HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Born to Die - Printable Version

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Born to Die - Samael - 06-10-2014

Damn him.

Damn him.

If only he had just come with me, if only I could have made him see. If he would have just said 'yes' instead of 'no', maybe if I'd been just a little bit more charismatic, maybe a bit more pushy, then maybe he'd be here. With me. Where he belonged, which was at my side.

... But he wasn't.

Maybe he was still in Ainnir, maybe he wasn't. I had no fucking clue, and that just... It just sucked.

I had no fucking way to tell where Hamaliel was, and that was just the icing on my cake. I'd already had a bad enough day, and I was finally reaching my breaking point. My patience was at an all-time low, and I was just a bundle of merriment, and if one of these 'mortal' punks crossed me the wrong way... Oh, I would use every ounce of expertise that I knew from my days of Before to make them rue crossing my path. The Heavens had decided it was 'Cry on Samael' day, and so large, dark, billowing storm clouds had chased me from the warm skies and pelted my musculature and downy black wings with cumbersome water-droplets. It was... Agonising. I hated it. Hell, 'hated' was too pale a word. I... Loathed it. I abhorred it.

A bitter smirk crossed my dark lips, and sourly I shook my head. Lately it was hard for me to find something that I didn't hate. Everything about this mortal realm just sucked, and nothing that I had stumbled across had yet to bring me joy. Not like he had.

Damn you, Hamaliel.

Wet strands of ebony mane clung to my neck and shoulders, drenched forelock obscuring my vision and making me feel dirty and sticky in ways that I, quite honestly, didn't enjoy. The storm had passed as of an hour ago, but the dark and gloomy clouds remained. It served as a personification of my bleak mood.

"... I fucking hope you're in a better place than I am, my love," I grumbled bitterly, ears pinned on principle, detached ice-blue orbs glaring up at the clouded Heavens half-heartedly, "I hope staying up there with your Father was worth it." Because He was no longer a Father of mine.

I didn't know where I was, or where I was going, but what else was new? Each hoof took me further into the unknown, further away from everything I had known, and further away from him, but maybe that was for the best. Hamaliel was probably still up there, in Ainnir. He had probably forgotten me by now, even though the thought made my cold, hardened heart ache terribly. Trees surrounded me, along with grass and brush, and perhaps a river was nearby from the smell of it, but it was all lost on me. I just... Didn't care.

And perhaps that was all for the better, too.

[ooc: Open to anyone, but I'd like for him to go to the Throat. :3]

the Fallen
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RE: Born to Die - Hamaliel - 06-11-2014

i'm finally broken, falling too far
burned up in pieces from chasing your stars

I had been doing so very little for the place I called home. Sure, I had met once with my superior, but I wasn’t seeking, or spying about like I should. So, I set out to the Threshold, the place where I had been found to lure another home with me. At the very least I could bring home those who will do something for my home. It is best for me to remain busy, otherwise on dwell on the past, otherwise I dwell on him. I’ve tried, Father knows I’ve tried to squelch the feelings for Samael. All it brings on is an endless heartache and yearning for something that will never come. It has been literal centuries since I’ve seen his face, and since I’ve fallen his face is slowly fading from my memory, and that what makes letting him go so difficult. My former lover is most likely traipsing about with the rest of the Fallen. Part of me wonders if my heart has found another to call his own. I hope that is the case. I hope he has found someone to give him the love that he so deserves.

As I approach the familiar sights of the Threshold, anxiety washes over me. I can remember the pain of my burning wings, and the piles of ash beneath my feet. The wings that I lost ache even though I know they aren’t there. It will only be a matter of time before I regain them. There is still a quest for the sun god I must accomplish. To flame I lost them, and from flame I would regain them.

In silence I walk to the spot in which I lost it all. I look about and close my eyes for a brief moment, losing myself in memories. A strange scent wafts into my nostrils, and I know then and there to latch onto a potential recruit. At a slow trot I maneuver through the underbrush and I whinny to alert the stranger of my presence. As I begin to see the stranger, I stop and do a double take.

“My Heart,” I say, louder than I intended. My typical stone mask is shattered and a look of shock is written all over my face. Elation, horror, and surprise all wash over me in one massive tidal wave of emotion. Elation for I have found the thing I now had come to desire most. Horror for he will see me as the broken doll I’ve become, no longer the proud executioner with an iron fist, but a fragile man with a shattered heart. Surprise for I never believed I would see his face again.

Slowly I step towards him, scanning him shamelessly, wanting nothing more than to press my body to his. I want to inhale his scent and share his warmth. Yet I tread carefully. For all I know time has hardened his heart, and all he feels for me is utter hatred. He has every right to hate me. I turned my back on him, I turned my back on him for a god that would toss me out in the end.

Samael,” I breathe finally. My voice drifts off and I find myself unable to articulate. What should I say to him? There is a good chance this stallion isn’t even him. I lower my head and close my eyes, no longer able to look at the one I loved. I have no right to look upon the one I betrayed so easily. My eyes open and they look up at him. “You were right, about Him, about everything… I should’ve followed you. He tossed me from the heavens, abandoned and maimed me.” Every word falls from my mouth rapid and swift, with each syllable more and more emotion begins to build up until I find myself struggling to fight back tears and mad sobs. “I still love you… I never stopped.” My eyes seek to meet his. “I don’t deserve your love and forgiveness, but I want you to always remember, I will always love you. My place wasn’t with the Father, I know that now, my place was with you.”

Finally I close my mouth and prepare myself for a tirade, or an attack, or at best to be spat on and turned away.

[Sorry for the insane length, and if you don't want to be tagged let me know.]
"blah blah blah"
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RE: Born to Die - Samael - 06-11-2014

He is not who I expect to see in this cursed, mortal world, nor is he who I expect to find in whatever land I have stumbled into... But he is the first sight that crosses my vision that wasn't trees or other forms of greenery.

I'm mentally cursing this terrible, dreadful forest, with its thick canopy of tree tops and wet earthen soil that bubbles up into muddy tresses against my hooves. I find no joy in any of it, but it is in the midst of my bitter interlude that I hear the bleating, beckoning whinny of another nearby. Vocals reach my ears, and immediately I'm on the defensive; black ears are pinned flat against my skull, lips curled slightly and icy eyes narrowed hatefully, each individual feather upon my wings bristling as the strong appendages braced themselves to take me into the Heavens at any sign of a threat... I was a killer. An assassin. I would tear a part any threat that so much as crossed my path...

... But all notion of hostility is lost on me and fades as I see him come through the trees. For a moment I think my eyes are simply playing cruel tricks upon me. Maybe it was the bastardly tricks of the Father, because damning me to this life wasn't enough punishment and torture alone, living the life as a Fallen... But then the apparition speaks, ever so softly that my ears snap upright and swivel forward in a desperate attempt to simply grasp onto that voice that I hadn't heard in centuries.

'My Heart.'

... And I know then that it is not a trick. It is not the cruel, uncaring ways of the Father. There was no way that He, despite all of his 'Godly' grace, could replicate my love's dual-toned eyes ever so perfectly; one handsome, warm gold, the other a beautiful sapphire... And that voice. That voice!

I don't even realize that I'm standing stark still, frozen in my place, my breath hitching within my shaded breast until he is stepping towards me. Hamaliel. My Hamaliel is walking towards me... And as I stare at him, I can't help but feel a ball of emotion collect in my throat, starting within my stomach and rolling upwards, collecting every emotion that I had ever felt since Falling... Anger, rage, disgrace, betrayal, hurt, love, yearning, loneliness... Everything was coming to the surface at once, and I just... I didn't know how to deal with it.

My eyes, so cold, so remote and full of icy chill, stare him down. I hate him, but I love him. He loved me, but he betrayed me. He says my name as though on a prayer, and a dark part of me finds sick satisfaction that my Hamaliel is now praying to me, and not the Father... But he continues to speak, admitting that I had been right, and he had been wrong. That the God he once loved and cherished had cast him out, just as he had myself.

'My place wasn't with the Father, I know that now,' Hamaliel says, and my eyes watch the way that his beautiful lips form the words that nearly choke him with emotion, 'My place was with you.'

He says those words, and I am undone.

"My Hamaliel," I murmur, my dark lips forming the sylables and consanents of his name with ease, "My love..." My eyes roam his figure unabashedly, soaking in this mortal body of his, the lovely caramel splotches that adorn his sides and the beautiful palomino tresses that hang from his neck and rump... But the ugly scars upon his shoulders cause my heart to clench. It was like I suddenly noticed them, the hideous marks that so clearly once homed beautiful, plumed wings of the finest ivory... And I can only stare.

"Your wings," I whisper in horror, my eyes wide as I dared a step closer to him. My own feathered appendages, as though sensing my beloved's distress and pain, lifted upwards, stretching outwards, and the only thing that I want to do is cradle him close to my breast with my dark wings. "That bastard did this to you?" My teeth gnash and my ears pin, but it isn't directed at Hamaliel. It's towards that disgrace of a God, and how he dared to harm my beloved. How dare he! "I'll rip him asunder, my sweet, I'll tear him limb from limb! I'll make him pay."

I go on to say more, but my voice fails me, and for many quiet, tense seconds I am still. My chest heaves in my red hot rage, and I stare pointedly at a singular spot on the ground as I grapple my wayward emotions. I didn't want to scare Hamaliel, no...

"... Come here," I plead to him, wanting nothing more than to bathe myself in his addicting scent, his love and warmth and mere presence. My wings were still outstretched, beckoning, waiting... "Please, my sweet, come here."

And all I want to do is hold him.

[ooc: My muse for him is... Amazing. o_o Sorry for the length. xD]

the Fallen
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RE: Born to Die - Hamaliel - 06-17-2014

i'm finally broken, falling too far
burned up in pieces from chasing your stars
I feel his cold gaze on me, and I can feel my heart dropping rapidly. There is a part of me that so desperately wished for this stallion to still love me, just as I still love him. That part of me can’t deny that expression, can’t deny that my Heart, may no longer desire me. Time changes everything and I once again curse myself for my blind devotion to a god that brought me nothing more than heartache.

I expect him to rebuke me, spit on me and tell me to leave. Instead he says my name, not Lee, my true name. His next words bring my ears forward and I am for but a moment in utter shock. Just as he s studies me, I study him. That familiar body I had spent so long away from. Do I still have his every curve and sinew memorized like I once did? Then he comments on my wings and my eyes drift to the ground. I nod my head slowly but lift my gaze as he mentions destroying the Father. There is temptation for a smile to poke at the edge of my lips at the sight of his familiar fire.

“He did, but another god has offered an opportunity for me to gain them back,” I say seeking to lock his gaze. “The Father has no hold within this place, we’re completely free of Him here.” Isn’t that why he stripped me of my wings? As a last act of damnation before I slipped away from what I had believed to be omniscience. As I see his rage I step forward, tempted to soothe him with my touch but then stop, for I haven’t been invited back to his side. I will not draw near unless he beckons me. Then he calls to me, calls me to come nearer and I practically throw myself into his embrace, reaching out to wrap my neck around his. All I want is to drown in his sweet and familiar scent.

Ever since I was thrown from the celestial city, I have been so lost, but it settles within me, I am finally home. The Edge has been a nice place to live, but nothing more. The Throat was lost to me before I ever even found it.

“I missed you so much,” I whisper as I reach to gently nuzzle his cheek. “Even before I fell, I missed you.” Then my thoughts turn to explaining where he has wandered into, but I push that aside for the moment as recruiting isn’t of importance, for I may not even linger within the Edge should Samael find elsewhere to live.
"blah blah blah"
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RE: Born to Die - Sacre - 06-17-2014

It would be safe to say that Sacre and his red coated vulpine friend had been in the woods for rather a while. A fleeting visit had turned into something rather long and drawn out due to sheltering from a storm that had now passed by. Long, thick locks of black hair stuck to his slowly arching neck that signalled his gradual ascent into the frame of a stallion. Of course, he had a long way to go until he could be called fully grown and the word 'child' no longer fit him, but these days the once wide eyed boy felt a little taller and a little more wiser for it. There was still so much the world could teach him and one day he would die still not knowing all the answers, but for now Sacre was satisfied fulfilling his duties as a member of a new family. Speaking of growth spurts, Inari was well on his way too, skinny legs becoming taller and blacker like someone had rolled them in soot. His coat was becoming redder too and quite shaggy around the edges, a plume of white filling his chest. Together they were a youthful mixture of adolescence and they happily bounded along together, despite the once stormy weather.

Soon, Inari caught onto the fresh scents and headed off in a new direction with Sacre following close behind. If there was ever a chance to meet new folk then surely it was in Helovia's gateway. The boy often found the woodland a strange place to be. It was full of strangers scents of newcomers and different herds alike, yet you never saw many leaving Helovia. Perhaps there was a secret exit somewhere he hadn't heard of! Not that he wanted to leave at this present time.

A few minutes later the unlikely pair happened upon quite a scene. The atmosphere was an... Odd one, Sacre almost felt like he shouldn't even be there. He hadn't caught the words he had faintly heard before and he knew nothing of what was happening, but as one strangers soft lips brushed the cheek of the other, darker stranger, Sacre coughed to alert them to his presence and backed away slightly. His eyes faltering and flickered from them to the ground. Inari had sat back onto his haunches between his bonded's furry legs, watching them with a strange interest. Perhaps this was the consequence of being far too curious for their own good. One of the stallions was patched in a red like the desert back home with painful looking scars that lined his shoulders whilst the other had a pelt much like his own, dark as the night, but marked in alabaster. That one had wings that sprouted from his shoulder area, a gift to fly, or a curse some would say. Like his father.

Sacre's lips tremble for a moment and he swallows to clear his airways before boldly speaking what was on his flustered mind. "I-uhm so very sorry for intruding!" He rushed out an apology, bowing his head slightly to show his honest sincerity before eyeing Inari with a hard look and the fox quickly wined his own plea, then Sacre plunged on. "My fox caught scent of you nearby, so I came to say hello" he laughed gingerly through his voice and silently lamented his pathetic excuse to explain his overly curious behaviour.

[ooc: awkward sacre awkwardly rolls in <3]
to win without risk is to triumph without glory.
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RE: Born to Die - Samael - 06-19-2014

As soon as I give him permission, he lunges into my awaiting embrace. Is this what life had come to? Is this what had become of us, that he, my Hamaliel, must wait for my permission? Did he fear that I would cast him away? That I would shun him for his past transgressions and throw him aside in favor of something else? No... No, he must understand; I have, and always would be his. He would forever hold my heart, this cold, frozen, damned thing that somehow still beat within my ebony breast.

My breath was for him, my heart beat for him, and I would die for him. I lived for him, and only him. Never again would I devote myself to another, be it mortal or God. This devotion, so sweet and all-encompassing that it startled even myself, was only for this pale, painted creature that was pressed so intimately against myself.

"And I you, my Sweet, I you," I murmur to him, my dark lips brushing against his strong body, the ice-blue irises of my eyes falling shut for finally, finally, he is within my embrace once more. "I have bled every day that we have spent a part... But now my wounds can heal. I've missed you terribly. I love you... I'll always love you." My nostrils widen and flare as I greedily suck in great lungfulls of his beautiful, wonderful scent, committing it to memory... Even though I had never forgotten it, never once in the centuries that we had been a part.

Gently and slowly as though not to startle Hamaliel, my wings furl forward to brush the sides of his barrel, the silky ebony feathers moving to encompass him and hold him to me. Each feather seems to have a mind of it's own as they twitch and shudder at his touch, relishing every moment and soaking in the contact. Oh, how I had missed him... But my anger had blinded me to everything except the hurt and the betrayal that I had felt upon falling, and leaving Hamaliel behind.

A terrible, painful ache grips my heart with merciless hands and squeeze fiercely, and tears prick at the corners of my eye from the pressure. My lips open and breath seems unable to come to me as I'm choked with emotion... But soon it passes, and I release a soft, content sigh, rubbing my cheek against his handsome neck.

It was the abrupt, crude sound of a cough a small distance away that snapped me from my loving reverie, from enjoying my seconds with my long-lost lover. My wings curl back towards my sides and tuck inwards and out of the way, but my ears pin back flat against my skull and my head snaps towards the sound that had dared to interrupt my moment. How dare it! Irrationally anger flared within my heart. Be it mortal, spirit, angel, or a God, I would shred it to pieces for interrupting...

... But through the blood-red cloud of my uncontrollable animosity, I see a child. The cold, frozen blues of my eyes focus as I realize what I am staring at, and I hear the muffled, hurried, and thoroughly embarrassed words and apologies of the child and kit that had stumbled into Hamaliel and I's little reunion.

"... Your... Fox?" I tilt my head as my lips slowly form the words meant for this mortal colt, ears slowly swiveling forward and my jaw slowly loosened so that my teeth were no longer clamped near painfully together. I risked a glance to my side, to look upon Hamaliel and gauge his reaction to this turn of events and the arrival of this child and kit. If my mentor ordered, I would act. If he was uncomfortable, then I would strive to remedy it. Slowly my head turns back to regard the ebony and crimson stud, soaking in the sight of his horn, and the cute tufts of orange that coated the young kit. "You came to say hello?"

I never claimed to be the charismatic sort, so quite frankly, I found nothing wrong with repeating the colt's very own words back to his face. What a strange little place I had wandered. If not for the return of Hamaliel to my side, I'd wonder if I had thoroughly lost my mind.

"Who are you? What's your name?" I ask him, my words quick and guarded. Come to think of it... "Where is this place?" The second of my questions were directed to both the colt and kit combination, as well as the tobiano form of my lover. "Is this where you call home, my Love?"

the Fallen
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RE: Born to Die - Hamaliel - 06-22-2014

i'm finally broken, falling too far
burned up in pieces from chasing your stars
I listen to his words and they are like the finest melodies to my ears. For the moment I didn’t wish to spoil it with stumbling sentences and ridiculously sentimental words. I just want to drink in his scent and revel in the gift that has been given to me. As his wings wrap around me, it makes me crave for my own, to taste of flight and freedom once again. Later, later, I will ask for one of his precious feathers to take to the Sun God.

As I feel his cheek upon my neck I yearn for this time to never end, but like all good things, it must. There is a cough that breaks the silence and I turn my head in the direction of the sound. For a moment I glance over at Samael, curious how he will react to our little interruption but I don’t have time, for the stranger is sputtering out apologies. There is the temptation to laugh, but I don’t want to embarrass this colt even more. I glance over at Samael and I notice his gaze on me. I perhaps should explain the exact place he has stumbled into, the Threshold, the auction house for herds to bring newcomers home.

Questions pour from my lover’s lips and I glance at him and am tempted to sigh but manage to hold it back. The boldness of my once apprentice hasn’t faded at all it seems. The second question though, isn’t gauged solely at the boy, but me as well.

“This place you’ve entered is Helovia, you’re at the Threshold,” I begin, “I wouldn’t quite call it home, but yes I have been residing here. More specifically in a place called the World’s Edge. The boy is probably here to recruit, that’s what I came here.” I dip my head at the bow, giving him room to speak finally. For a moment I consider my options in case my Heart chooses wherever this boy calls home over my own herd. Will I follow and I abandon the gift that Kahlua has given me? I shove that aside for the moment and focus upon the boy before me.

@[Sacre] @[Samael]
"blah blah blah"
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RE: Born to Die - Sacre - 06-28-2014


Meeting strangers was a tricky business, Sacre had decided this some time ago, he never knew how his boyish and bright features would be received. Some were just as bright as himself and then you had those whose teeth set on edge because of it. The darker one, with the fancy wings, his words addressed his presence and the colt watched him with a smile that faltered into a rather bemused one. Inari's ears twitched to the word 'fox' and he yapped softly, like a puppy answering his masters call. As if to say, "yes that's me" with a flick of his happy, bushy tail. Sacre on the other hand laughed softly before speaking "you're repeating me Sir" he pointed out in good humour. The boy felt his nerves beginning to settle and slowly he fell back into his usual bubbly self-confident persona.

The darker one requested his name in a haste like manner and Sacre moved his head into a swift proffer of respect and quickly prepared to introduce himself to, if anything, ease any tensions that remained. He was here to be welcoming after all. "Sacre, sir! My name is Sacre and my fox is called Inari" another yap accompanied his words as the buoyant fox echoed his name in a fox like manner. "May I ask what they call you?" He nodded to both the dark one and the chestnut patched fellow who had said nothing until now, when questions were directed to both of them.

Sacre's gaze flickered in surprise as the scarred horse mentioned the place of his home. Worlds Edge. Mixed feelings raged within him as he remembered his time spent there as a prisoner, they hadn't treated him badly, yet they had taken him away from his family. Taken Roux and his mother! Even now the colt still felt bitter, still felt his body tense at the name like it was a verbal weapon he both loathed and feared. However, the stallion talking didn't appear to recognize him and perhaps that meant he either wasn't there when his capture took place or he didn't know about it. The boy took in a deep breath and pushed aside his chaotic emotions to give his own account on the land they were stood in.

"I was indeed carrying out my duties" he nodded to the ginger splashed male with a polite nod of agreement. Duties. He had done this duty for the Basin and now he did it again for the Throat, it was times like this that he often wondered if they considered him a traitor? Or if they had even noticed his absence. Who knew? "I hail from the southern most herd, the Dragons Throat. In the canyons of Africa and Sohalia's domain." He didn't immediately go for the offer, instead he relied slightly on the knowledge of the other painted stallion who already lived here, surely they would travel together since they looked so... in love?

[ooc; gaaa sorry for the lateness <33]
to win without risk is to triumph without glory.
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RE: Born to Die - Samael - 06-29-2014

As the irrational anger slowly begins to fade from my system from the ill-timed interruption, I'm left with a strange, unsettling feeling of confusion as my Dear Heart begins to speak and explain the land in which I had traipsed into. Or, at least, the land that the hellish storm had thrust me into. I was never one to be confused, you understand... I was always the one on top of my game, as certain of my situation as I was of the movements of my own body. My eyes, far more gentle than the previous icy chill that had filled them, focus on Hamaliel's sweet mouth and vocals as he explains that while he does not call this place his home, he does live here. Or, in a land called the World's Edge... Whatever that was supposed to mean.

My ears swivel forward, eyes dancing between Hamaliel and the colt and kit combination... Recruit? Whatever for? Was this land some sort of army metropolis?

The crimson-splashed youngling speaks up then as my lover grows silent, and I stare at the youth who introduces himself as Sacre, and his fox kit as Inari. The orange tufted creature yips in response, and my confusion merely grows. What an odd pair they make... Then again, others might consider Hamaliel and myself as odd as well, for the pair we make. Still, I listen with rapt attention as Sacre tells me of his home, a land called the Dragon's Throat. I knew nothing of this 'Africa' or this 'Sohalia', but I understood the word domain. They must rule there, then... In a Throat of a Dragon? Ugh, mortals. Such confusing creatures.

"This is a strange place." I muse aloud, glancing between the two before I go on. The feathers of my wings flutter and twitch with impatience; they're ready to be on the move again. "I am Samael, young Sacre, and... Inari." It's odd, to be talking to a fox. A fox. No matter. "Does this mean that you want me to go home with you?" Now that was a question I normally reserved for my lover, for he was the only one I wanted to sleep beside... Not in that sense, mind you. Get your head out of the clouds.

My head drops downward and I sigh a deep breath through my nostrils, uncertain. Hamaliel claimed to call the World's Edge his home. Sacre spoke of this Dragon's Throat. My curiosity bubbled at potentially seeing both places, and for a moment I'm struck with a terrifying sense of deja-vu as my icy-blue oculars focus on the beautiful gold and green of Hamaliel's gaze. The last time that I asked him to accompany me, he denied me... Would this be the same? Would he abandon me after I had finally found him again? Was it wrong of me to ask him to follow in my steps, to remain by my side when he had finally found a place to call home?

"... Come with me?" The words are meant for him, for only him, and they come out far weaker than I intend. My words are coated with a begging, yearning tone, choked with emotion that had quickly risen from the deepest part of my gut, rolling into a boulder that lodged itself within my throat. "To the Throat of the Dragon?" I did not know if I would call that place my 'home'... But we would see.

In less than a second I go from steadfast, curious, yet confused to utterly terrified, and my breath hitches, my eyes widen, and I brace my detached, beaten heart for his denial. Please, please, please, please.

the Fallen
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RE: Born to Die - Hamaliel - 07-04-2014

i'm finally broken, falling too far
burned up in pieces from chasing your stars
I watch the boy, finding he responds well to my lover’s barrage of questions. “You’re repeating me sir.” At I can feel my lips turn upward into a soft smile. Once upon a time a smile would’ve been a rarity, but since I’ve fallen I have found myself much more willing to find joy in things. It’s funny, when I am living life instead of taking it I’m finding myself significantly more happy.

I let the boy and Samael introduce themselves before I throw my own name out. For a moment I hesitate. Over all these months living I’ve been going under an alias, a particular alias that the stallion next to me had given me many years ago. “I go by Lee.” I say, deciding upon my alias for the moment. “Though my full name is Hamaliel. I am an acolyte sleuth of the World’s Edge.” The World’s Edge is a lovely place, though it will never be home to me. Loorien will never be home to me. Home is standing right beside me, and that is why I fear he will choose to follow the red painted boy over me. Will I go with him should he choose wherever this boy lives? The thought of spitting on the gift Kahlua gave me is repulsive, but I still belong with the only creature who knows my story.

“The stallion Midas no longer leads?” I say cocking my head slightly. My interaction with the painted stallion had only been brief, in the midst of my incredibly short time with the Throat. They never precisely had done much to make me feel as one of them. I remind myself of the wraiths that had destroyed this land and the shadows that had fallen. Herds hadn’t precisely been anyone’s priority as much as it had been surviving.

A question comes from my lover’s lips and I look at him. My heart falls and I can see my mind flying back to that distant time before his fall. Come with me, those three words that had once destroyed us.

“In time, yes I will follow you,” I say coming to my conclusion. “First I will regain my wings. I’m unworthy to stand beside you in this broken shell. Once His marks upon my shoulders are gone I’ll come.” I say, trying to keep things short for there is another present. “A part of my quest to regain my wings I need a feather from three pegasi… Would you be the first to give me a feather?”

@[Samael] @[Sacre]
"blah blah blah"
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RE: Born to Die - Sacre - 07-06-2014

He waited patiently for the two males to make their responses, eyes awkwardly darting from their figures and back to the floor. It was one of those moments where he had no idea where to put himself and how to be normal without sounding embarrassingly nervous. The boy did slowly descend into a more calm state as the two began to word their responses.

It was the darker and more intimidating one to respond first with a comment to the strangeness he looked to be finding. Did he mean the forest or the land as a whole? Either way, the boy smiled encouragingly and proffered his head when the stallion finally gave away a name to call him by. Samael. Simple enough and it rolled nicely off the tongue, Sacre would remember him easily for his rather scary presence and the snip that formed around his coal nose. More questions came then and the colt took a few moments to contemplate his answer to the first before plunging in. "If you wish, the Dragons Throat extends an invitation" he nodded in approval, before looking with uncertainty at his painted friend. "Though I would not think less of you should you choose to go with your... Friend." He smiled with sincerity.

The scarred one introduces himself as Lee, or Hamaliel, his profession similar to one Sacre was interested in. Spy. It meant information, intel, under cover, but it meant one had to go out and find it. It meant movement and less stagnation, filling the boy's need for adventure and curiosity. On return to the Throat, he would find one of the Sultana's and offer his interest. However, Sacre had more pressing matters and Lee addressed him with a question that struck him with confusion. "Midas?" A foreign name. The colt had never heard of such a stallion although clearly he was to be well known considering his previous position. "I know of no Midas in the Throat, I'm sorry I have such little information" he apologised kindly. Perhaps one of his herd mates would know of this stallion's name with no face.

He falls silent then, leaving them to converse amongst each other as that feeling of awkwardness descends upon him again before finally Lee makes a decision and Sacre watched Samael with unsureness. Where will he go now? "I must leave soon, you are welcome to follow Samael" light tones offer notes of approval before lastly he turns to Hamaliel. "Good luck on your quest, friend Lee"
to win without risk is to triumph without glory.
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RE: Born to Die - Samael - 07-08-2014

He denies me, my sweet Hamaliel, and for the briefest of moments I'm so utterly crestfallen and heartbroken. My mouth parts as though I'm in the midst of speaking to him, but not a sound or syllable come out, and the icy orbs of my oculars, so sad, so despondent, focus only on him. Pleading for him to change his mind, begging, yearning... Please don't leave me, don't let me lose you, not again, please... But just as quickly as the episode of agonizing depression grips me, it releases come Hamaliel's next words, and I'm blissfully reminded to breathe.

'In time, yes I will follow you,' he says, and my eyes drift and linger upon the way that his lips form his words. Those familiar lips, pale and beautiful and worldly, just like he is. My ears tilt back as I listen to his plight, his shame and foolish belief that he is unworthy. Unworthy? I scoff, my eyes finding his beautiful, two-toned gaze.

"You don't understand, Dear Heart," I breath, my muzzle turning towards him, yearning for his touch, his caress, his scent to bathe me and swallow me whole, "It is always I who am unworthy... But... If this is what you wish, then I will respect your decision. Just... Just tell me how I can find you, until that time. Tell me the location of the Edge, so that perhaps I can come and visit you." Because really, I had not the faintest clue how long it was going to take for Hamaliel to regain his wings. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? "I don't know how much longer I can wait being apart from you."

Then, Hamaliel speaks of his quest, his given task from a God here, and I resist the urge to snort in disdain. One God had scarred the beautiful form of my lover, and he was putting his faith in another to regain those wings? But, he had said that these Gods were nothing like the Father... But I wasn't sure. I don't think I ever would be sure.

'Would you be the first to give me a feather?'

"... I would give you the wings from my very shoulders if it were in my power, my sweet," I purr to him, my heart swelling with adoration and devotion to the one true holder of my soul, "But... If a feather will suffice, then yes. I shall." The said, silky black appendages stretch outwards as though on their own accord, and I offer my left wing out for him to pluck as many feathers as he needs. He said one, a feather, so singular, but I would allow him to take as many as he needed.

It is only after Hamaliel takes what he needs that my eyes seek out the crimson-splattered form of young Sacre, and I am reluctant to follow, but I remind myself that this isolation from my lover is not permanent. I can find him again, I will find him again... Even if it is the last thing that I do. "Very well, young Sacre," I say to him, nodding my head in his direction and motioning for him to go on ahead. "I shall follow you to the Throat of the Dragons. Lead on, young stud."

Whether or not this place would be my new home, I've not a clue... But we would see. The mortal saying was 'home was where the heart was', wasn't it? My heart was with Hamaliel... So perhaps the Throat would be a temporary resting place for my weary wings, should I not find it satisfactory.

the Fallen
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