HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Satisfied? - Printable Version

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Satisfied? - Agrona - 11-25-2014


Cupped hooves clack loudly across stone while I move deeper and deeper into the darkness of the catacombs, the hair along my spine raising slowly, each follicle standing straight on end by the time the darkness had engulfed me near the crystal wall and seeping magma river. I don't like this place, at all; it smells stuffy and dank and just down right foul. My mind's eye pulls up images of our original home: the Marshes and all of their glory. Puffy white eyes watched us walk by, awaiting the day a stranger would slip into the depths of their gummy graves and find themselves in a panic in order to get their snack.. I can only imagine what their rotting, crack, black teeth would feel like in your side. The thought alone makes my entire body quiver in disgust and fear.

I've found myself in a room full of strange odors and smells like ones I have never smelled before. Spices and sweets alike fill the blue-hued room, the combined scents making my stomach growl, which is strange because I am slightly put-off by all of this. Mushrooms and tree tops - glowing the same radiant blue as the strange moss - circle the room. With a careful step, I move into the carpeted cave, violet eyes straining to pick up on anything that isn't illuminated in this room. A waterfall churns in the distance, supplying a fresh stream of water that I can catch glinting against neon blues. Nostrils flutter quietly, laced snout dropping to search the floor while I taste the air for any near by bodies; little do I know that I am walking directly over a grave belonging to a man once named Azzaron.

Lied out flat on the glowing room's floor is a feather, something commonly seen where the bird-horses hang out around here, but this one is shorter and stubbier than those of your commonly winged equine.. and it stinks! Ugh, it's filthy! Rough lips touch the cold object, barely able to feel the silky down that pokes from either side of the white stem. My tongue slides out, wetting dark lips before a loud snort of displeasure echoes through the empty room. Hot breath blows the black and gray feather away and tumbling toward the shallow stream that is a good three strides away. A gauged ear ticks backward, rubbing against a small groove that has begun to form in it's fellow antler as it settles back. "What the fuck?" my words were supposed to be muttered to only myself, but the near dead-silence in this deep cave allows them to bounce off of rock walls and absorb into the bright trees. I lift my antlered skull back into the air, the colorless hair hanging along my thin neck taking on a blue sheen.

This patrol is a waste of my time, but having just been scolded by those fucking morons at the meeting has only reminded me of my rank here in Helovia; I'm no longer the bloody warrior-princess that had been able to dominate any herd I had come across. That is no longer me, as much as I wish it could be. Lost in thought, I stare vacantly across the room, my eyes settled on the feather that has stopped once more, hanging on a tuft of moss. 'Why can't I be that woman again?' What is stopping me? Nothing! Who could stop me?! A girly giggle erupts into the room, wild eyes flashing up to a still tree in the distance.

"talk talk talk"
Note: Patrol thread, anyone is welcome to stumble in. The smells and feather she found are from the companion drop!

Is it sick of me

to need control of you?
Credits: code by Tamme | Image by Sarah | Stock Credits in the Link

RE: Satisfied? - Panzram - 11-25-2014

I had plans to become a frequent visitor of these lands ever since I had discovered them, finding comfort in the darkness and the musky smells. This was the closest thing that could possibly make me feel at home, reminding me of the land I ruled over. The lands in which I was the dangerous viper that roamed the tunnels underground, waiting to strike on any poor, pathetic being that grew too curious. The caves were where I felt in my element, you could say, alert to any new sounds and and smells long before the sense of sight could pick up on. My favorite cave in particular was the large cavern with the roaring waterfall. There was something about being able to watch lights reflecting on the walls that brought a sense of calmness that I found to be the closest thing to meditation as I could get. Whoever would have thought I would need moments like this?

Looking back on it though, it only made perfect sense. In the Srotigus Pit, the massive set of underground tunnels and cavernous rooms, my quarters were similar in that they held meditative qualities. After all, my personal quarters consisted of the second largest "room" in the sets of caves, with an opening like a window to the outside world. Somewhere above that cave, more than likely uphill, there must have been a river or lake or something similar. I could remember hearing the water trickling down the rocks, dripping off of stalactites and splashing onto the rock below. Granted, that was completely different from these caves...But, there was a sense of familiarity there nonetheless.

Despite all of this comparison, I was actually lingering inside of the room that was illuminated by strange glowing trees and mushrooms. Far into the back of the room, I stood quietly with my weight adjusted so one of my legs was resting on the tip of my hoof. Don't ask me why exactly I had decided to haunt this room, standing stock still save for the movement of my barrel as I breathed. I was just barely in the darkest shadows of the room, pressed against a wall and hidden by some of the trees by anyone that may have walked by. To the world, I was nothing more than a shadow. After standing so quietly for so long, I was just about to drift off to sleep...

But the sudden echo of another's voice jostled me from my light doze, auds flicking forward to listen while my nares flared to take in the feminine scent of another amongst the filthy odors that lingered from prior events of who knows what. My gaze darted towards the tree that blocked my view, waiting for the owner of the voice to reveal themselves any second. But instead, a curious giggle came out of nowhere, similar to how Beloved was when I first met her, though not nearly as...Well, I guess for lack of a better word, creepy. Anyways, it was this additional giggle that urged me to move from my shadow, slowly weaving my way around the tender tree and revealing myself in the blue glow.

Dark eyes settled on the vixen before me, studying her lovely frame and taking note of the horns perched above her ears. A fellow unicorn, though I had no recognition of her, nor did she carry any scent of the Aurora Basin. If this giggly, swearing mare was not a Basiner, then, who was she? "Having fun?" My voice broke the silence, echoing eerily off of the walls in a tone that could send a chill down the largest stallion's spine.

RE: Satisfied? - Agrona - 11-25-2014


As I babble in my head, I can't help but feel eyes on me. Once more I can feel my spine tingle and hair begin to raise; dark ears pin against starch hair. "Having fun?" a deep, menacing voice questions to my left. How fucking big is this shit hole?! My heart nearly leaps into my throat when I find him, the sight of the stallion who I can barely see in the dull cyan light bringing a distorted image of a wraith into my mind. My nerves want to spasm and tell me to turn and run, but I freeze, wide eyes locked on the not-so-decaying face of this stranger. A thick blade runs down the length of his face, dull eyes watching back from the dark. I want to curl my top lip and snarl at the man like a wild dog, but my face doesn't like to do that, so instead I continue to stare.

What is he doing down here? Something suspicious, I assume. What the fuck else do you do underground? I hold my antlered head high, my legs stiff, planted in the moss. How many sane people do you know that hang out below the ground voluntarily? The lighting makes it difficult for me to make out the rest of the stranger's body, but from what I can see he is coated in white along his shoulders and his face has taken on a sickly green color thanks to the mushrooms and trees. On gaurd, my left ear cocks forward while my eyes squint against the ongoing darkness - the decorations below my eye curving with my skin.

"What are you doing down here?" I finally ask, raspy voice hot in this dank room. The man is much bigger than I am, but that's without question, most men around these parts seem to be.. Except for Midas. Fucking golden pony boy. Not even allowing the brute enough time to answer, I clench my jaws tight, irritated with his inability to answer me right away. "Who else is with you?" My tail whips behind me, lashing my left heel with a slight snapping sound. Curious, I sniff at the air again - ears still tied back in thin hair - but all I can register that the man smells like is the outdoors; cold, snowy air and evergreens. Perhaps he's doing the same thing as I am and not being a creep?


"talk talk talk"

Is it sick of me

to need control of you?
Credits: code by Tamme | Image by Sarah | Stock Credits in the Link