HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Hand Me Down My Walkin' Shoes - Printable Version

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Hand Me Down My Walkin' Shoes - Finn - 06-06-2014

It was a good thing that I was without a travel companion; I was certain they would have bashed my skull in by now with the amount of complaining leaving my mouth.

Ever since falling into that dark hole that led down to those underground caves, my front left leg had grown stiff and was typically swollen so badly I could barely even walk on it. Some days, I tried to tough it out and either hop along on three legs or drag it behind me, but that usually just made it worse. I knew better than to do such foolish things, but what else was I supposed to do? Just stand around and hope somebody came to my rescue?

Well, whether I was standing or almost literally dragging myself across Helovia, nobody ever did come to sweep me off my feet. I was just glad those horrible wraiths were gone, at least to my knowledge, and none had ever advanced upon me.

In an attempt to better my mobility, I had searched not very far and not terribly wide for some poor, deceased creature, following the most putrid of scents in hopes of finding something. Eventually my searching had brought me upon a recently deceased doe, her corpse already touched by the teeth of predators and the elements of mother nature. It had been a grisly sight that made me want to lose my lunch at once, but thankfully as an equine I simply couldn't do that, and with great concentration I had used what remained of the body to craft a splint reached from knee to fetlock. The support that it provided was enough to allow for a steady pace, at least for a little while, and minimal trotting.

"Why couldn't I be born a flesh crafter?" I mused aloud to myself as I walked, winding through tree after tree and nearly bursting into tears every time I knocked the leg against a too-big rock or a rotting tree covered in moss and grass. "Or... something," I added with a mighty huff as I overcame yet another maze of downed trees, and as all four feet found purchase on clear, level ground, I came to a halt and pressed my right shoulder into a hefty redwood, shifting the brunt of my weight into it and lifting the injured limb in an attempt to alleviate the throbbing pain.

For a while I would stand there, merely to catch my breath and wish away the pain that had plagued me for more than half a year. I knew that I couldn't stay all day, however, as this forest was thick and ungodly deep, and I couldn't fathom just how utterly frightening it must be at night time. Just a few minutes, that was all I needed... and then, I would be off to anywhere but here.


to coax the darkness into light

RE: Hand Me Down My Walkin' Shoes - Kiara - 06-10-2014


New day, new adventure. For whatever reason, Kiara felt the tug to leave the safety of the Hidden Falls for the first time in months. Her twins were growing faster than ever it seemed. There was a sense of pide in both her son a daughter, even if they had not been planned. Next baby, planned. Good stallion. The red roan could not help but smile. Ever her protector and friend, Keiran was determined that if she gave birth again it would be on her own terms.

But today found them in the forest Kiara had first called home. The first home of the Qian, before they fought and won the World's Edge. That seemed like so long ago now. She looked to Keiran, who was padding along at her side. Such a journey they had since he was just a cub. She had been heavily pregnant with Malachi then. She sighed softly. Her firstborn should be almost two now. Not your fault. The reassurance from Keiran was always nice to have.

It was Keiran who heard the stallion first. His ears flickered and his head turned. What is it Keiran? The roan girl stopped as her bonded did to just listen. Without a word, the panther moved off to investigate. Just through the trees, stood a stallion leaning against a tree and looking fairly rough. Come help. Looks bad. Keiran's voice rang in her mind. Carefully she walked forward. "I don't mean to bother you, but I am Kiara... Earth Medic of the Hidden Falls herd... You look like you could use some help." Her voice shakes as Keiran hangs back to make sure not to upset the stallion with his presence. Many seemed to be nervous when they see him, even if the panther means no harm.


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RE: Hand Me Down My Walkin' Shoes - Adelric - 06-10-2014

Somedays, the half-child watches his mother and he can almost feel her sorrows and pains. He does not yet understand them, does not yet understand what it means to have troubles beyond when his next meal will be or where his family is, but he is intuitive nevertheless. If he had the capacity to consider what bothers her beyond his very childish notions, he might worry more. After all, he loves her to the moon and back- she is the greatest presence in his life- and he does not want her to feel pain. Someday he might ask her what troubles her, but for now he is content to try and make her smile with his childish antics, when he can.

As his mother gathers up Keiran, who has played babysitter for him too many times to count, the child eagerly rises from the ground to follow. For now, where his food goes- he goes. Bouncing after her gaily, the child looks curiously all about them as they walk. He has been out of the Falls before once, to go to the Heavenly Fields, but he has never been to this forest before and he is curious about everything that he can see. Why do some trees hurt with their pointy needles while others caress with their silken leaves? Why do some have rough back, some smooth; some white, some brown; some tall, some short; some fat, some skinny? Everything he looks at makes him curious and, while he tries to refrain from pestering his darling mother with questions, he almost cannot contain himself and is about to burst forth with a relentless series of 'why?'s. But he is stopped from being a pest when his mother suddenly moves off purposefully through the woods.

The child follows her, of course! He wants to see what she is seeing, know what she is knowing, and so he goes with her until they arrive in the presence of one short, tired looking stallion who is leaning against a tree. And there, upon his limb, is another question awaiting an answer- an answer that he must have. He cranes his neck forward as he speaks, trying to get closer to it without moving away from his mother's side. “What is that!?” he cries excitedly, but suddenly he withdraws his neck and looks to his mother with sad eyes. He has forgotten himself, spoken when it was not his turn, barged forward without halting to introduce himself as is proper. Will she be upset with him? She has always been so kind, but sometimes he can't help but wonder if the sad feelings he thinks she has are because of him. Does he disappoint her? He hopes he has not disappointed her now, but just in case he has, he decides he should right what wrong he had committed. “Sorry, mister. I'm Adelric,” and he tried to nod his head politely before slinking back to his mother's side. Still, curiosity got the best of him, and in a moment or two he was sneaking his head around her shoulder again, trying to peer at the leather wrap on the stallion's limb.
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RE: Hand Me Down My Walkin' Shoes - Finn - 06-20-2014

An ear flickers as it tunes in to something just ahead of me, and as unfamiliar as I was with these woods, I straightened where I stood and turned my head ever so slightly so that I may have a better view. For a moment I saw nothing, only heard someone or something approaching, but just as my heart began to beat against my chest like a drum and will me to turn and get away, another equine appeared. Relief washed over me, especially when I noticed that this spotted stranger was no lumbering giant like the rest I had met so far; we were the same size!

Excitement sparked in my warm brown eyes and I took a step closer, regretting the action almost immediately and surely making a fool of myself as I hissed and lifted the injured leg up off the ground. "Aaah..." I breathed out as the appendage stung and throbbed in protest of any further movement. Carefully lowering it back down so as the tip of the hoof was only barely touching the ground, I looked back to the mare as she introduced herself as Kiara, medic of a place I've never heard of. At her side is a still smaller, younger version of herself, except this one sports a horn and exclaims as to what the contraption is around my leg.

A smile slowly pulls across my face; oh, how I adore children.

The spectacle set before me of the colt drawing back and looking to his mother in a worrisome fashion is heart-warming, and he quickly rights his maybe-wrong and introduces himself as Adelric. "And I am Finn," I say in reply with head dipping down briefly in a sort of bow, remembering this time to actually introduce myself before parting ways with my company like when I had met Midas way back when. My eyes shift to Kiara then, that smile slipping only slightly as I speak next. "I do suppose I could use a spot of help... I made an act of sheer folly falling into this hole some time ago, that led into this rather strange cave. Cut myself up pretty bad."

Then, I look to Adelric, my smile quirking back to life as I could finally address the young lad's question. "So I made this," I say, tucking my chin to motion at the splint encasing my swollen left front leg, "'Tis a boot that's supposed to brace and strengthen the leg. On most days, it works pretty well, but... Only when I've not walked far." And by God had I been walking far lately.

My eyes shift back once again to Kiara, thankful that I can look upon her without tilting my head completely back and gazing at her neck more than anything. "You said you're a medic, aye, Kiara? Do you think you could take a gander at it? Perhaps I could repay you and little Adelric."

to coax the darkness into light

RE: Hand Me Down My Walkin' Shoes - Kiara - 07-03-2014


Keiran, of course, knew that Adelric had followed before Kiara knew. The roan had been so focused on everything ahead of her and her own thoughts that she hadn't figured her son would follow her out of the herdland. Son followed. Was the panther's simple word in the mind of the roan. Kiara only cut her eyes over slightly as Adelric moved to her side. “What is that!?” The child like wonder in her son's voice made the medic smile for a moment, before quickly turning her attenion back to the stallion. She tensed slightly, hoping this stallion would not want to try and hurt her son. He seemed nice enough, but foals could make stallions do foolish things.

She only relaxed when the stallion spoke. He was smiling moments before, which had eased the mother's mind as well. He introduced himself as Finn, and went on to explain what had happened. Holes could be very dangerous things. A broken leg could mean a death sentence.... If there was no healer around to help. This stallion was in luck. "I can do better than just take a look.. Just give me one moment." Putting her trust in Keiran to keep them safe, Kiara closed her eyes. The warmth that always seemed to accompany the magic. Since she did not know how bad the injury was, but since it seemed it had been a while it needed to be healed as soon as possible.

The magic surged forth, vines and water surrounding the injured leg. It did not take long before the leg was healed. Soon as she felt that it was ok, the roan relaxed the magic. Only then did she turn to her son to nuzzle him. He made her so proud. She could only wish his sister was like him, so eager to be at her side. "How does it feel now?" Hoping that the magic had done it's job.

(ooc: wasnt sure if it was a break or what, so i did my best to keep it neutral in description.)
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RE: Hand Me Down My Walkin' Shoes - Adelric - 07-04-2014

The half-child noted that the stallion's limb was painful as he placed it and for a moment he wondered if it was the contraption itself that was causing the pain. Was this some sort of torture device, a means for someone to bring pain to him? He would like to wonder more on the topic, if only for scholarly curiosity, but his ponderings are drawn short as the stallion speaks. Finn. Adelric waits for a moment- until the stallion begins speaking kindly- to decide that he likes the name.

As for the story- despite his curious nature, the half-child is not immune to the childish joy of listening to a story. Still peaking out from around his mother's shoulder, he listens intently to the Fjord's tale. A hole that leads to a cave? Adelric's mind instantly began to conjure images; but, wild though they might be, none are so grand as the actual Heart Caves that the child will come to know in the future. Regardless, he is about to open his mouth to inquire about what sort of brilliant adventures the stallion had in the cave when his first question is answered. The boot!

Stepping forward, as it seems he will not get in trouble for his excitement, he returns his heterochromic gaze to the boot as the stallion describes it. He inspects the craftsmanship and curves, the way it hugs the stallion's limb, where it pulls tight and where it settles around the limb. He has so many questions, wants to know so many things about it and how it was made, but he is afraid to interrupt or pester Finn more. Besides, it seems his mother is going to help.

He knows that she is a healer, knows that she fixes things that are wrong, but has never actually seen her work her magic. As she closes her eyes and calls upon the Earth God, the half-child is drawn into a whole different world of questions. “Wow!” he spouts out excitedly as the vines and water surround the stallion's limbs. “How does it work?!” he asks her after she nuzzles him. He understands that it is magic, and yet... there has to be more to it, right? He wants to know what makes the magic work.

Still, there is a nagging question in the back of his mind, one that he has not asked and thus has not been answered. Sheepishly, he looks back to the stallion, shifting his weight around a few times and swaying back and forth. Looking to his Uncle Keiran, he tries to assess if he should ask the question or not. Still, he cannot read the face of his mother's cat and he quickly returns his gaze to the leather boot, the question of how it is made almost forming on his lips but not yet asked. He tries to maintain his manners, to remain quiet rather than boisterous, but his gaze and his anxious body would likely project his question for any paying close enough attention.
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RE: Hand Me Down My Walkin' Shoes - Finn - 07-08-2014

Where I had come from, magic was a rare thing indeed, and those who did have it were often gifted with the art of craft, much like I had been. Oh, sure, we had healers, but everything had been based off the healing properties of herbs rather than magic. The concept was difficult to grasp; how did it work? Was it permanent? What all exactly could it fix? Everything?

Within a few moments, I was given at least one of my answers as the spotted mare allowed her eyes to fall shut, looking as though she was trying to focus. I remained quiet, not wanting to break her concentration, and watched with wonder and amazement as vines and water sprung from beneath my left front leg, wrapping around and constricting it. Instinct told me to jerk away and high-tail it out of there, but this lass was here to help me, I reminded myself, and I'd not make a complete fool of myself if I could help it, nor make her work even more difficult.

It felt good, I realized, as the magic seeped through the skin, soaking into the scars and seemingly sucking the ache and lasting pain right out of the limb. I exhaled a heavy breath, like a work horse who had just had his load taken from his back, relief flooding through my very core.

Soon, the earthly fingers of her magic faded and let loose of my leg, and it was only when Kiara asked of its well-being that I shook myself from my contented state and looked down to inspect the limb. No longer was it swollen, and though there's still a small scar running down the front of the cannon, it didn't throb, it didn't ache, it didn't hurt. It didn't hurt! "Wow-ee, Kiara!" Comes my exclamation as I drop the leg to the ground, moving it about and stamping the hoof against the ground to assure that it really was alright, and it was. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! How could I ever repay you?" With energy restored, I toss my head up into the air and do a single spin, rear-end popping up in my glee to finally have complete mobility again before facing them once more, a wide grin spread across dark lips. Now, nothing could stop me, at least until another hole found my foot.

Little Adelric looks just as amazed as I, and even he seems not to know how his mother's magic works. The question is one I yearn to know as well, and I look on at the mare with wonder. "Yes," I speak up as Kiara offers a nuzzle to her son, "How does it work, ma'am, if I may ask? I've never seen anything of the sort before. It's... it's absolutely spectacular!"

My eyes fall back upon Adelric then, noting the way that the boy looked at me, shifting his weight where he stood before looking to the black panther standing at a distance, then to the boot discarded just feet away. I can't fathom what exactly the youngster wishes to ask, but it's obvious it's something, perhaps about the boot itself? Only when it's appropriate to do so, not wishing to interrupt Kiara, I drop my head to the ground, press my nose into the boot, and scoot it closer to the colt for him to see. "You may look at it, Ade, I don't mind." I pause as I lift my head, quirking a brow at the young boy and hoping I hadn't managed to upset him, "May I call you that?"


to coax the darkness into light