HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Printable Version

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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Kvothe - 12-11-2014


Bells bells bells. They always signaled my arrival to any place. Should you be there, the first sign of my coming would be the merry trinkets draped around my antler, declaring the passage of their wearer. I preferred my company to know i was coming; i was no sneak, nay quite the contrary. I had few enemies thus few to fear, and i was unafraid of the unknown. I knew no strangers, so i had no qualms about announcing my arrival in such a loud, and to some, obnoxious fashion.

The game trail i'd been following had led to a frozen cave, yet untouched by the growing warmth of spring. Bicolored eyes widen with appreciation at the frozen architecture that greeted me as i passed into the second threshold of my wanderings. Would not be the last. The only sounds within the cave is the dripping of water somewhere further in, my hoofsteps, and of course, my bells. The chimes seemed to echo rather pleasantly through this cave, and with a silent laugh i shake my head, purposely jarring them into chorus.

But soon my play was gone, i was an explorer once more. Helovia seemed to be sparse on horses, for i'd yet to meet anyone since i left Spice at the Threshold. It was mildly...disappointing. I was curious to see what sort of folk resided here. So far, they proved to be an elusive bunch. Perhaps they remained within the confines of herd territories, leaving unclaimed places be. That question aroused more questions; Were the wild places so dangerous as to be forbidden? Or did darker beings reside, murdering those they happen upon? Alas, sadly, i settled for the latter. Quite a few places my troupe had visited were as such, it seemed almost as if a darkness was settling over all lands.

I frown at that idea. The thought was unsettling, and i did not wish to dwell on such things. No, there would be a time for me to allow myself to venture into the darker parts of my mind, but now was not such a time. Now was a time to pause and enjoy the unfamiliar beauty this land had to offer, refreshing sights to break the monotony of the usual lands i see. I stand within the cave, gaze going to the icicles hanging from the ceiling, then to the ice that covered every inch of this place in a sheen of light and cold. Beautiful.

"Kvothe's Speech."

Word Count: 413
Tags: @[Rei] And anyone else~
Notes: 000
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Please tag Kvothe in all posts
Force is allowed provided it doesn't kill

RE: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Rei - 12-12-2014

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”
― Michael Jackson

My hooves began to dance on their own accord. How I begged them to stop. Just because you could kick up your hooves in a halfway appealing manner did not mean that you could or should dance.

There was a tale from home where a giant bat would whistle a tune and foals would be unable to keep themselves from dancing right into his clutches. Different endings were made for the story; some said he ate them right up, others said he took them for a magical flight. As I pranced towards the bells I hoped for the latter conclusion to this meeting. Flying off into the sunset would not be a bad option in light of recent events.

As the laugh rolled down the icy cave it warmed me from my ears down to the tips of my hooves. So much darkness had invaded my beloved Helovia. After stumbling upon the murdered mare a few days earlier it had been impossible to distance myself enough. The archway was a lonely place. It had given me a chance to be alone with my thoughts, but now I craved company.

My hooves sped their dance's tempo up the closer they got to the tinkling sound. I was so wrapped up in their movement that I careened right by the stallion. Shocked to suddenly catch sight of him one of my hooves slipped from underneath of me and I became a tumbling mess of legs and feathers sliding across the ice.

"Well that was smooth." Picking myself up I could already feel the places where bruises would be found later. A chuckle escaped as I shook my head from side to side. At least I knew how to make an entrance.

"Hello there! I am Rei of Dragon's Throat, if you want any souvenirs from our meeting the ground just claimed a few feathers. You will be able to take your pick. Hopefully the ground won't brutally attack you also." I spoke in order to hide my blush. Here was a stranger that I had introduced myself to by scraping myself across the ground. On the brighter side of things it would be a memorable meeting.

"You know; before coming upon you I thought of a foal's tale where the villain used music to lure foals to follow him away. Your bells set my hooves to moving in a way that I knew must be a spell, especially since I cannot dance." I winked at him before going on, "Although I suppose few of the brutish type choose these guys as their instrument of choice." I gestured towards the shining bells that adorned his antler. I desperately wanted to touch one; had I known him better I would have.

My head was thrown back with light laughter but I felt worry furrow my brow. Would he see the humor in my words, or would I be the only one laughing? At my own joke. Somewhere outside of the cave a bird suddenly burst into song, I told myself that it was laughing also. Either way his reaction went at least I would not be the only one to be entertained.

Credits: Thank you Shady and Tamme!

RE: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Kvothe - 12-12-2014


Had i known what was fixing to happen, i most likely would have moved to the side to catch the mare. But as i was no seer, she careened past, startling me into a rear. Which, considering the turf, was not the brightest of my ideas. I too nearly fell down, only by my own tail held stiff behind me like a cat's, kept me from toppling. I quickly set my hooves back to the ground, neck arched, a startled look still upon my face.

She rises, and i relax once i figure out that her slide did not injure her. My gaze flickers to her wings curiously, before i dip my head in greeting, bells tinkling. I can't help a wry smile that twists my lips when she speaks. Smooth indeed. She speaks again, and my ears prick at the mention of 'Dragon's Throat'. My mind flickered to Spice, and i almost miss her next words.

"How do you fare? T'was a nasty fall." My concern is not false; it would....be upsetting if she was injured. I knew not what herbs grew her nor their properties, i was practically useless, a fact i rather resented. I listen as she tells me of a child's tale, and i cannot help the laugh that slips past me. "I've heard it was a clever wolf that howled a song to the young, which is why we fear the call of the wolf." I grin at her, any sort of doubts on her nature vanishing. This mare posed no danger, but mayhap she could provide conversation and entertainment. Well, the later she had already done.

I dip my head in thanks to her compliment about my bells, then lift my head to gaze upon her. "I am no brute. Nay, i am a bard, a minstrel by trade. Although i am a trouper without his troupe. Quite the predicament." I had never given it much thought before; once my explorations were finished, what would i do with myself? Grow fat and lazy? Never. I turn towards the bird when it calls out, and for my own amusement, and mayhap Rei's, i trill back at it. There is silence, before the bird blares out aggressively, making me laugh at it's confusion and anger. Would have been funnier with a squirrel.

But it wasn't until i did that, i realized i had committed a rather rude social mistake. "Forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Kvothe, son of Illydae and Romano, at your service." I arch my neck and bow my head to where my chin touches my chest, antler points aimed at the ground. I knew not the Helovian customs of greeting, but this was a general universal sign of peace. Or, i hoped she would take it that way, and not as an aggressive move. Ech, how did my parents ever do this season after season? All the diplomacy.

Word Count: 489
Tags: @[Rei]
Notes: Rei is so adorable afkjafna <3
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Please tag Kvothe in all posts
Force is allowed provided it doesn't kill

RE: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Rei - 12-12-2014

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”
― Michael Jackson

"I am fine! The thing that was hurt most was my pride. Nothing more than a bruise or two." I spread my wings and turned in a little circle to demonstrate that everything was still in working order. His bells still sung out their protests from his unexpected motion. My eye followed their movement until I realized that I only saw two, when earlier I was sure that I saw three.

Face flushed at the thought of having caused him to lose one my eyes desperately scanned the ground around us. Just as I was about to tell him to stand still to keep from disturbing the bell from where it may have fallen I saw it had tangled itself around his antler. "Hold still for just a second." Ah! Here it was! Here was my excuse to touch one of his beautiful instruments. As I freed the bell it jingled in thanks sending a smile to my face. "There should be more of these in the world."

I could feel myself tense up at the thought of a wolf. "Wolves certainly are to be feared. Although we cannot forget the beauty of their song." Didn't mean I wanted to be near any wolf again anytime soon. The encounter with the wolf colt would never be forgotten and although they weren't physical he had left me with scars. "Yes. That makes sense. Actually quite a bit more sense than a giant whistling bat. Funny the things that you can be convinced of as a foal. What was the strangest thing you believed as a colt?"

"A minstrel? Oh! I bet you have traveled to all kinds of places, and I bet that you have met all sorts." My heart gave two slow thuds before speeding to an increased rate. If he had met many during his travels then maybe..

"I actually made my way to Helovia by accident. I left my homeland in search of my father." Nervously I traced trails into the dirt at my hooves before looking back up to the minstrel. "Maybe you have bumped into him during your travels!" The more that I spoke the more animated I became, "He is similar to my coloring only he only has a few spots. His name is Herlov."

I walked over and positioned myself directly beside the stallion. Looking up at him I remembered times that I had stood so close to my father, nestled safely in his shadow. "He is around your height. Certainly no taller and possibly a tad shorter. You should have heard him complain about his height! All of the other guardian stallions towered over him." A familiar proud smile spread across my face as I thought about him. "But he never stood in anyone's shadow! None of the other stallions could match his presence. And my mother couldn't resist it. Together they had what we all hope for."

"Why are you without your troupe?" Halfway through the question I grimaced. How I hoped the question didn't bring him grief.

His exchange with the bird was intriguing to listen to. His mischievousness was endearing and the bird's chattering response sent her tumbling into a pool of laughter. "I am unsure about what you said, but you may want to rethink it. She didn't sound too pleased." My words were choked out in the breaths between my laughs and I hoped he would be able to make sense out of it.

Dipping my head in response to his introduction I was left to wonder if his neck had snapped in two. "Kvothe. I like it! No need to be so formal Kvothe. You are already a friend."
OOC: I hope that you don't mind the touch of power-type play up there in the beginning. I can always edit if you want!

Thank you! You do not even know how happy Rei compliments make me XD

Credits: Thank you Shady and Tamme!

RE: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Kvothe - 12-12-2014


My amusement grows when she fixes my bells. I have not the heart to tell her that they were wrapped around my horn tines on purpose. "If there were more bells in the world, i would no longer stand out." I grin at this speckled mare, who's attention span appears to be that of a mouse that's eaten sugar cane. When she pauses for a moment after asking what the strangest thing i've heard, i leap into the silence to get a couple words in. "My mother once told me that in a land far far from here, there is an old nag who speaks only one word. 'Onresa'. And it is said if you could figure out what the word meant, you would know everything in the world." I smile at the memory. Oh, for months i had pondered that word as a child, thinking it was some grand mystery, and that i would be the first to figure out the word and thus know everything.

I finish, and she's off again. I listen to her description, and the name, pondering whether i had met such an individual. "I'm sorry to say, if i had met such a man, i do not recall. My troupe did not stay in one place for longer than a season. We were too restless." I give her an apologetic look.

But she laughs at my mischief with the bird, and i glance out the arch to make sure that no angry bird was flying at me with all intent of mauling me. "That... is a difficult question. One that may take some time to explain." It wasn't difficult emotionally. It was just difficult to explain my own reasoning. My smile grows at her compliment, and i tip my head. "My mother has a fondness for names out of stories. My brother Bast is named after a cat that once tricked a wolf into thinking it was a sheep. My own name comes from a legendary trouper that sung to the moon a song so sweet that she fell in love, and spends half the month with him, which is why the moon has phases." I'd normally explain the stories more in-depth, but i feared this mare's quick words would snatch away my own 'fore they even leave my mouth. Not that i was complaining, i did want conversation, after all.

Word Count: 397
Tags: @[Rei]
Notes: 000
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Please tag Kvothe in all posts
Force is allowed provided it doesn't kill

RE: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Rei - 12-13-2014

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”
― Michael Jackson

"That would be a shame. So you should just be in more places." I winked at him brightly, "It is the cost of being unique and in high demand."

"Onresa. It sounds as if it means everything yet nothing at all. You know they do say that there is truth to every tale." I struck a pose with a foreleg lifted, neck arched, and wings slightly spread; I looked like an adventurer frozen in mid step. Or that was the aim anyways. Looking unblinkingly forward I continued to speak but kept my gaze forward; not yet willing to break from my pose. "We could always buddy up and find her."

Now I turn to face him, once again assuming a normal body position "What would you do if you really could have all of the knowledge in the world? What would you do with it? There is a saying, "knowledge is power", it has been the fuel to rebellions. Those three simple words have caused more changes than what most would believe. But knowledge takes away the what ifs, maybes, and hows out of life. With limitless knowledge inquisition would die off. A soul with all knowledge would become stagnant.

"It is okay. My search for him led me here. And although my heart yearns for me to continue my quest to find him my very soul will not allow me to leave Helovia behind." A chilling breeze brushes against the ice before warming itself in our manes. His bells call out brightly while my glass feather makes a muffled clinking sound against its thin chain. "I consider it a sign that my destiny is rooted in this land somewhere. Call me a sentimental fool but I believe in it all. Destiny. Fate. Whatever you wish to call it.

I am quiet as he tells the condensed versions of his stories. These I have never heard before. Clinging to every word I will them to imprint upon my memory. In a few meager sentences he crafts vivid images in my head. The smirk that the clever cat must have worn, and the way that the moon's soft glow must have silhouetted her lover. "I wonder what song he sang to the moon. No wonder the moon looks so full after taking her leave from the nighttime sky. She must be overfilled with joy after spending time with her trouper." I will definitely look at the moon's phases differently from this moment on.

For a moment or two I remain quiet allowing his quick stories to sink in fully before speaking again. "Many that I have met have rightfully accused me of talking too much. But if you were to shadow me and tell stories like those I would be content to shush and simply listen for as long as you spoke."

Credits: Thank you Shady and Tamme!

RE: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Kvothe - 12-14-2014


I nod at her words, laughing slightly. "My mother told me that when i was very little. Had me confused and frustrated for seasons." I shake my head fondly at the memory, bells swaying. But what Rei did next surprised me, and i'm ashamed to say i stared when the mare struck a pose as if she pranced right out of a storybook.

The laugh that escaped me was genuine and hearty. "Oh, what a grand tale that would make. But i think some stories are told by mothers who wish a break from their pestering sons." Oh, my dear mother... I believe my brother and i most likely aged her beyond her years; Bast constantly hurting himself somehow and myself asking questions about virtually everything. Rei drops from her pose and speaks. The question catches me off guard, and i pause, hesitate, mulling over my answer.

What would i do with unlimited knowledge? With knowing everything in this world? "Well... i'm not sure honestly." I frown lightly, deep in thought, my gaze drifting from the speckled pegasus towards the icy walls of the cave. "If i was arrogant i would claim i would use it for 'good'. But i've seen power corrupt. So... i honestly have nary a clue as to what i would do with all that knowledge." My answer satisfies me, and i look back to her. Oh, she's off again. It's amusing, endearing truly.

I bow my head to her words about her travel. "Maybe your fate led you here, and you have a grand purpose waiting." Her topic of the trouper's moon sinks me back into thought. "I wonder at that myself... although i don't think it's 'joy' she's filled with." I grin playfully, winking to make sure she'd get my point. Unless Rei was oblivious to such things, which, no offense towards her, i would not be surprised.

Her final words catch my attention, and my grin changes to a fond smile. "When i left my mother's troupe, fewer and fewer lands were allowing us to share our tales. I would be honored to tell you my stories whenever you desire." I stretch out a leg and bow my head in thanks, then straighten, my tail curling, a give-away to my contentment.

Word Count: 378
Tags: @[Rei]
Notes: anfkfja Reiii <3
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Text Credits

Please tag Kvothe in all posts
Force is allowed provided it doesn't kill

RE: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Rei - 12-20-2014

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”
― Michael Jackson

"Oh the things that mothers will tell their children to make them behave." I had been a good obedient filly, there weren't many times that I stepped out of line. For now I would pretend like I was one of the cool foals though. Oh yes, Kvothe! My mother told me oh so many tall tales to keep me away from my rebellious ways. I grinned at my thoughts, I didn't actually say the words, but they had served their purpose and at least amused me.

I was quiet for a moment to consider his answer. "If I had access to all knowledge I would go back to my homeland and I would flip the place upside down. For too long it has been a dark place." Oh how I wished that it had been dark in the literal sense. Darkness was the last image that came to mind whenever one thought of Lytninia. It was a rich land. Much more beautiful than most. It's the hearts that are darkened.

"For too long there has been the belief that our coats are painted before birth. If your coat has any marking besides being solid then you are considered low class." I couldn't meet his eyes as I spoke. I had been the lowest of the low, but had lived a privileged life. My foal years had been spent coated in dark paint. A dark smudge on an overall blessed time.

"My parents were forced apart by those hateful views. My grandfather is an old timer. He lives by knowledge and whenever my mother announced that she had taken him as her mate my grandfather didn't bat an eye at the thought." It had still been kept secret, but he had approved.
"In the end my father was banished from our Lytninia because he was caught with my mother by one of the soldiers. I cannot help but think that if I could somehow share the knowledge like my grandfather has the terrible ways of my home could be changed."

If that was true then why hadn't my grandfather been able to change their ways with his knowledge? Maybe there is no hope for the place. My tail began to twitch in agitation at the thoughts. As quickly as they had oozed into my head I tried to shove them out. There is always hope.

"Kvothe, you do not even know how much I hope for that to be true!" A playful smirk lit her face, "Who knows? Maybe one of those days those songs you go around singing will include one about me." I could feel my eyes dancing at the thought. Playfully I dropped my voice lower as if I was bestowing a marvelous gift to him "You will even be able to tell those that you come across that you met me. Stepping back as if to gauge his reaction I silently mimed the word "wow."

Momentarily I was puzzled by his words surely the wink meant something. But what?






"Oh you mean..!" A blush lit my face to a vibrant shade of red before I could finish. "I know what you meant." There was a moment between my awkward fumbling and my laughter and goodness did it feel good to laugh a true laugh.

What is it about tragedy that makes the sound of a bird's song brighter? Why is it so hard to stop laughing whenever tears threaten to fall? Why had Helovia gone for such a dark turn? When would we have answers to what terrorized our homes and ripped life from our lips?

As I watched the stallion before me practically fall over himself in delight a smile lit my face again. As long as there were moments like this I would be okay. Everything would be okay.

"Well. I can never hear enough stories. Our meetings will have to become a regular event!" Now it was my turn to squirm in delight.

Credits: Thank you Shady and Tamme!

RE: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - Kvothe - 01-09-2015


“I walk a Path few may follow. I walk the Path of the Observer, of the Writer, of the Teller.
I walk the path of the Bard.”

Her words about her homeland are saddening, and i step forward, breaking all courtesies to press my muzzle to her flank. "Rei, if they believe a beautiful mare such as yourself is lesser than one who is plainly colored, then they are fools." I pull back, a frown crossing my face. "You cannot, even with all the knowledge in the world, change the minds of those who are not willing to change." It is a sad, hard truth, one i have learned well. "The best one can do is hope to seep words of doubt, and pray it is enough to bring about change."

But the topic changes, and i am glad she flutters from topic to topic as a butterfly from flower to flower. Her energy is enjoyable, and at her words i laugh. "Maybe i shall compose a tale of the valiant Lady Rei who traveled the world spreading her wisdom, beloved by all." Oh, but that is not the best part of this conversation.

I get to watch as my innuendo registers on her face. Oh, her look! Priceless! It sends me into a fit of laughter, leaning against the icy wall of the Arch to keep on my feet. However, it is her offer of regular meetings that stills my laughter, and i straighten. "That lightens my heart much, Rei. Whenever you wish to hear a tale, i am always willing to share. Problem will be finding me." I can practically feel my eyes sparkling, dancing with mischief. "For i am like the wind; ever changing, never at rest, ever flowing. There one day, gone the next."

I look out the cave entrance, to the sun that begins it's descent into the sky, pregnant with the promise of night. "For now, i think i shall settle in to sleep. Would you care to join me? I could tell you a story, and mayhap you can dream of it, and be the hero yourself." I offer, moving towards the entrance, pausing there to await her answer.

"Kvothe's speech."
Kvothe's thoughts.
"Elodin's speech."

Word Count:000 Tags:000

Please tag Kvothe in all posts.
Any force is allowed against Kvo short of killing him.