HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] down here low, fussing over scars - Printable Version

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down here low, fussing over scars - Mesec - 10-23-2014

get up, get out, get away from these liars
'cause they don't get your soul
or your fire

From the Island in the sky to the Veins, Mesec could only hope that his fellow demigods were having a little bit better luck at figuring out what had happened to the pegasus mare. Her empty face stayed with him, and the more time that passed the more he felt like a failure. He couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something happening that he did not understand yet but maybe that was just how everyone felt at this point in their lives. Youth was leaving him behind… though it had been some time since he had really felt young.

In the midmorning light the son of the moon had taken off with the intention of circling around several lands in Helovia. Just what he was looking for - family, clues? Which took priority today? - he couldn’t say but he found that he was getting more antsy about the idea of standing around. Beyond the events that led to his mother and her siblings appearing on the Island, he had not come across anything that had triggered the same uneasy feeling that the murder had. Was that even what he was supposed to be looking for?

A place like Helovia was far too diverse to really look for anything that seemed unnatural. Depending on which way you looked at it, unnatural occurrences happened every day here - so which ones deserved more attention than the others?

Well, he was certainly noticing a trend within his own mind - there were far more questions building up than there were answers.

With a small snort of frustration, Mesec glided low over the icy ocean before using powerful wings to gain a little bit of altitude once more - scanning the beach below. The dark horizon to the north was worrisome, the light flurries that surrounded him now were sure to give way to something stronger before the day was out. Perhaps he should not have wandered this far, what could he possibly find that would be useful out here, and now the storm would delay him if he didn’t get ahead of it.


@[Ampere] *flail* next will be better, just wanted to get something up to kickstart myself!


original html by rottie
picture by wyldraven at deviantart

RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Ampere - 10-24-2014


The sea moved endlessly. Its rhythm, a low crash and fizzle, was soothing for its repetition and strength. It left Ampere to wonder, as she often did, just what the ocean was that it lived in such a way. At first glance it was obviously water, the largest place to find water at that. What other water behaved like this though? Water moved in all its forms, but it was always running or falling, never marching like this, never heaving, throwing, and pounding over and over and over again. What water tasted like this? It was the only water that you could bathe in, but never drink to quench your thirst. What are you? Ampere asked of it repeatedly, yet for as long as she listened, the waves never told her their secrets.

It wasn't until this morning that Ampere finally recognized something amid the surf. "I know you," she said simply, though it wasn't certain if she was talking to the sea or herself. Either way a smile found its way to her lips, one which though small and almost sad, spoke of her content. "You are a warrior." She should have known sooner the face of her brethren, of herself, but the reminder was enough to soothe the unease that built up in her bones like marrow.

She laughed, the sound an oddity among the cry of the gulls and the slap of salt on the shore. Ampere turned away with a flick of her tail, head bowed against the golden glow of the rising day. She moved to meet it slowly, her hoof prints winding through the water-logged sand where the spume just couldn't reach.

Ampere took strength from the ocean. Strength that she needed now, more than ever.

Winter had blanketed the world in ice, the ocean none such as to escape it, though she certainly didn't appear sluggish for it. Frostfall was not one to let any escape its grasp though, and so it send the sky to join the fray of earth and sea. Winds picked up, cold and sharp like a knife against Ampere's dark coat. She huddled into herself, but it didn't little to keep out the squalls. Salt burned her nose and embedded in her skin. Dawnlight petered out under stormdark. It felt like an omen.

Only a sudden movement above drew Ampere's attention away from the war of weather. Her blue gaze cast through the air like a claw of lightning, direct and bold. She caught the passing pegasus, unperturbed if not for his sterling face that breezed past. In the darkening hour she almost couldn't be sure, but hope lifted her heart foolishly into her throat, squeezing out a cry.
"Mesec?" she asked of the shadow on wings.




RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Mesec - 11-30-2014

get up, get out, get away from these liars
'cause they don't get your soul
or your fire

It felt like chance, that he had heard her over the sounds of the beach – over the wind that breezed past his ears as he soared. But heard her he did. His name spoken in her voice beckoned his attention back down to the ground, away from the horizon and the skies. “Ampere!” He confirmed her question with a shout of his own, in his excitement he found that simply altering his direction to glide towards the frozen ground wouldn’t be enough. In the gloom it wasn’t hard to summon the shadows towards him in order to teleport back down to the earth – materializing in a swirl of darkness before her. Before his friend. Ampere. Too much time passed between his smiles lately but there was one there now and it was unmistakeable.

There was that first, blissful moment of eagerness and joy but opening his mouth let reality settle in. He felt himself at a loss for words now that he was actually standing before her. A lot of time between smiles and a lot of time between them – he had grown since they had last talked. Or, filled out at least. The last remnants of Mesec-the-colt had left while he was off with his mother.

It was the same problem that he had faced with Ros – he just didn’t know how to start a conversation after so much time. Did they need to catch up? Or could they just rejoice in this reunion?

The last time they had seen each other… another darkness had started to spread across Helovia. This day was dark as well, but the storm coming towards them was natural this time, but it brought back memories. “Is there ever good weather on this beach?” He was talking about the sky and it was with reluctance that silver eyes turn from her for emphasis as they focus on the looming clouds. It could have been a joke, the silver-and-shadows stallion had been attempting humour to mask his uncertainty, but it came out too seriously this time. Well, maybe he needed more practice. But another time. He chased the failed attempt with a question that was meant to be serious – looking back to Ampere and finding that smile once again. “How have you been?”

original html by rottie
picture by wyldraven at deviantart

@[Ampere] tagging you because it took me forever to reply D:

RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Ampere - 12-01-2014


His voice. It's his voice she thought, her heart taut in her chest as she stepped forward to go after him. He turned back quicker though, vanishing for a moment, so short she didn't even have time to register much less react, before he was before her in a swirl of shadows and Mesec. She stopped, breathing in the space between them, eyes searching his as she struggled for words, feeling as heavy and tangled as she was, she supposed.

In the distance the ocean roared. It pulsed in tempo with her heart - strong.

A faint smile flicked to life, like an old light bulb remembering what the switch meant, as he struck up a conversation on the weather of all things. Still, his words were not so light as they seemed, and it suggested her maintained his own fears of the darkness, both past and the rising present, as she did.

Still, he was the moon shining bright through the storm and the passing clouds. He was like her, a streak of fire to drive away the night. Not so bright as the sun, at times they shrouded over or went quiet, but then they struck again, illuminating and brilliant, the moon and the lightning.

As he finished, or rather just before he did, she stumbled (fell almost) forward, her body closing the gap and folding into him like it was the most natural thing. Her neack swept out to embrace his, to hold him against her, black hide meshed with black hide. Her wings dropped forward, encasing them, holding them at least for a moment in serenity. She breathed warmth against him. She breathed him in. He was the night, the starlight, the moon that hides then returns. He was Mesec, and he was back.

"I thought you were dead," she said softly when the silence seemed to go on too long. To her knowledge they hadn't touched like this before, but she hadn't thought, only felt. For a year she had been absent of him (and my he had grown in that year!), and it wasn't until she had him again that she realized what a hole he had left in her.

Gingerly she stepped away, but was careful not to put more distance between them than was necessary. "You went out into the...the darkness and never came back. I searched, but you were... gone. I thought they had gotten you." It was not accusatory, only the outpouring of all the grief, confusion, and fear she had felt pent up since that disaster in the caves. Now though all she felt was, relief.

She ignored everything he said. None of it mattered. All that mattered was he was back, he was okay.
She smiled.




RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Mesec - 12-18-2014

get up, get out, get away from these liars
'cause they don't get your soul
or your fire

There was a quick sound – halfway between a laugh and an ‘oomph’ as Mesec’s breath whooshed out of him on impact. But he was quick to realize that there was nothing to laugh about, nothing at all.

He accepted the embrace, welcomed it, and pressed himself back against her as her wings enveloped him – and for those few moments they had their own world.

Her words though, they kept him rooted and slowed his heart. He hadn’t thought about that, had he? He hadn’t thought about how his disappearance would affect her – would affect any of them. There had been worries while he was gone but he had been an idiot not to realize how it might have looked for her.

“I’m so sorry.” His new catchphrase, this time whispered into her mane as he held her. It hadn’t felt selfish, what he had done – where he had gone – at the time but now it did. Now it felt like a slap in the face. He couldn’t regret the time he had spent with his mother but he hated the consequences and regretted those with all his heart. Was he always going to be split like this? Indulging in one half while sacrificing the connections associated with the other?

But gods, when she smiled! He had missed that smile. He could feel his own growing in response – the corners tugging against the ‘concerned’ expression that his face seemed to fall upon naturally as of late.

Not now, at least. Electricity crackled in his heart and across his skin, and he wouldn’t have been able to stop that grin even if (for some bizarre reason) he ever wanted to.

Explanations would have come, and there were so many questions too, but they’d chase away the smile again and he didn’t want that to happen. At least for a little while longer, he wanted her to stay grinning and for them to stay happy. They both knew how easily the winds could change, was it so much to ask for just a couple moments? So instead of saying anything else, he just grinned and said the truth of it. “I missed you.” Almost as much of an understatement as saying that his mother was a bit on the irritable side.

original html by rottie
picture by wyldraven at deviantart

RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Ampere - 12-19-2014


It was a relief that he did not push her away. She was normally not so daring with someone she truly cared about. Mesec was not just a stallion to flirt with, as easily lost as gained, he was more. She didn't know what, couldn't explain it if she tried, but she knew it, felt it, held it. So when that moment of unknown became an embrace that he returned, she relaxed all the more. To have lost him was horrible, but to be rejected by him would have been unbearable.

Try as he might though, their reverie would not, could not last.

Vigorously she shook her head in response to his apology, ears even sliding back as if refusing to hear it. "Don't be. The world was fucked up, everyone lost someone... I should have gone with you, but I was afraid." She trailed off, having exposed enough of her naked self. She meant when he left the cave, the last time she had seen him, not wherever else he had gone. He didn't say where it was he had gone, but she didn't ask. She had been grateful once when someone didn't pry about her disappearance. Besides, he was here now, that's what mattered.

She licked her lips anxiously, mouth dry with the honesty and the return of what was lost. Behind her eyes memories of the caves and the wraiths flickered like walking nightmares. She shuddered, suddenly feeling that the ocean's breeze was as bitterly cold as those days. His words warmed her though, bringing her smile flitting back to her lips.

"And I you," she hummed in return, reaching out to nuzzle his shoulder; she had to make sure he was real again. "You look good, Mesec." It felt nice to pretend everything was fine. It was even scarily easy. She could just chat with him all day like this, about nothing at all, just empty words and full looks. She wanted to at least, but she couldn't.

A pause as she searched for what to say, or rather, how to say it.
"They're back though," she whispered, half hoping he wouldn't hear it. She could say she tried then, and go on laughing and smiling with him when he didn't catch it. "They, or something new. Something dark. There's been, omens..."




RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Mesec - 12-28-2014

get up, get out, get away from these liars
'cause they don't get your soul
or your fire

She might have shaken off Mesec’s apology but that didn’t mean he was any less sorry. He didn’t like being the someone that was lost, didn’t like that he had left an empty place in anyone’s life. Especially since he had been off somewhere quite different, and quite safer, than Helovia, while his friends and family were still unable to return to the surface.

When she shivered, he instinctively moved a little closer – just a step before his thoughts got in the way and he hesitated. They had just embraced a moment ago, sure, but well… was anything else going to be accepted? Well he’d just stand here, happily accepting her touch on his shoulder as she expressed that she had missed him too, that he looked good. A small chuckle escaped at that comment – all grown up now, wasn’t he? “Thanks Ampere. You… you too.” He managed to get out, about as smoothly as he could have hoped.

It was a silly dream, to pretend that everything could continue to be hugs and smiles and laughter, but a hope that Mesec had clung to all the same. But in a place like Helovia, the topic of one darkness or another was always lurking in the background – it seemed inevitable that they would bring up the latest. The shadows that had been lurking in his mind came back to the front, swirling and causing that smile to sour. “I’ve seen the deaths.” A few of them, at least. He had heard there were others, now everyone in Helovia seemed to be on the hunt and alert – he so wished that he’d be free of the news. But was anyone any closer to figuring out what was going on?

The way she said ‘omens’ though made him wonder if she was talking about the murders and he looked to her with concern. “But have there been other omens?” He tried to remember if he had seen anything else or heard any strange happenings but nothing came to his mind. Was there something more than the murders?

original html by rottie
picture by wyldraven at deviantart

RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Ampere - 01-02-2015


[OOP SORRY I thought this was before the Murder had been known about but Mesec already knew.]

The deaths. It was strange for them to be all lumped together as one thing, the bodies that had once contained lives, souls, horses that she had known or could have known, in time. They weren't even individuals any more, not names or visible bodies, just a single entity blurred into one - death. She hadn't talked to anyone much about them. Everyone already knew, was already searching, already afraid. What was the point?

Ampere couldn't hold it inside any longer. Not just the deaths, the bodies, the omens, but what it all meant, why it all continued. There was a darkness in Helovia, but worse, there was a darkness in themselves. At his query she gently shook her head, unsure she had spoken correctly. "Not others, just all of them, in general. The deaths, the strange warnings prior, the wraiths..." She trailed off, not wanting to have to remember anything other than all those horrors. Weren't those enough? Of course there were more, there always was.

"Why are there so many?" she asked, exasperated, desperate, afraid and angry all at once. Weren't the gods supposed to protect them!? Her eyes flashed to the side. The storm opened up, a torrent of rain and thick, heavy air clouded with false night. Her wings laid flat, letting the water roll off as she stared into the distance, watching the weather. "It's inside us," she whispered, but the sound was harsh, accusing. Her head turned back to him, eyes dancing with lightning. She wanted nothing other than to fold herself away in his embrace, to let him be the moonlight in the dusk, but she couldn't, wouldn't. Ampere had never been good at letting problems fade away, ignored. She didn't want there to be problems, was that so hard to ask?

"The darkness, it lives in us, we can't ever get rid of it can we?" She trembled, cold, but more than that. She sighed heavily, her breath visible with the storm's temperature change. Anxiously her tail swished, head and neck rolling to be rid of some of the rain. "I wonder though..." she murmured, half to herself, her gaze once again wandering with her thoughts.




RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Mesec - 01-19-2015

get up, get out, get away from these liars
'cause they don't get your soul
or your fire

“No.” He hadn’t meant the word to sound so forceful when it came out, an instant rejection of the idea she presented. Mesec felt defensive of the fear that this idea of Ampere’s brought forward. “No I can’t believe that, I don’t want to believe that.” After the strength behind his initial response, expanding on it only made him sound like a stubborn child but he refused to accept the possibility. He wouldn’t succumb to the belief that there was darkness in them, that there was something they were doing wrong to bring all of this death and sickness upon Helovia. There was something else at play. He needed there to be another explanation and it was his job to find it.

But how do you hunt shadows?

His mother had once told him that he had power over darkness and shadow – so was he the one bringing all this about? Were there shadows clinging to him that did more than just block out the light – but also life as well? The coming storm only made him more nervous, he wished desperately for the sun to break through the clouds and warm his skin.

He did not have the sun, but he did have Ampere. A much to warm her as himself, he completed the action he began moments ago and walked around to stand beside her now, pressing his wing against hers and brushing his muzzle against the tangles of her mane. “I… I hope we can.” There was so much hope in that statement, he wanted so much to say that he knew that they could but there wasn’t enough confidence left in him to make that pledge. All he knew was one thing that he whispered then, a confession as eyes focusing on the encroaching storm front as a low rumble of thunder promised things were just getting started. “I don’t want to live in darkness for the rest of my life.”

Not this kind, at least. Shadows were fun to play in until you were drowning in them.

original html by rottie
picture by wyldraven at deviantart

RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Ampere - 01-22-2015


The force of his dismissal surprised her. Eyes darted quickly towards him, wide with question and startled confusion. It drew her quiet, it drew her into him, because she recognized that force behind that single word. Fear. It gripped her too when thoughts like these raced around her head, and though it hurt to hear him deny her thoughts, it did not make them or the seat of anguish vanish. If anything it only confirmed her theory, else why banish the idea so strongly?

Like the moon orbiting around the sun they moved around each other, inner forced drawing them together. His wing was a reassurance against her own, his breath tangled in her hair a promise of better days and lighter weather. She smiled faintly and leaned into him as they walked, caving beneath the caress and the promises it held. They were so alike, each trying to dance away from the darkness that they saw, be it in themselves or others. He, a child of the moon, she, a product of a storm. Both bathed in darkness, both reaching, searching, struggling for a light to steer them steady.

Ampere sighed. The rain washed away the sound.

"You don't have to," she mumbled, though the thunder that rolled just before her voice may have obscured it. She fell silent for a moment, gathering herself like the clouds did lightning. She took strength in his presence, oddly at peace with their contact. It was so easy with him; it was probably the only way she was ever able to voice what she said next. Anyone else, any other time, it would have washed away with the rainfall.
"What if we... what if we fought against it?" She started quiet, but soon was assured, her thoughts snowballing. Her own wing slid out to stroke his side, anxious, gentle. "Only light can disperse the shadows, and only light can make them. It exists in us, all of us, both sides." Blue eyes flashed bright, a tree of electricity blinking in the night, leaves unfurling like newly blossomed stars. "We choose which side shows, and we can guide others to do the same. Justice." The one word resonated from her lips with such force she felt hollow afterwards, like a butterfly finally free of its cocoon.

She shuddered, though from the weather or the intensity of her vision she couldn't be sure. "We could make a group, gathering those that are willing and able to fight off the darkness. We could make the world better, brighter." She paused, getting excited, but back tracking to finish a trail. "Not a herd or a band," she clarified, "more like... an organization. It'd have to be secret, to keep everyone safe and free to work at will." She knew too easily the restraints of herd life, but its necessary benefits. Still, politics weight the hand of herds down too much to make them useful, she needed freedom fighters.

"We could WHATCH the night. The eyes in the sky, the horns in the thorns, the heart in the dark. The storm that breaks."




RE: down here low, fussing over scars - Mesec - 02-02-2015

get up, get out, get away from these liars
'cause they don't get your soul
or your fire

Mesec did not completely catch those first words, the rumbling of the thunder overpowering the low voice she had used. The storm would be upon them soon, they should flee before too long to avoid getting getting battered by the torrents of rain and wind that were already beginning to swell around them. For now, though, he was rooted by her voice and by her presence, both of them overpowering the storm for him. Mesec listened to this idea, this perfect idea, and could feel his heart lighten with the opportunity. “Yes.” His voice but a whisper, not daring interrupt her thoughts as they came tumbling out. Maybe it was partially because of who was talking, but it was also the idea itself that caught him up so.

He wanted to believe in justice, wanted to believe that they could choose light over the darkness. And with her there beside him, her wing a gentle caress against his side, he did believe it. He knew he would follow her into this plan, do whatever it took to see this organization grow strong enough to fight anything. Mesec might not have as strong of a passion for justice as she did but it was there and it could grow.

His excitement certainly grew, even going so far as to cause the start of a grin in those silver eyes as they lay unfocused on the electric tree that had been seeded by his friend’s thoughts. Could it be that he would finally find something to focus his attentions on, finally find some way to not be useless? He could not say whether he would be this willing to participate if someone else had brought up the idea, if it had been the brainchild of anyone other than Ampere, but that hardly mattered now. He’d follow her most willingly. “A secret organization, Helovia’s first defense against whatever darkness comes next, both inside ourselves and outside.” There was always another one lurking on the horizon, it seemed.

She painted such a clear vision that he felt an immediate attachment to the idea. “You’re brilliant, Ampere; it’s a great plan and I'll do anything I can to help you with it. How will we find others to join us while keeping it secret?” Simply keep an eye out for those who showed an interest in justice as Ampere did or those who were tired of the darkness as he was? Mesec would have to make a point of being a deal more social than he had been as of late.


original html by rottie
picture by wyldraven at deviantart