HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[P] Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Printable Version

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Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Kiara - 12-03-2014


Together they ran, the red roan allowing long overdue tears to consume her. Her son and daughter, the only other beings outside of her bond with Keiran that she cared for.... She cared for just to have them join the very herd her rapist was from. Even though her son had not said they were rejecting her, essentially they were. The Basin did not welcome those without horns. She remembered very well the battle for the Edge and being stolen away after. The verbal abuse that she and others from the Edge and Foothills had taken was enough to show the hate that lived in that place.

She cried and ran until her legs could allow her to run no more. She gave in, flopping to the ground under a willow tree. The panther looked around, making sure the area was safe. Without knowing what this place was for, one simple sniff told the story. The smell of sweat and mares in heat filled the air. The panther growled softly, warning all to stay away.

Kiara looked up at him and shook her head. Let them come. Let another use me like the ones before have. It's all i'm good for... Hell i'm not even good at raising them... With that she dissolved into tears again. The panther moved to lay on her backside, a move he had not made since he was a cub. It was a comforting and protective move all in one at his size now. If only someone he could trust would arrive, maybe talk some sense into the girl...



I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
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RE: Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Rostislav - 12-04-2014

Walking without a purpose, I find myself in the Secret Grove. It seems a stupid name... it's not very secret, after all. Surely everyone knows about it, and the scent of mating covers every bit of life here. Damaris walks behind me, lazily, holding a rabbit in her mouth. Silly rabbits, thinking they can hide from her. She pins her ears as she smells the sex, finding it rather offensive. 'Your kind do it, too.' I jokingly scold her, though there is little laughter in my thoughts. She huffs, missing the joke, and acts repulsed that any lady could do such a thing. Her denial amuses me, and a smile twitches at the corners of my mouth, creeping its way upon my reluctant face.

Stop soon? I'm hungry. She tries to bark at me through the meat of the rabbit carcass. I can practically feel her hunger through our bond and know she is getting annoyed at my wandering. I'm restless, though I don't know why. I turn my horned skull back to look at her, but find myself stopping short. My gaze catches a familiar body beneath a willow tree, looking quite the sight. Damaris drops the rabbit and looks over in the direction my head has turned. It's the mare who healed me after my fight with Elsa, and her companion. Kiara and Keiran. Damaris looks between the pair and her rabbit, clearly conflicted over which was more important. Her sense of right is even stronger than mine, but her desire to satisfy her rumbling tummy is a force to be reckoned with. 'Stay. I will go.' I tell her gently, encouraging her to relax and enjoy her meal while I tend to the prone mare.

As I approach I notice the lack of snow, the soft ground moist beneath my large hooves, and the sun creeping out from behind a cloud to shine down on the horse and cat. "Kiara..? What plagues you?" I wonder if she is ill... if she is, shouldn't she be able to heal herself? Maybe her magic doesn't work that way. Her panther lies protectively on top of her, in such a way that he almost looks like a blanket. I cock my head, confused. Tears have stained her cheeks, though it looks as if she might have cried herself out. I stand above her, not realizing how awkward I must be. I do not know how to tend to a tearful soul, and have no clue what I am supposed to do in this situation. I almost hope that she'll insist she's fine, so I can walk away with a guilt-free conscience. But at the same time, my instincts and power of observation tell me she isn't 'fine' and that no matter her response, it would be cowardly to walk away.

WC: 470
Tag: @[Kiara]

more than a drunken fool
x - x

RE: Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Kiara - 12-11-2014


As the Legatus aproached, Keiran growled softly at first in warning. That is until he saw the stallion. Gently he slid from from her back, nodding to the stallion. He stayed close just in case but was going to let her do the talking.

The roan shifted and stood quickly, not out of fear but out of trying to act like she was alright. "Rostislav." Her voice was soft, her green eyes looking over the head of the warriors for the Falls. "I-I didn't see you." She looked to him as her mind processed the question he asked. What plagues you?" Ha, what plagues her? What did exactly plague her... Well that could be any number of things. From the twice over rape, to the murder of her first born son before her eyes, to even the abuse she and her mother withstood when she was much younger...

Finally her lips parted, but not with an answer. Instead she asked a question of her own. "What's in that leather bag you always carry?" Her eyes stayed focused on the bag, curious suddenly. At least her mind wasn't on everything else. Keiran sighs and shook his head. I hunt. You safe with him. With that the panther was off, hunting as well as making sure nothing surprised the pair. Finally Kiara answered the question at hand, her mind finally able to deal with the subject. "Zünden and Adelric left the Falls, for the home of their father... The Basin.." She paused. "Their father was murdered. I should be happy he's gone after what he did... But I know they are in danger there.." Her voice trailed off, still wanting to know what he held the that bag of his... How he could remain so... Care free.



I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose, Fire away, fire away, Ricochet, you take your aim, Fire away, fire away
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RE: Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Rostislav - 12-14-2014

Keiran rises quickly as I approach, not at first recognizing me. Once he realizes who I am he backs off, and once we start conversing he takes his leave. Damaris stays with her rabbit, no longer paying attention to me except for the small, back of the mind nature of our bond that keeps us always connected. Kiara stands as I approach, perhaps trying to maintain some air of propriety. She doesn't know me well enough, it appears, to realize that propriety should be one of the first things left behind when you come to see me. At first she seems to be considering my question, and there's no doubt in my mind that something bothers her, and is weighing her spirit down. But instead of replying with an answer to satisfy my curiosity, she responds with a question of her own.

'What's in the leather bag you always carry?' It was surprisingly infrequent that he was asked that question. Many never asked, a couple presumed to know, and even fewer actually asked about it. He looked down at the pouch that hung at his shoulder, considering it. He did not drink from it as often as he used to. Perhaps it was the.. more uplifting nature of Helovia that kept him from resorting to his drink. Vodka offered comfort in the worst of times, but for the everyday entertainment he found himself more interested in the others that populated the odd land. They were such strange creatures themselves that he didn't need the vodka to make them any more interesting.

But she does answer my question, before I can answer hers. I blink in confusion - I.. two lines of conversation are taking place and I'm not very good at keeping up. But I shall try with admirable determination. She reveals that her misery is well-founded, and her reasons are tragic. The loss of her two children to the Basin, and their father destroyed. I know nothing of her family, of her children and their father, that he was a rapist and not a respectable character at all. "I am sorry to hear that." I am not very talented with empathizing, though I am earnest in my efforts. "Have you tried to get them back? Were they taken?" If she hasn't tried to get them back, then perhaps she should. Perhaps the herd should try. I lie down and encourage her to lie next to me, touching the ground with my nose as an indicator that she should join me. I take a swig from my pouch and glance toward her, offering her a sip as well. "It may make you feel better. It always does for me."

WC: 448
Tag: @[Kiara]

more than a drunken fool
x - x

RE: Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Kiara - 12-17-2014


"I am sorry to hear that." He pauses as if weighing hid next words. "Have you tried to get them back? Were they taken?" She shakes her head slightly.
"If only it were that easy. They were not taken. They went on their own free will. I fear what will happen if those of the Basin find out my blood also runs in their veins." Her voice cracked slightly. He lays down on the ground and touched the ground with his nose, trying to get her to join him. She does, laying down tucked at the larger stallion's side.

For the first time in years, she feels safe in the presence of a stallion. After all, what was the worst that could happen? He was from her herd, she knew him. He drank from his leather bag, then offering her some as well. She hesitates for a moment or two. His words sinking into her mind. "It may make you feel better. It always does for me." Those words made her choice. She reached out and took the opening of the bag in her mouth and tipped it back.

The liquid burned her throat as it slipped down. She could not drink from it for long for the feeling. She let go of the bag and coughed, her eyes wide. Whatever was in the bag, was strong to the taste. It was also unlike anything the young roan had ever had. But as the drink settled in her belly it felt good. She tried to recover herself slightly. "It's strong, but good. What is it?" Whatever it was, as the effects settled in her emotions numbed. She could feel the bond with Keiran, his concern pouring through. I am fine. Hunt. Rosti keep me safe. The panther consented and continued his hunt. However he had a feeling his bonded was going to relax this night....



I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose, Fire away, fire away, Ricochet, you take your aim, Fire away, fire away
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RE: Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Rostislav - 12-18-2014

I'm broken, lying helpless, shattered,
surrounded by the world

She provides a response, clearly regretful and ashamed that her children chose to go to the Basin. I do not know them and I certainly don't know many Basiners. I only consider myself unfriendly with the Aurora Basin because that is what I have been taught to believe. My experiences with them have been limited, and for all I know that aren't really that bad a folk. But, if they are as racist as is rumored, she is right to worry about their lineage being revealed. Kiara is 'only' an equine, and the Basiners would certainly look down on her, and therefore her children. But if her children chose to go there, perhaps they've got the right personality to make it in the Basin. "I'm sure they will be alright." I say, trying to comfort her. She lies down next to me, and I feel the effects of my alcohol already starting to loosen my tongue, my muscles, and ease all worries from my mind.

As her body presses up again mine, I feel a warmth run through me.. More than just the effects of the alcohol.. I think. It reminds me of the warmth I had..... that afternoon with Voodoo and Aurelia. A small smile slips onto my lips as Kiara drinks from the flask. I remember that event.. fuzzily. Is this leading up to what I think it might be leading up to? I don't push it.. I don't want to push it. Kiara is a sweet lady and I don't want to take advantage of her when she's feeling blue. I nuzzle her rather protectively, and offer what comfort I can. She asks what the drink is that has surprised her with its potency. "It is from Mother Russia, called Vodka." I can feel Damaris starting to take notice of us, observing the changes in my mood and coherency. 'Go play. Let us be.' I say warmly but firmly. She's not offended, and I hear her run off to another part of the grove.


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RE: Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Kiara - 01-01-2015


Her mind spins with the what ifs and the whens of what could happen to her twins in the Basin. Adelric had tried to easy her worries, but instead they had only intensified. But the moment she took a drink out of that flask, they all had just melted away. "I'm sure they will be alright." In the back of her mind, she could still feel Keiran watching over them. Focus on your hunt. I'm fine. As he nuzzles her protectively, she leans in closer. The affection was foreign and strange, but nice. No stallion, maybe outside of Madryn and Maskan had ever shown such affection. Not even Breeze.

Quickly she shifts from the thoughts about her only love, and the fact that he had left her. Here was Rostislav, comforting her. Proving that not all stallions had horrid intentions. When he answers what the stuff was, her curiosity was peaked once again. She looks to the flask, already wanting more. Before she knew what she was saying. "May I have more?" She gently reaches up, attempting to lip at his mane. There was just something about the feeling of this, vodka, coursing through her veins that made her more bold. Whatever this feeling was, the roan wanted more.

After all, what could go wrong with Rostislav close by?



I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose, Fire away, fire away, Ricochet, you take your aim, Fire away
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RE: Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Rostislav - 01-01-2015

I'm broken, lying helpless, shattered,
surrounded by the world

At first, I think that the vodka doesn't help ease her tension. Her body is tight against mine, reluctant. The worry that plagues her is practically tangible. I wish that I could transfer my relaxation to her so that she could find peace. When she asks for more of my vodka, I happily provide it. She may not realize it, but I have a magically replenished pouch. She lips at my mane and a smile spreads softly over my face. I haven't had sweet contact like this in... I don't remember when. Ever? I take the pouch back from her when she's done drinking from it, and begin running my lips over her, if she lets me. I go to nuzzle her and stand, then reach down and whicker for her to join me standing. "I have another idea, something to take your mind off it all. Will you let me?" I wonder if she knows what I have in mind... something that she has experienced before, but perhaps I can make into something more enjoyable. Something she won't regret when the day is over.... "Please let me make all the bad go away." The vodka speaking or me? Perhaps it's me... speaking through the vodka, enabled by it. I'm not a bad guy... I'm not a drunk all the time. If only someone could see it.

Perhaps enticing her to join me in a little dance isn't the best way to prove it. Or maybe it is? What will she think of me after? Will I be as horrible as the previous men in her life, or a step up? Let us forget it all... Stop thinking so damn hard, and enjoy the moment and wherever it takes us....

-- fade to black --


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RE: Shoot me down but I won't Fall - Kiara - 01-04-2015


Keiran focused on his hunt, ignoring the goings on of his bond's mind. She was safe, Rostislav would never seek to harm her... Of this he was sure. His attention instead was on the fox about five yards ahead of him...

Kiara however, was entirely focused on Rostislav. He allows another drink, and the young roan drinks deeply this time. It is strong, but easier to drink this time than the first. When he takes the pouch back, she wonders how long it will take for her body to relax. As his lips run over her frame, she freezes for a moment but quickly relaxes as he stands and encourages her to do the same. "I have another idea, something to take your mind off it all. Will you let me?" She stands, her mind slightly fuzzy from the vodka. However something about this made her heart race, not in fear.... But in wonder. Was this how it was supposed to be? "Please let me make all the bad go away." She nods, agreeing to whatever he had planned next. Whatever it was, she would not regret it with him. He, truly was different from every other male she had ever know in this way.

--fade to black--

The young roan was breathless, her green eyes turning to see if he was leaving her in this state of buzzy bliss... Or if he was going to stay to make sure she was alright. Either way... This had been very different. Keiran was not angry with the Legatus. How could he be when his bonded had allowed him closer than any other male besides himself. He moved forward from the shadows, his tongue cleaning the last of the fox from his lips. He looks to the stallion, waiting to see what his next choice was going to be. After all, should there be a foal as there had been the two times before.... Well the panther needed to know what he would be in for. Helping raising the child on their own, or a father who actually gave a crap about not only the child but the mother...



I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose, Fire away, fire away, Ricochet, you take your aim, Fire away
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