HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Love of the leaf - Printable Version

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Love of the leaf - Lace - 08-15-2014

Lace the Silverthorn
It is our actions that define who we are

Second time around, the trip through the sky wasn't so bad. In fact, Lace thought he was beginning to understand why the pegasi loved flying so much; there was a sense of incredible freedom in the feeling of hovering weightless in the air, and then it didn't matter much that he still felt solidness beneath the hooves and didn't move a muscle on his own. His faith in the sturdiness of the clouds that carried him was growing as well. It was hard to keep doubting them when he had been bouncing between them like a rabbit on speed in the race - though, as he muttered to the dragon when he landed on the firm soils of the Caela Insula, he still preferred walking on his own legs.

"Try with wings next time" she suggested and landed on the broad back of the stallion, taloned paws rattling over the chain that kept Mirage's amulet secured around his neck. Lace squirmed internally at this, as much tempted by the idea of becoming a dragon even for a short span of time as he was reluctant to waste the gift on his own amusement. "Silly, ask Moon for it then" the White snorted, easily following the sway of his thoughts; "I'm not the Dragonheart" he objected as he began walking towards the forested area surrounding the tent city, glancing over the shoulder to look at his soul-bound with a slight frown. "There is no dragon within me except you..."
"You are Silverthorn" she replied simply and coiled the tail around her feet. "Dragonheart chose you as mate - are as much dragon as she is."
"Well, she have a funny way of showing her love, doesn't she" he muttered. Fajira cooed sadly at this but didn't reply; she missed the golden dragons too, Mirage and Akaith alike.

Continuing on in close-knit silence until they stepped in beneath the shade of the trees, the grullo took a deep breath and allowed the peace of the nature around them to calm him down, soothing his worries and wiping the frown away from the face. It was a homecoming of sorts, one that he felt each time he ducked beneath whispering canopies and let the mind extend to the trees around. He didn't hear them, per say, but with the magic in his veins he could sense their health, their connection to the earth and the sky, sensed the life-force rushing through trunk and root and limb out into the very leaves. He could feel how the sap was slowing down, thickening as it retreated deep into the core of the heartwood in preparation for the cold season, he felt the drying of the leaves like a whispered lament, an eulogy of summers death and the bittersweet longing for spring, so far off. He knew that if he reached out and coaxed the timber just so he would be able to make it bend to his will, twisting and churning, growing and extending until an object of his imagination had taken shape. He knew that if he really put in time and effort he would be able to create a palace of living tree, strong and resilient and ever-growing...

But he didn't. He had always felt guilty over this ability, ashamed as though he was doing something wrong, something preposterous - almost heretic, by shaping living matter to his will. Somewhere deep down he couldn't believe that the magic he possessed, this mysterious power that had awoken within by coming to Helovia was truly his, truly something that was good and honest and reliable...
At least he had given up on trying to block it out. That path had almost driven him mad, to feel it stir and shift and coil within, reaching out whenever his mood swayed. Living in a forest had been tough then, constantly unable to get away from the feeling of life and death all around him and loathing his own desire to alter it.

"I still wonder why, though" he murmured to the dragon as he stopped within a clearing, smiling as he looked out over the magnificence of the scenery; dazzling sunlight trickling down through a marvelous display of gold and red foliage that looked as though on fire, a light breeze wafting through grasses high enough to tickle his belly - and just by the tree-line on the other side, a rushing, chuckling stream that glittered merrily on its way off, likely towards one of the many waterfalls on the edge of the island.
"Why what" she cooed absently, interest immediately caught by the glimmer of scaly fish beneath the frothing, gurgling surface. She slid off his back and spread the pale wings, drifting easily through the air to land on a rock by the brink to perch, eyes avid and alert as she followed the scattering shapes below.
"Why I have this ability" he expanded, head turning this way and that as he looked around with lazy admiration - he had always liked Orangemoon, the season of his own birth. "You know how many there are, I've never come across two horses with the same gift. Not even the healers use the same methods despite the purpose being the same. Of all the things, why trees, why wood and earth? It's nothing like the balls of fire at all..."

Looking over towards the little dragoness for answers, he was met instead with a disinterested flick of a tail; then she plunged into the water, leaving him to laugh and shake his head at the sight of her scuttling downstream in hot pursuit of a large, juicy trout that was almost the same size as her.


@[Official] Using my VotG pass to request an audience with Earth God. Wish to quest for [Magic: Earth x Water (U) | Plant manipulation: Able to grow plants from seed and manipulate them at will, retaining the ability to craft from wood.]

Picture by Vossity

RE: Love of the leaf - God of the Earth - 08-17-2014

God of the Earth
Buried in Water and Earth

"You're correct. Fire destroys. Earth gives life, no matter what my brother might think...In that, they are very different."

The disembodied voice lazily floated around Lace. The words were kind, and sounded almost amused; the speaker, ancient but spry. His words held all the strength of a landslide, but the grace of the gentle waters rushing through the floating island. A few cherry blossoms - caught in a wayward breeze - suddenly appeared to catch upon something. Their movements were halted suddenly, but it appeared that whatever had stopped them, was invisible. Slowly, a darkened mane, a thick neck, a horned head, strong shoulder - and the rest of the rustic figure of the God - began to appear. The cherry blossoms nestled delicately in his great and wiry mane, as his bearded muzzle turned towards Lace. "By neither is better than the other."

Kindly, his darkened gaze roamed over the heavily marked stallion. He considered him carefully, wise and welcoming features taking their time as they carefully considered the creature before him. He seemed to be mulling something over in his mind, for his large nose kept twitching as his gaze twinkled. Finally, with a stomp of a heavily feathered hoof - as if to signal that his contemplation was complete - he snorted.

"You dwelt in the home of my sister for seasons...and recently sought council from my brother. Now you are here. Should I warn the Spark that you shall be at his doorstep next?" The God chuckled at the thought, clearly meaning no harm by his words. "I think you'll find he's the hardest of us to find."

Joking aside, he sighed softly. "Why have you come Lace? Did you find the guidance given by the Sun unfavourable?"

RE: Love of the leaf - Lace - 08-17-2014

Lace the Silverthorn
It is our actions that define who we are

He flinched when the voice was heard, taken completely off guard and by surprise. Lace knew that voice, knew it so well even though he had only heard it on the rare occasion - but why would it appear now, here, in front of him of all? With a startled expression the stallion looked around wildly until the odd behavior of the drifting petals (very out of season they were too, didn't cherry blossoms belong to spring and new beginnings?) caught his eye, and with bated breath he watched the features of the Earth God emerge into existence.

Should he bow, kneel to the ground and grovel with the humility he indeed felt as he felt the eyes of the immortal fall upon him? It would probably have been more appropriate, and yet he hadn't bowed before the Sun. Was it defiance against convention or simply a personal refusal to bend, some stubborn reluctance against admitting that anyone was above himself that made him remain standing? He didn't even know himself. He did lower the neck however, a deeply respectful gesture; because in all his lack of true faith in the gods of this land - or any land - Lace still felt humble when faced with such a primal force, such pure, honest wisdom.

Yet, even as he straightened up and listened to the deep vocals of the god, Lace couldn't help but ponder the reason why he had appeared this time. It was an honor for sure, but surely the manifestation of the earth had better, far more important things to do now that winter was drawing closer? The remarks of the other didn't exactly help; they made him squirm a bit where he stood, feeling almost guilty when faced with his actions. Was it a bad thing, that he couldn't remain in one place for very long? In the eyes of this long-lived one he must seem restless indeed... and maybe unfaithful? He managed a slight smile at the though of hunting down all of the divine Lords - and Lady - though wasn't sure how it came out. Nervous perhaps, maybe a bit strained... he still remembered the last time he had met this stallion, the quest he had been sent on and his own dismal failure.

When he was faced with a question however, Lace found that he hadn't quite lost his voice though, and strengthened by the return of the dragon as she came flying, filling the air with dragon-song in greeting of their mighty host, he shook his head vigorously.

"Not at all, my Lord!" he assured, daring to lift the head enough to look directly at Earth God. "I am following it still, and the time I spend in his lands is pleasant indeed. It's just..." He looked around, eying the trees and the stream, the rich vegetation on the ground, "I missed the forest. The desert is warm and beautiful, but after so long time spent beneath a heavy canopy, I find it barren and... empty. Besides, this island is curious, I wanted to explore it further." This time his smile came more readily, the topic one he found considerably more relaxing.

"Why have you come... if I may know?" he even dared to ask, unable to contain his curiosity much longer.
"Watching the games? Fajira added in, her voice playful and completely fearless; she liked this god, much as she had liked the Sun. The others were less known, she reserved her judgment there for now.

@[Earth God]

Picture by Vossity

RE: Love of the leaf - God of the Earth - 08-18-2014

God of the Earth
Buried in Water and Earth

The God waited patiently as Lace went about demonstrating whatever modicum of respect he felt was owed to the deity. The God had always found it strange, how so many creatures struggled with this. Don't judge a book by its cover, they said. And, everyone is not the same. What would the mortals think, if the God's judged them based on previous experiences? Oh well, a thousand years ago I knew a grullo. He was an asshole. You'll have to earn my respect. And yet, so many of them, after having poor experiences with his Kin, did precisely that. Acted as if they were owed something from the Gods; that they needed to prove their worth and value, before respect was to be given. It was a weary game, one that the God no longer played. Then again, if any had a right to be dodgy, Lace was surely a candidate. Looking over his golden markings, the Earth was reminded of when the Sun burned the poor fellow, merely to prove a point. And having lived most of his life under the fickle rule of the Moon well...He supposed a little reservation was not so surprising.

His dark ears flickered slightly as Lace spoke, allowing the stallion to speak his piece, before gently chuckling. "Ahh yes." The God nodded in agreement. The sands of the Throat might be nice for a vacation, but the Earth would not want to remain there long, either. Too much stillness, not enough growth. "Why have I come?" The God asked with feigned shock and surprise. A fatherly smile peeling back his dark lips, as he laughed heartily. "Why because you called me here. Are you really so distracted by our little island, that you can't see the contents of your own mind?" He looked to Fajira and winked, knowing that the white creature had access to Lace's thoughts.

As his chuckle subsided, the God sighed and smiled down at the stallion and his companion. With sparkling ancient eyes, the God shrugged and flicked his tail, answering his own question: "Magic."

RE: Love of the leaf - Lace - 08-18-2014

Lace the Silverthorn
It is our actions that define who we are

If Lace had expected any answer at all to his question, it certainly hadn't been this. "I... I did?" he stammered, flabbergasted; whatever had he done to draw the attention of the god? It sure as heck hadn't been intentional, and even though he had to admit that the company was rather pleasant, the thought of grazing in quiet camaraderie with a GOD had the hairs on his back on edge in fright. "I wasn't.. aware, I had no idea that.. So sorry to take up your time" he went on, sounding like a broken toy that kept hammering on and on.

"Stop that" the dragon eventually said with a trace of annoyance underlying the thought, the long, white tail twitching as she landed elegantly on his back - none too careful with her claws. "You know why, think! What you wish ever time something happens, what you want when Blue-Eye fell..." Rather brusquely she rummaged through his memories and pulled out the one in question to let it float in the forefront of his mind. Lace grimaced as she went, feeling rather abused and overwhelmed by the whole situation; but he did think back, allowed himself to remember his own thoughts and actions. The fear as Cirrus fell to the ground, clearly ill, his own inability to help her, the desperate wish for knowledge and power so that next time he...

Lace sighed and closed the eyes. He thought he understood now, thought he recognized the wish that had been brewing in his subconscious mind for so long. He wished to be able to help others, aid the sickly and the weak and the hungry, protect his family and friends - protect himself too, so that his own pain and injury wouldn't become an excuse to let others suffer. But why, oh why did it have to happen through magic?

"Because you are weak on your own" Fajira whispered, not unkindly but with the same brutal honesty she always used. It made the stallion grimace, but when he looked up at the Earth God again, some of his confusion and reluctance had disappeared. It was true that he was weak, and it was even more true that he was unworthy. Yet even so the Lord had come here, so perhaps he wasn't entirely hopeless?

"You both know me better than I know myself" he said and gave the dragon and the god a wry smile. "You are right, and I wasn't even aware of my own desires. Thank you for being patient." He bowed his head again, more sincerely this time, and without raising his head he arranged his thoughts and spoke again, more formally this time.

"Lord of Earth and Water, in order to protect myself and my kin, to aid the weak and sick and the injured, would you teach me how to expand this ability of shaping the trees? I know I have no right to ask, especially after failing to complete the other task you gave me... But I still wish for it, greedy and ungrateful as it is. I will do whatever you desire so that I may earn this gift."

@[God of the Earth]

Picture by Vossity

RE: Love of the leaf - God of the Earth - 08-20-2014

God of the Earth
Buried in Water and Earth

The God exhaled gently with a smile as Lace spoke. Deep down, they always wanted something - wanted something more. More magic, more capabilities, more herd members, trinkets, days to live upon the earth...It was simply their way. So the God was not in the least surprised that the desires that brewed within Lace had not managed to rise to the surface of his consciousness. Likely they would have soon enough - some tree would have caught his attention, a tree like any other, that suddenly forced the notion of extending his magic to the forefront of his mind...But the inner workings of his mind called to the God loudly enough for him to hear, even if Lace did not hear them until now.

"It is her job to know you with that intimacy" He advised, offering a wink in Fajira's direction. In a tone possessing a touch more paternal wisdom, the God continued. "Was the last task I gave you so difficult Lace? Or perhaps you no longer desire the item you once thought you did?" He paused, looking for Lace's reaction. If it was simply greed that brought the stallion to him again, when outstanding debts to be paid, that would worrisome. However if the desire had merely waned since the first request...Had he really given enough thought to this one? Shifting his weight, the God sighed wearily, though not unhappily.

Mortals. So impulsive.

If Lace accepts this new quest, his old one will be void, and he will have to return the amulets to the God.

Also, just FYI, the restrictions on the upgrade he's asking for would be that he can only instantly grow sapplings (up to 5ft). A tree would take an entire Helovia year to grow.

RE: Love of the leaf - Lace - 08-20-2014

Lace the Silverthorn
It is our actions that define who we are

He finally looked up again, the guilt he felt plain to see on his features. "It wasn't a difficult task, my Lord" he said and shook the head, suppressing a desire to sigh. "Other things simply got in the way; my duties to the herd, invasion attempts from the Aurora Basin, my being instated as a leader... Somewhere along the way the trinket I once had thought so useful seemed less important, of far less concern than the lives around me... And when the darkness fell the first time I simply forgot."

This admission was perhaps more honest than it was polite. A thought to the dragon - who had been sitting smug and puffed up on her back after the God's recognition of her skill and intelligence (as she took it) - had her rummaging through the egg-pouch on her belly, soon producing the amulets he had once been instructed to fill with magic.

"If you find it prudent I a more than willing to complete this mission first" the stallion said and looked between the amulets and the god. "I cannot say I still desire the item in question, but I am even less eager to leave debts unpaid. Should I even be denied my wish I will understand - I couldn't possibly demand anything at all from You." He watched as the dragon slipped off his back and landed in the grass between himself and the towering deity, her pale frame so small it almost disappeared completely in the yellowing vegetation. After thrashing about some until she stood on a makeshift nest of trampled and pressed down grass she left the amulets in it, looking slightly dismayed and forlorn as she regarded the glittering treasures.

Promising himself quietly that he'd have to find something pretty to give his most favorite dragon in the world, Lace soon returned his attention to the god. He wasn't even sure what he himself was hoping for; on one hand he truly wanted this ability, and on the other he would almost be more pleased if he ended up denied - it meant he wouldn't have to go through the effort of learning to control another ability he had not been born with. Either way he had a feeling that he had a difficult task ahead; not that he truly minded. It would keep him busy, keep his mind from wandering to other, less happy subjects.

ooc: Sounds fair to me, no problem at all. :)
@[God of the Earth]

Picture by Vossity

RE: Love of the leaf - God of the Earth - 08-24-2014

God of the Earth
Buried in Water and Earth

The God nodded stiffly as Lace spoke. He wasn't entirely pleased - who was to say that he would not change his mind about the magic that he was seeking now? Or perhaps the magical item was simply not powerful enough? Not cool enough, as they say? Ahh, but the God understood. Mortals lived and died so quickly, how could they not be in a constant state of flux? Changing their minds was like second nature to them. He may not agree, but at least he understood.

As the dragon, with some reluctance, dropped the amulets before him, the God smiled.
"Thank you for keeping them safe." He whispered to her fondly, as the amulets suddenly cracked, and from within began to sprout small saplings that instantly grew to a height of 4 feet. Looking to Lace, the God titled his horned head. "This is the power you would seek? Find someone with a knowledge of plants, and ask for their wisdom. You need to understand how life occurs without the aid of magic. Then plant this - " A small singular seed appeared in the air, floating towards Lace and Fajira. "- somewhere safe. You will need to bring it water, and, because the air is growing colder, you shall need to find someone who crafts using glass, and have them make a dome to cover it. Once this is done, we shall see if you have a talent for horticulture. "

(Lace must find someone with a knowledge of plants, and learn what they know about horticulture. Then he must find a place he deems safe for the seed and plant it. He must bring it water, and find someone who crafts using glass to make it a dome, to keep it warm/safe.)