HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Si|ver and Go|d (CLOSED) - Printable Version

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Si|ver and Go|d (CLOSED) - Hawkeye - 06-11-2014

Upon the sun kissed cliff, cool waters poured over its edges like liquid crystal glinting against the rays of light. It was a wide base, with moss lingering at its edges and drifting lazily over its edge and dripping thick with moisture as the rivers spilled over the earth and plummeted down to the depths. He couldn’t be fonder of such beauty, and how it reminded him of his broken kingdom that lay in ashes. He thought of them now, as he stood upon the edge gazing down on patrol over those grazing upon the lush greens in the distance. Gold imprinted chest contracted softly in a sigh. After the last herd meeting, the talk of betrayal and treason lingered like lust in spring. Those faces he knew, but didn’t quite understand their reasoning behind challenging the Queen.

Where he came from, no one would dare do such a thing without suffering the major consequence, it would promote banishment, shunning of the family, and sometimes death. It was a harsh environment when it came to loyalty. Born of royal decadence the golden crest that flanked out upon his toned silver shoulders was a constant reminder of home. Faced with the daily fact that home was forever lost to the dragons of hell and voided from this earth, its inhabitants lost and dead but not forgotten. Golden pools illuminated with the suns reflecting rays as the knight gazed down upon the falls. Obsidian wings touched in the purest of snow lay open, cuffed at his ribs. It felt good to have the summer heat brushed away by the cool mists of the falls, his coat sleek with moisture as golden daggers slice through the liquids surface.

A gentle roar of waves rushing over the edge accompanied by the sound of much smaller winged cousins chirping in the distance, it was a beautiful day. But something didn’t feel quite right, and maybe he should bring it to his Lord’s attention. He had been granted the awesome power of Sleuth, to sneak and sly around hunting for information and to protect those within their herd for theft. It was a true honor to have that option, that promotion to someone important. But it just wasn’t him, there were others surely who did much better sneaking around and gathering Intel.

"Midas." The dapple knight bellowed gently from the cliff, "Brother, I need to speak with you.” Black lips sealed, as audits pealed forth and pinned into the horizon. He knew the King would come, on his own time, with his own respect. But the golden knight had to get this off his chest. And maybe the King would shine some light on his feelings, on where he belongs – and it may be for the best of both worlds.

Tags: @[Midas]
OOC: I just wanted to get this up before I leave this morning. No rush! <3

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RE: Si|ver and Go|d - Midas - 06-12-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

Patrolling Hidden Falls was less complex than it had been back home; the land of my birth was such a wide expansion it had been challenging to maintain our territory every waking moment of every day. More often than not a few strangers would slip in from the outer waste; often these visitors went unnoticed for hours or even days. But here, in this lush valley surrounded by a natural wall—a looming boundary…there was little worry that Helovia’s biggest fools would try to mount a cliff. The only trespassers we had to fear beyond the hidden pathway were those of kindred talents, such as Pegasus and hybrids. As of yet, none had tried to invade our airspace, but I knew that such luck wouldn’t hold out forever.

Fina had heard Hawkeye first, she trilled loudly and I leaned right, turning toward the direction he’d bellowed. It wasn’t minutes later when his sunkissed frame came into view; the lad appeared to be standing watch, guarding our gateway. This wasn’t the first time I’d seen him partaking in the joys of soldiers, and in truth this fellow seemed better suited for a warrior title than that of a serpent, but I wasn’t one to be prejudice against a personal choice in life.

“Hail brother!” Vocals are surprisingly cheery. Limbs uncurl to caress the stone below and glide this frame to a stop only a few feet from where he stood. The roar of water muffles the sound of hooves clipping against the grey slate—gold springs from where daggers touch, the old marks disappear to spring new prints as I turn to stand parallel with perhaps the only trustworthy creature in this whole land. Feathers slither shut and neck extends with warmed muzzle stretching to brush along his higher shoulder in soft greeting. Fina’s flaming wings dip her slender body low, talons pitched sideways to scrape fragments of stone from the cliff face before she climbs high again.

RE: Si|ver and Go|d - Hawkeye - 06-17-2014

It wasn’t long before the shrill call from the legendary phoenix boomed over the horizon, and with it came the healthy glow of the king’s companion. Such a beautiful creature, the silver knight himself hoped to obtain such a bond with a mystical creature one day. Golden pools peeled away from the grazing herd and rested upon the soaring majesty as he neared with all his greatness. Rather ecstatic to see his king, limbs shifted through the shallow depths of the falls as he turned to face the painted war lord. Vocals of his leader boomed with welcome though ink dipped lobes as golden flints touched slate stone. Upon his bold blaze façade a smile curved upon obsidian lips. Having felt, he owed his due to the painted king for saving him that winters eve, he was forever in his debt. Sworn on his own terms, to obey orders to the painted lord, till his last breath upon these lands, to fight and serve in his honor. But what would the King say to his change of heart?

Nostrils flare as the snout of his majesty extends to his feathered shoulder, wings still relaxed at the hilt as he gazed upon him with gold shimmering eyes. "Thank you for coming my King, I hope to have not inconvenienced you." Baritone vocals were accompanied with a graceful bow of his crown, before shifting his weight to gaze fully upon the one he wished to speak most too. "But my mind is troublesome, and emotion plays heavy on my heart." The knight finished softly, as he did his best to gather himself. Curious and wondering how to say exactly how he felt about his place among the herd. The queen that took her place at the side of the lord was very... strange, but respected because of her placement here. It was she that appointed him to such duty of Sleuth, but the title of thief and beggar did not fit his persona.

"I do not feel I serve you best as a Sleuth." He spoke sternly, but apologetic all the same. His head turning to gaze out upon the horizon, pools lingering upon foals bounding in the distance, enjoying the simple life of innocents under his watchful eyes, before turning to gaze upon Midas once more, wondering what he thought of the ordeal. "A warrior at heart, I ask your blessing in my resignation as Sleuth." He paused in hesitation. "And to be reinstated among Legatus warriors” His voice fading away though the sound of the falls, he was ready for just about anything to happen. Should the mighty king smite him down for such a request, it would be taken with honor. To serve and protect was in his blood, to sneak and steal information was not.

Tags: @[Midas]
OOC: <3

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RE: Si|ver and Go|d - Midas - 06-17-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

His first words are a greeting and faint concern for some inconvenience. Polite, though entirely unnecessary beyond formality. ‘Tis well’ I wanted to say, Hawkeye was more warrior by appearance and duty than many who claimed rank of it, his very frame seemed posed for battle, shaped in a mother’s womb for the act of honorable warfare. (If there was such a thing as honorable anymore.) What Hawkeye said next loosens my well-meant grin that seems to almost always be on the verge of bursting forth. The feathered stallion’s worries and concerns are important, and I give all my attention to what the man has to say.

It is only when Hawkeye reveals his desire that I’m able to offer up another willing smile and approving nod right after he finishes speaking. “Ye shall have it.” Of course I’d give my blessing for this warrior to seek whatever his heart desires. Seele had placed him in the position of Sleuth, an honorable title for those that had a talent for creeping in the shadows, or lurking behind a careful mask of deception in order to gain information. It was obvious though, Hawkeye was not a fair match for the delicate and sometimes shifty work of spies. “Train with your battle brothers and see position rise higher in the ranks.” My colead sister would just have to find herself a different Sleuth; perhaps the one she called Ghost would serve well in the position. The girl seemed keen on the shadows and if rumor proved true she could be relied upon for solid information.

OCC: You'll have to drop rank into the spot of Tiro ^^; to start out.

RE: Si|ver and Go|d - Hawkeye - 06-17-2014

Silver brow could have beaded with sweat in anticipation for his Lord’s reply. It came soon, with a short and sweet nod of approval. Unwavering on the outside, within his clenched ribs his lungs exhaled through strained nostrils in relief. Golden eyes both sharp and alert reflected nothing but gratitude for Midas, his golden daggered brother. His only request was for the dappled knight to train with fellow warriors and to move up within their ranks. Lobes laced in onyx perked forth with a noble node as lyrics spilled forth from his lips like smooth pouring cream. "I will not disappoint you, Midas." Handsome features chiseled in silver turned to gaze once more upon the horizon. Gold plated strands that weaved upon his chest shimmered in the sun’s rays as he thought of home. It wasn’t his position in the herd that was bothering him anymore, it was his history. Faint sparks of electricity sprung from his onyx legs in strikes of gold and blue as his attention turned once more to the painted King that stood beside him. Although he appeared calm and collected, his heart ached for his family.

"It is peaceful here." Vocals streamed from his obsidian lips as he turned to gaze at the herd members in the distance. "I pray it stays that way." A tone of regret followed his tone as he returned his gaze to Midas. His home was once like this, rolling cliffs and falls from the mountains etched in stone. And within a moment’s notice, darkness and death followed. It was after the herd meeting that he noticed their queen had been challenged, and obviously she was victorious and gratefully so. This time, if war should break upon the horizon of his home, he would not flee as he was told before. He would stay and fight till his limbs could no longer bear the weight of his muscles. He wouldn’t let another kingdom fall, not without a fight.

Wings unfolded slowly raising toward the heavens in a broad stretch, lobes turn back and slick upon his silver crown. A respectful nod was given to his king as he turned with precision, not wanting to keep his king any longer from his duties, and jumped forth from the cliffs edge in a dive toward the soil. Wings unfolding at full capacity as the moisture from the falls slicked through his feathers, turning sharply to the left as the winds carried him aloft in the breeze as he danced off into the distance.

Tags: @[Midas]
OOC: Yep. I know, sorry to have stepped down from Sleuth, but I think he’d be better on the battle field. =) and you don’t have to reply to this one if you don’t want since he flew away xD

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RE: Si|ver and Go|d - Midas - 06-18-2014

 A lone wolf stares back at me, long in the tooth but as harmless as he can be</style>

I had no inkling of worry that Hawkeye could do anything to disappointment me, of all the things I had to mull about on a daily basis—that concern was not among them. Quite naturally my eyes followed his motions toward the distant hills, we gazed out over our valley, for it was him our kin and lord who owned these lands…not me. His comment pulled my attention, “Ye says true.” This place was calm, filled with a vacant spaces and almost unrealistic scenery. Stroked and dabbed, painted with the brush of perfection.

When my soldier friend mentioned that his hope was that our home stayed in its lax state, I wanted to speak up and add some breathless addition of wisdom (peace never lasted long, not in a world were so many relied upon the fingers of magic and betrayal.) But what right did I have to break his desire to pray for a more peaceful world—a better world? The answer was none, “There will be water if the gods will it.” An old crumb of truth that my father used to say, because rain in the desert was a rare occurrence and without the grace of sun we’d have all died of thirst long ago, or else been chased from the savagery. Yet, they allowed us to retain our lives. Just as Earth had willed our homeland into creation when it was most needed.

Though it was hard to compare two stones that weren’t alike, this wasn’t some sandy haven where not a drop fell from heaven except on the rarest of occurrence; our home was considered tropical enough to receive ample water on an almost daily basis. Hawkeye had already leapt from the cliff, I remained posed on the edge. Looking over my new home that was becoming less and less unappealing.