HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Beloved Table Tracker - Printable Version

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Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 08-24-2014


"Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem."

die like God, on the cover of time
Image Credit

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 08-24-2014

Your character's text goes here.... "their speech goes here and this is the color

you've lost your demon.

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 08-24-2014

holding hands, skipping like a stone, on the way to see what we have done
the first to speak is the first to lie; the children cross their hearts and hope to die.

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 08-26-2014

The massive metal structure captures her within a step, her pause of motion shared with a heady stare that gleams and flickers in her rampant curiosity and lust for the strength such a thing must have. Does he move? He wears gears and joints like he must, and what a cacophony of splendor that must be! Her giggles are endless, ricocheting off of one another as she draws closer to one massive hoof, stands diminutive beneath the great shadow cast by the bronze figure.

He could smash her into nothingness, and it is beautiful.

Suddenly filled with an eagerness to meet the machinists who created such a colossus (or at least held custody of it), she dances back around to look out into the wide valley, the quiet stillness of the lake in the distance and the stench of their sweat and blood reaching her curved nostrils like ambrosia. A cry breaks her lips, slight and feminine, delicate and luring.

The cold can be forgiven. It is time to meet the one who rules the beast behind her.

"rada rada"

rust every place that I touch

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 09-23-2014

Cras dictum. Maecenas ut turpis. In vitae erat ac orci dignissim eleifend. Nunc quis justo. Sed vel ipsum in purus tincidunt pharetra. Sed pulvinar, felis id consectetuer malesuada, enim nisl mattis elit, a facilisis tortor nibh quis leo. Sed augue lacus, pretium vitae, molestie eget, rhoncus quis, elit. Donec in augue. Fusce orci wisi, ornare id, mollis vel, lacinia vel, massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Cras dictum. Maecenas ut turpis. In vitae erat ac orci dignissim eleifend. Nunc quis justo. Sed vel ipsum in purus tincidunt pharetra. Sed pulvinar, felis id consectetuer malesuada, enim nisl mattis elit, a facilisis tortor nibh quis leo. Sed augue lacus, pretium vitae, molestie eget, rhoncus quis, elit. Donec in augue. Fusce orci wisi, ornare id, mollis vel, lacinia vel, massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 09-23-2014

Cras dictum. Maecenas ut turpis. In vitae erat ac orci dignissim eleifend. Nunc quis justo. Sed vel ipsum in purus tincidunt pharetra. Sed pulvinar, felis id consectetuer malesuada, enim nisl mattis elit, a facilisis tortor nibh quis leo. Sed augue lacus, pretium vitae, molestie eget, rhoncus quis, elit. Donec in augue. Fusce orci wisi, ornare id, mollis vel, lacinia vel, massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Cras dictum. Maecenas ut turpis. In vitae erat ac orci dignissim eleifend. Nunc quis justo. Sed vel ipsum in purus tincidunt pharetra. Sed pulvinar, felis id consectetuer malesuada, enim nisl mattis elit, a facilisis tortor nibh quis leo. Sed augue lacus, pretium vitae, molestie eget, rhoncus quis, elit. Donec in augue. Fusce orci wisi, ornare id, mollis vel, lacinia vel, massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 11-30-2016

In the Valley of Death
I cast a shadow to block out the Sun
I am a monster accepting what I have become

Appearing from the shadows the glacial caverns, sentinels beneath the diamond-encrusted, ebony sky, is a wraith, her diminutive body dancing on graceful limbs that sway with a slow, cryptic cadence. Gaunt, gaunt as death would be beneath the heavy, dark draping of his cloaks, her bones are outlined through the perfect, snowy velvet of her pelt.

Even things like she cannot thrive on the darkness alone, she has discovered. Her heart writhes with pain to leave the throne of Beloved alone, but her belly gnaws with equal drive to torment her, pressing her further, further into the snow, her hooves devastating the perfect blanket with wrathful strikes. No laughter bubbles from her lips, no ghostly song or rhythmic chanting; only snarls, savage, bestial, the clicking gnash of her teeth as she seizes the very air. The Queen of Nothing is more of a wolf than woman, her displeasure at having been forced to unearth herself boundless, but her path…

It is direct.

"speech speech"

how can you look down on me
when you are buried under my feet?

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 03-27-2017

B e l o v e d

text text text  

"blah blah blah."

The ball fell in my hand, it sang
    in the closed fist: Open Open
Behold a gift designed to kill.

Image & Table by Me
Quote from Keith Douglas' How to Kill

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 03-27-2017

All earth was but one thought —
and that was Death

text text text

"blah blah blah."

Image by Thierry Ehrmann@Flickr - Code by Me
Quote from Lord Byron's Darkness

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 05-01-2017


just kill ‘em all, watch ‘em fall


they don’t know what they’ve started

Image & Code by Me

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 06-09-2017

text text text  
"blah blah blah."
strength in numbers?
I’m counting you like sheep.

images by littlewillow-art@DA - code by me

RE: Beloved Table Tracker - Beloved - 06-09-2017

go on, believe
that life's some kind of masterwork

image by littlewillow-art@DA & code by me