HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] EXPLOSIONS - Printable Version

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EXPLOSIONS - Shida - 12-29-2014

Now listen. If you're gonna come in here all like, "Oh Shida. You need an adult. You're just a baby. You can't be out here all alone..." lemme just save you the trouble. Don't even start. I've clearly snuck away to be alone alright? If I wanted an adult I'd be back chillin' with Ma. But I'm not. That's intentional. So nut up, or shuddap.

ANYWAYS. I snuck away. I don't know if I woke Auri. I sort of hope I didn't because I swear to the Gods if she tries to one up me right now I'm going to lose it. Then again I sort of want someone to see this ... ehh ... I'll take it as it comes. Play it by ear (whatever the fuck that even means. Play what? Sorry, not the point).

Right. Back to the sneaking. I'm still small and even though standing up is still a tad awkward to do since my legs are so spindly, I think I managed okay. The moon is fairly bright and so the area is well lit even though it's like the middle of the night. So.

Sneak. Sneak. Sneak.

I trotted until I found a stream. It wasn't as big as I wanted (Ma told ,e this place was full of water but this is all I've seen so far. That's okay though, I still think Ma's a little off from birthin' me'n Auri so... it's cool. We'll give her a pass). But it doesn't matter, I just wanted water. I don't know a ton yet so excuse me if I'm not up on my health and safety and all that shit. But I figure i'm being safe enough being by water. I mean ... water like ... stops things, right? Fire's and stuff? I actually don't know if I'll start a fire. But that would be off the chaaaaain.

I walk towards the stream - now only about 5 feet back - and look around nervously. Ain't no-one around. At least .. I don't see anyone, but my eyes aren't really adjusted to the world yet. I was just born, so ...

"Okay stream. You ready to get awesomer?!"

Shida is here to BLOW STUFF UP.

Coding by Tamme. Image here

RE: EXPLOSIONS - December - 12-29-2014

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White December

The moon called to her, like a lonely lover. It embellished itself in billions of stars, enticing her forward in attempt to find company. It didn't take December long to give in, the cool breeze in her mane sending shivers along her bodice. How sweet the air was in Birdsong, how she craved basking in the moon's ivory embrace by the falls tonight. Perhaps she would have a midnight stroll. The rustle of her nest was soft as she rolled onto her legs, working her massive build upright, stretching casually, before looking towards the direction of the largest waterfall. Tail swished slowly behind her alabaster rump, her strides long but leisurely, for she wanted to take her time. The quiet of the night besides the thrum of the frogs spawning in the ponds, and the chirps of the crickets soothed her mind, for it had a lot on it lately.

Working her way through the trees and meadows of her homeland, she couldn't help but hear a shrill voice exclaiming to itself about something. Intruigued, the mare changed her destination to the nearby stream, keeping herself quiet so as not to disturb the peace. As she gracefully, silently made her way through the brush, her eyes came across quite the interesting scene. A unicorn foal, no more than a few days old, had made her way to the edge of stream, and was now talking to it. Although the mare had seen many things, this still made it up high on her list of interesting moments. She had no desire to disturb the filly, oh no, she wanted to see what would unfold should the little one continue on her grand adventure. She would give her time, let her enjoy her independence for a little while, and then she would come in and push her on back to her mother... whomever that was.

Her nostrils flared, attempting to take in her scent, only to not recognize the mare whose fragrance mingled with the foal's. The filly would most likely tell her, with much prodding of course, and then they would be on their merry way. The only thing she couldn't understand, was what would motivate such a young child to wander off from its mother, and simply wander around in the middle of the night, even if it was just in her own home. This one was going to be a handful, the mare could already tell, and she didn't know whether or not she would be looking forward to watching her grow.


{WC: 423
Tag: Shida
OOC: December's just dropping in to see what mayhem this foal is about to bring :D}

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RE: EXPLOSIONS - Shida - 12-30-2014


"I bet you are!" I continue, obviously completely unaware of December. I mean, I probably still have birthing fluid in my ears. Ma tried to clean me off but I was having none of that. Let Auri take the baths man, she's the one who needs them. December could probably have stomped all the way over here, rather than politely walking like a normal horse given that it was the middle of the night, and I still wouldn't have heard her. I was too focused on doing the thing.

Only .. I don't know how. When I did the thing before, it was because stupid Auri blew her stupid smoke in my face. The feeling just sort of ... built up in me. It felt a little bit red, and a little bit hot and suddenly. BAM. THE THING HAPPENED. I wanted to make the thing happen now, only I didn't have those feelings. I felt ... well, a little chilly. That was about all. Staring into the stream, I snorted looking at my reflection. The light was so gentle and bright that I could pick out my eyes - nice and blue like Ma's - and my two horns, dark like Da's. Stepping forward I looked at my flank - skinny and light brown.

Just brown.


You know whose back wasn't brown? Fucking Auri. You know what her back looks like? ITS GOT WINGS. WINGS LIKE MA. FUCKING PRETTY ASS MAGICAL WINGS. Ohhhh I'm feeling it now. The feeling. The red feeling. It starts in my belly and warms my body. I'm shaking now, but it isn't from the cold. It's from the thing. It's about to happen.

I rear (really, I just sort of hop onto my hind legs and flail a bit before slamming down), because, you know, drama and all that, as the thing happens.

Booooooooooooooy does it happen.

Water explodes violently upwards, shooting everywhere and drenching me. But I don't care. I'm cackling as the thing happens again. This time it doesn't happen right in the stream, but on the bank. Rocks and mud and grass are launched into the air as a small pit forms. "CHHYEEEAH" I cry triumphantly, giving 0 fucks if I'm heard. I did the thing!

That's right. ME. Shida.

So go ahead Auri. Wake up and come and see. The thing is way cooler than your smoke breath anyways.


Coding by Tamme. Image here

RE: EXPLOSIONS - December - 12-30-2014

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White December

"I bet you are!" is the first thing she hears out of the unicorn's maw. Pricking ears forward, suddenly intrigued by who or what she was possibly talking to, she took a few steps closer, now intently staring in anticipation. Did this filly have something she was going to show to her secret stream, perhaps some magic she was still learning to wield. December's mind began to reel with questions on what could possibly bring the foal to such excitement, before she stopped herself short, snorting softly and shaking her head. How absurd her way of thinking in this moment. She should know by now that foals get excited about the most frivolous things, their minds still so fresh and new that even a butterfly was enough to cause them to be awestruck. December almost laughed at herself so thinking so ludicrously, and began to turn her large build away, when the sound hit her ears.

The ground only shook lightly, but enough for her to notice. Her wide eyes turned back in sudden concern for the buckskin, only to see water falling down on her, most likely chilling her to the bone. Her head tilted up, searching for something in the sky that would cause water to just miraculously fly up, and then fall. It was when the second explosion happened, that the duo-toned mare knew. The filly, whomever she was, was making the explosions, with her mind. Dark gaze looked on in utter amazement, for she was like a newborn foal with how awestruck she had become. The girl seemed rather satisfied as well, for she made a proud exclamation, filled with utter excitement.

The mare didn't blame her, being able to achieve such a feat definitely earned a good pat on the back. A soft breeze blew from behind her, causing her coat to prickle up from the sudden cooling of temperature. Swishing her tail, she supposed that if she was responding to the temperature, then the poor unicorn was most likely freezing. Figuring that the young one had had enough playtime, White December revealed herself, walking out from her hiding place and revealing her large draft build in the pleasant moonlight. Her steel eyes looked down upon the girl calmly, a soft nicker escaping her as she made her approach.

Upon reaching the opposite side of the stream of the buckskin, December snorted, looking to the sky before back to the filly plainly,"By the looks of things you've had enough fun out by yourself for the night. Let's get you dry and return you to your mother for some sleep." Taking her feathered feet and placing them into the icy stream, she walked across with a nonchalant air to her, before bringing her grey maw down near the buckskin, taking in her scent more deeply so as to identify her parents. She knew they were of the falls, but she couldn't remember who they were. Most likely if she saw their faces she would know, but until then she would have to guess. Taking her nose and attempting to brush it against the damsel's side, she gently tried pushing her back, full intention of leading her back the way she had come.


{WC: 537
Tag: Shida
OOC: Did the percentage drop down to 96%? Also hope you don't mind December attempting to push her back lol. She's a no bullshit kind of gal.}

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RE: EXPLOSIONS - Shida - 12-30-2014


So there are a lot of firsts when you're a kid, which means there's lots of stuff that I haven't learned yet. Things like, don't fucking explode the land you live in, or if you're going to explode the land you live in be more discrete. You know. Basic stuff like that. So when December strolls on over advising that I return to Ma to get dried off and to go back to sleep, I don't actually think of it the way you might. I mean, no one other than Ma and Pa have really told me to do anything yet. So it just seems the same as when Auri tells me not to kick her in the face. You know, the type of stuff you don't actually have to listen to.

"Nah." I counter in my youthful wisdom, although looking up at her I do take a step back. She's big. Like big big. Bigger than Ma I think, but not bigger than Da. He's huge. I wonder if I'll get to be that big? I can't even imagine it. I could probably fit five of me inside of her. Ohhhh. Maybe there's babies in there or something. Huh. Weird.

As she sniffs me, I make a face, scrunching my nose in slightly. I don't understand this sniffing thing yet. Like, what the hell does it matter what I smell like. Seriously. Have I joined the hygiene herd? First Ma wants to wash me, then everyone gets all butthurt about being dirty and now this broad wants to smell me too. Like, can we please not?

But, I don't wanna be rude (I know right? Ironic), so I turn my muzzle towards her and blow outwards. Hard. If there was any snot in my nose it sure isn't there anymore. That's what you do right? Blow? Pretty sure. Da did that to me when I was first born, so... I'm basically an expert now. Then, having done the blow part, I inhale so strongly that my head raises backwards and my nostrils actually quiver with the force of my inward breath.

Oh shit. What now? Do I hold it? Am I supposed to like ... do something with her air? Uh, uh, uh!! I can't really hold it much longer, and so I let it all out at once, my pink lips parting to let the current of air it feels like I'm holding back finally through.

I shoot December a look like, dude, you're welcome for the best greeting you've ever had in your life, before trying to do the thing again. I'm starting to be able to sort of ... make it happen, the red feeling, only now it feels harder. Like there's not enough of it or something. I don't know how to explain it. But I can tell that there's enough magic in me at least to do the thing one more time.

So, not knowing that what December probably meant was I'm going to MAKE you get back to your Ma, I turn my ass towards her and trot forward a few steps.

Safety around explosions and all that.

Taking a deep breath I try to focus on a rock that's in the middle of the stream. On top of said rock is some green squishy dude with big eyes (a frog, in fact). Can frogs fly like Ma and Auri? Probably. How the hell else would he have gotten into the middle of the stream? It isn't like he can swim or anything. I decide I want to see the frog fly, so I focus the red on the rock.


The rock is lifted into the air by a current of water, sending the frog helplessly flailing from where he sat, obviously minding his own business and definitely not asking for some shit-disturbing child to come along and ruin his evening. He sails a few feet into the air, arcing against the moon and creating a perfect silhouette, before bouncing on the ground. The broad and stupid grin that had parted my pink lips disappeared as confusion began to grow.

I turn to December, obviously upset and dismayed. "Why didn't he fly?" I whimper as large crocodile tears well up in my blue eyes and my lips begin to tremble. I look back to where the frog landed, watching as he angrily hopped away. Tears tracked down my cheeks as I quickly returned to looking at the mare. I have a bit of a complex about things that can fly, and so I'm taking this pretty hard. I was just trying to help! I just wanted to see him fly! It isn't like I can fly! Everyone else can except me AND I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP AND "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I throw my head back sobbing. I'm obviously over tired and now completely exhausted from using my powers, and in such a state I have absolutely no hope of understand why my plan hadn't worked.

Yep! 96% and dropping!

Coding by Tamme. Image here

RE: EXPLOSIONS - December - 12-30-2014

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White December

It was obvious by how she responded to the mare's movements, that she still hadn't been taught a lot. She looked only to be a few days though, so it wasn't surprising. The mare had to bite back a smirk at the filly's utter refusal, and only quirked her metaphorical brow to watch her look intensely at a rock ahead of them both. Wiping away the mucus that had been gifted upon her by the young buckskin, she only watched, seeing what would happen now to the little thing. She would wear herself out eventually, so she only waited, watching as yet another explosion occurred, and the poor frog had been shot into the air, only to land and hop away in a huff.

The response the unicorn had though, was not one she expected. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked to her for answers, confusion spread across her tan and pink face. Only staring as she began to get more overwhelmed, December took a step back as soon as the shrill wail escaped from child in anguish. Ears tilting back slightly at the loud sound a snort escaped her, chin pressing to her chest as she pondered how exactly to deal with this crazy ball of fur. She had never been a mother before, never really had much time to see how mothers acted. How was she to know what did and didn't help a crying baby. Looking around with a bewildered expression, December for once hoped someone else would show up, anyone, to help her soothe the grieving child.

"Uh, there's no need to cry," she began as she took a step forward. Her build brought itself to her side in an attempt to block away the wind, feeling the harsh breeze go stronger, and colder, as the night continued on. Her head lowered softly to meet her gaze with the girl's, looking uncertain and nowhere near confident,"Frogs can't fly, just like we can't fly. We don't have wings to do so. So... stop crying?" That was about all she got, and she left it there, only looking at her and praying to the Gods above that someone would help her with this mess.


{WC: 370
Tag: @[Shida]
OOC: I was thinking now would be a good time to wait for Oxy, but should you want to continue I don't mind. Please tag me in my posts though so I know you responded!}

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RE: EXPLOSIONS - Oxy - 12-30-2014

“THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE HER CRY FOR?” comes your booming voice, way too loud at this time of the night, but you don’t give one rat’s ass about who is sleeping and who is awake. That is quite clearly the sound of one of your children. Which one? Well… you know… one of them… The one without wings, you decide, as you stomp out of the bushes glaring at the white Shire. Normally, you might not be so pissed off about this whole thing, but you’ve got a lot going on right now. See, you really want to take some drugs, but Snowflake kind of scared the shit out of you when she said she was going to murder you in your sleep if you hurt the babies. And, since taking drugs makes you hallucinate everything right now, you’ve been trying to keep your habit to a minimum. Also, every single part of your body hurts. Like… everything. Your skin is screaming at you with a pain that you’ve rarely ever felt. It’s reminiscent of that time Ampere sent an electricity wave washing over your side, but even that was mild compared to what you’re feeling now. And your insides… Oh, you’ve never felt your insides burn they way they do now. Everything hurts. You haven’t eaten in at least a day, maybe longer, and you’re not sure you ever want to again.

Then, just to top it all off, some moron was causing a huge ruckus. Apparently a moron in this vicinity, you note to yourself, as you look at the dirt, wet ground, and crater near the river bank. “And the fuck are you throwing shit all over the place for?” you follow up with, words still clearly directed towards December. Stomping (albeit carefully) over to your child, you try to figure out what you should do to calm her down. In any normal situation, you’d certainly rectify a hurt soul with a huge wad of locoweed. However, since Snowflake promised to kill you if you did something so stupid around them, you can’t even imagine what sort of torture she would inflict upon you if you offered locoweed to the babe. Dammit.

Shifting uncomfortably, you finally decide to just sort of lower your big head and touch your nose to her neck, if she hasn’t run off. That’s a fatherly thing to do… right? You don’t even know. Your dad was kind of never around, since he was so busy doing… you know… other stuff. Well, actually you don’t know. Where was he? What was he doing? God, if only everything didn’t hurt so much. Lifting your head, you grit your teeth and tense as another wave of pain washes over your body. The white mare better start explaining now because you’re not in any mood. And, as soon as this is over, you’re going to go hide yourself in a hole and get high as fuck and not worry about how many dragons and three headed monsters you hallucinate, because you need some escape from this agony. You’ll just make sure to do it somewhere where Snowflake won’t know about it… the beach maybe. Yeah… that’ll be good. The beach.

@[Shida], @[December]
scars remind us our past is real
Image Credit

RE: EXPLOSIONS - Shida - 12-30-2014


I can feel my lip trembling. It's out of control - wobbling around and stuff as big tears drop wildly from my cheeks. I notice that they taste salty, as my tongue casually and sloppily pokes out of my pink lips and hangs out the side of mouth, catching the droplets as they stream down. I don't actually care about the taste of the tears but .. it's cool. I can multitask. I can be irrationally upset but also ponder the marvelous taste of my own tears simultaneously. I'm cool like that. However my attention shifts, now completely focused on how incompetent and useless this mare is. Look at her. Just standing there. Standing there. Things are obviously very wrong in the world. I did the thing to make the frog fly and it didn't. The world is fucking broken, and she's just. She's what? Coming over here now? Pfffft. Don't even lady.

I swear to the Gods if she tries to tell me to take a bath -

Now I hear everything all at once. My tears momentarily pause, my quivering stops, as I try to listen. The big white one is talking but someone else is talking too. No, they aren't just talking, they're yelling.

I both hear and feel a stomp, stomp, stomp, and soon I see Da stompin' into view. He looks bad ass, although if you asked me I don't think I could tell the difference between bad ass and angry. I've basically only seen Ma and Da angry and like .. asleep. So. Same difference if you ask me.

Anyways. So here comes Da, all badass and big tellin' the white one off. You go Da.

"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I wail as he comes to stand by me. I feel exhausted as I'm completely dwarfed by his bulk. I look up at him, snot dripping down my pink nose, already half crusty but still fluid enough that it sort of wavers back and forth with each huffy breath. I dramatically flop against his big legs which are basically the size of my whole body, weary with the effort of it all. I mean. I just did the thing like three times BUT I broke the world.

I mean the frog didn't fly. That's a pretty big deal. I should tell Da.

I tilt my head even farther back because he's way up there, and huff. "I did it to make the frog f-f-f-fllyy" I try to explain, but the very thought of the frog's ungraceful arc through the air immediately breaks my voice, causing my chin to wobble and tears to flow afresh. BUT HE DIDN'T. WAHAAHAAAAA" Sobs, snot and tears pour from my facial openings, staining my cheeks dark and causing my pink nose to glisten from the snot. I try to look over to where the frog had landed, but my vision is fairly effed up at this point - the world looks beautiful and glassy. Suddenly I feel very sleepy.

I inhale with an adorable sigh at the end, still leaning against Da's heavily feathered legs. Hey, come to think of it...

Stretching my nose forward and then sort of dragging it everywhere, I try and transfer all of my facial liquids onto Da's legs. Obviously that's what the feathers are there for.

Thanks Da.

Coding by Tamme. Image here

RE: EXPLOSIONS - December - 12-31-2014

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White December

Suddenly there's yelling, much yelling, and a brute taller than she is storming in with fury in his eyes. That's when she picked up the scent and it clicked in her mind; this was the bae's father. He looked around in more anger, spitting words like venom in her direction. He seemed to be blaming her for everything in this situation. The filly seemed to find very little comfort in her words, blowing her off entirely and wailing to her father as soon as he was present. Against his legs she went, making it much more dramatic than needed. Ignoring the annoyance that crept its way into her being, December only looked at the fellow draft with a calm demeanor. Apparently she would have to be the levelheaded one in this conversation.

"I presume this is your daughter", she spoke finally, tone as even as she could bear with her patience growing thin. This all began to become a waste of time for her, and how she longed to just go back to her nest and sleep. A nightly stroll could wait another day when the crazies were at rest. Taking note of the little one's explanation, she looked back calmly to the stud and continued,"By flying she means causing an explosion to occur beneath the frog. I had been wandering by to find her by this stream by herself, causing explosions in the ground. I was about to bring her back to her mother when she suddenly grew distraught over the fact that... she couldn't make the frog fly." How childish and idiotic those words sounded upon her tongue as she let them hesitantly slip out last.

She only hoped that the brute would see she honestly had done nothing wrong, had simply only tried to help the foal return to her family so she could be at peace and rest. If she had known this was how the events would have turned out, the white and grey mare would have simply left well enough alone and let the Gods deal with the foal's safety. Selfish this was yes, but she had never signed up to be looking after little ones because their parents were not paying close enough attention. Despite wanting to point this basic fact out to... his name was Oxy right? She remembered her meeting with Thor, and decided against it. With him already being angry, adding more onto it certainly wouldn't help.

Beginning to brush most of the dirt away into the stream to be swept away, the mare did what she could in an attempt to clean up the clearing. She didn't want questions tomorrow morning, or other herd members to grow concerned when they found craters and loose dirt strung about everywhere. As she was filling dirt back into one of said craters, her eyes briefly glanced to the duo before her, speaking as she worked,"I suggest that once we clean this area up, that we part ways and forget this ever happened. Gods know should we leave this as it is Midas will have many... many questions." She internally groaned at the thought of being confronted by an angry Czar. All because she wanted to fucking help out a foal get back to her mother.


{WC: 545
Tag: @[Shida]
OOC: Poor December being punished for trying to help.

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RE: EXPLOSIONS - Oxy - 12-31-2014

The urge to shout ‘Oh Jesus Christ, everybody shut the hell up,’ is really hard for you to bite back, but somehow you manage. Of course, you realize it’s really only you and your child shouting right now, but the searing pain in every part of your body is kind of making you irrational. Maybe the pain is affecting your head too, giving you some kind of migraine? Seems likely. Anyways, even though you really want to yell, you don’t, because you’re pretty sure yelling at a crying kid is a good way to make them cry more. Or does yelling at them make them stop crying? Ahhh!!! You have no idea. You are not a dad. Except you are, and everything hurts, and everything is stupid. And you hate December, even though you don’t know her; but you just know by looking at her that she’s going to be terrible. You can feel it in your bones.

On another note, maybe Snowflake was right about not being high around the kids, because we all know how you get about sudden movements when you’re high, and babies seem to be made of sudden movements. Your child (seriously, what is her name?) flops against your leg without any prior warning. You wince terribly, only your warrior training preventing you from withdrawing the leg erratically, but you cannot stop the wave of pain that rushes up your limb. It hurts. Everything. Fucking. Hurts. Grinding your teeth together, you hiss some air through them, all the while trying to make sense of her childish ramblings. And… wait…

She did it?

The revelation alone is enough to make you forget how agonal you are, your brow furrowing as you finally take your gaze away from December, following the child’s gaze back to where a frog might have been had it not hopped away, and then- Oh. Now you’re a napkin. Rolling your eyes (but you’re not really that upset, because you can’t even remember the last time you were actually clean), you finally decide to pay attention to the draft mare. Ugh. Just looking at her makes your whole body hurt again. Is she doing this? Logically you know she isn’t, but the pain kind of makes you forget that.

As for December hoping for rationality out of you… she’s clearly in the wrong part of the forest. Giving her a few seconds to start her cleaning escapade, allowing her to speak about what she’s doing, you finally grow bored of her musings and mutterings and just start to talk. “Fuck your suggestions.” Well… that’s a good way to start. “If she wants to explode things and make frogs fly, then she can damn well do it.” Great parenting- way to go. “And fuck cleaning up too. She lives here. If she wants holes, she can have holes.” Only the best for your babies, of course. And then it occurs to your rather slow mind that she can make things explode. Cool. Maybe having children won’t be the worst thing ever. Smiling even through the pain that continues to assault you, you look down to the child. “Good job. Keep it up.”

Returning your gaze to December, you glare, almost daring her to defy you. Of course, now isn’t the best time to be starting fights. You’re at a terrible disadvantage. Still… You’re pretty sure you could take her.

@[Shida], @[December]
scars remind us our past is real
Image Credit

RE: EXPLOSIONS - December - 01-01-2015

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White December

Oh how his words begged her to snap. But she bit her tongue, having earlier taken note of the wince he revealed when his filly simply pressed herself against him. Obviously his winning personality wasn't the only culprit tonight for his mood. Pausing from her shuffling about, she looked up at him with those stern, steel eyes, deeply focused on him and his entire form, despite it being taller. A silence hung between them for a brief moment, before she finally took a step towards him, gaze never once leaving his as she lifted her skull and faced him head on. After what felt like minutes, words finally escaped her maw.

"Seeing as you have some sort of pain tonight, and you have an overtired child to take care of, I will finish this up. Keep in mind, that if I already weren't tired, and not in the mood to deal with such frivolous things, our conversation wouldn't be continuing as it is now."

She vigorously began to fill up the final crater, stomping the earth back to a flat surface and finishing the final touches on the entire area. For the most part, it looked like nothing had happened here. Sure there was still some loose dirt in the water, and her hoof prints looked pretty noticeable, but all in all most would most likely just shrug their shoulders and move on. Good enough for her. With a brief snort, December turned her build towards where her nest resided, almost hearing for it call to her lovingly.

An ache in her body begged her to just leave it at that and go... but no, her mind wouldn't make it that easy for her. Pausing in mid step she turned to him once again, gaze just as firm as before as she commented,"Now go bring your child home. Put your own qualms aside just for this moment, and take care of her. That's what parents do. I won't mention this to anyone if you don't, but should you happen to let her behavior continue, Midas shall be informed." And with that she was gone, vanishing into the forest with moon glimmering in her wake, as she returned to her nest to finally rest, and forget this bat shit crazy night.


{WC: 381
Tag: @[Shida]
OOC: December out with 0 fucks given. Thanks for threading guys, it was fun!}

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RE: EXPLOSIONS - Shida - 01-02-2015


Da's praise. It's like... well, one day when I know about his drugs (which will be totally awesome and he'll defs share with me), I'll remember this moment (probably) and say that it felt the same. It was warm, but like .. tinged with white, crisp energy. It rushed through my body and erased all the feelings of sleepy and hungry that had begun to take over. I felt rejuvenated, like I hadn't even done the thing yet. You rock Da.

I'm not really great at the language thing yet, but i've been around Auri enough to speak bitch pretty well, and that's defo what's coming out of December's mouth. My ears pin back against my skull (compliments of watching Da do it. Do I look as bad ass as him? I bet I totally do), and I glare at her as Da says some stuff. He doesn't sound like a bitch, he sounds like a boss. (Note to self: learn how to talk like that).

He says some stuff ... she says some stuff ... I don't know. It all goes by pretty fast, but I can already tell that Da is winning. Don't ask me how, I think I just intuited it by the sounds of their voices because i'm damned clever like that. I'm sure I get it from Da. He seems clever too, and totally not in painful detox or anything.

I know what's up.

December starts to walk away, saying something. But I'm not listening. I have energy again. The red feeling. My thoughts are flooded with the sound of Da's praise and his endorsement that I can do whatever I want. Later in life when people look back at me and wonder how I got to be the way I am, I'll remember this moment (probably). I'll remember Da's praise at my first explosion, and the words, If she wants holes, she can have holes.

I am Shida. Daughter of Oxy the badass. I do what I want.

The red flashes at the same time a goofy and self-proud grin parts my pink lips. Simultaneously, the area of ground where December was just standing explodes upwards. It takes a shrub with it and multiple handfuls of dirt. It cascades upwards, brilliantly arcing much better than the frog did, to rain downwards upon the stream. My lips fall open in raw joy.

I DO WHAT I WANT. I think proudly as the final bits of debris settle in the moonlight. With the same joyful smile causing my cheeks to bubble outwards adorable, I look up at Da. I am all smiles, sleepy, and now amazingly content with the world. I have the coolest Da, and I just did thing thing a bunch. "hnngggggg" I gurgle happily, the sound of spit resonating in my throat as a hum of note of joy and contentment.

I want nothing else in the world right now. I feel full up with life. "Sleepy." I announce to Da, making it his problem. I drag my nose down his shoulder again, leaning heavily ('heavily', hah. I don't really weight much yet) as I walk forward, using his bulk for balance.

Coding by Tamme. Image here

RE: EXPLOSIONS - Oxy - 01-11-2015

Oblivious to December’s mutual dislike of you, you watch her step towards you. A challenge? You lower your ears. If she wants to challenge you, she’s going to get one hell of a fight. Except… Oh. She’s not challenging you at all. She’s trying to, you don’t even know- take the high road? Be the adult? As if that was ever a good option. For half a moment you consider rearing up and slamming your hooves into her side as she fills up the last crater, but then you remember the way your body was wracked with pain at just the slightest touch from your daughter. A quick analysis leaves you with the assumption that you would quickly be brought to your knees. Another day, you decide disappointedly, grunting in annoyance as she decides she has more words to speak. Gods, you can’t wait until she just. Fucking. Leaves.

“I’ll do whatever I want,” you hiss at her after she leaves, not content to let her get the last word in this conversation. And really? She’s going to tell Midas? You could have laughed aloud at that. First and foremost because you don’t really know who Midas is, so you don’t really care that much. Secondly, because she’s the one acting like a child in your mind (running to tell… daddy?). Lastly, because you’ve never met a threat that you couldn’t take down. Well, except Colt… and Gaucho. But Gaucho wasn’t really a threat, so does that really count? You let him win, right? Since he’s your best friend and all… you didn’t want to hurt his feelings or whatever. Yeah… that sounds good.

Anyways, apparently you can’t have time to be pensive when children are around. Thing 1 demands attention.

As she explodes the ground nearby, and a hole is created, you can’t do anything but nod your head in praise of the small thing. She reigns destruction. What more could the world want? Actually, you do have one request- for her to stop leaning on you. Just now, while everything hurts. Maybe later, if this pain ever goes away, it won’t be so bad. “Before you sleep, watch this…” Lowering your nose, you grab some of her mane in your (grimy) teeth, hopefully to hold her up when you do your thing. Gently stomping one foot against the dirt, the ground begins to shake, rattling and rolling.

Admittedly, as your muscles vibrate with the force of the moving ground, you think it was actually kind of a dumb idea. Muscle vibrations = pain, pain, pain, pain, PAIN. Fuck. Gently (presuming she’s managed to stay standing), you try to lower Thing 1 to the ground as your own body sort of sinks down as well, landing in a sit and then folding all the way down into laying position. Here’s a good place to sleep, right? You hope so, because as the shaking subsides, you really don’t feel like getting back up.

scars remind us our past is real
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