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child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Printable Version

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child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Mauja - 09-07-2012

derpa doo let us hunt :D

The morning, now a few days ago, still haunted him - fresh in his memory, the crisp winter winds, the cool, clear air, and the lone tree with the owl. He still saw those obsidian eyes and the crackling static in his dreams, heard its foreign voice clicking out through a beak not designed to speak the tongue of horses. The only thing convincing him it was not a dream was the cool, strange chain looped around his neck, woven from what once had crackled like electricity but now lay cold and smooth against him. Not dead, no, but not alive either, merely passive in existence. It held an egg, pale gray in color. He'd not seen its blue sheen since that morning in a time past - mostly because he had a hard time seeing it at all, without involving a puddle or nearly breaking his neck.

But the winter owl had warned - or advised? - him to keep food ready for it, and since fate had gone about the hassle of bringing him back in time just to unite him with the egg, he had no intention of letting it die. But he was a horse. He could probably, with enough luck and determination, kill a few animals, but... it was not something he usually did. He'd entertained the thought of killing an equine for its meals but it was unethical and hard to explain to the rest of the world. And so, he settled for seeing if his Warden wanted a reason to kill some extra critters. With dusk approaching and the darkness beginning to sink its teeth into the world, Mauja raised his head into the wind and called for the strange wolf Arathea.

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Arathea - 09-08-2012

It did not take long after his call for the wolf to appear. She trotted silently through the shadows of the trees, eye glinting in whatever light that might come down. Paths, streams and hiding places had become known to her know, as she spent every waking our moving around the forest, looking for things in and out of place.

From the shadows she came and stopped in front of Mauja, rose to her hind legs and made a bow with her head. "King Unicorn is walking the forest alone tonight. The forest that has been calm and safe, though whispers say someone has been trying to steal you away." Arathea sat down on her haunches and looked up at the now much taller horse with her head titled slightly to the side.

"And not just once. What can I do for you, King?" Her eyes noticed the strange thing hanging around his neck, with something that looked like an egg. That one was new, but she did not ask about it yet. Maybe that was the reason he had called her, or maybe he wanted something completely else. She would wait for answers before asking more.

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Mauja - 09-08-2012

It did not take long until the fear-inspiring scent of their pet predator came carried on the wind. He knew that she was, to them, harmless, yet it sent a natural thrill down his spine. Blinking in the oncoming darkness he waited for her tawny form to appear, and soon it did, materializing from the thickening fog and padding up to him. She was queer to watch, as if liquid magic rippled along her edges and bent her structures to its will. Clearly she did not rearrange herself when switching from four-footed to two-legged, but it still looked alien and unnatural to him.

She was rather clear-sighed, offering her input in a way that seemed almost like a riddle, sitting down in front of the peering monarch. Oh, yes. Xira. She'd been at him, again, and he'd shaken her off. It was irking him, but two things kept him from storming down to the Throat and hollering at them: the first, most immediate, was the fragile egg lying across his chest, only thin skin and a hard shell separating its flesh from his. It was too precious to risk. The second reason was Snö. Her and Monster's scents had been missing around the Edge for a while now, and it was bothering him enough to effectively prevent him flying into "rage mode".

"Oh yes, that green bitch from the Throat really wants me as her pet," he growled out, lashing his tail against his hocks. He snorted, though, and tried to shove it aside. "The reason King Unicorn walks alone is that his daughter is missing, and it troubles him. But what is more peculiar, is that fate went through a great ordeal to give him this egg. Like all newborn creatures, it will need food - in this case, meat. He was wondering if maybe Warden Wolf like to help him out, and build a little cache he can have ready for when it hatches?"

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Arathea - 09-09-2012

This Xira from the Dragon's Throat was something she would keep her ears open about. She then tilted her head to the other side as he spoke about his daughter was missing. Arathea did not always take much note of the members coming and going, since she wanted to stay out of their business for now. She only watched the forest and its borders for outsiders. But maybe she could offer to track down the filly later, if it was needed. For now, Mauja seemed to have other things in mind and he answered him in the same way she had. So why not continue...

"Warden Wolf will help King Unicorn with this. Many small creatures hides in the forest and are suitable for a bird that size. Warden Wolf can find them, along with building something for the chick." She then stood up on all four and walked forward in one motion, moved past Mauja and looked over her shoulder. "This way, King." Not that he could do much with the hunting itself, but if he wanted her help with this, he better stick around. Besides, he would probably not be in the way since the critters did not seem that afraid of the horses. Maybe that would fill them with false security of everything being fine...

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Mauja - 09-09-2012

The corners of his mouth quirked, curled up, in a wry little smile as she responded in the same fashion. Warden Wolf and King Unicorn, two beings from a tale. And right now, it was a rather sad tale for King Unicorn, his heart empty and cold, abandoned, the ones he loved far away, leaving for one reason or another... If only it was a tale, and not his own life. Mauja absentmindedly scraped a hoof against the ground, pleased that it took no cajoling, threatening or bargaining to convince the wolf to help him hunt. Maybe she enjoyed it? "King Unicorn is most thankful, and will do as he is bid, or at very least, attempt to do it. He cannot guarantee success, only honest effort." And then, like the last day's sunlight rippling into motion and slinking off, she began to move, fading fiery light casting a bronzed glow on her back.

Entranced, curious, Mauja followed her, his hoof beats deep, but not loud in a way that intruded upon the senses: not quiet, but not alerting either. He turned into a breeze, a bank of fog, early moonlight, drifting along behind the wolf, coal-tipped ears swiveling atop his poll to catch the sounds of nightfall. Each breath was slow and deliberate, drawn in deep into his lungs, the scents picked apart, processed. They were hunting. She - he? - were hunting. At this, he was a novice, and so he was content to simply follow, curious about where it would lead, and which role he was to play.

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Arathea - 09-09-2012

In silent, she trotted along unseen paths in search for a suitable prey. King Unicorn made noises with his hooves, but it was a noise the critters of the forest were used to for sure. The wolf steered off the path and found a larger rock to scout from. She gave Mauja a quick look and then lowered herself over the rock, staring into the underbrush.

Minutes passed and she hoped the horse would have the patience to stand around silently, because small sound could be heard from the ground vegetation if you knew what to listen to. The wolf's ears moved slowly back and forth, eyes fixed on the ground a bit from the rock and as in slow motion, she curled up with her hind paws far under her body. Then she dived down into the moss and grass, hoping to catch any of the rodents she could hear nosing around there.

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Mauja - 09-17-2012

With confidence his Warden led the way, and Mauja followed at a suitable pace. Feathers flicked over the ground, frost brushing against dying blades of grass, the dull thud of his steps reverberating through the air and earth before dying out into silence. He had not witnessed a predator's hunt from up close before, and despite the fact that her scent sent alarms ringing through his head it excited him. Guilty pleasure you could call it, anticipation of what was to come, yet a slight fear. He had seen her teeth, her claws, even though the latter were blunt. How easily could she rip into flesh? How much could she damage with a single bite?

She paused on a rock and he paused beside her, frosty horn angled towards the ground as he watched her in breathless silence, the weight of the egg a reminder that it had to be done.

And then, she pounced. The breath caught in his throat, eyes drinking in every movement, ears every sound.

RE pl0x? <3

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Random Event - 09-17-2012

Arathea's quiet patience rewards her with the a mouse which she was hunting. Her teeth grab hold of it easily, and the rodent is dead instantly.


RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Arathea - 09-18-2012

Her teeth held the soft body of the mouse gently to not bite it apart completely and she turned around do give an approving nod to Mauja. "Guard it from others." She mumbled as she placed the mouse upon the rock and then sneaked off through the bushes. There was something more nearby and King Unicorn could follow her to the next area once she had tried to catch it.

A rabbit was her target; the fluffy little thing was nibbling away at some low twigs as the wolf stalked closer from behind, trying to get as close as possible before charging at it, being prepared to follow in whatever turn the fast little creature might make if it spotted her.

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Mauja - 09-19-2012

She was successful in her first endeavor, reappearing with a mouse in her large jaws. It looked ridiculously tiny, but he supposed it would be a meal of fitting size for a bird tucked into an egg. She laid it on the rock and told him to guard it. Still silent he watched her, giving a nod, stepping closer to the rock. His muzzle pushed against the dead rodent - it was still warm. Then the wolf crept off again, and his ears pricked, wondering when - and with what - she would return.

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Random Event - 09-21-2012

Her foot missteps, and Arathea startles the rabbit. The distance is not far enough for the poor creature to escape, however, and she bites down on a foot, making its movement impaired.


RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Arathea - 09-21-2012

The rabbit tries to escape and nearly succeeds; Arathea's teeth scratches its foot. With a snarl, she strikes after the rabbit again. If she were to get it properly this time, she would quickly return with it to Mauja and then be off into the shadows again.

Another rodent could be heard from the grass further away as she silently trotted along. Many of the small things came out at night when they though it was safe and they were hidden from view. That might be true, but for sensitive ears, they could be heard.

Arathea choose another stone to curl up upon while listening to the motions of the small creatures before pouncing down in their general direction, hoping to catch yet another one like the first try.

((Mauja can be skipped for the rest of the hunt.))

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Random Event - 09-21-2012

The rabbit, with its injured leg, is not fast enough to escape you this time, and is an easy victim to you.

Your deft ears pick up on the small scurrying mammals that are trying their best to avoid notice. However, you are the predator they are unable to hide from. Quickly, you strike out and pull back a plump shaped rat, who wrestles in your tightly shut mouth before finally falling into the grips of death.


RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Arathea - 09-22-2012

With a satisfied smirk, Arathea returned with the rat to the stone, the rest of the kills and the waiting Mauja. She dropped it on the stone and trotted away in the other direction without a word to find some more before calling it enough.

Chirps and tweets from a tree caught her attention and she stopped under it. A bird nest was up there on one of the lower branches, maybe twice her height up from the ground. It was difficult to hear if there was one or more birds up there, but Arathea guessed at least two. Probably chicks big enough to leave now when the summer was over, but were lazily sticking around in hopes of the parents to feed them a bit more. Maybe they could be food themselves...

Digging through the soft ground, the wolf found a rock small enough for her to grab a hand around and while holding it, she rose on her hind legs. She had not really been aiming to throw things before, but it could not hurt to try. Eying the nest, she pulled back her arm and threw the rock, hoping to hit and knock both nest and birds down from the tree.

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Random Event - 09-22-2012

Your aim is too high, and the rock bounces off a branch and comes flying back at you, almost as if you were trying to hurt yourself.


RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Arathea - 09-22-2012

Instead of the birds falling down, the stone bounced back and Arathea dodged out of the way with a low yelp. Sitting down, she stared at the rock for a while, flicking her ears and then walked over to pick it up again. Weighting it in her hand, she positioned herself a bit from the tree to take aim again. This time, she tried to not put as much force behind the throw and if the stone were to miss the nest again, maybe it would miss the branches all together and disappear instead of trying to strike back at her head! It was worth another try, at least. And then she would see if she came back to Mau with a pair of birds, or with a cracked skull. Birds would be very preferable.

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Random Event - 09-22-2012

The rock knocks on the nest, dislodging it an sending the baby birds to the ground. Not dead yet, but easy enough targets defenseless in the grass.


RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Arathea - 09-23-2012

The rock hit its target and Arathea could not help but to give a short bark and bounce forward on all four. Bounce, bounce, bounce, pounce! Down on the birds she jumped and snapped after their heads to quickly put an end to their lives. If they were to try and run, she would keep snapping and try to hold them down with her paws to keep them from escaping. As long as potentially angry mother bird showed up, everything would be joy and she would probably be on even better foot... hoof... paw with Mauja. Just to bring the birds back and everything should be fine. They could not possibly escape now, right?

RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Random Event - 09-23-2012

A squabble ensues between you and the tiny birds, but the much more adept predator wins. You bring back the rest of your kills, reaching the total you sought.


RE: child of a different kind [ arathea/re ] - Mauja - 09-27-2012

She came back at odd intervals, bearing a rabbit, a rat, and two small birds. After that she seemed done, and for a moment, Mauja just stared at the pile of small dead bodies which he stood guarding. A frosted hoof brushed against the dead rat, the alien warmth of the egg a comfort against his chest. It had been necessary, this taking of life, and who better to execute the chosen than a real predator, a wolf? They were fine hunters, and Mauja's cold-colored eyes slid up her tan form, a small, soft smile gracing his lips. It was not the first time the King had ordered death and seen it carried out, but it was the first time his targets had been something other than horses.

"Thank you, Warden Wolf," the King half-purred, not moving from his protective spot over the dead animals. Instead, he merely extended his neck, cautious but curious, not wholly able to shed the instincts which clamored at him that this was a wolf and he should run. Thankful, he blew hot air towards her muzzle, wondering if she'd know what he meant - he'd never really tried to communicate in the flowing language of bodies with a wolf before.