HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Avoiding sand [Amani!] - Printable Version

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Avoiding sand [Amani!] - Ophelia - 01-08-2015

text goes here

Ophelia shoved her hooves into the soft grass, inhaling the scent of Birdsong with no pleasure fluttering in her soul. Butterflies, the most languid of creatures, spun around, landing on her crimson locks whilst seeking flowers. Alas, the pale princess rarely ever produced nectar so sweet. The only honeyed flavors to drip from her tongue were lies now. So long had she tried to hope for better, pray for absolution and dream for love. But love was folly. The long road ahead for everyone ended in death, and she was no exception to the laws of nature.

At the apex of her life was now a single goal. What preceded death was glory, and she vowed to attain enough to give her progeny and lineage clout and power. In order to acquire such intangible awards, she had to work, struggle against the limitations of her own body and transcend the speed of her own mind. Such skills could only be learned through practice, and thus here she stood in a field to the side of that sand arena atop the Sky Island.

The pit stood like a nightmare, constantly hovering in the corners of her vision, and yet she refused to step foot on those grounds again. There, at the center of this beautiful place, she had lost. Ophelia was not vain. Losing a spar was just the other side of learning. No, she had lost much more on those sands as burns kissed her sides with fire and teeth pinched along her spine. She could still feel his hot breath like dragon's fire gasping between the thousand stings of his fangs digging into her flesh.

Ophelia shook her head, taking a deep breath. She had also vowed to aid the Dragon's Throat and Gaucho. The Sun God's herd was fortunate to have such an accomplished fighter, but he was naturally busy. While her own herd toiled against each other for victory, she stood here, so far away and ready to teach and learn. Trust, not so easily earned, had been well founded in Torleik as he gathered their troops to train.

The pale princess glanced up at the sun, squinting as she watched it start to fade across the sky. The sun's descent was always so swift, so weary as it yielded to the blackness of night. Her silver armor glittered, Tinek sitting atop the metal bones protecting her body. "Come, learn," she called to her opponent, voice clear and devoid of any discernible emotion.

SETTING | The sky island in a field next to the sand arena
TIME OF DAY | late/approaching evening
No Extensions
This is a teaching spar! <3333


Credits: Image by Schwartze @ DA

RE: Avoiding sand [Amani!] - Amani - 01-11-2015

Just A Picture To Burn

The day had been calm, slightly warm even as I had gone about my new duties as the wide one or Diviner of Dragon's Throat. Tending the fire and checking over the rest of the herd. I feel so, important now. At last I have been noticed by my Lord the God of the Sun. That reminds me, I need to call on Him and see if there is anything the herd needs to know... Either that or I will wait and call on Him once the herd's quest is up. Other than that, I really have nothing else to do today.

She called so I came. I barely know anything about fighting.... Well if you count out my magic then I know nothing but to dodge and run. This is why I come to her call. She of course, at least from what I understand is a leader from the Aurora Basin. Under normal circumstances, I would not answer to someone outside of the Throat. However given the fact I can not fight, and the Throat really doesn't have that many skilled warriors... I need to learn. Those who are skilled don't have the time to teach so here I am.

I arrive if the grassy field as the sun is leaving the sky. My golden eyes look up, wondering if my mother was watching me from up there. Was she proud of me? Proud of the mare I was fast becoming? I hope so. Time to make you even more proud of me Momma. That is when my attention goes to the Forsaken. Her armor sparkles, her dragon lingers. Why oh why do I have a horrible feeling I will come out on the worse end of this. God of the Sun, be with me. I ask for your protection so that I will be able to serve you after this lesson is over. I pray quietly, in my head. It's not that I would not pray to him aloud.... Just that I did not feel right praying in front of someone from the north. "Okay, teach me." My voice quivers, showing my nervousness. To late to back down now.

"Sed interdum rutrum urna, sed pellentesque sapien tempor in."

Word Count - 362
Arrives and does nothing

x - x

RE: Avoiding sand [Amani!] - Ophelia - 02-02-2015


Ophelia was not so selfless as to think this battle was singularly for the winged one's benefit. The pale princess knew that she would learn just as much, if not more, from teaching the quiet pegasus who arrived in a manner that was just as unnoticeable as her quiet speech. She seemed to blend in rather than stand out, not making a move and remaining rather still. Ophelia wasn't sure what to make of her opponent as they stood in the grassy field, but she had to at least appreciate that the woman showed up and wanted to learn. Avoiding battle was fairly easy - especially if you just say no. But here she was...

A nervous quiver hesitates her opponent’s voice, and Ophelia let the wall of stone armor and prickly demeanor fall enough to yield a smile. The white mare nodded and then took a step in, her cloven hooves dancing on the rich, green grasses of the island. “I will do my best to teach you what I know”. The pit of darkness loomed in her periphery, chilling her spine where she could still feel his teeth buried along her spine. A frown turned the corners of her lips, and she took a deep breath, trying her best to focus on the task at hand.

The sky burned brightly pink, kissing the clouds with flavors of orange and red as it began its descent from the sky. She felt the heat at her back, the strength of the rays warming her skin as the world prepared for the chill of darkness. Ophelia took stock of her opponent in the dying light, noting that she seemed lean and build in a way she had never seen before. The winged one was nearly as tall as she was, but in a way she seemed even smaller – compact, she supposed was the word.

However, lightly layered muscles belied a form not fitting for dealing damage – perhaps a little like her own. Ophelia would test this theory before offering verbal advice, so the pale princess stepped forward, sensing Tinek crouching in the grass just behind where she stood – waiting. Swiftly, she closed the distance between herself and her opponent, toes digging into the soft, rich dirt and tearing up the emerald blades from their roots. She arched her neck, using her horn as a deterrent for counter attack by tossing her head in her direction while aiming to move in on Amani.

Hopefully close now, Ophelia reached out and opened her jaws swiftly, parting mousy lips and snatching at Amani’s shoulder. She wanted to be left shoulder to left shoulder, head to hip, and she rounded her back, kicking up her heels to both defend against her opponent’s potential bite as well as catch the mare off guard. Heels flashed in the potential direction of her face before landing and bounding away from contact. Ophelia tossed her head, bloody tresses bowing around her body. Focus. Focus. Memories of her last battle, the icy chill in her chest, and the lingering phantom pain of burns tugged at her attention, wanting to carry her down into the depression where she belonged.

Were mutually beneficial actions a form of absolution? Or was she just sick, once again in the middle of bloodshed.

[[(548 words) (1/3)
Ophelia tried to get close and bite her shoulder then kick at her face :)
I AM SO SORRY for the wait ]]

Credits: Image by Schwartze @ DA

RE: Avoiding sand [Amani!] - Official - 02-24-2015

21 days have passed, Amani defaults to Ophelia +0.5 VP (no VP awarded for teaching spar as no teaching notes were made)