HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] It's still burning - Printable Version

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It's still burning - Miykael - 10-29-2014

He, too, had gone. Slipping away in the shadows of the night, seeking any refuge he could find. In the end, he had found safety and warmth with his parents. Marlena, as usual, had provided the warmth and love he sought for desperately. Kastiel, on the other hand, was his rock and his wisdom. Between the two, and after a significant amount of time, he finally began to feel more... sane. He was more calm and relaxed than he had been in many moons. The tension had eased from his muscles and the stress slid down and out of his body - mentally and physically, he had never felt better. It would never last, though, especially once he returned to Helovia. And he had to return. To Miykael, it didn't even feel as though it were a choice but that it was where he belonged. Plain and simple. Of course there was, and is, little doubt that Alysanne is the main (if not only) reason for Miykael to return to Helovia. Even after all that they had gone through. Even after the pain he had caused her. His love for her persisted beyond all reason.

She would never love him, not in the way that he loves her. She had made that perfectly clear. But that didn't erase his feelings, didn't alter them into something more akin to a family or friend love. Aly would always be his heart and soul, his one and only reason for living and breathing. It didn't even matter anymore that he would never get what his father had with his mother - the one and only thing he'd ever really wanted. Once Miykael had discovered that within himself and settled into his newly found serenity, he parted ways with his family. Flying as swiftly as his capabilities allowed, Eliana easily keeping up despite her much smaller stature.

Days, perhaps even weeks, pass before Miykael can see the familiar lands of Helovia on the horizon. His old home seems so peaceful from his position up high in the air. It helped to calm his nerves and prolong the calm lingering within his heart and soul. With a soft sigh, his lips curl into a soft, adoring smile. Pumping his wings more forcefully, elongating his form and tucking his legs as close to his form as is possible; he increases his speed so that he can arrive home sooner. When World's Edge is in sight, the pulls himself upwards, angling his wings and slowing his wing beats. The pegasus lowers himself, gliding down towards the ever familiar trees. Bypassing the remnants of the glass wall without so much as a second thought.

His transition from flying to an easy, though powerful and strangely graceful, trot is smooth - nearly the direct opposite of Aly's adorably clumsy landings. The mere thought of her stumbling and crashing through bushes made his lips twitch in the slightest smile - love and adoration of the black and white pegasus flared and burned deep within his bright blue eyes. Eliana, the dark bird, landed softly upon his back and nestled tenderly between his wings. His hooves crunched through the snow as he wove through the trees, never once missing a beat.

Slowing to a casual walk, he makes his way towards the cliffs. Later he would seek out Alysanne - if only to try harder to explain himself and everything that had occurred. Later he would seek out Kahlua and Kaj to beg forgiveness for his numerous absences. For now, he just wanted to take it all in. To once again breath in the ocean air of the cliffs along the border of World's Edge.

He was home.

you tried hiding another you,
but your evil was coming through

image by sara vay at flickr

RE: It's still burning - Alysanne - 11-03-2014

It's all Butterflies and Rainbows

It was his smell that alerted her to his presence first, no more than a wisp on the breeze coming from the cliffs that grabbed her attention immediately. Flashes of memories associated with that scent removed all other thoughts from her mind, erased everything else she might have been focusing on. It wasn’t necessarily a good thing, how easily she was distracted by his presence, but this time she just couldn’t help it. Miykael would be a part of her heart until it stopped beating, the same way Hemlock was a part of her soul.

There had been a time when he had been a friend – a best friend – but the fact that she still loved him after all of the pain made her sure that he was more. He was family and if nothing else, what they had been through proved that she would never stop loving him. No matter what.

She only wished it could have been enough for him, that her love was the type he sought. But it wasn’t.

Not even now that she had left her love for Sasha in the past where it would flourish forever. There was another that caused that small smile to tug at the corners of her mouth when she was alone, whenever she happened to think of him.

Now was certainly not the time for that however.

Normally significantly more graceful on four legs than she was with her wings, Alysanne scrambled through the trees as quickly as she could – nearly plowing right into a passer-by that watched her with utter bewilderment as she hastily offered an apology without missing a single step. She had to see, had to know whether it was him. Whether he was here.

Hemlock had been off on a hunt but she could feel that he was making his way towards her, alerted by the sudden change in her mood, but Alysanne only had eyes for one when she broke through the trees and was standing in the crisp Frostfall air on the cliffs. Despite the hasty appearance, she skidded to a halt expertly before looking him over with a critical eye.

“Well well, look who’s back.”

And this time, the smile was real – blossoming over her face the way the warm sun melted snow to make way for spring. It was bright and forgiving because she couldn’t deny herself the joy at seeing him. Healthier than the last time, certainly, and back in the Edge. It was probably selfish of her to be so happy that he was here but she didn’t care right now. She just wanted to hear him talk, to know whether they were going to be alright.


Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image

RE: It's still burning - Miykael - 11-07-2014

The breeze blowing in from the ocean held the icy bite of frostfall - chilly yet invigorating. The tawny paint stallion drew to a halt a few feet from the edge of the cliffs, large white wings hugging his sides in an effort to keep some of the chill from his body. Raising his nose into the wind, he closes his eyes and relishes the feel of the ghostly cold fingers twisting through his mane and tail. Despite the calm exuding from Miykael, his mind is a jumbled mess. He couldn't focus and it was making Eliana fidgety. After only a few moments the night dark zephyr unfurled her wings, taking off into the sky. She circled out to the ocean and back, pacing by flying circles around and above Miykael.

He wanted a family love between Alysanne and himself to be enough - longed for it - but that particular part of him is stubborn beyond belief. He had tried to let go, knowing that what he wanted was unattainable and likely foolish. Countless times had he reviewed each and every interaction they'd had, seeking to pinpoint the very moment he'd fallen for her. What he'd found disturbed even him. It really all seemed to stem from the night that they met. All he could figure was that it was love at first sight for him and that was simply foolish. That was something that just could not exist. Down to his very core, Miykael longs to let it all go - if only to salvage what remained of their once wonderful friendship.

Did he even have the strength?
Some days, he couldn't believe that he ever would.

A heavy sigh escapes his nostrils and he shifts his attention to Eliana - his blue eyes watching the sleek and sparkling zephyr as she soared, effortlessly graceful with each movement. Miykael's lips twitch upwards with the hint of a soft smile. Part of his soul soared, at least.

The sound of thundering hooves assaults his ears. Having little to no reason to be alarmed or put his guard up, Miykael remains outwardly calm with his prior concerns still occupying the back of his mind. Eliana is the first to see black and white mare because Miykael merely swiveled his ears backwards towards the noise. Frowning softly the night dark bird circles back down to land on her bonded's shoulder. With a soft coo from Eliana, laced with caution and concern, the stallion turns to see the familiar form of Alysanne approaching them.

A grin burst onto his features, brightening his eyes more than they had been in several seasons. Time away, it seemed, had refreshed the dunskin tobiano Pegasus. Aly spoke and he chuckled, pure and joyous. "Only death could keep me away forever." he jokes, a devilish glint sparking in his eyes. "I'm glad to see you're still here, Alysanne." He adds, more seriously this time. Later would be time for more serious discussions and explanations. Now? Now he wants simple, friendly conversation. Miykael wants what they used to have - to just erase the everything that had gone wrong. Including his ridiculous confession. "So," he grins, "what have I missed?"

you tried hiding another you,
but your evil was coming through

image by sara vay at flickr


RE: It's still burning - Alysanne - 11-27-2014

It's all Butterflies and Rainbows
There were apologies bubbling up in her but now wasn’t the time. She wasn’t going to be the one to chase away that sparkle in his eye, the smile that she had missed so much - the smile that twisted her gut. She loved that smile just as she loved him. It was an undeniable fact. From the emaciated, starving Mikey to the fuller, brighter one standing before her now - she loved them both with all of her heart. He was a part of her and now that he was back, maybe they could fix what had fractured between them. Maybe she could be stronger.

She longed to reach out to him, to feel his embrace, but when he did not move she stayed where she was. Perhaps, like the apologies and the serious topics that threatened to cloud over their reunion, that would come later.

“Oh where do I start, Miykael?” In a playful voice she tosses back his full name in response to hearing her own. When was the last time he called her ‘Alysanne’ instead of Aly? When was the last time anyone, except in official situations, had done that? She felt weird when she heard it, like she was getting in trouble. But now she just wanted to laugh, now she was focused so intently on remaining in this sunny moon that she could only act playfully in response.

But to answer his question, she scrambled for some news. “I’m the only Moon Doctor for now. Resplendence....” She had started off with pride - it still felt so good to be in a position where she could offer help to her herd and her family. She needed to remember that more often, there were things that she needed to do. But now her mind focused on the sweet pale mare and a tiny frown took over. “I’m worried about her. She’s been… different for a while.” Had it been since the caves? Their time there changed so much for all of them. “I wish there was someway I could help her. We need her around. I don’t know what I’m doing.” Her first step, she knew, was speaking to her sweet friend again. It had been far too long since she had spoken with Res.

Maybe not right now, though. “Did you see that we’ve been dismantling the wall? They want to build a greenhouse. We’ll have herbs all year round then.”

Any further catching up was interrupted by the arrival of Hemlock, who swooped expertly to find his spot between her ears. A menacing (read: attempt at menacing) look was given to Mikey before he noticed the companion he now had. Pwetty burr. Came the deep, rumbling, voice of Hemlock that always made Aly jump. Such a baritone voice was not something she ever expected from the tiny little owl, nor speaking such childish words. She followed his gaze and noticed with a bright grin the beautiful bird perched on her friend’s shoulder. “Oh!” How silly of her not to see it before! “Who’s that?”

Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image

@[Miykael] FINALLY

RE: It's still burning - Miykael - 12-11-2014

From his shoulder, Eliana grabbed a chunk of his mane in her beak and tugged. She longs to be strong enough to pull him away and to keep him from this black and white pegasus. This one caused him pain - oh, so much pain! But Miykael ignored the zephyr's attempts, reassuring her through their bond that everything would be fine (not that she believed it for a second). So when Alysanne stood before them, Eliana stared at her through narrowed silver eyes - her caution and concern is very clear.

The gap between them remains. In the old days, before he became a wraith, he wouldn't have thought anything of it. Now, however, it was like a child poking an open wound and expecting it to not hurt. The reality is that it only deepened the wounds he already had, breaking through any part that had potentially healed. Maybe he was just being dramatic and overly sensitive. A very likely possibility. Maybe he is just reading into it too much, seeing things that aren't really there. Tentatively, he takes a step towards her. His crystal blue eyes gazing into the familiar emerald ones before him, gauging her reaction with each and every step he takes towards her. Would she accept him and embrace him? Or would she shy from him or make him stop? Miykael had made his move and the rest was up to her. One look in those baby blues would tell her how much he longed to embrace her again.

Aly's playfulness and emphasis on his full name lightened the tension within him, if only just a bit. Tossing his head to rearrange his messy, thick forelock, he silently watches and waits for her to continue. Eliana, feeling the love swelling within him, shuffles uncomfortably. He was playing with fire; and he would get burned. When Aly begins, sharing her news, his excitement is clear. "Oh! Congratulations, Aly!" he exclaims, though the excitement is short lived. Resplendence was having trouble? His features shifted and grew contemplative. "Maybe she just needs some time? I wish there was something I could do... but..." No. He couldn't continue that thought. Maybe he just needed to stop helping others. He only seemed to make things worse, after all. Exhaling softly, he offers her an encouraging smile. "I have faith in you, Aly. But if you ever need healing help, you can always find me. I have healing magic now."

Chin up, my sweet. Everything will be alright.

She continued on then, changing the subject to other news. Getting rid of the wall and building a greenhouse. Things were changing and these changes were simply indicators that they were feeling safe again (or safer, at least). "Such big changes." he remarks, offering her a soft smile. Before he can say anything else, the small owl swoops in and lands between Aly's ears. Miykael ignores the owl's clear dislike of him and bows dramatically to the owl. "Good to see you again, your greatness." The playful glint in his blue eyes reveals that he is simply having fun with the little owl. Eliana chirps her own greeting but hers is far more genuine and sweet. The young zephyr longs to fly off on her own, longs to avoid watching the impending mess but instead she simply ruffles her feathers and absentmindedly preens his dark mane. "That's Eliana." Miykael introduces her with a smile. "She's a zephyr."

ooc: this song, seriously. listen.

you and me, we're bumper cars
the more i try to get to you, the more we crash apart

image by sara vay at flickr

RE: It's still burning - Alysanne - 12-18-2014

It's all Butterflies and Rainbows
Alysanne could feel Hemlock tense when Mikey moved closer but no such reaction was evoked from her – much to her surprise. There was a slight hesitation as she judged whether she was okay with it but, really, it only took a second (if that!) for her to decide that her comfort level was not what was important to her here.

She wanted Mikey to be happy and although she did want to embrace him, she moved closer to him knowing that she could not refuse him. Not this nor anything else.

She did not want to lose him or cause him pain again. The decision to do whatever it took to make sure none of that happened was an easy one. So Alysanne took those last couple steps and closed the gap between them – draping her slender neck across his.

This was, unfortunately, too much for the little owl that had been perched between her ears. He took off with an angry hoot and flew off to the nearby trees where he could keep an eye on the pair. They certainly needed a chaperone!

It was not a lingering one, that embrace, but it was not fleeting either. She knew that it did not send chills down her spine the way such things had with Sasha… and more recently with Voodoo. Even as she smiled brightly at him, stepping back just a little, she knew she did not love him, not the way he loved her.

But for his sake, she could pretend.

Thought still clouded with worry about Resplendence, she appreciated his encouragement and was glad that he did not bring up his unique ability to block out memories. Though it may be rather helpful, she learned first hand how terrible it was when those memories came back.

But this talk of another magic was something new! “Oh Mikey that’s so exciting! How does it work?” She had seen so many different variations of healing magic since she had stumbled across Helovia, she was curious about what his was.

When their attentions were on her friend’s companion, she smiled softly at the introduction. “She’s beautiful.” Alysanne offered truthfully, marvelling at the beautiful colours of the young bird. And she certainly wasn’t the only one! From his perch nearby, Hemlock was taking a moment out of his grumbling to admire the pretty companion too. “And Hemlock agrees!” She added mischievously, chuckling as the little owl grumbled about how that was supposed to be a secret.

The anger lasted about as long as a blink, however, as he wondered how Eliana would react.

It might be easier for all of them, Alysanne figured, to focus on the companions instead of other things.

Finished teasing her own sweet bird, she dipped her head kindly to the zephyr. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Eliana.”

@[Miykael] dat sonngg

Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image

RE: It's still burning - Miykael - 01-05-2015

Miykael the Angel

I need a little loving tonight; hold me so I'm not falling apart

The moment she moved into him, draping her head over his neck - it felt like his heart was going to explode. It dances in his chest, frantic yet celebratory. Miykael holds her close, relaxing into the embrace and breathing her in. "Oh, Aly.." he sighs, his voice is breathy and the words are hardly above a whisper. God he had missed her... missed this. He missed it so much that he hardly noticed Eliana shriek her displeasure at the invasion and hop down his back to stand guard on his croup.

It ended all too quickly, it always did. It hadn't felt exactly the same as it used to - the way it did before he ruined everything with his stupid confession. Something was missing or something was strained but he couldn't quite place what it was. Her smile was bright as she stepped back and though that smile caused the butterflies to churn in his stomach and bring a smile onto his own features, something was different. He sighs softly, his breath warm in the cool birdsong air. Miykael's baby blue gaze drifted over her and he suddenly noticed the little owl's sudden absence. It seemed even their companions could not stand their turmoil. Perhaps he should give up, for all their sakes? "Did I ever tell you I had multiple forms back in Nocturne? Aside from the otter and... well, this." he adds idly, lifting his wings and tucking his chin briefly on the last word. "One of the others was a personal favorite of mine. It was an owl, exactly the same species as your companion." his voice is soft and warm and with a glance in the direction of her little owl, he searches Alysanne's face for any signs, any hints of anything they used to have.

Her excitement is clear when she asks about his magic, which only serves to grant him a sliver of hope. Perhaps all is not lost. Perhaps he can salvage this after all and perhaps she would come around and realize what he could so plainly see. He smiles softly at her. "Do you remember when we first met?" he asks, peering at her with a playful gleam in his sky hued eyes. "It's exactly the same. I can create a glowing light around a wound and heal most physical damage. Some wounds are more difficult than others." he explains. There really wasn't much to it, except that the worse the injury is, the more likely he is to manifest some of that wound onto himself in the healing process. It was a fitting magic for him, surely. Selflessly taking away another's pain despite any consequences to himself. Miykael was always thinking of others, until he was infected by that nasty disease that swept over Helovia not too long ago.

He became selfish then, and look what it got him. Nothing. Nothing except a broken friendship.

Alysanne turned her attentions to Ellie, then, and Miykael was grateful for the distraction. Ellie attempts a polite coo to Aly in return - her own little way of saying 'pleased to meet you too' though only barely hiding the truth. Ellie is just as displeased with Aly as Hemlock is of Mikey. What an intriguing pair they make, hm? "She is, isn't she?" he exclaims, turning his head to marvel at the night-dark bird. He gazes at Ellie for a few moments before turning back to Aly. "Walk with me?" he asks, his gaze almost pleading. Knowing Aly as well as he does, he knows she would welcome the movement. So when he starts off, turning his back to the cliffs and heading in toward the trees; he doesn't even look back to ensure that she's following. He was confident that she would be right there. In truth, he hopes the movement will keep the words from tumbling from his mouth, the words he longs to say but... can't. Fear of losing her holds him back. But the stroll is having the opposite effect. Every step he takes seems to loosen his tongue, seems to knock the words loose. Soon, they are tumbling from his mouth, each word is heavy like a brick. "Why can't you love me?" he blurts out, an unintended firmness clinging to his voice. "Why not me?" he says again, but this time his voice is a weak whisper and his heart plummets down into his stomach.

What the fuck did you just do, Mikey? You fool.

ooc: the feels! D:
tags: @[Alysanne]
Image by Vail

RE: It's still burning - Alysanne - 01-11-2015

It's all Butterflies and Rainbows

It was with no shortage of surprise that Alysanne listened to the news about Miykael’s other form being the same owl that Hemlock was. Her green eyes widen and she immediately searches for the little owl, without any luck – he’s hidden himself quite well. So she turned back to Mikey and she was grinning just as bright as ever – hoping it looked effortless. “Really? I knew about the otter but I never knew… Isn’t that marvellous?”

Was there a connection? She was so muddled up with confusion it was hard to sort out her own thoughts. Certainly it was one strange coincidence, if it could even be labelled as that. The news further soured the mood of her companion and she felt it, the tug to get out of here: to get herself out of this toxic conversation before she drowned in the poisonous waters.

But she was not being held down; she was walking into turbulent waters of her own free will. Trying so desperately to save another at any cost to herself.

Of course, she accepted his invitation to walk with him without hesitation – not thinking anything of it. A good walk would surely help them as they grasped at the remnants of their friendship…

Oh. There it was.

She hadn’t been expecting it, not yet. Not a bomb after they had just been joking a couple moments ago. Was this it, where she committed herself to the idea that she would do whatever it took to make him happy? She hated that sadness in his eyes, hated the weakness to his voice when he asked her why not him. She hated that she didn’t have a reason. She only knew that it was not him, not now and not before. Alysanne had a habit of stumbling into love when she did not expect it – she wasn’t entirely sure that she had been in love but the distinction did not seem to matter. She cared deeply for Sasha, she loved him. This tender, new thing had sparked with Voodoo, and she was so sure that she loved him too. Yes, it had been Sasha, it was now Voodoo, and it was not Mikey – she did not imagine that it would ever be him.

But he was her friend. And Alysanne knew any sacrifices on her part would be worth it to spare him pain (but she hasn't thought about the sacrifices, not really. Only her own, not the ones she'll be asking of others not present today).

“Oh Mikey.” She started, she waivered, and her voice shook. She took a breath and she continued. “I do love you. I do.” Alysanne knew that she had said that before, knew it didn’t mean much, those words. Not in the sense that he wanted them to mean – she loved everyone, after all. She had to figure out how to make him believe her this time. Her voice is soft as she gently commits to this fallacy, not thinking about the consequences but only about how it will make him better. “It… it’s be confusing… hard even since you’ve been gone. I’ve been so worried about you ever since I found you in that cave.” It broke her heart to remember the shadow of her friend she had discovered there, the starving creature that had finally revealed the horrors he had saved her from. Yes, saved her. She needed to remember it that way.

Always her green eyes are forced to remain fixed on him, watching for a reaction and hoping that things will be better from here on out. “I realized that my worry wasn’t just from the bonds of friendship, or the insane need I have to mother everyone that I meet.” A small laugh, but then the tears start to form. And she can only hope that accompanied with her growing smile they look happy. A mare finally confessing her feelings for someone she had denied for so long.

“It’s out of love for you, my sweet Mikey. You’ve healed me, you’ve protected me. You’re my guardian angel. It took me far too long to see it but I have now. What… what you told me about Hemlock just proves it. Of course one of your forms would be my companion.” She stopped walking, she didn’t trust her legs anymore to stay unless she locked them still. There are sobs now, but always that smile - shining bright as ever. “Oh Mikey... I-I’ve been a f-fool.”

Still a fool, still a fool!

[do you ever just want to strangle your own character? Silly girl. ;) ]

Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image

RE: It's still burning - Miykael - 01-12-2015

Miykael the Fallen

you see her when you fall asleep, But never to touch and never to keep

There is a sullen moodiness about him, a broody quality that only just peeks through his usually selfless and loving exterior. Her surprise over his information appears quite genuine - and if it were anyone other than Aly there may be doubt but with her, he knows it is true. Her melodic voice and bright grin are soothing when she speaks but all he can manage is a weak smile in return, a smile that barely reaches his expressive eyes. His mood had grown sour and though he struggles against it - daily - his resolve has weakened over the course of these last few years. Everything has attempted to break him down, to teach him that he can't keep going this way. Something has to give.

Was it a mere coincidence that her companion shares a species with one of his past forms? Or was there something there that she just didn't see or couldn't see? Perhaps she is ignorant of love, though the same could be true of him. Maybe this wasn't love at all but it sure felt like it. Every time he sees her, his soul soars. Every time she touches him, his skin is electrified, tingly, and warm. Her smile could melt him into a mere puddle and everything about her makes his heart stutter. He would do anything for her. Anything. If he ever needed to decide to save his life or hers - there was no doubt in his mind what his answer would be; her life, every. single. time. He would save her before anyone else - possibly even before Nathanael and Barakiel. She ranked higher than his own blood. How could that possibly mean anything else? It had to be love - there is no other explanation.

But love didn't have to be mutual. Nature is cruel that way and the struggle between Alysanne and himself was proof of that. His frustration is endless. His heart and soul are being pulverized day in and day out leaving him broken and bruised, shortening the fuse of his patience. How much more could he withstand before he crumbled to dust? In that moment of silence he came to a decision - hasty and desperate - that he would leave the Edge, for however long it takes until everything is okay again. He couldn't bring himself to even think or consider that he might not be able to come back - not with Alysanne here. He knew he couldn't change his heart and in order to stay so near to Alysanne, that's exactly what he'd have to do.

When she finally speaks, her voice quivering - his heart sinks. He's hurt her - again. Why couldn't he stop? It seems that's all he's good for anymore. All he's managed to do after their first meeting in Nocturne is hurt her. Fuck. Panic makes his heart leap and stutter in his chest. "Oh! Aly.. I... I'm sorry. I.. I've been so stupid. I shouldn't have asked. I never should have brought it up. I'm so sorry...please forgive me." he rambles, his blue eyes soften into deep, melancholic pools. He kept moving forward, hopeful that she wouldn't notice the pain he knew was so clearly on display in his eyes. "I..." he begins again then suddenly it hits him - hard. Like a brick to the face and it stops him dead in his tracks. Slowly he turns to her, confusion etched onto his face. "Wait... what?" he asks incredulously. "You...you do?" Her words plant a seed of hope in his chest. Each new revelation on her part feeding the seed, causing it to spring to life and grow. Could this really be happening? Somebody please pinch him, he must be dreaming.

Eliana, standing vigilant upon his croup, is just as confused as Miykael. Unlike her beloved bonded, though, she shifts and glares at the black and white mare in disbelief. She feels the growing hope in Miykael and grumbles her disapproval before flying off towards the trees - perhaps she could find that little owl and work out a way to fix this awful situation. And by fix, she means to break them up. To her, Aly is up to no good. Whether she could somehow discern the black and white mare's lie or simply disliked the idea of Miykael bonding with her in that way is unclear. Regardless, something had to be done.

Miykael glanced at the departing zephyr, wondering at her foul mood for the smallest amount of time, then turned back to Alysanne. Her confession continues to build while the tears form and soon, she's sobbing - even though her usual smile is there, clear upon her pretty face. He moves quickly to her then, concern plastered to his features. Standing before her, if only temporarily, he reaches forward with his soft muzzle and moves to brush the tears from her cheek with his lips. "Oh, Aly." he murmurs, regaining a lightness that he hasn't possessed in years. "Please... please don't cry." he says softly, his voice warm and loving. He bridges the gap then, moving forward to press his chest to hers and drape his head delicately over her withers. After a moment of stillness he lifts his head in order to attempt to place soft nibbles and gentle caresses upon her shoulders and tease the lower portions of her mane. "Everything will be alright now... you'll see."

Oh, but he couldn't be more wrong.
He is the fool. Always the fool.

tags: Alysanne // wc: 909
notes: omg. I'm sorry it's so long and such a quick reply. Also, yes, I'd like to strangle him now.

Image by Sarah <3

RE: It's still burning - Alysanne - 01-12-2015

It's all Butterflies and Rainbows

When he moved to hold her, the sobs increased in intensity but only for a moment. As soon as it happened, a bitter show of support came from Hemlock through the bond in their minds. The little owl whispered two words to her “Be stwong.” Yes, yes! She had to stop this crying or she never would! What was she crying about anyway, this had been her decision. Aly gave herself five more seconds, her face buried into Mikey’s skin as she allowed herself to take comfort in his touch.

This was going to be a good thing. Most of what she said, what she would say from here on out, was true, anyway. She just felt that way about all of her friends. Why was Mikey the only one dissatisfied with her friendship? Why had it meant so little to him?

She took strength from those little truths scattered in the lie. Things wouldn’t be all that different now, would they? They had often spent time together before, close and grooming each other absently as they chatted – sleeping side by side.

And… maybe if there was a foal it would tie them together further. Maybe parenthood could smooth over the bumps in their lives.

A sigh from the black and white pegasus as she breathes deep the comforting scent of her friend, steadying herself further. When she finds her voice again, it is still whisper-soft but this time it does not shake. Well, not as much. “I want to make it up to you, make up the time we lost because I was a fool.” Was she too good at this? Too good at spinning these half-truths. If this charade was ever exposed, she did not know if she had a place in the peaceful Edge any longer. Surely Kahlua would be so disappointed in her if she knew!

But it was for the best, she believed that with all of her soul.

“Do you… do you think we can have a new start? The two of us… the beginning of a family.” She is hesitant, glad for their proximity because she is worried about how he will react to this suggestion, though there’s a smile in her voice – giving it a dreamlike feel. The eternal longing in her heart to be a mother tears at her now and she can see it so clearly: the two of them, bound forever by the love of the child that they could share.

The dreams she had had about a family with Voodoo, of a girl with maroon eyes and white wings, feel lost to her now. For while she was certainly capable of loving more than one other at the same time, she did not trust that polygamy on her part would be so easily accepted by the one she pressed her muzzle into now. She’d have to keep this up. At least here, at least in the Edge.

Alysanne felt so protective of Mikey. She needed to protect him from herself because she had caused him too much pain already in their friendship. Had he not given her everything and she had given nothing in return?

Surely this gift would be enough.

Notes;; omg please forgive all the bouncing around of the different tenses I just wanted to get it up <3

Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image

RE: It's still burning - Miykael - 01-13-2015

Miykael the Fallen

you see her when you fall asleep, But never to touch and never to keep

All I need's a little love in my life
All I need's a little love in the dark
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart
I need a little loving tonight
Hold me so I'm not falling apart

Her sobs increased while in his embrace, briefly, but he just held her tenderly - there were no words for this moment. Nothing could slow the flow of tears from her eyes better than a warm, quiet shoulder for her to cry on - and he was certainly good for that. His heart warmed in his chest when she buried her face into his skin and for the first time in many years he felt... whole. Soon, though, she calmed. The tears stopped, her breathing returned to normal but still they held each other (possibly more on his side, but who was he to argue?) The warmth of her body next to his was suddenly comforting again - it wasn't torture anymore. Her sweet scent - mingling with the flowers and herbs she so often collected and tended to - wafts into his sensitive nostrils, flooding him with warmth. She is absolutely intoxicating.

It wasn't that he was dissatisfied with their friendship, rather that he wanted more. He wanted love, a family. Everything in his heart screamed for the vision of them together with a bunch of foals bounding around them - foals that were theirs. It's true that he sometimes has the emotional maturity of a much younger horse and perhaps this wouldn't ever work but Aly was all he had to grasp onto . Was it really such a surprise that he had latched onto such a loving, caring mare? She loved everyone, true, but he loved her so much more - too much, it seems. Aly meant everything to him. Everything.

She sighs and then her voice - soft and barely more than a whisper - breaks the silence surrounding them. Her words still shake a little but he writes it off as simply a side effect of her recent bout of crying. Enjoying the closeness of her body, he sighs softly and closes his eyes. "You don't have to make anything up to me, Aly, your love is enough." And by love he means mutual love, returned love. She had always loved him but it wasn't the same, it didn't hold the same intensity as the love he held in his heart for her. There is but a fine line between love and obsession (and the two are not entirely separate because love itself involves some level of obsession and possessiveness) - Miykael's love for Aly frequently played on that very line, dancing from one side to the other. Lately, though, his love for her had taken a turn towards obsession. But it all began with his illness - it was as though it had changed something in him, something permanent or perhaps it was simply a strong side effect of the illness that still lingers. Either way, he's not as he used to be. And neither is she.

He has finally gotten what he's always wanted, or what he thought he always wanted but something felt off. Something wasn't quite right but he couldn't place it and in his desperation to keep her love to himself he wasn't about to go digging. He was afraid of what he might find, afraid that he would put everything he has just gained into jeopardy or worse - he was afraid he would lose her entirely. So when she speaks again, confusion contorts his features. He pulls back then, only enough to see her face, and his blue eyes meet her green ones. "A new start? Of course, Aly..." but his words trail off as the realization of her real meaning dawns on him. OH. A foal? His features soften then, his blue eyes sparkling with a swirl of emotions. A crooked little smile, something akin to a smirk, slowly spreads over his face. "Is that what you want, Aly?" his voice is smooth, deep, and laced with an inherently sexy quality (he didn't consciously alter his voice, mind you - it simply happened). He takes a step towards her, hesitant and uncertain. "Am I dreaming?" he asks, soft and sweet.

Miykael moves closer to her again but instead of pressing his chest against hers he sidesteps, lowers his soft lips to her spine. He slowly steps forward, caressing her back along the way with his fluffy white wings tucked against his sides. Arriving at her croup, just above the base of her tail, he pauses and looks back towards her. Their eyes meet - green and blue connecting, communicating silently. She is receptive, welcoming and so he doesn't question. Instead he simply proceeds.

- fade to black and end scene -

tags: Alysanne // wc: 741
notes: <3

Image by Sarah <3