, not sure if he knew exactly how he was going to handle this. Kaj and Kahlua were his friends, and more than that they were family. Kaj had rushed to his side when he arrived home with the news of Sakura and Azale's deaths. Kahlua, despite the rough start had always believed in him. Now, he was telling them he was leaving to wander with Kimber.

"After that, we can go anywhere you want to. We need to finish your quest of course." He smiled, so ready to start life with her at his side. He did not want children yet, they had plenty of time for that later. Alanna moved to rub against her bond's legs. About time She thought. Yes, I know. You two are the most important in my life. It's time I stop serving and start taking care of those I love


Image- foxyfirewings @ DA
Brush- http://www.obsidiandawn.com

RE: Wayward Traveller - Kimber - 05-13-2014

Unhesitating Kimber nodded in acquiesence, tipping her head in closer to lip at and gently on strands of his mane. "Of course. I wouldn't want you to just abandon everything for me. They should know where you're, we're going. Even if that where is nowhere in particular." Which led to new ponderings, ones that had a new sort of excitement humming behind them. Where would they stay that night? Where would they wander tomorrow? She didn't really consider his statement of the Edge being family. She was so used to hearing about it from Semira, that it didn't really stick to her consciousness.

But at the same time she was excited, almost bouncing on her hooftips with the knowledge that everything was changing. Changing for the better. The water-formed fox beneath her shifted, became amorphous, before clinging to her twitching tail as a path upward in order to reform upon her haunches, tail swaying and droplets of water escaping at each end of the sway. Kaiden, meanwhile, gave a short, almost impatient yip. "Shall we then?" Kimber chuckled, bending her head down to nose the kitsune's side.