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Unforgiven - Printable Version

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Unforgiven - Cera - 09-11-2014

Ivory bars over blackened cells
Judging eyes in the distance
Shades of grey and deserted family

Basin: 0/4
Edge: 0/3
Falls: 0/2

RE: Unforgiven - Illynx - 09-11-2014

Illynx defends her little Aithniel.

Ivory bars over blackened cells ---> she's white with black points
Judging eyes in the distance ---> her profile says that she is completely judgmental and holds herself higher above others, distancing herself from everyone
Shades of grey and deserted family ---> she doesn't believe in shades of grey, her body is shades of grey, and her mom abandoned her as an egg

RE: Unforgiven - Midas - 09-11-2014

Midas is watchful and well defended

Ivory bars over blackened cells - He is a paint, mostly black and white.
Judging eyes in the distance - Midas is defensive and watchful of his family and friends. Often he is the one to greet travelers. Midas also harbors a dislike for Basin folk and can be judgmental of their actions.
Shades of grey and deserted family - He was mated for a short time to the leader of the grey, and he left his family to heed the calling of Earth at Hidden Falls.

RE: Unforgiven - Quilyan - 09-12-2014

"Not today, young Diviner," Quilyan says with a smirk.
Ktulu is safe.

Ivory bars over blackened cells
Appearance ref: white barring on legs.

Judging eyes in the distance
Personality ref: profile says she is judging.

Shades of grey and deserted family
History ref: leader of the grey.

RE: Unforgiven - Cera - 09-15-2014

Cera turns away from Illynx and Midas to face Quilyan. "You're keen, my friend."

Ktulu was sought via the alliance training. All clues were spot on!