HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Printable Version

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Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Kahlua - 10-26-2014

As Kahlua made her way away from the Rotunda where the Earth God had been, she wondered to herself about how she was going to complete his quest. Finding the water in the Deep Wood was easy enough, to be certain. Even finding a healer to purify the water would be easy enough. The part about keeping the water pure once she had it, though… She frowned. She knew nothing about making sterile vessels, or about how to get water into one. She had the mysterious ice crafting magic, so she supposed she could make one herself, but what would the design be? While she was good at very little, she was good at seeing things in her mind and then making them come to life, and yet… in her head she saw nothing. Just a bucket which, with its open top, would surely not do the trick. Sighing softly, she altered her direction of travel.

She had been meaning to go straight to the Deep Wood, to collect the water first, and then find a healer to make the water better, but upon further consideration it seemed she would need more help first. So she decided to try and find some friends or family, many of whom seemed to be hiding out on the island to try and keep warm from the vicious winter that was plaguing Helovia. It was on a whim, however, when she got to the Veins, that she decided to move past the inviting clouds that would take her up to the floating island in the sky. Instead, she trotted down the rocky path that led to the shrines beyond. Perhaps some prayer would help her. It had never failed her in the past.

When she reached the end of the walkway where the shrines rested, Kahlua settled her basket (containing scorpion, music box, feathers, and glowing rock) onto the ground and absently reached to press the button on the music box. As the tinkling song began, Khan added his dragon song to the tune, hopping from Kahlua’s back and taking flight in order to investigate the shrines closer. As for the queen, she lowered her head in respect for a moment before turning her blue eyes to the sea beyond the shrines. And all the while she hummed along, hoping for some inspiration as she stood here in the biting wind.

@[Tandavi] and open to whoever :D

Here Comes The Sun
Schwartze @ Da

RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Desperado - 10-29-2014


Fuzzy, dark ears seemed to be permanently glued to my scalp as long limbs carried my normally lean frame across the lands of Helovia. Something about Frostfall and the constant chill rubbed me the wrong way, even though my already thick coat grew a third layer, the heavy dark hair that traveled down my spine grew even longer and even thicker making the snarls and tangles that normally adorned it seem as if they had multiplied by three overnight. A sharp snort blew from my paper thin nostrils while I mumbled under my breath about how I should have just stayed in the self-inflicted isolation for just a few more months until they days grew longer and the nights grew so much shorter. The feeling of the sun's rays, un-chilled by brisk winds, was something craved like a pregnant woman craved hot wings and chocolate in the middle of the night.
But for now, the bony embrace of Lady Winter would be the one to hold the inhabitants of Helovia until the happy, skipping Dame of Spring came to the rescue. A shiver passed through my frame while I forced myself to continue moving, enjoying the little bit of warmth being made by my body's movement. Long black dreads slapped against my scarred hips as my direction shifted ever so slightly, long limbs carrying me closer to the stony bridge that would bring me to the shrines that I had yet to visit.
Of course, I didn't really see it necessary to visit the shrines of heavenly creatures who had thus far, done nothing to make my life any more livable than it already was. Ears pulled back a little further as I fought against the cold wind that was fighting it's way through my thick winter coat, the sound of the waves crashing on the sides of the rock bridge muffled through the thick hair that grew along my long neck and the insides of my ears. Ebony splashed limbs stretched out a bit, changing the easy trot into a ground eating canter as the wind picked up ever so slightly, urging me forwards to what I hoped would have some kind of coverage against the harsh hand of winter.
Slowing as I reached what I figured was the main portion of the island, dark ears pulled ever so slightly away from the tangled dreads as emerald gems traveled the horizon, settling upon each broken shrine individually, wondering what the story behind their destruction was but amazed by the beauty the ruined stones still carried. Ears slowly made their way forward as a soft music slowly drifted over the sound of the crashing waves, emeralds drifted away from the shrines that had taken them captive in order to search for the source of the beautiful, if not odd music. A black and white form, looking out to sea, with a blue dragon flitting about above her seemed to be the disturbance of the natural noise. A welcomed disturbance in the dull, lonely life I seemed to be leading at this time, luckily the mare was easy on the eyes, even though at this point I didn't care if my company was the wicked witch of the west as long as we could carry on a conversation for a few moments. Snorting softly I took a few tenative steps closer to the mare and her bonded before allowing words to break the silence between us. "'Ello ma'am." Words laced heavily with an accent, that seemed quite foreign to those who were natives of these lands, tumbled from charcoal lined velvets onto the rocky ground on which we both stood.

Tag;; @[]
Words;; 611
OOC;; Sorry he's such a grumpy brat right now. He hates winter.

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RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Kahlua - 11-09-2014

While she prayed, the queen hardly noticed that the bite of the Frostfall air was worse out here, the wind stronger, the waves angrier. It was not until she looked out upon the churning sea that she remembered that it was, indeed, winter and standing upon this rickety island had not been the best of choices. But… it was so rare she made good choices these days, what differences did it make if she made just one more? Everyone wanted her to make the right choices. Why couldn’t she just make the choices she wanted to make?

Distracted by her characteristically selfish musings, she hardly noticed the approach of the excessively hair stallion until he was upon her. “Oh, hi!” was her intelligent response as she jumped back slightly. “Kahlua’s fine, if you want. That’s Khan. What should I call you?” her voice danced and bobbed, sometimes harmonizing with the gentle tinkle that played from her music box and other times an annoyance that ruined the melody for a moment. She hardly noticed, though, since she was busy looking the stallion over. He was curious, by many definitions of the word, but she did not mind. She had prayed to the gods for help and they had sent it to her, as surely as the day was cold and the wind was harsh.

Curious himself, the little blue flapped his wings against the wind that dared to blow him off course, returning to the back of his bonded to peer around her shoulder and gurgle out his draconian song to the steed. It was not meant to be menacing so much as an expression of curiosity, and soon enough he found himself compelled to jump from the painted woman’s back to creep forward, much like a cat on the prowl, towards the stallions long dread’s that dangled in his tail. Giving the little blue a cursory glance, the queen only shook her head but did not bother to ask if he was a menace or annoyance to her new-found friend.

Instead, the queen worried herself about what to say to him, for where should she even start. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she admitted for starts, going over the god’s commands in her mind. Not even considering that the gods had not sent this stallion to her hooves, she got straight to business. “You know something about making containers, right? See, I need to make a container to hold some water, and then purify it, but once it’s purified it has to stay pure.” She paused only a moment to take a breath before she forged onwards. “See, at first I was thinking I had my basket, and that’s just perfect, because it can hold water, but then I was thinking some dust might fall into it after the water’s purified, and that doesn’t help me very much does it.” Something about that last statement struck her as very funny and she burst into a round of laughter at the idea.

“Anyways, sorry, I always talk too much. See, I ask you a question and then I go rambling on. So… what do you think?” If her innocent blue eyes could have been any wider in that moment, looking hopefully over the stallion, they might have challenged the moon for superiority on a night when she was full.

@[Tandavi] Just tagging you again in case you want to jump in whenever <3 <3

Here Comes The Sun
Schwartze @ Da

RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Tandavi - 11-10-2014

She follows; slowly, languidly, in the painted mare's wake, a shadow with no purpose but a desire to know more. She does not realize her pursuit; it is not an conscious thing, merely a meeting of paths, a similar destination for dissimilar purposes. Kahlua seeks the Veins to find comfort in the company of others, while Tandavi pursues them to find the solitary safety of stone spires and Gods.

Nimble feet sketch a well-worn path, the kitsune a leaping shade beside the vibrant fire child. The pair exchange fleeting thoughts, both embroiled in a sea of contemplation but neither, for once, bogged down by despair. Tandavi thinks of Caneo, and the warmth of having someone to truly call friend. She thinks he is blue like the lava which falls away into the sea beside her- not quite fire, but still something hot. There's more, she knows, which she does not know, more secrets behind the azure eyes. She wants to learn them all, one by one, but she's afraid they won't have time.

She has found that everyone leaves, eventually.

A figure at her feet makes her stumble and start; Natraj glares up with care in his eyes, silently chiding her for the trail of her thoughts. No sad, he scolds, and she nods her agreement, the line of a smile curling upward at her lips. "No sad," she agrees, reaching down to bump his hip and send him sprawling in the dust. He is so very small, but he doesn't mind, merely rolls back up and strikes at her face, leaping onto the messy forelock and carefully walking down her neck. She knows she needs to be stronger for him. She knows he misses them all, too, despite his desire to hide it from her.

They reach the crest at the tail end of the conversation, taking in the voices (mostly voice) of the two adults. They come into view a moment later, an unfamiliar bay and a paint she can remember, a mare whom she had seen at the gathering, speaking after to the Earth. Curious ears sit forward on her poll, bright black eyes cautious and alert. She hears something about containers, and lids, and a problem settles like a puzzle in her mind, begging her to solve it and taunting that she can't.

Her black voice floats on the frigid air, toward the mismatch pair of equines. "Build a top," she suggests softly, wondering what could have made her speak. The idea of introduction nags gently at her mind, but she ignores it as she often does, too caught up in a new idea to worry about things like social etiquette. The faint tones of strange music are beginning to rise into her ears; she steps forward, carefully, craning her head to see what lies in the pretty basket the mare holds. Why not simply put something on top? The solution seems simple. She wonders if there's something more.

Natraj does not share his input; he is too busy staring at the little blue, his heart racing and aching to play, to explore. It reminds him of Akiath and their cousin's summons and Kali and every winged creature he ever loved. He used to believe he might one day be a dragon, but both boy and his sister had quickly realized they were very different from their kin.

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RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Kahlua - 12-25-2014

Perhaps Tandavi was searching for solitude, but she would not find it this day. She followed Kahlua, queen of the Edge, but also queen of making friends at every turn of her head. And indeed, today the painted woman turned her head to find the golden mare approaching. Perhaps she turned her head for too long, for she when glanced back to check the stallion, it seemed he had wandered off towards the shrines, but Kahlua did not fret. She had a new interest, and that was the words that the pretty golden mare had spoken. “A lid?” she echoed softly, as though she had no earthly idea what such a thing might be, before beginning to laugh. “A lid… you’re brilliant!”

Another horse might have chided themselves for their idiocy, mocking themselves for their inability to think of such a simple idea, but Kahlua did not have such thoughts. She knew that she was not designed for such thinking and pondering. That was why the gods had sent the stallion, and this mare as well, it seemed. A quick glance to the sky, and a silent prayer, gave her thanks to the gods for such a gift. They really were too kind to her.

As for the little dragon, he quickly turned his green eyes to the kitsune upon Tandavi’s back. His dragon chortles started up again and he began to flap his wings, trying to entice the black creature into a game. He was young, a child still, and had not gained any of the seriousness that the elder dragons held. His entire focus, when he was not following Kahlua around and bothering her, was upon getting other companions to join him in some sort of game. Of course, he had only played with winged creatures thus far, so he wasn’t sure how he was going to play with this little land-bound fox, but surely he would find a way.

Ignoring Khan as much as she could, Kahlua turned her gaze to the basket that Tandavi had been inspecting. A lid did seem like a good idea, but the more she looked at the gentle scalloped edges of the basket, the more she wondered if even she (experienced crafter that she was) would have been able to make a lid so perfect that it fit every nook and cranny perfectly. She frowned. “Maybe I should just make a new container.?” It was a statement, but also a question, and she turned her blue eyes back to Tandavi, fully believing in the wisdom of this stranger. “Do you think it would need to be sealed? Or just setting the lid on top would be alright…?” Her brow furrowed as she tried to consider all of the implications of the task she had been assigned. It seemed this would be more difficult than she had originally imagined.


Here Comes The Sun
Schwartze @ Da

RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Tandavi - 12-26-2014

She does not see the stallion disappear, merely comes under the realization that he is not there, that his form has somehow vanished back into oblivion. The knowledge trickles through her mind and is filed away: she is still too fascinated by the puzzle to broaden her awareness, focus her attention on the creatures who surround her. If only she took a moment to look, perhaps she would recognize the mare from her youth, draw together a memory of carefree days beneath fragrant trees, of herd meetings and warm crowds... but then, perhaps not. It is long since the fire child walked within the mist. She has painted new memories, filled her mind with new tales.

Her dark gaze leaves the basket to settle on the mare, one ear turning uncertainly as her suggestion is repeated back. The tinkling laughter which follows is more unsettling; the girl takes a cautious step back, unsure, silver forelock drifting in front of black eyes. Is the mare insulted, or does she think the girl dumb? Frustration begins to bubble beneath her skin, an irrational ire brought upon herself; and from her back Natraj growls low, a soothing sound as he licks her withers, claws digging into the skin on her spine. Breath escapes from its catch in her throat. Calm down.

Blinking back her growing ire, the girl inhales, filling her lungs. Endless eyes follow the mare's blue sky gaze, tracing the lines of the basket she wields, considering it closely through the mare's bright voice. The more she thinks about it, the more she considers that Kahlua might be right- better, perhaps, to start from scratch. A clean container, pristine and pure, unsullied by sundry objects and wayward germs. What do you think? she asks Natraj, but the boy is caught again by the little blue dragon, ignoring his sister in favor of a new friend. Thin fire lashes from his cream-tipped tails as he presses his chest against her back, hindquarters raised in a display of friendship. The flames dance with the sparks which float gently around his sister, and he waves them eagerly as if to challenge, Can you do that?

The girl sighs, and shakes her head.

Gold slashed face turns up to the mare, a thoughtful softness on the delicate features. She is beginning to believe that the paint is sincere, that she truly believes Tandavi has an answer- and what can the girl possibly do but oblige? It does not occur to her that maybe she cannot find a solution, that she is too young, to fiercely naive. Somebody needs her. She cannot back down.

"Yes," she says carefully, an answer to both questions, a thoughtfully chewed out syllable. She searches the mare's face for answers, for ideas, mind churning fast and words falling slow. "The water would stay clean with a seal... but how would you purify it to start?" She exhales absently, a cloud of sparks forming around her head, painfully unaware of how close the answer was. Right in front of her face, really.

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RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Kahlua - 12-26-2014

The queen didn’t know, could never have imagined, that her idiocy might have been taken for mockery. Indeed, it would have hurt her very soul to know that Tandavi could think such things of her, but she had no earthly way of knowing. True, she was good at making friends, but mostly that was because she was nice- not because she had some fantastic ability to see into their souls and know what they needed from her. Even Khan, whose very mind was bonded to her own, was something of a mystery to her. She knew his emotions when he projected them, could feel his highs and his lows even when he did not want her to, but if she looked upon him at any given moment, she would never know what secrets lay behind his feathered hide.

And so while Kahlua tried to consider if it was better just to make a new vessel, the aforementioned dragon took to the serious business of making a game with the boy upon Tandavi’s back. Fire licked about from the boy’s tails, and once again Khan found himself playing second fiddle to a companion that knew much more about the magic of the gods than he did. Opening his mouth, he blew air, compressed his chest, huffed and puffed, but try as he might he couldn’t make anything but air exit his mouth. There was magic within him- he knew it was there, he could feel it, but it just wouldn’t come. So instead, he did what he could… he flew. Flapping his wings triumphantly, he pulled himself into the sky with cackles and caws directed towards Natraj, before swooping about over the boy’s back, taking his own turn to show off and ask, can you do that. Still, Kahlua ignored him- she was a rather poor excuse for a mother figure.

Pulled from her terribly poor attempt at thinking, the Sunshower flickered her ears and paid rapt attention when the young diviner spoke, until she got to the question part. Sighing dramatically, the queen furrowed her brow and thought. And then thought some more… and thought again. Purify the water? Well… that was a dilemma she hadn’t thought of at all, wasn’t it? “Well… I guess I don’t know.” And then she sighed again. She really wasn’t cut out for this quest. Maybe the Earth God had asked too much of her.

“You know,” she said then absently, her mind still miles away, considering how to make water pure, “You remind me of someone.” But Kahlua didn’t know who Tandavi reminded her of, so she didn’t say. There was just something hauntingly familiar about her.


Here Comes The Sun
Schwartze @ Da

RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Tandavi - 12-26-2014

The slender wraith shifts restlessly, mind still churning with ideas, picking apart the delicate puzzle and searching for answers to questions she does not fully understand. Still barely more than a child, the girl is untried and untested, perhaps not the best to be faced with a challenge; she is a creature of ideals and ideas, of abstract concept and ardent heroism.

Still, the girl is better suited to the task than Kahlua may be. She blinks at the older mare's heavy sigh: she is too fascinated by the puzzle to be frustrated, blind to the ire which taints the paint's thoughts. Head tilts and she shuffles her hooves, weight swaying impatiently from hip to narrow hip. Almost expectantly she looks to the other, waiting for a suggestion, for a thought to pierce through their thick, pensive silence, while around her chaos in the form of two companions is exploding. The girl ignores them as best she can, though she cautions Natraj to be careful: though the dragon already is nearly as big as her brother, she knows that the kitsune can hold his own in a spat.

Gold eyes laugh as the blue breathes yet fails to ignite, great puffs of air leaving his lips. A strange vulpine chortle racks his small body, immediately followed by a yelp of alarm as the dragon plays his trump card and flies overhead. Delicate paws swipe at the beast; the black child growls, leaping up slightly but painfully aware of his inability to fly. He will have to think of another way to impress the dragon. The boy makes a show of indifference before leaping down from his sister's back, darting into the sparse growth to show off what he's certain are superior hunting skills.

Kahlua's answer does not come- at least, not in a form the girl finds helpful. Frowning, the copper girl thinks to the little she knows of the world, the experience she has had with purifying. There is not much to draw from, yet something tickles the back of her mind, a memory of borrowed magic and the wonder of watching a wound be healed. She had mimicked her mother's powers, once, and watched as Smoke mended a wound on Amaris, looking past the flesh and into the soul, the very biological structure of the afflicted leg. She remembers, now, the way the dark infection seemed to be devoured by the medic's wind, the way the taint was purified, swept up into black.

She looks at the sparks in front of her, and an answer begins to form in their midst. "I could heal it," the girl suggests, tossing her mane to send more embers flying. "Burn away the impurities." It seems silly, said out loud, yet she holds her conviction, clings to the idea for it is all she has. She has been asked for help, and she shall not fail: not again, not this time, not when this mare seemed to think her so capable.

Her brother returns as the mare speaks again, a small snake clutched triumphantly in his teeth. Oversized ears perk up toward the stranger: Edge, he states easily, sensing his sister's uncertain response, the mild uneasiness she feels at being recognized by someone whose looks she cannot quite place. But with his reminder it all seems so obvious- the scent, the dragon, the lack of wings. And yet that awareness does not make her rest easy. "Maybe my mother..." she offers, uncertain. Surely there was no true similarity between the bright copper child and her moonstruck dam? Natraj shrugs, but offers no help. He is waiting for Kahn to notice his prize.

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RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Kahlua - 01-01-2015

The way the girl stated her answer- so succinctly, so matter-of-factly- made the queen wonder how she had ever been made queen. She could not think of answers to such mysteries. When troubles arose, she was as quick to laugh about the tension as she was to come up with a way to solve the troubles. Even with Kaj, though she had convinced herself that she was keeping her distance for his own good, she had not been able to come up with a solution. She loved him. She knew that she loved him. Every fiber of her being knew that he was the other half of her soul- the sun to her moon, the beach to her ocean, the home for her heart. But for all her love, the queen had no solution to how she could love him and be in a relationship when he wanted children and she feared everything that children embodied. Yes, for all that she had accomplished in her young life, the queen still did not have any answers. Perhaps someday they would come…

At least Khan was having a great deal of fun, it seemed. Truth be told, it hurt his pride a little when the vulpix chortled at him for his inability to produce fire, but he quickly moved past his hurt. After all, he had scored a decided victory with his flight, swooping over and beyond the fox. As the little black creature disappeared into the grass suddenly, Khan circled overhead and cried out once or twice. The sound was forlorn, almost sad. Where had his friend gone? Why did he go away? Patience was not his strong suit.

“Oh, that’s so perfect. Would you really? Could you?” The queen’s voice suddenly took on a new life, her worries and troubles slowly drifting away. So she needed a new container. That would be easy enough- she would just ask Parelia. And then she would have to take the container to the pool in the forest, and Tandavi could heal it. And then… Well, then she would have to return to the Earth God. Oh, everything was coming together, and all so much easier than she had imagined. “I could repay you!” she suggested helpfully then, mind clicking as to what she had to offer. “I can, um…” Just as Natraj returned, she began digging through the grime of the Veins, seemingly looking for something special, bobbing her head at the mare’s suggestion about her mother, but the strange feeling of knowing Tandavi all but gone from her head.

Swooping down from the skies exuberantly, the firedrake cawed and crowed. Skidding slightly as he touched down in the dirt, he romped over to Natraj, clearly pleased with what the vulpix had brought back. Grabbing at the loose end, Khan suddenly began to pull and tug, the poor snake obviously an excellent medium through which to play tug-of-war. It was lucky Kahlua was preoccupied with her search, for the image of the poor dead snake might have sent her into a breakdown of tears as she remembered Aurelia’s snake companion and the terrible death she had caused. “Here, have this!” she cried out as she finally found the perfect rock and infused it with her magic, the dark stone suddenly glowing brightly as she electrified it. It was a small gift for the help the mare had provided, surely. Nosing it towards her new friend, the Sunshower had a sudden realization- she had never introduced herself! “I’m Kahlua, by the way! Queen of the Edge. What should I call you?!”

@[Tandavi]- medium permanently glowing rock, lights 8-10m

Here Comes The Sun
Schwartze @ Da

RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Tandavi - 01-08-2015

Fire dancer tries not to flicker and fidget, but the second seem like hours as she waits for the stranger to weigh in on her plan. Ears sit alert, black eyes expectant; she cannot help the smile which creeps across her lips at the smaller mare's enthusiasm. She thinks she has never met anyone so happy, and though the blind vibrancy of Kahlua sets an uneasiness in the girls' toes, it is also infectious, enjoyable, something entirely different from the shroud of anxiety she has cloaked herself within of late.

She nods, her brow furrowed in mild bemusement- of course the girl will be true to her word. Why would she offer, if she had no intention of follow through? Her excitement, while perhaps pale besides Kahlua's glow, is still beacon, an ember in the dusk- she is thrilled to have found a solution, an answer to a question she stumbled upon in the dark. It sets in her a pride of sorts, a realization she may be good at something she never thought to have talent in. And the older mare's approval, her pleasure at the girl's skill... the girl fidgets, almost uncomfortable with her delight in the praise. How long has it been since someone older, wiser- since nearly anyone had called her actions perfect? And though this mare was different than anyone she had met before, freer, perhaps, with her joy and her praise, well... Tandavi lets her guard drop for an instant. Lets herself feel pleased with the things she has done, rather than distraught by the ways she has failed.

She is saved from her confusing thoughts by her brother's return, and the distraction of the scuffle between dragon and fox. It takes all of Natraj's concentration not to bark out in shock and lose his prize to Kahn's toothy grip. The dragon descends like lightning from the sky, a bolt of blue and suddenly the onyx fox finds himself fighting to keep possession of his prize. Short limbs scramble to find purchase on the rocky ground; his hind sweeps up and his forequarters dip low, a faint growl building at the bottom of his chest, mischief positively glowing in the wide golden gaze. He will certainly not let this- this kit claim his prey!

The girl wants to laugh, or roll her eyes, or both, but the mare's voice cut back into her mind, drawing her gaze away from the pair. Black eyes widen in surprise and awe as a stone at the mare's hooves sprung to life, light pouring out of it, into the chill air- "It's beautiful!" she exclaims, just as her brother arrives in a sprawl at her hooves. The force of the boys snapped the snake, and as the kitsune attempts to regain his dignity he clings tightly to the piece still clamped within his jaw. Three tails shake off the dust from his tumble; casually he moves to examine the rock, as though that was his intent the entire time.

Put in your hair,
he suggests to the girl, ignoring the wry gaze she's fixed on his form. He tries to take it from the mare, valiantly struggling against its weight despite the fact that it's a quarter of his size. Fire dancer suppresses the urge to laugh. "Thank you," she smiles, dark voice warm with a sincere joy.

If only the moment could have held, the joyous perfection extended through time. The girl is ready to claim a new friend, before that friend gained a title, a name, and everything changed just a step to the left. Fire child's eyes fade, grow wide with a much less joyous surprise- Queen of the Edge leaves her suddenly cold, lonely and nostalgic in a deep, painful way. So this is the woman who has claimed her aunt's place, stands in her steps and wears her heavy crown. She had always known, of course, that the Edge would have a new queen. But somehow just hearing it made it too... real.

"Oh," comes an answer from the depths of her shock. "Oh."

She isn't quite sure what to feel.

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RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Kahlua - 01-10-2015

Kahlua could not have been more proud of herself as Tandavi almost gushed her thanks. The queen lifted her head and smiled widely, proud of herself for having succeeded in this endeavor though she failed in others. It was a perfect day- she was learning and being helped, she was going to succeed in her quest it seemed. It was a perfect day, this is, until Natraj came crashing between them, tumbling from a game of play gone awry. At first, the queen did not understand what she was looking at. The little black boy was holding something- something long and tubular- so while he inspected the rock, she inspected what he held. When her eyes flashed over to Khan, who was still holding his half as he shook off the dirt he had acquired in his own tumultuous tumble backwards, she finally put it together- a snake.

It was all that the painted woman could do not to burst into tears.

Memories of Aurelia came flooding back to her- a different fiery sort of creature than the Fire Dancer before her. She closed her eyes to stop seeing the terror that was on the ground before her, her body quaking with fear and terror and distress, but it did not help. The blackness before her eyes turned to white and gold and feathers. It was Aurelia, screaming. Aurelia, attacking. Aurelia, destroying. And then there was Shilva, the innocent snake, reaching to bite her. Kahlua watched as though a third party observer as her hoof kicked out from instinct, the snake flying through the air, crashing to the ground, laying lifeless on the grass, the sounds of the waves beating against the cliff bottom heard faintly.

Dead… and she had done it.

She opened her eyes to stop seeing the horrors of her mind but it didn’t help. Moisture accumulated at the lower edges of her lids as her body continued to quack and quiver. She had thought she was over the terror of that day. She had thought that she had pushed the memory away, come to terms with the fact that it was an accident, but apparently there was a part of her soul that still mourned that day. She was a murderess, a terror, she reminded herself, stepping back as Natraj drug the glowing rock towards Tandavi. She hardly heard the mare’s thanks, eyes rolling wildly as she tried to find her basket and her own glowing rock. She had the sudden urge to leave, to run, to escape. She wasn’t even sure what she was escaping, she just knew that she had to go.

So distracted as she was, she did not see Tandavi’s confusion from a different sort of emotional roller coaster. She saw only rocks and lava, waves of heat and shrines of gods. Where was her basket? She began to shift back and forth, head bobbing, body weaving as she felt metaphorical walls pressing down around her from all sides. She was trapped, being held in place, and she needed to go. Khan, having never felt such panic from the queen in all his short life, took suddenly to flight, leaving his half of the snake behind on the ground. Finally, her eyes fell on the basket and she all but bolted to it, gathering it up with force as it beat against her chest, probably leaving a bruise.

“Mm Forry,” she choked out, her words muddied due to the lump that had grown in her throat and the handle of the basket that settled on top of her tongue. “Ah fine oo,” she barely managed then, as tears began flowing from her eyes. She had to go… she had to leave… she was choking, the oxygen being pulled from her lungs, but she had to run, so run she did. Explosively, she broke into a gallop, hooves placed carelessly as she raced down the stony bridge that led to the island. Sharp pain raced up her limbs as points were stabbed into her frogs and as her muscles were pulled on when limbs slipped. Still she ran- she had to escape.

Tandavi had been her savior, but Natraj had become her nightmare.


Here Comes The Sun
Schwartze @ Da

RE: Calling Joseph Lister, Come In - Tandavi - 01-19-2015

She does not have long to stew in her own dismay. The girl is accustomed to falling into herself with no sight of escape, being caught within the chasms of her mind until time lends her the strength to claw her way out- but she is shocked, stunned, electrified out of her own despairing memories and convoluted past by the hideous expression which rises upon Kahlua's face. Why...? she questions silently, trying to discover what had changed. Was there someone there? Were they in danger?

But the girl sees nothing when she looks around, black eyes tracing the rocky outcrops and faded paths, head swinging wildly to find the source of the Queen's distress. Her brother, meanwhile, peers from Kahlua to his friend, seeking an answer in the blue dragon's eyes. He knows that it's him, some crime committed by the innocuous fox- but what has he done? Why does she fear him? The dragon offers no answer to the unspoken question, and for one of the few times in his life Natraj is at a loss for how to proceed, utterly bewildered and miserably sad.

He takes a careful step closer to the painted mare, the snake still clutched between his teeth, all but forgotten in this change of events. Both boy and his sister watch Kahlua scramble for her basket, frozen, unable to comprehend- "Wait!" cries the copper child as Kahlua bolts, darting after the queen on gold-splashed legs, scrambling over rock and slate, down the path and out of sight, vanishing from the boy's view.

Natraj does not move from his place upon the glowing rock. He does not know where he would go.

The girl winces as jagged stone tears into her hooves, stumbling and slowing in her pursuit. How frightened must the mare have been, to endure a haphazard run across this terrain? Why? "Kahlua!" she cries, but it feels futile, and her voice burns with desperation as she blinks away her tears. They had been getting along so well, and she had felt appreciated, worthy... fire dancer tries to understand, but can't, and she shakes her head to clear the cobwebs of emotion strung by spidery doubt.

One thing she does know is that she must fix it, must find the mare and understand, fight the demon which plagues Kahlua, who she thinks may be the kindest creature she has ever met. Tandavi's view of the world is clean: Kahlua has been kind to her, has been nothing but delight, yet lacks the strength to face the fear which stalks her hooves and burns her heart. The Fire Dancer is a Templar, a Knight; she is sullied, too damaged to ever be good- and thus she must save a beautiful soul from a similar fate, must be champion to a mare she barely knows, but knows where to find.

The Edge.

She swallows, a sinking fear rising in her throat. She'll be a champion, just... maybe not yet.
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