HELOVIA || The Way to the Sun
Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Printable Version

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Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 01-14-2015

& and artzdrop
"By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
I climbed the tree to see the world
When the gusts came around to blow me down
I held on as tightly as you held onto me."


| Paper kites wander | Maren says "hello!" to Helovia and meets Bucephalus.
| Of Salt And Sand | Formally introduced to the Throat and becomes Disciple.
| Less drowning, more land | Meets Gaucho and pledges loyalty.
| Now, this is a story all about how... | Listens to a diviner's story.
| Comin' at you like a dark horse | Meets Argen, a filly and the sea.

| I'm done with my dying | Meets Shadow and the mist.
| Buried by the sands of the hourglass | Spar with Ophelia in the Throat.
| Flashing lights | Roskuld finds a mysterious object, Maren helps and meets Tempe.
| As the wind chases the leaves run | Meets a strange unicorn and Rei at night.
| Meteorites and falling skies | Discovers and ventures the heart caves with the son of the Moon and they analyze the Wall of History.
| Bridge Protest | Maren 'silently' protests against the new Bridge. She turns her anger at Gaucho because she thinks he has forgotten about her.
| On the dust of heaven we set sail | Seasonal Patrol with Isara and Amaris
| Will you map me oblivion | Spar with Shadow in the Ancient Rotunda
| What would have happened | Maren finds a boat and re-finds her sanctuary, her believe is restored and upgraded. Meets Zèkle and Bucephalus... tbc.
| Strike the metal, hear it ring | Cera forges armor by the Diviner's Fire... tbc.
| Healing, learning, and heat | The Sun God drops a quest
| It Takes a Village to Build a.... Church? | Building with Amani and Rhoa
| Last Sacrifice | Viewing a dragon crash ...etc.

| Battles and Silence | Attends herdmeeting and gets promoted to Diviner.
| I never learned how to pray | Prays to the Fire to seek answers for Ampere.
| Exiles of the ash | ...//never happened?
| And now we turn to my beautiful city | Meets Sacre and peddles him over.
| God is not in heaven | Meets Sikeax...
| Duty | Observes the contestants for the new Edge King and Queen.
| My king and queen | Sails the contestant Verlaine to the Throat for the second test.
| Where was i going again? | Patrolling with Gaucho's son, Ivezho.
| We fly as high as the flame will rise | Meets the troubled form of Mauja again.
| Heavy crown | Meets Essetia who wants to join the Throat.
| Two heartbeats | Finds Laedere when visiting the Veins of the Gods.
| Morning songs | The Earth God gives Maren a Quest.
| I want one | ...With Isopia

| Half-built churches | Tells Gaucho about her visions
| Winter Wonderland | Travels to the Edge and joins their winter-wonderland.
| Gather round the campfire | Joins the bonfire-parade at the Falls for some peppermint-tea and meets Kaj, Resplendence, Destrier...
| This crown of thorns | Meets Arantza in the threshold.
| Fires burn riddles into the snow | Fire-watching
| We circle atoms with dust in our dream | Dreaming dreaming dreaming

| WISE ONE | Level 3 (completed)
Major Goal :: Witness a god or speak with each demigod.
Witnessed the Sun God at the SWP
Minor Goals :: Learn the land's history in 3 different threads. 
Gather round the hole  
The World Inside 


15.0 hh || mare || 5 years || mutt || pegasus

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yew] - Maren - 01-25-2015


" Do you remember how
The angels sang
And your sorrows left you there
Right before the lights came up. "


Her smile had not followed its way up to her eyes, as it had rarely done these last few years. For the curling lips; a sign of happiness, was now merely a way for her reach out to maybe, just maybe, the feeling of warmth, bliss, joy. She could vaguely recall the fluttering feeling coming from the depths of her being, a long time ago, when she had been playing around their mountain home: She and her brother, Gha'Thor. Throwing lost acorns at each other in their innocence, unknowing and not caring about anything but that moment of laughter.

But the world was not that place, and the house in the mountains would not be the same. The world had covered her heart with rusty distrust, with her having no say in the matter.

So she turned around and strolled through the shadows of the same path she came from, back to the dying tree to continue her nap in the comforting mists. Needing to think of the purpose of her life once more, rejoining with the ghosts of screaming memories in the gloomy gardens of her mind where the Oak would still be alive: Forever casting shadows over the fire red roses.

|| Notes: || Wordcount: || "talking" ||

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yew] - Maren - 02-05-2015

Table made by Whit.


yewrezz | x x | larfsalot
on deviantart

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yew] - Maren - 03-22-2015

Coding by Abba:

. . . so i go growing roses in the disarray.

At the same time a faraway voice kept screaming at her how ridiculously close she was to finding the answers she seeked for – the answers that the divine Entities of the Oak had denied her, for her to figure them out herself. Did they not know how much that was destroying her? How much that had left her walking the edge? Maren clenched her teeth. So that voice must be a lie. Nonsense created by the illusions of the poison.

As the Black One, her friend, became a blur on her retina, she pushed her haunches off the ground and leaped with her teeth bared towards the girl, attempting to bite her friend's left shoulder. I am probably the most messed-up Disciple these lands has ever known. And she felt sorry for its Kings and Queens that she could not even bring herself to feel much regret for her decisions, all the same. For if there had to be something that was going to push her off a crumbling edge, she would gladly let it be faith.

Image Credit

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yew] - Maren - 05-15-2015


Because she felt strangely sorry for herself, sorry for whoever she had talked into protecting their lands. For meanwhile she couldn’t, because she was such a terrible hypocrite. Why, of everything she had expected, why could she, the seer of the Throat, not even expect this.

And thus she merely closed her eyes as her thoughts struggled to gather themselves together from their chaotic state. Whatever the world wanted from her now, she could not do it; whatever the Helovian Gods would want them, the helovians, to protect, she could not do it. How could she fight a pretend-God that had the form of a tiger — for how? How could she know for sure it was not a God from her homeland (It couldn’t be). And yet, because of that simple, wispy thought that perhaps, just perhaps... it was true. She swallowed in the chemical smelling air that had started to mix itself with the mist. However much she was in Helovia now, Maren could not fight. Because, as the past was thrown at her, it did not matter what was now. Just like if it had been a goat— Even if a False God, I cannot fight it if it has the same form as the tiger gods of Deneb. So please don’t let me do it.


RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 06-10-2015



image credits

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 06-19-2015


- By the precepts of her purity -

Stuff to say is stuff to say. "And now let's talk a lot," more stuff. (the pink is a joke)

Notes: This will be the cute wintery-wintery table for all the cozyness coming this frosty season.

by yewrezz

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 09-12-2015



image credits

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 10-20-2015


By Niki

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 12-04-2015

quote quote quote quote quote
second line, best if both lines small
A new, gentle push of the wind found its way through the open, marking the empty spot behind her as it took the warmth the stallion had left behind. That taking of that warmth was what made her eyes open in a slight confusion. Relief smothered whatever panic was left as her eyes glanced from under white lashes  through the opening of the rotunda.

From her odd perspective she watched him leave. Quietly and content. According to her, a perfect ending to her one night stand; her temporarily taming of frustrating hormones. And, after the sight of his behind had gone into a blur, smudging into the Burch leaves' lustering, she only vaguely hoped that she wasn't pregnant. Nevertheless the sounds of the forest pressed on her loneliness as her curved back felt cold with his absence... But that was simply how it went, the mare scolded herself once again, for it didn't matter that the world was an ever changing thing, (oddly enough) some things continued to never change (like this). As if that was even possible.

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 12-20-2015

Coding by the lovely Avis <3 :
By the precepts of her purity

A new, gentle push of the wind found its way through the open, marking the empty spot behind her as it took the warmth the stallion had left behind. That taking of that warmth was what made her eyes open in a slight confusion. Relief smothered whatever panic was left as her eyes glanced from under white lashes  through the opening of the rotunda.

From her odd perspective she watched him leave. Quietly and content. According to her, a perfect ending to her one night stand; her temporarily taming of frustrating hormones. And, after the sight of his behind had gone into a blur, smudging into the Burch leaves' lustering, she only vaguely hoped that she wasn't pregnant. Nevertheless the sounds of the forest pressed on her loneliness as her curved back felt cold with his absence... But that was simply how it went, the mare scolded herself once again, for it didn't matter that the world was an ever changing thing, (oddly enough) some things continued to never change (like this). As if that was even possible.
"Maecenas pretium vehicula turpis, in luctus arcu elementum posuere."

/ image

By the precepts of her purity

A new, gentle push of the wind found its way through the open, marking the empty spot behind her as it took the warmth the stallion had left behind. That taking of that warmth was what made her eyes open in a slight confusion. Relief smothered whatever panic was left as her eyes glanced from under white lashes  through the opening of the rotunda.

From her odd perspective she watched him leave. Quietly and content. According to her, a perfect ending to her one night stand; her temporarily taming of frustrating hormones. And, after the sight of his behind had gone into a blur, smudging into the Burch leaves' lustering, she only vaguely hoped that she wasn't pregnant. Nevertheless the sounds of the forest pressed on her loneliness as her curved back felt cold with his absence... But that was simply how it went, the mare scolded herself once again, for it didn't matter that the world was an ever changing thing, (oddly enough) some things continued to never change (like this). As if that was even possible.
"Maecenas pretium vehicula turpis, in luctus arcu elementum posuere."

/ image

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 02-12-2016

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean accumsan nisl vitae aliquam suscipit. Sed congue, velit at mollis consequat, quam ante convallis ante, vitae convallis felis nibh dignissim nulla. Phasellus sagittis varius lectus, at suscipit ex commodo quis. Duis tellus metus, tristique non leo non, feugiat facilisis elit. Integer id ante porttitor, aliquet orci a, sollicitudin mi. Integer congue arcu quis mi ornare vestibulum. Nam tristique faucibus dolor, quis auctor orci mattis non. Pellentesque vitae scelerisque eros.Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam consequat tincidunt vehicula. Nunc vitae odio vel diam lacinia congue. Nulla commodo auctor enim sed malesuada. Donec luctus ex vel tempor aliquet. Aliquam aliquam metus ac euismod lacinia. Integer convallis lectus dolor. Ut sed tortor eget ligula aliquam fermentum id nec neque. Ut egestas arcu nec rutrum auctor. In nec orci faucibus, rhoncus tortor sit amet, rhoncus lorem. Cras tellus nisi, luctus in venenatis quis, pulvinar posuere risus.Quisque sollicitudin felis non elit imperdiet, eget egestas sapien finibus. Maecenas euismod mollis erat, vel hendrerit lacus hendrerit eu. Proin ultrices eleifend felis, pharetra malesuada felis mollis ac. Aliquam venenatis elit at ex euismod pulvinar. Ut tempus diam felis. Etiam nec tellus vel neque vehicula consectetur in ut sem. Duis lacinia nibh et lorem sollicitudin consequat. Sed mattis scelerisque tellus sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam iaculis sollicitudin scelerisque. Vestibulum interdum eleifend tortor vitae sagittis.


by the precepts of her purity

made by Kyra!

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 04-24-2016


Her smile had not followed its way up to her eyes, as it had rarely done these last few years. For the curling lips; a sign of happiness, was now merely a way for her reach out to maybe, just maybe, the feeling of warmth, bliss, joy. She could vaguely recall the fluttering feeling coming from the depths of her being, a long time ago, when she had been playing around their mountain home: She and her brother, Gha'Thor. Throwing lost acorns at each other in their innocence, unknowing and not caring about anything but that moment of laughter.

But the world was not that place, and the house in the mountains would not be the same. The world had covered her heart with rusty distrust, with her having no say in the matter.

So she turned around and strolled through the shadows of the same path she came from, back to the dying tree to continue her nap in the comforting mists. Needing to think of the purpose of her life once more, rejoining with the ghosts of screaming memories in the gloomy gardens of her mind where the Oak would still be alive: Forever casting shadows over the fire red roses.

blah blah blahblah blah blah blahblah

Image Credits

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 09-05-2016


- By the precepts of her purity -

Stuff to say is stuff to say goes here. "And now let's talk a lot,"
She felt her tiger companion looking up at her, and she turned her gaze to him. His eyes lay sharp in her stare and she felt his words in her mind for the first time, perhaps. Sounds, was the only thing she heard. Loud — then he ran off, his jumps more powerful now that he had grown in age and muscle, to investigate. Maren could do nothing other than follow him (or at least that’s how she felt), letting the sea of dancing fog and shadowy trees behind her and letting her hoofs lead her.  

Image by CarharttCreations

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 10-23-2016

Table made by the supersweet talented Neo <3

think you're holy when you're not
think you're holy when you're not
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage tongue minim ball tip sirloin. "Shank pastrami t-bone prosciutto."
I hate to break it to you baby, but you're simply lost

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 12-02-2016


- By the precepts of her purity -

This is just the doing stuff and stuff much action very wow.
This is for talking
by yewrezz

RE: Seasons lit with gold, legends yet unfold [Yewrezz] - Maren - 02-13-2017


