HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Printable Version

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!! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Resplendence - 06-09-2014

Running. She was running. So much running. Her heart, her mind, her senses were racing. The trees were collapsing. Fire. Tons of fire. And her family - they were all trapped somewhere in the Edge. Somewhere where the flames were licking at their hides and trying to take them in to their comforting grasp. But, it wasn't comforting. No. These flames would burn you, they would eat your flesh. They would tear you apart and torture you in these last minutes.

But some were already being tortured. Some lay bleeding on the ground, intestines strewn and their bodies still moving - begging for the pain to stop. No. Not just begging - pleading, screaming, crying, for it all to stop. Her heart was wrenched. Limbs just barely managing to carry her as she galloped through the forest, hoping to the dear Gods that Quilyan would be saved. Hoping that Alysanne had managed to take flight and gotten out of these ashes. Hoping that Kaj wasn't trying to be a hero and save everyone. Hoping that Kahlua - KAHLUA!.

She's screaming, Her limbs are backpedaling as she just managed to stop her hooves from crashing into her beloved sister. But it isn't just Kahlua. No. Mirage is there, half-dragon-half-horse, squirming in pain as the heat continues to come in closer. The trees falling in a pattern that is slowly beginning to create a ring of fire around them. Panic is all that she can feel. She moves between Kahlua and Mirage, just barely moving out of the way as Quilyan comes tumbling from the sky - both wings broken... and the loud sound of his head smashing into the earth gives an uncomfortable CRACK! that has her wincing and screaming out his name, pleading nothingness as she sobbed.

Gods no. Gods, please, no. They can't be doing this to her. They just... can't. She feels sick, knowing that no one can fix a head that has been smashed in, neck broken and twisting the wrong way. She's running again, tears hindering her vision as she stumbles through the fallen trees - flames licking against her hide and singing her hairs. Not Mirage. They can't do this to Mirage! But she had seen her. With her own eyes. She had been right here - squirming in pain. And she knew that by this point her body had to be engulfed in the flames.

The screams are so loud. She can't handle it. She can't concentrate. Her limbs catch on a fallen tree. The weight of it too heavy and it snags her, dragging her down as the flames begin to slide in. She's screaming. Yelling. Crying. Pleading. She wants Mirage. She wants Quil. She wants Kaj. She wants Kahlua. She doesn't want Alysanne. Alysanne needs to get out of here and coming back for her would mean she would get stuck as well. She can't let that happen. She just cannot let that happen.

But she screams. She screams for Mirage. She screams for Quil. She screams for Kaj. She screams for her family. But the only one that comes is a black horse - so similar to the one who had killed Rowan. And he's laughing. Laughing. She cannot believe that he is laughing when she notices the reason. He's laughing as Valiance hangs on the tips of his horns, blood dripping down onto his face and that maniacal smile upon his maw. Feathers from Quil, from Kaj, from Aly are hanging stuck in his hair like trophies and Res is sickened.

She tries to clamber to her feet - to escape the fire, but it doesn't stop. She lunges forward - to try and pummel the dark one who has done all of this to all of her family but he easily evades her. She screams at him, blaming him for all of her pain and then gallops off again.

However, she can't make it very far. Her hooves just barely manage to catch her as she comes to a halt at the Edge of the cliff. Eyes peer over, and it is then that she sees Kaj, presumably dead next to Aly at the bottom of the rocks, bent in awkward positions as the waves crash over them. And, when she looks back to where she is all she can see is fire. Fire. FIRE. And then, that black stag again. Walking so slowly and deliberately towards her before tossing Valiance over the edge as well - as if he were a toy. She squeaks out a little sentence saying something about 'not Valiance'. But, it is the words from the stag's mouth that have her freezing in place. It is time to join Rowan and Valiance little one. Heaven knew if he even talked like that - if he really knew their names. But it didn't matter - not at all.

And, after all, it wouldn't matter for long for his horn not only stabbed directly near her heart, but his weight shoved her over the edge of the cliff she was on..

And as she was falling she jerked awake. Her screams having filled the air for at least fifteen minutes now. Resplendence jumps to her feet, cowering in a corner near the closest grove of trees. Flashes of fire were in her peripheral vision and it caused her to begin to spin round and round in place. Sweat rolling down her sides, eyes wide, ear pinned, locket sending massive waves of heat to Quilyan's wherever he was, and she sobbed. Sobbed, begging for Mirage to come back - to make the Edge whole again.

She wanted her whole family, dammit, and not broken pieces. She couldn't handle them. But, she also couldn't handle anyone coming close to her either. She wasn't really here. She was still off in her own world - off in the nightmare. It was breaking her. It was ruining her. She didn't know who she was anymore.

She just wanted it all to stop!

NOTES: ;-; so sad

Image by Mockingale
Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Alysanne - 06-10-2014

Never again did Alysanne want to wake up to the sound of screams, never again did she want to jerk awake and realize she knew that voice. There was no groggy moment, there was no pause in which she tried to determine what was happening. Even in the dark of night, there was not going to be any fumbling around tonight. Instincts kicked in, and the painted mare was moving - Hemlock in his usual spot atop her head. Resplendence. Resplendence was in trouble. Something was happening. Green eyes scanned the trees wildly as she tried to find her - but then she spotted him. The red dragon coming towards her, beckoning her and tugging on her mane. “Valiance! Where is she?!”

There was no jesting between the companions tonight, everyone had their focus centered on one thing and Alysanne would not have tolerated anything else. With all the speed her legs could muster she followed Valiance through the trees until they were there.

It was only a brief moment where Alysanne noted that there was nothing physically happening to her, but that did not cause her to hesitate. Whatever was happening, it was just as real as if it had been a physical attack. It was real to Resplendence and that was what mattered - whether it was a nightmare or something else, it was not something to turn away from. A quick skid and she was stopped, standing before her fellow Moon Doctor as she cowered in the trees. “Resplendence!!” She tried calling out to her, tried to give her something to focus on. Anything but where her mind was. There was no doubt in her mind that the screams would have roused the others, that there would be friendly and concerned faces showing up here to care for the Moon Doctor as she had cared for so many of them. There was no way for her to know what had been dreamed, what was being seen, but those screams echoed around her mind - that terrified look in her friend’s eyes told her it was not anything good. Again that soft voice as another cautious step was taken - wanting so much to dash forward and wrap her wings around her, to protect Resplendence from everything that was happening to her, but caution held her back.

Hemlock had no such caution - there were few he would actively go towards, fewer still that it wouldn’t be with a mind to attack, but he flew towards her now on his fledgling wings. Hooting soft tones as he landed in the trees right near her, his fluffy self just on eye level.

There was undoubtedly someone else she would prefer to hold her, and Alysanne knew that distance was sometimes best. But she was not going to leave, nothing would uproot her from this spot until she - they - found a way to bring Resplendence back. Soft voice rose again and gentle eyes never leave her friend’s face. “Sweetie it’s okay, we’re here. It’s going to be okay.”
everybody heals with love
Image Credit
table by Sevin <3

permission for mention of Valiance <3

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Aurelia - 06-10-2014

Perhaps today could have been an average day for me, the mare on house arrest. I could've walked about, dragging my hooves somewhere, anywhere. I find myself walking in one large circle. Yup, I've seen that rock a few times, and I've certainly seen that awkward looking tree at least twice. It seems as if today was destined to be anything, but normal and dull. Already, everything becomes intense when I hear yelling. It's not just the type of yelling two horses playing would screech, but more of a wail of pain. Suddenly, there is a change in my disposition. I am not wandering around aimlessly. Now, there is a purpose to my quickened stride. My ears flick forwards and I move from a speedy walk into a canter. My small frame weaves through the trees, going of the paths created by the animals that live here. I jump out from the woods, and back onto a narrow path, and this is when I see her.

She is the one-eared mare that held me down while I was having a stroke. The words she spoke from the day of my return still ring in my immature head. "Darling. You are not worthless..." At the time, I was having a seizure and couldn't really say anything to her, but now I'm not having a seizure. Now, I can tell her thank you. I can tell her she helped. Suddenly, I realize she is... dead? She is screaming extremely loud. I slide to a halt, and as I do... she wakes up and starts spinning around. Alysanne is already here. She seems worried about her friend, this, I don't doubt. They seem like a likely pair to have a close friendship. There is still a panic in her eyes, a panic I haven't felt yet. What happened to her? "Oh my goodness..." My voice is a faint whisper. I stride a step or two closer to her. We are a few feet apart, I wouldn't say more than five. This is, of course, if she doesn't move away from me. My voice is a quiet plea. I know others will come. Many have probably heard her screaming.

Suddenly, I know I have to offer to help in any way possible. "It's okay, miss. You're safe now." My voice is soft and gentle. I don't acknowledge Aly right now, for all my attention is on this mare. The one who didn't want me to die. The one who held my head. She held me until she was certain I wouldn't snap my neck and die. I have to help her. I have to do something. I don't know what, but there is something I need to do. Should I run and get Kahlua? or Kaj? Who does she want? "It'll be okay, don't worry." I've gone into crazy-mode (as many Helovians call it) before, and it's scary. It feels like something else is happening. If feels like you are in and awkward place between life and death, reality and fantasy, dreams and nightmares. Perhaps this is why I 'freak out'. Maybe I am in a different zone, one where I don't think about reality nor fantasy. I don't know if this is what is happening, but it looks like it. It's either that, or a seizure. I know what a seizure is, and some do look like this.

I just don't know what to do.

Walk walk walk walk walk
talk talk talk talk
ooc:; aurelia is confused xD
oh, tell me, what's the matter?</style>

image credits

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Destrier - 06-11-2014


No longer does the dark bring comfort as it once did. It's when the sun tucks itself beyond the horizon that things seem to happen, be it wraiths emerging to chase us from our homes, an enemy invasion, or the knowledge that the sun just may never rise again. A lover of the Sun, such a thought deeply unsettled me, but I had survived two instances where it had abandoned us before only to rise months later.

The thought had come to me as I laid near a small fire stoked by Suli's flame. For us, it had been a long day of reintroducing ourselves to the tireless task of scouting the borders. As one who had helped prepare the land for it, it was troubling to see that the glass wall built up by Kahlua was dilapidated in many places, presenting several weak links where anyone could slip in sight unseen. Having just returned, I wasn't sure why it hadn't been repaired at once, but as it stood, I had a bit of catching up to do on the Edge's current events.
Just as I thought I might attempt to retire for the night and lay my thoughts to rest, a piercing, ear-shattering scream broke the silence of the night. Awakened from her slumber, Suli's head jerked up, violet gaze widening and straining as it adjusted quickly to the night. My own body had grown rigid as the scream met my ears, strong and unyielding as it rang through the night.


Rising to her feet and shaking the sleep from her head, Suli spread her wings and shoved herself up from the ground and into the air. Wasting no time, I followed suit, and into the night we raced.

When we reached the source of the screaming, I had expected the recently appointed Moon Doctor to be getting chased by some midnight devil, or at least having run into some intruders, which I did think briefly as my eyes landed on the forms of two winged mares I had never seen before. However, they seemed to be trying to comfort the lithe rabicano rather than harm her, and I could only assume they were of the Edge. Exhaling a heavy breath, I stepped forward between the Pegasi while Suli swooped down to land between my ears.

"Resplendence," I spoke up, loud enough to be heard but in no manner was my voice anything but concerned. I was uncertain what unseen thing haunted her and caused her to scream so, huddled back against the trees as she seemed to try and get away from something. The others seemed to stand back and give vocal reassurance that all would be well, but I couldn't find it in myself to simply stand there and wait for the healer to come out of it by herself.

Maybe it was foolish of me to do so, but I pushed past the two winged mares and cautiously stepped closer to Resplendence, speaking as I did so, my voice remaining soft and gentle in hopes that I wouldn't frighten her even more. "Resplendence," I repeated, slowly and carefully closing the distance between ourselves, head lowered so as not to appear overbearing or threatening. It was hard how I might come off to her in her current condition, but I knew not what else to do.

When I stood within a yard or so of her, if she had not turn and ran by now and if she allowed me to do so, I outstretched my muzzle and placed it gently against her shoulder. "Nothing's going to get you," I reassured, "Please, Resplendence, look; we're all here for you."



RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Quilyan - 06-12-2014

But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride...
...he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him.

It is his night to patrol, and so as the scene below unfolds, the deposed prince finds himself riding the winds high above, soaring around this cloud and that, watching for any sign of a disturbance. Zarina clings sleepily to his mane, burrowing into the hair that whips around her tiny frame, and her lack of interest lulls him into a false sense of security. He never would have dreamed that the danger lay not outside their borders, but within - indeed, within the mind of his very own lover. His mind is, as usual, fixed on her, and protecting her, and so when the very first scream echoes faintly from below, he thinks that he has surely only imagined it. But then there is a second, and a third; and his locket lets out a hideous burst of searing heat; and his heart turns over in his chest for the only thing that could be the cause is the imminent demise of his darling lady.

Zarina is suddenly very much awake as he drops from the sky with the easy grace of practice, tucking his wings tightly against his bodice in an attempt to drop as quickly as possible. Nearing the treetops, they snap out from his sides to halt his descent and he pumps them to push himself ever faster, faster than he has ever flown in his life. His heart hammers furiously in his chest with fear bordering on panic. What could be so wrong that his locket has burned a perfect heart into his pelt and left a raised welt of pink skin? How could something have gotten in their borders without him seeing? Was he to blame for whatever was attacking his lady? And, gods forbid, what if he is too late? How could he live without her?

There is a small group gathered in her clearing and he falls into their midst gracelessly, stumbling forward on the landing and nearly falling into the rather large expanse that is Destrier. It takes him a moment to get his bearings, but when he does, he finds the familiar shapes of his family in the shadows. He begins to relax, sure that with this gathering, she cannot be harmed, at least not physically. And then he see her, cowering among the trees, hiding in a blind panic, shaking and sobbing as though the world has ended, and his heart breaks for her anew, and he pushes forward with reckless abandon because he must show himself to her, must touch her, must reassure her that whatever new horror haunts her is a figment of her imagination, that he will not allow anything to hurt her again.

But when he finds himself at her side, gently positioning himself so that he is closest to her, he finds himself unable to say all of these things aloud. He stands parallel to her, not quite touching her. He reaches out, trying to brush his muzzle gently across her tear-stained cheek. "Resplendence," he murmurs softly. "It's alright, my love. I'm here." He slowly and carefully extends his wing above her body, trying to give her room to cuddle beneath it as she normally does when upset. He wants to gather her to him, to hold her and reassure her, but he does not want to scare her. Unfortunately for the others gathered, he has eyes only for her, so he ignores their presence for the time being, focusing his entire being on bringing her back to them.

[W/C | ---]
Walk walk walk.
Talk talk talk.
Think think think.

RayoDeSoleil.deviantart.com | Ness8Bit.deviantart.com

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Resplendence - 06-12-2014

She pranced back and forth. Eyes darting between the trees as the licks of red, orange, and yellow seem to grow, to engulf these trees. Except they never seem to actually take the trees down with them. They're taunting her. Taunting her while she starts to break. Valiance had done his job - he'd gotten the one creature he thought might be able to fix her, fix whatever was broken because he had no clue what was going on.

Spreading his wings, he curled up in the tree - not willing to touch her pelt, to try and jerk her out of it when she was already so far gone, when he had seen the images of his lifeless form being thrown over a cliff and down to the broken bodies of a buckskin and of Aly being hit by the crashing waves. However, it is her name that reaches her ears, but not her mind. No. Her eyes latch onto the painted one, who is taking steps closer and closer to her. It is slow, but the panic is only widening in Res's eyes. No. No. She's dead. She's dead - I saw her form with waves crashing on top of her. It wasn't possible - not in her mind. The only explanation was that dark stag conjuring up magic to make them hurt her - to kill her and make her die as well. To torture her in her last moments.

And as Aly inched in closer, another appeared. But, no heed was paid to her at first, Res's attention snapping to the fluffball which had come from Aly's pelt. It's going to hurt me. Get it away! Away! Res screeches in her head, but can do nothing as the bird positions himself upon a branch near her face. In fact, it is Valiance who is shuffling his weight to sit beside Hemlock, his long wing stretching out to wrap protectively around the young one in an attempt to anchor him to the base of the tree should he allow it as Res bucked out - knocking the tree violently in her panic, hoping to the dear Gods that it would get the zombied beings away from her.

She leaps forward a few strides, body trembling uncontrollably. How was this happening? How was this possible? Her eyes dart now, to the one who is telling her she is safe - to the strange colours on her back. No, wait. It was the one who had set those in the Falls on fire. Panic. Immediately it sets in. She is the reason that the forest is on fire. She is the reason that her friends were engulfed in flames. "Stop the fire! Please! I'll do anything... Just stop burning our family!" she's choking on her words, and stumbling backwards again. Her long tendrils are wrapping around her limbs - tugging on her limbs. It's as if she is being drug to the ground with each movement she attempts to make. It won't be okay. It won't be okay. That's all she can repeat to herself over and over again. Why? Because the fire is waiting to be unleashed - to burn the forest down and to eat everyone alive.

But again, another horse has come. Her name is spoken and it still doesn't break through the deep confines of her mind. It's a deeper voice, and her dead eyes radiate nothing but panic and uncertainty as they turn towards him. A softer voice. And he continues to speak until he is right up with her. But I'm back up, backing up until I'm against the tree that she is convinced is burning. Black. He's black. No. He must be hiding his horn. Gods. Gods save me...

She's trapped as he reaches out with his muzzle and she winces as he presses his maw up against her shoulder. Valiance hissing in discontent with the situation his bonded was already in. Someone needed to stop this madness. Someone needed to snap her out of it. However, nothing was helping. She was sliding in deeper, and tears were starting to fall like waterfalls down her cheeks. Des-or-maybe-the-dark-stag, tells her to look, to take in those around her, to realize they were there to keep her safe. But, all she saw were the flames. The flames that should be eating them all alive yet wasn't inflicting any damage.

"Make it stop... please.... make it stop..." she's begging, pleading. But it isn't working. The fire wasn't stopping. The air seemed to be getting thinner with heat, and she couldn't take in enough oxygen for herself. Valiance was shifting his weight, uncertain of whether to leave the fluffy one, or to attempt to fly into Res's mane to attempt to calm her.

And, just when the calm almost has a chance to ebb into the corners of her mind Quilyan comes crashing into Destrier. She's shuffling again, letting out a yelp as her hair wraps just tightly enough to put enough pressure on her hocks and cause her hind legs to crumble beneath her. Make it stop. Make it stop! But it doesn't stop, and she's kicking out blindly to free her legs from her hair, Valiance darting from the tree and pulling the hair from areas that his face would never have to meet her hoof. And, when she finally has enough space from the confines of her hair she stumbles back to her feet - unwilling to stay in such a defenseless position. Her eyes span the width of the area before landing on Quilyan. More panic, more uncertainty. His wing raising, her name murmured and his wing lifted.

But she doesn't want a wing - she wants the world to be right again. She sobs, darting away from the wing and into Destrier, which then causes her to dart into the middle of the circle that seems to have formed. She's spinning now, unwilling to keep her back to any of them and Valiance is attempting to keep her tendrils from coiling up around her legs again - to try and keep her from scaring herself even more.

"You're dead -" incoherent babble falls between the coherent words as she sobs and twirls, sobs and twirls. "- Broken neck - drowning - fire - he killed - join Rowan -" It makes no sense, not really, but she can't think. She can't make herself act normal. The fire is there - and in fact, the fire is only staying away from Quil at this point.

She needs to start counting, but she can't concentrate enough to do even that. There is nothing but the sickening dullness of panic and a mare in a world that is not the present one flashing her eyes. Her ear is pinned as she takes in a shaky breath - "You-" she starts, staring at Des, feet unable to stand still and Valiance carefully pulling strands out of the way (in fact beginning to braid it up and out of her way) "- you killed Rowan," and then she spins sharply to Aurelia, "You-" a sob as she sees the fire engulfing everyone, even her, without the pain, "- please don't burn our family. Please.... stop..." And then, she spins around, looking between Quilyan and Aly, "I - You, no. You were dead. Broken necks, wings, dislocated limbs. He killed you I-"

And she's sobbing, sobbing and trying to get away from the circle. Her limbs refuse to work, though, and her left hind catches on a thick branch. Weakened hocks from all the trembling she has been doing this whole time has her now crumpled on the ground without the ability to return to her feet.

Valiance? Well, he decides it is a good time to perch on Aly's withers and continue to hiss his concern for his bonded. His bonded who still has violent images of all of their deaths spinning around her cranium.

When will it end?

TAGS: still open ;3
MUSE: omg overflowing
NOTES: 1334 words guys <3

Image by Mockingale
Table by Moonstone Designs

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Alysanne - 06-14-2014

Others came, like she knew they would. Aurelia, a black stallion she did not know and Quilyan who she remembered from the herd meeting. There was hope with Quilyan’s presence that he would soothe her, but it was not the case. Whatever had been seen was clearly so much worse than Alysanne had expected as her quiet, sweet friend lashed out at Hemlock - the little owl sinking into Valiance’s body and allowing the dragon to keep him anchored as their tree shook - and then dashing away from the stallions that had taken a more direct approach to calming her than she or Aurelia had.

What else could they do?

Green eyes are sad as reactions to their presence are given - accusing the dark one of killing someone, pleading with Aurelia not to burn the family, telling her and Quilyan that they were dead, broken. “Aurelia, please step back.” She spoke softly to the filly, not wanting to hurt her feelings but the fire-wielding mare’s presence wasn’t the most helpful at the moment - not for any personal reasons but that magic. Though she did not believe that Aurelia would harm their family, soft words and actions weren’t going to be enough to bring Resplendence back from the twisted rabbit hole she had found herself in tonight. Alysanne was willing to try anything, would chase anyone away if they so much as triggered an unpleasant feeling (though she didn’t quite think that through - as everyone present seemed to be involved in some way). Her protective side wanted her to spread her wings and shield Resplendence from everyone.

But they were here to help too.

And she needed to remember that she was not the only one that cared for the doctor. She didn’t even know her as well as some of the others here. The words to tell the black stallion to back off as well did not make it through her mouth - she didn’t know him well enough, didn’t even know his name.

Didn’t want to think that the accusation about him being a murderer were true.

There was a terrible moment, with Resplendence on the ground where Alysanne was lost. What could they possibly do to help? How could they battle this? Maybe using soft words might have not been the best approach but she hadn’t been the one to spook the gentle mare, she hadn’t been the one to get her to try and escape. No one’s approach had proved particularly effective and what was possibly left. But Valiance landing on her withers snapped her out of it.

She moved quickly then, willing to take the risk now that the energy seemed to be sapping from Resplendence. She took a side and lowered herself to the ground, a white wing stretching out carefully to rest delicately on the dun’s back. Her instincts were to drape it across and hug the dun tightly… but caution keeps her alert to the reaction so she could remove it. Better to make sure the gesture would be accepted first. A quick look up at the other faces for help or guidance - she would not ignore them, she knew their best shot was to work together to help the mare they cared so much about.

What she wouldn’t give for a magic that would transfer Resplendence’s pain to herself. To take it all or just enough to help her manage, to wake her up from this middle-ground between reality and dream.

“No, no he didn’t, honey. We’re safe and whole. It was a dream, a terrible dream.” She didn’t like to think about anyone broken and bleeding, she remembered the feeling. Remembered dragging herself to Sasha broken and bleeding from the cougar (demon) attack. Her heart ached that Resplendence thought she had seen that of anyone, especially her friends. “We’re alive, and you’re alive. You’re safe Resplendence. Please just look, focus on us. Focus on these faces. Please.” She motioned to them but her eyes remained focused on Resplendence - voice soft. “We love you, so so much, and we’re going to protect each other. We'll going to be just fine.”
everybody heals with love
Image Credit
table by Sevin <3

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Aurelia - 06-14-2014

I knew more horses would hear her screeches, but I assumed not that many horses would come, but I was wrong. There was already a gathering here, all of us beginning to circle around her, to close her in. If they started closing me in like that, I'd get freaked out. Even if they are my friends (well, Aly is, at least). The fact that they keep walking closer to her makes me want to burn them away. But I know that would probably be the worst decision ever at this point.

After me and Aly are here, a big blacks stallion shows up. I've never seen him before, but I can't help, but notice that he is actually quite handsome. Of course, I don't dwell on my sudden urge to meet him and get to know him. My gaze flickers towards his flank. He's muscled well. A warrior, perhaps? I'd be quite intimidated if he attacked me. Then again, whenever someone attacks me, I just kinda stand there confused, not knowing what to do. Like now. It feels like I'm fighting a battle I can't win. This is why I just stand now, confused. It almost feels as if my head is being held underwater, and the surface, or solution, is three inches my my muzzle, but no matter how hard I try to reach it, I can't. So, I start drowning instead. I know I'm drowning, fighting something I can't win. Maybe this is a confusing thing to understand for horses, but it makes perfect sense to me. It's impossible to reach the surface, to be saved. My orbs flick back to Resplendence, who seems to start getting more and more hysterical by the minute. Is she drowning, like I am?

Quilyan bursts onto the scene and I immediately recall him informing me of the battle for the position of general. I also remember Lakota, and to this day, I still don't get the whole mare liking mare thing. Why is she so open with her Oh yea, that WOMAN over this is my mate. Likeeee, there have to be some horses against that, right? I know if I was attracted to mares, I'd be quiet about it. In all honesty, they are probably the only mare-likers that I've ever met. Unless someone is good at keeping secrets?

Suddenly, Resplendence is talking to us. Supposedly, they're dead, and I'm burning everything? I mean, that's something I'd totally do, but it's not happening right now. Not quite yet, Resplendence. "I'm not burni...." My voice trails off. Alysanne is suddenly telling me to back up. One of my ears cocks back an the other forwards. I fight down my urge to protest and back up an over dramatic five or so steps. I cock my eyebrow at her, as if asking "Is this enough?" I really want to set myself on fire, just so Resplendence feels the heat, so when I return back to normal, she'll see nothing is on fire, or she'd be burning right now. Our skin would be blistered. "Nothing is burning. If something were burning, we wouldn't be here. We would have left, with you, Resplendence. We would save you. We wouldn't leave you here, to die. If it were unsafe we'd already be trying to bring you to safety, but the thing is... you are already safe." I mumble my words, so they are quiet, but can still be understood.

I don't even know what to do, but it's not like I knew what to do before. Remember? I'm drowning.

Walk walk walk walk walk
talk talk talk talk
ooc:; aurelia is still confused xD
oh, tell me, what's the matter?</style>

image credits

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Destrier - 06-16-2014


My attempts, as well as those of the others, are futile. Resplendence cringes as my muzzle caresses her shoulder, and through the touch I can feel her violent shaking. Tears are welling in her eyes, and she pleads for us to make it stop. My mouth pulls back into a thin line as I try and think of what to say; I had known the dun for quite some time now, and though we had gone through a lot together, I still barely knew the mare beyond the fact that she was a healer, far from a fighter, and had a tendency to let emotions get the better of her.

From the skies comes a painted male whom I recognize immediately as Quilyan. Steeling myself should the Pegasus go careening into me, I remain still, knowing well that any sudden movements might send Resplendence wheeling around and running off into the night, screaming like a banshee at the things only she could see. But her legs have tangled in her outrageously long mane, so much so that it's enough to bring her down. She panics, kicking out in a desperate attempt to free herself. The flicker of a red dragon is seen as it descends from the trees and to Resplendence, managing to gather the wild mess of hair which in turn helps the poor mare get back up to her feet.

Then, as Quilyan raises a wing in what's surely an attempt to calm the distressed dun, she darts away and nearly crashes into me, then jerks away and ends up, unintentionally, surrounded by all who have assembled. Suli leaps from her perch and goes for Resplendence, making a daring move and trying to snatch up the healer's tail within her talons and help the crimson out. She keeps as far away from the mare's tail as she can, knowing a swift kick could be devastating if it landed right.

Resplendence speaks as she turns in a maddening circle, insisting that some of us are dead, drowning, that there's fire, and... She eventually turns to me, ear pinned and golden eyes burning through my very soul. In that brief moment, I swear I can feel her pain and fear beginning to seep into me, but it vanishes the moment that she accuses me of killing somebody. Rowan. It's a name that's foreign to my ears, but I shove it quickly from my head; she's accusing the rest of us to be either dead or responsible for burning the family, which presumably, she means the Edge.

I look one with helplessness as the dun crumbles to the ground in a heap, her barrel quaking as sobs escape her throat. The painted, winged mare wastes no time in going to Resplendence's side, joining her upon the ground and like Quilyan, attempting to drape a wing over her. By now, Suli had released the healer's tail and folded her wings at her side. Moving forward, the emerald approaches her head with caution, emitting a low, gentle rumble from her throat to both warn her of her presence and try to soothe her.

Meanwhile, I make myself a fool standing there and watching it all play out before me. What am I to do, who has no idea the terrors that our healer is seeing, who had done nothing but frighten her with my presence? Me, who she accused of being a killer? Drawing in a deep breath, I stand quietly at a fair distance, wanting to do anything but cause Resplendence more distress. I wasn't sure her poor soul could handle an ounce more of it.

"It's me, Resplendence, Destrier; don't you remember? Please, wake up."



RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Quilyan - 06-16-2014

But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride...
...he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him.

Before he can blink, she has skittered past him, shying away as though he were some hideous monstrosity intent on her destruction. Her fear of him is like a kick in the chest, but the wound cuts far deeper than any bruise - after all their time together, after all they had been through, still he cannot wake her from her nightmares, cannot fight off her demons, cannot, cannot, cannot -

But then, nor can the others, and so he seeks solace in the fact that he is not alone in his failure.

She has ended up in the middle of the ring of onlookers, and he pins his ears at their perceived intrusion. He knows they are only trying to help, only trying to accomplish what none of them, apparently, can do - but he despises their presence all the same, convinced that if it were only he and his beloved, he could calm even the fiercest tempest within her memory. A deep, calming breath, and then he thrusts the anger from his mind, knowing that it will not serve him well here. Alysanne, her fellow Moon Doctor; Aurelia, one of their family; Destrier, his brother-in-arms - all of them are joining him in a battle against Resplendence's nightmares (or, rather, he is joining them, for he was the last to arrive), and he will not let his pride get in the way of that.

Zarina crawls easily up his neck and perches atop his poll, shrilly scolding the dun. The prince quiets her with a gentle shake of his head, forcing her to grab hold and clamp her mouth shut. But then she scampers down and out along his back, uses his tail to reach the ground, and bravely ventures forth as though to offer her own comfort to the mare. Her bonded begins to order her back, but then the others begin to speak, and he remains silent, watching his mate with pained violet eyes. If only there were some way to break through the panic. If only there were some way to convince her of this reality. If only there were some way to show her that he is, indeed, alive. If only -

And then he realizes that he holds the answer, for he has magic. He has never wanted to use it on her - no, he was hoping to save it for his position as Specter, to get information from their foes. But he cannot imagine that she will blame him for it, not after the spectacle that she has become. Indeed, if he were in her place, he would beg for calm - of course, no one knows that he has magic... but it isn't like it's a secret he's trying to keep. His mind made up, he closes his eyes and inhales. One, two, three, four. A moment later, he exhales, forcing calm within himself, calming his racing heart and mind. It takes but a few seconds, and then he has the illusion of calm; once he has it firmly in hand, he sends it on a breath of air to his darling. The calmness surrounds her, so easily that she might never even know it, wraps her in its warm embrace and tries to coerce her to slow, to think, to breath.

"Resplendence," he says then, his vocals quiet and his eyes trying to catch hers. "We are here. We are real. We are alive. Come back to us, love. It's time to wake up."

[W/C | ---]
Walk walk walk.
Talk talk talk.
Think think think.

RayoDeSoleil.deviantart.com | Ness8Bit.deviantart.com

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Resplendence - 06-16-2014

The words from the one with the fire magic reach my ears, but they don't make sense. She's trying to pretend that she is innocent when she is so far from it. She did this. She did this all. Why can't she just understand!? Why can't she stop it?

So, as the mare crumbled to the ground, the painted female also lurched forward. Bodice pressing up against the dun's frame as she shook, golden orbs squeezing shut. She can't stop shaking. She can't stop this panic from enveloping her mind. And, as Aly's wing wraps around her she winces. "P-please... don't hurt me..." Tears. Panic. The wings held sharp objects - they were going to hurt her.

And Aly's telling Res that Destrier-but-not-really-Destrier had not killed Rowan. She shook her head. "Rowan is dead! No one can bring her back! Just like no one can bring back... bring back.... back my twins..." She ducked her head, burying it in the other doctor's shoulder, refusing to look up at those around her - refusing to take them in. But something is going towards my face, another dragon. Valiance crawling at its side in an attempt to make sure I do not snap at it. Comforting vibes being sent through our bond that I just couldn't comprehend.

And then he speaks, he says his name. The images meld and the horns on his head disappear from her vision as she forces her head up, forcing herself to look at the world. "Make it stop... please make it stop..." she blubbers, limbs trembling as she presses in closer and closer to the other doctor, to feel her heartbeat and force herself to believe that she isn't dead.

But she cannot count, she cannot calm her mind down enough to force the panic away. She needs to breathe, her mind needs to level out. And it seems that it is coming to her. The air seeming to wrap around her, to embrace her just long enough for her to start to count again. One. Deep breath in. Two. Three. Four. Hold it. Ear twitching towards his voice. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Let the air out. Tears still falling, but without the hysterics. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. He says it is time to wake up. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Panicked limbs have her shooting up but they are just barely able to hold her. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. And Valiance snatches her hair again as she bolts to Quil's side, trying to nose her way back under the wing she had run away from mere moments earlier. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one. "You were dead... you were dead..." Twenty-two. Twenty-three. Twenty-four.Twenty-five. She's poking and prodding. Stopping just long enough to press her maw against where his heart is and to feel his heartbeat.

Twenty-six. Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight. She's looking to Destrier as Valiance attempts to snatch the marmoset. If so allowed, he attempts to place her on Res's withers, to give the little one room to braid without fear of being kicked. Twenty-nine. Thirty. Thirty-one. Valiance chirps at Destrier, trying to pull the Friesian closer to his bonded by tugging on his hair. Thirty-two. Thirty-three. Thirty-four. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." That's all she can say.

Would they forgive her? She's still crying, but the world is at least right again. Nothing is burning, no one is broken. Thirty-five. Thirty-six. Thirty-seven. And then Valiance moves to Aly, trying to tug her towards Res as well. Thirty-eight. Thirty-nine. Forty. He wants them all there. He wants everyone except this fire horse to wrap his bonded in love. Chirps are pleading those around them to give her love - to accept his bonded who is so far broken. Forty-one. Forty-two. She keeps repeating the phrase. She keeps saying she's sorry. Forty-three. Forty-four. Forty-five. She feels like she cannot apologize enough...
x - x

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Aurelia - 06-17-2014

you can skip me, im on absent :3 so sorry! <3

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Alysanne - 06-18-2014

Hearing the sweet mare ask Aly not to hurt her was a fresh pain that the pegasus had not been expecting. But though it stung, she did not allow herself to flinch or to show any sign of the shot - but she loosened her grip with her wing - trying to let the weight of those feathers anchor the fallen mare to the earth, to this life and not the terror that she had thought was truth. The others do not give up, the two males staying close as they all kept trying and Aurelia trying to explain that no one was on fire. She worried about how long this would last and the effects it might have - what with the stress that Resplendence’s body was going through as a result of her terror. If they could help her find her way back soon, a little bit of rest should do the trick to help her recover but she could only imagine how hard that golden heart of Resplendence’s was beating as she begged them to make it stop.

In the end, it was Quilyan - or at least that was what it looked like to Alysanne. She heard his soft voice, beckoning Resplendence out of her dream, and felt as the mare began to breathe a little more normally than she had been moments ago. And then when Resplendence moved away from her Alysanne let her go easily - fearing another outburst but those fears were unneeded. Her fellow doctor was simply moving to another wing, a favoured wing, and a sad smile. Progress, at least!

Finding her own feet again, Alysanne wondered if perhaps she should keep her distance and allow Quilyan to comfort her - but then that adorable red dragon moved towards her and tugged on her mane. No, not yet time to leave. Valiance had no resistance from her and she stepped forward with slow, cautious steps. A soft sigh at the apologies that Resplendence tried to offer up - eyes gentle as she stood close enough to be able to reach out and touch her. “You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetie. Nothing at all.” They were all there because they wanted to be, because they cared - demonstrated so thoroughly by the actions of those around the kind dun.

Hemlock moved then, fully recovering from the shake of the tree and attempting for the second time to add his presence to the comforting circle. He landed first on Alysanne’s head - those dark little eyes focusing on Resplendence and a soft little hoot joining in with the soft words.

Resplendence certainly was not alone. If nothing else, then at least they could give her that - she'd never have to be alone. Not with a family like this by her side.
everybody heals with love
Image Credit
table by Sevin <3

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Destrier - 06-21-2014


Resplendence continued to plead that no harm come to her. But the four of us here mean her no harm, only wishing to help her overcome whatever devil had seeped into her mind and taken over. She exclaimed again of one called 'Rowan' and how they are dead, as well as her twins. Those words caused a great aching of my heart, and I inhaled sharply as a breath of the mare's pain seemed to come at me. My thoughts drifted briefly to Luken and Laila, the latter of which I couldn't begin to guess where she was at. But the sudden weight of Suli reclaiming her place on the top of my head was enough to chase those terrible thoughts away, at least for now.

It was only a matter a time before the Moon Doctor began to settle down, and it seemed now was finally that time. Her breathing no longer came in panicked gasps, and while her voice gave off that she was still utterly terrified, she sounded more like herself again. She was back upon her feet only moments later, darting to Quilyan's side and taking refuge beneath the wing that had earlier been rejected. A small smile tugs at dark lips, and a breath of relief escapes thick throat to see her returning to herself.

"It's alright, Resplendence," I cooed gently, as the last thing I wanted to do was send her into hysterics all over again, "I am sorry for frightening you." A short pause was given then, mulling over my thoughts and hoping that the following question wouldn't somehow be taken in any other way than in lieu of helping. "Is there anything that we can get you?"



RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Quilyan - 06-28-2014

But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride...
...he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him.

A moment passes, and then two, and he wonders if he is using it right, if he is even able to wield the power given to him by the gods. He watches her intently, drawing her eyes to his own, feeding her all the calmness and strength he can muster. Her breathing changes first, slowing bit by bit, and then he can see the panic draining from her eyes. Her beautiful, entrancing eyes. Suddenly, though, they are gone, and he only just manages to lift his wing before she is pressing herself into his side as though he is her only stability in the world. And, as much as he would like to believe that to be true, he knows that it is only with the support of those around them that his beloved can live up to all of her potential. He doesn't begrudge them, not much - after all, he is glad for her to be settling in, to be making friends, to be creating a family among their herd.

"Hush, princess. I'm not dead. I'm right here beside you." The locket hanging from his neck is cool now, and he grits his teeth as it swings lightly across the welt that its searing heat created before. He dismisses the annoyance and shifts slightly, twisting his neck so that he can gently nuzzle her cheek. Her muzzle is pressed against his heart, and he traces the line of her neck until he can groom along her withers, hoping that the normalcy of the motion will lull her into inner peace. "Don't say that, my lady. You have nothing to be sorry for," he protests at the same time as Alysanne, and their words cascade over the dun's tears. The painted Moon doctor has moved closer now, and the Specter has the notion that they all want to touch her, to offer her a piece of themselves to prove that this was all real, to show her that they are all here to comfort her in her times of need. He shifts his wing slightly to offer more exposure, so that they all might reassure the frightened mare.

He notes Destrier's smile and returns it with his own, sharing a moment of relief with the other steed. The sergeant offers assistance, and the prince remains silent, waiting for his beloved to offer any word of need. Zarina scuttles across his wing and settles in the mare's tangled mane, beginning to comb through it with her nimble fingers. She has long since learned that the gesture is calming to her bonded's mate, and though she generally dislikes females who happen to gain the prince's attention, Resplendence was among the first equines that she met after her hatching. The dun has always held a place in Quilyan's heart, and so Zarina has learned tolerance. She won't admit it, but she has even learned to like the fearful little mare. Braids begin to form as the tangles fall away, and the bonded pair stay like this, waiting for a movement or direction from Resplendence.

[W/C | ---]
Walk walk walk.
Talk talk talk.
Think think think.

RayoDeSoleil.deviantart.com | Ness8Bit.deviantart.com

RE: !! Don't You Know I'm Human Too - Resplendence - 07-01-2014

Anxiety was flooding her frame. Limbs trembling from the power of her panic attack. Heart still racing, though she couldn't hear it in her audit anymore. She pressed up tightly against the painted flesh of her mate, of her knight and allowed her audit to listen to the sound of his beating heart.

Alysanne came closer at the beckoning of Valiance's insistent mane tugging, and as she was in touching range, the dun mare reached out to try and bump muzzles with her. Words fell from the paint mare's maw telling her that there was no need to be sorry for anything. But, there was. There so was. She had believed them all to be dead - believed they were all going to get to her and kill her too. And, as the fluffball which was Aly's companion landed upon her friend's cranium the hoot was enough to garner a weak smile from the dun.

However, as she allowed her maw to reach down for Quil's key she saw the welt upon his flesh. The words of not being dead from earlier are still replaying in her mind, and it is that mainly which keeps her from beginning to bawl again now that she has finally started to stave it off. His wing shifting outwards to allow both Destrier and Aly room to brush against her flesh should she wish it.

Then, Destrier offers his own assistance. The weakend mare now has to press up completely against Quil to stay standing for her limbs aren't strong enough to hold her weight while trembling. She needs the panic attacks to stop. "It's not - not your fault," she whispers, golden orbs reaching to meet his for a moment, "C-chamomile or c-catnip" she says, before concentrating upon the welt on his chest. "And for someone to take care of the burn on Quil's chest… it's my fault - I'd fix it, but I can hardly stand as it is," she murmurs, broken eyes pleading with Alysanne. She didn't want him to have a scar because of her nightmares. It wasn't right. And she'd hurt him in the process.

Still, her mind was on overdrive as she continued to see flashes of the images of bowels and broken bodies. She wasn't crying, or trembling as much, but the images were still there. She needed the chamomile, she needed her anxiety taken care of if she wanted to be of any use to anyone…

So, as she presses up against Quil, she allows her golden orbs to shut. Her mind trying to concentrate on the feeling of Zarina carefully untangling her mane and beginning to braid away. Concentrate on the easy breathing, concentrating on trying to keep her limbs from giving out on her.

She tries to be strong…

allllllll the feels
x - x