HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
And so we met. [Indy] - Printable Version

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And so we met. [Indy] - Saisands - 09-03-2012


frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

The beautiful golden femme strutted across the rocky path that led its way around the side of a steep mountainside, adorned with scarce herbage and jagged rocks. The sun had strayed out of the clouds that forced the heavens to fight out of the gloom. Her heart racing with adrenaline, she watched as the blur of Helovia passed through her cocoa pools, and she payed little attention to it. However, the light mist that dripped over scenery, blotting any real sort of good vision she could obtain. Soon she slowed down as she came to the end of the path, and it opened out onto a glorious grassy fields.

With a quiet cheer she quickened her pace and lengthened her stride into a gallop as she moved further into the large field. Finally slowing down, she breathed heavily and let out a sigh of relief from stretching her pillars. The herbage and grass felt soft underneath her feet with the dampness of the chilly temperatures that Orangemoon had provided Helovia. All-in-all it was safe to say that although Saisands had never laid orbs upon this place, she already thought this could be one of the many places she'd like to reside in times of thought.
"And so I shall."

Safe in the knowledge that there were no danger to her well-being, she reached down and let her pretty crown take some of the sweet herbage from the ground, pulling at it softly from the terra firma. The taste was delicious and refreshing to her hungered frame, and so she stood there, magnificent in the sun as her pelt glowed in its glory.

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Indy - 09-04-2012

Indy had left the herd meeting and went straight to the Heavenly Field to search for Gossamer. She had disappeared shortly after her fight with Paladin and he had worried about her. It wasn't like her to just disappear without warning. When he'd gotten to the field he found it empty save for the trees and flowers that were usually there. The stallion sighed and closed his eyes, thinking about where she could have run off to.

Eventually Indy had drifted off to sleep only to wake up to the sound of a soft voice and hoof falls. His ears twitched and he lifted his head, his eyes opening to search the field. He had hoped to see Gossamer, but it was not her. Instead it was a golden and white mare that he had seen in the Foothills a few times. He watched her as she stopped to begin grazing.

The stallion considered just leaving the meadow and the mare in peace, but he was lonely without the constant company of the mare who had claimed him so long ago. Instead he walked toward Saisands. "Mind if I join you?" He asked gently.
sxc.hu, Sooty-Bunnie, AlaskaStock, and ilovearies

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Saisands - 09-04-2012


frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

Content in her grazing, the golden femme had not expected company, but the interruption was almost a blessing to her young display. It was becoming ever so lonely for the sweet thing, and she knew that all the company she could get was a sigh of relief, on her part. She pulled her beautiful crown up to face him. The creature that strolled up to her was a brute, a magnificent one at that. She recognised him vaguely, catching his scent similar to those of her Foothills herd, yet with the knowledge that she had no recollection of the pair exchanging views. Technically he was a stranger to her, but he seemed harmless. His pelt shone of charcoal that was draped quite prestigiously across a burly frame, complete with feathers adorning the bottoms of his pillars. His silks, too, a charcoal, long and quaintly admiring the gods' handiwork of a mass, if she thought so herself. As her own vision focused in on his handsome crown, she noticed that his sapphire pools were kind and warm towards her - this gave her further comfort that she was not in harm's way. Dipping her visage in respect, her voice rang melodically towards his direction,
"Of course not, ..." What is his name? It struck her that her own stupidity was even surprising her, "Forgive me, sir, I have misplaced your name. I- Ind...?" Her mumbling and fumbling was starting to grate away at her own mind, so she couldn't imagine what it must be doing to this beast. He bore the presence of a superior, and here she was acting like a child.

She stayed silent and began to explore his frame further, to admire it. The hopeless romantic always knew it was fairly safe to look, but perhaps not to touch. She would wait for the One, as they say. With a sigh, she brought her cocoa pools back round to meet his, hoping that she be expressing the respect that was attempting to display. The smell of the grass and herbage underneath their feet was divine, and this teamed with the beautiful surrounds of the fields was in itself marking a lovely moment.

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Indy - 09-05-2012

Indy smiled when the mare admitted to not recalling his name. It was only proof to him that he did not make himself known as a leader in the Foothills. His leadership position, however, was one that he had not wanted from the beginning. It was something given to him by Gossamer when she had been named leader of the Foothills, just as she had given Smoke her position. He had tried to make himself known, but he had grown tired very quickly of the petty problems that the herd members brought upon themselves. More than once he had wanted to tell them all to grow up and stop acting like children, but he had always prided himself on his patience so he handled whatever issue was thrown his way.

"Indy." He said to the mare. "Until very recently I was Chief of the Foothills." He was glad for his retirement. Now he just wanted to live out the rest of his life in peace and comfort and let someone else deal with the petty fighting and those seeking entrance into the herd.

"I apologize, my dear, but it appears that we have the same problem." He chuckled quietly. "What might your name be?"

sxc.hu, Sooty-Bunnie, AlaskaStock, and ilovearies

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Saisands - 09-05-2012


frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

Was the leader of the Foothills? There was two problems to that fact that Saisands had - one: he was no longer the leader, and two: how on earth had she not realised that he was her superior? With the shock catching her breath at her blatant disrespect for him, she instantly felt guilty. Dipping her head she closed her cocoa pools and sighed as she managed to recollect her breath back. She lowered the arch of her golden neck and stepped one dagger at a time back until she was only one step away from him.
"Indy... It suits you well. I am sorry, sir, I didn't realise." With her apology out of the way, her curiosity got the better of her and she inquired, "May I ask why you are the former leader?" She smiled softly to him, still the thought of his handsome frame rapidly whirling through her mind.

He spoke once again, in a kind manner that boded well with Saisands. Whilst the breeze was slightly picking up, it brought the chuckle that sounded from his dark velveteens as he subtly apologised for not knowing her name. She would never have expected Indy to know her name, she was a friendless creature in the herd and was neither important nor popular, but at this particular moment, this was forgotten about. She was actually enjoying herself in the charcoal brute's company. "My name is Saisands." She reciprocated with warmth and a small smile that was plastered across her own velveteens, her cocoa pools shining.

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Indy - 09-07-2012

"No need to apologize." He said gently to the mare. Honestly, he was happy that she had not recognized him as the former leader. He was done with that chapter of his life and would rather not look back on it. Being a leader was tiring, he didn't know how Mauja could do it and still have time for himself. "Former because my daughter and her mate have taken on the role of leadership." He was still unsure about the herd. There had been no kind acceptance of Paladin or Soleil. The way that one loud mouthed colt had spoken of her had left the former leader wanting to smash his head in. What kind of coward spoke that way of someone who wasn't even there to defend themselves?

As the mare spoke her name Indy smiled. "Your name is lovely, much like yourself, Saisands." And the mare was lovely indeed, with her coat of gold and white. The flowers that adorned her mane only served to accentuate her beauty.

sxc.hu, Sooty-Bunnie, AlaskaStock, and ilovearies

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Saisands - 09-08-2012


frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

The deep voice of the charcoal brute was warm and friendly towards her as he explained new rank adjustments. She knew of Paladin being the leader of the Foothills, but she had known the connection. His daughter is the mate? She snorted lightly and dipped her crown before quietly replying,
"You must be proud of your daughter." A faint smile cast across her velveteens before she pulled herself back into her relaxed yet respective poise.

It was a strange feeling for the young vixen to feel so content and subtly joyous whilst with company. She had fallen for many a brute in her short reign of life, but they had never gone far. Love was something she believed that came once or twice in a life, and if any creature felt they loved more they were very much mistaken. But this current moment grasped her innards and shook them with such a violent force that her mind felt open to the prospect; could this be the one? With a quick shake of her crown she frowned - no of course not! Such a beast as Indy, who was once a leader and still respectable would not be a fitting choice for her. Stupid, stupid Sandy. Scolding herself for such thoughts she tried to pull herself back to the surface. With a quick glance she regained the knowledge that she was standing in the beautiful fields, feeling the breeze play at her pale silks whilst the sunlight made her golden pelt glisten. Such a scenic place would of course make her beautiful, but what she was not aware of was her pure beauty that she possessed naturally.

Indy's voice once again pulled her back from her thoughts. At the sound, any distractions were soon discarded and her entire attention was focused on him. His impressive, brawny mass was the only thing that her cocoa pools had latched onto. His compliment made her feel warm inside, yet awkward. A sweet smile passed across her soft velveteens again, but this time it was one that even made her feel happy. It was such a nice thing for Saisands to hear, and something that she did not hear often. "You are too kind, Indy. And likewise," her pools gazed into his with such sincerity that she hoped it didn't make him feel uncomfortable, "Whoever is bound to you is a lucky duchess." It felt odd and slightly dejecting to mention such a thing, but it was the only phrase that she could piece together that could match her feelings.

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Indy - 09-20-2012

The black stallion smiled and gave a slight nod of his head. He was proud of his daughter. He was proud of all of his children even if he didn't agree with or approve of some of their decisions. "Every parent is proud of their children." Whether or not they showed it was up to that individual, but he couldn't imagine anyone being disappointed in their children. His own had made very foolish decisions, each of them, but he still loved them. He was still proud of them and he would be until the day he finally died.

His gaze fell slightly and he smiled sadly as the mare mentioned who he might be bound to. The stallion didn't know what to think. It was the first time Gossamer had ever run off on her own and left him behind. He could only believe that she was angry that she had lost her leadership. Angry that he had not been there to stop the fight. He had told Paladin if he had wanted to challenge for leadership to do it, but he would not fight for his position. He had not imagined that Gossamer would run away and leave him like she had.

It left him to wonder if Gossamer would be coming back or if she would stay gone. Should he stay there and wait for a mare that might not ever return to him? Or should he move on with his life and find someone else to give his love to? The questions were endless and none of them had answers that he could grasp.

Finally, he spoke. "I no longer have a mate." The sad smile remained as he finally came to his decision. "She left when she lost her position as Chieftess."

sxc.hu, Sooty-Bunnie, AlaskaStock, and ilovearies

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Saisands - 09-20-2012


frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

The flourish of faint pride within the dark brute was evident in his mannerisms. He seemed deep in thought before he spoke to confirm this pride. She smiled back at him, feeling the warmth. She did know what it was like to bear children, but she understood that such a love was not one to tamper with. With a flick of her tail silks she gazed into his pools and faintly said,
"I would be proud no matter what path they would decide to take."

His words then turned onto the talk of his mate. Her heart fell at the prospect of him already having a lover, but she knew that he was an older beast that was bound to have captured the heart of someone far more worthy than herself. She respected this, as much as it tore her to pieces. The grandeur of a brute such as Indy was obviously going to be a hit with the female kind. The talk of having children was a sign that he had already found his love. With a sigh she titled her beautiful crown downwards to avoid any awkward eye contact during her ordeal within. You've only just met him. Stop. Scolding herself on the matter was all that Saisands could do in the circumstances.
But then he spoke. It almost lifted her spirits if not for the way that he spoke about it. I no longer have a mate. The opportunity could almost have been there for her to grasp, but the caramel femme felt she would have no chance. Dejectedly, she pondered on sympathy for Indy having lost his mate, "I am sorry to hear that. It must be incredibly hard for you to lose her..." With a small glance back into his magnificent pools, she noticed the small smile written across his charcoal velveteens. It wasn't one of happiness, but of loss for the one that had left him.

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Indy - 10-10-2012

Indy smiled to himself. Pride was a very funny thing when he really got to thinking about it. Yes, he was proud of his children and, yes, he loved them. As proud as he was of them as individuals he could be a little disappointed in their decisions from time to time. His two daughters, for example, had both bore children at a very young age to stallions he couldn't really feel held any real love for either of them. He was not proud of their decision then, but it didn't diminish his love for them or make him any less proud of them.

Even good things came from silly decisions, he found. If not for their decisions he wouldn't have his grandchildren to spoil whenever he saw them.

"I am sorry to hear that. It must be incredibly hard for you to lose her..."

Was it really?

Honestly Indy was coping with the fact that his mate had run off and left him rather well. He was not angry, only saddened and disappointed in the way she acted in the aftermath of the fight. He was already becoming accustomed to being alone most of the time, especially in his head. If there was one thing he found solace in it was that she was not there to pry into his thoughts. He had privacy now that he hadn't had since she'd gotten her magic and used it on him for the first time.

"I am not terribly saddened." Indy spoke truthfully. "I feel like we've been growing apart for some time, now." Maybe she would find bigger and better things out there for herself. Maybe she would find a stallion that fit her wants and desires and maybe he would find a mare that was a better fit for himself. One that did not want to run a herd and try to please every single individual, but one that would want to raise a family and grandchildren. Somewhere deep in his heart he wondered if Gossamer had ever really wanted that.

sxc.hu, Sooty-Bunnie, AlaskaStock, and ilovearies

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Saisands - 10-28-2012


frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

Saisands boldly placed her pretty frame next to the handsome brute's at the sound of his words, making sure that she still managed to "keep her distance" so as not to freak him out. She let her cocoa pools scour his charcoal pelt, moving precariously around his tapered features.

"I guess that is something, not to feel incredibly saddened by such a thing..." He sweet high pitched words were hardly a consolation, but they were simply chosen for a naive understanding of what it must be like to lose a lover. Her young mind could not quite comprehend what it could possibly feel like to have that other half ripped away in such haste. Her golden figure stood in the cooling breeze and it shivered slightly, but more from the butterflies that were re-discovering every knook and cranny of her beautiful bodess.

"Maybe now it's time for you to do the same?" Her suggestion was open for any reply that he may decide to give her, her pools warm and the smile on her face as innocent as the dame that uttered them.

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Indy - 10-29-2012

Indy did not have much of a response for Saisands so he merely gave a shrug of his muscled shoulders. It felt wrong not to be incredibly saddened at the disappearance of his mate, but it was what he was feeling. He would not admit to the slight tinge of relief that he felt that his mind would be his own again. That he would no longer have someone probing his every thought and not giving him even an ounce of privacy. Maybe he was overreacting about her magic, though. Maybe she had given him more privacy than he thought. They were maybes that would never be answered.

"Grow apart?" He asked when the mare suggested he do the same. That was part of the problem. He had grown apart but he had never been so sure that she had. Now that she was gone he was fairly certain that she had been feeling the same as she had. "I believe I already have, dear Saisands." He donned a rueful smile and shifted his gaze to the horizon.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, Saisands?" The stallion asked, his gaze remaining on the horizon. "Do you believe that you can have second chances at it or is there only one chance?"

sxc.hu, Sooty-Bunnie, AlaskaStock, and ilovearies

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Saisands - 10-29-2012


frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

The alluring obsidian frame that stood before her had captivated her, and at the smile she felt that her pillars would give way. Her own beautiful figure remained sturdy, however. Saisands was not going to fall for every handsome brute that her stars crossed, this she hoped at least. The romantic that she was, in her young years, she understood that it would someday get her into trouble. But her naive side was playing to her advantage here, something that she had not quite grasped the concept of.

Indy's deep voice was like nectar to her pretty little lobes, and she hung on every word. But then his sudden bold query hit her. Do you believe in love at first sight, Saisands? Do you believe that you can have second chances at it or is there only one chance? She almost jumped like her heart did. With her cocoa pools fixed on his, she contemplated her response. At first she wondered what he meant, who behind the scenes he was secretly boiling over with passion for. Not me, she shrugged, trying not to set her hopes up so high. Instead, she braced herself and set her sweet voice into action,
"I do, yes. Very much so, Indy. Why would you ask?" She asked with such innocence that perhaps it would make him forget that she was even curious enough to ask. Even the chance that she could possibly have a chance was gnawing away at the golden princess, even though she was convinced that it was not the fae that stood before him that he was thinking of.

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Indy - 10-30-2012

The large stallion nodded as the mare acknowledged her beliefs in love at first sight and second chances at it. He almost asked her if she believed that one could fall out of love but he held his tongue in the end. It was more than likely inappropriate to speak of such things with such a young mare and especially so soon after his mate had left him. But who would he speak to? He didn't want to worry his daughter with his own problems when she had her own children and mate to look after. He did not want to make Paladin feel guilty for driving Gossamer away.

If he was honest with himself this day had been a long time coming.

He looked at the mare that had moved to stand beside him, a smile finding his face. "Curiosity, mostly." Indy answered. "Along with the fact that I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone." He shrugged his massive shoulders again the sighed. "I don't think being a grumpy old man really sounds all that appealing."

sxc.hu, Sooty-Bunnie, AlaskaStock, and ilovearies

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Saisands - 10-30-2012


frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

It gave the golden fae much comfort, to feel the brute's warmth nearer to her. In the dying days of the sunlight she was grateful for any heat. But Indy's - that was something that she could not describe. Scolding herself slightly for thinking things so quickly, she suddenly reminded herself that she was still a young creature, perhaps too young. But even in the midst of all this, Saisands understood what love was. And if it felt anything like this then her judgement was correct.

Indy's crown seemed to suggest he wanted to say more, his velveteens almost parted as if in mid sentence, but he held his tongue. She tilted her own golden and pearl crown to one side in curiousity, but straightened back at his words. She chuckled at his notions of not wanting to become old and grumpy. Did anyone? Her amusement at his words was probably not the best idea, considering that the charcoal beast displayed the characteristics of a more serious sir, but she couldn't hold back a sweet, quiet laugh. She shook her silks and said in her melodic voice,
"I can't see you becoming old and grumpy, Indy. You have so much life in you, and there are many things to keep you young." She smiled warmly and fondly at him, before adding, "No one wants to be alone, I guess sometimes we all get scared about the prospect, I know I do..." Her crown displayed features of sadness at the thought, but she shook them away.

This was a time to be elated; Saisands was in the company of a fine, tapered brute and it was not yet time to hide from the harshness of Frostfall. Yet still in the midst of all this, her emotions would not waver from the fact that she was terrified of dying alone. She pressed closer to Indy instinctively, almost like a child to its mother. Noticing what she had done, she pulled herself back, with alarm written in her cocoa pools. "Forgive me..." She dipped her head respectively, and began to tear herself away, reluctantly. "I have taken up much of your time, I mustn't bother you anymore." Sweet Indy, she almost added, but bit the words back. She was sure that a noble brute like himself would not appreciate such words. Instead, they seeped through every expression in her beautiful frame.

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Indy - 11-13-2012

A smile spread across his dark face when he was told that there was still a lot of life left in him. Why did he not feel like there was a lot left in him? He felt old even if he was only middle aged. In his life he felt like he had been through so much. Too many wars, the birth of his children, his grandchildren, leadership, visits to the gods. He had spent most of his life in the passenger seat and let everyone else guide him and now he was just tired. Maybe he wanted to be a grumpy old man and live out the rest of his days in some sort of peace.

"You will not be alone for long, dear Saisands." Indy promised. "You are still young, you're whole life is still ahead of you. You're beautiful and you're, really, very sweet. Someone will snatch you up, mark my words." He turned his blue eyes on her and his smile grew. "You just have to be patient."

A moment later she was asking for forgiveness and claiming to have taken up too much of his time. Indy's smile faded slightly and he shook his head. "You are not a bother and I rather enjoyed you taking up some of my time." He allowed himself to bump his muzzle gently against her own. "I do hope to see you again, sometime, dear Saisands."

sxc.hu, Sooty-Bunnie, AlaskaStock, and ilovearies

RE: And so we met. [Indy] - Saisands - 11-13-2012


frozen faces can always melt, push this echo in the outside world

A she turned to leave, she stopped, hearing his words and taking them in slowly. They were sweet and warming to her young heart, and she turned her beautiful golden visage back round, cocoa pools bleeding out her gracious attitude towards Indy. The dark handsome brute spoke of her having so much ahead of her, branding her sweet and beautiful. Deciding to take a step into the unknown, she raced back and aimed to nuzzle him affectionately, her voice melodically making its way through to his lobes,
"Thank you, sweet Indy." With that, she shook her soft silks and made her way out again, back to the Foothills. She felt like she was stepping on euphoria after that wonderful meeting with her new friend. The charcoal beast's display lay lodged in her mind as he soon became nothing but a small silhouette in the distance to her.

With a sigh, she left...