HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
With Fire to Keep us Warm - Printable Version

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With Fire to Keep us Warm - Gaucho - 05-20-2014

The humidity in the air made gliding feel like an act of flying through jello. Lightning cracked high above, threatening to burst the gentle canopy of cloud that held back the torrential rains, and a rumble of protest yielded from the thick BirdSong cloud cover. The moisture of the air clung heavily against black-feathered wings, as they laboriously guided the dun stallion through the air and to this place. As he flew, imagery flashed before his eyes - though faintly, like the burning after-reflection of the lightning all around him. Images of fire and darkness. Of voices and a call which could not go unanswered. He had left - but left where ? Burning red sands bloomed in his mind as a voice harmonious and full of pride resonated in his ears. Yet he could not place either - his mind was vacant of them. Yet their presence in his mind caused a stirring in his soul. Of guilt? Grief? Sadness? Joy? Even during the best of times the beast was poor with the categorization of emotions, and surely now he was no better. And yet something stirred in his blue-striped chest. Something made his heart stir and beat, and guide his flight to this place.

Though he could not say why.

Dark storm-gray eyes, mirror images of the dark thunderheads above, searched the ground below. Not a twig, nor leaf, nor mound of upturned earth went unnoticed by that ferocious gaze, as his towering shape gradually circled closer, and closer to the tree tops.

Though he could not say why.

What was he looking for? Why had he come? Who is he? Who was he?

Not even he could say.
One thing he could say with clarity, was that he wondered if his body would ignite from the inside, upon landing. He knew, though couldn't say how, that this place was a filter of some kind. In his minds-eye, he had seen magic dispersing from those who entered here; their powers blocked by this invisible curiosity. Would the opposite happen to him? There was a darkness deep within him – one which would not be ignited – not from outside of this threshold, anyways. Whatever burned within him had come from here, though he did not not how he could know that. Would it blossom once he crossed the canopy? Or would his body burn from the inside?

Although the rains were not falling now, they had been. The beasts thick black mane and tail slapped against his muscular neck and thighs, as bursts of wind threatened to force him to land. Bone-pierced nostrils flared, as he fought to stay airborne. If landing would mean death, then it would come at his choosing, not the winds.

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RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Satanic Silk - 05-20-2014

It has been quite awhile since I've ventured into the Threshold. In fact, I'm not sure I have come here since I first came to Helovia. Apodis greeted me, and then.. I never really saw him after that. Hm.. Now I'm here in the Threshold.. just wandering. I have not known much of what to do with myself since leaving the caves. Of course, I don't know where Africa is and I've been looking - without success - for her. To the point I wonder if I keep arriving at places that she's just left. Why is it so hard to find her?

A shadow passes overhead and I look up. Africa? No, Africa has only one wing you moron. I crane my neck, head looking up to see what it is that's up there. A pegasus yes, and it seems to have antlers on top.. like a flying deer or something.. But that's all that I can tell until it lands. I rack my brain for memories of an antlered beast. I vaguely remember meeting one, back when I first became infected. But I can't really remember much more about him besides the fact it was an antlered pegasus stallion. Good for nothing brain.

I call up to the beast to land, so that I may greet him and .. whatever it is we do here. Drag them off to our lairs? Seems silly to me but hey, I can still say hi.

Walking "Talking"
Aaahahaha.. such shit. Sorry Aud <3 @[Gaucho]
Satanic Silk

RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Gaucho - 05-20-2014

A new pair of eyes peered down from his wide antlers - pitch black, and unblinking. Mara, the gun-steel coloured snake tasted the humid air with her tongue, hissing at the blur of black below. But no mental communication came from the serpent - that bond had shattered as soon as Gaucho crossed the mountains and out of the realm of Helovia. It hadn't effected the pair much - the beast wasn't much of a talker to begin with, and it wasn't as though his mind was brimming with thought. Even so, this primitive communication was aggravating, even for the simple pair. SSSSsssSss she advised, rocking his blocky skull as she shifted back and forth in her antlered-palace. Grunting in response, Gaucho's muscular chest expanded as he sucked air into his lungs.

He was being called down by the bat-winged stranger. Well, if his body caught fire and burned away with magic, at least he would have an audience.

A distant fearful chill briefly sloshed in his loins as he directed his massive frame towards the tree tops. The stallion below was nearly as tall as He, but that would not protect him from the radiant fire that burned with Gaucho's veins, should the threshold decide to reject the magic that he carried. Pulling his knees to his chest, Gaucho descended swiftly, ignoring the branches as they pulled against his dark hide and hair. The closer he came to the ground, the hotter his body seemed to become. Black ears flattened themselves against his skull, as his lips turned upwards revealing oddly white teeth. An uncivilized scream of pain bellowed through his parted lips, as his hips swung towards the ground, black hooves slamming into the soil.

His wings - pulled all the way back, now moved to steady his halted body by beating forward, but that is not all they did. Within milliseconds of his landing, flames began to linger and froth from the bones of his wing, and as his feathers raced towards each other, a wall of fire radiated outwards, though fizzled quickly due to the moist air. Although the flames dispersed from the area before him, they remained on the tops of his wings - and even under his hooves - burning with a bright, but heatless flame.

Two pairs of eyes - one beast, one serpent - turned towards the stallion. Gaucho sensed...some sort of expectation, but couldn't place the reason. Why had he come here? Why had he landed when called, even at the risk of burning from the inside? Who was he?

"Where am I." He inquired roughly, his voice sounded dry and ragged, as if he hadn't spoken in a very long time. In fact, his speech was significantly better than the first time he had entered this threshold; if only there was someone around who remembered. Even so, his primal nature was impossible to hide, and was displayed obviously in his voice. Squaring his body to the pegasus, he regarded him emotionlessly, awaiting an answer.

The WildFire had returned to Helovia.

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RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Satanic Silk - 05-21-2014

The beast in the sky heeds my call and approaches me from the sky. I take a few steps back as it approaches, as he approaches, giving him plenty of room for landing. I spread my own wings, prepared to help myself move out of his way if need be. But the stallion lands alright. If you can call screaming and bursting into flame "alright".

As the winged beast lands, he screams in pain - that sound is unmistakable. For a split second I wonder what on earth is wrong with the beast. But he leaves me wondering for only a second. He bursts into flame, or at least his wings do. The moisture in the air, threatening to storm, dampens the fire, and puts most of it out. But fires are rather hard to extinguish, and this proves true for this man too. His top feathers are still on fire, and his hooves.. Well, somehow, his hooves are on fire too. But there's no heat, and I don't feel like I have to somehow defend myself from him.

A snake around his antlers (yes those are definitely a set of antlers) looks at me as gruffly as he does. I feel like I should be affronted, but somehow I'm not. I think he might be more aggressive with me if he meant me insult or harm. He asks me where he is.. though somehow it doesn't really sound like a question. But I can give him an answer. "This is Helovia's Threshold." I continue staring at him, and as each second ticks by, I feel more and more that I recognize him. I think.. I think I know him. He chased me out of the caves.... "You.. I know you... Gaucho?"

Walking "Talking"
Tag: @[Gaucho]
Satanic Silk

RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Gaucho - 05-22-2014

Both beast and companion seemed unbothered by the smouldering flames, gently licking his wings and hooves, and in turn, the flames seemed unbothered by the rain which had begun to fall once again.

Helovia's Threshold

Did he know that word? For a moment, he stared accusingly at the dark stallion; stormy gaze washing over the markings that adorned his skull. Gaucho too had markings over his left eye - a sunray in gold - but it was not nearly as sinister to behold as the markings in blood red on this fellow. Dark ears pinned against his skull, as his lips turned upwards in a snarl once more. The word Helovia had rung warning bells deep within the burrows of his mind. But why? What was this place that he was drawn to? It had allowed him to enter without igniting his body - at least in a harmful way - but...

You.. I know you... Gaucho?

Gaucho's simple line of thinking was immediately over turned by a powerful start at hearing his own name. Raising his flame-tipped wings, the beast took an intimidating step forward, antlers lowered threatening. "How you know that." He demanded forcefully, the words, thick in his mouth, causing spit to spray from his lips as he forced each sound out. It was a trap - a trick. It had to be. How else could this bat-winged creature have known? It was too coincidental: being drawn here, immediately met by this creature who knew his name. In his antlers, Mara too hissed, though far less aggressively than she might have. She hadn't lost her memories, she recalled this creature from before - from the darkness of the caves. She projected images of the crystalline walls, of the wraiths, and the stallion that Gaucho had chased from the caves to protect the rest of the herd. Grunting, Gaucho tossed his head violently to shake the snake. He could only handle one thing at a time, and could not piece together how Mara's images were meant to apply now, for he didn't remember any of it. And given that Mara was always in his antlers, her mental memory projections never included any images of him.

Focusing his attention back on Silk, he took another step forwards. "How you know." He repeated.

@[Satanic Silk]

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RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Cheveyo - 05-26-2014

I had only just returned to the Edge, and already I was off exploring the lands of Helovia. It was exciting to get to see exactly what this place had to offer, especially considering the fact that when I was last here the lands were just getting over the nasty bout of the wraiths and everything was slowly returning to normal...very slowly.
But now, things seemed to be quite normal, there was a routine for everything and the grass was growing quite abundantly in this Birdsong as if to make up for the glowing moss the residents survived off of during the Darkness. Before the Darkness I had been a warrior for the Cheif and Chieftess of the beautiful Foothills that, rumor had it, had dissapeared after the removal of the wraith infection only to be replaced by some place called the Hidden Falls. The Falls housed a group of various species that had dubbed themselves the Asylum and it always made be wonder they they were in fact crazed enough to have been in an Asylum.
The sound of a pair of equines speaking in voices that just spelled trouble snapped me out of the haze I had been wandering around in, hopefully I hadn't managed to wander into another's land and find myself trapped for a while as Aurelia had. A snort of laughter and disdain flew from my rosy paper thins at the thought of the foolish gold splattered mare, for once there was a mare that truly was just a pretty face. "How you know that." The more primitive voice of the two, gruff, intimidating, dreamy broke through the greenery, that I had concluded to be the Threshold, once more and caught my attention for the second time. Clearly something was going on and I was curious to find out what exactly was happening between the two boys.
Chestnut harks swiveled forward on top of my tri toned skull as my fifteen point two frame broke through the ferns that tickled at my joints. Orchid pools danced about as I stopped one step from the clearing that the stallions occupied, looking at the black and white stallion for a moment I grew slightly jealous of the wings that sprouted from his shoulders, only to be distracted by the other speaking once more. "How you know." The other spoke as he took a step closer to the black stallion with the bat wings as his own feathery wing tips lit up with flames. It took all of my will power not to gasp as I wondered if this creature had any relation to the one who had a slight grasp around my heart even though I still had yet to see him.
Shaking my skull roughly I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth before taking that one last step into the clearing. As soon as I broke through the last of the ferns the bay's markings became clear as day. So much like my own, but so very different in their own way. "Gusdi Idadadv!! Don't hurt him," From the corner of my odd hued pools I shot a warning look at the black stallion, hoping he would not push this stallion any further to the edge than he clearly already was. "What if he has a family to return too?" My tones were light, and hopefully comforting, but I had never been much of one to be able to break up a fight...as I was normally the one throwing the kicks, but whatever, I wasn't going to stand here and watch this brawl break out without knowing what it was over.

"Words words words."

Tag;; @[Gaucho] @[Satanic Silk]
Words;; 608
OOC;; Hope you don't mind me popping in! Sorry it's kinda short.
Translation;; Gusdi Idadadv - cousin in cherokee (has no relation to Gaucho, but figured that would calm him down a bit)

RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Aurelia - 05-26-2014

I gallop into the threshold, desperately wanting to recruit members. Desperately searching for a purpose. I've been galloping around this forested area, but have had no luck. No luck until I hear a mare's voice. "Gusdi Idadadv!! Don't hurt him," Instinctively, I slow to a trot a go to the voice. It sounds kind of like Africa, but then again.. I've been really off with this stuff before. "What if he has a family to return too?" I turn the next curve on this exceptionally curvy path. I see him. A them? Wait, what? At first I wonder if my eyes deceive me, and I don't care if they do! I see the handsome image of Gaucho, the image of Silk, and the image of the painted warrior. These horses won't hurt me, right?

"GAUCHO! You've returned!" I shriek like a little schoolgirl as I prance towards him. Upon reaching him, I halt and let a gangling smile spread across my lips. "I haven't seen you in so long!" I subtly wink at him. Will he still fall for my flirts? Rather quickly, I notice what is happening. He seems to have gotten really close to Silk. Now I understand why the paint said that. "He has no family." I answer her question for him. I just assume she is wondering if Silk has a family, but telling Gaucho to rethink his actions. So I tell her that Satanic Silk does not have a family. Why would he randomly 'fuck' (as he put it) me if he had a family?

I can't contain my excitement. It's Gaucho. He'd won my heart, tried to train me to fight, but sudden disappeared. Where had he gone? Why did he leave me and the rest of the Dragon's Throat? I know he must have a reason. He's too loyal to just get up and leave, right? He always seemed to love his home. "Gaucho, can I take you home?" My voice is innocent. I need to visit Africa anyways. I just hope she still resides their. Will he want to go home? "You can always come to my home if you don't want to go to yours..." My voice is sweet, but perhaps he will see that maybe, I want more than to recruit him. But of course, I can never be sure how he'll take things. He always took me by surprise.

ooc:; set after her release

RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Satanic Silk - 05-26-2014

Clearly, I've hit a nerve. But what nerve could I possibly have hit?

I had thought that greeting the stallion by his name - once I remembered it - was the right thing to do. I think normally it would be, but clearly something about this situation is not normal. Gaucho lowers his antlers toward me and I see the snake hissing at me up top. The tips of his wings are still on fire and they beat toward me. He takes a step, and another. My heart pounds in my chest as I take a step back, another step as he approaches. He asks me how I know his name. Well... isn't that obvious? He can't be so angry because I know his name, right? It must be because he remembers me as a wraith-to-be in the caves. And yet, I can't help but think based off his repetition of the question that it is the fact I know his name that has him so defensive.

Before I can answer his question, however, first one, then another mare appear. The first, unknown to me, is painted. No, seriously, painted in the same way that Gaucho is painted. She speaks something in a language I don't know, and seems to try to calm him. My blood red eyes look at her questioningly, not understanding what's going on. The second mare I'm familiar enough with. It's Aurelia, and her reaction is more innocent than I've seen her in .. maybe forever. She rushes toward him and is instantly the chatterbox that I've come to know her as. She not only answers the painted mare's question, but instantly starts asking him to leave with her. That's all well and good, but maybe let the beast get his bearings first. I don't know what's going on, but something is going on in his head that isn't making sense to him or me.

"Aurelia, wait." I address her first, attempting calm her energy to something a little more manageable. I ignore the comment that I have no family. Though it is true, it hurts me inside. Does having no family.. yet.. mean that it does not matter if I am struck down? I glance over at the paint mare, acknowledging her in this conversation, trying to communicate with my eyes that I am thankful she would speak up in my defense. Quickly I return my gaze to Gaucho, who still seems quite riled up. "Gaucho. I am Satanic Silk. You led the Dragon's Throat herd with Midas. I did not know you well, but we've met before." My ears are swiveled back and my body posture tense, conveying that I'm anxious, and wondering what is wrong with the antlered pegasus in front of me.

RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Gaucho - 05-26-2014

The bat winged creature had no time to respond, for their meeting was about to be interrupted. Gaucho's dark ears swiveled at the sound of a click, and then the parting of foliage. The beast heard her speak at the same time as his stormy gaze fell onto her painted body. Her words - while different from his native tongue - were similar; similar enough anyways, to stay his hostility towards Silk. Turning his antlered skull towards her, he noted with fascination the way that her body bore similar markings to his own. Cheveyo bore the physique of a warrior, even if she was a few hands shorter than he - and his eyes gobbled up the curvature of her body greedily. She was clearly not from his lands, that much was clear by her height, wingless spine, and language, but perhaps close by?

His gaze narrowed as she urged him not to hurt the darkened stallion. What difference did it make if he had a family to return to? He shouldn't be involved in whatever twisted plot was currently afoot, if he didn't want to be injured. These lands were foreign, but this stallion knew his name. And if knew that much, likely he knew more. More about why he was drawn here, and what happened. Maybe he could -

GAUCHO! You've returned!

Gaucho's dark gaze moved from Cheveyo to the golden-splattered mare happily prancing his way. She knows name too?! He thought, moving a step backwards from Silk, to keep all three within view. With a slight snarl at the intimate manner with which she addressed him, he raised his flame-tipped wings, spreading them gently, to cast the group in a warm light. Suddenly the mare was speaking again, asking to take him home. Home ? He had just come from there...and she was not of his lands. She was far too small, and she did not carry the accent. Further, she had none of their ceremonial markings. Perhaps she could have been out-casted as a foal, but then how could she ever even suggest returning? His dark gaze narrowed in confusion, as the black stallion addressed her, naming her Aurelia.

Mentally, Mara nudged Gaucho, sending images of the two: playing tag when Aurelia was young. Going to the Veins before they were eaten by darkness, Gaucho teaching her in a friendly spar, but all were met with confusion and a mental blank.

All of this perhaps, the dun could handle. The familiarity. The mare who resembled those from his home land, and the mare who acted like those from his homeland. But the words spoken next, chilled his core, and caused the flames that lingered on his hooves and wings to grow momentarily.

Gaucho. I am Satanic Silk. You led the Dragon's Throat herd with Midas. I did not know you well, but we've met before

You led the Dragon's throat herd with Midas.

Led a herd.


For a moment a swirl of red flashed before his eyes, then blue in a wash of yellow. His tongue felt dry, as if parched, and he suddenly remembered vividly how hot it could be. He shook his antlered skull, and Mara in it, which caused her to hiss in annoyance. It couldn't be. He had never been here before. And if this was true, he would have never left.

It was a trick. A lie.

"NO." Gaucho bellowed loudly, breaking the hold his memories had upon him with a firm stomp of a fire-shrouded hoof.
"Yes, I Gaucho. But I not know you - " He gestured towards Silk, before turning to Aurelia. " And I have no home here." He finished, gray gaze lingering on Aurelia. Luckily it seemed, that his speech hadn't completely deteriorated. Although the words were thick and rough, they were still far more understandable then when he first came through the Threshold. The real first time. "I go nowhere with you." He would not follow this siren - this golden beauty into whatever den of vipers she had waiting for him. Was this the plan? The strength of the dark one, and the beauty of the golden?

Turning, he regarded the painted mare with a curious uncertainty, as his dark tail swayed against his barred hocks. The blue stripes across his chest rippled as his muscular form swayed slightly towards her, gaze narrowed. "You." he began sternly, his rich voice low and even. "You no say you know Gaucho. Why you here?"

If this was a trap, it was one that he hadn't fully worked out yet. The two who knew his name - the conspirators in whatever evil magic this was - made sense. Of course they would be here when he arrived. But this mare? What role did she play in this trickery? Was she merely painted with the sort that washed off in the rains? Or were her marks true, as his were? And if so...why was she here? Was she a stranger, like He? Or an accomplice, as the dark boy and the golden one were?


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RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Cheveyo - 05-27-2014

As I stood there, trying to be as calm as possible why looking at the primitive stallion who other than his wings, reminded me so much of home and my family. Things seemed to errupt around us as the squealing, high pitched girly voice of the one and only Aurelia boomed through the Threshold. "GAUCHO! You've returned!" Her voice causes me to cringe inwardly as orchid pools flick over to her quickly moving frame directly in the direction of the antlered stallion who appeared to have no memory of these two. "Gaucho, can I take you home? You can always come to my home if you don't want to go to yours..." There was a snarl upon the dun's features as he stepped backwards from the black stallion...causing a breath of relief to slip from my rosy kisser, of course I had no idea who either of these stallions were but that didn't matter. Even though I was a fighter and would kill when necessary today didn't seem like a good day to watch a murder.
Orchids flicker to the bat winged stallion who seemed a bit hurt by Aurelia's comment that he had no family to go home too. Of course I didn't think that necessarily meant that he was worthless, but he was of much less use and much less worth my protection than someone who had a mate and children to return too. Regardless, I had already stepped out and now found myself tangled up in this crazed mess of a furious fire winged stallion an two that seemed to be pushing just all of the wrong nerves. "Gaucho. I am Satanic Silk. You led the Dragon's Throat herd with Midas. I did not know you well, but we've met before." The black tenses up as he speaks, almost as if he wonders if he is going to cause another uproar from the feather wings. It took a few moments for the words to set in, but then I realized what was going on here, this Gaucho didn't remember that he had ever been a resident of Helovia and I honestly had never met him here.
"NO." The loud bellow from the dun blew any thoughts that could have been creeping into my grey matter out and into the world around us as his kissers began to move again in response to the black stallion, "Yes, I Gaucho. But I not know you - " before turning his full attention to the little gold splattered filly. "And I have no home here. I go nowhere with you." The corners of my rosy kissers turned up ever so slightly before I let them fall back into my chronic bitch face, it was funny to see that Aurelia's streak of bad luck hadn't yet dissipated. At least she wasn't causing trouble for our home this time around..
"You." The single syllable called all of my attention towards the stallion that was now staring at me as if I could possible turn around and bite him as well, do something crazy that would group me with the other two that were standing in our company. Chestnut harks swiveled forward as he spoke once again as my frame relaxed ever so slightly. "You no say you know Gaucho. Why you here?" I had to admit that was a good question, but I wasn't quite sure why I was here. I was drawn here, but that wouldn't work I was sure...make the other think I was some kind of spirit animal here to take him to the great above or some shit like that. My long blond tail smacked against my painted barrel with a resounding crack as my rosy kissers began to form words. "I do not know Gaucho. I paused for a moment, my orchid pools moving over the various painted markings on his frame before going back to the steel pools that were set on his handsome features. "I was drawn here for a reason, maybe it was to save this idiot's life." I smirks as I tilted my skull in the direction of the black winged creature. "Tell me Gusdi Idadadv what is wrong?" Again I called the dun "cousin" even though we had no blood relation, it appeared to have calmed him the first time...but that time didn't have Aurelia prancing about like a love struck whore.

"Words words words."

Tag;; @[Aurelia]
Words;; 730
OOC;; No hard feelings towards Aure xD she's just still bitter about the whole prisoner/reason behind it all.

RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Aurelia - 05-28-2014

I don't see the ripple of recognition run across his rough features. I can't tell what he is thinking. I don't see why he has forgotten. Why did he forget me, his home, his life? Does Mara remember? Mara. That's it! Mara is the key to this! If she can tell him what he has done, tell him he was a leader, maybe he will remember. It'd be nice to see him remember me and all of his friends. I could tell him all he has missed and talk about... EVERYTHING with him! I could bring up inside jokes (wait, did I have any with him?), I could tell him who has become lead and who hasn't, and I won't hesitate to tell him about my adventures. "And I have no home here."

Gaucho is still confusing in all his caveman sexiness. He has a home here! Why doesn't he remember?! Shilva, my idiot companion, bursts into the scene hissing defiantly, as if protesting traveling here. She seems to be blabbing up a storm, but she becomes silent as she notices Mara. "This is Shilva." I smile softly at my snake friend as she looks with beady eyes at Mara. With a soft giggle, I tell Shilva that snake's name. "That's Mara, Shilva." My girlishness is undeniable. When I flirt, this is how I do it. I turn into a gooey hearted girl. I am not afraid of showing of my delicate curves, and winking, or even tossing my ivory locks once in a while.

Gaucho speaks to Cheveyo, who I hate more and more by the minute. She has been tasked to guard me. I don't need guarding. I know my chores and such. Once Gaucho and Cheveyo finish speaking, I intrude on their conversation. "I am Our-el-ee-ah, it's nice to meet you." This is how he said my name. He said it in parts and pronounced it funny. I liked how he said it. Imitating him was strange. It's been to long since I've been pleasured with his company. "I feel like you are the type of horse to not like... racist yewwneekorns, but that is just assumption." He says the word unicorn a lot, and when Midas told me about the racist ones, Gaucho suddenly seemed to hate the racist ones. Maybe the racists are just stupid. It's not like they choose their parents.

I want him to remember. I helplessly throw words that he used to say a lot at him. Will he remember? He didn't always seem to be the brightest crayon in the box, but still water runs deep. He may seem stupid, but on the inside he may be deep! I'd like that. So he could have the intelligence to remember. The smartest people remember, right? Or... is this something no one can help?

RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Satanic Silk - 05-29-2014

Satanic Silk

Somehow I'm getting more and more left out of the loop, and have less of an idea of what is going on. Clearly, Gaucho's memory is shit. He knows his name, but he doesn't remember me, or Aurelia, or the painted mare that he seems more comfortable with. Aurelia knows the snake's name, and I notice Aurelia's snake for the first time. Mara and Shilva. You know, I really don't like snakes. I don't think they like me very much either.

Gaucho completely rejects the concept that he could have led here, and rejects my presence in his memory. Mara the Snake doesn't seem to like me much, so I don't press the issue. The painted mare is calmer, and doesn't seem to know Gaucho. But she talks to him like they are kin. Obviously there is something going on that I simply do not comprehend. Aurelia completely ignores me, and instead starts babbling on in what I assume is the style that Gaucho speaks. I sense panic coming from her at his lack of recognition. But maybe I am reading too much into her overly energetic nature.

I take a few more steps back from Gaucho, my dark hooves pressing into the soil. It's wet squishiness is comforting to me as I harbor misgivings about where this encounter may go. A look of concern is on my face, but I don't say anything. What is there to say? I don't know Gaucho well enough to help him remember. Aurelia knows him better (has she slept with him too?!) and her attempts don't seem to be helping much either. Slowly I spread my wings out, ready to leave before the situation can get worse. But I don't leave - not quite yet. I want to see first if Aurelia's babbling somehow jog something in the antlered one's mind.

hungry for life
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RE: With Fire to Keep us Warm - Gaucho - 05-29-2014

The one who spoke in a foreign tongue wanted to know what was wrong. The flames on his wings burned brightly as a frustrated grimace parted his dark lips. What was wrong was this place - like something out of a dream. It all felt familiar, and yet nothing seemed to be. Everywhere he went was the stirring of memory, but remained always out of reach. What was wrong was these two knowing his name, offering titles and places as if they should be meaningful. As if they could mean him. But they couldn't... Gaucho would never have left this place, if he truly had led. And if he had led and left....well, what could that mean?

"The rhaesheser ojil. Everything-."

Before he could say more, the golden one was again speaking, but this time not to him - but to a serpent. Immediately, Mara began to hiss, and wound herself higher in Gaucho's antlers, looking down upon the younger reptile. It would have been a good tactic, to try and use Mara as a sound piece to get Gaucho to understand, where it not for her extreme jealous nature, regarding other creatures of her kind. Venom began to drip from her fangs, as her mouth opened aggressively. Gaucho's ears pinned back partially out of annoyance at the sound his companion was making next to his ears, but mostly due to Aurelia knowing not only his name, but also Mara's.

But she speaks again, this time sounding her name out in easily palatable chunks, and mentioning yewwneekorns. Mara, still unimpressed by the rival snake, briefly tried to show images of the invasion of the Throat, or Mauja disappearing into the dark of night and swell of the waves, but Gaucho was hardly paying attention. Instead, his stormy gaze bore darkly into Aurelia - her flirtatious gaze and golden dapples. How could this youngling know so much?

As Silk moves, Gaucho's gaze is redirected towards him. Were he in a better mindset, he might have appreciated the dark stallion more. For he had offered information, and then simply stood silently. But Gaucho had forgotten whatever diplomacy he had once learned from leading the Throat, and the bombardment of information was far too much for his primitive mind to handle, much less acknowledge. Although Gaucho's wings were already raised - to shed light on the group - they fanned out further as Silk's wings rose.

The dark one who says Gaucho is leader here. The golden girl who knows Mara. The not-kin who does not know.

A feeling of weight and cold began to well inside Gaucho's loins. Something was wrong here. He needed to think, and perhaps with Mara's help, to understand.

With a grunt, Gaucho looked at each of them, committing their faces, and their words to memory. "If you lie - Gaucho find you." He threatened ominously, stormy gaze falling upon Silk. If this was a trick, they would surely pay for it. "Mara no like." He commented gruffly, turning on his dark hocks, and casting a glance towards Aurelia and Shilva. Continuing his turn, his gaze fell briefly upon Cheveyo. If this was a trap, it was strange that she was here. But then again, she was strange on her own...Her markings...her language...But now wasn't the time.

Gaucho's dark flame-tipped wings suddenly came down to his flanks once his back was turned to the group. Although this would normally put him in a defensively awkward position, should one of them choose to attack, it beat the alternative. As Gaucho's wings rose once again, the flames grew brighter, stronger, hotter. As they fell to his sides, a wall of flames erupted from his dark feathers, spreading out across the wet grass, and creating a warm pocket of air upon which he rose.

rhaesheser ojil: The world is wrong.

Poor confused Gaucho. Thanks everyone! <3

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