HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Making the rounds - Printable Version

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Making the rounds - Parelia - 09-02-2014

The mare's body twitched quietly under the large tree as she slept. The image of attacking Grizzly bears marched through her brain she could easily remember the sharp claws and flashing teeth. Twitching she dodged in her dream flapping higher above the creatures before diving after them again. For some reason her blue flames would not come; then her wings were gone as she was a normal horse flailing about in the air. Jumping her to hooves before the wingless dream mare could smash into the unforgiving ground. Shivering honey eyes gazed around her wide and frightened. The Peregrine falcon fluttered down from a tree landing lightly on her poll crooning warmly, trying to ease her fear. This wasn't the first time his bonded had awoken like this, but it was the worst so far.

Once the cremello calmed down the mare moved away from her sleeping son careful not to wake him. Once she was well out of earshot she looked towards the sky; Penna gliding easily from her head to strong withers. Soft vocals whispered quietly to him, "It's early morning, so we might as well put my fears to rest and go walk to some of the perimeter." The dream had shaken her more than she was likely to admit, it made her not want to fly. Sighing heavily she set off towards the main entrance to the World's Edge.

She doubted that there would be anyone out and about in this weak dawn light, 'Well not anyone up to any good though.' A determined grimace set firmly on her kind chiseled features. This was her home now and being a warrior meant she would have to protect it. Well have to wasn't a very good phrase to use with her. Parelia would gladly lay her life down for the herd she now called family.

"Speach" ’Thoughts’
Words: 308
OOC: Yay Pare gets to meet @[Kahlua]

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RE: Making the rounds - Kahlua - 09-03-2014

The queen slept quietly as the dawn trudged closer, her body lying in the grass close to the shattered remnants of the wall. Beside her, in her basket as it had been for the past several weeks, was the egg that had been gifted to her. In the fading moonlight and rising sunlight, it took on an eerie shimmer that only the few awake woodland creatures might appreciate. No, the Sunshower did not awaken from her sleep until the egg was nothing left but collection of shattered shell scattered in her basket and on the ground around it. Her dreams had been quiet for once, no nightmares to plague her, but the sweet serenity had been invaded by the mind of another and it jolted the queen awake.

Lifting her head suddenly, the queen looked about for some sort of intruder or equine that had joined her. She had almost, joyously, come to believe that the egg was not going to hatch, having taken so long to do so; however, when her eyes finally settled back on her basket, she found that her hopes to be shattered. In the place of the egg was an ungainly little creature, blue and feathered, small nubs of horns on his head and the beginnings of sharp claws on his feet. As her blue eyes fell upon his green, he crooned her a reptilian song, demanding her attention. As she rose to her feet, the Sunshower could only stare as she tried to process the sensation of the draconian presence that had invaded her mind.

How long she and the winged beast stared at one another was beyond measure, the queen finally interrupted from her musings as a sound nearby along the wall distracted. Quickly turning her head away, doing her best to ignore the new responsibilities that were now looming over her head (how was she even supposed to take care of a dragon!?!), the queen saw one of her warriors whom she had unfortunately been unable to meet as of yet. “Hello,” she called softly, her voice lackluster and hollow. She was supposed to love this creature, to care for it, to know it intimately and to be as connected to it as she was to her own soul. And she wanted to be happy, she really did, but all she saw as she returned her gaze to the little dragon was chains, cages, responsibilities. She closed her eyes and lifted her head to the heavens. Gods give her strength for this task, she was going to need it.

Lowering her nose, she returned her gaze to Parelia, adding, “What are you doing up so early?” All the while, she was trying so very hard to ignore the insistent press in her mind from the young dragon who was attempting to vie for her attention.

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RE: Making the rounds - Parelia - 09-05-2014

Pulling in her cream and teal wings closer to her body scared that they might just disappear like they did in the nightmare, she moved along the dilapidated glass wall. Moving her legs out in front of her athletic frame she trotted down the edge ears pricked eyes wide drawing in the early dawn light. It was a marvelous morning and she slowly began to relax enjoying the brisk morning air. It was at that wonderful time of year when the leaves began to change and the mornings and evenings were at a mild, yet still warm temperature. Sighing the mare allowed her sinew to relax and ease into the trot enjoying the movement of her stiff muscles as the limbered up. Penna took flight from her withers flying only slightly higher than his soul-mate.

A sudden sharp voice sounded within her mind causing her body to slide to a stop. 'Someone ahead.' Her sides quivered along with her nostrils. The sharp cold voice rang again, 'It me don't be scared.' A thought swam through her mind as honey brown eyes turned towards Penna whiling above. 'Penna... Are you talking to me?!' He cooed softly and landed once more upon her rump. Oh the wonders of a bond. Smiling brightly she turned her head back to nuzzle the falcon gently. Another voice rang out, this time the voice touched her ears not her intelligent mind.

Turning to the left she spotted her Queen standing over a glass basket of some sort, with something moving within. Parelia had yet to meet her Queen or King for that matter, but now was as good a time as any. Walking slowly towards the black and white mare she lowered her head politely smiling softly. "Queen Kahlua it's a pleasure to meet you on this amazing morning, My name is Parelia. I am at your service." Bowing low Penna peered with sharp black eyes over her back at the mare and her new dragon. 'I get food for baby.' Confused she lifted her body back up honey eyes found the tiny feathery dragon peering out at his bonded. "Oh Miss Kahlua, congratulations on your new bonded! It sure is handsome!" She smiled brightly at her Queen taking in the height difference between them casually sizing her up. "I hope it is ok, but Penna flew off to catch your new bonded something to eat. I hate to seem rude, but what kind of creature is it?" Feeling slightly embarrassed by all of her chatter she lowered her head once again gazing quietly up at the painted lady.

The mare's question brought forth her bubbly voice once more, "I uh, couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake my son, Ilios so I decided it would be a good time to patrol the borders." The cremello dove did not want to tell anyone about the terrifying dream she had just experienced. Standing silently now she watched her Queen and noticed how she didn't even seem to want to look at her new soul-mate. ’How odd, when Penna hatched I didn't want to take my eyes off of him. He was, and still is, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.' Instead of asking the question that was burning her tongue she shifted her weight nervously and gazed at the pair of them.

"Speach" ’Thoughts’ 'Penna'
Words: 558
OOC: Way to go for mind speech and new companions!

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RE: Making the rounds - Kahlua - 09-11-2014

“Parelia, it’s so nice to finally learn your name,” the queen responded, finding a smile crossing her face as she said it. It felt good to smile, to really smile, to feel the muscles on her cheeks crease, the skin around her eyes wrinkle, to feel happy instead of… confusion? Fear? Apathy? It didn’t matter what she had been feeling. She actually felt… ok. So, as the falcon flew off to retrieve food for the babe, something Kahlua had entirely neglected to think about, she nickered softly and bobbed her head. “Thank you. He’s a… dragon.” Her voice was soft, slow, awe filled. She had been denying the connection, trying to avoid it, afraid of the chains and the weight, but there was something about saying it… How many others had she seen sad about their companions? How many had been ruined? How many were chained and confined? None that she could count. Maybe… maybe it wasn’t so bad.

Turning her head back to the little beast, as he began to claw his way across the basket in which he had hatched, she listened to Parelia’s story and tried to figure out what emotions she was feeling. It was strange, so much to consider, so much to ponder, so much to understand. And she just didn’t even know where to begin. Sitting still was difficult, at best, so instead she lowered her head to let the little beast crawl up her mane and onto her withers, where he could sit in peace. Then, she began to walk, nodding to Parelia to come along. “Well don’t let me stop your patrol then,” she added, her voice drifting back to that strange tone she had carried at first.

“It sounds like you love your son very much,” she started, the thought of the child dragging up a problem she had been sitting on for many weeks, unsure of what to do and how to handle herself. “Do you love the father as well?” Subtlety had never been one of the queen’s finer qualities anyways. She had a question and she needed an answer, because she needed to know what love was to others. She had to know, so that she could find out if love was ever anything other than chains and walls and responsibilities and confinement and cages. She had to know, because every day she didn’t know she broke her heart and Kaj’s heart more. And now the little dragon beast as well, for could she truly love him while she still thought of love as an anchor rather than an asset? Perhaps Parelia would have an answer for her- nobody else seemed to.

@[Parelia]- bah, sorry so slow!
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RE: Making the rounds - Parelia - 09-20-2014

The cremello smiled softly up at her Queen, the friend of her friends. ’Maybe we can be friends like Alysanne and Brisa are. She wondered vaguely as she waited quietly while the sun slowly drew colors of pink and purple across the sky. The air was warming slowly, but the mare was sure it would hold a crispness to it that meant only one thing: winter. She wasn't ready for winter yet, that meant her son was becoming much to old, he was already seven months old. Her body sagged slightly under the horrible realization. Shoving the thought away the warrior mare turned back to her Queen, nodding her head slightly. As the smile crawled across Kahlua's face she found her own light lips turning up again. It was good to not allow her to think of her wrecked relationship and of her only son growing up.

Parelia marveled at the feeling of the hunt that Penna was sharing with her. It was so odd that she felt even closer to him now they could speak. It didn't have to be guessing game between them anymore, they could talk out situations now. Smiling softly honey eyes found the Falcon gliding easily through the air towards them. The was a fat mouse clutched in his talons, 'Hope is enough.' She chuckled softly and turned back to watch the young dragon, as her Queen described. Penna fluttered towards the glass basket being careful not to hit it or push the painted mare to far. He attempted to drop the rodent inside the basket before swerving back to his soul-mate. He landed with a chirp upon her withers smiling in his birdy way.

The pair watched quietly as the small feathery dragon climbed into his bonded's mane. Tilting her chiseled head the mare watched her Queen trot off. Hastening to catch up she cantered easily until she was matching Kahlua's gait. Her words drew forth a soft and motherly smile to her muzzle. "Yes I do love Ilios very much; he is my world. To be honest I always thought mare's were crazy saying their foals meant everything to them, until I had my own anyway." She chuckled softly before the subject slipped to Ciceron. Pain stabbed at her heart, the mask she had so carefully been crafting shattered at her hooves. Walking silently for a few moments her heart heavier than a mountain. When she spoke again her voice was ragged breaking here and there,""I... I do love his father very much...." Well trained anger drowned out that pain in her voice and the tears in her eyes, "Clearly he doesn't love me as much as his new position within the Hidden Falls." Penna cooed softly plucking gently at his love's short teal and cream mane trying to ease her pain.

"I'm sorry Miss Kahlua, let me explain. Ciceron and I met when the wraiths were about. He helped me discover my fire magic and how to control it, well mostly." Unable to control it a pained laugh squirmed out from between her teeth. "Once the land was cleared of the twisted, we found out we were both of the Windtossed Foothills. Our love grew into the form of a child." A lump formed within her throat making it hard to breath or swallow. "I did not feel safe among the, excuse my word choice please, crazies. I wanted to leave the day Ilios was born, and clearly I did. I have friends here, Dragomir, Brisa, and Alysanne for instance, and I knew they might be able to at least help us." Her heart was shattered again all the duct tape burned away by the intense heartache. "I told Ciceron we were leaving, but he just let us go, and it was only because of our companions that we met not to long again. I was sure he was going to leave the Falls and be with us again, but he has not..." Vocals were cut off by a heavy sob. Parelia tried to cover it with a cough, not wanting to show this kind of weakness to the leader.

"Speach" ’Thoughts’ 'Penna'
Words: 688
OOC: I have no idea where all this muse came from!

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RE: Making the rounds - Kahlua - 09-26-2014

Though he had eagerly climbed upon the queen’s back, the dragon babe was just as ready to jump back down to earth as the falcon dropped a mouse in the basket that would quickly become his home away from home. A happy chortle flew from his mouth as the draconian babe tottered slowly back towards the glass creation. Kahlua watched him with half a watchful eye, but she did not try to stop him or reign him in. She knew nothing of parenting or boundaries and knew even less of what was important and what was not in raising a child. She had been so alone when she had been growing… whatever guidance she had been offered, it was probably all bad advice anyways.

Collecting his prize as the two mares began to walk off, Khan scampered back up to the queen and pawed at her leg as if to ask her to let him climb aboard again. However, she was not so keen on letting the little beast eat his fill of mouse upon her back, so she shook her head and let him alternately walk and stop to eat while she chatted on with Parelia. Honestly, the queen rather liked the mare’s easy voice and found herself disappointed she hadn’t made more time for the warrior before this. Ah, but then there were so many in the herd it was difficult to find them for each and every one. But find time she would, given the chance.

As for asking about the father, the painted woman almost felt sorry for what she had asked. Was it fair of her to ask Parelia to describe her pain, to dredge up memories she would rather not think about? Perhaps not, and yet… how would the queen ever learn about love and what it could mean if she didn’t ask? “Oh, Parelia,” she cooed softly as Parelia claimed Ciceron loved his position more than his family. However, she quieted herself to listen to the story that her warrior had to tell.

At least in her sadness, Parelia could find ways to laugh. Still, by the time Parelia had finished listing the names of her friends, Kahlua was reaching out to the side to press her nose against the mare’s shoulder if she was allowed. The queen couldn’t stand the thought of Parelia’s pain. “I’m so, so sorry,” she added, wondering what would make him stay so far away. She decided to add her own story. “It doesn’t excuse him, but maybe he’s afraid…” She didn’t and couldn’t know, of course, but she knew her own story as well as any other.

“My parents were… distant.” Distant was an understatement, of course, but better than explaining that they were the king and queen of darkness. There was no need for the Sunshower queen to mar her good name with everyone that she came across. “Their love was strained and scary sometimes. I never learned anything except that love was something to be avoided.” A gentle frown fell across her lips as she turned back to look at the little dragon who was still alternately chewing and walking. “I’m sure with time he can come around… and of course we’d be happy to have him.” But the poor queen, as much as she wanted to help, was pretty useless. She didn’t even know how to fix herself, how could she fix Parelia’s problems?

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RE: Making the rounds - Parelia - 10-09-2014

The cream painted lady sighed heavily her breath shaking softly as she fought to press her emotions back down. 'Let out. Not good hold back.' Penna's voice was soft as his own heart re-broke for the other half of his soul. Carefully the falcon rubbed his sharp beaked head against Parelia's warm elegant neck trying his hardest to ease her suffering. He had come into her life not long before he had become pregnant with Ilios. In those days she had been happy and full of life, but now she seemed older with the weight of a broken heart and responsibility. How was he supposed to help her, besides be there to support and love her. But how much did the love of one that is connected to you count? Sighing so his tiny chest heaved the bird looked over at the Queen almost pleading her to help his bonded. The he noticed the poor baby dragon forced to walk and eat at the same time. This changed his look from pleading to sharp. He was offended by the treatment of the newly hatched creature, but he kept the thoughts to himself, or as much as he could.

Parelia looked into the Queen's stunning blue eyes her own honey orbs swimming. She was stunned that Kahlua was so easy to talk to, how had the mare wriggled into her deepest feelings so easily. Smiling sheepishly at the black and white she blinked rapidly clearing her gaze of tears. She embraced the Queen's tender muzzle by reaching back with her own trying to touch it softly against her neck. It was nice to have someone to listen to her own heartache, even if she might not understand. Parelia didn't want to upset others, but she had to get it off her chest. Nodding softly as she pulled back her own soft voice rang again, "Maybe he is..."

As Kahlua spoke again small ears pricked up catching every word. The teal streaked mare understood immediately how much it hurt not to have parents. She waited till she was done speaking for allowing her voice to swim out again, "I know how it feels to grow up without parents. Mine died when I was very young..." She didn't explain how her mother had been attacked and ripped to pieces by wolves, or how her father had jumped from a cliff to end his suffering. "Love is a strange and double edged sword. You can love someone until it hurts, but I promise it is the best hurt in the world. Even if you do not know it, and stop me if I am crossing borders here, but you love our family. I love you for being my leader, even if I do not know you that well, you are my sister." A warm smile covered her face, making her eyes sparkle softly. "You can learn to love if you love yourself, your friends, and your extended family." Reaching out again trying to touch her neck again softly. "Maybe our love will over come his fear or whatever he is feeling, but until then I will throw heart to my family, that includes you." Her words were real really than even she realized.

"Speach" ’Thoughts’ 'Penna'
Words: 539
OOC: So many feelings!

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RE: Making the rounds - Kahlua - 10-26-2014

Watching the obvious bond between Parelia and Penna was touching to Kahlua, as the falcon rubbed his beak against the mare’s neck to ease her through what must have been a difficult conversation. If only she had known what the bird’s look to her had truly meant. Would she have been able to explain the way that she feared chains the same way that she feared death? What had she said to Thranduil? To take her freedom was to kill her. So standing here now, looking back at the blue and seeing him tumble after her when he was not preoccupied with chewing, the queen could feel the tendrils of hell coming up to wrap around her fetlocks, to hold her close to the ground, and then pull her under. She was a pegasus without its wings, a sighthound without his eyes, a singer without her voice. Having that kind of heartbreak shoved upon her in one day… well, it was a lot to deal with.

At least Kahlua was glad that her reaching out had not offended Parelia, and that the mare had welcomed her touch with a touch of her own. And as the pair walked down the line of the shattered wall, she loved that they were sharing stories and growing closer than they had been. She had found little time to get to know some of the newer members of the Edge and she remembered her own disappointment at having been ignored by Mirage for so long. Silently, she made a note to seek out more of the residents who called this forest home.

“I’m so sorry,” she cooed softly as Parelia replied, speaking of her own parents and past. The queen knew how painful it could be to dredge up such memories, to pull them from the shadows where they were kept hidden away from the world. She thought Parelia brave for being willing to speak of it at all. And honestly, the advice was more than welcome. So she listened, because everyone’s opinion was important and though she had not asked the question allowed it seemed that the new warrior had been intuitive enough to see it on her face and give her the words she had not known she had needed.

“You’re wise,” she commented when Parelia had finished speaking, mulling over the words she had offered. “I think you must be brave, too,” she added, accepting the other’s touch and returning it slowly, thoughtfully. “You’ve opened your heart in the face of love, even though you seem to know how frightening it can be. I’ve…” she frowned, only because it was hard to admit weakness even for the painted queen. “I’ve been weak. I’ve been running from love.” From Kaj, from the little blue that followed her now. Stopping for a moment, she turned back, seeing the dragon finish the final portion of the meal he had been provided, and in that moment she tried to be brave.

Lowering her nose to the ground, she waited until he caught up to her and then allowed him to crawl up her mane and neck to her withers. When she lifted her head again, he was settled there upon her back, claws digging uncomfortably into her flesh but his weight a gentle presence. “I think I’ll call him Khan,” she admitted with a gentle upturn of her mouth, eyes looking towards Parelia’s for some sort of acceptance. It seemed so important in the moment. This was difficult for her, to open her heart to the feathered blue, but maybe it would be worth it. Then she continued to walk on, mindful of Parelia’s duties that she was interrupting in the early morning.

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RE: Making the rounds - Parelia - 11-04-2014

The winged mare sighed softly as the pair moved quietly passed the broken glass wall. Trying to ease the pain shifting through her body the mare gazed quietly at the shattered glass. It reminded her of the pleasant weight on the joints of her wings. She had almost forgotten about them, how often did she look at her scar covered sides? At the thought of her small amount of armor the teal streaked dove turned her head slightly to look at them. It was funny how something so aesthetically pleasing was actually for protection. Penna too turned to gaze at the turquoise embedded in flame etched glass shielding his bonded's beautiful wings. He under stood why she wanted such a thing, but he still thought it was odd how they did not encumber her flight. Magic was a very interesting thing indeed that included Parelia's own fire magic. Fluffing his feathers out the falcon looked down at his bonded's pretty face trying to draw a smile forth. Lucky for him honey eyes rolled up to see his puffed up face causing a giant smile to spread, if only briefly, over her face.

After saying her own parents had died she looked up as the Queen's kind words whispered against her eardrums. Instead of saying anything the creme girl dipped her head slightly and smiled kindly. Little did the Queen know Parelia was growing closer to the painted lady, enjoying the trust she felt pounding through her veins. This was the closest she had ever felt to another mare, ever since... Shaking her head trying to pass it off as a fly buzzing around her face.

Her lady's next words drew her up short, causing her mouth to drop open slightly. She eyes grew wide with embarrassment. She felt shy and blessed all at once. Even so the mare held her leader's eyes soaking in every last word she had to say. Once she was done speaking Parelia gaped for a moment struggling for words. They jumped to her mouth without even thinking about them. "Kahlua, you are not weak for fearing love. You would only be weak if you did not embrace your fear. Fear is a natural and interesting emotion, ingrained very deeply into each of us." She relished at her Lady's kind touch before continuing, "Love is terrifying, but you find a way to over come it when you meet the right people worthy of your affection." She smiled softly gazing into her eyes encouragingly. "If you ever need anything personal, or herd, help please do not hesitate to ask. I will always listen or even fight for you and our family."

Penna and Parelia smiled as they watched the little feathery blue dragon climb onto his bonded's back. Parelia watched the tiny dragon and spoke softly, "I don't know about you, but I know Penna's talons did a number on my withers and rump for a while. It gets better though I promise." Her eyes were warm and she leaned her muzzle towards the newborn gazing at him closely. he was a handsome little fellow with two tiny horns and handlebar mustache. Fighting back a laugh at her outlandish thought the mare's warm voice sounded again, "That is a lovely name. it's a pleasure to meet you sir Khan." Penna chirped his agreement before they all continued on their way around the glass wall.

"Speach" ’Thoughts’ 'Penna'
Words: 567
Notes: Sorry it took so long! <3

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RE: Making the rounds - Kahlua - 11-09-2014

If there was embarrassment on Parelia’s face, the queen did not see it or notice it. Her own eyes were busy, as the pair’s had been just a few moments ago, studying the armor that protected the mare’s wings. It was beautiful, though the queen thought it rather a shame that armor was needed at all. Someday, when Helovia had finally found itself at peace, there would be no need for such things. Until that time, though, she understood why there must be warriors. There were always threats and darkness, whispers around corners and trees, daring to reach their inky fingers out when it was least expected.

Parelia’s words suddenly drew her back from her musings on peace and evil and slowly Kahlua’s eyes drifted back towards the warrior’s face. The words were timely, important even, and the Sunshower found herself thinking over them. Embracing fear? Is that what she was doing? Somehow she wasn’t sure. It still felt an awful lot like she was running away from it, pushing it into the shadows and pretending it didn’t exist when she could. And yet, at the same time, perhaps Parelia had a point. She had been asking others about it, trying to learn, trying to educate herself and understand what she was going through. Was she really as strong as this warrior woman implicated? Maybe there was more to her than she had dared think…

Slowly, though, the conversation shifted, to the needs of the herd. She had been listening to the advice of her council, to the advice of her king, and Parelia’s statement was actually rather timely. “Actually, there is something,” she murmured softly before being distracted. It was so easy for her addled mind to shift and sway through the breeze like the willow’s branches. “His claws do hurt a bit,” she admitted, hoping that Parelia was right in that it would get better. As for Khan himself, the newborn opened his mouth at her advance, making some sort of strange squeaking noise that might be more terrifying as he grew older but for now only sounded absurd. Somehow, though, Kahlua could tell that it was a happy noise. “He likes you.” She said curiously, wondering how she seemed to know it. The idea of an emotional bond with a companion was almost foreign to her- she had never bothered to ask.

“Anyways,” she said, suddenly remembering that she had been about to speak about something else. “I was wondering… I know you’re very happy here as a warrior, and it seems you do your job very well, but the herd actually does need some help.” Frowning for just a moment about Aaron’s step down from crafting, needing time to learn about himself as an individual, she carried on. “Our Glazier Dragomir is sorely overworked… Only if you’re interested of course, but would you… would you be interested in being Glazier with him. The moon goddess is lovely, she lets you create such wonderful things…” Her eyes danced slowly back towards where they had come from, searching for her glass basket, but it was lost in the woods and the shrubs. “I was glazier once,” she added, motioning to the shattered wall. That had been her creation, her grand achievement, so long ago. Perhaps one day, as queen, she could find a different way to make such a difference for her herd.

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RE: Making the rounds - Parelia - 11-10-2014

Honey eyes caught the Queen's gaze shifting over her armor, but the distaste for their need didn't register with the cremello painted mare. It would never have crossed her mind to think that something that could save, even a small part of you, was a bad thing. Yes war was a very nasty affair, but it was in their nature to fight. Fighting would always be a terrible and honorable part of their reality, and the sooner that was embraced the better everyone would be. It had to be somewhere in the Queen's mind or else she would not have an army at her beck and call. Bright eyes gazed quietly at her painted lady for a moment before shifting away to the rest of the area. Life itself was a beautiful and horrible battle in it's own right, no matter how you look at it. Everyone always found themselves fighting for something, for someone, or even against yourself. The winged mare quiet the words quietly to herself as she gazed around at their stunning home.

Words of something she could do to help her family drew ears forward eagerly, willing to do anything for her family. Kahlua seemed to think better of her idea as her words shifted back to the tiny blue dragon upon her back. 'Wait she say.' Penna's voice was cool and confident within her own disappointing mind. Pushing the thoughts away the dove smiled slightly as she watched the feathery Khan. A chiming giggle bubbled from warm soft lips as the tiny chirp was expelled from a mouth full of sharp teeth. As Kahlua spoke again Parelia smiled and allowed her own words to spill forth, "I like to to Khan. I know you're a cute little fuzz ball now, but one day you might send me running scared with the mighty roar." Penna chipped in his two cents with a screech of agreement.

As the black and white spoke again tiny ears pricked again. 'Told you.' 'Oh hush silly Falcon.' Their words were playful and loving as the Queen continued. It was killing her to stand quietly and wait for whatever was coming. If she didn't know any better Parelia would have thought that she was being demoted ot shoved out, but why would Kahlua do that? She hadn't done anything to make her family not need her, but the frown on her kind face drew more worry to her soul. For the second time since meeting her Queen the winged girl was in shock. She was being asked to take such a valuable job? She knew she hadn't done anything bad, but what had she done to deserve this great prize? Frowning in concentration thinking over the offer she closed her eyes as she conferred silently with Penna.

After a few minutes her dished head lowered in a bow, "I would be honored to work along side Dragomir." As her dome rose up slowly the smile upon her face was dazzling. All her life she had struggled to help others, to make something of herself. Here was her chance to do something much better than just fighting. "I would like to still be allowed to spar, if that isn't to much to ask? I want to be able to serve my family if a battler ever breaks out here." It was easy for the confident mare to gaze into the lady's orbs as she awaited a response before asking her other questions. "How do I go about speaking to our Goddess, should I find Dragomir and make sure he is ok with this? I mean... I don't want him to feel like he is getting pushed out..." For the first time since this conversation had begun she felt nervous. How was she supposed to talk to the Moon Goddess anyway?

"Speach" ’Thoughts’ 'Penna'
Words: 637
Notes: Thank you so much for this amazing oppertunity! It means a long! <3

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