HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
of wounded minds and wounded souls - Printable Version

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of wounded minds and wounded souls - Isara - 12-27-2014

Darkness. I was born in it. I was raised in it. I was held prisoner in it. It hid my captors from me. Hid my own mother's face from me. And yet somehow its chilling presence still comforted me. Through all the hardship it gave me, gave my mother, gave the others that were trapped within those caves with us, I still felt completely at home roaming in the dark much like a fish in the ocean. So I traveled by night and slept by day until I was out of the territory that the people who captured my mother in the first place roamed.


My thoughts shifted as I remembered the scent of my mother and her soft warm voice that could cure any uneasiness. Even the others that were trapped with us had looked to her for advice a multitude of times. But look at where it had all gotten her. Teal eyes slammed shut as images of my mother during her last few minutes of life broke through the mental barrier I had set up. Violently, I shook my head. I didn't want to remember her that way. I didn't want to see that memory play within my head over and over again. I didn't want to feel the pain that ripped through my very being again. I just wished that I could forget that any of it had happened at all.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't just forget the very being who gave me life. I couldn't forget what made me who I am now. No matter how much I wanted to forget my past, I would never be able to. Because my past was what made me me. It was what defined me as a whole. As mama would say never forget those who have loved you and helped you, and return their love and help them as well.

Eyes stared widely after I opened them and I looked around. I didn't recognize the terrain, but then again I didn't recognize any surface terrain. The only things that clicked in my head was the few things that were described to me by others. Trees, grass, birds, sky, and rain where just a few of those things. This place though had a lot of trees that reached up high towards the sky. It was almost as if they were clawing, begging, or racing towards the heavens in an attempt to bridge the gap between the surface and the city in the clouds. Perhaps one day I'd visit there? Perhaps my mother was already there?

Cautiously, my head darted from side to side making sure that the coast was clear. Those that had captured my mother and killed her, I wasn't exactly sure where their territory stopped and where another began. All I knew was that if I was spotted by one of them and chased down, I would be caught. Not only did I not know how to fly yet, but my wings were so large that they made everything so much harder to do right now. And running...well it was clear up at the top of that list.

When I decided that it was safe, I walked out of the greenery that had hid me from another's view and began to wander this land filled with trees. Surely there had to be a way out and a way to be sure that I was out of the territory of my captors. But until then, I'd just continue on as I had been. Quietly, cautiously and alone in the dark.

"Isara's speech"|"Isara's thoughts"

TAGGED;; anybody, no clue which way she will go.
OOC;; bloopity bloop

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - December - 12-27-2014

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White December

Why she had returned to where she had begun, December wasn't sure. The moon had looked so inviting tonight in the sky, it surrounding by billions of stars and beckoning to the white mare. It had been so long since she had traveled by night, for since she hadn't known this place at first, she was weary of its potential dangers. Now she learned that the only other enemy was another horse, and she felt she could handle most of them. Her thick build was not kind to the nearby branches, their new buds lashing at her hide as she ambled forward. Despite this, the Shire was still graceful in her large strides, and it wasn't long before she finally reached the Threshold.

Perhaps she would meet someone here, not that she really wanted to, but then she could recruit them to her home; not that she wanted to do that either, and gain favor in Midas's eyes. The ascended one didn't seem to expect much of his members, but to be kind and welcoming to all, but she knew that her bringing more life into his land certainly wouldn't make him angry. The moon's glow gave her ivory coat a bluish gleam, and her grey points looked nearly black as she trodded out into the center of the darkened clearing.

Flaring her large nares to take in any scent, it was then her gaze noticed someone emerging from the trees. The shadows cleared to reveal only a girl, splashed with browns and whites and large wings upon her back. They were quite large, making her look almost gawky. December couldn't help but pity her, she always thought wings that fit looked uncomfortable as it was. How was the yearling to even run properly? Maybe she didn't. Not that she would ask... at first anyway.

She bid her time, not wanting to startle the new one, especially since it was so dark out, and she most likely expected no one to be around. Someone her age shouldn't be out alone by herself, especially in the middle of the night. She took a moment, before taking a step towards the filly, letting a gentle snort escape her in greeting, to announce her presence so that the girl would know she was there before she approached. She knew what it was like meeting new people, she didn't like them just stepping into her space all la-di-da just because they were okay with it, so she wasn't going to do that to someone else.

Besides, December felt inclined to approach this one. Seeing the sight of a younger horse wandering alone and most likely scare struck a chord somewhere in the recesses of the mare's heart. It was familiar to her, in a tragic way, making it seem as if she could... relate? It was rare for her to relate to anyone, so perhaps this was why she felt the need to connect, to come closer by a few more steps, and to speak in her lower tone,"You look lost. Are you in need of a place to eat and sleep?" Rather to the point yes, but with the best intentions for sure.


{WC: 531
Tag: Isara
OOC: Evvy love <3}

image credits

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Ira - 12-27-2014


What was the red brutes purpose back here? Boredom perhaps? Lonliness? Longing for a home burned long ago? For a mother gone crazy and dead for what was probably ages? Or did his bitchy mother live still? Searching for his dead beat father, and the maid of white and the delusions of a child. Lost in an endless love triangle, between her only friend, and the only man she had ever truly loved. And his sister? In over her head, using her female charms to her advantage, but where they really female charms? or more likely the powers of her demonic heritage.

The tall brute wandered aimlessly, hazel eyes gazing at the newly growing leaves on the tree's, the awakening of the hibernating critters, and the endless chirps of young birds in love. The tall red man halts, and closes his eyes, drowning out the useless noise, and focusing on the cool breeze and the sweet scent of spring, of newly formed life. Soon the hazel eyes belonging to the red man opened, and he continues on his walk, deeper into the threshold. At last, the red man reaches the edge of it. Out yonder are lands he has traveled through once before. Far far away was his home, his birthplace, nothing but ashes now. Should he leave? A long face turns to look behind him, seriously considering it. What did he have here anyways? Her. His mind wanders to the red gold mare painted so beautifully in white, and colored by her unique designs all around her coat, then powered by her orchid eyes that seemed to burn through ones soul.

She is what kept him here, even if she had been absent for some time. He would stay until she returned. With a deep sigh the red man turns from the borders, and starts his trek back inland. As the man moves in further he happens across two mares. One was a draft, the other... Well she wasn't a mare like I had originally thought. She was only a child. She was a pretty child indeed, however. Hazel eyes traveled her gazing curiously at the wings that she carried. "Hello. Could I possibly be of assistance to you two lady's?" His voice is gruff with misuse, but is kindly. For a moment the red brute stays quiet before deciding to give the two females his name. "I am Ira. Who might you two be?

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Hector - 12-27-2014

No Time for Lies and Empty Fights


He plunged from the sky with all the determination of a boulder split from its cliff. Perhaps to any standing below he might have looked like a shooting star, bursting through the black of night, impending doom if they stood idly any longer – but he was no such fate, and the glint of his glossy auburn wings was trivial in the weak wash of the moon’s light.

Trees rushed forward, looming shadows like skeleton fingers, but enormous wingspan grazed between their kindling reach and into a glade which could comfortably accommodate his mighty physique. It was some distance from the trio discovered by his companion, but distance could be covered quickly and his long, strapping legs set off quickly towards them the moment the earth gathered beneath their stride.

With Veci as his guide (starved for mischief and testing always the strength of his leash), the copper stallion neared them and the shade of the dark hour clothed him well in subtlety. Nevertheless, he was not a predator prowling with the intent to kill, he was a soldier on duty, valiant and rippling with prowess – he cared little for sliding by unnoticed. Hector announced his arrival boldly with a shrill nicker, knees lifting fearlessly to his well fleshed breast as he broke from the dim foliage strewn across the forest floor. He was not an inconsiderate soul, neither brash nor rude and settled the thunder of an eager heart to wait for them to welcome him truly, forward.

The air, the cool wind which had yet to warm with the real delight of this season, was rich with the colours of these unfamiliar folk; of mould and mildew, and the tart scent of heavy pine wood. He guzzled them all keenly through ambitious nostrils, and glanced between shadows to find each face present – a stallion (as simple and elegant as his fond memory of Morana), a pale woman heavier, but also without the embellishment of horns and wings; and a child between them, who's confused hide both hid and gleamed in the moonlight.

A dragon-child... the scrutinizing Boggart impressed, and Hector nodded, she is.

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Isara - 12-28-2014

My teal eyes widened and my body froze. Ears flicked behind me as they caught the muffled sound of hoof beats on the approach. Was my game up already? Was my attempt at an escape so feeble, so futile, so pitiful that even after traveling for three nights that my previous captors had already caught up and found me? Panic grew within me, sending every cell of my body into a quivering motion, a vibration of sorts, as my mind hastily tried to grasp an idea, a plan, anything to help me get out of this pickle I was now in. I could try to run, but that would likely end poorly no matter how hard I tried. I could try to hide, I thought as I saw some bushes in the distance. But that wouldn't do either since I would have to run over to them and then somehow make them think I was hiding somewhere when I wasn't. I was no where near that coordinated enough to pull a stunt like that off. That left me with really only option left: to face my adversary.

A nervous gulp traveled down my throat as I forced myself to turn around. Clumsily my wobbly legs spun my light frame around and two wingless equines were caught within my frightened gaze. The first one was rather large in stature and build and lighter in color. That one was standing right before me. The second was darker in color and making their approach to the other and me.

Ears flicked forward as the one who stood closest to me parted her lips and spoke, but I didn't hear much of what she spoke. No, I was too preoccupied with the throbbing sensation in my legs, the pounding of my own heartbeat in my chest, the quickening of my shallow breaths. Wingless. The word echoed within the deepest confines of my mind, of my memory. The ones who had captured my mother and tore her wings off were wingless weren't they? That was what all the others who were captured had also said too wasn't it? And here before me stood two wingless equines most likely to drag me back to that cave that hid anybody that was stuffed into it.


A voice echoed within me. I would not return to that cave. I would not be forced to choke on its cold, clammy, stagnant air. I would not live my life down there fearing what may stand four inches in front of me. I would not go back – I couldn't – not after spending my limited time of freedom on the surface trying my best to release myself of their cold hearted, killing clutches.

No. No. No. No!

The voice within me grew louder with each word and with each utterance my legs began to quiver beneath me. I was barely holding myself together when the stallion finally finished his approach and spoke his own set of words. Pure instinct took over then as my legs fumbled to carry me off at an attempt to run. A scream filled with panic and desperation percolated in the air. I could have sworn that I voiced a single phrase within the scream. I thought it was the word no, but even I wasn't completely sure since I was doing my best to escape. But like I knew would happen, my overly large wings flapped around wildly as I tried to keep them close to my body and caused me to lose my balance and fall head over hooves to the ground.

I shook my head as I gingerly got back up to my hooves. Why did my wings have to be so awkwardly large? Why couldn't I just learn to fly already so I could escape by taking off into the sky? Why did these wingless equines have to come after me? Why did they have to capture my mother? Why did they have to kill my mother? Why? Why? Why?!

It didn't matter though. They had found me. They had caught me. And soon I'd be thrown right back into that cave or worse killed right here on the spot. Surrender was readable through my body language as my head hung low. So much for my freedom. So long sun. Goodbye all things surface world! My time up here was done. Or at least that was what I was thinking before another sound permeated through the air. I looked up only to see a blur of color whiz by and land upon the ground not far away. But once the blur landed I noticed something that lifted my hopes.


The newcomer had wings! Perhaps he would save me, protect me from these wingless equines who were going to take me and throw me into that cave? Or maybe he was also on their side as some sort of double agent? I hoped he wasn't because right now it...it was looking like I'd need some sort of saving.

"Isara's speech"|"Isara's thoughts"

TAGGED;; @[December], @[Ira], @[Hector]
OOC;; omg...poor Isa...she's so utterly confused lost and scared xD

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - December - 12-29-2014

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White December

Before the patchy one could even answer December's question, another approached. He was taller, lean with a coppery bay coat, and he seemed to walk with a calmer air to him. She looked at him with her intense gaze, reading him up and down like a new source of information for her to eat up and collect. He was polite with the two, voice sounding gruff as if it were rarely used. If only she had such a luxury. Taking a brief moment to glance at the girl, checking to see if she was still alright, she tilted her large crown toward him with mild disinterest,"I don't need anything. I'm not sure about her though." Glancing back to the filly again, she watched her form, drinking in every little movement to see what she would do next.

He introduced himself as Ira. Good for him. She had no time or need for formalities, no, she needed an answer from the young one, who she felt was slowly getting further and further from her reach. She didn't want to scare her, and she was mildly concerned that this stud had simply made the girl more uneasy, and that would lead to trouble. Before she could even utter a syllable the filly was off, attempting to run off in some direction away from the two. Like a rock she was down on the ground almost instantly, her bulky wings taking her off kilter. December had to stop every muscle in her body from lurching forward to check on her. Something within her sprang out, screaming for her to rush to the child, to comfort her and make sure she was just fine. This was quite foreign to the ivory lass, and she didn't know how she felt about feeling such a way.

Swallowing hard, she took only a slight step forward, head lowered in attempt to appear passive and harmless. Her eyes turned soft, and her mouth parted slightly, all as a means for her to seem approachable. She didn't want to hurt the girl, to scare her or cause her to panic. She only wanted to help, that's what she had wanted to do from the get go. Soon another man approached, being loud and abrupt in his presence, but still keeping to the edge, so as not to intrude until given permission to do so. A pang of irritation shot itself through the mare, and she lifted her head abruptly, looking the larger beast in the eyes before speaking,"It's the middle of the night, with a nervous child present, and you have the audacity to make such a scene? If you have that much of a desire to stroke your ego by showing off, then do so elsewhere."

Lashing her tail against her hips she kept her gaze firm, daring the stallion to come any closer to the group. She would not stand for such things, even if he was being polite by not coming closer. Working her body again slightly towards the winged yearling, December's expression morphed once more, back into the rare gem that was her true heart. Her head reached low to the ground again, her eyes soft and steps slow, and she moved forward again, giving a gentle nicker, reassuring the filly that she truly meant no harm.

"I apologize for startling you. I only had the intentions of offering you a safe place to sleep tonight. My name is December, I live in the Hidden Falls, where I am training to be a healer," she started off, voice low and gentle, completely the opposite of her stern tone she had held earlier with the new unipeg. She let a soft smile approach her face, but it looked a little awkward, as she rarely used those muscles anymore. Turning herself sideways slightly, she continued looking at the filly, trying to coax her out once again,"You don't need to tell me your name, and you don't have to come with if you don't want to, but there is plenty of food and warmth where I come. Midas, our herd Czar, would love to have you." Having taken note of the filly's minor hope in her eyes at the sight of the winged one, she made sure to add,"He has wings too, like others within my land. Unicorns and pegasi are all welcome. I will not hurt you, that I do promise."

She left it at that, slowly taking a step back to give the paint space, eyes still gentle as she kept her gaze only for a moment longer, before turning her head to the sky. The stars were brilliant as of now, and despite all the tension that seemed to be filling the Threshold, the sight brought the mare comfort. She had done all she could to help, and she knew that the filly would make the best decision, even if it meant not going with her. At this thought a minor pang hit her chest, but she ignored it, not willing her emotions to operate how she acted right now.


{WC: 849 (Geez)
Tag: Isara Ira Hector
OOC: Goodness I'm so sorry for the length! I got all caught up in the moment! I already love Isa to pieces <3}

image credits

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Ira - 01-05-2015


I don't know what it was, but every atom in my body screamed at me to help this child. I don't know what it was about me, but I liked to pick those with issues and surround myself with them. Usually those issues where not small. When the child begins to lose it, my head lowers, and the eyes soften. I watch in silence until a blur passes us by. Some flashy boy with a craving for the dramatics probably. He is winged, and he lands nice and fast. Almost as soon as he lands and speaks however, the white draft mare is already on his case. Red ears perk up in mild amusement. However, the girl seems interested in this winged man. Hazel eyes travel over to the white mare once more as she speaks to the child, her angered voice having gentled now. December. I made note to remember the name, and once she was finished, my red head stays low, so to seem smaller than my true height. I do not move towards the girl for fear of startling her.

"I apologize young miss if I seem to have scared you some how. But I had the same mission as December here. I only come to offer you a home for the night in a safe place. There are many winged among the numbers where I live, and I am sure that you will be safe from whatever might be chasing you." I soft smile touches my sooty lips, but it is also sad. I want to help her so badly. I want to take her, hold her close and tell her that no one will hurt her. Like I had done so many times before. With so many broken souls. Hazel eyes watch the child, like deep pits of pain and sincerity. He wondered what had driven this girl to have such fear of those who where not even nearly as powerful as she might be. She was the one with wings. She was the one who could easily escape them via flight.

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Hector - 01-05-2015

No Time for Lies and Empty Fights

Perhaps the most startling distinction between the regal warrior and the two primitive adults that lingered on, mere sticks and stones in the forest of giants, was the fact that he held back; did not crowd or mollycoddle the Pegasus child who so very obviously needed space to breath. Gloriously feathered wings lined her coloured flanks, they were enormous - breathtaking, and he understood that claustrophobia would serve her no benefit. It became obvious too, that the pale dame with the runaway tongue knew little of their fine, imperial race and its traditions. Hector towered above her, she was nothing more than sand on a beach, and he regarded her sourly - a reflection of her own rash attitude, through one blazing eye and the faintest of smirks teasing one corner of his mouth. Foolish woman...

He cared little for the bold lash of her tail, pointless cords that held not even the strength of his beloved feathers. The thick mare had turned from him in her haste, her desire to swoon the babe away with smooth dribble and sweet intentions that made the stallion’s stomach twist nauseously – he added, "Midas the Ascended of whom she speaks, is in heart a child of the desert, a Dragon like I am. Like you were born to be...." He spares no glance for the two-faced harpy and wings which had been raised some to salute the small bearer of winged blood, soon settled flush against copper sides.

Briefly he turns to the other stallion, and his fierce eye softens, for no foul has been done by him to this point – he remained in place, as Hector did. But again the tone, the lulled words and seductive smiles do little to win the warrior’s enthusiasm. She needs not a bosom to attach to... this girl is part grown, he conferred privately with Veci, before glancing back to the filly who had brought such unlikely conversation together by light of the moon. There was a brilliant confidence about him, pride that was not arrogance; and a benevolent elegance that shone exquisitely no matter the hour upon them. "Should you prefer neither of these offers, Dragon’s Throat will of course harbour you. I will see to your care and education myself."

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Isara - 01-07-2015

Anxiously I looked from the stallion with wings to the two wingless ones before me as they all seemed to converse with each other. Anger and annoyance seemed to overwhelm the air as they spent more time with each other. Perhaps I hadn't yet escaped my captors' domain? Or was it like this everywhere? The two wingless ones didn't seem all that enthralled by the the winged stallion's appearance. I on the other hand, was grateful for another winged equine's appearance. To me, it meant that there was some small spec of hope that I wouldn't be captured again – even if it was a miniscule spec.

The mare's apology snapped my attention back to her. I only had the intentions of offering you a safe place to sleep tonight. Really? Her only intentions were to offer me a 'safe' place to sleep for the night? I wanted to scoff at her, gawk at her potential lies. Of course she wanted to bring me to a 'safe' place! And that safe place was called the dark cave that I had spent my life in thus far. December she had said her name was. I'd have to remember that. December...one of the cohorts of the group that murdered my mother and wanted to recapture me.

The wingless stallion was next to speak. He seemed to apologize too, but again went about the same way that December had gone. Apparently he had the same 'mission' as December. Of course. They both seemed to play for the same team. My ears swiveled backwards a little. Not out of anger but out of fear. Fear that the two before me really were part of the group that would drag me back to that dark hole in the earth and keep me there till the end of my days. I glanced towards the winged one and then nervously cast my teal eyes back to the two wingless, December and Ira I think he said before.

December then goes on after the winged one had clarified something about this Midas that both he and December had brought up. A smile filled her face. It was a soft smile, a kind smile, a smile that seemed like it was rarely used. But for some reason it was comforting a little. Those that I had seen murder my mother had no trouble smiling as they killed her. In fact, they had even laughed as they had done so. A shudder coursed through me as I remembered that evil cacophony. But with remembering the laughter then brought flashing images of my mother. I remembered how she looked upon me before they killed her. I remembered the softness of her voice as she said her last words: I love you Isa. I remembered each sound of exacerbating pain the group dealt her. I remembered...I remembered the look on my mother's face as she passed and life left her eyes.

My eyes softened as I remembered that particular moment of my short lived life. I looked away from those before me as I struggled to not cry before them.

Unicorns and pegasi are all welcome. I will not hurt you, that I do promise.
There are many winged among the numbers where I live, and I am sure that you will be safe from whatever might be chasing you.
I will see to your care and education myself.

Their words echoed within my mind as I tried to quell the tears that threatened to spill from behind eyelids. Dragon's Throat... Hidden Falls? I knew not where these places where nor what they were like. Hell I didn't even know the real difference between a bush and a tree before my escape. Up until then they seemed almost exactly the same according to my mother's description – big, leafy, green, and can hurt if you go into them wrong. Now I knew that a tree was tall, whereas a bush lay closer to the ground. In fact, I would almost describe a bush as a big, foofy, green, twig laden rock.

Once my emotional state is somewhat under control, I look back at the three that stood before me offering me a place to stay. If this place really did have winged and non winged equines living together nicely, then hopefully I was out of the danger of the ones who killed my mother. With a new light, I looked at the two wingless equines before me. If they were sincere with their words then there wasn't anything to worry about. But yet when I stepped a tad bit closer, my movements were still cautious. Anybody could put on a mask and lie to ensnare their prey. Myself included...that is once I could figure out how to work these confounded wings of mine.

“No...no cave?” I asked them all questioningly. What I didn't realize though was that those were the first words I even said to the three of them, to anybody in days. I has almost forgotten what I sounded like. But I let my mind quickly pass over that realization and moved onward to pose another question to the three, “I can stay on the surface?”

My teal eyes felt like they were holding a pleading look, a begging look in them. But I needed to know. If I could stay on the surface then my mother's dream for me would be met and my hopes and prayers would be answered. Because if I could stay on the surface, then that would mean that I was someplace where those evil wingless equines were unlikely to get me and I surely hoped that was the case.

"Isara's speech"|"Isara's thoughts"

TAGGED;; @[December], @[Ira], @[Hector]
OOC;; She speaks 8D finally. If you need a reference her voice is Jasmine Thompson right now...english accent and all 8D

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - December - 01-07-2015

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White December

She seemed so uncertain, so terrified, even with the winged one providing some comfort. December disregarded his annoyed stare, for she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of attention. Ira seemed to have the same intention as she did, his kinds words even putting her a little at ease. She felt protective now, determined to take care of this filly, even if she already was nearly grown. By the looks of things, she despite her age she didn't know much about this world, her surroundings and how the world worked sometimes, and that only made December connect more with her. Her heart leapt when the filly finally responded, taking a step, albeit a cautious one, closer to the pair. She remained in her place, not daring to move and startle her now when she had her this close, this open. Her eyes remained soft and kind as she simply waited, letting the duo-hued lass take her time.

"No...no cave?"

No caves? Why on Earth would she be worried about that? What would cause such a question to escape from her lips? Concern and uncertainty began to rise from the Shire. Was the young one a victim of something much deeper than the likes of Helovia had ever seen? Or was she just afraid of the dark? Her next question only broke the mare's heart even more, and her face morphed, to one of concern and confusion. What exactly happened to this girl? December had to take a moment to let the words sink in, to think of a response, to collect herself so that she wouldn't worry her with her own concerns. Finally, after much thought she spoke again, her tone just as even and gentle,"No. You do not have to go into a cave, all of our lands are on the surface. The Dragon's Throat is in a vast desert, and the Hidden Falls is a land filled with forests and waterfalls. Though there are caves in both of them I'm sure, going into them is optional."

At the point she looked to the Unipeg, eyes filled with concern, wondering if he too was curious about the same thing. By the looks of his attitude though, he most likely wouldn't care, but when he had offered her shelter and education, he did in fact seem genuine. Ira also seemed entirely focused on helping, but he didn't smell of one of the four herds, did that mean he was a loner? How would he be able to provide protection for her should he happen to get injured? Outcast life was not a good one for a filly, or for anyone really. Yes, December loved being alone, to enjoy her solitude, but her natural instincts and genetic makeup told her that herd life was the most efficient way of survival. She knew that even if the girl didn't choose to go with her, she would be much better off with the larger chestnut.

The yearling's decision all depended now on what the other two had to say, and what she was most comfortable with. Though she had seemed apprehensive of the two equines before, it seemed to have faded more into light caution, her desperation to trust so obvious in her brilliantly teal gaze. No matter what happened now, after this moment, this meeting in time, December vowed she would look out for this one. She was different, special to her, whether it was because of her own personal feelings and past that she thought this way, or that it was actually the truth she wasn't sure. Nonetheless, she would see that this filly would have the life she had always wanted; one filled with love, comfort, and family.


{WC: 621
Tag: Isara, Hector, Ira
OOC: The feels are too real for her.}

image credits

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Hector - 01-15-2015

No Time for Lies and Empty Fights

Concern pressed his brow into a deep furrow and fiery eyes scanned the youngest for sign of torture, wound or blemish – Sun only knew she was behaving like a runaway hostage. Even despite the nonchalant stew of words and abundantly expressed tenderness the girl seemed balanced across a brittle ledge of composure – and this was hardly masked by the tentative inch closer.

Trembling voice spilt inquiringly forward, and Hector watched unwaveringly, shaking his lowered skull authentically. Naturally though, the rambling woman with the short temper spoke first, though the giant appeared outwardly unbothered. Veci was curling a wicked path between her legs, vaporous form licking hungrily between heavy grey feathering. I could fix her, he cackled between the steady thoughts of his bonded, spewing visions of the mothers’ rabid keepers, Shadowmen; those who had kept her bound up beneath the ground, torn away her wings and beaten her to death. So morbid and alike to the bloodshed of battle was the vision, that the stallion’s eyes clenched closed and his brawny body stiffened where it waited still by the edge of the group. That is awful, stop it. he scolded.

...But the Boggart was bored. He had no interest in the mundane traditions of their kind; tedious, long-winded conversation and disgusting compassion. Drawing on his partners keen dislike towards the draft, his invisible form slithered along the forest floor to her rear and he rose like a caped villain behind her, hungry, unforeseen, evil. He began to take form and though the apparition flickered often, wavered or faded, the portrayal was unmistakable – a cave with only blackness winding back, and back, and back.

Emerging darkness drew suddenly the Dragon Warrior’s eye, and he turned his decorated face square towards it. A gruff snort erupted from flared nostrils – he knew well the source, and he did not for one second consent to any further terrorisation of the child. Veci! he snarled angrily, glancing across the faces surrounding to find their opinion. He thrust a cutting hoof into the soil between himself and the mare (the hovering cave to her rear), warning, challenging - but that was all just part of his wicked companion’s plan to speed the proceedings up. Wings opened upwards in full, exaggerating his appearance dramatically.

For a moment he turned to the girl with an eye stern though warm, "No harm will come to you, hold yourself still."

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - December - 01-15-2015

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White December

It all happened too fast for her to notice immediately. One minute she was sweetly talking to the lost lamb, the next the male was rushing towards her, anger plastered over his horned face. Looking around to see where he was aiming to, her eyes laid upon the looming cavern behind her. Eyes widened and she skittered backwards, hair on end as her teeth bared. Where on Earth did this come from? Oh, how terrified the poor girl must have been now, seeing her worst fear right before her eyes once again. Ears flattened against her skull she looked to the male, who was challenging the cave with confidence. He was quick to try and comfort the girl, wings spread protectively, and December couldn't help but admire him. Despite his early actions, he had redeemed himself in her eyes, and as she took a step back, her face returned to the paint, head lowered as she shied away to give her space.

How bad this must have looked to her, a cave appearing out of nowhere behind the one she had been the most scared of? Had the white one known that the culprit to the spontaneous cave was the hybrid's companion, she would have been livid. But, she hadn't seen all of the wonders of Helovia yet, and that included a handful of the companions that inhabited it. Swishing her tail against her hocks, her eyes looked to Hector in panic, wondering what exactly they were to do. Slowly her direction went back to the filly, voice soft and timid as she finally spoke,"He's right, nothing will harm you. I'm sorry that this was what you had to face." She backed away slowly, knowing now that she most likely had no chance that the filly would go with her. She was now the source of her fear, her terror, and there was no turning back now. She would be rejected, thrown away like trash like she always had been, looked at like a monster and left in night's wake, whom would precede to laugh at her for being such a fool. How she tried to keep the tears back, to remove any emotion she could from her expression, to not let them know how she felt.

She used to be so good at masking how she felt when she had gotten here. Had this place made her grown soft? Made her weak to anything anyone ever said to her or about her? Or had she simply just been dumb enough to trust that everyone was just decent here, that everyone would accept her and tolerate her idiotic tendencies. The salty tears pushed, pushed and pried at her eyes, nearly falling on her soft cheeks, but she relented, pushing them back so that it only looked like she had a gleam in her steel gaze. Blowing softly through her mouth, she tried, tried so hard to not be a threat, to appear like it wasn't her fault, but she knew it was futile. She had lost this battle, and she would never have another chance. So much for her thinking she would find someone who she could relate to.


{WC: 530
Tag: @[Isara] @[Hector]
OOC: Don't mind me just watching as December dies inside /shot}

image credits

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Isara - 01-15-2015

The mare before me seemed confused at my question. Maybe she wasn't one of the evil wingless equines after all? My ears pricked forwards as I yearned to hear what all she had to say. All the lands are on the surface here? A glimmer of hope started to show through the years of dark shadows it seemed. Faintly, a look of relief washed over my face but it was short lived. Soon my face contorted in confusion as she spoke of places I didn't even know of let alone know of what they were supposed to look like. Desert, waterfalls neither of those words were ever mentioned to me by either my mother or the prisoners. What in the world was a desert or a waterfall? I had to know, but I wouldn't ask now. No I'd ask at a later date and time. Or perhaps I'd be able to fit the pieces together as I came across them?

I looked at the other wingless equine that stood here, but he seemed perfectly content remaining silent. So I looked at the winged one who also seemed concerned and he then clenched his eyes shut as if he was in pain or something. My heart leapt for a moment as I worried about him. Was something wrong? Was he hurt somehow? Did he know why I asked such questions? Could he...could he possibly be one of the prisoners from within the cave that escaped?

A single hoof raised to take a step towards the winged stallion, but was soon distracted by a growing shape from behind the mare. Did she have wings too and I just hadn't noticed? Hopeful eyes looked to the shape that flickered and faded in the shadowy mists of the night and quickly grew wide once I noticed what it really was.

They weren't wings!

Panic hit me wave after wave and each wave was stronger than the last. Soon I felt like I was drowning in an invisible flood of nothing but terror. Wildly my wings flapped and my legs tried to propel my lithe frame backwards, but neither seemed to be going fast enough. In fact, they weren't really working together at all as I soon fell to the ground once more. But that didn't stop me this time, instead I just kept trying to push myself further and further away from the darkness that grew behind the mare and engulfed the light of everything around us. What was this magick?! Was the wingless mare the one behind this? Was she really one of those...those monsters that stuck us down in the caves? Had she just put a charade until she thought she had gained enough trust from me to nab me quick and drag me back while I screamed bloody hell – only to have my screaming echo off the clammy rock walls and fade into soundless waves. Nobody would hear me. Nobody would see me. Nobody would come to rescue me. I was born there and now I grave would be there too.

My mother had died for nothing. My escape attempt futile. Tears began to stream down my cheeks as I still tried to put a significant distance between the mare and I purely out of instinct. Words tried to gurgle from my vocal chords but they were either choked back from my crying or so utterly gargled that no clear words came out.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught a flash of the red winged stallion as he moved towards the entrance to the cave angrily. Was...was he protecting me? On the air I heard his voice ring out telling me that no harm will come of me and to stay still and I obeyed. Almost instantaneously my legs stopped kicking at the dirt and my wings, though awkwardly held at weird angles since I was not laying upon them, grew still.

I watched as he charged at the cave and the mare at the same time. Though it seemed like he was more worried about the cave than the mare. Teal eyes looked to the mare who also seemed rather perturbed with the recent turn of events. Of course she would, she had to stay in character didn't she? Then she had the gull to look at me and tell me that no harm would come of me and that she was sorry. She had better damn be sorry! But of course this too was probably a facade of hers as well so I shot her a look that pretty blatantly spoke the phrase you're not going to get away with this. And even though I watched as she seemingly fought about with her emotions I felt nothing towards her but fear and hatred and disgust. She was one of them...one of the group that killed my mother. Maybe she didn't kill her directly but she still had to be a part of that group. That was the only explanation for all of this.

Teal eyes looked back to the winged stallion who was fending off the cave and with watching him fight off the very thing that frightened me the most right now I knew whom I would go with. He was like me and mother had always said beware the wingless. Now I knew exactly why. Even if they seemed kind and caring they would still turn on you once you believe them. Those with wings...that was whom I was going to put my trust in. In the past, present, and more likely the future too. The winged equines were always to be trusted.

"Isara's speech"|"Isara's thoughts"

TAGGED;; @[December], @[Ira], @[Hector]
OOC;; omg....this post...much wow...so long...x.x If you need a reference her voice is Jasmine Thompson right now...english accent and all 8D

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Ira - 01-16-2015


This child. A cave? God no. This poor girl was so damaged. No wonder she didn't trust us. She seemed to like the winged man much more. And for a moment, I am shocked into silence by this awful revelation. I watch the child, and the other two around me, and I feel some mild irritation at the white mare. She is to forward, to over the top. She needs to be slower, can't she tell she is scaring the child. I can already tell where this is going. My hazel eyes flicker towards the winged and horned man, and I smile ever so softly, before looking to the girl.

"Child, none here will harm you. None will stuff you in cave to abuse you in sinful ways. I promise you. Should you wish to see the sea some day, come west to the worlds edge, and I would love to show you its wonders, and to introduce you to our kind leader Kahlua, and the winged man whom I have not met yet, but is known as Kaj, and he is Kahlua's male counterpart. I do hope, that where ever you go, you are happy, and you find your needs fulfilled. I will take my leave now, but should you wish to follow, don't hesitate. Wow. That was a lot. I don't normally speak that much. My hazel eyes turn to December and the hybrid stud. "May we all meet again someday." I say before turning to leave, slowly fading into the brush, and heading on my long journey back the the Edge.

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Hector - 01-17-2015

No Time for Lies and Empty Fights

Wicked delight spread like an all encompassing fog through the mind of the angry stallion, but it was not his; no mirth leaked through his strained expression. The Boggart could not have been more pleased with the aftermath of his attack. The scene which unfolded was beautifully chaotic, the melody of plaguing fear a joy to behold. He writhed in the wealth of his success, and laughed brightly as the painted child began to flail like a fish caught in death’s cruel talon. All the while, the white draft had jerked backwards fretfully – she reeked, fuelled his appetite and inflated his swollen ego. Dull hair swirled in frenzy about her startled skull and beyond wings whooshed wildly and hopelessly, while hooves thudded to the rhythm of thundering hearts – it was his perfect pandemonium.

The stallion roared angrily, a ferocious lion, dauntlessly imposing. VECI! Blazing eyes were set upon the cave, and small burnt-red ears were trained back viciously as he snapped a final warning. The creature, his bonded, was infuriatingly defiant – like a dog fixed to his bone; blind, deaf, caught in a hedonistic stupor that even Hector couldn’t penetrate.

As December shrank still further from the terrified girl, the Dragon soldier exploded forward with all of the rapidity of hungry wildfire; enormous bronze wings surged down against the flurrying air and leonine tail uncoiled like a whip in his wake. He could barely believe the Boggart’s impertinence – it was a characteristic unusually kept well tethered. Lashing hooves sliced through the apparition, but Veci was quite untouchable and his wavering form dissolved simply into thin air with a gratified sneer. At first it didn’t occur to Hector that his audience was none the wiser. He turned as the ghost slipped away through the tree line, to find the young winged glaring, cheeks stained, wet; and the Falls mare caught between their loathing hold, seemed now to be just a shadow of the tenderness she had been.

The fallout was considerable, and he drew a heavily dismayed breath.

It was not his habit to manipulate Threshold travellers, though it was plainly obvious who now the girl leaned towards. "It is time to leave," he rumbled, glancing to the shire with a softening eye. She had been played, reduced to ashes, and he pitied her position. Gaze transferred to the flaxen haired child afterward – her wings had thus far served as naught but a trip hazard, though they need not be. "Your wings..." Feathers, glinting golden-red, ruffled and lifted as though to illustrate his meaning. "Set them high across your back as I have. The journey ahead is long, worse still with you stumbling about like a rabbit." He snorted briskly, and as his neck stiffened vertically, flame-like tattoos flared up his exposed throat.

@[Isara], after everyone has replied, and depending on their standing, I might continue this in DT

RE: of wounded minds and wounded souls - Isara - 01-18-2015

The skin on my cheeks began to feel tightly pulled, much like the leather of a drum, as my salted tears evaporated into the air. My eyes watched the winged stallion, of whom I didn't even know the name of, lash out angrily at the cave that was before us all. His ears were pinned against his skull. His eyes glowed with a fiery rage. His roar rang out with such intensity that I swear it could have shaken away the leaves from the trees and stripped every hair off of the bodies that lingered in the area. Despite his roar being so fierce, it did not scare me. Instead it filled my very soul with hope and tranquility. He was here and he was protecting me from something when he probably didn't know the reasoning behind my extreme fear. Hell, he didn't even know my name yet!

He was my protector, my guardian angel, my savior and he would forever be remembered as such by me.

Glistening eyes beheld the stallion as he struck out at the cave only for the cave to merely disappear into thin air as a result. Magick? Was it all just a mirage or an apparition? Was it just a figment of my imagination? No! Surely the others saw it too. Wait where were the others? I turned my head from side to side to find the two wingless ones that were part of this congregation, but the stallion was already leaving and the mare...well even though I saw her out of the corner of my eye I decided not to really acknowledge her anymore. Some way, some how she was the culprit of what happened. Why else would the picture of a cave just appear out of thin air behind someone with no wings much like my previous captors.

It was no coincidence. She had to be one of them.

As the mare began to walk away with an air of a deflated ego trailing in her wake, I got back up onto my feet and looked towards the winged stallion. He had said it was time to leave and I nodded slightly in agreement. It was surely time to get away from the wingless and onto much safer places. I didn't notice the sympathy in his eyes as he also watched her leave, otherwise I would have grown curious as to why he felt as such. But alas, I didn't notice so I wouldn't ask.

My ears swiveled as he spoke again, this time about my wings. I watched as he demonstrated how to hold them and like a reflection I mimicked him. Then he went on about how the journey ahead was long but how it would be worse with me stumbling about like something called a rabbit. What the hell was a rabbit? I had never heard of nor seen hide of something called a rabbit. In fact, I really hadn't seen much of anything besides bats, bugs, snakes and lizards. Oh and the little tiny fish that lived in the puddles in the cave. I couldn't forget those.

And speaking about the journey, where were we going exactly? If I remembered correctly he said he was from this Dragon's Throat right? Or was the mare from Dragon's Throat? I couldn't remember. All I could remember really was that one was this supposed desert and another a waterfall place...both of which I also had no knowledge about. So these descriptions did absolutely squat for me. And then the wingless stallion had mentioned something about seeing a sea...go west to the World's Edge. Why the hell would I want to go to the world's edge?! I couldn't even fly yet so even if I wanted to experience some sort of thrill I'd only plummet off the world. Geez his audacity.

Attention turned back to the winged stallion who snorted. Was he already growing annoyed with me? No, he barely yet knew me. He couldn't hate me already. But it was time to go...perhaps that was his signal? So quietly, I walked over to him ready to follow to his home...the home of the winged. My sanctuary.

"Isara's speech"|"Isara's thoughts"

TAGGED;; @[Hector]
OOC;; bhahahahaha. Her Sanctuary....we totally need an equine or a unicorn to meet up with in the joining thread xD If you need a reference her voice is Jasmine Thompson right now...english accent and all 8D