HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[JUDGED] Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Printable Version

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Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Midas - 05-29-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

Youth often fell in love with the idea of love.

I thought of neither youth nor love as a storm blew over the valley, tall meadow grass swayed—bending under the unyielding force of a growing typhoon, green and crisp and sweet smelling it blew a stout aroma toward my flared nostrils. I stood beneath the branches of a vibrant young oak, its thin branches where coated thickly enough to be an effective shield between myself and the swirling elements just outside. Small amounts of water did manage to seep through as minute’s drug on. Fina chirped restlessly from her position in one of the higher limbs. The dark clouds were slowly receding and the first waves of sunlight broke through the looming darkness.

Pitter pattering lingered all the while, seeming unfinished in their purpose to drench Helovia in bitter sweet tears. A broken smile inched forward in anticipation of wider rays that would warm the soil again. Eventually I broke cover and walked across the field into the patched light. Water clung to my ankles, slicking back the socked fur. Fina sprang from her perch and glided into heaven upon flaming wings; the simmering air was already growing thick with moist humidity. Thunder still echoed in the distant hills, and somewhere a lone wolf howled, before the cry had faded away entirely it was replied to. They sung for life and freedom. Wild screams of passion and fervor. Gaze shifted to the not so distant landscape which hung in a shadow—sand only a few miles away, unseen and over the next cresting slopes.


Setting:: Mid-day after a storm. Rain clouds are lingering but the sky is mostly clearing. Warm and humid out.

No magic
No companions

Attack (0,3)

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Cheveyo - 05-30-2014


Love was a concept that I felt would never be understood by the likes of me. It seemed to fly just out of my reach on flaming wings that scorched my flesh if I even happened to get close to finally reaching it. Everything about anything seemed to scream at me to get the hell out of dodge and forget about ever falling in love, whispering in my ears reminding me that I had more important things going for me than the possibility of being some kind of baby machine for a strange stallion who just so happened to say the right thing at the wrong time.
Regardless, love was just something that after these last two weeks I was no longer going to worry about. Maybe one day the gods would show favor in me and lead some handsome stallion to sweep me off of my yellow painted hooves, hopefully he would be stronger willed than myself or he would end up being a welcome mat rather than a partner. That didn't sound too terrible either though. Rosy paper thins quivered as a snort was blasted through them, the stream of air carrying the foolish thoughts of love out with them. Orchid hued pools drifted skywards as I wondered if the grey, stormy clouds would ever leave or if I would forever look like a soaking rat.
Eyes rolled as the pristine ivory that painted my limbs turned a murky brown with the splashing of mud and rain water from the ground as I continued my way through this little valley. Even though it seemed that Mother Nature was never going to stop her onslaught of bitter tears, I wasn't going to stop moving. If I stopped moving, then the thoughts would once again fill my grey matter and I would likely add to the tears that Mother Nature was spilling, turning Helovia into a giant mud puddle.
Of course, just as I was cresting a small hill in the middle of this valley, the clouds parted and wondrous rays of sunlight beamed through the atmosphere to tear into the watery blanket that had just been created. Within a matter of hours I was sure it would seem like it had never rained. Muddied limbs pulled beneath my fifteen point two frame as orchid pools began their search once more, this time only ceasing their movement when the shape of the tri-colored paint broke the scenery.
Suddenly everything hit me at once and a garbled sound (luckily I was the only one who could hear it at this point) broke through my rosy kissers. Things were falling apart in all parts of my life other than work, and I wasn't going to stand for it any longer. Spinning on my heels I turned towards the tri-colored stallion whose wing span would be more than likely able to knock me off my feet if he wanted too. "Help me distress." My slightly cracked lyrics rang out clearly as I slid to a halt a safe distance from the painted steed, who at this distance seemed to be in much better condition than I was. It seemed that Mother Nature hadn't touched his well-muscled frame, while I was standing here looking like a drowned rat, who apparently had enough mental issues to ask a stranger to distress her.
Oh well.

Tag;; @[Midas]
Words;; 560
OOC;; 0.3
Sorry this took so long! I hope it's ok <3

like an arrow to the heart
Image Credit

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Midas - 06-06-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

I saw her break the hill, patched limbs sloshing along, undercarriage camouflaged with a thin layer of muck. At first I paid said woman little more than a glance, she wasn’t bothering me after all—but again, I’d be mistaken in thinking that the world would just simply let well enough alone. Instead of traveling on, she called out to me, not a greeting, not a curse—a challenge—or for better term, a proposition. “Help ye?” I questioned softly, voice barely rising over the mild breeze which blew fragments of ivory and ebony over my vision, “Could ye enlighten further?” Most strangers greeted one another with a word or two, often passing the other by without ever stopping for conversation. There was a heightened exaggeration on the pronoun ‘most,’ this painted fair weather lass was obviously far cry from traditional ways of thinking.

Peering further in an effort to understand the unexplainable, I noted that this girl was unfamiliar to me; her scent was musky and saturated. A combination of rain and being generally dirty had the undesired effect of masking whatever clan scent she might be carrying—for all the god’s knew she was one of my clanmates; a sister by title. Or an assassin bitch sent to part my head cleanly from shoulders, courtesy Eris, (or whoever else might be aggrieved with my actions today.) The distance yon paint kept was suitable for keeping nerves calm—after all only a fool would blindly attack and hopefully this one wasn’t a fool.

OCC: Sorry, it’s not in his nature to just suddenly go after someone he’s never met <333

Attack (0,3)

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Cheveyo - 06-07-2014


The stallion looked a little confused as my words reached his midnight stained harks, confused that I had thrown out a request rather than a greeting as I crested the hill that was more like a swamp. My own chestnut ones swiveled restlessly as orchid pools looked over the stallion that was shorter than myself, not by an insane amount, but about a hand of course the thickly feathered wings that sprung from his shoulders made it seem as if he was a much larger creature than he was.
“Help ye? Could ye enlighten further?” His ebony kissers moved effortlessly to allow the soft words to glide into the gentle breeze, everything about him screamed sophistication, from the way he stood there looking quizzically at me to the way he spoke. The accent of his words was intoxicating and for a moment I wasn't even sure how to answer his questioning. For a second I wished he were a different stallion, less regal, less sophisticated, more barbaric, so barbaric that he would lunge out at a stranger in attempts to inflict pain. Ivory lids flashed over my orchid pools as I shoved the daze from my mind before allowing my own kissers to part in return.
A sigh escaped, filling the air with my frustration as my vocal chords began to warm up. "Have you ever thought you were important to someone? Only to find out you mean nothing?" It was a strange feeling that was engulfing my fifteen point two frame, a feeling that I hadn't felt before, one that was pushing me into a fight with a complete stranger who could very likely murder me and then leave my body for the buzzards to pick at. My harks swiveled as the light breeze picked at my blonde tresses and my skull lowered ever so slightly. "I just want to forget him." My lyrics fell to a nearly inaudible level as I looked at the stallion through long white lashes, surely he would help me. Even if it meant a tussle with a complete stranger, no man could resist helping a female in need. Right?

Tag;; @[Midas]
Words;; 358
OOC;; 0.3
xD that's fine! She would find it strange if he had anyway lol

like an arrow to the heart
Image Credit

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Midas - 06-12-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

Her explanation does nothing to clear up logical reasoning behind this awkward approach. She asked me an impossible question, one that was painfully personal for us both—though she couldn’t have known the way it twisted my heart until it very literally groaned. “Would it matter if I had?” my retort wasn’t hard or belittling, it was simply a return statement that spoke volumes of social truth. This girl was like all the rest, and likely didn’t care two licks of dew what personal baggage I might be carrying; she only cherished her pain and her solutions.

There was no mockery in my voice when I add, “Thee will never forget…” a hint of understanding came crawling across my façade in one fell motion, “How does ye propose I help?” The notion that I was any position to aid this fallen angel seemed ridiculous. Did she expect me to elope across this muddy field, perhaps find our way to that secret place where Ktulu and I had confirmed our feelings for each other and surrendered flesh to the fates? Nay, I thought bitterly and silently, don’t expect those things from me; you’ll shred the remainder of this soul and your own to couple with a complete stranger.

I waited, not expecting anything and at the same time expecting the possibly worst answer. Why did women have to be so complicated? One moment they were sunrays and starlight, seemingly perfect and happy, then the next they turned into malevolent beasts of dangerous beauty, spitting poison in the form of words and dripping sticky sweet corruption into your soul.

Attack (0,3)

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Cheveyo - 07-27-2014


I hadn't meant to cause the winged steed any kind of emotional pain with my questioning. At least it hadn't been my intention, but then maybe it had been my intention...I didn't want to be alone in the pain that was coursing through my veins. I didn't want to be alone at all, every fiber of my being was screaming at me to embrace the painted stallion who stood before me. But then my mind fought back and whispered in my ear like a lover that fighting would ease the pain more than a gentle physical touch. And at this point, I was more than willing to listen to the devil who had set up camp on my shoulders.
“Would it matter if I had?” My chestnut harks swiveled forwards to catch his words as I focused once more on the stallion who stood before me. Curiosity flashed across my features momentarily as I wondered just what the stallion had been through in his life that would have caused the kind of pain that I was feeling. "No one should ever feel that way." I spoke softly, yet quite matter of factly as I pulled my orchids away from the stallion for a moment. Maybe fighting wasn't the answer here. Maybe we could just talk it out like grown ups rather than children.
“Thee will never forget…” The stallion's soft voice breaks through the warm breeze and settles like a blanket that you can't seem to quite shake off. “How does ye propose I help?” The bile from my stomach rose to my throat as I peered at the stallion once more through thick lashes, how did I want him to help me? How could I ever forget Note? Of course our "relationship" hadn't lasted long, but it was still important as it was the only one I had been a part of. My tongue clicked uneasily against the ridged roof of my mouth before I finally allowed my orchids to settle completely on his own strong features. Surely this stallion would slaughter me in a fight, but what did I have to lose?
My white washed skull shook slightly as I forced my mind into reality, I had plenty to lose but something told me that this brute wouldn't leave me for dead. A single corner of my rosy kissers turned up in a twisted smirk as I looked at the stallion and my vocal chords began to vibrate. "I....would it be too much to ask for a spar?" My normally fairly strong and clear vocals spilled into the humid air a shaky mess with all of the emotions racing through my average sized frame before I coughed slightly in hopes to collect myself. "If that isn't too much to ask I mean." I wondered momentarily if the winged stallion would agree to such a random proposition. Or if he would merely laugh at me and continue on his way, leaving me to pick up my pieces on my own.

Tag;; @[Midas]
OOC;; 0.3
Sorry this took so long dear, life is crazy. I'm glad you still want to continue with it!

like an arrow to the heart
Image Credit

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Midas - 08-14-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

There is hauntingly sad wildness in her eyes, a soul on the edge. It wasn’t a woman but a ghost which stared back at me -- the shadow of a warrior who longed to forget someone and for the briefest of seconds I felt that she wasn’t real after all. That this was all an illusion, some magical spirit mischief perhaps; and a breath of wind would make said stranger disappear, I’d be left standing with lips spread ajar like a fool. Staring out at the landscape and talking to a vision of my soul.

Nay, sadly, this was no illusion.

The spirit girl replied. Stating that no one should feel loss or the heartache from touching passions flame. Had my pained heart been laced so evidently in eyes that this painted women felt the need to offer condolence? Voice stuck firm in the back of my throat, lips sealed themselves tightly and drew a thin line.

She collected herself, contemplating on something. I wait, silent and motionless aside from the passing breeze that teased locks of damp mane and tail. Then my unusual company smiled, not in a cruel way, or even a teasing one. But it was enough of a smirk to draw one brow up with an expectation that words would follow. Half dreading that she would suggest something reckless.

The statement came in the form of a question. Frown deepens, but there is a visible look of relief that dashing across features. Considering this offer would be sums easier than what my mind had concocted. For one settling moment I wonder what in the world had driven this desperate heart to desire the feel of physical pain from a man she never met before -- without even giving a name. All in an effort to cover the real wound beneath; did this…ghost of a girl, this shell, realize what she was asking? What if she’d posed such a question to the wrong person, a man who was capable and hungry for more than just a good scuffle?

“Aye,” I replied with more compassion than was felt, “Though I don’t see how the gashing of teeth will ease the hurt within ye.”

Don’t tell me your name sad little woman -- it will make this easier for the both of us.

Hips stiffen, misty muscles trembled in anticipation as I leaned weight to my right. Chin tucks lower, covering my throat, a warm breath of air escapes between quivering nostrils. Last chance to walk away. Was I really going to do this? Brows furrow into hard lines and the decision is made. Beneath these sodden hooves our battleground is wet, softened by rain. Mud would make this not so playful dance an awkward and slippery one. Without another word I surged forward, charging across the meadow, feeling each blade of turf strike against wet cannons and beyond. A sloshing clump of dewy pasture flies up in the wake of my digging feet. The rush is more sluggish than normal as hooves sink into the forgiving field, sinking; threatening to stick should I mistakenly linger for too long.

At the last possible moment I draw up, digging heels into the terrain and pushing into a standing rear. Jaws open, neck stretches, snaking crown outwards and aiming to tease her face or neckline with a halfhearted nip. Forefeet jut out, flinging sludge and various debris at her muddy body, blunted tips are facing down instead of pointing up. A clear sign that I meant only to stir this female into action; not fatally wound – they seek to strike at the chest, perhaps even a nearby shoulder or arm. There is no true intent to harm this girl...

Word count: 618

Attack: (1/3)

OOC: I am so sorry this took so long to get up XD

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Cheveyo - 08-19-2014


A shiver passed over my frame, the frame that normally would have taken a defensive state with the pity that was etched across the painted stallion's features. The pain of being left by someone who you had thought was something special was nothing compared to the pain that still wreaked havoc on my painted frame after the loss of Kwahu. I clenched ivory lids tightly over orchid pools at the thought of the loss of my beloved rider, the horrible memories flashing through my mind causing the stallion's voice to get lost in the midst of my past screams as I pleaded with Kwahu to get back up and laugh as he pulled the feathered arrow from his chest.
But that laugh was one I would never hear again, I would never feel the weight of him upon my withers, nor would I hear the sound of the feathered arrows of his flying past my harks before thudding easily into their targets. I was so swept up in the horrific memories of my past that I didn't know if the winged steed had agreed to our spar, or if he had just wandered away thinking me crazed. Maybe I was crazed, driven over the edge of sanity with all of the pain and suffering the fates thought necessary to deal me.
A sharp pain brought me back to reality as my orchid pools snapped open and a squeal of pain escaped from between rosy kissers as the stallion's dull ivories slid through the flesh of my shoulder like a butter knife before his hooves slammed the majority of his weight into my chest. The oxygen in my lungs was shoved out into the humid air around us that only made catching my breath that much harder, as my multi-hued frame was slammed backwards into a sitting position where the thin flesh of my legs were met by the loving embrace of a rock that had been hidden in the thick mud.
Magically the oxygen found its way back into my lungs as a second squeal was ripped from my vocal chords with the sharp pain coming from the already bleeding and dirty incisions on my ivory splashed limbs. The pain in my chest was forgotten as I felt the crimson liquid drip down my shoulder and a beastly light flashed into the dark pink of my pools. The poor black and white had been unfortunate enough to run into me on a day when the world was my enemy...and all of my enemies must fall. Chestnut harks flicked backwards as my thick muscles tensed beneath a pelt of fire and ice, thoughts of how to take the shorter, but stronger stallion down flashed through my mind before the powerful springs were allowed to be set free.
Pain flashed through my hind limbs as the lacerations were tore wider with my movement as I leapt forwards towards the stallion who had attempted to ruin me on the first turn of our stress relief. Cracked and worn ivories were exposed as my muscular frame moved towards what I hoped would wind up being the stallion's wing. He had taken my ability to breathe so my goal was to take his ability of flight if only for a few moments. But I would be content if I were to land anywhere on the black and white's frame, damage was damage no matter where it happened to affect.
Maybe I would have taken it easier, had I known that the stranger wasn't trying to kill me right off the bat.

Tag;; @[Midas]
Words;; 596/800
OOC;; e.e she's not a happy camper
Attacks;; 1.3
Injuries;; Midas' teeth hit a little harder than planned, piercing the skin and leaving a two inch long and half inch deep laceration on her shoulder. When his hooves hit her chest she is not fully alert so his weight pushes her backwards, onto a rock that had been hidden by the mud, this cuts her back legs while his hooves bruise her chest heavily.

like an arrow to the heart
Image Credit

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Midas - 09-06-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

I’d expected a quick retaliation, perhaps even a move of avoidance to escape damage. When I rose to attack, she didn’t seem fully aware; said paint didn’t move to escape or quickly rise to strike back – yar because of this my hits fell harder than intended. Teeth closed around their mark, sliding across slippery and foul tasting flesh. Her plasma burst, spraying hot in my mouth, coppery and bitter in flavor; succeeding to successfully wrench a nauseous pitch somewhere in my stomach. I found myself rushing to press weight further along my quarters, withdrawing almost as quickly as I had struck – though the damage had already been dealt. Small fragments of her pelt and hair lingered on tongue and between two back molars.

She scrambled backwards, her cry, piercing. My ears slam back, hindquarters bunched tightly, momentarily panicked that I'd caused serious injury. I fall forward, unable to completely withdraw effectively. Chin tucks to chest, shielding my neckline and aiming to put a little distance between us. My wings, (which had been tightly coiled to barrel) extend ever slightly – withdrawing to balance my stance. Forefeet land with a heavy thud into the slush, sucking my fetlocks below the earth. I never even got the chance to struggle them free before the painted female sprang from the ground. Teeth wide, eyes wild and flashing their fury.

Nostril’s flared, water droplets flew into the atmosphere as head jerked aside, the shock of her speed stirred my instinct to retract further. My reactions came too late. Ivory incisors slashed down the lower right side of my cheek, (narrowly missing the eye), those piercing needles ran without mercy down half the length of crest, pulling at a clump of mane and sliding into the meat of my neck. Muscles quivered as pain lashed like a whip and rushed into brain. Senses sharpened, then dimmed, narrowing vision.

Peripheral sight darkened until I felt that my gaze was being drawn down a long, dark tunnel. Drops of blood ran between hairs, sliding across flesh and making my neck feel as if a thousand little flees had suddenly taken up residence.

Ears caught the sound of an anguished yell, not hers; nay, my own. A wheeze, globules of her blood dribbled down lips, frothing upon chin. Vocals clinched and my pained wail was cut short by a crack of dry thunder that shook the land beneath our limbs. The gash burned, throbbing as a quickened pulse throttled more blood to the wound in an attempt to form a clot.

Sadly…I’d not get the chance to recover, though nor was I about to give said girl the opportunity to strike me in such a way twice. Lips slide back, revealing clinched teeth. Fighting the discomfort I pushed skull center, the throb grew into misery. Chest pulled hard against my sunk forelimbs, pulling the length of both daggers from the soil. I pressed hard forward, attempting to move toward her left side. Teeth slide apart – all concern fleeing behind a sheen of pain and hot uncertainty.

The armored collar around throat beckoned me to call it forth…I resisted; still aiming for a clean spar.

How foolish was this? Dancing with this complete stranger….

Crown snaked out and up, angling toward the left side of her crest. Hoping to catch hair or flesh between teeth. Left forehoof rose, bending at the knee, rising to strike along her dirty limb should such come near enough for contact. Left shoulder tightened, pulling at the fresh lesion along the wounded side of my neck painfully. The feathered limb nearest to her bulk withdrew; pinions spread and thrashed hard once, twice; aiming to bat at cranium or perhaps deter further punishment.


Word count: 617

Attack (2,3)

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Cheveyo - 09-23-2014


I was surprised when my battle worn ivories hit the flesh of the black and white. I had expected the creature to move out of the way as quickly as possible, maybe even dash into the air where I wouldn't have been able to reach him even if I tried. Ecstasy flooded through my blue blooded veins as the stallion's flesh parted light slightly melted butter and his blood began to pour like Kwahu's had into the dusty ground, the only difference was the ground here was muddy and thick rather than dusty and easy to move on. Paper thins flared as I removed my ivories from the stallion's flesh at the sound of his scream.
For a second the scream caused excitement of extreme proportions to flood my muddied frame, but then I remembered that this black and white stranger had done me no wrong. At least not intentionally done me wrong as many others had in my life so far, the excitement vanished and in its place was guilt for causing such damage to a stallion who had merely asked me what was wrong. Such a Good Samaritan didn't deserve to be beat on like a punching bag. As I danced away from his now tri-colored frame my rosy kissers began to twitch and tremble, trying to form the right kind of apology that would end this madness before one of us ended up with severe injuries that even the Moon Doctor couldn't heal.
But my words came too late as the black and white beast began to move once more, the mud finally releasing him from its cruel grasp, still riddled with the guilt of spilling the handsome stallion's blood my movements were lack luster and slow. Just slow enough that the stallion's blood stained ivories hit their mark and dug into the roots of my blonde tresses. A snort of pain escapes me as the stallion moves back ever so slightly removing his jaw from my neck, taking a chunk of blonde with him as his limb moves up, scraping the side of my left leg as he brings it up and strikes out once, twice, striking the meaty top part of my neck twice causing a short but deep cut that began bleeding as soon as his hoof dropped away. A silent prayer was sent to the heavens, thanking them for the fact that I had happened to tuck my chin into my chest just before the stallion's hardened hoof struck out, for if I hadn't surely he would have managed to land on my temple rather than my neck.
There was no time to stop and wonder over how much damage the stallion had done with this attack. No need to give myself more time to be overcome with the guilt of attacking someone who had just simply wanted to help. This time, I would set forth to do much less damage than my original attack had planned to land. Grounding the handsome bird would be just cruel, nearly as cruel as the creatures that had taken my Kwahu away from me. Something I couldn't stand to bear comparing myself too. Yellow painted hooves planted into the muddied ground as my chestnut rear spun around to face the brute just before all of my weight was shoved forwards and my hind limbs flung into the air flailing as they hoped for some kind of purchase.
I knew as soon as my hooves hit the slick ground I would be sliding, or stuck, so I sent another prayer that the stallion would be disoriented by whatever injury would come and I could get away without giving the stallion free access to my spinal cord.

Tag;; @[Midas]
Words;; 619/800
Attacks;; 2.3
Injuries;; Midas' teeth hit a little harder than planned, piercing the skin and leaving a two inch long and half inch deep laceration on her shoulder. When his hooves hit her chest she is not fully alert so his weight pushes her backwards, onto a rock that had been hidden by the mud, this cuts her back legs while his hooves bruise her chest heavily.

His bite landed on the top of her neck, taking a few strands of blonde hair with him and scraping up her neck bleeding but not heavily. When he pulled his leg up it scraped up her side bruised instantly, and the strike missed her head but hit her neck. His hoof cut into her leaving a deep but smaller cut on her neck that starts bleeding instantly.

like an arrow to the heart
Image Credit

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Midas - 10-09-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

Her dirty mess of mane slips into my mouth, wet grit slides across tongue. A taste that is foul with sweat and rain bursts across senses. Where root meets flesh, I dig deeper, holding like a tick. Tugging painfully enough to make a point. She manages to pull free of my jaws, the jerking motion catches amber tendrils between clinched teeth. My forefoot had made contact with something, I felt the pressure of it colliding – even though I didn’t have the time or energy to look down and see what damage had been inflicted where.

She was in motion again so obviously my deterrents had failed their purpose. Ears pin back flat against my skull, ebony lips are still spread, wet with drool. Had I been a wolf a snarl might have sprang from the depths of chest, but I was not…instead a throat hiss was the result. My painted partner spun on heel, twisting in the mud to escape further abuse. I stiffened and jerked backwards, trying to be mindful of my feet so I wouldn’t slip or otherwise find myself once again trapped in earths grasp.

Her bodice shifted with rear halfway pointing toward my chest.

Apparently the vixen wasn’t done. I danced away, angling hard right and forward just as her sharp hooves launched into empty air. The sense of losing control is evident –we had the power to end this confrontation. I had the power to spare us both further misery. Corded muscles tensed with renewed energy. I lunged forward and at the same time closed both feathered appendages tightly against barrel to protect the fragile pinions. My aim was to collide this mass with the right side of her frame, hopefully with enough force to send her sprawling across the muddy ground and end this foolish fray.

Word count: 302

OOC: Sorry so short! I didn't want you to wait any longer.

Attack (3,3)

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Cheveyo - 10-12-2014


A growl of disappointment rolled from my chest when ivories clicked together causing an uncomfortable ceramic sound to vibrate through my skull while yellow painted hooves sliced through the empty air before smacking back into the muddy ground. Globs of mud sprayed up everywhere, coating my once white splashed limbs with even more of the terra paint, while my orchid pools frantically search for the black and white frame of my contender. I still didn't know the handsome, but short, stallion's name even though the metallic taste of his blood was still present in my mouth. The thick crimson liquid still coating the millions of taste buds that covered my once salmon colored tongue.
It was at this point that I noticed the painted bird barreling in my direction, his large wings folded in close to his body as if to protect them from whatever attack it was that he had plotted in his mind. Pale lids flicked shut over my orchid irises, prayers were sent to whatever god was looking down on the muddy mess that we were dancing on. Moments later the sound of flesh hitting flesh bounced through the muddy arena as the air left my lungs in one quick gust and my yellow painted hooves were removed from the muddy ground with a sickening sucking sound. I knew I had one more chance to inflict damage on the bird before my body would be taken by the Earth around us, one more chance to succeed and get rid of the demons that screamed through my mind at an alarming rate.
Yellow painted hooves flailed outwards hoping to find purchase on the black and white's chest or legs in efforts to stop him from trampling over me once my body hit the ground. With the meeting of my painted frame to the grasp of the soft earth the last bit of oxygen was forced from my lungs into the moist air around me. All of the fight had left my body in that last gust of air, the demons had been put back in their cage for the time being, but they threatened to break free before too long. Lids scrunched tighter over my orchid pools as a single tear sprung forward to slide across the bridge of my nose before falling into the mud that was holding me closer than a lover. Kwahu's memory would forever be etched into my mind, I would never be free of his loss.

Tag;; @[Midas]
Words;;413 /800
Attacks;; 3.3
Injuries;; Midas' teeth hit a little harder than planned, piercing the skin and leaving a two inch long and half inch deep laceration on her shoulder. When his hooves hit her chest she is not fully alert so his weight pushes her backwards, onto a rock that had been hidden by the mud, this cuts her back legs while his hooves bruise her chest heavily.

His bite landed on the top of her neck, taking a few strands of blonde hair with him and scraping up her neck bleeding but not heavily. When he pulled his leg up it scraped up her side bruised instantly, and the strike missed her head but hit her neck. His hoof cut into her leaving a deep but smaller cut on her neck that starts bleeding instantly.

Bruised from the collision with Midas, side that hit the ground is a little scraped up but nothing serious. Air is knocked out of her lungs.

like an arrow to the heart
Image Credit

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Midas - 10-13-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

I’m reminded of her first successful attack in every step and motion, the knotted pain running down the length of my neck began to throb heavily. There was those heated twinges on my cheekbone that sting from where I’d been struck. Yar, I’d been ready for the impact – muscles drawn up and tight as young springling. But it didn’t erase that fact that jostling around wouldn’t hurt an already festering wound. We had to stop! A throaty grunt was transformed into a deep moan as our bodies collide. The air is thrust from my lungs forcefully, painfully. She fell, unable to hold against me. I plant my feet to stop the momentum and felt them slide across upturned turf and gunk.

Anger and surprise faded the moment she gave quarter. I withdrew instantly or as instantly as could be mustered. Pulled away sharply and backpedaled hard against the soggy turf to avoid her flinging daggers and limbs. “Enough!” The word came as a wet gasp. My breath is a hard pant. I tried to slow it. The patches on my limbs are unrecognizable, they backed me further away, “This does nothing for us!” Why was I yelling? I froze in the mud, shivering now. Shamed now. “Tis enough…” She would have to find some other fool to finish this fight – I wouldn’t be the one to carry her stain.

I’m tempted to leave, turn toward the sky and leave her bleeding in the mud. My body is frozen though, eyes wide and aware because the first waves of guilt have come. Guilt for the damage I’d inflicted – without even meaning to.

OCC: This was a long spar! lol! Thanks for a great thread <3
Word count: 271
Attack (3,3)
Defense (1/1)

RE: Back of the pack [Chev X Midas] - Official - 10-28-2014

By my verdict: MIDAS is the winner!

Realism [+2]
:: In your second post, I felt that Midas could have taken more damage. A 6 should be the most damage that is taken throughout the fight and I definitely felt like there was room for a greater amount of damage to be taken.
:: In your third post, I see you were very rushed, but I couldn’t figure out if you had taken any damage from Cheveyo at all.
:: Good job remembering the scenery, and using it.

Emotion [-0.5]
:: Midas’ contemplations and thoughts on Cheveyo are just beautiful in your first post and his internal struggle on whether to actually fight with her or not was very tangible. Well done!
:: I really lost this great emotional connection with Midas in your second post and third posts, however, which was disappointing.

Prose [+1]
:: Stating that no one should feel loss or the heartache from touching passions flame. Passion’s flame.
:: Had my pained heart been laced so evidently in eyes that this painted women felt the need to offer condolence? I’m not sure eyes is the right word, but if it is I’m very confused.
:: Nostril’s flared, water droplets flew into the atmosphere No apostrophe needed.
:: those piercing needles ran without mercy down half the length of crest, My crest, maybe? I feel like this was missing a word.
:: These are just a sampling of the errors I noticed throughout your writing. I do understand that some of this is just your chosen style of prose, but the excess of dropped words sometimes makes your writing lack clarity.

Readability [+1]
:: I hate taking off twice for the same thing, but since it was such a big mistake I really feel like I need to state it again- I could not find an instance of Midas taking damage in your third post, despite reading it a couple times through.
:: Your score was also affected by the variety of missing words and odd punctuation as noted in prose, which really decreased my ability to easily comprehend the writing.

Finally tally: 67.5 + (3.5*2) = 74.5 HP


Realism [+0.5]
:: as my multi-hued frame was slammed backwards into a sitting position Consider the angle of Midas’ hit, the muddy ground, and the horse’s general instinct to remain standing, I think it is unlikely Midas would have caused her to fall into a sit. I think it is much more likely she would have just slid across the mud.
:: I think you could have taken more damage in Midas’ first attack against you. Remember that 6 on the dice roll should be basically the worst damage you can take. I didn’t get the sense that the damage you took was that dramatic.
:: In your second post I wish you would have mentioned more of Cheveyo’s old injuries and how they were affecting her, again considering the amount of damage they should have caused.
:: Falling over is a huge deal! I definitely don’t think it was worthy of a ‘5’ on the dice roll. Be careful when you employ such dramatic responses to damage.

Emotion [-1]
:: You started out with great emotion in your first post, which really helped me connect with Cheveyo, but as you moved into the attack portion of your post I feel like that emotion slid away a little.
:: Throughout the rest of the fight, I really lost most sense of emotion and the fight became very technical. There were a few cursory thoughts given to emotion, but it all seemed very superficial.

Prose [+4]
:: I don’t have many comments. Your posts were well edited and I didn’t see any glaring mistakes. There were a few instances where I think some ‘RP’ terms could have been replaced with more accessible terms, but they weren’t overly disctacting.

Readability [+2]
:: I had to go back and re-read your first attack, because I didn’t understand what was happening my first read through.

Finally tally: 21 + (5.5*2) = 32HP

:: This is neither here nor there for judging, and no points were taken for this by any means, but I might suggest that you put two line breaks between paragraphs instead of just one. The long, solid block of text is sometimes intimidating to look at and easy to lose your place in.