HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
[O] Labor of Love [Birth] - Printable Version

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Labor of Love [Birth] - Kiara - 01-05-2015


Even as her belly grew round, Kiara knew the garden needed to be tended to. She sighed and stood, groaning as she did so. This baby, bigger than before? Keiran asked in her mind. No, much like the same weight I carried with Malachi... Just, i'm not young like I was then. The panther looked at her confused. I am tired Keiran... Very tired. He nodded but followed along beside his bonded as she went to see how the garden had faired the FrostFall.

All seemed well, but of course new weeds had taken root and needed to be pulled. She sighed, wondering just what the others of the mending rank were doing... Or if she was indeed the only one tending with Keiran's help. Maybe she should speak to the new Earth Medic.... Her thoughts trailed off as pain spread through her body. However by now, the pain was all to familiar. Keiran... It's time.. She knew she only had minutes to get to her safe spot before it would all be to late. They moved almost as one, Keiran picking the path and Kiara trailing him closely. He was her eyes, while she focused on her breathing.

As she reached it, she hit the ground and groaned. Go get Rosti... Please... With a nod Keiran was off in search of the stallion. In the mean time, Kiara relaxed and breathed deeply. This was like normal, after all. She had done this twice before.... Three times if you counted the fact the second was twins.

What felt like hours was only mere minutes. She pushed and pushed yet no baby just yet. Where was Keiran? Has he found him yet? Hurry... I need you... She groaned into their bond. She could feel his anxiety, his worry for her. Get him and get back. She groaned again. He did not speak, to focused on finding the one she had him seek.

Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem.

@[Rostislav] - but open to all

note - Vitani is not yet born, but will be born in my next post.

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RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Rostislav - 01-06-2015

Sleeping. That is what I'm doing I'm sleeping. I've enjoyed my bedtime liquor and passed the fuck out, sleeping soundly through the night. I don't hear the big cat approach, and really I'm a sitting duck should he decide to.. well.. eat me. Keiran approaches, and is clearly displeased to see me passed out. I suppose he wonders why I could be so fast asleep, knowing that I have a child about to be born. But can he really fault a curmudgeon like me? Sleeping during important events is what guys like me DO. He comes over and bats at my side, being polite enough to withhold his claws. Until that doesn't work, and he growls in my ears, slapping me about with claws as well.

I wake with a start, in a panic, wondering what on earth is trying to kill me in my home land. I look down and see the familiar cougar. "Do you mind? I'd like to not add unnecessary scars." Keiran looks at me, unmoved. I shake my head and yawn, getting ready to lie down again and go back to sleep. But just as my front end begins to lower, he roars at me, and I jump back up to attention. My thickheaded brain doesn't understand yet what he wants. Forgive me, I just woke up - and rather suddenly, too! But as he looks at me intensely, then back over his shoulder... the puzzle pieces start to fall into place.

"Kiara?" The cat nods, recognizing his bonded's name. "Baby?" He's not sure what I've said but nods anyway and turns, not wasting anymore time with my slowness. I have no recourse but to follow him, and he leads me straight to a very, very pregnant Kiara, lying down in the grass. I rush to her and stand next to her, bending my head down to meet hers. I can only be described as awkward, but I admit I have no idea what to do. "Kiara, are you ok? Is the baby coming? What do I do?" A nervous father, like so many before me, though I doubt my parents were ever so concerned about my own birth. I should count my lucky stars I wasn't killed before I could stand.


more than a drunken fool
x - x

RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Shida - 01-06-2015

I'll be a thousand miles to the sun
before you even know what I've done

"HELLO FRIENDS" I yell loudly as my buckskin frame bursts through a bush. Leaves and twigs go flying, and some decide to stay in my mane and tail. Accessories. CHA-CHING. I actually have no idea who these two are, but I don't care. I've learned a few things about the Falls so far: #1 The black and white kid (who actually isn't a kid. Who woulda thunk?) is the leader-dude; #2 I only have to listen to Ma and Pa; #3 I can explode whatever I want (Thanks Da); and #4 Since we all live together everyone basically has to put up with me. I think Da's like... some sort of big shot or something, because folks defo fuck off when he tells them to.

So when I crash through the bushes into this intimate moment I really don't think much of it at all.

My eyes are bright. I want to PLAY, however as my eyes find the fallen Kiara, all of my youthful exuberance disappears. Obviously I didn't watch myself being born, and since I was the second one born I don't even have a good idea of what it looked like at all.

"Oh shit." I mumble to myself as I come to a complete halt, horned face turned towards the panting mother-to-be. Swiftly my eyes find Rosti and narrow. HAY ASSHOLE. SHE'S CLEARLY IN PAIN HERE AND YOU'RE FUCKING ASKING WHAT TO DO. CALL THE MOTHERFUCKING BOMB SQUAD YO. SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE'S ABOUT TO EXPLOOOOOOOOOOOOODE.

I decide they need some insight here - I mean, he did ask what he was supposed to do. Who says he wasn't asking me?

"SHE'S GOING TO EXPLODE." I yell. And I have a lot of experience with explosions. I would know. Then I have an idea. "WE GOTTA POP HER." Yep. Seems reasonable. Releasing pressure and all that. I lower my dual horns aiming them directly at Kiara's belly. "DUDE. COME ON!" I yell at Rosti, noticing his horns and has lack of following my orders.

Men. Fucking useless.


Image by the lovely dark! Table style by Tamme!

RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Kiara - 01-06-2015


Keiran returned, coming to her head at first and looking back over his shoulder. Emerald eyes seek his frame. It doesn't take long at his voice calms her. At least this time she wasn't going to be alone. The father was there, and seemed to care. She groaned in pain as contractions hit again. "Kiara, are you ok? Is the baby coming? What do I do?" She nods, barely able to speak due to pushing. Baby coming. Don't leave me... Please... Her words were cut off by more pain and contractions. She pushed, hard as she could. Even though it was time, the baby just didn't want to come out.

"HELLO FRIENDS" The panther's head snapped around to look at the filly who had just burst through some bushes. She looked like a hot mess, but eh what can ya do? She's a kid after all. "SHE'S GOING TO EXPLODE." Kiara snorts, unable to tell the kid otherwise as she is pushing her youngest child into the world. "WE GOTTA POP HER." Keiran's eyes widened at the words pop and her. Oh hell no. This kid was not coming anywhere near his bonded in this state. He snarls as she speaks again, stepping from behind his bonded to stand in front of her. The skies, which had been a beautiful clear blue suddenly darkened. The panther was all to ready to use it to scare the child off, but really didn't want to as it could harm Rostislav, his bonded, or even the new baby as well. "DUDE. COME ON!" Keiran glances to Rostislav, hoping the stallion would do something an not just stand there and let the girl impale the mare birthing his child.

As all this is happening, Kiara continues to push. Fear in her eyes for both herself and those around her she groaned one more time as a small bay frame slide into view on the ground behind her. The child was a perfect mix of her father and mother. Kiara sighed and let her head drop back onto the ground to rest. Her energy was spent from bringing their child into the world.

Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem.

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RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Rostislav - 01-07-2015

I herp derp a little, concerned at the sounds the baby mama is making. Thank God I don't have to endure this myself. The wimpy man saying his thanks. She tells me to just stand by while she gives birth, and I can't help but feel.. well.. helpless. Incredibly helpless. But I'm given something to do after all, when a small child bursts through the brush and greets us with a shrill shout. I turn to face her, eyes wide. What the fuck? Her shouting is an affront to my poor, slightly hungover brain. I mean, I'm pretty lucid but the shouting is gonna fuck all that up isn't it? Before I can even shush her she's shouting about Kiara and the... well she doesn't know it is a baby. I have a quick thought that of course she doesn't know, she's not even a year old the little dun unicorn. 'We gotta pop her!'


Bitch that is my CHILD I don't care how clueless you are.. "NOOOO!" I roawr and step between Kiara and the child, lowering my head with horns, spikes -- all the pointy things -- facing out toward her. I don't know who's kid this is but she's not allowed to threaten the mother of my child! "She's giving BIRTH you ignorant girl, do NOT touch her!" From out of nowhere, Damaris bursts through the brush as well, jumping next to me and crouching, growling fiercely with her ears pinned. She doesn't know exactly what's going on, but she felt my rage the way only a bonded can, and has come to help me defend whatever or whomever needs defending. Keiran too growls defensively in protection of us all. I do not want to hurt this child, and neither does Damaris, but she'd better back down now. I do not suffer anyone to threaten my blood.

WC: 312
Tag: @[Vitani]

more than a drunken fool
x - x

RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Vitani - 01-09-2015


So, I've been nice and warm and safe inside my Momma for quiet some time now. Actually, I've been kicking her pretty hard to make more room for my ever growing body. I mean, the first thing I remember I was all tiny and safe in here... Now, well my damn legs take up about half the space. I need more room! I kick as Momma moves along. I can feel her bond with Keiran, whoever that is. I don't understand him when he speaks in her mind. Nothing but a bunch of racket while i'm trying to sleep.

Today that seemed was all going to change. Momma's sides rippled with the movement of the muscles under the skin. The squeeze me tight, and of course I kick out. I don't like being squeezed in! I kick more and I hear Momma groan. She doesn't sound scared. In fact she moves to someplace and flops on something hard. I don't like this one bit. Then she tells Keiran to go get someone.... What's the meaning of all this? "Hurry I need you." She must be speaking to him again. That's really getting old and all. I'll be glad when I can't hear my Momma's thoughts anymore. For one, she thinks way to much. Two, she's always talking to this Keiran thing.

Speaking of the Keiran thing, he's back and a strange voice is with him. I can't make out the voice, because it's all muffled by Momma's belly. I kick some more, the squeezing starting again and this time it was worse. Meantime, something's happening outside. I can feel Keiran's anger through Momma. The strange voice is yelling as suddenly with a exteamly tight squeeze I pop from out of my Momma and into..... What the hell is up with all this light!? AND ITS COLD!! AW HELL NO I WANNA GO BACK!! NO NO NO I DON'T WANNA BE OUT HERE! I squeal in protest as my Momma lays back down, to tired to do anything. So instead I lay here freezing behind her.

My dual colored eyes turn to see who's voice, the strange one that is. It's still speaking after all. "She's giving BIRTH you ignorant girl, do NOT touch her!" Birth? Was that what just happened? Was all the squeezing Momma giving birth to.. ME? AWWW DAMN YOU MEAN I'M STUCK OUT HERE?! I snort and squeal again, demanding everyone's attention. After all, if this is my birth then damn it all eyes better be on ME!

Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem.

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RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Shida - 01-10-2015

I'll be a thousand miles to the sun
before you even know what I've done

The stallion who looks like he needs a good brushing starts to flail. And I mean flail. Suddenly there's a like... a dog? or whatever next to him, snarling and barking.

Wtd dude, I was just trying to help.

"HAY ASSHOLE." I reply loudly, giving 0 fucks about his attempts at intimidation (I've never been hurt before, so I don't really have a firm grasp of the concept yet). "What do I do?!" I mime, repeating back his words but doing so in a goofy voice that suggested some sort of mental impairment. "IF SOMETHING IS EXPANDING YOU GOTTA RELIEVE THE PRESSURE." I continue, my voice becoming my own again. "Everybody knows that." I conclude, looking at the hellhound and sticking out my tongue.

I am about to charge at Kiara (because fuck it, horn-face obviously has no idea what the fuck is going on), when she starts pooping out a kid. It's basically covered in like ... snot, and I immediately feel the need to gag.

A kid!?!? Is that how kids are born'd? They're POOPED OUT? I think about Ma, and about me'n and Auri. She came out first, then me. I remember Ma cleaning us after and -- AWWWWW. SHE WAS LICKING POOP GOO OFF OF US.

This is getting weird. No wonder horn face didn't know what to do. Ain't no one knows how to handle poop-kids.

I back away, horrified as the kid fully plops to the ground, just like that. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE.

I skirt away back into the bushes, eager to get the hell out of there. I decide immediately to never think about reproduction ever again. I will never have kids. Never, ever, ever, EVER.

Fuck that.

Life is so weird.

Shida OUT.

Image by the lovely dark! Table style by Tamme!

RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Midas - 01-10-2015

It was no secret that both ranked Generals had taken mates within the herd. Yar, and their partners are blessing us with children. Beautiful babes that would usher in a future for Earth and his glory. By gossip I learned of another pregnancy that would be soon coming to a close. In the early hours of the day a familiar cry drifted by on the breeze. Gaze rose to heaven, Neve smiled, "Ba?" she asked quietly, "Aye." A new life would be christened.

I pressed into the undergrowth onto a bendy trail that ran down the belly of our home. A tiny frame came trotting down the path. Shida, the darker of two sisters brought to earth by Elsa and spawned from Oxy. My smile is tender when we pass as was the respectful nod, though I offer the child nothing toward words for there is nothing to be said. Gilden gaze drifts to the section she'd been traveling from, the trees and canopy grow thin. A small clearing sits ahead, shapes jut between the foliage.

Tis in that clearing the soft groans and hushed voices seem to whelp. Fina and Neve shift their necks to the side, peering past my tower to catch a glimpse of the newborn. Cautiously, I push slowly past the last low hanging timber. "Good day," a welcoming smile slips across my jaw, successfully bringing new light and gentling fixed lines of worry, "Yar, seems congratulations are in order."

I'm waking up to ash and dust


RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Kiara - 01-18-2015


So much happened so fast. Rostislav stepped in and helped Keiran. His own bonded appeared out of no where to give help too. "She's giving BIRTH you ignorant girl, do NOT touch her!" However it almost looked like the girl was going to try anyway. That is, until their child slid into the world. Kiara lay there breathing heavily, resting and regaining her strength. Keiran watched with glee as the girl left the area in a hurry. Guess she didn't want to meet the newborn after all. He chuckled in Kiara's mind.

Once glance at his bonded told him she was to tired to clean the babe. So of course, like he had done twice before he took the roll of cleaning the child. It's a girl. A healthy baby girl. He looked to Kiara again. Get up, you need to name her and let her nurse. Kiara groaned and got to her hooves. She looked to Rostislav, her legs shaking slightly. The stress of the filly who wanted to pop her had exhausted the roan. She was about to speak when Midas arrived. She tried to stand tall, look as if she was capable of handling her place in the herd right now. Keiran cut her a glance. Relax, you just had a baby. She sighed softly and dipped her head to her Czar before speaking. Thank you Midas. A slight smile cross her lips as well before looking to Rostislav. A baby girl... Shall we call her, Vitani? She hoped for his approval in this name, as she thought it fitting that the daughter of the General was named battle in a different language.

Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem.

(posting order is a lie)

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RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Rostislav - 01-18-2015

I'm broken, lying helpless, shattered,
surrounded by the world

The child that appears is colored much like me, but plainer. She seems a live wire before she can even stand, and is full of wiggling and whinnies. I can't imagine giving birth myself - it must be so exhausting, especially when you've got something inside you struggling for life, kickin' and screamin'! The little child that wants to pop MY child is furious at my lack of action, and my apparent stupidity at not knowing how to relieve pressure on the mother of my baby. I snort at her, fire in my eyes, but when the babe finds its way out of Kiara, the spindly-legged child seems taken back. Taken aback, in shock, and completely grossed out. She flips, and takes off in the other direction, wanting nothing more to do with us. It is clear that she has never seen a child born (though neither have I), and she has no interest in lingering or dwelling on the thought.

I turn my attention back to Kiara, Keiran, and the new baby. But before anything else happens.. A wild MIDAS appears! I bow my head to the Czar and his good wishes to us. The smile that appears on his face seems to soften not just the muscles in his face but in the rest of his body as well, and I think that he may have been carrying around much more stress lately than us civilians might have thought. Perhaps I should give the man a chance for some venting and relaxing, therapeutic chat. Kiara gathers my attention by asking if Vitani seems a suitable name for our babe. I nod my head and watch with fascination as Keiran bathes the child. Kiara has risen to her feet and stands weak-kneed, ready for her child to take the first sips of milk. "Vitani sounds perfect." My voice is warm and affectionate, nothing like you might have expected from me, being the drunken general and all.

(Actually the posting order has been fine so far ^_^)

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RE: Labor of Love [Birth] - Midas - 01-20-2015

Birth was the purest and perhaps oldest form of magic; aye, similar in likeness and age only to a soul bond. Tis the mother who labored to nourish and bring forth a soul. Like many dames before her, Kiara was a strong woman and well suited for birth. Tis not missed when she straightened upon catching sight of me. Moved by pride, or attempting to maintain her appearance...luckily it seemed to dawn upon her that there was little need for formality.

A new mother had no cause to stiffen or appear less than spent from bringing a 'life' into our world. I continued to smile gently, returning a quiet nod to my Legatus.

I lingered for their naming. Then offered the family their privacy by bidding them farewell, "Africa will handle thee duties for the next few weeks." My creamy friend deserved the time off; everyone knew she worked hard for this family. It was high time the lass was granted liberty to enjoy her own. Gaze shifts, softening as it lands upon their precious bundle of spindle legs and fuzz, "Enjoy her."

Honeyed gems drift to the father, "Take what time thee needs my friend." Falls could suffer a few weeks of the borders not being overly guarded...nar...or at least I could suffer less sleep to see that they are patrolled. Which was no great loss, considering my nights are usually sleepless. Turning toward the path we'd walked down, I slipped back into the forest.

I'm waking up to ash and dust