HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Raise Your Weapons {Herd Warning} - Printable Version

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Raise Your Weapons {Herd Warning} - Cera - 09-21-2014

Trepidation coursed through the veins of the young stallion pacing the sands, a shimmer of sweat clinging to the lean muscle of the athletic male as he scuffed the sands beneath the heat of the sun. Images were burned into his mind, of a falling pegasus dying on an island of peace, drawn in smoke and clinched in fateful truth by the intervention of his Lord. There was no doubting the sudden drop of flames, the smoldering of the coals, the prickle of warm magic against every fiber and hair on Cera's body. Worry gnawed at his heart, knowing the time of peace was shattering, fracturing beneath the weight of Helovia like splintering ice too thin for treading. And like naive children, they were unaware, skating along and believing the ice to hold them forever. Oblivious to the impending fracture, the submersion into piercingly frigid waters. Cera only wanted to save them from such a fate.

How could he? There was no manual, no list of instructions on how to handle a problem he couldn't even specify. There was only the deep sense of wrongness, the same feeling that had driven him to the shrine in search of his Lord's guidance in the first place. Rushing from the shrine had only led him to such train of thought, forcing him to stop and think. Instinct had driven him away, claiming his forethoughts and demanding he defend, protect. But from what was he supposedly protecting his family from? Teeth ground in a temporary fit of frustration at his own lack of knowledge, of certainty. Yet the pervading feeling of wrong, wrong, danger! Simply wouldn't go away. The sign of his Lord could not go unspoken, unnoticed. This was his duty, his calling, and he would not abandon post over his own insecurities over the lack of well-rounded explanation. It was a warning, and Cera would heed it.

The rocky outcrop had been the gathering point for years, entire cycles of life that Cera had not been present to witness, not even a thought in his forebearer's minds. It was meant to gather the herd, to lift the leaders upon a natural throne. It was a position that had been assumed by others, and that early afternoon it was Cera who placed his hooves upon the soil and hoisted himself up onto the ledge. Lifting head to the sky he brayed out, as powerfully as his little lungs could manage, screaming into the air with a permeating note of urgency. Calling his people, any who cared to show their faces. His Sultanas, their soldiers, the healers and the citizens. Everyone. The word had to be spread, and he would rather speak once than tell the story twice after informing his Sultanas. If it was as urgent as he believed it to be, he could not hesitate, could not fear the potential reprimand at calling the herd when he was a simple Diviner.

Awaiting their arrival was perhaps the hardest part, but Cera knew the problem was not as urgent as an impending invasion perhaps. It was no immediate threat or danger, something to be beaten off or defended against. Yet he could not shake the feeling that something was off, and it only mounted his anxiety. As soon as they gathered he began to speak, nerves jittering even as his stance was calm and sure. He would not fail his people.

"The God of the Sun has sent me a warning. He has shown me a terrible occurrence, and I do not doubt the urgency of his images. There has been a death, an unnatural death, upon the Caela Insula. It is of enough importance to involve the Gods. Our island of peace may no longer be such, I cannot guarantee how safe it will be much longer. What do you propose we do?" His voice rang out to encircle those gathered, worry knitting his brow despite the firm hold of his shoulders. The prospect of a murder had not escaped his mind, but he was hesitant to voice it without evidence from the God of the Sun to back it up. Perhaps it did not seem so urgent when voiced as it was, but Cera was suddenly itching to ban all travel to the island, if only for the sake of his people.

Potentially Interested Parties: @[Gaucho], @[Hector], @[Lace]

I'll protect you till the day I'll meet my maker, so don't fight me now 'cause you might need me later
I am Ceraaaa
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RE: Raise Your Weapons {Herd Warning} - Ampere - 09-21-2014

If Ampere had any sense of politics and the finesse of herd life, she would have question Cera's self appointed rise to the rock and his bellowing, commanding call that came from it. She would have wondered at his authority to summon and direct the herd, and more importantly, the wisdom behind it when it seemed he was only there to spread panic, such was the rushed way he spoke without solution to finish it. She even would have called into question what disrespect he must have for his leads to not only surpass their chain of command (another method of wreaking havoc), but to assume telling them directly and letting them handle it was not favorable. It called to mind that if Cera doubted his leads, should they all? It begged the question that if he could break rank, could they all?

Fortunately, Ampere had not even a single one of these thoughts pounding through her mind as she glided towards the beckoning cry. It was one thing she did not miss about herd life, having to drop whatever it is you were doing to scuttle to attention for some meeting or another. It was probably good that one occurred after just recently returning, killing her wild habits before they had time to put down their roots here. This was a call she knew could not be ignored.

Settling before the painted boy with a soft spray of sand, Ampere wracked her brain for his name. She was awful with name. Though she did somewhat recognize him, from when their positions had been reversed. She couldn't remember her feelings about him though, so decided to simply sit and listen. Her wings folded against her backside, and even a back toe cocked in preparation for the long winded speeches often associated with these events. Yet she shed her causality after he'd finished what he said, her feathers fluffing in alarm that was aided by the urgency in his voice and the almost desperate sound of his final question.

"What kind of unnatural death?" Ampere called out strongly from the gathering, her blue eyes stern as she turned them upon him. Death was a sorry, albeit inevitable fate for them all. However something like murder was not simply sad, it was wrong - to take the ultimate freedom of someone, their life, was a crime worth the worst punishments. Sometimes death was its own freedom, but not when given by the hooves of another without permission.

I knew that place was too good to be true, Ampere thought hotly, glancing towards the floating rock which now seemed suddenly ominous.


RE: Raise Your Weapons {Herd Warning} - Gaucho - 09-21-2014

The only trouble with such a call - that perhaps with a little age and practice Cera would learn - was that waiting was the important part. Had he rephrased his words already once to Ampere, as he would have to rephrase them once more for the WildFire? How many times would his words be repeated and altered before all who would eventually come, had? No gold-boy, Gaucho would say if there were time. Call, then wait. Wait for all to arrive before speak.

Having returned from yet another spar meant to condition the former-Sultan into the battle-ready form he was used to, Gaucho's dark body was covered in a dense layer of sweat. Foam lingered between his thighs and chest, as sweat literally dripped from his wing joints and ears. The dark patches around his eyes were made even darker with the effort he had obviously exerted only recently, though he looked better for it. Bruises and perspiration always seemed to highlight Gaucho's features, rather than detract from them.

The sight of Ampere and Cera below made the WildFire who, was planning on paroling, concerned. Having heard Cera's call upon the wind, but none of the subsequent conversation, the dun dipped down from the skies to elegantly land near the two.

Ampere and Cera. Both deserved much from him by way of explanation. How much did they know? Had Ampere heard of his return? Had Cera heard of his visit to the Sun God? Surely the blazing markings that now adorned his antlers were an indication that something had changed, but would the boy know what? As his fire-laced wings folded neatly to his soaked flanks, his stormy gaze passed firmly upon each of them.

There was much to be said, but it would wait. Gaucho's faith in the golden boy was unwavering, but even so, he found it difficult to pull his eyes from the Blue. Lingering there, his steely gaze hungrily and with an obvious intimacy scanned her form. Snorting gently, as if to try and distract himself, the WildFire's eyes sought out Ampere's. He remembered everything now - the darkness, the caves, the wraiths. Ampere's insistence that there were intruders at their door.... that was when the beckoning had begun. Could it be that she had something to do with it ... ?

In his antlers amidst the glow of the Sun God's markings, Mara hissed. Women were such an easy distraction for his primitive mind, but her concern and attention was with Cera. Rocking side to side to fully pull Gaucho from his mesmerized state by shaking his blocky head, she mentally reminded him of why he had landed.

Snorting again, he decisively shifted his gaze to Cera - a gaze which was no longer hostile as it had been before, but instead was filled with recognition. Gaucho nodded slightly to the boy, out of respect and remembrance. "Cera." He began, his voice even and strong. "Why you call?"

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RE: Raise Your Weapons {Herd Warning} - Sohalia - 09-23-2014

The Transcended. That was what they called her now, a title that never failed to equally amuse and amaze her. How had she gone so far, risen so high? How had she become so strong? As she grazed peacefully beneath a palm near the gently rippling waters of their oasis, she wondered - where had it started, the title? Who had first thought to call her something special, who had thought to pass it on? Why Transcended? Was that what others thought of her?

If that were true, then she was blessed, indeed.

Cera's call broke through her tranquility, creating a note of discord in her mind. Astraeus, sensing her discomfort, spiraled from the skies above to land carefully amongst the fronds of the tall palm. -Danger?- he asked, sparks raining down on his bonded below. I don't know, shekhikhi. Let us find out. And so they took to the skies; Astraeus glided into the air, while his bonded used several cantering steps to launch herself over the water, a few strong thrusts all that she needed to gain enough momentum to carry her to the small crowd in which Cera stood.

The individuals surrounding the Diviner took her by surprise, though on second thought, she supposed it was normal enough. Still, she could not help but tense at the sight of Ampere and Gaucho standing in the same general location, for despite her newfound respect for the blue, a small part of her refused to trust her one-time rival. As she landed, she could not help the suspicion that flickered briefly in her orbs, though she glanced down until she was sure she had herself under control. Despite Astraeus's irritable sparking and grumbling, she was not one to assign blame without proof.

He loves me, she told her lightning-bird firmly. Astraeus made a noise somewhere between a growl and a crow, a sound of utter dismay. She could almost imagine his eyes rolling as he landed on her withers, pricking her with his talons. You did that on purpose, she accused. He merely settled snugly against her spine.

"Gaucho, Ampere," she greeted them each with a nod, opting to avoid being too personal in favor of retaining her strength as a leader. Still, she could not help but settle herself beside Gaucho, her folded wing skimming the edge of his. It was a very clear claim, though it did not detract from the situation at hand. Her voice calm, she instructed gently, "Cera, you bear news from the Sun God? Please, tell us all that you know. We cannot act without information."

"Talk talk talk."
you give up your soul till you break down;
subtlepatterns.com | foxyfirewings & larfsalot @ deviantart.com

RE: Raise Your Weapons {Herd Warning} - Cera - 10-12-2014

They come, his lips trembling with the need to instill in them the danger he can feel in his very bones. It takes them far too long, but he calms himself, knowing that his anxiety makes him impatient with the desire to protect and warn. They come, and he can see in their eyes how they regard him; a child, unfit for the rocky outcrop he stands upon. An annoyance, out of line, out of thought. He doesn't let it infect him, as much as it desires to, hovering above his skin like a needle with a promise of disdain and anger. Instead, he sucks in deep the air around him, filling his lungs and calming the thudding pulse of his heart. If he is to show them that he can be respected, can be trusted, he cannot be seen as a panicking foal with a blabbering tongue. "The God of the Sun has sent me a warning. He has shown me a terrible occurrence, and I do not doubt the urgency of his images. There has been a death, an unnatural death, upon the sky island. It is of enough importance to involve the Gods. Our island of peace may no longer be such, I cannot guarantee how safe it will be much longer."

Ampere's voice comes from the small crowd, and Cera momentarily aches for the massive herd he had once known, the giant family he'd been part of. "Images are not so easy to discern. What I can assume, is this cannot be a natural death, for the Gods do not find concern nor fear in the natural order. Even in a simpler kind of murder." Odd though it was to call it such, it was truth. Murders happened often, and the Gods never got involved. "The sky island was of importance. The pegasus was slain upon it. I doubt it is of a celestial sort, or the Gods themselves would fight this. A pegasus does not fall from the sky, spine first, to die upon an island of peace. There is something sinister happening to the island. I cannot in good faith tell our kin that it is safe there any longer. Not when the Gods have pressed the importance of the setting upon me." The image of the island in the embers appearing first could not leave Cera's mind.

Please read carefully, Cera waited for all to arrive before speaking. It's disheartening to have to reword my posts because it's overlooked! ^^ I restated the majority of what Cera said in his first post, but elaborated to include some of the questions.

I'll protect you till the day I'll meet my maker, so don't fight me now 'cause you might need me later
I am Ceraaaa

RE: Raise Your Weapons {Herd Warning} - Ampere - 10-13-2014

She knew he would come. She knew, and yet it did not make his arrival any easier to bear. Whatever mental fortification plans she'd been building fell away once Cera's message was delivered, but they crumbled even further under the heavy stare of the WildFire. She could feel him looking at her, heavy, and warm, like a ball of lead rolling from the barrel of a gun - and just as dangerous.

Ampere had always been stupidly attracted to danger.

For a moment she turned her head to meet his gaze, and hold it. She didn't know why, maybe to prove she could, to dare him to continue, or maybe just because she was weak and couldn't resist any longer - it had been so long since she last saw him, maybe it was different now.
The movement was small, but it disturbed the wind-knotted mess of a mane that lay on either side of her neck. Through its dark and wiry haze her vibrant eyes shot out, latching onto his, drowning in the blue flint he wore.

Sohalia arrived.

The Transcended's body positioned itself like a white shield over her dark guilt. Her angel, covering up her devil. The pale feathers claimed him, and though Ampere wanted to clutch onto him longer, but he was gone, and she turned away.
Best that she did, it made it easier to hide the wetness that had begun to gather in her lashes. It was not for their union that she burned cold, nor for her lack thereof with him - it was that he had not changed, as she had hoped. He was the same as he was in the caves the day she hated him. The snake hung on his antlers like a red A B burned into his forehead.

Thankfully Cera took time to repeat himself, so Ampere was able to compose herself and actually listen as he went into more detail. The knowledge of it all set her a bit on edge, but she wasn't sure what to make of it, and Gaucho still pulled int he back of her thoughts, distracting her, especially when he was so close. Still, she could not ignore this matter. Cera was right, the gods would not be involved if it was a simple affair. "We should send a crew to investigate," Ampere suggested, not really knowing what to do but needing to do something. "Of warriors," she added in, aware that safety was key, but so was intel.


RE: Raise Your Weapons {Herd Warning} - Gaucho - 10-16-2014

The light from his antlers caused a warm glow to dance and play in the WildFire's otherwise steely gaze, as he returned Ampere's pointed look. He could feel the sexual tension that had surrounded and enveloped them so easily and completely in the caves begin to creep back into his mind, flooding and filling whatever holes they could find, distilling his thoughts.

Enter the Transcended.

If there should have been some uncomfortable tension at having both Ampere and Sohalia close to him, he did not feel it. The entirety of his focus was now upon Cera. His flaming wings ruffled slightly as Sohalia made contact; a subconscious movement that suggested this sort of greeting occurred often between the two. Even though Gaucho's mind was distracted, his body still returned her greeting affectionately.

His dark ears flickered as Cera spoke, his face a stoic mask. That a pegasus had died ... was that an act against the Throat? His mind instantly moved to the Basin, and the Invasion from seasons past. Was this their doing? Vaguely he thought of Thranduil, the trickster, and the lies he had woven. Gaucho already owed him a visit, to repay him for his kindness when the dun's memories were gone. Perhaps now he could use that to his advantage, to gain information if he could. Although the idea that the God's were somehow involved, that it was unnatural seemed odd. Certainly that wasn't something the Basin could pull off on their own? They had their own God, Gaucho knew, though he didn't know anything about the creature.

Snorting, Gaucho's attention once again fell onto Ampere as she spoke. Although his mind was hazy with distractions, his gaze was clear and hard. He was their Gladiator and She a warrior. It seemed their paths would cross again, as they had in the caves.

"Yer ase ville hoshor rizh of Throat" Gaucho uttered, his voice soft and compassionate. Your words are wise, golden son of the Throat. His tongue easily formed the words, and they fell from his lips easily and fluently, sounding archaic and beautiful. He knew that Cera would likely not know the meaning of his words, but perhaps his meaning would be conveyed nonetheless. The natives of Helovia spoke to him, knowing that often he wouldn't understand them - why could he not do the same?

"Ampere right." He continued, his voice hardening somewhat. The tenderness reserved solely for Cera slipped away, replaced with a militant matter-of-fact tone. "Need scouting party. Only a few go - Gaucho and one or two others. Fast. Quick. Silent." His gaze lingered on Ampere, assuming that she would volunteer to go, before sliding to the other side of him, where Sohalia stood. Although he reined as their Gladiator and controlled their strategic decisions, certainly the ultimate decision was still with his khaleesi. "Emat yer dirge?" He asked her, in the language she had come to understand.

Yer ase ville hoshor rizh of Throat | Your words are wise, golden son of the Thorat.
Emat yer dirge | Do you approve of this plan?

(Sorry Brit! You can interpret my opening post as before Cera talks. After all, Gaucho wouldn't know if Cera had said anything before.)

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