HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
:: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Printable Version

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:: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Random Event - 07-19-2014

The Earth Turtle as he had become affectionately known by most in Helovia, stood in the middle of a lush field. While strange that a turtle was nearly a mile into the air, the stranger picture was that he stood at the end point of a painted, white line. A starting line. You near the line, curious, and the turtle smiles, waiting for others to join you.

When enough have arrived, he clears his throat to get the attention of the feathered group. In the sky, sparkling rings if fireflies dance in the sun, marking the path of a race.

"Greetings citizens!" He yells, looking to the crowd happily. "Those with the gift of flight may participate in this race to honor the gods and the Sky Island! The first back is the winner."


The rules of the pegasus flying race are as follows
- You must be a pegasus or a pegasus hybrid to enter
- Hybrids can only choose to race in on species race
- You may write your character trying to trip another, sabotage them, or gain ground
- Your character must fly through all the rings
- There will be 3-5 rounds depending on the number of characters entered
- You may enter as many of your characters as you wish
- Posts must be at least 200 words or you will be eliminated

How it works
- A dice will be rolled for each character!
- A rubric in the admin board will determine what the outcome of this dice roll is
- You will either gain ground, stay the same, or lose ground
- The character with the most gained ground is the winner!

What are the prizes?
- Each game will be awarded a certain number of "SWP points"
- The points are attached to your OOC name and cannot be traded or given away
- The points, at the end of the SWP may be used to redeem prizes from a bank
- The prize list will not be revealed until after the SWP to deter post spamming
- Participation is key!

What about the other species?
- Another species race will start once this one finishes!

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Parelia - 07-19-2014

The cremello mare had been grazing peacefully within the World's Edge borders when Penna had come down out of nowhere and all but attacked her. She had reared wings thrown wide forelegs slashing at the air. It took a minute for the startled cremello to realize it was her bonded. ""What the hell Penna?!" She snorted landing with a loud thump. Her honey eyes blazed with anger as he fluttered in front of her dainty face. He screeched in excitement extending his thorn sharp claws grabbing the teal streaked forelock tugging her forward. His yell rang in her small harks causing her head to spin. "Would you quite please? Calm down Penna!" Her voice wasn't as sharp that most would have expected; more playful and confused. "Now what could possibly have you in such a tweeter?" Laughing softly she watched the falcon swooping here and there.

His bar striped wings folded as he dove towards her head again before his wings opening up again and sweeping away. Curiosity gripped the mare as she watched her soul-mate fluttering above her. Sighing the dainty mare launched into the air flapping her wings hard drawing her cremello painted body high into the air. The Peregrine Falcon took off like a bullet heading for the magical place he had just come from. She could feel his excitement like it was her own emotion which caused her to fly faster after her bonded. A broad smile spread over her muzzle. ""Where in the world is my crazy bird taking me?" She laughed as they soared above the clouds.

Suddenly an island appeared floating in front of her, but how was that possible? The mare put on the brakes, if the air could squeak like tires in July. Stopping within inches from a blooming cherry tree her voice rang forth quickly,"Where did this come from?!" Penna circled back pulling at her forelock again. Grumbling she followed the predatory bird, even though she wanted to explore the land below. She she rounded the island a giant turtle could be seen floating easily in front of her a white line at it's feet, not flippers? Either way he seemed to be waiting for something. Just as she was about to ask if he needed any help, the creature spoke. AS his voice ran out the mare moved behind the line her wings pumping slowly to keep her up. Ready, the mare let the fire within cover her body, blue flames flickered and spread carefully over her body. Set, the flames grew hotter and higher to keep her appoints away. Go, the mare rocketed off angling her wings so when she pumped them she was shoved forward. Excitement pounded through her veins as she flew rapidly through the air her cremello body covered in white hot blue flames.

"Speach" ’Thoughts’
Words: 471
OOC: She has her flame magic on right now to keep people farther away from her.

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RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Nasreen - 07-19-2014

There are few things in this world that you hold dearer to you than flight, of that much you are aware. Perhaps that is why this isle in the sky delights you so completely, for you have been flying more than ever in the past few days, flitting here and there, circling high above one moment and plunging down the next, as you carry on your intended exploration of every inch of this paradise. And while you have already seen many things (most of which, under ordinary circumstances, you would deem impossible), here is something new. A crowd has gathered at the center of the island, and your ears prick at the sound of their excited murmur. Wondering what all the fuss is about, you swoop down to investigate. For what purpose have so many gathered here?

The answer soon becomes apparent. As you land a short ways off and make your way towards the crowd, you hear a gentle voice above the din, announcing…a race to honor the gods? A surprised and joyous little laugh bursts from your throat, and you ruffle your feathers exuberantly. It is an unexpected blessing, a happy reminder of home. Contests such as these were not uncommon in Th’orqui; you remember watching from the sidelines as the kingdom’s best raced in the name of the gods and for the glory of winning. It was all so thrilling, that for days afterwards, you’d convinced your twin, along with all of the young nurses, courtiers, and other siblings you could gather (which was a rather tricky feat in the cases of the elder ones) to come play at racing with you, staging mock challenges performed on clumsy newly-fledged wings. It was the best you could do, for as your mother reminded you when she caught wind of your games, racing was no place for a princess.

…But your mother’s not here right now, and you’ve already gone racing once since discovering Helovia. Once more couldn’t hurt…could it? Your mind is made up when you spot a pretty cream and teal mare behind the starting line—surely the race is open to all, and if it’s to honor the gods…why not? With a barely suppressed squeal, you take your place beside her.

At the turtle’s count—for yes, of course it is a talking turtle that is serving as the master of ceremonies in this strange and beautiful place—you tense, readying yourself for a running start. “READY…!” Eyes flutter open and shut, as you will yourself to focus. “SET…!” The mare beside you bursts into blue flames, and you startle, dancing away. Is she hurt? What is happeni— “GO!” the turtle thunders, clearly unconcerned, and your flaming opponent rockets off, snapping you back to the race. You spring into a gallop, gathering speed and flapping your wings to launch off into the sky, following the flickering blue light. You’ve got to catch up with her, and at least make sure she’s all right!

horse:Colourize-Stock.deviantart.com || bg: Dark-Wolfs-Stock.deviantart.com || wings: Chocomix-Stock.deviantart.com & Chunga-Stock.deviantart.com || image: impassioned-dreams.deviantart.com || table by wanda
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RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Arvakl - 07-20-2014

Sometimes I wonder if I'm too easily distracted, with a short attention span. I am a young girl, after all, I don't suppose that can excuse me? Not long after talking to the sky mare I find myself wandering again, curious and wanting to explore. As always - easily bored. So perhaps I'm a little high maintenance. But all the best ones are, don't you think? Miss High Maintenance has found something interesting in this here field that I've stumbled upon... A turtle. A goddamned, giant ass turtled. I stop and stare, but then curiosity is already getting the best of me. I start walking toward it, eyes wide and ears perked, my legs pushing me forward to an extended walk. Nostrils flare as I get closer, and I gently lower my nose to its shell, sniffing. It smells magical. I'm not sure how to define such a smell. I'm here just in time for.. something. Others have gathered, and as I look up I see hoops, rings of sort, high in the sky. I don't know what this is for, I don't know who is organizing it, or any sort of prize. That being said, this seems like a good way to entertain myself and pass the time. And I am, after all, looking to pass the time. I glance down at the turtle one more time. I think I'm gonna say something to him, but no words come out, realizing that I'm not as interesting in saying anything as I thought.

The turtle speaks, much to my surprise. Oh - so turtles talk now? A special turtle indeed. He tells us that this is a race to honor the gods and celebrate Sky Island. Okay, so this place has a name.. it's not a very good name, but at least it is an accurate description. To honor the Gods. Hmm.. my only experience with a God so far was not a pleasant one. I look back at the burn marks that are on my beautiful rump. They'll heal eventually, but for now they are still tender to the touch. Before I can even figure out who all these bodies are, the race is starting. Well fuck, I better win, eh?

I take off as fast as I can, spread my pink wings, and with a few pumps of those feathery apparatuses, I have achieved lift off. Heading toward the first ring in the sky, my attention is completely focus on my goal. My wings tuck in for a second as I fly through the hoop, then spread again to keep pumping as I move on toward the next one. No thoughts are given to those around me - why waste my time and thoughts on them? Just keep going, keep flying and beat them, and their existence won't even mater. Except for entertainment purposes, of course!

Walk. Talk.

I'm so FANCY
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RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Amara - 07-20-2014

i won't be saved

the island was simply there one day, appearing seemingly out of the blue. i had been curious about it, questioning whether it was truly there or just me hallucinating. at first i was cautious, approaching the edge of the veins with caution, peering out at the island looming above helovia. it appearing in the morning light, a waterfall splashing out over the lip of the cliff and down into the ocean below, mist rising up and splashing against my face. i look out at it, wondering, waiting for something.

sameira returns not but half an hour after the appearance of this mysterious island, looking quite pleased with herself, licking her dark lips with a pink tongue that flickers with flames and sweeps away embers. what did you do? i ask, looking at her as she sits obediently beside me. "killed something." she puffs out her chest, filled with pride and overjoyed about it. what did you kill? i stand up, preparing myself to walk around after watching several others either fly to the island or be swept away by clouds of cotton, floating up to the island and depositing them there. "oh nothing that big, a small deer." i shake my head, spreading my wings and setting off for this island. sameira follows, drifting along on a cloud, looking quite scared as she's raised above the ground on the cloud of cotton.

landing down gently i look out upon the open expanse. tents are set up in coordination with the herds, but there is one large tent that is not assigned to any herd. i pass by them, staring at the grove of cherry trees beyond, admiring the dazzling colours for a while, admiring the landscape. i wonder why exactly this was here, and how it came to be here. had the gods done this, or was this the land all on its own, making a new chunk of land levitating above the veins. sameira trods along behind me, sitting down and looking at the pink petals on the trees, from the tie in our souls i feel her boredom, letting out a huff as i turn away to find something to do on this island.

almost on cue a voice rings out in my ears, not a voice to my left or right, or even down below on the veins, but a voice above. tilting my head i find myself staring at a small spot in the sky, upon further inspection i find that it is a turtle, whom is flying above the ground. this was something quite uncommon, but i pass it off and notice two others already there at the painted white line. tensing my body i realize that this is a race, walking to the starting line and aligning myself with the others. with my muscles tense i listen as the turtle bellows the word GO, lunging forward and letting my wings unfurl in a mass of beautiful, slender feathers.

i raise myself into the air once enough momentum is gained, angling my wings so i am able to sweep myself upwards and away from the ground. once i was in the sky i flap my wings, propelling myself forward. i wasn't going to waste all of my energy now however, although—

glancing up at the mare who had lit herself ablaze in blue flames that match the skies, i gaze at her. there was no way i was getting around her without falling behing that painted mare or the one with the pink wings. inhaling deeply i close my eyes, bringing forth my magic that stirs deep within me. i can feel the souls of those around me pulsing gently, reaching out towards the flaming mare's so that i may fling it forward. while still flying i try to work my magic on her, hoping i can push her soul forward into a moment of confusion, which will hopefully be just enough time to surpass her.

amara tries to use her magic on parelia. hope this post is ok!

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Gull - 07-20-2014

(07-08-2014, 03:32 PM)Gull Wrote:
Ever since the fight, he has roamed this new place, exploring the skies by day and landing by when he grows tired. The unicorn has given him a good beating—though time has allowed most of his smaller injuries to mend themselves, he has grown wary about picking another fight so soon after his disastrous arrival. As soon as he can fly once more, Gull seeks refuge in the clouds, drifting above land until he can find empty meadows in which to feast. At first, the lush grass upsets his stomach, so used to hardy shrubs and prickly weeds, but every evening as he gorges himself on the roughage, sweetened by the summer sun and decidedly devoid of the taste of salt and sand, he finds himself becoming more and more used to his new diet. Hollow ribs are beginning to fill, feathers are becoming glossy, and there is a new sheen to his coat that the scrubby flora of his homeland had never been able to maintain.

With his steady source of food comes a new energy that he has never known before. There is a spring in his step, more thrust in his flight; he wants to do something, meet someone, even fight again—well, perhaps not just yet, he is reminded by some of his more reluctantly healing wounds. Still, Gull is restless, and on this sunny day, he takes to the skies in the hopes of letting off steam. And he is not disappointed, for on this day, an adventure is in store for him, though he does not yet know it.

His first hint begins with the clouds, which cluster around some sort of tall mountain. It is all illuminated by the dawn, but as he flies closer, the heat of the summer morning begins to burn away the ocean mist to reveal…what can’t be anything other than paradise. The floating island makes the grulla and white stallion do a double take; he is so startled that he nearly falls out of the sky when he sees it suspended in midair. This, he thinks as he recovers, THIS is what home should have been. And in a perfect world, it would be. Isolated in the sky, Gull understands that such a place is only accessible by wing. Surely, no unicorn may trespass here!

Bugling enthusiastically, he continues towards it. It is only a short distance away, and once he reaches it, he touches down in a field with a gleeful buck. It is theirs, it is theirs, it is all theirs—a great weight feels as if it has been lifted off of his chest in a place where for once, he has no worries, horned or otherwise. Setting off at a steady trot, he crosses the field, intending to explore. It is as if the day can’t get any better. Wings greet his eyes, pair upon pair of shining, healthy, feathery wings. Shoving his way into the happy chaos of the crowd, he makes his way to the front just in time for three things to happen: one, he catches sight of three scrumptious ladies just ahead, two, he hears a race being called, and three, the lightest mare spontaneously combusts into blue flames. Startled, he bolts, bursting into the sky. He isn’t sure what just happened, but his body moves of its own accord, soaring through the air and scattering fireflies in his wake as he careens through a ring of them. Instinct is a powerful thing, and fueled by adrenaline, he is flying faster than he has in a long time. Let the adventure begin.

OOC: wrote in the ring for Gull and not Nasreen because I wasn’t sure whether or not we were to mention them in the first post!
trouble just grew wings
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RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Aurelia - 07-20-2014

I explore the island more, finding new things every minute. I've grown fond of the cherry blossom trees and the way they bloom in a beautiful pink shade. Of course, this land has to be tainted with hideous souls. The beauty of the land devoured by the mortal hogs. I notice something else that disrupts the beauty of this land.

A starting line.

I lift off the ground and fly eagerly towards the line. Curious as to why it's there. I notice a few other horses, including Arvakl, the one with the tacky wings, and Nasreen, the one who went to the Edge instead of joining my group. However, these horses are not the only things here. There is a large turtle speaking, and something inside of me tells me to listen to it, so I do. This turtle is hovering a long way up in the air, and I wonder if gravity still exists. Floating islands and floating turtles.. is this normal?

"Those with the gift of flight may participate in this race to honor the gods and the Sky Island! The first back is the winner." What does her mean by winner? Is this a race? Suddenly it dawns on me that this is indeed a race when the turtle yells GO! I see another mare turn on her fire magic, so I do so too. Why not burn whoever tries to get close to me? I set off, towards the rings, trying to best the horses in front of me. Let me come out first... Give me this one thing! Each stroke of my ivory wings is filled with power as I surge forward, leaving the taste and smell of smoke behind me.

ooc:; aurelia is using her flame magic. this allows her to be set on fire. :3

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Destry - 07-20-2014

rise to the occasion
Not too long after Aurelia and I had confessed our feelings I found myself wandering back to the Veins, taking a happy walk down memory lane (actually it happened but a day or so ago). And now I was filled with joy walking across the stone bridge, listening to the small sizzle and snap of the sparks at my feet. I could still faintly hear our voices echoing around in the silence, abandoned Veins, the air heavy with bittersweet affection. A soft sigh escapes my lips and I close my eyes, envisioning the scene as it happened before the roaring of a waterfall invades my thoughts. Opening my eyes and flicking them about I find myself marveling over an island planted firmly in the sky, surrounded by clouds coloured by the light of the sun and sky. There is a waterfall flowing down over the edge of the island, spilling out into the expanse of sea below. It's a beautiful, mystical island that I don't hesitate to visit.

Soaring up to the island in the clouds, I find myself seeing others milling around, tents set up and I assume that they correspond to the different herds with one large tent for all. It's quite the interesting place, cherry blossom trees an abundance up here, scattered about the area. I weave through them, hearing a voice ring out, something about those with the ability to fly. I perk my ears and find my way to the gathered horses, spotting Aurelia. A smile grows on my face immediately, and I settle in beside her as the turtle calls out GO. I lunge forward and with my muscular body, work my way into a quick gallop, opening my wings and launching myself into the air.

It's strenuous work, flying. Flying at high speeds going neck to neck with others, that's strenuous. I try not to distract myself with Aurelia and that fact that she's here too, instead trying to focus on what's before me. I don't use my magic, not yet anyway. I'll wait for a later time. Aurelia's burning as bright as the mare with the blue flames, both making me uncomfortable as I fear I'm going to get burned by one or the other (I hope it's not Aurelia I get burned by). I beat my wings, muscles working furiously to propel me forward, wind aiding me in flight.

I see that there are others participating, many others flying around, distanced because of our massive wingspans (and because of the flaming woman who were quite intimidating). I race along, feeling excitement course through my bones as I soar high above the ground, feeling exhilarated as I raced against these strangers. I keep my gaze on what lies ahead, in case there are some mystical floating obstacles anywhere around that might trip me up.
"talk talk talk"

art by dark, table code by tamme

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Bellona - 07-20-2014

It is with utter disbelief that the bird's eyes start to roll, and her mind struggles to come to terms with this new discovery. Mountains do not float, it goes against every natural law that the Aztec has ever known, yet she cannot deny that this island is real. She has never been one to conjure up images -- unless of course, spirits count as exactly that -- and so she trusts her instincts when each one of them screams, the golden boy was right! He speaks the truth!

Not that Bellona should have mistrusted the feathered stallion, for he is her Czar after all (not that she knew it at the time). But, as her new title suggests, curiosity is a trait that she is to nurture, not ignore, and the maiden does not trust another's words unless she can prove them for herself. Taking in the floating mass before her, the tribeswoman can undoubtedly confirm that what she had been told was the truth. That still doesn't stop her from criticizing the oddity. This land is just insane.

Deciding that it would be best to investigate the hovering rock, the bird feels the familiar pull of sinew and muscle as she works her massive instruments. Flight has not been an uncomfortable task for the hybrid these past few days, and the woman is reluctant to admit that it is thanks to the pink doe that her wound has started to heal. It does not pain her as it used to, and even when she stretches the skin where it lay it gives barely any protest. Who knew that plants could do as much for healing as magic could? Who knew that an atrocious pink blob would know anything about herbs. The cruel peahen's lips turn up in amusement at that.

Now that she has neared the peculiar thing, she can make out several buildings and figures that are already present on the island. Briefly, the maiden wonders how they got there -- the buildings, that is -- and who had been mad enough to construct such things upon an isle in the air. This information does not benefit in her in any way, however, and so the hybrid dismisses it with a stroke of her wings. Her attention turns to the others gathered here, and for the second time today she is shocked into silence at their display.

Sunset orbs pass over each pegasus, silently providing them with some form of criticism or emotion as they take them in. It appears as if she has met all of these winged beasts before, save for the cremello who is doused in blue flame. Exasperation creeps up on her like a rolling fog, and another flaming woman begs for her gaze. How many people have I seen on fire these days? I might as well set myself ablaze as well! Realization dawns upon the annoyed bird when she recognizes the second fire to be the gold-dusted fae from the Veins. Just what is she doing here? What are they all doing here? As if in time to her questions, a brown blob of shell and flesh begins to speak.

The maiden twists an ear in his direction as she settles herself beside Gull, deeming all others present here unworthy of her greetings. An orange stare glances over his battered physique, and she smirks. "I see that your tumble with my Legatus has left you with quite the souvenir. I hope that you were kind enough to return his gift, at least?" Her body quakes as she lands, causing her feathers to stir. But even after she has finished tossing them around they continue to bob. Whether it is in anticipation or delight, the warrior does not know. Probably the former, for the maiden has never been a very happy thing. The turtle's announcement pulls her from her thoughts.

"Greetings citizens! Those with the gift of flight may participate in this race to honor the gods and the Sky Island! The first back is the winner."

Ah, so that is why they are all gathered here. A sapphire crown twists to look over at the golden woman, her body still aflame. If the Aztec is not interested in winning this race for her own enjoyment, then she is most certainly in it to steal the blazing mare's victory. It really is too bad that she is roasting right now, for Bellona would really like to get physical with her. Screw this race. As long as she pays for what she did to the painted lady, I will have earned my reward.

"Ready!" The haughty vixen teems with energy as she readies herself for take off. She is so anxious to fly, in fact, that she dares to deliver a playful nip to the stallion beside her. "Good luck." The encouragement is blunt and lacks emotion.

"Set!" Colorful wings pull in at her sides to provide as little drag as possible.

"Go!" With a toss of her head, the vixen slams her dark weapons into the ground. She charges towards the isle's edge, unafraid of what jumping off might bring her. Her mind is so focused on directing her body to the empty expanse ahead of her that the peahen does not notice the others all galloping around her. As her lean pillars stretch out and neglect to make contact with any land, the hybrid launches herself off the floating rock with her powerful hinds, catching her rocketing body with her color-stained sails. A raucous scream escapes her maw as she aims towards a ring of lights, determined to be the first to get there.

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RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Ghost - 07-20-2014

Dead men tell no tales.

Ghost was becoming an island regular after her recent chat with Seele. It seemed all the things worth reporting would come from his floating slab of rock, though on the odd occasion the banshee would return to stable ground to check on the more permanent herd land. Though she had recently been given an order to fulfil the role of Sleuth, the sprite's lifestyle hadn't really changed all that much. She still lurked around corners and worried over the task set before her by the Czarina. However, bettering her conversational disaster zone was not going to be done by hugging shadows and so when many gathered before the deity of her land, Ghost followed with both curiosity and duty. He was the patron God of the Hidden Falls after all and she was one of his many citizens, even Ghost knew it would be rude to ignore his call for a race, even if she really wanted to let out a long moan. The idea was both disturbing and fascinating, whilst part of her shied away from the company of so many, another half of herself was already warming up for the showdown.

Ghost appeared in the crowd whilst attempting to keep her personal space at all times, which proved more difficult than she first expected, the proximity of the others making her lips twitch nervously. Some who had gathered she recognised either by face or scent as being fellow herd members, the rest she had no clue of who they were apart from the familiar form of Aurelia. The silly mare who had failed miserably in her attempt to take her own life. Ghost marked her card. However, time was pressing on and the earth turtle was nearing the climax of his speech. Through deep breathes she managed to turn her head to try and catch the eyes of the Earth, proffer her head in respect before the race quickly began.

Her skinny legs took off from the starting line with well practised ease, surging into the air on strong wings with the others flying with her. Ghost moved to find space of her own and noticed with interest that some of her competitors could indeed set themselves on fire without it seeming to bother them. The banshee made a note to stay away from those ones and set her calculated gaze on the first ring. She is quiet in flight, her gaze only trailing those she would deem a threat whilst she attempted to take the most efficient route possible. Others in the race seemed to have bonded friends to keep them company or to cheer them on, extra limbs to sabotage opponents if used wisely. If she had to, the banshee would call upon her own magic, but her habit of keeping secrets left the power locked away for now, calling upon it only when she needed it. Finally, she noted the strange colourful hybrid who looked like some horse bird mixture, a mare not easy to miss which was probably Ghost's reasoning in choosing her as s starting target to keep up with and, hopefully, pass.

The thrill of a race was a new emotion to Ghost and she handled it with care, fighting all the time to keep her mind clear and free of compromising feelings.

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Africa - 07-20-2014

They tell me I’m too young to understand
They say I’m caught up in a dream

Dragon's Throat Sultana

You can’t fly... Silas reminded his bonded grimly after the announcement had been called far up above. She’d been watching the turtle (a character of this land who she was yet to meet), intrigue plaguing the young, mild expression on her face. But he was wrong. Africa’s long ears slipped backwards and licking flames devoured them hungrily. I can do this! she insisted, fidgeting across tingling knees. Perhaps the method of her travel was unorthodox, and maybe there was no actual chance for her to win, but the Starry-Eyed felt not the restriction of her situation- she had faith and determination which so many around her seemed to forget. She was excited, and hot adrenaline was already coursing through the labyrinth-like network of her veins.

The eager one-winged mare’s skull lowered, soft lips suspended barely inches from the lush sweet grass of the lofty land, and she began to focus her energy; the buzzing activity and hum through the bright atmosphere fading out of her awareness. All at once her bones began to crack and twist and tendons released their grip- Silas was flung from his perch by her withers. Ligaments began to shrivel, and taught mottled canvas shrunk as the skeletal structure beneath contracted. The fire icing the wild tangle of her thick long mane ceased, and all hair adorning her elegant frame dissolved. Feathers started to sprout, itchy pins shedding their sheaths in seconds to reveal a plush mat of glossy grey-hues; and they covered her entirely. Forelegs vanished, and wings instead grew by new shoulders, and sharp talons formed where the hooves on her hind-legs had been. A hooked beak, white mask and then tiny pin-hole ears, and the transformation was complete- though it was not without pain, and the parrot revealed stood stunned for a little while longer; waiting for the pain of the transition to subside.

As her mind began to clear and the sting through her considerably smaller core waned, the parrot’s bright cream eyes peeled open and between widening wings, she lurched upwards. The Zephyr followed closely, respecting her resolve, but concerned all the same that a race such as this could bruise terribly her confidence. Already a small group had gathered around the Earth Turtle; a number of faces she recognized with a broad smile, some she knew and noted with mild indifference, and to the strangers she civilly nodded. Perhaps her appearance among them might have been as unexpected as the floating turtle himself. Nevertheless, she was not deterred from her decision to compete, to honour her God and this act of generosity towards his followers with all of her effort.


Wildly thrust wings sliced through air and there was a frenzy of whooshing feathers and igniting fire around her. Their momentum whipped up wind enough to completely unbalance her position amongst them and she flailed helplessly, as thrashing limbs and panting bodies wheeled from her reach. Go! Silas urged, the desperation of his voice unspoken waking her instantly from the daze she’d descended into. Already her winged kin were barely black silhouettes in the distance, and the stocky parrot lunged forward after them, pinning pupils searching ambitiously for the first of the golden rings along the course.

I can see it, there! she shrieked through their bond a small while later, but the Zephyr could see already the gleaming skin of the hanging loop already a long way ahead. His wings were long and angled, steady, and his lithe build was crafted for such enduring flights as this, but the parrot’s stocky body was almost entirely the opposite in every respect. She was stocky, stout and the feathers flanking each wing, as well as those red set into her tail, were blunt for short travel between fruiting trees. She was falling behind quickly.

It had been many years since Africa had soared in her true form through the thermals and fast-flowing highways of the sky. She did not remember them well, nor could she recall how to find them. But Silas was a regular user. He guided her gradually upwards, very gradually, until at last she felt the grand tug of the high altitude corridor, and though the air was thin and cold, she was able to rest her toiling arms for a while. Quickly there she made ground (though naturally not as quickly as those magnificently able creatures before her), and when finally the shining gold ring dangled beneath, the parrot tucked carefully her wings against the rippling feathers on her body.

Down, down... she plunged, and Silas swooped with her.

Near level with the target, the bird thrust open her wings and her fall ended with a rather dramatic jolt. She slipped slowly through and sheer delight, an overwhelming sense of I told you so, spilt from her reeling mind into his. Keep going! he pressed then, noting the waver of her forward motion, and they sauntered forward again together a good way behind the pack.

Eagle by :: Jassy2012@dA

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Cera - 07-20-2014

Exploring the island with Sikeax had been delightful for the youth, to have spent time with someone new and discover who they were as a person. It was a lonely existence that he commanded, but one he would never trade for anything else. To aid his home, to do so much good...it was worth every night of silence. Ilaria was a welcome presence during those quiet hours, any conversations he might have had with a friend or herdmate replaced with her soft voice and understanding mindset. She knew him better than any friend or kin of the desert, after all. There was no better companion, no conversational partner that could trump her connection to him. The two had parted ways amicably to inform their leads of the new land, but Cera could not resist returning to the intriguing island in the void of the sky. It was beautiful, peaceful. But as he circled above the sea of pink blossoms, the gathering of multiple bodies was impossible to ignore. Interested, pale wings fluttered and he lowered himself down to the crowd.

Pleasantly surprised to see the Earth Turtle, Cera smiled to see his old friend once again. It was comforting to know he was still well and active. "Hello friend," he called out fondly as he found his way to Africa's side. There was clearly some sort of competition to be had, one the ancient being announced clearly. Cera's eyes turned to the glittering insects forming loose rings in the sky and felt interest well up inside of him. Ilaria recognized this and scampered down from his hide to pad over to the turtle, knowing Cera would not feel comfortable performing more dangerous aerobic aerial maneuvers with her on his shoulders. Cera smiled at her, reassuring her that he would be safe, and bid her a temporary farewell.

Turning to Africa, he extended a wing in an attempt to brush her flank with a long flight feather. "Best of luck, Sultana," he murmured. He would attempt to help her in any way he could during the competition, should she allow it. Not to undermine her abilities, but out of respect and a desire to see her happy. The starting call is made and they all lurch into the air, Cera easily letting his body run forth and expansive wings drag him into the currents above. Adrenaline does not infect him like it does so many others. He is excited, surely, but finds nothing aside from joy accompanying the emotion. Lithe frame drifts on the currents, keeping a steady pace with the beat of his wings so as not to tire himself too early. Cera didn't doubt that there would be many surprising obstacles to make the race more interesting.

And they said you were the crooked kind, and that you'd never have any worth, but you were always gold to me
I am Ceraaaa

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Sohalia - 07-20-2014


An island in the sky - oh, how glorious it was! Of all the things that the angel never expected to see, this had to be the most spectacular. Forget the mundane magics of the world down below - this, truly, was the most precious of all gifts, the most intimate of brushes with the gods. She wondered if this was how their gods lived, among the lovely clouds and the pink trees. She reveled in her proximity to the sun, exulted for the caress of its warmth on her back, rejoiced in the beauty of the land above Helovia.

Astraeus shared her joy, for he, too, was a creature of the sky; and, as such, he delighted in the thinner air, the lighter atmosphere, the sweeping views. The wakiya let out a shriek of delight, a wild, jubilant cry that his bonded echoed with enthusiasm. Her laughter cascaded through the skies as she swirled amongst the pegasus crowd, landing with a graceful swoop beside her herdmates. Though she was quite excited to mingle with those of the other three lands, her leadership had not granted her a more outgoing nature, and she tended to seek out those she knew first. A flaw, perhaps, but one that she ignored for the time being. There would be plenty of time to get to know the others later.

"Africa," she greeted her friend and fellow Sultana with a beaming grin, her ivory feathers fluffed up and her silken banner tousled with her excitement. "And Cera! Oh, how lovely to see you again!" It had been quite some time, but she remembered the lad's interest in her crafting fondly. He had grown since then, and he had become a becoming young stallion, one that she was sure would bring great pride to their family. She had been thrilled when he took Africa's place as Diviner, for she could think of none more suited than he.

The turtle drew her attention then, and she watched with interest as he explained the nature of the game. Oh, how exciting! Astraeus, perched momentarily upon her withers, crooned a half-hearted agreement. His golden eyes were settled firmly on Silas, whose approval he still desperately sought. His bonded grinned, mentally shaking his attention back to the current, and interruption which brought an impatient sigh from his beak. The pair readied themselves: the angel spread her wings as the zephyr launched himself into the air, circling above the Sultana impatiently.

Ready. Set. Go!

And up she went, one of many feathered creatures launching themselves toward the firefly rings; her ivory wings flashed in the sun, pulling her higher and further in the mass of writhing wings and moving bodies. For a moment, she felt gloriously alive, a part of something bigger than she could ever have imagined; and then the cloud of pegasi began to break part as some fell behind and some pulled ahead, and the race was on.

"Talk talk talk."

Don't wanna leave this life knowing I barely tried...

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Satanic Silk - 07-20-2014

Satanic Silk
Like a lovestruck puppy - and really, that's exactly what I am, except that I am a HUGE puppy - I seem to be following Africa wherever she goes. I hope that I'm not getting on her nerves: anyone following me around night and day might rub me the wrong way after awhile. But if she's annoyed, she has yet to show it. The only one who might be getting irritated is Silas, and yet, I think he accepts me much more than he used to. We never had the closest bond together, but why should we? That special relationship belongs to him and Africa. Still, I'd like to know that he can appreciate the relationship that two equines in love have. His blessing would mean the world to me, though I would never admit that to either him or Africa.

Now as I follow her, we seem to have arrived on... an island in the sky. An unusual place, but its beauty is undeniable. I can't imagine there to be a single soul who doesn't feel somehow uplifted upon arriving at such a place and seeing its natural wonder. If 'natural' can even be applied here.. There is no doubt that the supernatural touch of the Gods reigns supreme here, and everything before us has a God's touch. Following the mare and her companion, we quickly find ourselves near the ancient Earth Turtle. Oh, I am familiar with him. We have met before, during a time when I quested for a companion. Unfortunately, I was not chosen to receive such a wonderful gift, but this of course was through no fault of the Turtle. I bow my crown to him, greeting him again, albeit silently. I wonder if he remembers my face.

Others have gathered, some that I recognize, some that I don't. Parelia is there, aflame. I admit, it is a pretty blue flame, and I wonder if she has matured since we last met. Or if I have. It's rather doubtful - I couldn't help but tease her when I met her and Ciceron in the Falls. I hadn't seen or heard of her since then - was it because of me? Did I break up the family? A pang of guilty shudders through me and sadness fills my eyes. I don't mind being an asshole, but I've never wanted to be an actual home wrecker. I wonder if perhaps I can make it up to her somehow...? Now is clearly not the time. The Earth Turtle is calling a race, ordering us to be swift, and the winner is the first one to return. My ears perked forward, blood red eyes light and attentive. A competition! Perhaps this could be a chance to prove myself to Africa.

Except that it seems she wants to race as well. She changes to a parrot form, and my eyes widen. I.. I didn't know she could do that. So many things have changed during the year we were apart. Sultana, flaming mane and tail, parrot morphing powers?! I'm a young stallion still and yet I may go into cardiac arrest with all these surprises from my one true love. There's no time to digest this information, the beasts ahead of me are already taking to the air and I am left behind. I, too, take off sprinting, my leathery wings spreading to beat the wind into submission. Behind the back, I hope that I can soon catch up. With all the heart and energy of a ruthless, foolish youth, perhaps I can win this one for the lovely lady that has stolen my heart. If not.. I hope it is her beating my sorry ass!!

Walk. Talk.

OOC: discussed with Riv about following Africa to the island ^^,
hungry for life
Image Credit

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Andromeda - 07-20-2014

I'd heard about the Sky Island, or the rumor of it at least. Interesting and good news travels fast, like fire in dry brush. After the healing of Rasta, I had kept not too far behind my Sultanas, especially Africa, feeling that I had a stronger connection with her than with Sohalia. Though of course I did not prefer one damsel over the other, connection can be so important. When I realized that my queens were headed for the island, I thought it might be wise to follow. Perhaps there would be healing magic that I could learn about up in the sky? Some sort of herb that I could discover and learn about? My knowledge of herbs is so dismal.

I am clearly not the only one to follow my queens up here, and I find a very strange black pegasus hugging close to the dapple grey. I take note of the way he looks at her and keep my distance. Following them to discover the island is enough, and I can make my way from here. I glance around and find many faces have appeared. Chatter makes its way through the ranks of a pegasus race. I barely have any time to prepare myself, to notice the Earth Turtle himself or the line on the ground. I have half a mind to just watch them all in the sky. But then... maybe it would be nice to have a little fun. I don't have to chat it up with everyone, but socializing with those outside of my herd would be good for me. And a race? Well, I have beautiful wings that can carry me easily through the sky. Why not try my hoof at it? Everyone is already moving by the time I have decided to join, and I start cantering quickly after them, my wings already open and ready to go to work for me. The wind finds its home underneath my mottled feathers and soon I am in the sky. The wind blows through my mane and tail, lifting them effortlessly. I flap my wings a few times, finding my place on the air pockets that travel invisibly. I see that Africa has transformed to her parrot form, and is participating this way - how clever! Sohalia is here, too, taking part in the race. If my leaders can have a little fun, why can't I? My spirit feels weightless though gravity tugs at my form. Up in the sky is where I belong. The only thing that could make this moment better would be the exchanged places of moon and sun. Why, oh why, can't we do more things at night?


Image Credits

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Midas - 07-21-2014

I’d traveled to the island in the sky with every intention on exploration. When we flew over the fields, sitting below was a strange sight that happened to catch our gaze, Fina chirped her disbelief. A turtle of all things, an ancient spirit. His presence mimicked that of earth. There were others gathered around him, all standing behind a shining line that stretched far from either end of the meadow. He grins as I approach, a welcoming beam that brings forth my own smile without resistance. Fina glides to my spine, gazing curiously from behind at the creature whose aura seemed to radiate peace and assurance. “Well met brother,” I greeted softly while moving to glide into place beside the other of my species whom had gathered.

There were a few in the line that I recognized instantly, Parelia, her body a brilliant shine of blue fire. The one called Destry and Ghost. A new recruit of ours was also among the ranks—though her name momentarily fled my memory.

Fina cried out above the noise of the crowd. Cera! She bleated. I glanced down the line, gaze widening and my brief smile growing wider to show teeth. It was then that I noticed who he stood near, a grey body. Africa. Fina followed my stare and very nearly gasped in horror, flaming feathers ruffling their discontent. “Silas.” the firechild hissed not to fondly, obviously she'd find no pleasure from his presence today—the alpha creature within her breast rose high as she arched her powerful neckline and rose with wingtips angling toward heaven.

Competitive say true.

A former brother of the Falls and my dear friend is standing near. With force I turn my gaze from them, offering the two sultana’s and Africa’s lover their privacy without interference. There wouldn’t be time for me to trail down the line and visit with my kin from the Throat anyways. The turtle was speaking and the group had fallen silent. I fell in with them, listening with keen interest as his short but effective statement succeeded in stirring our hearts to the point of excitement. All around me the rustling of feathers rose from their withdrawn state.

It was a race. There was a moment’s pause, dozens of feet stamping into the soft ground as agitated bodies resisted the urge to start ahead of the pack. I stiffened, ears slicing back and muzzle falling forward. Half a heartbeat later the belting turtle cried out his blessing to begin and we dashed from the ground. A huge swath of earth got flung up from behind, I raced into heaven. Muscles ripping and head low. Limbs clawed for the sky, frame titled up. Hungry for air as the hot ocean thermals rose around us.

Fina climbed fast, her lean body was built for fast flight that I couldn’t even dream of keeping pace with. The first of the rings advanced.

Our colours come alive when I collide with you
with you, with you

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Elsa - 07-21-2014

There were so many things to be done, but one thing in particular had caught her attention while she was up here: A floating turtle, and a gathering of Pegasus all up in the air above the island, such a peculiar sight! Elsa drew closer, before all of a sudden…. BAM! Everything took off.

Pegasus were flapping, companions were going crazy… it seemed that the entire gang was here! Elsa smiled, glad for something fun since the accident. She leaped forward, pressing her body weight to start with a forceful push off, and there she was, flying again!

The wind caressed her body, and she almost felt the need to float about. However, a competition was at hand… and Elsa loved competitions…. And she decided that she would win. So thus, her competitive side wrecked havoc on her otherwise peaceful body, and she was flapping.

Wings tore around in the air with big swooshes, and her hair began to tangle around in a disastrous mess. There were lots of familiar faces in the crowd, those of Midas and Ghost caught her eye. She tried to offer them a friendly smile, but decided they’d probably not see in this mess. She wasn’t up for picking fights yet, not until the crowd dispersed a little.

Right now it was all so close and compact. She could hear movement on her left, and it was nerve-wracking to not be able to see them. Elsa just drew in a breath, and focused her attention on these silly rings. She saw one approaching, and angled, hoping to push her body easily through the rings. She would win this, and retrieve her dignity.


RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Hector - 07-21-2014

No Time for Lies and Empty Fights


There was frenzied activity towards the centre of the green field just beyond the criss-crossing paths in the village, and it attracted the overwhelmed attention of the liver chestnut stallion who had been resting alone by the empty tent of his home. Hector had spent many days on the island already, quite addicted to the bright atmosphere, the constant hum of activity, and though he felt the pangs of guilt for neglecting his duties for so long, he just simply could not drag himself to leave. He still wasn’t certain which cliff exactly the island had broken from, nor how it had come to be nestled in a floating bed of cloud; it could only be by the hand of the God of the Sun he knew and took comfort in that fact. He stepped between the metal spears marking the entrance to the Throat’s little plot, ears stiffened, straining to discern what the commotion beyond was about.

There seemed to be a figure above the centremost point, suspended in the air, and the crowd gathered as the intrigued stallion watched on; many Pegasus folk all taking flight together. Hector’s haunches clenched suddenly. He could resist the temptation no longer- and quite despite the furious gurgling through his empty stomach, he launched forward to be amongst them. Enormous, powerful wings carried him faithfully, and his eyes widened when he was soon close enough to realise the hovering creature was a turtle. He’d not seen the Earth Turtle prior, and couldn’t help but stare for a good while- until the beginning of the race. The flock began to stiffen, dozens of wings pumping vicious, unbalancing wind, and the stallion dipped tactfully beneath them as they waited eagerly.

There were many he knew around him, faces tinged red by the dust of his homeland, and to them one by one he gave greeting; dipping his fine skull in gesture, not well trained in the arts of true emotion. There was one other though who Hector had not seen for seasons and he drew to the side of the black and white, collared stallion with lips grazing tenderly towards the canvas before his wing. "Brother, it lightens my heart to see you." The words were barely a whisper, intended only for the ears of his many times superior. There was no need for any words further, and the copper hybrid paused there to hover contentedly, eyes trained to the front.

READY.SET.GO! the Earth turtle called out, the island’s infectious cheer apparently rampant through him also.

Immediately the group lunged forward though Hector lingered in place a little longer. He figured that once the mass of fighting, struggling bodies, had dissipated and formed some kind of order down the line, it would be a far simpler task to overtake them. His wings were grand, their span generous, and he was a picture of athleticism; which was after all necessary for the role he played as soldier in his herd. You are last! his flailing bonded cried between them alone, vapour-like form twisting through the silken cords of the stallion’s fire-toned mane. But Hector hushed him confidently, and seconds later started along the course those before him had taken.

He could see the pale figure of a mare ahead and leaned his weight forward, pumping wings driving ever faster as he sought to catch up. As he neared her, the glinting golden ring target caught his eye- quickly he forgot about the other Pegasus, and angled right for the marker. Veci sailed along beside him eagerly, mischievous and competitive- more so than his bonded, and searched hungrily for stray thoughts, for the fears, of any contenders nearby. This was one occasion that Hector cared little about the Boggart’s wicked antics. Together they swooped through the ring and made haste after the silhouettes along the next route.

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Rei - 07-21-2014


What would the Helovians refer to the island as? Who even got the honor of naming land. It had existed long before the one who bestowed a name upon it and would continue to exist long after the individual. Maybe the gods would name it. Silently the pegasus pursed her mottled lips together putting thought into what she would name the place if it were in her hands. Dirt of the Sky was the best that she could come up with. Heaven knows it was a wonderful thing that she had no say in the island's name.

"I hope they go with something that you approve of." Not only did she speak to the island but she also dipped her head in polite gesture. While rolling her eyes at herself she continued to fly forward drinking in the stunning landscape. It brought a sparkle to her eye to see so many Helovians rushing about exploring. This was the dash of adventure that her life had formerly lacked. So lost in her observations Rei found herself torn from her musings whenever she knocked into another pegasus.

Rei barely had time to realize what was happening before word "Go!" clanged around in her ears. The realization that it was a race had just dawned on her whenever she shot forward. In all of her stumbling she had somehow managed to use it as an advantage; pitching her weight that was already falling forward even further.

Dipping her body she lowered her flight path slightly hoping to avoid the flames of others. There was no time to pull back. Rei's heart coursed blood throughout her body at a maddening pace while her lungs called out for more, never satisfied. Not a single hair on the spotted mare's body would be able to feel satisfaction if she didn't win the race. The competitive spirit that dwelled within her had Rei's mind and body at its disposal. Surging forward her hooves and wings moved with the nervous confidence granted by the playful yet determined emotion that snaked its way through those gathered. Coiling around all participating.

Strands of her ivory hair brushed against the delicate bodies of the fireflies as she passed through a ring that they worked together to form. A grin spread across her face on her face acting as a precursor for the ear splitting whinny that followed. All of Helovia would know of her presence in this race.

RE: :: Pegasus Flying Race :: - Cirrus - 07-22-2014

the Wind Dancer
It didn't take long for the island to be discovered by others.

Slender limbs traversed the lands, my wings sometimes stretching out from my sides to revel in the sensation of the high-altitude air combing through my feathers without the effort of travelling, flying, working to get here. I enjoyed the sensation of being amongst the clouds, of feeling very much like a cloud myself, carried by the whim of the weather, the wind, the sun, the atmosphere of life dancing all around me. The air swirled, filling me, its cool touch bouncing from wall to wall of my hollow insides. I had thought about what the God of the Sun had said - his words filled me again now, as I bathed in his warm light.

My eyes followed the trails of others, who arrived by wing or cloud, and I stood apart from them all - unnoticed, unseen, blending with the background that was the sky all around us.

I was immobilised by those I recognised.

They were the same, but different. Grown up, time had aged their bodies - as it had aged mine. Some had companions by their side, others did not - it sent a strange feeling whirring around inside me. I recognised the gold-trimmed form of Midas, the pale beauty of Sohalia, the comforting grey tones of Africa (even as she appeared to be a parrot, I seemed to simply know), the looming figure of Hector. There were plenty more I did not know, did not care to know - I felt pulled towards those who I knew, those who I yearned to call my family once more - why hadn't I realised this yearning existed before?

It had happened before, when I saw Rasta, I remember. I had been glad to see her, well, alive. I didn't know what to expect when I came back. I didn't know whether I was coming home to a land ruled by the dead, or if the living would continue to do just that - live.

I was the only one dead left from those times.

I recognised others, others whose names were not fully imprinted upon my mind, but their faces were clear enough. I breathed in, slowly, and then out my breath again, deciding to finally take a step forward, to be less invisible and to begin taking part in something. I don't go out of my way to cross paths with them - already I feel my heart beat pick up with the anxiety of meeting any from our past.

Sitka, I miss you.

I turn my attention to the turtle - I had seen stranger things happen - happily blocking out everything else. The thought of a race, a physical activity to distract me, was a welcome one. My ears pricked up at the idea, my eyes filling with that electric excitement that thrummed through my veins. Flying, and fast, was something I could do.

My broad wings were not built for agility, though I trained them hard, it was long distance where I had the advantage. I looked to the sky, to the trail of rings that glistened against the sky. A smile, filled with the delight of a new challenge, a new goal being laid before me, crossed my maw.

The turtle shouted his command, and in a flurry of wings, we all took to the skies. I felt the wind follow me, I felt it fill my wings, stroke my mane and tail. As I raced towards the first ring along with the crowd, I let out a song of joy, a song of greeting, a song of living, delivered to the ears of all those around me. No matter the outcome of today, I would remember this day, as one where I came just that small step closer to rejoining the land of the living once more.

Sitka, guide me.
x - x